Nurol Makina unveils its new Ejder 4x4 armoured combat vehicle at


Nurol Makina unveils its new Ejder 4x4 armoured combat vehicle at
Nurol Makina unveils its new Ejder 4x4 armoured combat vehicle at IDEF 2013.
Savunma sanayisindeki sessizlerim, 21 bin mühendise iş yarattı. 2 bin 386'ya ulaşan
savunma şirketleri İDEF'te şov yaptı.
Metin CAH/EKONOMİ Hasan AY/SABAH İstanbul'da düzenlenen, 11'inci Uluslararası Savunma
Sanayi Fuarı (IDEF) Türkiye'nin sessiz devrimini gözler önüne serdi. Gemiden uçağa, uydudan
tanka onlarca savaş aracını yerli olarak üretmeyi başaran Türk firmaları, fuarın yarısını kapladı.
Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı yetkililerinin verdiği bilgiler sektörün iddialı rakamlara ulaştığının
kanıtı oldu.
2000'de 40'ı bulmayan savunma sanayisinde çalışan şirket sayısı, bugün 2 bin 386'ya ulaştı.
Çoğunluğu KOBİ'lerden oluşan bu firmalar 4.6 milyar ciro, 1.3 milyar dolarlık da ihracat
Sektörde yerlilik oranı yüzde 54'e çıktı. Ar-Ge'de çalışan personel sayısı da neredeyse birçok
ülkenin ordusunu geçti. Son verilere göre, Türk savunma sanayisinde 21 bin mühendis görev
yapıyor. Bu rakamın yüzde 23'ü TSK'ya bağlı vakıf şirketlerinde çalışırken, geri kalanı ise özel
sektörde faaliyet gösteriyor.
Dün açılan IDEF'te küresel katılım da dikkat çekti. 50 ülkeden yerli-yabancı 781 firma bir araya
Nurol Makina unveils its new Ejder 4x4 armoured combat vehicle at IDEF 2013.
81 ülkeden 506 yabancı delegasyon üyesi de fuarı ziyaret etti. Yabancı delegasyonlarda 22
bakan, 12 bakan yardımcısı,1 genelkurmay başkanı, 5 genelkurmay başkan yardımcısı, 6
kuvvet komutanı ve 8 müsteşar bulundu.
Fuarda en çok dikkat çeken araçlar arasında ATAK helikopteri, Vestel'in ilk yerli taktik insansız
hava aracı Karayel, Aselsan'ın askeri araçları ve milli tank Altay ile TÜBİTAK'ın yaptığı Göktürk
2 uydusu ve füzeler yer aldı.
Karayel'in Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'ne teslim edilmeden önceki son hali ve eğitim uçağı Bora da
fuarda ilk kez sergilendi. Zorlu Holding CEO'su Ömer Yüngül "Yılda 60 adet araç üretmeyi
planlıyoruz" dedi.
Haber Linki için Tıklayınız...
NMS Presents New Ejder 4x4 Solutions at IDEF!
Teams that can make good use of the area in which they are positioned (rural or residential) in
small groups and rapidly penetrate into an area being threatened by elemente employing
hit-and-run tactics have become more and more important.
ACCORDINGLY, a need has ari-sen for a Wheeled Armoured Ve-hicle that can function under
ali kinds of field and vveather conditions, that is safe, that can operated safely at speed and that
has a low risk of brcakdown. allovving the crew to feel safe.
Founded in 1976, and entering into the defence sector in 1992, Nurol Makina ve Sanayi AŞ
(NMS) currenlly produces 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Vehicles and sub-systems,
additional armour sets and vehicle gun turrets. The first 6x6 Vheeled Armoured Vehicle was
manufactured and delivered to the Turkish Armed Forced (TAF) by NMS, vvhich was also the
first to export 6x6 Wheeled Armoured Vehicles from Turkey. At IDEF '13, NMS is introdu-cing to
Turkey and the world its Ejder 4x4 and Ejder RCV, the nevvest members of the Ejder NVheeled
Armoured vehicle family.
featuring a unique design and domestic ma-nufacturing financed from within the com-pany. The
Ejder 6x6 Wheeled Armoured Vehicle, the first member of the family, was exported (72 pes.)
vvithin the scope of a con-tract signed with the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs on 3
February, 2009.
Ejder 4x4
Meeting the operational requirements of military units and security forces in both rural and
residential areas, the Ejder 4x4 is designed as a modular and versatile armoured combat
vehicle that is dynamic and agile över ali kinds of terrain and in ali environ-mental conditions. It
offers high ballistic and mine proteetion, and is easy to maintain and sustain.The Ejder 4x4 has
a useful load carrying capacity of 4 tons and can be in-legrated with different systems. It has the
highest internal volume in its elass and a number of superior features that make it an ideal
platform for reconnaissance, command & conlrol, internal security or medical mis-sions.
The Ejder 4x4 is 6 m in length, 2.3 m high and 2.45 m vvide. İts combat train va-ries betvveen
Nurol Makina unveils its new Ejder 4x4 armoured combat vehicle at IDEF 2013.
12 t and 14 t depending on the configuration. The vehicle has a personnel capacity of nine - two
in the front cabinel and seven in the rear. In the gun turret configuration the Ejder 4x4 can be
equipped with a 7.62 mm machine gun, a 12.7 mm anti-aircrafl gun, a 25 mm cannon or a 40
mm automalic grenade launcher. depending on Ihe requirements of user. Povvered by a 300 hp
Cummins diesel engine, it can reach speeds of 40 km/h speed from standing in 6 seconds, and
drive at a speed of 110 km/h on asphalt. It has a power-weight ratio of 25 hp/t, and a turning
circle of 7.5 m. On rough terrain. it can climb inclines of 70 percent and traverse 40 percent side
slopes. The vehicle has an integral mono-block body, de-signed according to a system-level
protection concept instead of local protec-tion. The vehicle offers superior ballistic protection
against kinetic energy impacts, and superior mine protection against hand-made expIosives.
The Ejder 4x4 can clear obstacles of 50 cm, can traverse ditches 1.1 m wide and can ford 70
cm deep water.
The Ejder 4x4 offers the following benefits:
• High midsection,
• Superior manoeuvrability,
• Potential integration of various wea-pons, including heavy weapons,
• Latitudinal and longitudinal differen-tial locking systems,
• Central Tire Inflation System,
• "Bird Cage" option against rocket at-tacks,
• Additional bolt-on armour plates,
• Improvable ballistic protection opli-ons,
• Hydraulic-Povvered Salvage Crane.
• Internally Controlled NVeapon Sta-tion,
• Manually Controlled Weapon Sta-tion,
• Smoke Grenade Launchers/Grenade Launchers.
• Day/Night Vision Systems.
• Personnel Compartment Explosion Suppression and Fire Extinguishing System,
• RearRamp.
Ejder RCV
The Ejder Riot Contrai Vehicle (RCV) is a fully independent suspension vehicle wiıh 4x4
mobility that has been developed to ıneet a need of the Security Forces for a vehicle that is
capable of rapid and effective deployment. Designed by Nurol Makina, the unique Ejder RCV
can function in both residential and rural areas thanks to its superior road and land
performance. It is povvered by a6-cylinder,4-cycle vvater-cooled diesel engine that can propel
the vehicle to a maximum speed of 90 km/h. It has an internal 300 lt-capacity fuel tank, giving it
a range of 750 km and a povver-vveight ratio
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