Count Basie Orchestra, led by Dennis Mackrel,opens Akbank Jazz
Benzer belgeler
19 may, thursday
Blending the Energies Red Valley/75' Cappadox Nature Walk Meskendir Valley/150'
DetaylıTemel Müzik Kuramları II
applications on piano are also employed in order to strengthen the data given to students. In addition, certain assignments covering the issues to be discussed throughout the term will be given to ...
Detaylıcappadox 2016 programı
Yoga Akışları, Oyunlu Oyunalanı Uçhisar Çiftlik Evi/135' Cappadox Doğa Yürüyüşü Zemi Vadisi/150'
DetaylıŞehrin caz hali
Chamber Orchestra artists. During his first time in Turkey, in 1992, which was during the second Akbank Jazz Festival, he gave two concerts with the collaboration of 8 New Yorker musicians and 4 Tu...
Detaylıodalar / rooms restoran ve barlar / restaurants and bars
Yeşillikler içinde, Boğaz’ın göz alıcı manzarasına tepeden bakan Pürovel Spa & Sport, 4.000 metrekarelik bir alan üzerinde bulunmaktadır. Pürovel Spa & Sport, çiftlere uygun 3 süit odasıyla birlikl...