
Kerem Ün
Home: Department of Electrical – Electronics Engineering
Çukurova University
01330 Balcali – Adana, TURKEY
(322) 3386868
(537) 8201132
Academic Positions:
Assistant professor:
Çukurova University, Department of Electrical – Electronic Engineering
September 2004-
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
• Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
May 2002
Ph.D. Thesis: A Penetration-Based Finite Element Method for Hyperelastic 3-D
Biphasic Tissues in Contact
• M.S. in Mathematics
May 1998
• M.S. in Biomedical Engineering
August 1995
Master`s Project: Exponential Shape Functions in the Hybrid Finite Element
Analysis of Biphasic Soft Tissue Layers
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
• B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
June 1992
Senior Project: Numerical simulation of airflow around airfoils using vortexpanel method
Research Experience:
Post-Doctoral Researcher
University of California, Berkeley, CA
February 2003 – February 2004
• Developed nonlinear elastic and large-deformation plastic elements for finite element
simulation of trabecular bone deformation
• Developed a numerical procedure to identify and quantify an artifact that causes nonuniform load distribution in trabecular bone experimentation
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
May 2002 – January 2003
• Developed and implemented a finite element optimization procedure for linear and
nonlinear material property estimation of biphasic soft tissues
Research Assistant
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
August 1999 – May 2002
• Developed linear and nonlinear mixed finite element formulations for soft tissue
• Developed a method to derive approximate contact boundary conditions for soft
tissue simulation from experimental visualization data.
• Implemented linear and nonlinear finite element procedures for biphasic soft tissue
simulation in an object-oriented finite element framework using C++ programming
Graduate Student
Various class projects completed including:
• Preconditioning indefinite linear systems
• Local refinement methods in finite element analysis
• Numerical simulation of spreading of an epidemic
• Symbolic derivation of stress fields for hybrid finite element analysis of soft tissue
• Modeling of cell attachment in cardiovascular mechanics
Teaching Experience
Courses tought in the Departments of Electrical – Electronics Engineering and Computer
Engineering of Çukurova University:
- Finite Element Method for Electrical Engineers (Graduate)
- Biomedical Instrumentation (Graduate)
- Introduction to Biomechanics (Graduate)
- Numerical Analysis
- Electrical Engineering Materials
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Linear Algebra and Vector Analysis
- Ordinary Differential Equations
Other Experience
Teaching Assistant
• Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Engineering Dynamics
Spring 1999
Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
Fall 1998
• Bogazici University
Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Spring 1993
Heat Transfer
Fall 1992
Engineering Trainee
• Auto-Kuehler Geraete Hofgeismar, Germany
Summer 1990
Worked in failure analysis, quality control and manufacturing of car radiators
• KZWP, Kielce, Poland
Summer 1990
Worked in design and manufacturing of cardboard boxes
Computer Skills:
Programming Languages: C++, C, Fortran, MPI
Operating Systems: Unix, Mac OS, Windows
• Softwares: Parasolid, Shapes, IBM Data Explorer, Maple, PETsc, FEAP, Matlab, Dymola,
Patran, Kaleidagraph, GNU softwares, MS Office, Adobe Illustrator, JMP
Language Skills:
Fluent in English and German
Mother tongue Turkish
Research Interests:
Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Finite Element Method, Continuum Mechanics, Computational
Mechanics, Mathematical Biology
Publications in international refereed journals:
• “A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Lateral Deformations in a Unilateral
External Fixator”
Kerem Ün, Ibrahim D. Akçalı, Mahir Gülşen
ASME, Journal of Medical Devices, Vol.1, pp.165-172, 2007
• “A Penetration-Based Finite Element Method for Hyperelastic 3-D Biphasic Tissues in
Contact – Part 2: Finite Element Simulation”
Kerem Ün, Robert L. Spilker
ASME, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol.128, pp.934-942, 2006
• “The effects of side-artifacts on the elastic modulus of trabecular bone”
Kerem Ün, Grant Bevill, Tony M. Keaveny
Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 39, pp.1955-1963, 2006
• “A Penetration-Based Finite Element Method for Hyperelastic 3-D Biphasic Tissues in
Contact – Part 1: Derivation of Boundary Conditions”
Kerem Ün, Robert L. Spilker
ASME, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol.128, pp.124-130, 2006
• “An evaluation of the three dimensional diarthrodial joint contact using penetration data and
the finite element method”
William L. Dunbar, Kerem Ün, Peter S. Donzelli, Robert L. Spilker
ASME, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 123, pp.333-340, 2001
Publications in the proceedings of international conference:
“A Mathematical Model in the Implementation of a Stewart-Gough Gough Platform as an
External Fixator”,
İbrahim D. Akçalı, M. Onur Şahlar, Kerem Ün, Ahmet Aydın, Turgay İbrikçi, Ramazan
Esen, Mahir Gülşen, Hüseyin Bayram,
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering World Congress 2009, Munich 2009
“Substantial Discrepancy Between In Vitro and In Situ Behavior of Trabecular Bone”
Grant Bevill, Kerem Ün, Tony M. Keaveny
Proceedings of 52nd Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL,
ABD, 2006
“Finite element simulation of biphasic soft tissue contact with application to the shoulder
Kerem Ün, Robert L. Spilker
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE EMBS Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
“Comparison of linear and nonlinear models for biphasic soft tissues in contact”
Kerem Ün, Robert L. Spilker
Proceedings 2001 Bioengineering Conference, Snowbird, UT
“Finite element simulation of cartilage mechanics during diarthrodial joint motion using
physiological data”
Kerem Ün, Peter S. Donzelli, Robert L. Spilker
Proceedings of IMECE 2000, Orlando, FL
“Simulation of biphasic soft tissue contact in the human glenohumeral joint using penetration
Kerem Ün, Peter S. Donzelli, Robert L. Spilker, Vincent M. Wang, Gerard A. Ateshian,
Van C. Mow
Proceedings of the 1999 Bioengineering Conference, Big Sky, MT
“Finite element methods for solving human joint mechanics problems”
Robert L. Spilker, Peter S. Donzelli, Kerem Ün
Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Methods in Biomechanics
and Biomedical Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal 1999
Publications in the proceedings of national conferences:
• (Turkish) “Ortopedik Klinik Uygulamalar İçin Bir Fiksatörün Tasarımı İmalatı Ve
Kullanılışı” (“The Design, Manufacturing and the Usage of a Fixator for Clinical
Applications in Orthopaedics”)
İbrahim D. Akçalı, M. Onur Şahlar, Ahmet Aydın, Turgay İbrikçi, Kerem Ün, Ramazan
Esen, Mahir Gülşen, Hüseyin Bayram
III. Ulusal Tıbbi Cihazlar İmalatı Sanayi Kongre ve Sergisi, (III. National Medical
Devices Production Congress and Exhibition) November 6-7, Samsun, Turkey, 2009
• “Alignment of Bone Frangments Through The Deployment Of A Stewart Platform
İbrahim D. Akçalı, M. Onur Şahlar, Ahmet Aydın, Turgay İbrikçi, Kerem Ün, Ramazan
Esen, Mahir Gülşen, Hüseyin Bayram
2nd National Congress of Artificial Organs and Supported Systems, April 23-26,
Antalya, Turkey, 2009
Books, book chapters:
• (Turkish) “Yumuşak Dokuların Mekaniği: Kıkırdak, Menisküs, Tendon ve Bağ Dokuları”
(“Mechanics of Soft Tissues: Cartilage, Meniscus, Tendon and Ligament”)
Kerem Ün
in Kas-İskelet Sistemi Biyomekaniği, Cilt 1., (Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal System,
Volume 1) (İ.D. Akçalı, M. Gülşen, K. Ün editors), pp.251-324, Adana, Turkey, 2009
• (Turkish) “Modelleme ve Benzetimde Temel İlkeler” (“Basic Principles of Modelling And
Kerem Ün,
in Kas-İskelet Sistemi Biyomekaniği, Cilt 1., (Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal System,
Volume 1) (İ.D. Akçalı, M. Gülşen, K. Ün editors), (İ.D. Akçalı, M. Gülşen, K. Ün
editors), pp.179-196, Adana, Turkey, 2009
(Turkish) “Malzemeler, Biyomalzemeler ve Kas-İskelet Sistemi Uygulamaları” (“Materials,
Biomaterials and Applications in the Musculoskeletal System”)
Mahmut A. Savaş, Kerem Ün, Sabri Altıntaş
in Kas-İskelet Sistemi Biyomekaniği, Cilt 1., (Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal System,
Volume 1) (İ.D. Akçalı, M. Gülşen, K. Ün editors), (İ.D. Akçalı, M. Gülşen, K. Ün
editors), pp.33-94, Adana, Turkey, 2009
(Turkish) “Eksternal Fiksatörler” (“External Fixators”)
İbrahim Deniz Akçalı, Mahir Gülşen, Kerem Ün, Hüseyin Mutlu
in Kas-İskelet Sistemi Biyomekaniği, Cilt 1., (Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal System,
Volume 1) (İ.D. Akçalı, M. Gülşen, K. Ün editors), (İ.D. Akçalı, M. Gülşen, K. Ün
editors), pp.33-94, Adana, Turkey, 2009
• Recipient of Turkish Ministry of Education Scholarship for graduate study abroad.
• Ranked 123rd among approximately 800.000 high-school graduates in the first leg of the
national university entrance examination in Turkey, 1987.

Benzer belgeler

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