SISS - University of Pennsylvania


SISS - University of Pennsylvania


Benzer belgeler

E1a. - Library

E1a. - Library Domestic General Budgeted State Institutions. National Statistical Institutions and International Organizations should apply officially to Data Dissemination Division to obtain publications without...


Bayram Göçmen - Turkish Journal of Zoology

Bayram Göçmen - Turkish Journal of Zoology I. prostoma was more flattened then I. intestinalis and its shape looks like a slightly torsioned Paramecium, and the latter resembles a boxing glove. There are no differences on the cell length be...


2007-2008 yıllarına ait toplu sözleşme

2007-2008 yıllarına ait toplu sözleşme yanrn Yeni Kurusa kadar alan degerler dikkate almrnayacaktrr. MADDE 23 - ULUSAL BAYRAM VE GENEL TATiLLER A) Ulusal Bayram ve Genel Tatil gOnleri hakkrnda ilgili Yasa Hukurnleri uygulamr. B) Oyeler ...
