

Curriculum Vitae
Alper Kiraz, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Koç University, Department of Physics
Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel. : +90 212 3381701; Fax: +90 212 3381559; Mobile: +90 533 4151632
E-mail: akiraz@ku.edu.tr; http://kirazlab.ku.edu.tr/
Place / Date of Birth: Izmir, Turkey / 05 February 1976; Nationality: Turkish
Married to Berna, father of Bihter (born 2009) and Emre (born 2013)
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Nonclassical Light Emission from Single Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots"
Ph.D. supervisor Atac Imamoglu
M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
B.S., Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Bilkent University, Ankara
Work Experience
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Koç University, Istanbul
Department of Physics
Koç University, Istanbul
Visiting Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Research group of Xudong (Sherman) Fan
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Koç University, Istanbul
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Koç University, Istanbul
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Chemistry
Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich
Research group of Andreas Zumbusch
Teaching/Research Assistant
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Research group of Atac Imamoglu
Honors & Awards
OSA Senior Membership
Fulbright Fellowship
May 2016
Best Paper Award, High Precision Size Tuning and Stabilization of Single Salt-Water
Microdroplets on a Superhydrophobic Surface, A. Kiraz, M. Mestre, Y. Karadag, S.
C. Yorulmaz, and M. Gundogan, Int. Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies
(ISOT), 21-23 Sep. 2009, Istanbul
FABED Distinguished Young Investigator Research Award
Scientic and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBTAK)
Encouragement Award
Associate Professorship of Physics by Higher Education Council of Turkey
Turkish Science Academy-Young Investigator (TÜBA-GEBP) Award
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
hsan Do§ramac Foundation Award
Main Research Interests
Optouidics for sensing applications: Fluorescence or refractive index based sensing
of biological and chemical species using optouidic resonators including liquid microdroplets and glass capillary ring resonators.
Optouidics for energy applications: Development of novel optouidic waveguides and
photoreactors for algae-based bio-fuel production and photocatalytic water splitting.
Biomedical instrumentation: Development of a DLP-based confocal microscope, microscopy and spectroscopy of single uorescent molecules.
Publications Summary
62 journal publications in journals including Science, Phys. Rev. Lett., Appl. Phys.
Lett., Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, Sci. Rep., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. A, J. Chem.
Phys., Lab Chip, Langmuir, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Chem. Phys. Lett., J. Phys.
Chem. B, ChemPhysChem, Laser Phys. Lett.
+2600 citations in journals indexed by the Science Citation Index
Numerous proceedings, conference presentations, and invited talks
h-index: 16 (ISI Web of Science), 20 (Google Scholar)
Prof. Dr. Atac Imamoglu
Institute of Quantum Electronics
ETH Zurich
HPT G 12 Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
E-mail: imamoglu@phys.ethz.ch; Tel: +41 44 633 45 70
Prof. Dr. Andreas Zumbusch
Department of Chemistry
University of Konstanz
POB 722, Konstanz, D-78457 Germany
E-mail: andreas.zumbusch@uni-konstanz.de; Tel: +49 (0)7531 88 2357
Prof. Dr. Xudong (Sherman) Fan
Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1101 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2110, USA
E-mail: xsfan@umich.edu; Tel: +1 734 763 1273
Prof. Dr. David McGloin
School of Engineering, Physics and Maths
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN, UK
E-mail: d.mcgloin@dundee.ac.uk; Tel: +44 (0)1382 384402
Prof. Dr. Peter Michler
Institut für Halbleiteroptik und Funktionelle Grenzächen
Universität Stuttgart
E-mail: p.michler@ihfg.uni-stuttgart.de; Tel: +49 (0)711 685 64660
Prof. Dr. Holger Schmidt
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
E-mail: hschmidt@soe.ucsb.edu; Tel: +1 831 459 1482
Organization of International Conferences
Co-Chair of the COST MP1205 (Advances in Optouidics) General Meeting and
Conference, 11-13 April 2016, Istanbul
Member of the organizing committee, Annual Mediterranean Conferences on NanoPhotonics, 2008-2015
Member of the organizing committee, Annual Turkish National Photonics Workshops,
Editorial Activities
Associate Editor, Optical Data Processing and Storage, De Gruyter Open
Refereeing for Professional
Nat. Photonics, Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, Optica, Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett.,
ACS Photonics, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., New J. Phys., Appl. Opt., J. Opt. A, J.
Phys. B, J. Phys. D, Nanotechnology, Langmuir, Lab Chip, J. Phys. Chem., Sen.
Act. B, Eur. Phys. J. E, Eur. Phys. J. ST, J. Mol. Liq.
Consulting to NonProt Organizations
Courses Taught
Ad-hoc panel member for TÜBTAK and TÜBA
General Physics I, General Physics II, General Physics IV, Balance Sheet for Sustainable Energy, Mechanics, Advanced Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Advanced Electromagnetism, Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials, Nanophotonics
Other Information
Memberships: Optical Society of America (OSA) senior member, International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) member
Fluent English, intermediate French, basic German
Researcher Supervision
Post-Doctoral Researchers
(No other supervisors unless indicated otherwise)
[4] Suman Anand (2014-Present)
[3] Alexandr Joná² (2010-2013), Current Position: Assistant Professor, Istanbul Technical University
[2] Nevin Tasaltin (2010-2011), Current Position: Researcher, TÜBTAK MRC Materials Institute
[1] Michael Mestre (2008-2011), Current Position: Project Manager, Toledo Technical
Visiting Researchers
[3] Ahmet Can Erten (2014-Present)
[2] Asuman Asikoglu Bozkurt (2014-Present)
[1] Ibrahim Kucukkara (2010-2011), Current Position: Assistant Professor, Mersin
Ph.D. Students
[7] R. Aemaghan Ayaz (2016-Present), Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering,
Koç University
[6] M. Zeeshan Rashid (2014-Present), Ph.D. in Electrical-Electronics Engineering,
Koç University
[5] Adil Mustafa (2014-Present), Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Koç
[4] Mustafa Eryürek (2014-Present), Ph.D. in Physics, Koç University
[3] Mehdi Aas (2011-2015), Potential of Microdroplet Lasers for Optouidic Biosens-
ing Applications , Ph.D. in Physics, Koç University, Current Position: Post-Doctoral
Researcher, Koç University MEMS Laboratyory
[2] Yasin Karada§ (2009-2013), Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Spectroscopy of Liquid
Microdroplets Using Tapered Optical Fiber Waveguides , Ph.D. in Physics, Koç University, Current Position: Assistant Professor, Marmara University
[1] Mehdi Yavuz Yüce (2009-2012), Advanced Techniques for Single Molecule Exper-
iments and Their Applications , Ph.D. in Physics, Koç University, Current Position:
Researcher, TÜBTAK BLGEM
M.S. Students
[11] Oguz Kayillioglu (2013-2015), Dye Lasing and Planar Extensional Flow Induced
Dissolution in Hydrodynamically Trapped Microdroplets , M.S. in Optoelectronics and
Photonics Engineering, Koç University, Co-Supervisors: Alper Kiraz, Melikhan Tanyeri
[10] Vahid Pour Reza Ghouschi (2013-2015), Opto-Mechanical Design And Develop-
ment of an Optodigital Confocal Microscope , M.S. in Optoelectronics and Photonics
Engineering, Koç University
[9] Baran Yalcin (2013-2015), Hardware/Software Design and Implementation of a
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope Controller Using Open Design Approach , M.S.
in Optoelectronics and Photonics Engineering, Koç University
[8] Ersan Özelci (2012-2014), Optouidic Microlasers Based on Non-Radiative Energy
Transfer in Surface-Supported Liquid Microdroplets , M.S. in Optoelectronics and
Photonics Engineering, Koç University
[7] Mustafa Eryürek (2011-2013), Hydrogen Gas Sensor Based on a Polymer Opti-
cal Microdisk Resonator , M.S. in Optoelectronics and Photonics Engineering, Koç
[6] Mustafa Gündo§an (2008-2010), High Q-factor measurements and Raman las-
ing in microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface , M.S. in Physics, Koç
[5] Yasin Karada§ (2007-2009), Spectral tuning of liquid microdroplets standing on a
superhydropbohic surface by using a focused infrared laser or electrowetting , M.S. in
Physics, Koç University
[4] Saime Cigdem Yorulmaz (2007-2009), Controlled deformation and Raman las-
ing in microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface , M.S. in Physics, Koç
[3] Mustafa Yorulmaz (2007-2009), Single molecule tracking in conned geometries ,
M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Koç University
[2] Mehmet Ali Dündar (2005-2007), Introducing a novel optical microcavity: A glyc-
erol/water microdroplet on a superhydrophobic surface , M.S. in Physics, Koç University
[1] “ennur Turgut (2004-2006), Applications Using a High Resolution Fluorescence
Microscope , M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Koç University
[26] Quantum dot optouidic lasers and their prospects for biochemical sensing,
SPIE Photonics West, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVI
Conference, San Francisco, 2016
[25] Potential of Optouidic Resonators for Biosensing, Southern Methodist University, School of Engineering Seminar, 2015
[24] Optouidic Lasers and Waveguides for Applications in Bio and Energy Photonics, Washington University in St. Louis, Electrical & Systems Eng. (ESE) Seminar,
[23] Microdroplets and Optouidic Waveguides: Promising Components for Applications in Bio and Energy Photonics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, CUOS
(Center for Ultrafast Optical Science) Seminar, 2014
[22] Hydrogen Gas Sensor Based on a Polymer Optical Microdisk Resonator and
Some Other Results, 4th International Workshop on Cleanroom Training - Lab-ona-Chip, Ankara, 2014
[21] Droplet resonator based optouidic microlasers, SPIE Photonics West, Laser
Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVI Conference, San Francisco, 2014
[20] Optouidics with Droplet Resonators, International Meeting and Summer
School on Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy, Naples, 2013
[19] Some Alternative Approaches for Optouidics Research, Dept. of Physics, University of Dundee, 2012
[18] Two New Methods For Obtaining Optouidic Waveguides Using Aerogels and
Laser Ablation, 2nd International Workshop on Cleanroom Training - Lab-on-a-Chip,
Ankara, 2012
[17] Single Molecule Tracking Using Single Frame Velocity Estimation and Kalman
Filtering, Fouth Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, Rome, 2011
[16] Liquid microdroplets on a superhydrophobic surface: A promising system for
optouidics research, 4th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OMS'11),
Capri, 2011
[15] Liquid microdroplets on a superhydrophobic surface: A promising system for
optouidics research, Photonics Prague (The 7th International Conference on Photonics, Devices, and Systems), Prague, 2011
[14] Some Applications in Micro and Nano-Photonics using Liquid Microdroplets
and Single Molecule Tracing, Dept. of Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität,
Munich, 8 April 2011
[13] Applications in Micro and Nano-Photonics using Liquid Microdroplets and Single
Molecule Tracing, Bordeaux Nanophotonics Group, U. of Bordeaux, 2011
[12] Photothermal Size-Stabilization for Prolonged Raman Lasing in Salt-Water Microdroplets on a Superhydrophobic Surface, Third Mediterranean Conference on
Nano-Photonics, Belgrade, 2010
[11] Single Molecule Tracing in Block-Copolymer Thin Films, Second Mediterranean
Conference on Nano-Photonics, Athens, 2009
[10] Optical Spectroscopy of Liquid Microdroplets on a Superhydrophobic Surface for
Applications in Photonics and Nano-Scale Surface Characterization, First Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, Istanbul, 2008
[9] Single glycerol/water microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface: Optical microcavities promising original applications, optETH Seminar, ETH Zurich,
Switzerland, June 2007
[8] Single glycerol/water microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface: Optical microcavities promising original applications, Center for Applied Physics Seminar, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany, June 2007
[7] Photon correlation spectroscopy of single quantum dots, International Quantum
Electronics Conference (IQEC), Moscow, June 2002
[6] Quantum Optics Using Single InAs Quantum Dots, Universität Wien, Institute
of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), June 2002
[5] Quantum Optics Using Single InAs Quantum Dots, ETH Zürich, Laboratory of
Physical Chemistry, June 2002
[4] Quantum Optics Using Single InAs Quantum Dots, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munich, Department of Chemistry, June 2002
[3] Quantum Optics Using Single InAs Quantum Dots, Rice University, Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 06 May 2002
[2] Single photons from a single quantum dot, Optical Society of America, Annual
Meeting, Long Beach, California, October 2001
[1] A single quantum dot single photon turnstile device, Southwest Quantum Information and Technology Network (SQuInt) Third Annual Meeting, Pasadena, California, 2001
Research Grants
(Received funding amounts are converted to USD based on the currency rate at project
beginning date)
Ongoing Projects
[13] Principal Investigator, TÜBTAK 115F446 - Development of Hydrogen Sensors Using Polymer Microsphere Microresonators Containing Palladium (2016-2018),
Funding Received: To be determined
[12] Researcher, TÜBTAK - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep. Joint Project,
Project No:
114F253 (Co-PIs A. Joná² and P. Zemanek) - The Use of Emulsion
Droplets of Liquid Crystals as Largely Tunable Anisotropic Laser Cavities (20142016), Total Funding of the Project: 239,243 TL (107,568 USD), Share in the Budget:
[11] Principal Investigator, Koç University Seed Research Program - Investigation of
Red Blood Cell Deformability Using Hydrodynamic Trapping (2014-2016), Funding
Received: 43,859 TL (20,129 USD)
[10] Scientic Host, TÜBTAK-Marie Curie Actions Co-Funded Brain Circulation
Scheme, Dr. Suman Anand (2014-2016), Funding Received: 129,908 EUR (177,922
[9] Principal Investigator, TÜBTAK 113F172 - Development of an OptoDigital Confocal Microscope (2013-2015), Funding Received: 276,730 TL (155,292 USD)
[8] Principal Investigator, TÜBTAK 112T972 - Development of Novel Lab-on-a-chip
Optouidic Waveguides and Flow Manipulation Methods Using Advanced Materials
and Fabrication Techniques (2013-2015), Funding Received:
295,500 TL (165,825
Completed Projects
[7] Co-Principal Investigator with Pavel Zemanek, TÜBTAK - Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Rep.
Joint Project, Project No:
111T059 - Development of tunable
microlasers based on optically strecthed microdroplets suspended in a Microuidic
Chip (2011-2013), Funding Received: 261,560 TL (167,947 USD)
[6] Principal Investigator, TÜBTAK 110T803 - Investigation and Development of
Metal and Metaloxide Microdisk Resonator Inammable Gas Sensors (2011-2014),
Funding Received: 327,550 TL (210,318 USD)
[5] Scientic Host, European Commission Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship,
Grant No.
PIEF-GA-2009-252579, Dr.
Alexandr Joná² (2009-2011), Funding Re-
ceived: 187,284 EUR (260,719 USD)
[4] Principal Investigator, TÜBTAK 109T734 - Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Spectroscopy of Liquid Microdroplets Standing on a Superhydrophobic Surface Using a
Tapered Optical Fiber (2010-2012), Funding Received: 181,480 TL (121,774 USD)
[3] Researcher, DPT - UEKAE - Quantum Cryptology Research Center Infrastructure
Project (2009-2011), Funding Received: 500,000 TL (324,886 USD)
[2] Principal Investigator, TÜBTAK 107T211 - Single Molecule Tracing in Conned
Geometries (2007-2009), Funding Received: 190,050 TL (134,074 USD)
[1] Principal Investigator, TÜBTAK 105T500 - Applications of High Resolution Fluorescent Microscopy in Chemistry, Biology and Photonics (2006-2008), Funding Received: 198,960 TL (147,094 USD)
Journal Publications
Submitted Manuscripts
(* denotes the corresponding author)
[64] M. Eryürek*, Z. Tasdemir, Y. Karadag, S. Anand, N. Kilinc, B. E. Alaca, and
Integrated Humidity Sensor Based on SU-8 Polymer Microdisk Microres-
onator , submitted (2016)
Accepted Manuscripts
[63] S. Anand, M. Eryürek, Y. Karadag, A. Erten, A. Serpenguzel, A. Joná², and A.
Kiraz*, Observation of Whispering Gallery Modes in Elastic Light Scattering from
Microdroplets Optically Trapped in a Microuidic Channel , to appear in J. Opt. Soc.
Am. B (2016)
Published Manuscripts
[62] Q. Chen,
A. Kiraz*,
and X. Fan*, Optouidic FRET Lasers Using Aqueous
Quantum Dots as Donors , Lab Chip, DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2015.2477397 (2016)
[61] M. Aas, Q. Chen, A. Joná²,
A. Kiraz*, and X. Fan*, Optouidic FRET Lasers
and Their Applications in Novel Photonic Devices and Biochemical Sensing , IEEE
J. Sel. Top. Quan.
22 (4), 7000215 (2016)
[60] B. Yalizay, Y. Morova, K. Dincer, Y. Ozbakir, A. Joná², C. Erkey,
A. Kiraz,
and S. Akturk*, Versatile liquid-core optouidic waveguides fabricated in hydrophobic
47, 478-483 (2015)
[59] I. Hocaoglu, D. Asik, G. Ulusoy, I. Ojea-Jimenez, F. Rossi, A. Kiraz, N. Do§an,
silica aerogels by femtosecond-laser ablation , Opt. Mater.
C. Grandls, and H. Yagci Acar*, Cyto/hemocompatible magnetic hybrid nanoparti-
cles (Ag2S-Fe3O4) with luminescence in the near-infrared region as promising thera-
133, 198-207 (2015)
[58] G. Eris, A. Asikoglu Bozkurt, A. Sunol, A. Joná², A. Kiraz, E. Alaca, and C.
nostic materials , Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
Erkey*, Determination of Viscosity And Density of Fluids using Frequency Response
of Microcantilevers , J. Supercrit. Fluid.
105, 179-185 (2015)
[57] F. Demir Duman, I. Hocaoglu, D. G. Ozturk, D. Gozuacik,
A. Kiraz,
and H.
Yagci Acar*, Highly Luminescent and Cytocompatable Cationic Ag2S NIR-emitting
Quantum Dots for Gene Transfection and Optical Imaging , Nanoscale
7, 11352-11362
A. Kiraz*, Q. Chen, and X. Fan*, Optouidic
2 (6), 707-713 (2015)
Lasers with Aqueous Quantum
Dots , ACS Photonics
[55] M. Eryürek, Y. Karadag, N. Tasaltin, N. Kilinc, and
A. Kiraz*, Optical Sensor
for Hydrogen Gas Based on a Palladium-Coated Polymer Microresonator , Sensors
and Actuators B: Chemical
212, 78-83 (2015)
[54] M. Kuscu*,
A. Kiraz*, and O. B. Akan*, Fluorescent Molecules as Transceiver
The First Practical and High-Rate Information Transfer over a
Nanoscale Communication Channel based on FRET , Sci. Rep.
[53] S. Manioglu, M. Atis, M. Aas,
5, 7831 (2015)
A. Kiraz, and H. Bayraktar*, Direct Conversion
of Cytochrome c Spectral shifts to Fluorescence Using Photochromic FRET , Chem.
50, 12333-12336 (2014)
[52] I. Hocaoglu, F. Demir, O. Birer,
A. Kiraz, C. Sevrin, C. Grandls, and H. Yagci
Acar*, Emission Tunable, Cyto/Hemocompatible, Near-IR-Emitting Ag2S Quantum
Dots by Aqueous Decomposition of DMSA , Nanoscale
[51] M. Aas, E. Özelci, A. Joná²,
6, 11921-11931 (2014)
A. Kiraz*, H. Liu, C. Fan, Q. Chen.
and Xudong
Fan, FRET lasing from self-assembled DNA tetrahedral nanostructures suspended in
optouidic droplet resonators , Eur. Phys. J.-Spec. Top.
223, 2057-2062 (2014)
[50] A. Joná², M. Aas, Y. Karadag, S. Manio§lu, S. Anand, D. McGloin, H. Bayraktar,
A. Kiraz*,
In vitro and in vivo biolasing of uorescent proteins suspended in
14 (16), 3093-3100 (2014)
[49] A. Joná²*, B. Yalizay, S. Akturk, and A. Kiraz, Free-standing optouidic waveguides formed on patterned superhydrophobic surfaces , Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091123
liquid microdroplet cavities , Lab Chip
[48] S. Acikgoz*, M. M. Demir, A. A. Unal, E. Yapasan,
A. Kiraz, and M. N. Inci,
Investigation of the Spontaneous Emission Rate of Perylene Dye Molecules Encapsulated into Three-dimensional Nanobers via FLIM Method , Appl. Phys. A
(4), 1867-1875 (2014)
A. Kiraz*, Optouidic FRET microlasers based
11, 045802 (2014)
A. Kiraz*, O. Brzobohatý, J. Jeºek, Z. Pilát, and P.
[47] E. Özelci, M. Aas, Joná², and
on surface-supported liquid microdroplets , Laser Phys. Lett.
[46] M. Aas, A. Joná²*,
Zemánek*, Spectral tuning of lasing emission from optouidic droplet microlasers
using optical stretching , Opt. Express
21 (18), 21380-21394 (2013)
[45] E. Uzunlar, B. Beykal, K. Ehrlich, D. Sanli, A. A. Joná², E. Alaca,
A. Kiraz, H.
Ürey, and C. Erkey*, Frequency Response of Microcantilevers Immersed in Gaseous,
81, 254-264 (2013)
[44] Y. Karadag, M. Aas, A. Joná²*, S. Anand, D. McGloin*, and A. Kiraz*, Dye
lasing in optically manipulated liquid aerosols , Opt. Lett. 38 (10), 1669-1671 (2013)
[43] Y. Karadag , A. Joná²*, I. Kucukkara, and A. Kiraz*, Size-stabilization of
surface-supported liquid aerosols using tapered optical ber coupling , Opt. Lett. 38
Liquid, and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide , J. Supercrit. Fluid.
(5), 793-795 (2013)
[42] G. Eri³, D. “anl, Z. Ülker, S. E. Bozba§, A. Joná²,
A. Kiraz*, and C. Erkey*,
Three-Dimensional Optouidic Waveguides in Hydrophobic Silica Aerogels via Supercritical Fluid Processing , J. Supercrit. Fluid.
73, 28-33 (2013)
A. Kiraz*, Lasing in optically manipulated, dye-doped
290, 183-187 (2013)
[40] A. Joná²*, Y. Karadag, M. Mestre, and A. Kiraz*, Probing of ultrahigh optical
[41] M. Aas, A. Joná²*, and
emulsion microdroplets , Opt. Commun.
Q-factors of individual liquid microdroplets in air using tapered optical ber waveg-
29 (12) 3240-3247 (2012)
[39] M. Y. Yuce*, and A. Kiraz, Fluorescence Properties of Terrylene in Anthracene
uides , J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
Thin Films Studied by Single Molecule Experiments at Room Temperature , Chem.
547, 47-51 (2012)
Yuce*, A. Joná², A. Kiraz,
Phys. Lett.
[38] M. Y.
and A. T. Erdogan, Video-Based Tracking
of Single Molecules Exhibiting Directed In-frame Motion , Microsc. Microanal.
781-792 (2012)
[37] N. Tasaltin*, D. Sanli, A. Joná²,
A. Kiraz*, and C. Erkey Preparation and Char-
acterization of Superhydrophobic Surfaces Based on Hexamethyldisilazane-Modied
6, 487 (2011)
[36] Y. Karadag, A. Joná²*, N. Tasaltin, and A. Kiraz*, Determination
Nanoporous Alumina , Nanoscale Res. Lett.
of Micro-
droplet Contact Angles Using Electrically Driven Droplet Oscillations , Appl. Phys.
98, 194101 (2011)
[35] A. Joná²*, Y. Karadag, N. Tasaltin, I. Kucukkara, and
A. Kiraz*,
Microscopic Wetting Properties of Superhydrophobic Surfaces by Vibrated MicrometerSized Droplets , Langmuir
27 (6), 2150-2154 (2011)
Kiraz*, Prolonged Raman lasing in size-stabilized salt-water microdroplets on a superhydrophobic surface , Opt. Lett. 35, 1995-1997 (2010)
[33] A. Kiraz*, S. C. Yorulmaz, M. Yorulmaz, and A. Sennaroglu*, Raman lasing
[34] Y. Karadag, M. Gundogan, M. Y. Yuce, H. Cankaya, A. Sennaroglu, and
near 650 nm in pure water microdroplets on a superhydrophobic surface , Photon.
Nanostruct. Fundam. Appl.
7, 186-189 (2009)
[32] M. Mestre, Y. Karadag, S. C. Yorulmaz, M. Gündo§an, and
A. Kiraz*, Pho-
tothermal Tuning and Size Locking of Salt-Water Microdroplets on a Superhydrophobic
Surface , Int. J. Optomechatronics
3 (4), 303-318 (2009)
[31] Y. Karadag, M. Mestre, and
A. Kiraz*, Photothermal self-stability and optical
bistability of single NaCl-water microdroplets on a superhydrophobic surface , Phys.
Chem. Chem. Phys.
[30] M. Yorulmaz,
11, 7145-7151 (2009)
A. Kiraz*, and A.
L. Demirel*,
Motion of Single Terry-
lene Molecules in Conned Channels of Poly(butadiene)-Poly(ethylene oxide) Diblock
Copolymer , J. Phys. Chem. B
113 (29), 9640-9643 (2009)
[29] S. C. Yorulmaz, M. Mestre, M. Muradoglu, B. E. Alaca, and
A. Kiraz*, Con-
trolled observation of nondegenerate cavity modes in a microdroplet on a superhydrophobic surface , Opt. Commun.
A. Kiraz*,
282, 3024-3027 (2009)
Y. Karadag, S. C. Yorulmaz, and M. Muradoglu, Reversible pho-
tothermal tuning of a salty water microdroplet , Phys.
2597-2560 (2009)
A. Kiraz*, Y. Karada§, and M. Murado§lu, Large
spectral tuning of a water-
glycerol microdroplet by a focused laser: characterization and modeling , Phys. Chem.
10, 6446-6454 (2008)
Bukusoglu, C. Basdogan*, A. Kiraz,
Chem. Phys.
[26] I.
and A. Kurt, Haptic Manipulation of
Microspheres Using Optical Tweezers Under the Guidance of Articial Force Fields ,
Presence - Teleop. Virt.
A. Kiraz*,
17, No.
4, 344-364 (2008)
Y. Karadag, and A. F. Coskun, Spectral tuning of liquid micro-
droplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface using electrowetting , Appl. Phys.
92, 191104 (2008)
[24] A. Kiraz*, S. Ç. Yavuz, Y. Karada§, A. Kurt, A. Sennaroglu, and H. Çankaya,
Large spectral tuning of liquid microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface
9, 231102 (2007)
**See also Research Highlights section in Nature Photonics 2, 64 (2008)
[23] A. Kiraz*, M. A. Dündar, A. L. Demirel, S. Do§anay, A. Kurt, A. Sennaroglu,
using optical scattering force", Appl. Phys. Lett.
and M. Y. Yüce, Single glycerol/water microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic
surface: Optical microcavities promising original applications , J. Nanophoton.
011655 (2007)
[22] C. Basdogan*,
A. Kiraz*, I. Bukusoglu, A. Varol, and S. Do§anay, Haptic guid-
ance for improved task performance in steering microparticles with optical tweezers ,
15, 11616-11621 (2007)
[21] A. Kiraz*, S. Do§anay, A. Kurt, and A. L. Demirel, Enhanced energy transfer in
Opt. Express
single glycerol/water microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface , Chem.
444, 181-185 (2007)
[20] A. Sennaroglu*, A. Kiraz*, M. A. Dündar, A. Kurt, and A. L. Demirel, Raman
Phys. Lett.
lasing near 630 nm from stationary glycerol-water microdroplets on a superhyrophobic
surface , Opt. Lett.
32, 2197-2199 (2007)
**See also Research Highlights section in Nature Photonics
A. Kiraz*,
1, 439 (2007)
A. Kurt, M. Y. Yüce, M. A. Dündar, and A. L. Demirel, Volume
stabilization of single water microdroplets with femtoliter resolution , J. Opt. Soc.
24, 1824-1828 (2007)
A. Kiraz*, A. Sennaroglu,
Am. B
S. Do§anay, M. A. Dündar, A. Kurt, H. Kalay-
co§lu, and A. L. Demirel, Lasing from single, stationary, dye-doped glycerol/water
microdroplets located on a superhydrophobic surface , Opt. Commun.
276, 145-148
A. Kiraz*, A. Kurt*, M. A. Dündar, and A. L. Demirel*, Simple largely tunable
89, 081118 (2006)
optical microcavity , Appl. Phys. Lett.
A. Kiraz*, M. Ehrl, T. Hellerer, Ö. E. Müstecaplo§lu, C. Bräuchle, and A. Zum-
busch, Observation of Two-Photon Interference Using the Zero-Phonon-Line Emission of a Single Molecule , J. Phys. Conf. Ser.
A. Kiraz,
36, 67-71 (2006)
M. Ehrl, T. Hellerer, Ö. E. Müstecaplo§lu, C. Bräuchle, and A.
Zumbusch*, Indistinguishable photons from a single molecule , Phys.
94, 223602 (2005)
[14] A. Kiraz, M. Ehrl, C. Hellriegel, C. Bräuchle, and A. Zumbusch*, Vibronic excitation of single molecules: A new technique for studying low temperature dynamics ,
6, 919-925 (2005)
A. Kiraz, M. Ehrl, C. Bräuchle, and A. Zumbusch*, Ultralong coherence times
in the purely electronic zero-phonon line emission of single molecules , Appl. Phys.
85, 920-922 (2004)
[12] A. Kiraz*, M. Atatüre, and A. Imamoglu, Quantum-dot single photon sources:
Prospects for applications in linear optics quantum information processing , Phys.
69, 032305 (2004)
A. Kiraz, M. Ehrl, C.
Rev. A
Bräuchle, and A. Zumbusch*, Low temperature single
molecule spectroscopy using vibronic excitation and dispersed uorescence detection ,
118, 10821-10824 (2003)
J. Chem. Phys.
A. Kiraz*,
C. Reese, B. Gayral, Lidong Zhang, W. V. Schoenfeld, B. D. Ger-
ardot, P. M. Petro, E. L. Hu, and A. Imamoglu, Cavity-quanum electrodynamics
with quantum dots , J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt.
5, 129-137 (2003)
A. Kiraz*, S. Fälth, C. Becher, B. Gayral, Lidong Zhang, E. Hu, W. V. Schoen-
feld, P. M. Petro, and A. Imamoglu, Photon correlation spectroscopy of a single
quantum dot , Phys. Rev. B
65, 161303(R) (2002)
A. Kiraz, P. Michler, W. V. Schoenfeld, P. M. Petro, Lidong Zhang,
13 (2-4),
[8] C. Becher*,
E. Hu, and A. Imamoglu, A quantum dot single-photon source , Physica E
412-417 (2002)
[7] P. Michler*, A. Imamoglu,
A. Kiraz,
C. Becher, M. D. Mason, P. J. Strouse,
S. K. Buratto, W. V. Schoenfeld, P. M. Petro, Nonclassical radiation from a single
quantum dot , Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)
229, 399-405 (2002)
A. Kiraz*, P. Michler, C. Becher, B. Gayral, A. Imamoglu, Lidong Zhang, E. Hu,
W. V. Schoenfeld, and P. M. Petro, Cavity-quantum electrodynamics using a single
InAs quantum dot in a microdisk structure , Appl. Phys. Lett.
78, 3932-3934 (2001)
A. Kiraz, P. Michler, A. Imamoglu, W. V. Schoenfeld, P. M. Petro,
[5] C. Becher*,
Lidong Zhang, and E. Hu, Nonclassical radiation from a single self-assembled InAs
quantum dot , Phys. Rev. B
[4] P. Michler*,
63, 121312(R) (2001)
A. Kiraz,
C. Becher,
Lidong Zhang,
E. Hu,
A. Imamoglu,
W. V. Schoenfeld, and P. M. Petro, Quantum dot lasers using high-Q microdisk
cavities , Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)
224, 797-801 (2001)
[3] T. Sulchek*, R. J. Grow, G. G. Yaralioglu, S. C. Minne, C. F. Quate, S. R. Manalis,
A. Kiraz,
A. Aydiner, A. Atalar, Parallel atomic force microscopy with optical
interferometric detection , Appl. Phys. Lett.
[2] P. Michler,
78, 1787-1789 (2001)
A. Kiraz, C. Becher, W. V. Shoenfeld, P. M. Petro, Lidong Zhang,
E. Hu, and A. Imamoglu*, A quantum dot single photon turnstile device , Science
290, 2282-2285 (2000)
**See also S. Benjamin, Single Photons "on Demand" , Science
290, pp.
[1] P. Michler*,
A. Kiraz, Lidong Zhang, C. Becher, E. Hu, and A. Imamoglu, Laser
77, 184-186
emission from quantum dots in microdisk structures , Appl. Phys. Lett.
Book Chapters
[1] P. Michler,
A. Kiraz, C. Becher, W. V. Schoenfeld, P. M. Petro, Lidong Zhang,
E. Hu, and A. Imamoglu,A Quantum Dot Single Photon Source , Advances in Solid
State Physics, Vol. 41, p. 3, Springer (2001)
Other Publications
[5] A. Joná², D. McGloin, and
A. Kiraz, Droplet Lasers , Optics & Photonics News,
Vol 26 (May 2015)
A. Kiraz,
biophotonics ,
A. Kiraz, M. Ugurlu, P. Demetçi, and N. Göller, Dokunmadan Kontrol:
Cimbizlama , TÜBTAK Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, October 2012 Issue (2012)
[2] I. Kucukkara, and
A. Kiraz, Kuantum Optigi, Elektromanyetik Etkili Saydamlik
ve Tek Foton Üretimi , TÜBTAK Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, May 2010 Issue (2010)
[1] H. Urey,
A. Kiraz, and H. V. Demir, Photonics
23, Issue 4, August 2009, 14-16 (2009)
Society News
in Turkey , IEEE Photonics

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