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Setapers LSE
Bu kartelada sunulan bilgi, örnek ve öneriler; uygulayıcalara ürünlerimiz hakkında yol göstermek amacıyla güncel laboratuvar ve işletme deneyimlerimize dayanarak oluşturulmuş olup hukuki bağlayıcı ...
DetaylıSetalan Comfort 200
Suitable for exhaust methods. Usage amount for polyester dyeing 2.0 - 4.0 g/l
DetaylıSetapret FC6
Thanks to its chemical structure, it is an innovative, ecological and enviromentaly friendly flourocarbon. Provide high performance and easy application like C8 flourocarbons. Floro karbon kimyasın...
It is developed for membrane presses. It is used successfully in adhesion 10-15 m of PVC folios to MDF. It has double with components and is applied with a 1 kg glue spray gun. The ultimum resistan...