Doç. Dr. Soner Doğan
Benzer belgeler
SONER DOGAN Associate Professor Yeditepe University School of
Cancer; Role of the Calorie Restriction. Targeting Carcinogenesis (Hormel meeting). Rochester, MN. October 6-7, 2005. Poster # 4 11. Soner Dogan, Katai J. Nkhata, Swetha Ramanan, Amitahba Ray, and ...
DetaylıOzgecmis-Jun13, 2013 for Hacettep web
19. Effect of force-feeding on fatty liver production and some blood parameters of native and Romanov geese. Muglalli OH, Ergun A, Dogan S, Dıbırdık I, Nazaroğlu NK, Güler A, Oba G. Tr.J.of Veterin...