Katalog İndİr


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Referans Listesi

Referans Listesi Türkmenistan’da Baltık Mimarisi tarzı 2 adet Hekimlik (Belediye) Binası avan proje teklifleri ve fotoblok perspektif sunumlar, (Çalık Holding-GAP İnşaat A.Ş.) Türkmenistan’da Baltık Mimarisi tarzı ...


ef metrik

ef metrik since his foundation in 1995, TURAN MAKİNA performes production of machines and fittings which are used in bringing water. Our factory is located in Istanbul / Turkey having a covered area of 12,50...


Temel Uygulama Alanları / Primary Market Sectors

Temel Uygulama Alanları / Primary Market Sectors and a covered area of 20,000 m2. Having the qality assurance certificates like TSE (Turkish Standart Institute) and ISO 9001, we shape all of our production methodology in full respect to the human...
