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E Serisi - Bibus Menos
direction. Higher overhung loads can be applied for different loading directions (Please ask if requested). The effective overhung load at the gear box shaft Fq will be determined with the given fo...
DetaylıG E N E L B İ L G İ L E R
- Wire Drawing Benches - Billet Shears - Rotary Tables (heavy) - Descaling Machines, - Sheet Mills - Manipulators - Cold Rolling Mills
Detaylıyilmaz redÜktÖr Sonsuz Tip Redüktörler Ölçü
Dimensions “K1” is for motors with brake. Gear boxes with 71 type electrical motors are not fan cooled, other types are fan cooled. MaBe “k1” ist für Bremsen motoren. Getrieben mit 71 typ Motoren s...