Ayse Caner CV -Eng - Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri
Benzer belgeler
Eugene O`Neill
r r r u c ! r u eu n d . r L l i s t o r r c i\lf . l q c \ c l t o . r l l c g o r r z cr h c I r . e r l r L . r l r r t rorit r r r o r l t r r r r r . r n . l l L r t * l r i l c l . r r c rp i...
DetaylıAssoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Murat AYDIN
Research Assistant: Chemical Engineering Department & Bioengineering Division, Hacettepe University Duty and responsibility: I served as a Laboratory Instructor for the Instrumental Analysis Labora...
DetaylıFaculty of Education 2004-2009
instruction, and teacher education, including preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge development, and use of e-portfolios in teacher education for promoting preservice teachers’ reflect...