Programme - World Maritime University


Programme - World Maritime University
Maritime Women: Global Leadership
2nd International Conference
31 March - 1 April 2014
World Maritime University
Malmö, Sweden
Maritime Women
Welcome to Maritime Women: Global Leadership Conference (MWGL)
Policies to develop female human resources and to strengthen the role of women are not new in
the United Nations (UN) agenda. However, in the past few years the UN has taken meaningful
steps towards the acceleration of the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 3
to “Promote gender equality and empower women”.
Since 1989, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has utilized the Strategy on the
Integration of Women in the Maritime Sector as a comprehensive policy to expand women’s
capabilities in the maritime sector. Today, the Strengthening Maritime Resource Development
Programme represents IMO´s primary vehicle connecting to the UN’s commitment to gender
equality in support of (MDG) 3.
The World Maritime University (WMU) has developed policies towards increasing the number of
women enrolled in its Masters and PhD programs. A recruitment strategy with strong support from
fellowship donors has resulted in the proportion of female students rising to around a third of the
annual intake. Almost a quarter of WMU faculty are female.
The Maritime Women: Global Leadership (MWGL) addresses the challenges and opportunities
for maritime women given the current political, social, and economic state. The Conference
aims at strengthening the leadership of women in the maritime industry focusing on education,
employment and leadership to promote their success throughout the maritime sector.
For those of you who are joining the Conference, I extend a very warm welcome on behalf of the
Organizing Committee and WMU. We sincerely hope that your participation at the Conference will
be professionally profitable and personally enjoyable.
María Carolina Romero
Associate Professor
World Maritime University
Malmö Högskola (Hjälmarekajen)
Nordenskiöldsgatan 10‎
211 19 Malmö, Sweden
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Detailed Conference Programme
08:00 - 09:00 Registration
Monday March 31
Conference Room 1
09:00 - 10:00 Welcome Remarks:
María Carolina Romero, Ph.D.,
MWGL 2014 Conference Chair
Welcome Address:
Björn Kjerfve, Ph.D., President,
World Maritime University
Opening Address:
H.E. Lina Shbeeb, Ph.D.,
Minister of Transport, Jordan
Wendy Watson-Wright, Ph.D.,
Assistant Director General and
Executive Secretary, UNESCO-IOC,
Women in The Ocean Sciences, An
IOC Perspective
10:00 - 12:00 PLENARY SESSION 1 & 2 - Global
Maritime Impact of Women
10:00 - 10:45 PLENARY SESSION 1
Conference Room 1
Chair: Pamela Tansey, Senior Deputy Director, Technical Co-operation Division, International Maritime Organization,
IMO and Women at the Helm
Sandra Stosz, Rear Admiral,
Superintendent, U.S. Coast Guard Academy,
Maritime Women: Leading at all Levels
Judith Melin, Ph.D., Director General, Swedish Coast Guard, Women’s
Leadership: A Challenge?
10:45 - 11:15 Group Photo & Refreshment Break
11:15 - 12:00 PLENARY SESSION 2
Conference Room 1
Şadan Kaptanoğlu, Ph.D., Vice President,
BIMCO, and Managing Director of H.İ Kaptanoglu Ship Management Company,
Challenges Facing the Maritime Businesses - Role of Women and a Way Forward
H.E. Ana Irene Delgado, LL.M,
Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary and General Consul of
the Republic of Panama to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland and Ambassador of the Republic
of Panama to the Republic of Iceland, Panama: developing policies to support
the role of women in the maritime sector
Karin Orsel, President, WISTA
International, and Vice Chairman,
International Chamber of Shipping,
40 years of Female Global Leadership
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch Break
12:00 - 13:30 Poster Session, see page 10 for more info
Monday March 31 / Parallel Sessions
13:30 - 15:00 WORKSHOP A: Employment, Policy & Practice (EPP)
Conference Room 1
Chair: Nancy Karigithu, Director
General, Kenya Maritime Authority
WORKSHOP B: Education for Career Building (ECB)
Conference Room 2
Chair: Neil Bellefontaine, Vice President (Academic), World Maritime University
Ana M. Albert, MBA Candidate, Florida
Atlantic University, Joan Mileski, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor, Texas A & M University,
and Wyndylyn von Zharen, Regents
Professor, Texas A & M University,
Women sustaining a maritime industry
career: Identifying attitudinal and
structural impediments
Sohyun Jo, Assistant Professor, Korea
Institute of Maritime and Fisheries
Technology, Full ahead - Why we have
too few women in maritime industry
Anniek Wouters, LL.M, Maritime Law NUS Singapore, Roosendaal, Keyzer Lawyers, Women leadership in maritime law firms: the Antwerp case
Gwenaele Proutière­Maulion, Ph.D.,
Vice President European Affairs and
International Relations, Maritime and
Oceanic Law Centre, University of Nantes, The evolution of the condition
and role of women in fishing activities
Sindiswa Nhlumayo, Ph.D. Candidate,
Executive Head, Centre for Maritime
Excellence, South African Maritime Safety Authority, Advancing women
participation in the maritime sector - The South African Experience
Dominika Czyżowicz, Elwira
Kałkowska, Pola Raciborska, Julia
Raczkowska, Monika Skowronek, and Zbigniew Szozda, Ph. D., Assistant
Professor, Maritime University of
Szczecin, The road to the helm - female students’ perspective
Chen Qi, Ph.D., Massachusetts
Maritime Academy, Let numbers speak:
Job opportunities and international
exchange programs for female cadets
Maria Boström Cars and Cecilia
Österman, Ph.D., Kalmar Maritime
Academy, Mind the gap! Maritime education
for gender­-equal career advancement
Balakrishnan Rajagopal, LL.M., Member in Institute of Chartered Ship-brokers and Malaysian Maritime Institute, Stalwart in sailing global maritime women leadership
Question & Answer session
Question & Answer session
15:00 - 15:30 Refreshment Break
Monday March 31 / Parallel Sessions
15:30 - 17:00 WORKSHOP C: Leadership, Mentoring & Networking (LMN)
Conference Room 1
Chair: Lena Göthberg, Secretary
General, Institute of Shipping Analysis
WORKSHOP D: Sustainable
Development in Shipping (SDIS)
Conference Room 2
Chair: Katharina Stanzel, Managing Director, INTERTANKO
Anuradha Jha, Captain, Shipping
Corporation of India, My journey as a
Mfon Ekong Usoro, Secretary General, MoU on Port State Control for West and
Central African Region, Sustainable
maritime safety and marine environment
management through effective and
efficient Port State Control
Olga Delgado Ortega, Ph.D.,
Department of Nautical Sciences and
Engineering, Polytechnic University
of Catalonia, Kjell Ivar Øvergård, Ph.D., and Veronica Henden, Research
Assistant, Department of Maritime
Technology and Innovation, Vestfold
University College, Women are better
leaders than they think: Gender
differences in the self-assessment of leadership skills in the maritime industry
Anne­-Marie Warris, Ph.D., Principal,
ecoreflect Ltd., Sustainability or CSR the next challenge
Marlene Calderón, Ph.D., Scientific
Coordinator, Glintt Inov, Global Intelligent
Technologies, Diana Illing, IHS Global
SAS, Ingrid Schipperen, TNO Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast
Aspasia S. Pastra, Gnosis Management
Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek, and
Consultants, and Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos, Pedro Antão, Glintt Inov, Global
Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, and Ioannis P.
Intelligent Technologies, Improving the
Gkliatis, Brunel University, Brunel Business current regime for ship safety inspections
School, Board characteristics and the
- Opportunities for technology research
presence of women in the Board of
and women employment?
Directors: The case of Greek shipping sector
Bernard Dujardin, Professor, National
Pınar Özdemir, Lecturer, and
School of Advanced Technology
Taner Albayrak, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, (ParisTech), Towards an equality
Piri Reis University, How to cope with
between women and men in ocean
second generation gender bias in male- navigation working conditions
dominated occupations
Question & Answer session
Momoko Kitada, Ph.D., Lecturer, World Maritime University, Global seafarers and leadership from the perspective of diversity in CSR
Question & Answer session
18:30 - 21:00 Conference Dinner, by invitation only
A Venue: Malmö Högskola (Hjälmarekajen)
Nordenskiöldsgatan 10‎,
211 19 Malmö
B Conference Dinner: Skeppsbron 2
Skeppsbron 2, 211 20 Malmö
Tuesday April 01
Conference Room 1
Chair: Ken Peters, Reverend, Director
of Justice and Welfare of Seafarers,
Mission to Seafarers
Geraldine Knatz, Ph.D., Board Member,
International Association of Ports and
Harbours, The 21st century view of a
seaport…or why the world needs more
women port directors
Julia Lear, Transport & Maritime
Specialist, International Labour
Organization, Promoting the employment
of women in the transport sector:
obstacles and policy options - The case
of preventing violence against women in
the maritime sector
Alison McGarry, Coordinator of Women
Transport Workers’ Department,
International Transport Workers’
Federation, Leading change - developing
women maritime trade union leaders
10:00 - 10:30 Refreshment Break
Tuesday April 01 / Parallel Sessions
The Americas & Europe
Conference Room 1
Chair: Minghua Zhao, Ph.D.,
Assistant Director, Greenwich Maritime
Institute, University of Greenwich
Panamá - Argentina - Tanya Tamara
Carlucci Sucre, Head of Compliance
and Enforcement Department, Merchant
Marine Directorate, Panama Maritime
Authority, and Noelia Mabel López,
International Affairs Office, Argentine
Coast Guard, Report of the Regional
Conferences “Role of women in
management positions within the
maritime sector, Latin America
(2012 -2014)”
United Kingdom - Sarah Cornell,
Ph.D., IMarEST, The “Leaky Pipeline”­
examining and addressing the loss of
women at consecutive career stages in
marine engineering, science and
REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES B: Asia, Arab States & Africa
Conference Room 2
Chair: Carla S. Limcaoco, President
Women in Maritime Philippines, and
Director, PTC Management Corporation
Indonesia - Christiana Yustita,
Captain, Chief of Marine Pollution Prevention and Ship Safety Management, Ministry of Transportation, Women Seafarers Career
Egypt - Layla El Saeed, Ph.D., Assistant
Academy President, MENA & Africa Arab
International Women’s Maritime Forum,
Arab International Women´s Maritime
Forum, Arab Maritime Women: An
Egyptian Leadership Perspective
China - Bao Junzhong, Ph.D., Wang
Xizhao, Lin Yihui, Huang Lin, Wang Jing,
and Chu Yunyun, Dalian Maritime University,
The development environment and
challenge of Chinese female crew
Mauritius - Meenaksi Bhirugnath­
Bhookhun, Maritime Officer, Ministry of
Public Infrastructure, National Development Nicaragua - Darling E. Rojas Mendoza, Unit, Land Transport & Shipping, WOMESA
Consultation on Gender Equality and
Maritime Women: Global
Women’s Empowerment and Training
and Networking - “WOMESA Programs Maritime Port, Central
American Model for the integration of
women in the maritime port sector
Turkey - Ayşe Aslı BaŞak, Deputy
D.P.A., Operation & Management
Department, CEBI Maritime & Trading
SA, Women’s role in Turkish maritime
sector & global maritime
Jamaica - Claudia Grant, Deputy
Director General, Maritime Authority of
Jamaica, and Vivette Grant, Deputy
Executive Director, Caribbean Maritime
Institute, Women in the Maritime Sector:
Surviving and thriving in a man ́s world A Caribbean perspective
Ecuador - Margarita Davila, Consultant,
Oil Trading & Shipping, Participation of
ecuadorian women in the oil marine
transportation sector
Ukraine - Victoria Radchenko, Ph.D.,
Operational Centre of the International
Ocean Institute, Is there a helm for women in maritime sector? Case study
from Ukraine
Question & Answer session
Bangladesh - Sajid Hussain, Ph.D.,
Commandant, Bangladesh Marine
Academy, Young Bangladeshi
Women embarking on blue highways!
Iran - Mehdi Amooahmadi, Nasrin
Atabak and Bahman Nakisa, BPMO,
Iranian women’s role in the sustainable development of maritime industry
Question & Answer session
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
12:30 - 14:00 Poster Session, see page 10 for more info
Conference Room 1
14:00 - 15:00 Chair Reports
Moderator: María Carolina Romero,
Ph.D., MWGL 2014 Conference Chair
Employment, Policy and Practice;
Leadership, Mentoring and Networking;
Education for Career Building; Sustainable
Development in Shipping; Regional
Perspectives A (The Americas & Europe)
and B (Asia, Arab States & Africa)
Adoption of Declaration
15:00 - 15:30 Closing Ceremony
Programme subject to change
List of Poster Presentations
Helen Tung, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Greenwich,
PMSC: Piracy and Women, United Kingdom
Marlene Calderón, Ph.D., Glintt Inov, Global Intelligent
Technologies, Rosa Mari Darbra and Martí Puig, Center
for Technological Risk Studies (CERTEC), Polytechnic
University of Catalonia (UPC), Chris Wooldridge, School
of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University, and
Pedro Antão, Glintt Inov, Global Intelligent Technologies,
Indicators for health, safety and environmental performance
in European ports: the role of women in this sector,
Spain, Portugal, and United Kingdom
Irina Makashina, Professor, Admiral Ushakov Maritime
State University, Pedagogical support of professional
development of women for work in the shipping industry,
Chrysanthe Kolia, Ph.D. Candidate, Unfolding the
question of female leadership in the maritime sector,
New Zealand
Hatice Yilmaz, Research Assistant and Ersan Başar,
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Karadeniz Technical
University, Employment and career situations of women
seafarers at Turkish fleet, Turkey
Wilson Thoya Baya, Managing Director of Bacha
Maritime Movers, Education for Career-Building: How
women in the maritime industry can use education to
improve knowledge, skills, organizational learning and
development, and knowledge transfer, Canada
Cemile Solak, Research Assistant, and Durmuş
Ali Deveci, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dokuz Eylul
University, Female and male students’ perceptions on
sustainable maritime development concept: A case study
from Turkey, Turkey
Ljubov Tiberti, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Warsaw,
Gender equality in sustainable development - nowadays
challenges for women in the maritime sector, Poland
Patrycja Mordas and Lidia Sobota, Maritime University
of Szczecin, Female students’ point of view on the
maritime career, Poland
Naa Densua Aryeetey, Head of Shipper Services,
Ghana Shippers’ Authority, Integrating women into
Ghana’s maritime industry through strategic recruitment
and employment, Ghana
Javier Acuña, Ph.D., Professor, University of the Pacific,
The integration of women into the ecuadorian maritime
community, Ecuador
Inese Barbare, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Latvia,
Maritime Women: Case study in Latvian Maritime
Academy, Latvia
Olga Delgado Ortega, Ph.D., Department of Nautical
Sciences and Engineering, Polytechnic University
of Catalonia, Ulf Siwe, Communication Officer,
Sjöfartsverket, Kjell Ivar Øvergård, Ph.D., Department of
Maritime Technology and Innovation, Vestfold University
College, MONALISA 2.0 contributes to empower women
in the maritime breaking barriers through training in
leadership, Spain, Sweden and Norway
Organizing Committee
María Carolina Romero
Associate Professor
Lisa L. Froholdt
Assistant Professor
Erin WIlliams
United States of America
Momoko Kitada
Maia Brindley Nilsson
Communications Officer
United States of America
Josefin Madjidian
Research Associate
Roger Jones
Vice President Business
Development (Rtd.)
Great Britain
Mia Hedin
Senior Faculty Specialist,
PDCs, Conferences &
Neil Bellefontaine
Vice President Academic
& Professor
Founded in 1983 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency
of the United Nations, WMU is a center of excellence for maritime post-graduate education
and research. WMU offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs as well as Professional Development
Courses with the highest standards in maritime affairs. Headquartered in Malmö, Sweden
with additional M.Sc. programs in Shanghai and Dalian, China, WMU promotes the
international exchange and transfer of maritime ideas and knowledge.
Maritime Women

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