CURRICULUM VITAE Name : Binnur Yeşilyaprak, Ph.D. Date of


CURRICULUM VITAE Name : Binnur Yeşilyaprak, Ph.D. Date of
Date of birth
Present Position
: Binnur Yeşilyaprak, Ph.D.
: June 20, 1954
: Fulltime Professor at Counseling and Guidance Department, Faculty
of Educational Sciences, University of Ankara.Turkey
Post-Doctoral Studies (Advanced
Training Study Program on
Vocational and Technical
Teacher Education)
Purdue University, Indiana
Ph.D. Degree (Psychological
Services in Education)
Faculty of Education,
Hacettepe University
MA Degree (Guidance and
Psychological Counseling)
Faculty of Education,
Hacettepe University
Undergraduate Degree
Faculty of Vocational
Education, Gazi University
Visiting Professor
College of Education,
Penn State University, U.S.A
Professor, Dr.
Faculty of Educational Sciences,
Ankara University
Associate Professor, Dr.
Gazi University
Assistant Professor, Dr.
(Educational Sciences)
Gazi University
Instructor Dr. (Educational
Gazi University
Instructor (Educational Sciences)
Faculty of Vocational
Education, Gazi University
Teaching and Research Assistant
(Counseling and Guidance)
Technical Teachers Training
College, Gazi University
Vocational High School
Elementary School
Guidance Services in Education
Vocational Guidance/ Career Counseling
Introduction to Psychological Counseling and Guidance
Applications in Vocational Guidance/Career Counseling
Comprehensive School Guidance Programs
Developmental Guidance Aproach
Family Guidance/Family Education
Emotional Intelligence in Education
Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling
Internship in Counseling Education
PAPERS (Presented at International Congresses / Conferences)
Papers were presented between 1989-2010 academic years, 17 international academic
conferences / congresses in Holland, Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, England.
1.Yeşilyaprak, B. (1989). “The Antecedents of Locus of control In Adolescents” I. European
Psychology Congress, 3 July, Amsterdam-Netherland.
2. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1990). “The Effects of Parental Attitudes on the LOC in Adolescents” V.
European Personality Psychology Congress., 12-15 June, Rome-Italy
3. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1993). “A Critical Assessment of Locus of Control Scales and a Test of
Nowicki-Strickland Scale in Turkey” III. European Psychology Congress, 4-9 July
4. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1993). “Cooperative Learning and Evaluation: An Application” XVI.
International School Psychology Collequium, 30 July-3 August, Banskâ, Slovakia.
5. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1995). “A Study Cencerning the Effects of Cooperative Learning” IV.
European Congress of Psychology, July 2-7, Athen-Greece
6. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1995). “A Study Concerning the Effects of Cooperative Learning on Some
Affective Dimensions of Personality” 7th European Conference on Personality. July
12-16, Madrid-Spain.
7. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1995). “A Study Cencerning the Effects of Cooperative Learning on
Academic Achievement and Retaining of Learning” XII.International Congress of
Cross-Culturel Psychology, 24-27 July 1995, Pomplano-Spain.
8. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1995). “A Study Concerning the Effects of Cooperative Learning in the
Education of Teacher Candidates” The World Conference on Teacher Education, 27
Ağustos, 2 Eylül, Çeşme-İzmir-Turkey
9. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1996). “The Place and Function of Vocational Guidance from the LifeCentered Career Education Approach” Towards to 21 st. Century Reorganization of
Two Year Colleges International Symposium, 22-23 Mayıs, Çankırı-Turkey.
10. Yeşilyaprak, B. (1999). “A Longitudinal Research on the Self-Esteem, Assertivenes and
Locus of Control Characteristics of University Students” International School
Psychology XXII.Annual Colloquium. July 30, August 3, Kreuzlingen/Konstanz,
11. Yeşilyaprak, B. and İ. Kısaç (2001). “Stress Reactions After Turkey-Marmara Region
Earthquakes: A Comparative Study” 7. European Traumatic Stress Conference,
Edinburg, Scotland.
12. Yeşilyaprak, B. and İ. Kısaç (2001). “Stress Reactions of People Still Live in Marmara
Region (Turkey) After the Earthquakes: A Follow Up Study” 7. European Traumatic
Stress Conference, 26-29 May, Edinburg, Scotland.
13.Yeşilyaprak,B and H.Özerk (2006). “Attitudes of parents toward child raising” I.
International Social Services Symposium, 9-12 April, Antalya-Turkey.
14.Yeşilyaprak,B. and E. Durmuş (2007). “The Content and Teaching Emotional Intelligence
in Education Course during Undergraduate Level” International Symposium
Emotional Intelligence and Communication, Ege University, İzmir-Turkey.
15.Yeşilyaprak,B. and G.Köroğlu (2007). “Emotional Intelligence Level of Psychological
Counselors According to Perceptions of Primary School Teachers” International
Symposium Emotional Intelligence and Communication, Ege University, İzmirTurkey.
16.Yeşilyaprak, B.(2008). “The Future of Psychological Counseling and Guidance in Turkey:
Recent Advances and Future Prospects” (Keynote Speaker) International Coungress of
Counseling, ,25-27 April, Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul-Turkey.
17.Yeşilyaprak, B. (2008). “Parent Education” International Congress on Preschool Education
in the Context of Child-Family and School, 30 April-3 May, Trabzon-Turkey.
PAPERS (Presented at National Congresses / Conferences)
(1988-2010) Presented about 75 papers at national academic congresses/conferences to the
International Papers
Yeşilyaprak,B.,Kısaç,İ.,Şanlıer,N. (2007). Stres symptoms and nutritional status among
survivors of the Marmara Region earthquakes in Turkey. Journal of Loss and
Yeşilyaprak,B.and Akgün,E.(2010) Effectiveness of the training program in improving
mother child relationship through play.Ankara Univ.Journal of Faculty of Educatonal
National Papers
More than 80 articles published in national journals.
Yeşilyaprak,B.andAkgün,E.(2010)The scale of child-parent relation:Validity and relability
study.Balikesir Univ.Journal of Institude for Social Sciences.vol.13,24.
Yeşilyaprak, B. (2009). The development of the field of psychological counseling and
guidance in Turkey: Recent advances and future prospects. Ankara University, Journal
of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 42 (1), 193-213.
Yeşilyaprak, B. (2002). The psychological symptoms of the youngsters who attend and not
attend the university education. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance
Journal. 2 (18), 35-42.
Yeşilyaprak,B.(2001)Predicting the Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Counselor in
Elementary Education Schools. Journal of Educational Resarches 2(3-4)139-143.
Yeşilyaprak, B., Öztürk, B. Ve Kısaç, İ. (2001). The perceptions and evaluations of students
of Faculty of Vocational Education of Gazi University to their faculties. Gazi
University, Journal of Vocational Education, 3 (6), 1-15.
1. Eğitimde Rehberlik Hizmetleri Guidance Services in Education (2010),19th
edition, Ankara, Nobel Publ.
2. Çalışan Anne ve Çocuk The Woman is Working and Her Child (2010), (14th
Ed.)Ankara: Morpa Publ.
3. Eğitim Psikolojisi Educational Psychology (2010), 7th Ed. (Editör and coauthor)Ankara:PegemA publ.
4. Kariyer Yolculuğu Career Path (2008), (Co-author), Türk PDR-DER and
Euroguidance, Ankara: Sesreklam.
5. İlköğretimde Gelişimsel Rehberlik Developmental Guidance in Elementary School
(2010) 2nd.İstanbul:Morpa Publ.
6. Gelişen Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik: Meslekleşme Sürecindeki İlerlemeler
Developing Counseling: Advancement in the Profession (2007), (Co-author)
Ankara:Nobel Publ.
7. Gelişim ve Öğrenme Psikolojisi Developmental and Learning Psychology (2006)
Editor (10th ed.),Ankara, Pegem A Publ.
8. Eğitimde Bireysel Farklılıklar Individual Differences in Education (Co-author)
(2006), (2nd Ed.), Ankara, Nobel Publ.
9. Öğretmenler İçin Eğitsel ve Mesleki Rehberlik Educational and Vocational
Guidance for Teachers (1996), 5th Ed., Ankara, Varan Publ.
10. Ruh Sağlığı ve Uyum Problemleri Mental Health and Problems of Adjustment
(1988), Ankara:Gazi Un. Publ.
11. Rehberlik Guidance (2004), 3rd Ed., Eskişehir, Anadolu Uni. Publ.
Major Fields of Interest
Teaching and Counseling in vocational education at undergraduate and graduate
educational level.
Trainer of in-service training for public and private sector.
Counseling in education, profession and familial relations.
Counseing for vocational guidance and career counseling.
Family Guidance/ Parent Education
Recent/Current Memberships of Academic Edutorial Boards
• Former President of Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Association.(20022008)
.Member of Administrative/Advisory Board of Turkish Psychological Counseling and
Guidance Association.
• Member of Editorial Boards/Advisory Boards of Scholarly Journals in the field of
Counseling and Educational Sciences.
• Chair of department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling.
• Member of Administrative Board of Center of Youth Counseling, Ankara University.
• Member of administrative Board of Center of Child and Youth Literature Research and
Applications, Ankara Univ.
• Member of Administrative Board of Faculty of Educational Scinces, Ankara University.
• Member of General and administrative board of Orientation Programs for University Life,
Ankara University.
• Member of Administration Council of Center of Special Education Research and
Applications, Ankara University.
• Consultant of Educational Technologies Projects, Ministry of Education in Turkey.
• Educational and psychological export for the cases in court.
• Member Board of Counsultantcy for the General Directorate of Family and social
Resarches, Priministry of Turkey.

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