Zeynep Bilgin Wührer`s Curriculum Vitae Education Theses


Zeynep Bilgin Wührer`s Curriculum Vitae Education Theses
Zeynep Bilgin Wührer’s Curriculum Vitae
Lecturer at Institute for Marketing at Johannes Kepler University Linz / Austria
zeynep.bilgin_wuehrer@jku.at; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zeynep_Bilgin
Sep 1987 – Dec 1989 Hamburg University- Hamburg, Germany
DAAD Scholarship for PhD Thesis in International Marketing
Sep 1985 – Oct 1990 Bogazici University - Istanbul, Turkey
PhD in Marketing, major and Organizational Behavior minor
Sep 1983 – Jul 1985 Bogazici University - Istanbul, Turkey
Masters in Marketing
Sep 1979 – Jul 1983 Bogazici University - Istanbul, Turkey
BA in Accounting and Finance
Sep 1970– May 1979 St. Georg College - Istanbul, Turkey
Austrian High School for Girls
Master’s of Art: An exploratory study about the evaluation of children s books market in
Turkey, 1985. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eser Borak, Bogazici University.
PhD: An export marketing analysis of Turkish women's ready to wear products in Federal
Republic of Germany, 1990. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Bodur, Bogazici University.
Academic Experience
Oct 1990 – March 2013 Professor of Marketing (instruction language: English)
For the last 3 years of work: Chair of Marketing-Department
Marmara University, Department of Business; Istanbul - Turkey
Oct 2004 – July 2005
Visiting Professor of Marketing (instruction language: English)
Bogazici University, Department of International Trade;
Istanbul – Turkey
August 1998 – July 1999
Visiting Professor of Marketing
The University of Memphis, Department of Marketing and Supply
Chain Management; Memphis, Tennessee - USA
March 1998 – Juni 1998 Visiting Professor of Marketing
University of West Georgia, Department of Marketing and Real
Estate; Carrollton, Georgia – USA
Oct 1985 – July 1990
Research Assistant in Marketing
Bogazici University, Department of Management; Istanbul - Turkey
Sept 1984 – May 1985
Assistant in Auditing and Management Consulting
Ernst & Young; Istanbul - Turkey
Awards & Grants
Nov 2012 Award: Rector's Citation award - Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Sep 1998 Grant: Wang Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at
the University of Memphis, USA for: Book Project ‘Consumer Behavior’
Apr 1993 Grant: Sasakawa Foundation Grant for: Attending the two week Salzburg Seminar
Session 301 in Salzburg, Austria
Sep 1987 Scholarship: DAAD Deutsches Akademisches Austauschdienst, Bonn, Germany for:
Dissertation work (PhD Thesis) at Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany
Academic Skills & Private Interests
Marketing Management, Strategic Marketing, Consumer Psychology &
Behavior, Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty, Services Marketing,
Service Quality, International Marketing, Global Studies, Emerging
Markets, Bibliographic Databases, Macro Marketing
English, German, Turkish
Photography / Travel writing / Singing / Swimming
Since 2014 in Brucknerchor, Linz - Alto
1995 - 2013 in Istanbul European Choir, Istanbul - Alto
Publication Highlights
F. Zeynep Bilgin, Gerhard A. Wührer: International Marketing Compact – Textbook, 10/2014;
Linde Verlag, Vienna., ISBN: 978-3-7143-0135-9
Emine Çobanoğlu, F.Zeynep Bilgin, Sahavet Gürdal: 21. Yüzyılda Pazarlama ve Yönetim Sezgileri.
Edited by Emine Çobanoğlu, F. Zeynep Bilgin, Sahavet Gürdal, 01/2013; Detay Yayıncılık.,
ISBN: 978-605-5216-27-6
Zeynep Bilgin, Emine Çobanoğlu, A. Müge Yalçın: Business Success Via New Visions on Marketing
/ Pazarlamada Yeni Açılımlarla Üstünlük Sağlama. Edited by F. Zeynep Bilgin, Emine
Çobanoğlu, A. Müge Yalçın, 01/2006; Beta Yayıncılık, Istanbul.
Zeynep Bilgin, Ven Sriram, Gerhard A. Wührer: Drivers of Global Business Success - Lessons
from Emerging Markets. 01/2004; Palgrave.
Zeynep Bilgin: Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri Yazım El Kitabı Graduate Thesis Writing
Handbook. 01/2001; Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Marmara University Publications.
Zeynep Bilgin: Basics for Consumer Behavior. 01/2001; Türkmen Kitabevi, Istanbul.
Zeynep Bilgin: Sigortacılar için Pazarlama ve Satış Eğitimi Ders Notları. 01/2000; Türk Sigorta
Enstitüsü Vakfı Yayınları TSEV 59.
Book Chapters
Zeynep Bilgin-Wührer: Nordex Food Austria GesmbH: Eine Erfolgsgeschichte über Weißkäse.
In: Marketingaspekte, Marketing Reihe edited by Katharina Maria Hofer, Friedrich
Roithmayr, 09/2015: pp. 51-67; Trauner Verlag., ISBN: 978-3-99033-530-7
Taşkın Dirsehan, Zeynep Bilgin: Cmap Aracı ile Kavram Haritalaması: Pazarlama Tez Konuları
Üzerine Bir Çalışma (Concept Mapping with Cmap Tool: A Study on Marketing Theses
Topics). In: 21. Yüzyılda Pazarlama ve Yönetim Sezgileri, Edited by Emine Çobanoğlu,
Zeynep Bilgin, Sahavet Gürdal, 01/2013: pp. 17-31; Detay Yayıncılık.
Zeynep Bilgin: Yükselen Ekonomilerde Kriz, Kriz Yönetimi ve Pazarlama (Crisis, Crisis
Management and Marketing in Emerging Economies. In: Küresel Kriz ve Risk Yönetimi:
Yanılgılar ve Gerçekler, Edited by Müge Karaçal, Hasan Fehmi Baklacı, Hakan Yetkiner,
10/2010: pp. 99-126; İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 35., ISBN: 978-9758789-43-6
Ven Sriram, Zeynep Bilgin: Global Market Opportunity in the Olive Oil Industry: The Case of
Baser Food - CASE. In: Strategy: Winning in the Marketplace, Edited by Arthur A.
Thompson, John E. Gamble, A.J. Strickland, 01/2003; Mcgraw-Hill., ISBN: 9780071215145
Gerhard A. Wührer, Zeynep Bilgin: Aufstrebende Märkte (Emerging Markets) - Neue
Perspektiven für Marketingstrategien. In: Wissenschaft um der Menschen Willen, Edited
by Christian Pracher, Herbert Strunz, 01/2003: pp. 555-570; Duncker & Humblot GmbH,
Berlin, ISBN: 3-428-11015-3
Zeynep Bilgin, İrem Eren Erdoğmuş: Birleşme ve Devralmalarda Uluslararası Boyut ve Pazarlama
Yansımaları. In: Şirket Birleşmeleri, Edited by Haluk Sümer, Helmut Pernsteiner, 01/2003:
pp. 431-468; Alfa Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
Zeynep Bilgin: The Changing Market Structure in Starting Emerging Markets (SEMs) of
Transition Economies - Market and Customer Perspectives. In: Trends im Internationalen
Management - Strategien, Instrumente und Methoden, Edited by Sonja Grabner-Kräuter,
Gerhard A. Wührer, 01/2001: pp. 95-116; Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz.
Şule Özmen, Zeynep Bilgin: Bankalar-Tüketici İlişkisinde Değişim. Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye
Ansiklopedisi, 11, 01/1995. In: Bankalar-Tüketici İlişkisinde Değişim: pp. 106-112; İletişim
Yayınları, ISBN: 975-470-515-1
Journal Publications
Zeynep Bilgin-Wührer, Gerhard A. Wührer: The Positioning of International Marketing in
International Business – A Visualized Approach based on Conference Proceedings. IfM
Impulse Das Wissensmagazin des Instituts für Management, 13/2016; June: 56-67.
Özgür M. Güngör, F. Zeynep Bilgin: Customer’s Advisory, Organizational Openness and Capability:
the Locus of Value Creation.
Dana Nicoleta Lascu, A. J. Manrai, L.A. Manrai, F. Zeynep Bilgin, Gerhard A. Wührer: A
Comparative Study of the Degree, Dimensionality, and Design of Consumer Ethnocentrism
in Diverse Cultures. Journal of Euromarketing 10/2010; 19(4): 227-246.
Katharina Maria Hofer, Angela Elisabeth Smejkal, F. Zeynep Bilgin, Gerhard A. Wuehrer:
Conference proceedings as a matter of bibliometric studies: The Academy of International
Business 2006–2008. Scientometrics 09/2010; 84(3): 845-862. DOI:10.1007/s11192-0100216-6
Irem Eren Erdogmus, F. Zeynep Bilgin: Kriz Döneminde Küresel Pazarlama: Cilek Mobilya Icin bir
Vaka Calismasi” (Global Marketing During Crisis Period: A Case Study on Cilek Mobilya
Furnishing Firm). , PI Dergisi PI Journal for Communication, 14/2010, 24-37.
Lascu, Manrai, L.A. Manrai, Zeynep Bilgin, G. Wuehrer: A Comparative Study of the Degree,
Dimensionality, and Design of Consumer Ethnocentrism in Austria, Poland, Turkey, and
USA. Journal of Euromarketing 01/2010; 19(4): 227-246.
Dana N. Lascu, A.J. Manrai, L.A. Manrai, Zeynep Bilgin, Gerhard A. Wührer: A Comparative
Study of the Degree, Dimensionality, and Design of Consumer Ethnocentrism in Diverse
Cultures. Journal of Euromarketing 01/2010; 19(4): 227-246.
Ven Sriram, Zeynep Bilgin: Regionalism and Emerging Markets: An Analysis of Turkey’s Trade
with the BSEC and the EU.
Ven Sriram, Zeynep Bilgin: Global Market Opportunity in the Olive Oil Industry: The Case of
Baser Food. Asian Case Research Journal 01/2002; 22(4): 27-41.
Donald J. Shemwell PhD, Dr. Ugur Yavas PhD, Zeynep Bilgin PhD: Service Quality and
Relationship-Oriented Outcomes in the Hair-Care Services: An Analysis of Differences
Between Males and Females. Journal of Professional Services Marketing 09/1999; 19(1-1):
15-29. DOI:10.1300/J090v19n01_02
George A. Marcoulides, Burhan F. Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin, Cristina B. Gibson: Reconciling culturalist
and rationalist approaches: Leadership in the United States and Turkey. Thunderbird
International Business Review 11/1998; 40(6): 563-583. DOI:10.1002/(SICI)15206874(199811/12)40:63.3.CO;2-D
Donald J. Shemwell, Ugur Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin: Customer-service provider relationships: An
empirical test of a model of service quality, satisfaction and relationship-oriented
outcome. International Journal of Service Industry Management 04/1998; 9(2):155-168.
Ugur Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin, Donald J. Shemwell: Service quality in the banking sector in an
emerging economy: A consumer survey. International Journal of Bank Marketing 10/1997;
15(6): 217-223. DOI:10.1108/02652329710184442
Burhan Fatih Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin: Estimation of Tourism Demand in Turkey: A Pooled Cross-
Section-Time-Series Analysis. Tourism Analysis 07/1996;
Zeynep Bilgin, Ugur Yavas: Marketing of consumer credit services in a developing country: A
status report. International Journal of Bank Marketing 08/1995; 13(5):31-36.
Zeynep Bilgin: Dispazar Yapilarina Gore Dagitim Iliskileri ve Fiziksel Dagitima Yonelik
Degerlendirmeler- Tekstil ve Hazirgiyim Ihracatinda Almanya Pazari.
Arzu Tektaş, F. Zeynep Bilgin: Effects of Learning on the Adoption of a New Service: A Study
on ATM Applications in the Turkish Banking Sector.
Zeynep Bilgin: Tekstil ve Hazirgiyimde Dissatim Stratejileri ve Kuresellesme Egilimleri .
Conference Proceedings
Nesenur Altinigne, F Zeynep Bilgin: The Effect of Environmental Attitudes on Environmentally
Conscious Behavior of University Students. 145th International Marketing Trends
Conference, Paris; 01/2015
Nesenur Altinigne, Zeynep Bilgin: The Relationship between Perceived Consumer Effectiveness
and Environmental Attitudes of University Students. 13th International Marketing Trends
Conference, January 24-25, Venice; 01/2014
Nesenur Altinigne, Zeynep Bilgin: The Effect of Personality Factors and Perceived Consumer
Effectiveness on Environmental Attitudes of University Students. EMAC European
Marketing Association Conference, Istanbul, Turkey; 07/2013
Nesenur Altinigne, Zeynep Bilgin: Effect of Demographic Factors on Environmentally Conscious
Behavior of University Students. World Conference on Educational Sciences, WCES
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Rome, Italy; 02/2013
Dilek Saglik Özcam, F. Zeynep Bilgin: Satınalma Davranışında Reklamın ve Reklam Türlerinin
Önemi ve Etik Algısı (Advertising and Advertising Types Importance and Ethical Perception
during the Purchasing Process). SOBIAD Social Sciences Research Society (YEBKO
Yönetim ve Ekonomi Bilimleri Konferansı), Izmir, Turkey; 10/2012
Gerhard A. Wührer, F. Zeynep Bilgin, Elif Karaosmanoglu: The Development and Transfer of
Scholarly Marketing Tought in Turkey: A Scientometric Analysis of Master and PhD
Theses 1980 – 2008 in an Emerging Market Country. International 8th Knowledge, Economy
and Management Congress, Istanbul, Turkey; 10/2011
M. Özgür Güngör, F. Zeynep Bilgin: Openness and capability of organizations in capturing and
making use of customer's advisory. International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice,
Italy; 01/2010
F. Zeynep Bilgin, Katharina Maria Hofer, Angela Elisabeth Huemer, Gerhard A. Wührer: The
Topical Diameter of AIB Conferenes 2006 to 2008: A Scientometrics Based Approach.
AIB 2009 Conference on "Knowledge Development and Exchange in International Business
Networks", San Diego, California, USA; 06/2009
Nilgün Gürkaynak, F. Zeynep Bilgin: Sürdürülebilir Bir Kent Markası Yaratmada Kentli Tutum ve
Davranışlarında Bir Dönüşüm Modeli Önerisi” (A Suggested Model for Creating a
Sustainable City Brand via Approaching Citizen Attitudes and Behaviors). Ulusal Pazarlama
Kongresi (National Marketing Congress), Adana, Turkey; 10/2008
Zeynep Bilgin, Dana-Nicoleta Lascu, David Sylvia, Gerhard A. Wührer: Disguising and
Emphasizing Local Brand Origin in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Investigation.
International Management Development Association Pennsylvania, USA# World Business
Congress, Paramaribo, Suriname; 06/2008
Özgür Güngör, F. Zeynep Bilgin: Introducing Customer's Advisory. YIRCoBS - Yeditepe
International Research Conference on Business Strategies, Istanbul, Turkey; 06/2008
Gerhard A. Wührer, Ven Sriram, F. Zeynep Bilgin: PANEL on EMERGING MARKETS: An
Emerging Market Perspective on Global Strategy and Success. AIB Conference, Stockholm,
Sweden; 07/2004
Zeynep Bilgin, Ven Sriram: Regionalism and its Impact on Global Business –
The Case of BSEC and Turkey. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual World Business
Congress of the International Management Development Association IMDA. July 10-14,
2002, Antalya, Türkiye.
Elif Karaosmanoglu, Zeynep Bilgin: Remodeling the Factors for Components of Corporate
Image – Ideal Image- Perceived Image: Qualitative and Quantitative Studies on
Automobile Sector in Turkey. Proceedings of the 31st EMAC Conference– Marketing in
a Changing World – Scope, Opportunities and Challenges. Ed. M. Farhangmehr,
May 28-31, 2002, University of Minho, Braga – Portugal.
Zeynep Bilgin, Mehtap Köktürk: Business Students’ Textbook Preferences A
Qualitative Study in Turkey. ECER Conference: Sept. 5-8, 2001, Lille – France.
Zeynep Bilgin: Perspectives for Starting Emerging Markets of Transition
Economies (SEMs): Global Business and Technology Association, International Conference.
July 11 – 15, 2001, Istanbul – Türkiye.
Donald Shemwell, Ugur Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin: Gender Differences in Relationships
with Service Providers. Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, 1997
Annual Meeting about: Expanding Marketing Horizons into the 21st Century,
(Spring): 210-215.
Burhan Fatih Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin: Estimation of Tourism Demand in Turkey: A
Pooled Cross-Section-Time-Series Analysis. Proceedings of the Academy of
Business Administration 1996 International Conference, July 10-17, Athens/
Georg A. Marcoulides, Burhan Fatih Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin: A Comparative Study of Leadership
Styles Across Two Countries. Proceedings of the Twenty- Fifth Annual Meeting of the
Western Decision Sciences Institute, Callarman, T.E. (ed), (April 2-6), Seattle, Washington:
202-204. Western Decision Sciences Institute, Seattle; 04/1996
Zeynep Bilgin, Yonca Karapazar: Environmental Impacts Shaping the Remarketing Strategies in
an Industry: The Turkish Automobile Sector in the 1994 Economic Recession and EU
Customs Union Considerations. World Marketing Conference, Melbourne, Australia;
Zeynep Bilgin: Utilization of Distribution Channels for Market Entry – The Case for Turkish
Textiles and Apparel in Germany. World Marketing Conference, İstanbul, Turkey; 06/1993
Zeynep Bilgin, Mustafa Kemal Yilmaz: Diffusion of an Innovation in Service Markets: The Case
of Consumer Credits in the Banking Sector in Turkiye. European Advances of Consumer
Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 06/1992
Zeynep Bilgin, Muzaffer Bodur: Product Adaptations for Export Markets – The Case for Turkish
Ready to Wear Products in the German Market. World Marketing Congress, Copenhagen,
Denmark; 08/1991
Other Publications
F. Zeynep Bilgin, Gerhard A. Wührer: Firms from Emerging Markets dictate the
Strategies for Global Business Success. Presentation for 1st Colloquim between Marmara
and Johannes Kepler Universities on “Management in Emerging Markets”, 29 Sept.– 3
Oktober 2009.
F. Zeynep Bilgin, Katharina Hofer, Angela Smejkal, Gerhar A. Wührer: The Topical Diameter of
AIB Conferences 2006 to 2008: A Scientometrics Based Approach. AIB 2009
Conference Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, June 27-30: 63
F. Zeynep Bilgin: Drivers of Global Business Success – Lessons from Emerging Markets,
Presentation for ITU Panel on Emerging Markets GOBI - Global Opportunities in
Business and Investments, April 21.
Ugur Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin: Turkey: A Psychometric Assessment of SERVQUAL Across Service
Settings. (Abstract). FORUM Session at the 1996 AIB Academy of International Business
Annual Meeting, (September 27-29), Banff - Alberta / Canada: 122.
Georg A. Marcoulides, Burhan Fatih Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin, C. B. Gibson: An Investigation of
Leadership Styles Across Two Countries: United States and Turkey" (Abstract).
FORUM Session at the 1996 AIB Academy of International Business Annual
Meeting, (September 27-29), Banff - Alberta / Canada: 106.
Zeynep Bilgin: Dispazar Yapilarina Gore Dagitim Iliskileri ve Fiziksel Dagitima Yonelik
Degerlendirmeler- Tekstil ve Hazirgiyim Ihracatinda Almanya Pazari (Distribution
Networks and Evaluation of the Physical Distribution Strategies for Textile and Ready to
Wear Exports in the German Market) Pazarlama Dünyasi 9, No. 52, Temmuz – Agustos
1995: 15-23.
Zeynep Bilgin: Tekstil ve Hazirgiyimde Dissatim Stratejileri ve Kuresellesme Egilimleri
(Globalization Trends and Export Marketing Strategies in Textile and Ready for Ready to
Wear Products) ITKIB İstanbul Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon İhracatçıları Birliği Aylık Dergisi 5,
No. 6, 1996:39-50.
Zeynep Bilgin: Kriterien zur Exportorientierten Gestaltung von Vertriebsnetzen".
Abhandlung. Schriften der Deutschsprachige Abteilungen Betriebswirtschaft und
Informatik - No.5, 1995, Marmara University Fakultaet fur Wirtschaft und Verwaltung Schriften der Deutschsprachigen Abteilungen Betriebswirtschaft und Informatik.
Professional Presentations
November 2015: Topic: “Consumer Shopping
June 2007:
Topic: “Drivers of Global Business Success – the Emerging Market
Invited by: Prof. Dr. Javier Cebollada - Universidad Publica de Navara. In the
framework of Sokrates Erasmus Program
Nov. 2006:
Topic: "Culture and its Impact on International Business Operations”;
Invited by: Prof. Dr. Vito Bobek – Faculty of Management Koper,
University of Primorska – Slovenia.
April 2006:
Topic: “Crosscultural Differences in International Business Environment”
Invited by: Dr. Ina Stegen – Salzburg College Salzburg – Austria.
Topic: “Crosscultural Differences in International Business Environment”
Invited by: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wührer - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz –
In the framework of Sokrates Erasmus Program
May 2003, 2001: Topic: "The Changing Market Structure in Starting Emerging Markets
(SEMs) of Transition Economies - Marketing and Customer Perspectives".
Invited by: Prof. Dr. Vito Bobek - International Trade Institute at the
Faculty of Economics and Business; University of Maribor / Slovenia
April 2001:
Topic: "The Changing Market Structure in Starting Emerging Markets
(SEMs) of Transition Economies - Marketing and Customer Perspectives".
Invited by: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wührer - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz –
May 1998:
Topic: "Learning about a Different Culture",
Invited by: Dr. Joan C. Hubbard, State University of West Georgia, USA.
January 1995:
Topic: "Development of a Distribution Network for Turkish Export Markets"
Invited by: Prof. Dr. Dieter Schneider, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria.
Organisatory Work
Conference organization team member: MIC ’06 – management international conference,
Date and place: November 2005 – Portoroz – Koper / Slovenia
Topic: Managing the Process of Globalisation in New and Upcoming EU Members
Workshop organization team member and presenter: CIMAR Conference,
Date and place: 30 May 2006 - Istanbul
Topic: Emerging Markets - Strategies and Visions
Panel organization team member and presenter: 46th Annual Meeting of the Academy of
International Business, Date and place: 11 July 2004 - Conference Center Stockholm,
Sweden, Topic: "Bridging with the other: The Importance of´ Dialogue in International
Business", Panel Session: - “Emerging Markets. An Emerging Market Perspective on Global
Strategy and Success”.
Advisor for Theses
Sarah Schuster, MSc (2016), The motivation behind health-conscious acting - An empirical
study of Austrian customers, Johannes Kepler University
Tamara Sabrina Rossegger, MSc, (2016), Market entry strategies of Austrian firms in emerging
markets - a cross-case analysis, Johannes Kepler University
Lisa Praunshofer, MSc, (2015), The role of interactive marketing among Upper Austrian medium
and large-sized enterprises - a comparative theoretical and empirical study, Johannes Kepler
Ana Toledo, MSc, (2015), Premium price perception and expectations for ındustrial products
offshored in emerging markets, Johannes Kepler University
Andrea Neumayer, MSc, (2014), Transition in apparel retail shopping behavior and global brand
perception by students of generation Y, Johannes Kepler University
Ruslan Mamadaliev, MA, (2013), Identifying market entry modes and critical success factors as
related to the internationalization process and operations of Turkish specialty apparel retailing
firms in the CIS countries four case studies, Marmara University
Neşenur Altıniğne, MA, (2012), Visualizing the factors affecting environmentally conscious
behavior, Marmara University
Marion Zehetner, Diplomarbeit, (2011), Markenführung unter der Berücksichtigung von Countryof-Origin Effekten - Eine qualitative Studie mit österreichischen Marken auf osteuropäischen
Märkten, Johannes Kepler University
Nesrin Aslantaş, MA, (2011), The effects of cultural differences, ethnocentrism and
international experience on purchase intention: a comparative study on Turkish and Austrian
University Students, Marmara University
Aslı Yılmaz Izci, MA, (2011), Brand equity assets’ influence on consumer preference for foreign
apparel brands, Marmara University
Dilek Ölez, MA, (2011), Effects of 2008-2010 global crisis and tax reductions on marketing and
sales in the Turkish white goods sector, Marmara University
Özge Kasalı, MA, (2010), Visualizing motivations, strategies and activities of green marketing in
organizations: a descriptive study in electronics / battery industry, Marmara University
Zayde Halibryam, MA, (2010), Key factors affecting the success of business operations of
Turkish firms operating in Bulgaria – An emerging market perspective, Marmara University
Muammer Durgut, MA, (2010), The influence of communication, image and perceived value on
customer satisfaction and brand loyalty: a study on GSM operators, Marmara University
Melis Turan, MA, (2010), The shopping styles of Istanbul citizens during the economic crisis,
Marmara University
Betül Dede, MA, (2010), Factors affecting the adoption process for Istanbul’s being the 2010
european capital of culture- a place marketing study with Istanbul Citizens, Marmara University
Ayten Pınar Erbas, MA, (2010), The effect of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction
and loyalty: A study on Starbucks, Marmara University
Meltem Çakıcı, Ph.D., (2009), Attitudes and purchase intentions of consumers for organic
products in the Turkish market, Yeditepe University
Özgür Güngör, Ph.D., (2009), The use of marketingtechnology in synthesizing strategic
imperatives from customer’s advisory, Yeditepe University
Nilgün Gürkaynak, Ph.D., (2008), Building a city brand through citizen perspectives- the case of
Izmir province in Turkey, Yeditepe Üniversity
Muammer Durgut, MA (2008), The effects of foreign sounding brand names on the consumer
behavior, Marmara University
Soner Özkarslı, MA (2008), Marketing strategies for the launch of the new rock music
productions to attract youth in Turkey, Marmara University
Aydın Beyhan, MA, (2007),The role of corporate ethics management system in ethical decision
making: an emperical study on marketing and sales professionals, Marmara University
Can Aydıner, MA (2007), Factors shaping customer preferences for high ınvolvement goods –
the example of the Turkish sanitary ware market, Marmara University
Petek Boyacıgil, MA (2007), Customers’ product quality perceptions and ıts effects on choice
behavior in Turkish apparel industry, Marmara University
Ayşegül Yalçın, MA (2007), Post-purchase intentions related to the affective states
in Turkish perfume market, Marmara University
Dilek Sağlık, MA (2005), Role training in customer oriented selling activities and in sales
performance: A study on firms operating in automotive industry, Marmara University
İslamidin Orunbaev, MA (2003), Effects of Kyrgyzstan's evolution from the socialist into the
new marketing system-customers and sales people’s perception changes in transition period,
Marmara University
Ali Erdem Ural, MA (2003), Analysis of societal marketing applications in Turkey, a study
conducted with selected companies in İstanbul, Marmara University
Hakan Şükrü Akçay, MA (2003), Determination of customer values in telephone service centers
in Turkey, Marmara University
Nazar Bayramov, MA (2002), A Study on barriers experienced by Turkish firms operating in
Russian federation, Marmara University
Orhan Gülen, MA (2002), A Pilot study on banking the preference factors of corporate
customers in a bank, Marmara University
Hakan Özcan, MA (2002), Benefits and barriers of online shopping in Turkey-an exploratory
study with internet users in Turkish academic environment, Marmara University
Burak Beğen, MA (2002), Opinions of doctors about the promotional activities of pharmaceutical
companies, Marmara University
Elif Karaosmanoglu, MA (2001), A study of corporate image for Turkish automobile sector,
Marmara University
Ahmet Kirca, MA (1997), Turkish tour operators and travel agents foreign market entry modes,
methods of operations and channels of distribution, Marmara University
Saadet Banu Nazikcan, MA (1997), Overall customer satisfaction in domestic factoring services
in Turkey, Marmara University
Aylin Cantez, MA (1995), Service quality expectations and evaluations of hotel customers an
exploratory study on hotel services marketing, Marmara University
Yosun Sayilan, MA (1995), Service quality of contact personnel in Turkish capital based
hipermarkets in Istanbul, Marmara University
Murat Haskan, MA (1995), An Integrated study on brand choice and brand loyalty in Turkish
white goods market, Marmara University
Çiğdem Özkan, MA (1995), Service specific expectations and evaluations of customers: A Study
on Turkish airlines frequent flyer customers, Marmara University
Haluk Sakerİ, MS (1994), Computerization level and development of the open systems concept in
banking sector in Turkey, Marmara University
Kaan Bingöl, MS (1994), Product positioning and competitiveness analysis in Turkish white goods
industry, Marmara University

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