Hello from the English Department!


Hello from the English Department!
Istek Kemal Atatürk Kindergarten
4 years English Language Newsletter
6 April 2012
Hello from the English Department!
This week in our Oxford Reading Tree course class we learned the nursery rhyme
“Humpty Dumpty” and did some activities about eggs. We really enjoyed watching a
short cartoon of the rhyme and singing along with it. We talked about the different
animals that come from eggs, like penguins, crocodiles and dinosaurs. We also had lots
of fun colouring our own eggs, cutting them up and then putting them back together.
We reviewed the words crocodile, penguin, spider and dinosaur.
Our new words were wall, fall, broken, and king.
We sang the rhyme Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Bu hafta Oxford Reading Tree dersinde Humpty Dumpty adlı tekerlemeyi öğrendik,
yumurtalarla ilgili etkinlikler yaptık.Tekerlemenin olduğu kısa videoyu izledik.
Penguenler, timsahlar ve dinozorlar gibi yumurtadan çıkan hayvanlar hakkında
konuştuk.Kendi yumurtalarımızı yaptık. Öğrendiğimiz kelimeleri (Crocodile, penguin,
spider, dinosaur -timsah, penguen, örümcek, dinazor) gözden geçirdik. Yeni
kelimelerimiz: wall, fall, broken, king - duvar, düşmek, kırık, kral