Oguz K - School of Medicine


Oguz K - School of Medicine
Oguz K. Baskurt,MD,PhD.
18 June, 1956
PRESENT POSITION Professor of Physiology,
Koc University School of Medicine,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Phone: 90 212 338 1160 Fax: 90 212 338 1168
E mail: obaskurt@ku.edu.tr
Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, Antalya,
Turkey, 1997
Associate Professor Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara,
Ph.D. (Physiology)
Hacettepe University Health Sciences Institute
Department of Physiology, 1988 (Ph.D. Thesis:
Microrheological and macrorheological effects of
Medical Doctor
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, 1982
Professor; Koç University School of Medicine, Istanbul,
Adjunct Professor; Faculty of Health Sciences and
Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, Quensland,
Chief-adviser to the Rector; Akdeniz University, Antalya,
Vice Rector; Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey
Professor; Department of Physiology, Akdeniz University
Medical Faculty, Antalya, Turkey
Chairman; Department of Physiology, Akdeniz University
Medical Faculty, Antalya, Turkey
Visiting Associate Professor of Physiology; Department
of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Southern
California, School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Associate Professor of Physiology; Department of
Physiology, Akdeniz University Medical Faculty, Antalya,
Associate Professor of Physiology; Department of
Physiology, Hacettepe University Medical Faculty, Ankara,
Assistant Professor of Physiology; Department of
Physiology, Hacettepe University Medical Faculty, Ankara,
Instructor in Physiology; Department of Physiology,
Hacettepe University Medical Faculty, Ankara, Turkey
Research assistant; Department of Physiology, Hacettepe
University Medical Faculty, Ankara, Turkey
General practitioner; Malatya, Turkey
Member of Editorial Board; “Biorheology”; Published by
IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Indexed by
Science Citation Index, Index Medicus, Current Contents,
Biological Abstracts
Member of Institutional Review Board; Koç University,
Istanbul, Turkey
Member of Editorial Board; Frontiers Research Magazine,
Published by Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey
Member; School of Medicine Council, Koç University,
Istanbul, Turkey
Council Member; Biomedical Optics Research Unit,
Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, Antalya, Turkey
Member of Honorary Editorial Board; Journal of Blood
Medicine; Dove Medical Press
Member of Editorial Board; Journal of Geriatric
Cardiology; Bentham Science Publishers; Indexed by
Science Citation Index, PubMed Central, Chemical
Member of Editorial Board; International Journal of
Biomedical Engineering and Consumer Health Informatics;
Serials Publication, New Delhi, India
Member of Editorial Board; Recent Patents on Biomedical
Engineering; Bentham Science Publishers
Vice-President; Technoparks and Technology Sectorial
Assembly, The Union of Chambers and Commodity
Exchanges of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey
Chairman; Institutional Evaluation Committee, Akdeniz
University, Antalya, Turkey
Member of Editorial Board; “ASAIO Journal”, Published
by Lippincott Willams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA; Indexed
by Science Citation Index, Index Medicus, Current Contents
Chairman; Strategic Planning Committee, Akdeniz
University, Antalya, Turkey
Vice-President and Council Member; West Mediterranean
Technopolis, Antalya, Turkey
Member; Turkish Inter-Universities Conference, Basic Field
Advisory Committee, Ankara, Turkey
Member of Editorial Board; “Cerrahpasa Journal of
Medicine”, Published by Istanbul University Cerrahpasa
Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey
Member of Editorial Board; “Turkish Journal of Medical
Sciences”; Published by the Scientific and Technical
Research Council of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey
Consulting Editor; “Journal of Science and Technology”;
Published by Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey
Vice-Chairman; Akdeniz University Medical Faculty,
Division of Basic Sciences, Antalya, Turkey
Member; Akdeniz University Scientific Committee, Antalya,
Chairman; Akdeniz University Medical Faculty Animal Care
and Usage Committee, Antalya Turkey
Editor; “Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation”;
Published by IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Indexed by Science Citation Index, Index Medicus, Current
Contents, Biological Abstracts
Vice-Chairman; Education and Training Coordination
Assembly, Akdeniz University Medical Faculty, Antalya
Council Member; Akdeniz University Health Sciences
Research and Application Center, Antalya, Turkey
Director; Akdeniz University, Computer Sciences Research
and Application Center, Antalya, Turkey
1995- date
Member of the Advisory Board, Gazi Medical Journal,
Ankara, Turkey
1995- date
Member of the Editorial Board; Bulletin of the Osmangazi
University Medical Faculty, Eskisehir, Turkey
1994- 1999
Coordinator of Phase II; Akdeniz University Medical
Faculty, Antalya, Turkey
Editor; "Clinical Hemorheology; An International Journal on
Blood Flow, Vessel Wall, Interstitium: Transport and
Interactions"; Published by Pergamon Press; New
Indexed by Science Citation Index, Index Medicus, Current
Contents, Biological Abstracts
Owner and Editor; "Bulletin of Turkish Society of
Physiological Sciences"; Published by Turkish Society of
Physiological Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
Responsible Officer and Editorial Board Member;
“Physiology Bulletin”, Published by the Department of
Physiology Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine,
Ankara, Turkey
Füsun Sayek Medical Science and Service Award
Bayındır Hospital Science Award
Sedat Simavi Foundation Health Sciences Award
Akdeniz University Science Award
William J. Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Award
International Society of Clinical Hemorheology and
Laboratorie Lafon Hemorheology and Microcirculation
Turkish Cardiology Foundation Prof. Resat Garan
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
(TUBİTAK) Encouragement Award
Eczacibasi Scientific Research Encouragement Award
Eczacibasi Scientific Research Encouragement Award
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
Research Project; (Approximately $10000) Title: Guidelines
for hemorheological methodology in basic and applied
surgical research. (Project No: SBAG-MACAR-6 (106S251))
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
(Approximately $40000) Title: Mechanical stimulation of
erythrocyte nitric oxide synthesizing mechanisms. (Project
No: 2007.0101.03.019)
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
(Approximately $22000) Title: Response of endothelial cells
to wall shear stress alterations: effect of erythrocyte
aggregation. (Project No: 2005.03.0122.005)
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
(Approximately $22000) Title: Protective effect of nitric oxide
and potassium channel blockage in erythrocyte exposed to
hemolytical mechanical trauma (Project No:
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
(Approximately $11000) Title: Effect of plasma cholesterol
lowering by Atorvastatin. (Project No: 2004.02.0122.015)
Fogarty International Center (NIH -USA) Grant; Foreing
Investigator; ($120657) Title: In vivo correlates of altered red
blood cell aggregation. (Project No: 1 R03 TW01295-01A2)
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
Research Project; Chief Investigator; ($41500) Title:
Vascular and hemodynamic consequences of the
modulation of eNOS expression by erythrocyte aggregation.
(Project No: SBAG-2435 (101S034))
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
(Approximately $2000) Title: The role of nitric oxide in the
regulation of erythrocyte mechanical properties. (Project No:
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
(Approximately $2000) Title: The role of cellular factors in
hemorheological alterations related to exercise. (Project No:
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
(Approximately $2000) Title: Surface properties of red blood
cells in hind limb ischemia-reperfussion model. (Project No:
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
Research Infrastructure Development Grant; Investigator;
($2000) Title: Effect of magnesium on erythrocyte
mechanical properties in L-NAME hypertension and
distribution of magnessium (Project No: SBAG-AYD-3-220)
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
($ 5000) Title: Investigation of erythrocyte mechanical
properties in ischemia-reperfusion injury. (Project No:
J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Grant; ($20750)
Title: Investigation of rheological properties of red blood
cells from different species using resistive pulse shape
analysis technique. (Grant No: 19988)
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
Research Infrastructure Development Grant; Chief
Investigator; ($2000) Title: Investigation of erythrocyte
mechanical properties by resistive pulse shape analysis and
transit time measurements: Development of hardware and
software. (Project No: SBAG-AYD-3)
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Co-Chief
Investigator; ($ 45000) Title: Computer based material in
improving the effectiveness of medical education and
integration of these materials to the Turkish medical
education system. (Project No: 93.01.0103.01)
Akdeniz University Research Fund Grant; Chief Investigator;
(Approximately $12000) Title: Investigation of the effects of
activated neutrophils on erythrocyte mechanical properties
and factors responsible for these effects. (Project No:
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
Research Grant; Chief Investigator; (Approximately $6000)
Title: Effect of erythrocyte deformability on myocardial
hematocrit gradient. (Project No: TAG-1008)
Gulhane Military Medical Academy Research Fund Grant;
Chief Investigator; Approx. $3000 Title: Effect of
Hemorheological factors on aortic input impedance. (Project
No: AR-91/21)
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
Research Grant; Chief Investigator; Approx. $8000 Title:
Relationship between the rheological properties of blood
and coronary artery resistance. (Project No: TAG-652)
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
Research Grant; Co-Investigator; Approx. $10000 Title:
Effect of erythrocyte deformability on renal blood flow and
glomerular filtration rate. (Project No: TAG-677)
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council
Research Grant; Chief Investigator; Approx. $4500 Title:
Investigation of the acute effects of sulfur dioxide inhalation.
(Project No: TAG-565)
Turkish Society of Physiological Sciences
(Secretary General 1989-1991)
(President 1991-1995)
International Society of Biorheology
(Vice-President 2008-date)
Federation of European Physiological Societies
(Delegate to FEPS Council from Turkey)
Hemorheology Society (Turkey)
(Founding Member)
(Secretary General 1990-date)
(President 2000-date)
International Society for Clinical Hemorheology
(President 1999-2005)
(Vice-President 2008-date)
European Society of Clinical Haemorheology
(Member of the International Advisory Board)
European Biomedical Research Association
American Physiological Society
Thrombosis, Hemostasis and Angiology Society
Mediterranean Association for Cooperation in Medicine
(Founding member)
Biomedical Engineering Society
(Member of International Affiliates Committee)
Turkish Academy of Sciences
(Principal member)
Master of Science Thesis
Dr. Melike Cengiz
Effect of oral nattokinase treatment on
coagulation, erythrocyte aggregation and blood
viscosity in septic rats, 2007
Pinar Ulker
Protective role of nitric oxide and potassium
channel blockage in erythrocytes exposed to
hemolytical mechanical trauma, 2007
Mehmet Uyuklu
Effect of plasma cholesterol lowering by
Atorvastatin treatment on erythrocyte mechanical
properties, 2006
Ozlem Yalcin
Role of cellular factors in exercise-induced
hemorheological alterations, 2001
Ph.D. Thesis
Pinar Ulker
Effect of mechanically-induced nitric oxide
synthesis by erythrocytes on resistance arteries of
Mehmet Üyüklü
Factors affecting erythrocyte aggregation kinetics
Ozlem Yalcin
Endothelial cell response to changes in wall shear
stress: role of aggregation, 2007
Dr. Melek Bor
Role of nitric oxide in the regulation of erythrocyte
mechanical properties, 2004
Dr. Ercüment Kayar
Effect of ischemia-reperfusion injury on erythrocyte
mechanics, 1999
Number of articles published in SCI indexed journals
Number of other articles
Number of letters in SCI indexed journals
Number of book chapters
Number of authored / edited international books
Number of patents
: 125
: 37
Number of citations (May 2013)
h index
: 2418
: 25
(SCI) markes the publications indexed in Science Citation Index.
Original articles and reviews
(SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Erythrocyte aggregation: basic
aspects and clinical importance. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 53: 23-37, 2013.
(SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Comparative hemorheology.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 53: 61-70, 2013.
(SCI) Connes P, Simmonds MJ, Brun J-F, Baskurt OK: Exercise
hemorheology: classical data, recent findings and unresolved issues.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 53: 187-199, 2013.
(SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Iatrogenic hyperviscosity and
thrombosis. Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 38: 854-864,
(SCI) Simmonds MJ, Meiselman HJ, Marshall-Gradisnik SM, Pyne M,
Kakanis M, Keane J, Brenu E, Christy R, Baskurt OK: Assessment of
oxidant susceptibility of red blood cells of various species based on
cell deformability. Biorheology 48: 293-304, 2011.
(SCI) Simmonds MJ, Christy R, Marshall-Gradisnik SM, Meiselman
HJ, Baskurt OK: Red blood cell aggregation parameters measured
by capillary tube aggregometer using venous and capillary blood
samples. Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 23: 205-210, 2011.
(SCI) Baskurt OK, Ulker P, Meiselman HJ: Nitric oxide, erythrocytes
and exercise. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 49: 175181, 2011.
(SCI) Alexy T, Baskurt OK, Nemeth N, Uyuklu M, Wenby RB,
Meiselman HJ: Effect of lanthanides on red blood cell deformability
and response to mechanical stress: role of lanthanide ionic radius.
Biorheology 48: 173-183, 2011.
(SCI) Uyuklu M, Canpolat M, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK:
Wavelength selection in measuring red blood cell aggregation based
on light transmittance. Journal of Biomedical Optics 16: 117006,
10. (SCI) Gunduz F, Kocer G, Nasircilar S, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK,
Senturk UK: Exercise training enhances flow-mediated dilation in
spontaneously hypertensive rats. Physiological Research 60: 589597, 2011.
11. (SCI) Simmonds MJ, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Pyne M, Kakanis
M, Brenu E, Keane, Christy R, Marshall-Gradisnik SM:
Haemorheology of eastern gray kangaroo and Tasmanian devil.
Australian Journal of Zoology 59: 26-34, 2011.
12. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Uyuklu M, Ozdem S, Meiselman HJ: Measurement
of red blood cell aggregation in disposable capillary tubes. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 47: 295-305, 2011.
13. (SCI) Ulker P, Yaras N, Yalcin O, Celik-Ozenci C, Meiselman HJ,
Baskurt OK: Shear stress activation of nitric oxide synthase and
increased NO levels in human red blood cells. Nitric Oxide 24: 177184, 2011.
14. (SCI) Baskurt OK: Time series analysis of publication counts of a
university: what are the implications? Scientometrics 86: 645-656,
15. (SCI) Simmonds MJ, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Marshall-Gradisnik
SM. A comparison of capillary and venous blood sampling methods
for the use in haemorheology studies. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 47: 111-119, 2011.
16. Castellini M, Baskurt OK, Castellini JM, Meiselman HJ: Blood
rheology in marine mammals. Frontiers in Physiology Aquatic
Physiology 1: 146.1-146.8, 2010.
17. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Lessons from comparative
hemorheology studies. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
45: 101-108, 2010.
18. (SCI) Ulker P, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Nitric oxide generation in
red blood cells induced by mechanical stress. Clinical Hemorheology
and Microcirculation 45: 169-175, 2010.
19. (SCI) Kiss F, Nemeth N, Sajtos E, Brath E, Peto K, Baskurt OK,
Furka I, Miko, I: Examination of aggregation of various red blood cell
populations can be informative in comparison of splenectomy and
spleen autotransplantation in animal experiments. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 45: 273-280, 2010.
20. (SCI) Tripette J, Connes P, Beltan E, Chalabi T, Marlin L, Chout R,
Baskurt OK, Hue O, Hardy-Dessources M-D: Red blood cell
deformability and aggregation, cell adhesions molecules, oxidative
stress and nitric oxide markers after a short term, submaximal,
exercise in sickle cell trait carriers. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 45: 39-52, 2010.
21. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Role of red blood cell aggregation
in tissue perfusion: New findings. Sang Thrombose Vaisseaux 22:
137-143, 2010.
22. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Marshall-Gradisnik S, Pyne M, Simmonds M,
Brenu E, Christy R, Meiselman HJ: Assessment of hemorheological
profile of koala and echidna. Zoology 113: 110-117, 2010.
23. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Uyuklu M, Meiselman HJ: Time course of
electrical impedance during red blood cell aggregation in a glass
tube: comparison with light transmittance. IEEE Transactions on
Biomedical Engineering 57: 969-978, 2010.
24. (SCI) Brenu EW, Staines DR, Baskurt OK, Ashton KJ, Ramos SB,
Christy RM, Marshall-Gradisnik, SM: Immune and hemorheological
changes in chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Translational
Medicine 8: 1, 2010.
25. (SCI) Christy R, Baskurt OK, Gass GC, Gray AB, Marshall-Gradisnik
SM: Erythrocyte aggregation and neutrophil function in an aging
population. Gerontology 56: 175-180, 2010.
26. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Uyuklu M, Ulker P, Cengiz M, Nemeth N, Alexy T,
Shin S, Hardeman M, Meiselman HJ: Comparison of three
instruments for measuring red blood cell aggregation. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 43: 283-298, 2009.
27. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Hardeman M, Uyuklu M, Ulker P, Cengiz M,
Nemeth N, Shin S, Alexy T, Meiselman HJ: Parametrization of red
blood cell elongation index - shear stress curves obtained by
ektacytometry. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory
Investigation 69: 777-788, 2009.
28. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Uyuklu M, Hardeman MR, Meiselman HJ:
Photometric measurements of red blood cell aggregation: light
transmission versus light reflectance. Journal of Biomedical Optics
14: 054044, 2009.
29. (SCI) Kuru O, Senturk UK, Kocer G, Ozdem S, Baskurt OK, Dolgun
A, Yesilkaya A, Gunduz F: Effect of exercise on resistance artery in
rats with chronic NOS inhibition. Journal of Applied Physiology 107:
896-902, 2009.
30. (SCI) Gunduz F, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Vascular dilation
responses of rat small mesenteric arteries at high intravascular
pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Circulation Journal 73:
2091-2097, 2009.
31. (SCI) Nemeth N, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Furka I, Miko I:
Hemorheological measurements in experimental animals: further
consideration of cell-pore size relations in filtrometry. Korea-Australia
Rheology Journal 21: 155-160, 2009.
32. (SCI) Connes P, Nemeth N, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Effect of
tourniquet application during blood sampling on red blood
deformability and aggregation: is it better to keep it on? Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 42: 297-302, 2009.
33. (SCI) Uyuklu M, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Role of hemoglobin
oxygenation in the modulation of red blood cell mechanical properties
by nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide 21: 20-26, 2009.
34. (SCI) Nemeth N, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Kiss F, Uyuklu M,
Hever T, Sajtos E, Toth K, Kenyeres P, Furka I, Miko I: Storage of
laboratory animal blood samples causes hemorheological alterations:
Inter-species differences and the effects of time and temperature.
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 21: 127-133, 2009.
35. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Hardeman, M.R. Uyuklu M, Ulker P, Cengiz M,
Nemeth N, Shin S, Alexy T, Meiselman HJ: Comparison of three
commercially available ektacytometers with different shearing
geometries. Biorheology 46: 251-264, 2009.
36. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Uyuklu M, Meiselman HJ: Simultaneous
monitoring of electrical conductance and light transmittance during
red blood cell aggregation. Biorheology 46: 239-249, 2009.
37. (SCI) Cengiz M, Ulker P, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Influence of
tourniquet application on venous blood sampling for serum chemistry,
hematological parameters, leukocyte activation and erythrocyte
mechanical properties. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
47: 769-776, 2009.
38. (SCI) Ulker P, Sati L, Celik-Ozenci C, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK:
Mechanical stimulation of nitric oxide synthesizing mechanisms in
erythrocytes. Biorheology 46: 121-132, 2009.
39. (SCI) Connes P, Tripette J, Mukisi-Mukaza M, Baskurt OK, Toth K,
Meiselman HJ, Hue O, Antoine-Jonville S: Reationships between
hemodynamic, hemorheologic and metabolic responses during
exercise. Biorheology 46: 133-143, 2009.
40. (SCI) Nemeth N, Alexy T, Furka A, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Furka
I, Miko I: Inter-species differences in hematocrit to blood viscosity
ratio. Biorheology 46: 155-165, 2009.
41. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Boynard M, Cokelet GC, Connes P, Cooke BM,
Forconi S, Fulong L, Hardeman MR, Jung F, Meiselman HJ, Nash G,
Nemeth N, Neu B, Sandhagen B, Shin S, Thurston G, Wautier J-L:
New Guidelines for Hemorheological Laboratory Techniques. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 42: 75-97, 2009.
42. (SCI) Uyuklu M, Cengiz M, Ulker P, Hever T, Tripette J, Connes P,
Nemeth N, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Effects of storage duration
and temperature of human blood on red cell deformability and
aggregation. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 41: 269278, 2009.
43. (SCI) Uyuklu M, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Effect of hemoglobin
oxygenation level on red blood cell deformability and aggregation
parameters. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 41: 179-188,
44. (SCI) Rad S, Gao J, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Björn Neu:
Depletion of high molecular weight dextran from the red cell surface
measured by particle electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 30: 450-456,
45. (SCI) Connes P, Uyuklu M, Tripette J, Boucher JH, Beltan E, Chalabi
T, Yalcin O, Chout R, Hue O, Hardy-Dessources MD and Baskurt OK.
Sampling time after tourniquet removal affects erythrocyte
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 41: 9-15, 2009.
46. (SCI) Yalcin O, Ulker P, Yavuzer U, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Nitric
oxide generation by endothelial cells exposed to shear stress in glass
tubes perfused with red blood cell suspensions: role of aggregation.
American Journal of Physiology (Heart Circ. Physiol.) 294: H2098H2105, 2008.
47. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: RBC Aggregation: More important
than RBC adhesion to endothelial cells as a determinant of in vivo
blood flow in health and disease. Microcirculation 15: 585-590, 2008.
48. (SCI) Baskurt OK: In vivo correlates of altered blood rheology.
Biorheology 45: 629-638, 2008.
49. Ulker P, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Neither a Nitric Oxide Donor nor
Potassium Channel Blockage Inhibit RBC Mechanical Damage
Induced by a Roller Pump. The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal
2: 17-21, 2008.
50. (SCI) Gündüz F, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: High intra-vascular
pressure attenuates vascular dilation responses of small mesenteric
arteries in the rat. Circulation Journal 72: 482-486, 2008.
51. Baskurt OK, Neu B, Meiselman HJ: Red blood cell aggregation:
Current status. Boletim da SPHM 23: 5-13, 2008.
52. [Bor-Kucukatay M, Bor-Kucukatay V, Agar A, Baskurt OK: In vitro
effect of sulphite on mean erythrocyte volume, mean erythrocyte
hemoglobin concentration and intraerythrocytic calcium levels.
Pamukkale Medical Journal 1: 21, 2008.] (In Turkish).
53. (SCI) Uyuklu M, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Effect of decreased
plasma cholesterol by atorvastatin treatment on erythrocyte
mechanical properties. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
36: 25-33, 2007.
54. (SCI) Peto K, Nemeth N, Brath E, Takacs IE, Baskurt OK, Meiselman
HJ, Furka, I, Miko I: The effects of renal ischemia-reperfusion on
hemorheological factors: preventive role of allopurinol. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 37: 347-358, 2007.
55. (SCI) Alexy T, Nemeth N, Wenby RB, Bauersachs R, Baskurt OK,
Meiselman HJ: Effect of lanthanum on red blood cell rigidity.
Biorheology 44: 361-373, 2007.
56. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Hemodynamic effects of red blood
cell aggregation. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 45: 25-31,
57. (SCI) Meiselman HJ, Neu B, Rampling MW and O.K. Baskurt: RBC
Aggregation: Laboratory Data and models. Indian Journal of
Experimental Biology 45: 9-17, 2007.
58. (SCI) Toptaş B, Baykal A, Yesilipek A, Isbir M, Küpesiz A, Yalcin O,
Baskurt OK: L-carnitine deficiency and red blood cell mechanical
impairment in β-thalassemia major. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 35: 349-357, 2006.
59. (SCI) Ozdem SS, Yalcin O, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK, Coskun U:
The role of potassium channels in relaxant effect of levosimendan in
rat small mesenteric arteries. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 20:
123-127, 2006.
60. (SCI) Ulker P, Alexy T, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Estimation of
infused dextran plasma concentration via measurement of plasma
viscosity. Biorheology 43: 161-166, 2006.
61. (SCI) Castellini M, Elsner R, Baskurt OK, Wenby RB, Meiselman HJ:
Blood rheology of Weddell seals and bowhead whales. Biorheology
43: 57-69, 2006.
62. (SCI) Nemeth N, Gulyas A, Balint A, Peto K, Brath E, Kiss F, Furka I,
Baskurt OK, Miko I: Measurement of erythrocyte deformability and
methodological adaptations for small-animal microsurgical models.
Microsurgery 26: 33-37, 2006.
63. (SCI) Yalcin O, Aydin F, Ulker P, Uyuklu M, Gungor F, Armstrong JK,
Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Effects of red blood cell aggregation on
myocardial hematocrit gradient using two approaches to increase
aggregation. American Journal of Physiology 290 (Heart Circ.
Physiol.): H765-H771, 2006.
64. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Yalcin O, Gungor F, Meiselman HJ:
Hemorheological parameters as determinants of myocardial tissue
hematocrit values. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 35:
45-50, 2006.
65. (SCI) Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 35: 37-43, 2006.
66. (SCI) Yalcin O, Meiselman HJ, Armstrong JK, Baskurt OK: Effect of
enhanced red blood cell aggregation on blood flow resistance in
isolated-perfused guinea pig heart preparation. Biorheology 42: 511520, 2005.
67. (SCI) Bor-Kucukatay M, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Modulation of
density fractionated RBC deformability by nitric oxide. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 33: 363-367, 2005.
68. (SCI) Şentürk ÜK, Gündüz F, Kuru O, Koçer G, Özkaya YG,
Yeşilkaya A, Bor-Küçükatay M, Üyüklü M, Yalçın Ö, Başkurt OK:
Exercise - induced oxidative stress leads hemolysis in sedentary but
not trained human. Journal of Applied Physiology 99: 1434-1441,
69. (SCI) Bor-Kucukatay M, Kucukatay V, Agar A, Baskurt OK: Effect of
sulfite on red blood cell deformability in vitro and in normal and sulfite
oxidase deficient rats ex vivo. Archieves of Toxicology 79: 542-546,
70. (SCI) Ozdem SS, Batu O, Tayfun F, Yalcin O, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt
OK: The effect of morphine in rat small mesenteric arteries. Vascular
Pharmacology 43: 56-61, 2005.
71. (SCI) Senturk UK, Yalcin O, Gunduz F, Kuru O, Meiselman HJ,
Baskurt OK: Effect of antioxidant vitamin treatment on the time
course of hematological and hemorheological alterations after an
exhausting exercise episode in human subjects. Journal of Applied
Physiology 98: 1272-1279, 2005.
72. (SCI) Gurbuz N, Yalcin O, Aksu TA, Baskurt OK. The relationship
between the enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation and red blood cells
deformability in hemizygous and heterozygous glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deficient individuals. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 31: 235-242, 2004.
73. (SCI) Yalcin O, Uyuklu M, Armstrong JK, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK.
Graded alterations of RBC aggregation influence in vivo blood flow
resistance. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory
Physiology 287 (Heart Circ Physiol): H2644-H2650, 2004.
74. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ. Analyzing shear stress-elongation
index curves: Comparison of two approaches to simplify data
presentation. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 31: 23-30,
75. (SCI) Elsner R, Meiselman HJ, Başkurt OK: Temperature-viscosity
relations of bowhead whale blood: A possible mechanism for
maintaining cold blood flow. Marine Mammal Science 20: 339-344,
76. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Uyuklu M, Meiselman HJ: Protection of
erythrocytes from sub-hemolytic mechanical damage by nitric oxide
mediated inhibition of potassium leakage. Biorheology 41: 79-89,
77. (SCI) Yerer MB, Yapışlar H, Aydoğan S, Yalçın Ö, Başkurt OK. Lipid
peroxidation and deformability of red blood cells in experimental
sepsis in rats: the protective effects of melatonin. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 30: 77-82, 2004.
78. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Yalcin O, Ozdem S, Armstrong JK, Meiselman HJ.
Modulation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression by Red
Blood Cell Aggregation. American Journal of Physiology 286 (Heart
Circ Physiol): H22-228, 2004.
79. (SCI) Rampling MW, Meiselman HJ, Neu B, Başkurt OK: Influence of
cell-specific factors on red blood cell aggregation. Biorheology 41: 91112, 2004.
80. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Yalcin O, Meiselman HJ: Hemorheology and
vascular control mechanisms. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 30: 169-178, 2004.
81. (SCI) Bor-Küçükatay M, Wenby RB, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK:
Effects of nitric oxide on red blood cell deformability. American
Journal of Physiology 284 (Heart Circ. Physiol.): H1577-H1584, 2003.
82. (SCI) Yalçın O, Erman A, Muratlı S, Bor-Küçükatay M, Başkurt OK:
Time course of hemorheological alterations following heavy
anaerobic exercise in untrained human subjects. Journal of Applied
Physiology 94: 997-1002, 2003.
83. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Blood rheology and
hemodynamics. Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 29: 435450, 2003.
84. Başkurt OK. Pathophysiological significance of blood rheology.
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 33: 347-355, 2003.
85. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Tuğral E, Neu B, Meiselman HJ: Particle
electrophoresis as a tool to understand the aggregation behavior of
red blood cells. Electrophoresis 23: 2103-2109, 2002.
86. Tuğral E, Özlem Y, Başkurt OK: Effect of donor age on the
deformability of density-seperated red blood cells. Turkish Journal of
Haematology 19: 303-308, 2002.
87. (SCI) Temiz A, Yalçın Ö, Resmi H, Başkurt OK: Can white blood cell
activation be one of the major factors that affect hemorheological
parameters during and after exercise? Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 26: 189-193, 2002.
88. (SCI) Hacıoğlu G, Yalçın Ö, Bor-Küçükatay M, Özkaya G, Başkurt
OK: Red blood cell rheological properties in various rat hypertension
models. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 26: 27-32, 2002.
89. (SCI) Kayar E, Mat F, Meiselman HJ and Başkurt OK: Red blood cell
rheological alterations in a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Biorheology 38: 405-414, 2001.
90. (SCI) Şentürk ÜK, Fündüz F, Kuru O, Aktekin MR, Kipmen D, Yalçın
Ö, Bor-Küçükatay M, Yeşilkaya A, Başkurt OK: Exercise-induced
oxidative stress affects erythrocytes in sedentary rats but not exercise
trained rats. Journal of Applied Physiology 91: 1999-2004, 2001.
91. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Mat F: Importance of measurement temperature in
detecting the alterations of red blood cell aggregation and
deformability studied by ektacytometry: A study on experimental
sepsis in rats. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 23: 43-49,
92. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın O, Meiselman HJ:
Aggregation behavior and electrophoretic mobility of red blood cells in
various mammalian species. Biorheology 37: 417-428, 2000.
93. (SCI) Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö, Gökalp O, Kipmen-Korgun D,
Yeşilkaya A, Baykal A, İspir M, Şentürk ÜK, Kaputlu İ, Başkurt OK:
Red blood cell rheological alterations in hypertension induced by
chronic inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis in rats. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 22: 267-275, 2000.
94. (SCI) Temiz A, Başkurt OK, Pekçetin Ç, Kandemir F, Güre A:
Leukocyte activation, oxidant stress and red blood cell properties
after acute, exhausting exercise in rats. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 22: 253-259, 2000.
95. (SCI) Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö, Meiselman HJ, Başkurt OK:
Erythropoietin-induced rheological changes of rat erythrocytes. British
Journal of Haematology 110: 82-88, 2000.
96. (SCI) Yalçın Ö, Bor-Küçükatay M, Sentürk ÜK, Başkurt OK: Effects of
swimming exercise on red blood cell rheology in trained and
untrained rats. Journal of Applied Physiology 88: 2074-2080, 2000.
97. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö, Meiselman HJ,
Armstrong JK: Standard aggregating media to test the “aggregability”
of rat red blood cells. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 22:
161-166, 2000.
98. [Brun JF, Bouchahda C, Aissa-Benhaddad A, Sagnes C, Granat MC,
Bor-Kucukatay M, Baskurt O, Mercier J: Hemorheological aspects of
leuko-platelet activation in atheromatous diseases: clinical
applications. Journal des Maladies Vasculaires 25: 349-355, 2000] (In
99. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö: The effect of red
blood cell aggregation on blood flow resistance. Biorheology 36: 447452, 1999.
100. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Susceptibility of equine
erythrocytes to oxidant-induced rheological alterations. American
Journal of Veterinary Research 60: 1301-1306, 1999.
101. (SCI) Başkurt OK: The role of spleen in suppressing the rheological
alterations in circulating blood. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 20: 181-188, 1999.
102. (SCI) Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK, Sowemimo-Coker SO, Wenby RB:
Cell electrophoresis studies relevant to red blood cell aggregation.
Biorheology 36: 427-432, 1999.
103. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Kayar E: Measurement of red
blood cell aggregation in a plate-plate shearing system by analysis of
light transmission. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 19:
307-314, 1998.
104. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Gelmont D, Meiselman HJ: Red blood cell
deformability in sepsis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical
Care Medicine 157:421-427,1998.
105. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Activated polymorphonuclear
leukocytes affect red blood cell aggregability. Journal of Leukocyte
Biology 63: 89-93,1998.
106. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Temiz A, Meiselman HJ: Effect of superoxide
anions on red blood cell rheologic properties. Free Radicals in
Biology and Medicine 24: 102-110,1998.
107. (SCI) Yeşilkaya A, Ertuğ Z, Yeğin A, Melikoğlu M, Başkurt OK:
Deformability and oxidant stress in red blood cells under the influence
of halothane and isoflurane anesthesia. General Pharmacology 31:
33-36, 1998.
108. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Temiz A, Meiselman HJ: Red blood cell
aggregation in experimental sepsis. Journal of Laboratory and
Clinical Medicine 130: 183-190, 1997.
109. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Farley RA, Meiselman HJ: Erythrocyte aggregation
tendency and cellular properties in horse, human and rat: a
comparative study. American Journal of Physiology (Heart Circ.
Physiol.) 42: H2604-2610, 1997.
110. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Cellular determinants of low-shear
blood viscosity. Biorheology 34: 235-247,1997.
111. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Determination of red blood cell
shape recovery time constant in a Couette system by the analysis of
light reflectance and ektacytometry. Biorheology 33: 487-501, 1996.
112. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Fisher TC, Meiselman HJ: Sensitivity of the cell
transit analyzer (CTA) to alterations of red blood cell deformability:
Role of cell size-pore size ratio and sample preparation. Clinical
Hemorheology 16: 753-765, 1996.
113. (SCI) Başkurt OK: Deformability of red blood cells from different
species studied by resistive pulse shape analysis technique.
Biorheology 33: 169-179, 1996.
114. (SCI) Başkurt OK: Activated granulocyte induced alterations in red
blood cells and protection by antioxidant enzymes. Clinical
Hemorheology 16: 49-56, 1996.
115. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Şentürk ÜK, Dayan N, Küçükatay V, İsbir M,
Erkılıç A, Kaputlu İ: Cyclosporin A affects red blood cell deformability
in vivo, but not in vitro in guinea pig. Journal of Pharmacology and
Experimental Therapeutics 274: 1438-1442, 1995.
116. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Edremitlioğlu M: Myocardial tissue hematocrit:
existence of a transmural gradient and alterations after fibrinogen
infusions. Clinical Hemorheology 15: 97-105, 1995.
117. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Edremitlioğlu M, Temiz A: Effect of erythrocyte
deformability on myocardial hematocrit gradient. American Journal of
Physiology 268 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 37): H260-H264,1995.
118. Başkurt OK, Dikmenoğlu N, Fıçıcılar H, Çelebi M, Yavuzer S: Oxidant
stress and deformability in the red blood cell under the influence of
sulfur dioxide inhalation. Tr. J. of Medical Sciences 21: 5-8, 1994.
119. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Edremitlioğlu M, Temiz A: In vitro effects of in vivo
activated leukocytes on RBC filterability and lipid peroxidation.
Clinical Hemorheology 14: 591-596, 1994.
120. (SCI) Dikmenoğlu N, Akbaş A, Atakan N, Dündar S, Başkurt OK:
Erythrocyte rheology in psoriasis patients: Comparison of two patient
groups treated by cyclosporin-A and by topical preparations
respectively. Clinical Hemorheology 13: 49-54, 1993.
121. (SCI) Açıkgöz B, Başkurt OK, Özgen T: Altered erythrocyte
after neurosurgical
Hemorheology 13: 459-473, 1993.
122. (SCI) Başkurt OK: The dog as a hemorheological model. Clinical
Hemorheology 12: 689-695, 1992.
123. (SCI) Levi E, Başkurt OK, Dikmenoğlu N, Çağlayan N, Güner R,
Fadda GZ: Effect of erythrocyte deformability on renal hemodynamics
and plasma renin activity. Am. J Nephrology 12: 37-40, 1992.
124. [Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Andaç SO: Relationship between
the rheological properties of blood and coronary artery impedance.
Doğa Tr. J. of Medical Sciences 16: 13-23, 1992] (In Turkish).
125. Başkurt OK, Andaç SO, Levi E: Effect of reticulocytosis on blood flow
resistance. Journal of Turkish Physiological Sciences 1: 25-27, 1992.
126. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Hemorheologic and hemodynamic
effects of sulfur dioxide inhalation. Journal of Turkish Physiological
Sciences 1: 28-30, 1992.
127. Balkancı D, Başkurt OK, Levi E., Yörükan S: The effect of
examination stress on pulmonary function test. Journal of Turkish
Physiological Sciences 1: 31-34, 1992.
128. Levi E, Başkurt OK, Tahta K, Andaç SO: Effect of experimental
hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism on some hematological and
hemorheological parameters. Journal of Turkish Physiological
Sciences 1: 74-76, 1992.
129. [Andaç SO, Başkurt OK, Saka O: Investigation of acute effects of air
pollution on respiratory system, in healthy adults. Solunum 12: 140148, 1992] (In Turkish).
130. [Başkurt OK, Andaç SO, Saka O, Karacaoğlu C: Standardization of
respiratory function tests: Spirometer problem. Solunum 12: 190-198,
1992] (In Turkish).
131. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Hemorheologic effects of
reticulocytosis Clinical Hemorheology 11: 19-23, 1991.
132. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Üçer O, Güner
R, Yörükan S: The role of hemorheologic factors in the coronary
circulation. Clinical Hemorheology 11:121-127, 1991.
133. (SCI) Dikmenoğlu N, Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Güner S: How
does sulfur dioxide inhalation affect erythrocyte deformability? Clinical
Hemorheology 11: 497-499, 1991.
134. (SCI) Tahta K, Özgen T, Başkurt OK, Özgen C: Critical stenosis and
blood flow in experimental microvascular end to side arterial
anastomosis. Vascular Surgery 25: 689-694, 1991.
135. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N: Rheologic factors in
the coronary circulation. Doğa Tr. J. of Medical Sciences 15: 17-25,
136. [Levi E, Başkurt OK, Dikmenoğlu N, Çağlayan S, Andaç SO: Effect of
erythrocyte deformability on renal blood flow and glomerular filtration
rate. Doğa Tr. J. of Medical Sciences 15: 210-220, 1991] (In
137. Açıkgöz B, Başkurt OK, Özgen T: Effect of parasagittal carbon
dioxide laser application on erythrocyte deformability. Turkish
Neurosurgery 2: 7-9, 1991.
138. Başkurt OK: Rheologic properties of blood. Doğa Tr. J. of Medical
Sciences 14: 443-437, 1990.
139. (SCI) Levi E, Başkurt OK, Çağlayan S, Tahta K, Dikmenoğlu N,
Andaç SO:Erythrocyte deformability does not change due to
experimental hypothyroidism. Clinical Hemorheology 10: 255-257,
140. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Levi E, Temizer A, Özer D, Çağlayan S,
Dikmenoğlu N, Andaç SO: In vitro effects of thyroxine on the
mechanical properties of erythrocytes. Life Sciences 46: 1471-1477,
141. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Andaç SO,
Kutman MN: Hematologic and hemorheologic effects of air pollution.
Arch Environ Health 45: 224-228, 1990.
142. (SCI) Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO, Çağlayan S: Effect of sulfur
dioxide inhalation on erythrocyte deformability. Clinical Hemorheology
10: 485-489, 1990.
143. [Levi E, Başkurt OK, Çağlayan SO: Computerised investigation of the
pressure waves in the peripheral vascular system. Fizyoloji Bülteni 2:
41-48, 1990] (In Turkish).
144. Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Levi E, Başkurt OK, Andaç O: In vitro
effects of insulin on the mechanical properties of normal human
erythrocytes. Doğa Tr. J. of Medical Sciences 14: 454-457, 1990.
145. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N: Some observations
on pentoxifylline. Doğa Tr. J. of Medical Sciences 14: 466-469, 1990.
146. Yörükan S, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Başkurt OK: The effect of
progressively hypotonic fluid on erythrocyte volume. Hacettepe
Medical Journal 23: 279-285, 1990.
147. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Effects of air pollution on some
hematologic and hemorheologic parameters. Hematology Reviews 3:
47-49, 1989.
148. (SCI) Levi E, Başkurt OK, Kandemir N, Andaç SO, Kutman MN, Üçer
O: Changes in erythrocyte deformability during experimental
hyperthyroidism. Clinical Hemorheology 9: 577-581, 1989.
149. Yörükan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Güner
R: Effect of catecholamines on erythrocyte mechanical fragility. J
Islamic Academy of Sciences 2: 286-288, 1989.
150. [Başkurt OK, Andaç SO: Nomogram problem in respiratory function
tests. Fizyoloji Bülteni 1: 71-78, 1989] (In Turkish).
151. [Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Andaç SO: In vitro
effects of thyroxine on erythrocyte mechanical fragility. Fizyoloji
Bülteni 1: 191-196, 1989] (In Turkish).
152. [Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Effect of cold exposure on
erythrocyte deformability. Hacettepe Medical Journal 22: 97-103,
1989] (In Turkish).
153. [Başkurt OK, Levi E: Hemodynamics and hemorheology. Fizyoloji
Bülteni 1: 29-37, 1988] (In Turkish).
154. (SCI) Başkurt OK: Acute hematologic and hemorheologic effects of
sulfur dioxide inhalation. Arch Environ Health 43: 344-348, 1988.
155. [Başkurt OK, Andaç SO: Hemorheological effects of cold exposure.
Turkish Journal of Medical Research 6: 349-352, 1988] (In Turkish).
156. [Andaç SO, Başkurt OK, Levi E, Saka O: Effects of environmental
factor on respiratory functions. Hacettepe Medical Journal 21: 231243, 1988] (In Turkish).
157. [Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Effect of reticulocytosis on
erythrocyte deformability. Fizyoloji Bülteni 1: 1-8, 1988] (In Turkish).
158. [Başkurt OK, Balkancı D: Acute effects of experimental sulfur dioxide
inhalation. Doğa Turkish Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy 12: 203211, 1988] (In Turkish).
159. [Başkurt OK, Balkancı D, Andaç O, Yörükan S: Effect of air pollution
on hemoglobin and hematocrit values. Turkish Journal of Medical
Research 5: 211-216, 1987] (In Turkish).
160. Başkurt OK, Balkancı D, Yörükan S, Andaç SO: The effect of air
pollution on respiratory functions. Hacettepe Medical Journal 20: 209218, 1987.
161. [Başkurt OK: Relationship between air pollution and respiratory
diseases in Malatya. Proceedings of TÜBiTAK National Symposium
on Environment (1984): 143-154, 1986] (In Turkish).
162. [Başkurt OK: Mebendazole treatment in hydatic cyst disease. Katkı 3:
723-727, 1982] (In Turkish).
163. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Red blood cell “aggregability”.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 43: 353-354, 2009.
164. (SCI) Nemeth N, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Miko I: Species-specific
effects of anticoagulants on red blood cell deformability. Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation 43: 257-259, 2009.
165. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Sickle cell trait should be
considered asymptomatic and as a benign condition during physical
activity. Journal of Applied Physiology 103: 2142, 2007.
166. (SCI) Connes P, Yalcin O, Brun J-F, Hardeman M, Baskurt OK:
Point-Counterpoint Comments: In health and in a normoxic
environment, VO2max is/is not limited by cardiac output and
locomotor muscle blood flow. Journal of Applied Physiology 100:
2099, 2006.
167. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Hardeman MR, Meiselman HJ, Shin S: Guidelines
for the assesment of hemorheological parameters. Invitation to
participate in the working group. Biorheology 42: 319, 2005.
168. (SCI) Baskurt OK: 11th International Congress of Biorheology and
4th International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology: Antalya,
Turkey, 22-26 September 2002. Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation 28: 3-4, 2003.
169. (SCI) Yerer MB, Aydogan S, Yapislar H, Yalcin O, Kuru O, Baskurt
OK. Melatonin increases glutathione peroxidase activity and
deformability of erythrocytes in septic rats. Journal of Pineal
Research 35:138-139. 2003.
170. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Basic science and clinical aspects.
Biorheology 36: 425, 1999,
171. (SCI) Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Cellular determinants of low-shear
blood viscosity comment. Biorheology 34: 375-376,1997.
172. Levi E, Başkurt OK, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Andaç SO:
Exchange transfusion of hardened red cells increases plasma renin
activity. J Islamic Academy of Sciences 3: 169, 1990.
173. Baskurt OK, Neu B, Meiselman HJ: Red Blood Cell Aggregation.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2011; 318 p.
174. Baskurt OK, Hardeman MR, Rampling MW, Meiselman HJ (Eds.):
Handbook of Hemorheology and Hemodynamics. Amsterdam • Berlin
• Oxford • Tokyo • Washington, DC: IOS Press; 2007; 456 p.
Book chapters
175. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Endothelial function and physical activity.
In: Connes P, Hue O, Perrey S (Eds.): Exercise physiology: from a
cellular to an integrative approach. Amsterdam • Berlin • Oxford •
Tokyo • Washington, DC: IOS Press; 2010; pp: 230-244.
176. Connes P, Brun J-F, Baskurt OK: Blood rheology and exercise. In:
Connes P, Hue O, Perrey S (Eds.): Exercise physiology: from a
cellular to an integrative approach. Amsterdam • Berlin • Oxford •
Tokyo • Washington, DC: IOS Press; 2010; pp: 213-229.
177. Baskurt OK: Mechanisms of blood rheology alterations. In: Baskurt
OK, Hardeman MR, Rampling MW, Meiselman HJ (Eds.): Handbook
of Hemorheology and Hemodynamics. Amsterdam • Berlin • Oxford •
Tokyo • Washington, DC: IOS Press; 2007; pp: 170-190.
178. Windberger U, Baskurt OK: Comparative hemorheology In: Baskurt
OK, Hardeman MR, Rampling MW, Meiselman HJ (Eds.): Handbook
of Hemorheology and Hemodynamics. Amsterdam • Berlin • Oxford •
Tokyo • Washington, DC: IOS Press; 2007; pp: 267-285.
179. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: In vivo hemorheology. In: Baskurt OK,
Hardeman MR, Rampling MW, Meiselman HJ (Eds.): Handbook of
Hemorheology and Hemodynamics. Amsterdam • Berlin • Oxford •
Tokyo • Washington, DC: IOS Press; 2007; pp: 322-338.
180. Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Mechanism of red blood cel aggregation:
particle electrophoresis studies. In: M. Singh, S. Radhakrishnan
(Eds.) Advances in Medical Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures.
New Delhi: Anamaya Pubishers; 2004; pp.114-119.
181. Yalçın Ö, Başkurt OK, Uyuklu M, Armstrong JK, Meiselman HJ:
Effects of red blood cell aggregation on blood flow resistance in the
isolated guinea pig hind limb. In: M. Singh, S. Radhakrishnan (Eds.)
Advances in Medical Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures. New
Delhi: Anamaya Pubishers; 2004; pp.139-142.
182. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Hemorheology and Hemodynamics. in
Physiology and Maintenance, edited by Hanninen OOP, in
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under
the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK,
[http://www.eolss.net]. 2004.
183. Başkurt OK, Yavuzer S: Some hematological effects of oxidants. In:
J.O. Nriagu, M. Simmons (Eds.) Environmental Oxidants, Advances
in Environmental Science and Technology. NewYork-ChichesterBrisbane-Toronto-Singapore: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1994; pp. 405423.
Baskurt OK: An apparatus and a method for the measurement of
erythrocyte aggregation using disposable capillary tubes. (Int.
Application Nr. PCT/IB2011/050688; WO/2011/101815).
Baskurt OK: Signalling in erythrocyte (Invited conference). Keck
School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
CA, USA, April 25, 2013.
Baskurt OK: Erythrocyte - blood vessel wall interactions (Invited
conference). Pulse of Asia, International Conference. Seoul, South
Korea, 19-20 April 2013.
Baskurt OK: Red blood cell mechanical stability. International
Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, World
Congress of Engineering and Technology, Beijing, China, 26-28
October 2012 (Engineering 4: 8-10, 2012).
Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Red blood cell aggregation, endothelial
function and thrombotic risk. In: Clinical Relevance of Hemorheology
in Hyperviscosity Symposium. 14th International Congress of
Biorheology and 7th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 July 2012 (Biorheology 49: 122,
Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: A novel method to measure erythrocyte
aggregation in small diameter disposable tubes. In: Advanced
Methods and Techniques in Hemorheology Symposium. 14th
International Congress of Biorheology and 7th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 July
2012 (Biorheology 49: 134, 2012).
Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Red blood cell mechanical stability test.
In: Laser Diffraction Analysis of Red Blood Cell Deformability
Symposium. 14th International Congress of Biorheology and 7th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Istanbul, Turkey,
4-7 July 2012 (Biorheology 49: 166, 2012).
Bas C, Meram E, Yilmaz B, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Shear
stress-induced improvement in red blood cell deformability. 14th
International Congress of Biorheology and 7th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 July
2012 (Biorheology 49: 199, 2012).
Sonmez Y, Ince HY, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: The effect of
alcohols on red blood cell mechanical properties depends on their
molecular size. 14th International Congress of Biorheology and 7th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Istanbul, Turkey,
4-7 July 2012 (Biorheology 49: 199-200, 2012).
Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Nitric oxide, erythrocytes and exercise.
16th Conference of the European Society of Clinical Hemorheology
and Microcirculation, Munich, Germany, June 18–21, 2011.
10. Baskurt OK: Human Red Blood Cells Produce and Release Nitric
Oxide: Considerations for Vascular Control (Invited conference).
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, USA, March 25, 2011.
11. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Nitric oxide, red blood cells and
microcirculatory regulation. In: To flow and not to flow: Hemorheology
in 2010 Symposium. 9th World Congress for Microcirculation, Paris,
France, 26-28 September 2010.
12. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Comparative physiology. (Invited
conference). Bond University School of Health Sciences and
Medicine, Gold Coast, Australia, May 24, 2010.
13. Baskurt OK: Clinical significance of Hemorheology. (Invited
conference). Los Angeles Children’s Hospital, California, USA,
September 1, 2009.
14. Alexy T, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK, Hardeman MR, Uyuklu M, Ulker
P, Cengiz M, Nemeth N, Shin S: Comparison of three instruments for
measuring red blood cell aggregation. In: ISCH Symposium;
Comparative evaluation of instruments for measuring red blood cell
aggregation and deformability. 15th conference of the European
Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Pontresina,
Switzerland, June 28–July 1, 2009.
15. Hardeman MR, Shin S, Baskurt OK, Nemeth N, Uyuklu M, Ulker P,
Cengiz M, Alexy T, Meiselman HJ: Comparison of three erythrocyte
ektacytometers. In: ISCH Symposium; Comparative evaluation of
instruments for measuring red blood cell aggregation and
deformability. 15th Conference of the European Society of Clinical
Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Pontresina, Switzerland, June
28–July 1, 2009.
16. Baskurt OK, Nemeth N, Hardeman MR, Uyuklu M, Cengiz M, Shin S,
Alexy T, Meiselman HJ: Parameterization of shear stress–elongation
index curves obtained by ektacytometry. In: ISCH Symposium;
Comparative evaluation of instruments for measuring red blood cell
aggregation and deformability. 15th Conference of the European
Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Pontresina,
Switzerland, June 28–July 1, 2009.
17. Uyuklu M, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Changes of electrical
impedance and capacitance of RBC suspensions during aggregation.
In: Methodology- New developments in Hemorheology symposium.
15th Conference of the European Society of Clinical Hemorheology
and Microcirculation, Pontresina, Switzerland, June 28–July 1, 2009.
18. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Lessons from comparative
hemorheology studies. In: Comparative Hemorheology symposium.
15th Conference of the European Society of Clinical Hemorheology
and Microcirculation, Pontresina, Switzerland, June 28–July 1, 2009.
19. Baskurt OK, Marshall-Gradisnik S, Pyne M, Meiselman HJ:
Hemorheological profiles of Koala and Echidna. In: Comparative
Hemorheology symposium. 15th Conference of the European Society
of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Pontresina,
Switzerland, June 28–July 1, 2009.
20. Christy R, Marshall-Gradisnik S, Ramos S, Brenu E, Baskurt O,
Minahan C, Sabapathy S, Ashton K, Gass G: Erythrocyte
aggregation and plasma fibrinogen concentration in females aged 65
to 74 years undergoing moderate intensity exercise for 24 weeks.
15th Conference of the European Society of Clinical Hemorheology
and microcirculation, Pontresina, Switzerland, June 28–July 1, 2009.
21. Ulker P, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Effect of Mechanical Stress on
RBC NOS Activation. 15th Conference of the European Society of
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Pontresina, Switzerland,
June 28–July 1, 2009.
22. Kiss F, Nemeth N, Sajtos E, Furka A, Brath E, Baskurt OK, Furka I,
Miko I: Changes of red blood cell aggregation with splenic function:
comparison of splenectomy and various spleen salvaging surgical
methods in a beagle canine model. 15th Conference of the European
Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Pontresina,
Switzerland, June 28–July 1, 2009.
23. Baskurt OK: Role of red blood cell in the regulation of endothelial
function (Invited conference). Pulse of Asia, International Conference.
Daegu, South Korea, 17-18 April 2009.
24. Baskurt OK: Hemorheologic approach to endothelial function and
vascular diseases (Invited conference). Spring Scientific Conference
of Korean Society of Lipidology and Atherosclerosis. Daegu, South
Korea, 17 April 2009.
25. Christy R, Gass G, Ramos S, Brenu E, Baskurt O, Ashton K,
Minahan C, Sabapathy S, Marshall-Gradisnik S: RBC aggregation
and neutrophil function in varying frequencies of moderate intensity
exercise in a 65–74-year female population. 2008 ASICS Conference
of Science and Medicine in Sport. Hamilton Island Australia, 16–18
October 2008. (Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 12S: 38,
26. Baskurt OK: In vivo correlates of altered blood rheology (Plenary
lecture). 13th International Congress of Biorheology and 6th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Pennsylvania,
USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45: 21-22, 2008).
27. Connes P, Uyuklu M, Tripette J, Boucher JH, Beltan E, Chalabi T,
Yalcin O, Chout R, Hue O, Hardy-Dessources M-D, Baskurt OK:
Sampling time after tourniquet removal affects erythrocyte
deformability and aggregation. In: Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation Symposium. 13th International Congress of
Biorheology and 6th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45:
25-26, 2008).
28. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Contribution of RBC flow-affecting
properties to circulatory disorders: RBC aggregation. In: Round table
discussion: Contribution of RBC rheological and adhesive properties
to circulatory disorders. 13th International Congress of Biorheology
and 6th International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology,
Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45: 27-28, 2008).
29. Connes P, Tripette J, Mukisi-Mukaza,M, Baskurt OK, Toth K,
Meiselman HJ, Hardy-Dessources MD, Hue O, Antoine-Jonville S:
Hemodynamic, hemorheologic and cardiorespiratory responses
during exercise. In: Hemorheology and exercise symposium. 13th
International Congress of Biorheology and 6th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July
2008 (Biorheology 45: 49-50, 2008).
30. Baskurt OK, Uyuklu M, Meiselman HJ: Simultaneous monitoring of
electrical conductance and light transmittance in a glass tube during
red blood cell aggregation. In: Methods/technology in hemorheology
symposium. 13th International Congress of Biorheology and 6th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Pennsylvania,
USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45: 71, 2008).
31. Nemeth N, Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ, Hever T, Kiss F, Sajtos E,
Furka I, Miko I: Storage of beagle canine blood samples causes
hemorheological alterations: The effects of time and temperature. In:
Methods/technology in hemorheology symposium. 13th International
Congress of Biorheology and 6th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45:
81, 2008).
32. Baskurt OK, Boynard M, Cokelet GC, Connes P, Cooke B, Hardeman
MR, Liao F, Meiselman HJ; Nash GB, Nemeth N, Neu B, Sandhagen
B, Shin S, Thurston G, Wautier JL, Yedgar S: New guidelines for the
assessment of hemorheological parameters. In: Methods/technology
in hemorheology symposium. 13th International Congress of
Biorheology and 6th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45:
82, 2008).
33. Ulker P, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Mechanical stimulation of nitric
oxide synthesizing mechanisms in erythrocytes. In: Nitric oxide and
erythrocyte: A two way relationship. 13th International Congress of
Biorheology and 6th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45:
94, 2008).
34. Yalcin O, Ulker P, Yavuzer U, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Nitric oxide
generation by endothelial cells exposed to shear stress generated by
flowing red blood cell suspensions: Role of RBC aggregation. In:
Nitric oxide and erythrocyte: A two way relationship. 13th International
Congress of Biorheology and 6th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45:
95, 2008).
35. Christy RM, Baskurt OK, Gass GV, Gray AB, Marshall-Gradisnik SM:
Erythrocyte aggregation and neutrophil function in an aging
population. In: Red blood cell mechanics symposium. 13th
International Congress of Biorheology and 6th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July
2008 (Biorheology 45: 109, 2008).
36. Alexy T, Nemeth N, Wenby RB, Bauersachs RM, Baskurt OK,
Meiselman HJ: The effect of lanthanum on red blood cell
deformability. 13th International Congress of Biorheology and 6th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Pennsylvania,
USA, 9-13 July 2008 (Biorheology 45: 115-116, 2008).
37. Uyuklu M, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Role of hemoglobin
oxygenation in the modulation of RBC mechanical properties by nitric
oxide. 13th International Congress of Biorheology and 6th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-13 July
2008 (Biorheology 45: 116-117, 2008).
38. Baskurt OK, Yalcin O, Meiselman HJ: Red blood cell aggregation and
endothelial function (Conference). Annual Spring Conference of the
Korean Society of Lipidology and Atherosclerosis, Busan, South
Korea, 18-19 April 2008.
39. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Nitric oxide and erythrocyte
(Conference). The 2nd International Symposium on Hemorheology,
Deagu, South Korea, 21 April 2008.
40. Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Fundamentals of Hemorheology: Basic
science and clinical aspects. Annual Spring Conference of the
Korean Society of Lipidology and Atherosclerosis, Busan, South
Korea, 18-19 April 2008.
41. Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Clinical aspects of blood rheology. The
2nd International Symposium on Hemorheology, Deagu, South Korea,
21 April 2008.
42. Baskurt OK: Standardization of hemorheological methods
(Conference). 16th Congress of the Hungarian Society of
Hemorheology and 1st joint congress of the Hungarian Society for
Microcirculation and Vascular Biology and Hungarian Society for Free
Radical Research, Balatonkenesse, Hungary, 28-29 March 2008.
43. Baskurt OK: Changes in red blood cell aggregation (Conference).
Bond University Health Sciences Faculty, Australia, 17 January 2008.
44. Yalcin O, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: Role of red blood
aggregation in determining endothelial function. In: In
correlations of increased RBC aggregation symposium.
Conference of European Society for Clinical Haemorheology
Microcirculation, Dresden, Germany, 27-30 June 2007.
45. Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: RBC aggregation in vivo: Why bother?
Normalize if treat the disease? In: In vivo correlations of increased
RBC aggregation symposium. 14th Conference of European Society
for Clinical Haemorheology and Microcirculation, Dresden, Germany,
27-30 June 2007.
46. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: In vivo effect of red blood cell
aggregation: results from experiments using a novel technique to
alter aggregability. In: Role of Red Blood Cell Intercellular Interactions
(Self-Aggregability vs. Adherence to Endothelium) in Flow Impairment
in the Microvasculature Symposium. 8th World Congress for
Microcirculation, Milwaukee, Wiskonsin, USA, 15-19 August 2007.
47. Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: RBC-RBC adhesive interaction: in vitro
observations. International Conference on Cellular & Molecular
Bioengineering (ICCMB), Singapore, 10-12 December 2007.
48. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: RBC-RBC adhesive interaction: in vivo
correlates. International Conference on Cellular & Molecular
Bioengineering (ICCMB), Singapore, 10-12 December 2007.
49. Başkurt OK: Review of currently available methods to measure
hemorheological parameters. 2nd Euro Summer School on
Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells,
Tissues and Systems; Varna, Bulgaria, 17-20 September 2006.
50. Başkurt OK: Effect of red blood cell aggregation on blood flow in vivo.
2nd Euro Summer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro
Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems; Varna, Bulgaria, 1720 September 2006.
51. Ulker P, Başkurt OK: Hemolytic mechanical trauma to red blood cells.
2nd Euro Summer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro
Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems; Varna, Bulgaria, 1720 September 2006.
52. Yalçın O, Ulker P, Eray E, Sari R, Balcı MK, Başkurt OK:
Investigation of whole blood viscosity in poorly controlled diabetics
using a scanning capillary viscometer. 2nd Euro Summer School on
Biorheology & Symposium on Micro Mechanobiology of Cells,
Tissues and Systems; Varna, Bulgaria, 17-20 September 2006.
53. Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Comparative hemorheology: general
concepts and relations with hemodynamics. In: “Blood rheology
abnormalities in marine and terrestrial animals: what lessons can we
learn?” Symposium. American Physiological Society Conference,
Comparative Physiology 2006; Integrating Diversity; Virginia Beach,
VA, USA, 8-11 October 2006.
54. Gurbuz N, Yalcin O, Aksu TA, Baskurt OK: The relationship between
the enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation and red blood cells
deformability in hemizygous and heterozygous glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deficient individuals. 31. FEBS Congress, Istanbul,
Turkey, 24-29 June, 2006 (FEBS J. 273 S1: 158-159, 2006)
55. Baskurt OK: Measurement of hemorheological parameters (Invited
conference). International Symposium on Hemorheology; Daegu,
South Korea, 31 March -1 April, 2005.
56. Baskurt OK: In vivo hemorheology and hemodynamics (Invited
conference). International Symposium on Hemorheology; Daegu,
South Korea, 31 March -1 April, 2005.
57. Baskurt OK, Yalçın O, Armstrong JK, Meiselman HJ: Experimental
alterations of red blood cell aggregability. 12th International Congress
of Biorheology and 5th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Chongqing, China, 30 May-3 June 2005 (Biorheology
42: 35-36, 2005).
58. Baskurt OK, Yalçın O, Meiseman HJ: Effect of enhanced red blood
cell aggregation on blood flow resistance in isolated-perfused guinea
pig heart preparation. 12th International Congress of Biorheology and
5th International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Chongqing,
China, 30 May-3 June 2005 (Biorheology 42: 62-63, 2005).
59. Baskurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Guidelines for the assessment of
hemorheological parameters. 12th International Congress of
Biorheology and 5th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Chongqing, China, 30 May-3 June 2005 (Biorheology
42: 73, 2005).
60. Yalçın O, Şentürk ÜK, Başkurt OK: Time course of acute
hemorheological alterations following exhausting exercise episodes.
12th International Congress of Biorheology and 5th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Chongqing, China, 30 May-3
June 2005 (Biorheology 42: 91, 2005).
61. Yalçın O, Aydın F, Güngör F, Ülker P, Uyuklu M, Armstrong JK,
Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK: The effect of red blood cell aggregation
on myocardial tissue hematocrit gradient in the guinea pig. 12th
International Congress of Biorheology and 5th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Chongqing, China, 30 May-3
June 2005 (Biorheology 42: 160-161, 2005).
62. Başkurt OK, Yalçın O, Güngör F, Meiselman HJ: Hemorheological
parameters as determinants of myocardial tissue hematocrit values.
In. Hemorheology and Hemodynamics Symposium. 13th European
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Siena, Italy, 26-29 June 2005.
63. Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Guidelines for the standardization in
hemorheological studies. In: Hemorheological Measurements and
Technology Symposium. 13th European Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Siena, Italy, 26-29 June 2005.
64. Koçer G, Şentürk ÜK, Gündüz F, Kuru O, Üyüklü M, Yalçın Ö,
Başkurt OK: Exercise induced oxidative stress affects erythrocytes in
sedendary and trained young men. 13th European Conference on
Clinical Hemorheology; Siena, Italy, 26-29 June 2005.
65. Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Mechanism of red blood cel aggregation:
particle electrophoresis studies (plenary lecture). International
Conference on Medical Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures;
Madras, India, 1-3 April 2004.
66. Yalçın Ö, Başkurt OK, Uyuklu M, Armstrong JK, Meiselman HJ:
Effects of red blood cell aggregation on blood flow resistance in the
isolated guinea pig hind limb. International Conference on Medical
Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures; Madras, India, 1-3 April
67. Baskurt OK, Yalcin O, Meiselman HJ: The influence of red blood cell
aggregation on tissue perfusion. 7th Congress of the International
Society for Experimental Microsurgery, Debrecen, Hungary, 1-4
September 2004.
68. Baskurt OK: Physiopathological significance of blood rheology. 9th
Annual Meeting of Egyptian Group of Diabetes; Alexandria, Egypt, 29
September-1 October, 2004.
69. Baskurt OK: Clinical importance of blood rheology in Diabetes
Mellitus. 9th Annual Meeting of Egyptian Group of Diabetes;
Alexandria, Egypt, 29 September-1 October, 2004.
70. Baskurt OK. Hemorheology and vascular control mechanisms
(plenary lecture). 12th European Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Sofia, Bulgaria, 22-26 June 2003.
71. Uyuklu M, Baskurt OK. Nitric oxide prevents the alteration in red
blood cell deformability induced by mechanical stress. 12th European
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Sofia, Bulgaria, 22-26 June
72. Yalcin O, Kuru O, Gunduz F, Senturk UK, Baskurt OK. Time course
of hemorheological alterations after exhaustive aerobic exercise in
trained and sedentary human subjects. 12th European Conference
on Clinical Hemorheology; Sofia, Bulgaria, 22-26 June 2003.
73. Yalcin O, Ozdem S, Armstrong JK, Meiselman HJ and Baskurt OK.
Suppressed nitric oxide mediated arterial dilation in rats with
enhanced RBC aggregation. 3rd FEPS Congress; Nice, France, 28
June-2 July 2003.
74. Başkurt OK: Hemorheology and nitric oxide. In: Hemorheological
factors in pathogenesis of vascular diseases. 4th International
Congress of Pathophysiology; Budapest, Hungary, 29 June-5 July
2002 (Acta Physiologica Hungarica 89: 72, 2002).
75. Toptaş B, Baykal A, Ispir M, Başkurt OK, Yalçın Ö: Changes in
hematological parameters of B-Thalassemia with carnitine treatment.
7th International Symposium on Spin Trapping; North Carolina, USA,
7-11 July 2002 (Free Rad Biol Med 33 S1: 469, 2002).
76. Baskurt OK, Yalcin Ö, Armstrong JK, Meiselman HJ, Fisher TC.
Increased arterial blood pressure in rats exchange transfused with
Pluronic F98-coated RBC. In: Polymer/red blood cell interactions
symposium. 11th International Congress of Biorheology and 4th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey,
22-26 September 2002 (Biorheology 39: 614, 2002).
77. Yalcin Ö, Bor-Kucukatay M, Kucukatay V, Kuru O, Cirrik S, Erman A,
Muratli S, Başkurt OK. The time course of hemorheological
alterations after anaerobic and aerobic exercise. In: Exercise
hemorheology, hemorheologic fitness and lack of fitness symposium.
11th International Congress of Biorheology and 4th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey, 22-26
September 2002 (Biorheology 39: 622, 2002).
78. Başkurt OK. Hemodynamic effects of red blood cell aggregation. In:
RBC aggregation: Clinical implications and relevance of in-vitro
measurements symposium. 11th International Congress of
Biorheology and 4th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 September 2002 (Biorheology
39: 635, 2002).
79. Yerer MB, Yapislar H, Yalcin Ö, Aydogan S, Saraymen R, Kuru O,
Baskurt OK. The elevated glutathione peroxidase activity by
melatonin administration in endotoxemic rats and its relation to
erythrocyte deformability. In: Hemorheology and pharmacology
symposium. 11th International Congress of Biorheology and 4th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey,
22-26 September 2002 (Biorheology 39: 644, 2002).
80. Baskurt OK, Tugral E, Neu B, Meiselman HJ. RBC electrophoresis
can be used to investigate the role of polymer depletion in RBC
aggregation. In: New approaches to studies of red blood cell
aggregation symposium. 11th International Congress of Biorheology
and 4th International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Antalya,
Turkey, 22-26 September 2002 (Biorheology 39: 646, 2002).
81. Baskurt OK, Meiselman BA, Meiselman SR, Meiselman HJ, Elsner R.
Rheological behavior of bowhead whale blood In. Comparative
hemodynamics and hemorheology symposium. 11th International
Congress of Biorheology and 4th International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 September 2002 (Biorheology
39: 653, 2002).
82. M. Bor-Kucukatay, R. Wenby, H.J. Meiselman O.K Baskurt. The
effect of nitric oxide on red blood cell mechanical properties. 11th
International Congress of Biorheology and 4th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey, 22-26
September 2002 (Biorheology 39: 676, 2002).
83. Toptas B, Baykal A, Yalcin Ö, Yesilipek A, Baskurt OK. Effects of LCarnitine on erythrocyte deformability and erythrocyte aggregation in
beta thalassemia. 11th International Congress of Biorheology and 4th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey,
22-26 September 2002 (Biorheology 39: 689, 2002).
84. Kucukatay V, Bor-Kucukatay M, Baskurt OK. Effect of sodium
metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) on erythrocyte deformability. 11th
International Congress of Biorheology and 4th International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey, 22-26
September 2002 (Biorheology 39: 692, 2002).
85. Yerer MB, Yapislar H, Yalcin Ö, Aydogan S, Saraymen R, Kuru O
and Baskurt OK. The protective effect of melatonin on lipid
peroxidation and deformability of red blood cells in experimental
sepsis in rats. 11th International Congress of Biorheology and 4th
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Antalya, Turkey,
22-26 September 2002 (Biorheology 39: 693, 2002).
86. Başkurt OK: Basic mechanisms of red blood cell aggregation:
depletion vs bridging. In: Microrheology of blood cells: physiological
and pathophysiological conditions symposium. Hemorheology
International Conference; Yaroslavl, Russia, 29-31 July 2001.
87. Yalçın Ö, Tuğral E, Erman A, Muratlı S, Başkurt OK: The effects of
aerobic and anaerobic exercise on red blood cell rheology. In:
Hemorheological markers of the physical performance symposium.
Hemorheology International Conference; Yaroslavl, Russia, 29-31
July 2001.
88. Kuru O, Şentürk ÜK, Gündüz F, Yalçın Ö, Bor-Küçükatay M, Başkurt
OK: Effect of antioxidant treatment on red blood cell rheological
properties in trained and sedentary rats. Hemorheology International
Conference; Yaroslavl, Russia, 29-31 July 2001.
89. Tuğral E, Yalçın Ö, Başkurt OK: Effect of donor age on red blood cell
rheological properties. Hemorheology International Conference;
Yaroslavl, Russia, 29-31 July 2001.
90. Başkurt OK: White cell-red cell interactions and hemorheological
consequences. In: Haemorheology and venous pathology
symposium. 14th World Congress of the Union Internationale De
Phlebologie; Rome, Italy, 9-14 September 2001.
91. Başkurt OK: Sepsis-induced alterations of RBC aggregation, RBC
deformability and WBC rheologic behavior. 2nd International Congress
of the Central European Vascular Forum; Rome, Italy, 14-16
September 2000 (Minerva Cardioangiologica 48: 48, 2000).
92. Başkurt OK: In vivo correlates of altered red blood cell aggregation.
International Conference on Biorheology and School for Young
Scientists; Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-22 October 2000.
93. Kuru O, Bor-Küçükatay M, Gündüz F, Yalçın Ö, Şentürk ÜK, Başkurt
OK: Higher red blood cell aggregation in regularly exercising, old rats.
International Conference on Biorheology and School for Young
Scientists; Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-22 October 2000.
94. Hacıoğlu G, Yalçın Ö, Mete F, Bor-Küçükatay M, Özkaya G, Başkurt
OK: Red blood cell rheological properties in various rat hypertension
models. International Conference on Biorheology and School for
Young Scientists; Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-22 October 2000.
95. Yalçın Ö, Tuğral E, Başkurt OK: Effect of donor age on red blood cell
rheological properties. International Conference on Biorheology and
School for Young Scientists; Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-22 October 2000.
96. Temiz A, Başkurt OK: Can white blood cell activation be one of the
major factors that affect hemorheological parameters during and after
exercise? 11th European Conference on Clinical Hemorheology;
Rouen, France, 20-22 September 2000 (Journal des Maladies
Vasculaires 25 (SB): 146, 2000).
97. Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Free radical attack and red blood cell
mechanics. In: Hemorheological effects of free radicals and oxidative
damage symposium. 10th International Congress of Biorheology and
3rd International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Pecs,
Hungary, 18-22 July 1999 (Biorheology 36: 49, 1999).
98. Başkurt OK, Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö, Meiselman HJ, Armstrong
JK: Aggregation behavior of red blood cells in different polymer
solutions: Comparative studies. In: Red cell aggregation symposium.
10th International Congress of Biorheology and 3rd International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Pecs, Hungary, 18-22 July
1999 (Biorheology 36: 63, 1999).
99. Meiselman HJ, Castellini MA, Başkurt OK: Horse and seal blood
rheology: abnormal or just not human? In: Comparative
hemorheology symposium. 10th International Congress of Biorheology
and 3rd International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Pecs,
Hungary, 18-22 July 1999 (Biorheology 36: 68, 1999).
100. Kayar E, Ataus S, Çolakkaya M, Bor-Küçükatay M, Balkan S,
Başkurt OK: Erythrocyte aggregation in acute stage of ichemic stroke:
Importance of cellular factors. 10th International Congress of
Biorheology and 3rd International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Pecs, Hungary, 18-22 July 1999 (Biorheology 36: 81,
101. Üretman P, Temiz A, Başkurt OK, Biberoğlu S: Erythrocyte
deformability changes in impaired glucose tolerance. 10th
International Congress of Biorheology and 3rd International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Pecs, Hungary, 18-22 July
1999 (Biorheology 36: 90, 1999).
102. Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö, Kayar E, Kaputlu I, Başkurt OK: Red
blood cell rheology in L-NAME-induced hypertension. 10th
International Congress of Biorheology and 3rd International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Pecs, Hungary, 18-22 July
1999 (Biorheology 36: 95, 1999).
103. Başkurt OK, Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö, Meiselman HJ, Armstrong
JK: Standard aggregating media to test the "aggregability" of rat red
blood cells. 10th International Congress of Biorheology and 3rd
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Pecs, Hungary,
18-22 July 1999 (Biorheology 36: 119, 1999).
104. Yalçın Ö, Bor-Küçükatay M, Şentürk ÜK, Başkurt OK: The effects of
heavy, swimming exercise on red blood cell rheology in trained and
untrained rats. 10th International Congress of Biorheology and 3rd
International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Pecs, Hungary,
18-22 July 1999 (Biorheology 36: 122, 1999).
105. Başkurt OK, Bor-küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö: The effect of red blood cell
aggregation on blood flow resistance. 10th International Congress of
Biorheology and 3rd International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Pecs, Hungary, 18-22 July 1999 (Biorheology 36:
166, 1999).
106. Bor-Küçükatay M, Yalçın Ö, Meiselman HJ, Başkurt OK: Red blood
cell aggregability after erythropoetin treatment in rats. 10th
International Congress of Biorheology and 3rd International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Pecs, Hungary, 18-22 July
1999 (Biorheology 36: 166, 1999).
107. Soylu A, Kavukçu S, Temiz A, Kurulay F, Türkmen M, Başkurt OK:
The effect of vitamin A on erythrocyte deformability in renal
insufficiency. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for
Paediatric Nephrology; Praque, Czech Republic, 2-5 September 1999
(Pediatric Nephrology 13: C71, 1999).
108. Kaputlu İ, Bor M, Kayar E, Başkurt OK: The effects of nitric oxide on
aggregability and deformability of rat red blood cell. Nitric oxide:
peripheral and central actions - International conference; Antalya,
Turkey, 22-26 May 1998.
109. Meiselman HJ, Başkurt OK: Rheologic factors in Cardiovascular
diseases. In: Rheological factors in thrombosis symposium. 15th
International Congress on Thrombosis; Antalya, Turkey. 16-21
October 1998 (Haemostasis 28(S2): 103, 1998).
110. Oğütman Ç, Özdem SS, Başkurt OK, İsbir M, Erkılıç A:
Hemorheological and Ca2+ content changes in red cells induced by
experimental hypertension: effects of captopril treatment and dietary
salt intake. 13th International Congress of Pharmacology; München,
Germany. 26-31 July 1998 (Archives of Pharmacology 358(S1): 272,
111. Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ. Effect of superoxide anions on red
blood cell rheologic properties. Free radicals, oxidative stress and
antioxidants, Pathological and physiological significance, NATO
Advanced Study Institute; Antalya, Turkey, 24 May-4 June 1997.
112. Temiz A, Başkurt OK, Kandemir F, Güre A. The effect of acute
exercise-induced leucocyte activity on oxidant stress and alterations
of erythrocytes. 33. International Congress of Physiological Sciences,
IUPS 1997; St. Petersburg, Russia, 30 June-5 July 1997.
113. Başkurt OK: Deformability of red blood cells from different species
studied by resistive pulse shape analysis technique. In: Comparative
mammalian hemorheology symposium. 9th International Congress of
Biorheology and 2nd International Conference on Clinical
Hemorheology; Big Sky, Montana, U.S.A. 23-28 July 1995
(Biorheology 32: 192, 1995).
114. Başkurt OK, Şentürk ÜK, Ispir M, Erkılıç A, Kaputlu I: Cyclosporin a
affects red blood cell deformability in vivo, but not in vitro. 9th
International Congress of Biorheology and 2nd International
Conference on Clinical Hemorheology; Big Sky, Montana, U.S.A., 2328 July 1995 (Biorheology 32: 322, 1995).
115. Temiz A, Başkurt OK, Kandemir F. Importance of pore/cell size
relationship in determining erythrocyte deformability by cell transit
analyzer. First FEPS Congress; Maastricht, The Netherlands, 9-12
September 1995 (Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology
430: R107, 1995).
116. Başkurt OK, Temiz A, Edremitlioğlu M: Effect of erythrocyte
deformability on myocardial hematocrit gradient. 1st International and
8th European Congress of Clinical Hemorheology; Vienna, Austria, 58 July 1993 (Clinical Hemorheology 13: 287, 1993)
117. Başkurt OK, Edremitlioğlu M, Temiz A: In vitro effect of in vivo
activated leucocytes on red blood cell filterability and lipid
peroxidation. 1st International and 8th European Congress of Clinical
July 1993
Hemorheology 13: 288, 1993)
118. Başkurt OK: Hemodynamic effects of reduced red blood cell
deformability. 32. International Congress of Physiological Sciences,
IUPS 1993; Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1-6 August 1993.
119. Başkurt OK: What might be the role of blood rheology in health
effects of air pollution? 8th International Congress of Biorheology;
Yokohama, Japan, 3-8 August 1992 (Biorheology 29: 67, 1992).
120. Başkurt OK: Aortic input impedance changes under the influence of
hematocrit alterations. 8th International Congress of Biorheology;
Yokohama, Japan, 3-8 August 1992 (Biorheology 29: 71, 1992).
121. Başkurt OK: Dog as a hemorheological model. In: Comparative
hemorheology symposium. 7th European Conference on Clinical
Haemorheology; Southampton, United Kingdom, 16-19 July 1991
(Clinical Hemorheology 11: 709, 1991).
122. Şentürk ÜK, Ceylan H, Başkurt OK: Effect of cyclosporin A on red
cell deformability.
Southampton, United Kingdom, 16-19 July
1991 (Clinical Hemorheology 11: 784, 1991).
123. Başkurt OK: Rheologic properties of blood. International
Hemorheology Symposium; Ankara, Turkey, 1-2 March 1990.
124. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N: Rheological factors
in the coronary circulation. International Hemorheology Symposium;
Ankara, Turkey, 1-2 March 1990.
125. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N: Some observations
on pentoxifylline. International Hemorheology Symposium; Ankara,
Turkey, 1-2 March 1990.
126. Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Levi E, Başkurt OK, Andaç SO: In vitro
effects of insulin on red cell mechanical properties. International
Hemorheology Symposium; Ankara, Turkey, 1-2 March 1990.
127. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N: Effects of air
pollution on blood tissue. Second Mediterranean Congress of
Angiology; Antalya, Turkey, 16-21 September 1990.
128. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Güner R, Dündar S:
The relation between the rheologic properties of blood and coronary
artery resistance. Second Mediterranean Congress of Angiology;
Antalya, Turkey, 16-21 September 1990.
129. Levi E, Başkurt OK, Dikmenoğlu N, Çağlayan S: Influence of
erythrocyte deformability on renal functions. Second Mediterranean
Congress of Angiology; Antalya, Turkey, 16-21 September 1990.
Baskurt OK: Evrimsel tıbbın ilkeleri. Evrim Kursu, Capa Tip Fakultesi,
Istanbul, 22-23 Mart 2013.
Ulker-Karadamar P, Basrali F, Meiselman H, Baskurt OK: Mekanik
olarak uyarılan eritrosit kaynaklı nitrik oksit sentezinin direnç
damarlarına etkisi. 38. Ulusal Fizyoloji Kongresi, Trabzon, 25-29
Eylül 2012.
Baskurt OK: Eritrosit 2011: Yeni gelişmeler ışığında eritrositlerin
homeostasise katkıları (Invited lecture). Marmara University Faculty
of Medicine, Istanbul, 13 April 2011.
Gunduz F, Kocer G, Ulker S, Meiselman HJ, Baskurt OK, Senturk
UK: Spontan hipertansif sıçanlarda egzersizin akım aracılı gevşeme
üzerine etkisi. 36. Ulusal Fizyoloji Kongresi, Edirne, 14-17 Eylül
Baskurt OK: Evrim ve Modern tıp. Evrim: Güncel yaklaşımlar paneli.
20. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Denizli, 21-25 Haziran 2010.
Baskurt OK: Evrim kuramı ve modern tıp. UNESCO 2009 Darwin Yılı
Sempozyumu, Antalya, 18 Aralık 2009.
Tiftik RN, Baskurt OK, Tiftik EN, Pektas M, Guldali O, Buyukafsar K.
Orak Hücre Anemisi Hastalığında Eritrosit Oraklaşmasına
Rho/Rhokinaz Yolağının Katkısı. 20. Ulusal Farmakoloji Kongresi,
Antalya, 4-7 Kasım 2009.
Tiftik RN, Baskurt OK, Kul S, Buyukafsar K. İnsan Eritrositlerinde
Rho/Rho-kinaz Sinyal İleti Mekanizmasının Fonksiyonel Önemi. 20.
Ulusal Farmakoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 4-7 Kasım 2009.
Baskurt OK: Akademik atama ve yükseltmelerde yayın etkinliğinin
önemi ve kriterlerin standardizasyonu. Akademik yükseltmeler ve
süreli yayınlarımız Paneli. Sağlık Bilimlerinde Süreli Yayıncılık -2007,
5. Ulusal Sempozyum, ULAKBİM, TÜBİTAK, Ankara, 19 Ekim 2007.
10. Meiselman HJ, Başkurt OK: Basic aspects of hemorheology. In:
Clinical Hemorheology Symposium. 6. Ulusal Tromboz, Hemostaz ve
Anjioloji Kongresi, İzmir, 5-7 Mayıs 2006.
11. Başkurt OK, Meiselman HJ: Laboratory methods in clinical
hemorheology. In: Clinical Hemorheology Symposium. 6. Ulusal
Tromboz, Hemostaz ve Anjioloji Kongresi, İzmir, 5-7 Mayıs 2006.
12. Gündüz F, Kuru O, Şentürk ÜK, Başkurt OK: L-name hipertansif
sıçanlarda egzersizin endotel fonksiyonu üzerine etkisi. 32. Ulusal
Fizyoloji Kongresi, Denizli, 18-22 Eylül 2006.
13. Başkurt OK: Hemoreoloji ve hemodinami. Tromboz ve Hemostaz
Derneği Genel Kurulu 2005, İstanbul, 24.Mayıs.2005.
14. Bor-Küçükatay M, Karagenç, N, Emmungil, G, Küçükatay V, Başkurt
OK: Genç ve yaşlı eritrositlerde eritrosit deformabilitesiyle nitrik oksit
sentaz aktivitesi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. 31. Ulusal Fizyoloji
Kongresi, Gaziantep, 27-30 Eylül 2005.
15. Üyüklü M, Başkurt OK: Atorvastatin tedavisiyle plazma kolesterol
konsantrasyonunun düşürülmesinin eritrosit mekaniğine etkileri. 31.
Ulusal Fizyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, 27-30 Eylül 2005.
16. Yalçın Ö, Üyüklü M, Armstrong JK, Meiselman HJ, Başkurt OK:
Eritrosit agregasyonunundaki kademeli değişikliklerin in vivo kan
akım direnci üzerine etkileri. 31. Ulusal Fizyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep,
27-30 Eylül 2005.
17. Başkurt OK: Kanın akışkanlık özelliklerinin fizyopatolojik önemi–
Konferans. 5. Ulusal Tromboz, Hemostaz ve Anjioloji Kongresi,
İstanbul, 7-9 Mayıs 2004.
18. Başkurt OK: Nitrik oksit, eritrosit ve hemodinami –Konferans. Türk
Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 27. Ulusal Kongresi, İstanbul, 8-12 Ekim
19. Başkurt OK: Hemoreolojide temel kavramlar – Konferans. 2. Ulusal
Tromboz, Hemostaz ve Anjioloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 7-8 Kasım 2001.
20. Tuncer M, Öztekin S, Gelen T, Süleymanlar G, Yakupoğlu G, Başkurt
O, Ersoy F: Periton diyaliz solüsyonlarının kronik periton diyalizi
oluşturulan sıçanlarda periton mezotel hücre apoptozisine etkileri. 11.
Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi,
Ürgüp, Nevşehir, 5-9 Eylül 2001.
21. Başkurt OK: Hemorheological alterations in various pathophysiological conditions. In: Hemorheological Aspects of Thrombosis
Symposium. 1. Ulusal Tromboz Kongresi, İstanbul, 30 Eylül - 2 Ekim
2000 (Turkish Journal of Haematology 17: 203-208, 2000).
22. Bor-Küçükatay M, Başkurt OK: The effect of nitric oxide on red blood
cell mechanical properties. 1. Ulusal Tromboz Kongresi, İstanbul, 30
Eylül - 2 Ekim 2000 (Turkish Journal of Haematology 17: 327, 2000).
23. Yalçın Ö, Bor-Küçükatay M, Özdemir Ö, Erman A, Muratlı S, Başkurt
OK: Anaerobik yüklenmenin eritrosit akışkanlık özelliklerine etkisi.
VIth Sports Sciences Congress, Ankara, 3-5 Kasım 2000.
24. Başkurt OK: Akademik performansın değerlendirilmesi –Konferans .
Türk Biyofizik Derneği 11. Ulusal Kongresi, Antalya, 31 Ekim-2 Kasım
25. Bor M, Yalçın Ö, Küçükatay V, Atalay Ş, Başkurt OK: Yüzme
antremanının eritrosit mekanik özelliklerine etkisi. XVI. Gevher
Nesibe Tıp Günleri I. Deneysel ve Klinik Araştırma Kongresi ve
"Workshop"u, Kayseri, 18-21 Mayıs 1998.
26. Kayar E, Bor M, Olcay B, Kaputlu İ, Başkurt OK: Nitrik oksitin eritrosit
mekanik özelliklerine in vitro etkisi. XVI. Gevher Nesibe Tıp Günleri I.
Deneysel ve Klinik Araştırma Kongresi ve "Workshop"u, Kayseri, 1821 Mayıs 1998.
27. Bor M, Yalçın Ö, Kayar E, Başkurt OK: Yüzme egzersizinin eritrosit
mekanik özellikleri ve TBARS değerlerine etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik
Bilimler Derneği 24. Ulusal Kongresi, Samsun, 14-19 Eylül 1998.
28. Başkurt OK: Dalağın dolaşımdaki normal eritrosit deformabilitesinin
korunmasındaki rolü. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 23. Ulusal
Kongresi, Adana, 1997.
29. Başkurt
agregabilitesine etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 23. Ulusal
Kongresi, Adana, 1997.
30. Kaputlu İ, Gündüz F, Şentürk ÜK, Başkurt OK: Sıçanlarda kronik
nitrik oksid sentaz inhibisyonunun eritrosit agregasyonu ve
deformabilitesine etkileri. Türk Farmakoloji Derneği, XIV. Ulusal
Farmakoloji Kongresi, Tekirova- Antalya, 2-7 Kasım 1997.
31. Başkurt OK, Zayim N, Yıldırım P, Saka O: Etkileşimli tıp eğitimi.
ACIME-Macintosh üzerinde akademik uygulamalar sempozyumu,
Antalya, 1995.
32. Temiz A, Başkurt OK, Gönenç S, Açıkgöz O, Güvel H, Gidener S,
Kandemir F, Güre A: Sıçanda sirkadiyen ritmin, tüketici egzersizin
oluşturduğu oksidan strese ve eritrosit deformabilitesine etkisi. Türk
Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 21. Ulusal Kongresi, Ankara, 1995.
33. Şentürk ÜK, Başkurt OK, Dayan N, Küçükatay V: Siklosporin-A’nın
eritrosit deformabilitesine etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 20.
Ulusal Kongresi, İzmir, 1994.
34. Başkurt OK: Hemoreoloji: Temel kavramlar ve klinik uygulamalar Konferans. Türk Farmakoloji Derneği 17. Ulusal Kongresi, Antalya,
35. Başkurt OK: Bilgisayar destekli tıp eğitiminin Türkiye’deki durumu ve
önemi - Panel. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi 12. Kurultayı, İstanbul, 1993.
36. Edremitlioğlu M, Temiz A, Başkurt OK: İn vivo aktive edilmiş
lökositlerin eritrosit deformabilitesi ve lipid peroksidasyonuna in vitro
etkileri. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 19. Ulusal Kongresi, Antalya,
37. Başkurt OK, Edremitlioğlu M, Temiz A: Eritrosit deformabilitesinin
myokardial hematokrit gradiyentine etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler
Derneği 19. Ulusal Kongresi, Antalya, 1993.
38. Başkurt OK: Fizyoloji eğitiminde bilgisayar: Panel - Fizyolojide
bilgisayar kullanımı. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 18. Ulusal
Kongresi, Ürgüp-Nevşehir, 1992.
39. Başkurt OK: Oksidan stres ve hemoreoloji. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler
Derneği 18. Ulusal Kongresi, Ürgüp-Nevşehir, 1992.
40. Başkurt OK: Aortik giriş empedansına etkili hemoreolojik faktörler:
Eritrosit deformabilitesi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 18. Ulusal
Kongresi, Ürgüp-Nevşehir, 1992.
41. Dikmenoğlu N, Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Kükürt dioksit
inhalasyonu lipid peroksidasyonu yoluyla eritrosit deformabilitesini
azaltıyor olabilir. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 18. Ulusal Kongresi,
Ürgüp-Nevşehir, 1992.
42. Dikmenoğlu N, Başkurt OK, Fıçıcılar H, Çelebi M, Yavuzer S: Kükürt
dioksit inhalasyonunun eritrosit deformabilitesi ve antioksidan enzim
aktiviteleri üzerine etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 18. Ulusal
Kongresi, Ürgüp-Nevşehir, 1992.
43. Dikmenoğlu N, Akbaş A, Atakan N, Dündar S, Başkurt OK: Psöriasis
hastalarında hemoreolojik değerlendirmeler ve CsA nın etkisi. Türk
Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 18. Ulusal Kongresi, Ürgüp-Nevşehir,
44. Tahta K, Başkurt OK, Özgen T: Deneysel mikrovasküler uç-yan
arteriyel anastomozda kritik stenoz ve akım. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği
1990 Bilimsel Kongresi, Güllük-Milas, 1990.
45. Başkurt OK: Hemoreoloji: Temel kavramlar ve klinik uygulamalar Konferans. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 16. Ulusal Kongresi,
Kemer-Antalya, 1990.
46. Dikmenoğlu N, Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Andaç SO: Kükürt
dioksit inhalasyonunun eritrosit deformabilitesine etki mekanizması.
Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 16. Ulusal Kongresi, Kemer-Antalya,
47. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N: Tiroid hormonlarının
eritrositlerin mekanik özelliklerine in vitro etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik
Bilimler Derneği 16. Ulusal Kongresi, Kemer-Antalya, 1990.
48. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Andaç SO: Hava
kirliliğinin hemoreolojik etkileri. 21. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi,
İstanbul, 1989.
49. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Dikmenoğlu N, Çağlayan S, Andaç SO: Tiroid
hormonlarının eritrosit deformabilitesine in vitro etkisi. 21. Ulusal
Hematoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 1989.
50. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Andaç SO: Kanın
reolojik özellikleriyle koroner arter direnci arasındaki ilişki. Türk
Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 15. Ulusal Kongresi, Uludağ-Bursa, 1989.
51. Çağlayan S, Dikmenoğlu N, Levi E, Başkurt OK, Andaç SO: İnsülinin
eritrositlerin mekanik özelliklerine etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler
Derneği 15. Ulusal Kongresi, Uludağ-Bursa, 1989.
52. Levi E, Başkurt OK, Dikmenoğlu N, Çağlayan S, Andaç SO: Eritrosit
deformabilitesinin böbrek fonksiyonlarına etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik
Bilimler Derneği 15. Ulusal Kongresi, Uludağ-Bursa, 1989.
53. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO, Karacaoğlu C: Hava kirliliğinin bazı
hematolojik ve hemoreolojik parametrelere etkisi. 1. TCDD Ulusal
Genel Tıp Kongresi, Ankara, 1988.
54. Başkurt OK, Andaç SO: Soğuğun eritrosit ozmotik frajilitesine etkisi.
1. TCDD Ulusal Genel Tıp Kongresi, Ankara, 1988.
55. Karacaoğlu C, Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Türkiye’de solunum
fonksiyon testleri. 1. TCDD Ulusal Genel Tıp Kongresi, Ankara, 1988.
56. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Kükürt dioksit inhalasyonunun
hemoreolojik-hemodinamik etkileri. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği
14. Ulusal Kongresi, Pamukkale-Denizli, 1988.
57. Levi E, Başkurt OK, Tahta K, Andaç SO: Deneysel hipotiroidi ve
hipertiroidinin hematolojik ve hemoreolojik parametrelere etkisi. Türk
Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 14. Ulusal Kongresi, Pamukkale-Denizli,
58. Başkurt OK, Levi E, Andaç SO: Retikülositozun kan akım direncine
etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 14. Ulusal Kongresi,
Pamukkale-Denizli, 1988.
59. Balkancı D, Başkurt OK, Levi E: Sınav stresinin solunum
fonksiyonlarına etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 14. Ulusal
Kongresi, Pamukkale-Denizli, 1988.
60. Başkurt OK, Andaç SO: Retikülositozun hemoreolojik etkileri. Türk
Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği 13. Ulusal Kongresi, İstanbul, 1987.
61. Başkurt OK, Andaç SO, Levi E, Galey W: Deneysel kükürt dioksit
inhalasyonunun eritrosit deformabilitesine etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik
Bilimler Derneği 13. Ulusal Kongresi, İstanbul, 1987.
62. Başkurt OK, Andaç SO,Saka O: Hava kirliliğinin solunum
sistemindeki akut etkilerinin sağlıklı erişkinler üzerinde incelenmesi.
Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği 15. Ulusal Kongresi, Silivriİstanbul, 1987.
63. Başkurt OK, Andaç SO, Karacaoğlu C: Solunum fonksiyon testlerinin
standardizasyonu: Spirometre sorunu. Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları
Derneği 15. Ulusal Kongresi, Silivri-İstanbul, 1987.
64. Başkurt OK, Balkancı D: Kükürt dioksit inhalasyonunun akut
hematolojik ve hemoreolojik etkileri. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği
12. Ulusal Kongresi, Kayseri, 1986.
65. Başkurt OK, Balkancı D, Andaç SO, Yörükan S: Ankara hava
kirliliğinin hemoglobin ve hematokrit değerlerine etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik
Bilimler Derneği 11. Ulusal Kongresi, Çeşme-İzmir, 1985.
66. Başkurt OK, Balkancı D, Andaç SO, Yörükan S: Ankara hava
kirliliğinin solunum fonksiyonlarına etkisi. Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler
Derneği 11. Ulusal Kongresi, Çeşme-İzmir, 1985.
67. Başkurt OK: Malatya İli’nde hava kirliliği ile solunum sistemi
hastalıkları arasındaki ilişki. TÜBİTAK Ulusal Çevre Sempozyumu,
Adana, 1984.
Baskurt, O.K. Evrimsel tıp: hastalığı bütünlük içinde değerlendirmenin
vazgeçilmezliği. Cumhuriyet Bilim ve Teknoloji 1326: 18, 2012.
2. Başkurt, O.K. Türkiye’nin inovasyon gücü kırmızı alarmda. Cumhuriyet
Bilim Teknik 998: 10, 2006.
Başkurt, O.K. Araştırma bütçelerini geri verin! Cumhuriyet Bilim
Teknik 880: 12, 2004.
Başkurt, O.K. YÖK ve bilimsel üretim. Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik 868:
12, 2003.
Başkurt, O.K. Tıp fakülteleri için ulusal çekirdek eğitim programı.
Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik 790: 12, 2002.
Başkurt, O.K. Türkiye’de bilimsel gelişme ve “Araştırma Üniversitesi”.
Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik 727: 17, 2001.
Başkurt, O.K. Türkiye’de bilim: nasıl geliştirilir ve çoğaltılır?
Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik 701: 16-17, 2000.
Başkurt, O.K. "Sayteyşın indeks" üzerine. Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik
677: 15, 2000.
Başkurt, O.K. Kırmızı kan hücreleri mekaniği. Popüler Bilim 6 (62):
48-50, 1999.
10. Başkurt, O.K. Tıpta yeterlilik değerlendirmesi ve temel bilimler.
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