– YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 54: Adolf Hitler

Transkript – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 54: Adolf Hitler – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 54: Adolf Hitler
Anti-Semitism in Europe did not begin with Adolf
Hitler. Though use of the term itself dates only to
the 1870s, there is evidence of hostility toward
Jews long before the Holocaust–even as far back
as the ancient world, when Roman authorities
destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and
forced Jews to leave Palestine. The roots of
Hitler’s particularly virulent brand of anti-Semitism
are unclear. Born in Austria in 1889, he served in
the German army during World War I. Like many
anti-Semites in Germany, he blamed the Jews for
the country’s defeat in 1918. Soon after the war
ended, Hitler joined the the National Socialist
German Workers’ Party, known to English
speakers as the Nazis. While imprisoned for
treason for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch of
1923, Hitler wrote the memoir and propaganda
tract Mein Kampf, in which he predicted a general
European war that would result in the
extermination of the Jewish race in Germany. He
was obsessed with the idea of the superiority of
the pure German race, which he called Aryan,
and with the need for living space for that race to
expand. In the decade after he was released from
prison, Hitler took advantage of the weakness of
his rivals to enhance his party’s status and rise
from obscurity to power. After President Paul von
Hindenburg’s death in 1934, Hitler declared
himself as Fuhrer, becoming Germany’s supreme
According to the passage, anti-Semitism -----.
a) initially emerged in Germany, particularly after
the end of WWI
b) resulted from the aggressive policies of Jews
c) was only prevalent in Germany until WWI
d) originated much earlier than the 19 th century
e) quickly spreaded in European countries, where
Jews were able to gain considerable wealth
It can be inferred from the passage that Hitler
a) was planning to destroy all non-Aryan people,
regardless of the severity of the consequences
b) had the belief that the other races were inferior
to his own
c) was determined to exterminate all Jews not
only in Germany but also in the whole continent
d) transformed Germany into a dictatorship where
the opposition was denied equal rights
Yahudi karşıtlığı
use of the term
terimin kullanımı
evidence of hostility
toward Jews
sadece 1870lere
Yahudilere karşı
düşmanlığın kanıtı
before the Holocaust
yokoluştan önce
ancient world
antik dünya
destroy the Jewish
Yahudi tapınağını
force Jews
Yahudileri zorlamak
roots of virulent brand of
kinci Yahudi karşıtlığının
izlerinin kökleri
serve in the army
orduya hizmet etmek
blame the Jews
Yahudileri suçlamak
defeat of the country
ülkenin yenilgisi
join the national socialist
workers’s party
nasyonel sosyalist işçilerin
partisine katılmak
known as the Nazis
Naziler olarak bilinen
imprisoned for treason
vatana ihanetten
Beer Hall Putsch
Beer Hall ayaklanması
memoir and propaganda
anı ve propaganda yazısı
predict a war
savaşı tahmin etmek
result in the
yokedilişine sebep olmak
jewish race
yahudi ırkı
obsessed with the idea of
üstünlük fikrine takıntılı
pure German race
ari Alman ırkı
the need for living space
for that race to expand
o ırkın yayılması için
yaşayacak yer ihtiyacı
release from from
hapishaneden salıvermek
take advantage of the
weakness of his rivals
rise from obscurity to
rakiplerinin zayıflığından
partinin statüsünü
belirsizlikten iktidara
Hindenburg’s death
Hindenburg’un ölümü
declare himself as fuhrer
kendini führer olarak ilan
supreme ruler
ulu hükümdar
initially emerge
ilk olarak ortaya çıkmak
particularly after the end
of wwı
özellikle 1. dünya
savaşından sonra
date only to the 1870s
enhance party’s status
e) was profoundly admired by all his counterparts
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 54: Adolf Hitler
Altı çizili kelimenin yerine kullanılabilecek
olan eş anlamlı kelimeyi seçiniz.
Boşlukları aşağıda verilen kelimelerlenden en
uygun olanlarla doldurunuz.
In the decade after he was released from
prison, Hitler took advantage of the weakness
of his rivals.
obscure, supreme, evident, superior, virulent
a) vulnerability
In ancient civilizations, kings were considered ----and were believed to have divine power.
It is still ----- whether hosting the Olympic Games
will provide financial benefits for the economy.
It has become ----- after a thorough investigation
that even more politicians were bribed.
b) strength
c) durability
d) cowardice
e) shortage
Soon after the war ended, Hitler joined the the
National Socialist German Workers’ Party,
known to English speakers as the Nazis.
10. Ambitious students tend to study harder than the
rest so as to be ----- to them.
a) introduce
b) launch
defeat, treason, extermination, weakness, race
c) evoke
d) initiate
e) cease
11. In oriental countries, where the invididual is of
lesser importance, ----- is punished severely.
12. Humanists argue that no ----- is superior to
Like many anti-Semites in Germany, he
blamed the Jews for the country’s defeat in
13. The ----- of the enemy troops in multiple
battlefields increased the morale among us.
a) forgive
14. Not being able to diet for as long as necessary is
surely a sign of -----.
b) accuse
c) arrest
Altı çizili kelimenin zıt anlamlısını seçiniz.
d) deny
e) resent
Hitler was obsessed with the idea of the
superiority of the pure German race, which he
called Aryan.
a) supremacy
b) impotence
c) violence
15. Roman authorities destroyed the Jewish
temple in Jerusalem and forced Jews to leave
a) annihilate
b) shatter
c) construct
d) supress
e) eradicate
d) consistency
e) eradication
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 54: Adolf Hitler
Cevap Anahtarı
1) d
2) b
3) a
4) e
5) b
6) a
7) supreme
8) obscure
9) evident
10) superior
11) treason
12) race
13) defeat
14) weakness
15) c
Türkçe Çeviri
Avrupa’da Yahudi karşıtlığı Adolf Hitler ile başlamadı.
Terimin kullanımı sadece 1970lere dayansa da, Roma
otoritelerinin Kudüs’teki Yahudi tapınağını yıkıp
Yahudileri Filistin’den ayrılmaya zorladığı antik
dünyaya kadar gidilirse, soykırımdan çok önce bile
Yahudilere karşı düşmalığın kanıtları vardır.
Yahudiliğe karşı Hitler’in düşmanca yaklaşımının
kökleri belli değildir. 1889’da Avusturya’da
doğduğundan 1. Dünya Savaşı boyunca Alman
ordusuna hizmet etmiştir. Bir çok Yahudi düşmanı gibi,
ülkenin 1918’deki yenilgisi için Yahudileri suçlamıştır.
Savaş bittikten kısa bir süre sonra, Hitler İngilizce
konuşan kişilerce Naziler olarak bilinen Nasyonel
Sosyalist Alman işçilerin partisine katıldı. 1923’deki
Beer Hall ayaklanmasındaki rolü yüzünden vatana
ihanet sebebiyle hapsedilmişken, içinde Almanya’da
Yahudi ırkının yok edilmesine yol açacak genel bir
Avrupa savaşını tahmin ettiği anı ve propaganda kitabı
olan Mein Kampf’I yazmıştır. Aryan adını verdiği ari
Alman ırkının üstünlüğü fikri ve bu ırkın genişlemesi
için yaşam alanı gereksinimine takıntısı vardı.
Hapishaneden serbest bırakıldığı dönem içerisinde,
Hitler partisinin statüsünü güçlendirmek ve belirsizlik
iktidara yükselmek için rakiplerinin zaaflarından
faydalandı. Cumhurbaşkanı Hinderburg’un 1934’deki
ölümünden sonra kendisini Führer ilan etti, ve ülkenin
ulu önderi oldu.
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: