Sabriye ŞEKER.pages


Sabriye ŞEKER.pages
Enrico Lombardi è lieto di invitarLa
all’inaugurazione della mostra personale di:
Sabriye Şeker
Curata da
Giorgio Bertozzi
Ferdan Yusufi
che si terrà sabato 11 Gennaio- Ocak 2014 alle ore 18,00
presso la Galleria Lombardi di Via Urbana 8/a 00184 Roma
Tel. +39 338 9430546 +39 06 89020603
non dovete farvi colpire dall’ abitudine, cercate sempre di cambiate i vostri
percorsi, cercate spazi per respirare. Insomma, si faccia qualcosa per non
vivere nel silenzio…
These sentences become ‘simple’ because your surname is ‘Şeker’ (means sugar). Thus, I would
like to describe the great artist of illumination and miniature, who is embedded in this ‘simple’
name. It is just in front of my eyes how you showed with high mastery to your students the
flowers and leaves drawing with pencils nearly 20 years ago. Later, later and afterwards, the
years stayed at ‘yesterday…’. Then the teacher’s – just you – yesterday’s evolved into your
‘today’s and ‘future’s ‘ success. You put the special pictures of Anatolia such as ‘iğne oyası2 (art
with needles), orange trees, brides of Anatolia and girls with ‘yazma’ (traditional style of scarf)
into the art of traditional Turkish illumination and miniature. You have combined the traditional
Turkish art with the folk art. Further, you have provided ‘modern’ views towards the traditional
art. We were in cooperation with Sabriye teacher and opened a variety of exhibitions. I sincerely
congratulate Sabriye Şeker with her innovative and free style in art and wish her great success.
Etem Çalışkan
Journalist, Painter, Calligrapher
DAL 11 al 17 Gennaio Ocak 2014
Martedì - Sabato ore 10.30 /13.00 – 16.30/19.30
Coktail 11 Gennaio Ocak 2014 18.00
Catalogo in Galleria
Coordinamento grafico editoriale
Stefano Ferracci
La Galleria Lombardi è una delle gallerie storiche di Roma, fondata da Enrico Lombardi
vice presidente dell’associazione romana galleristi.
Sabriye ŞEKER Her warm affection towards arts began in her young ages. She met with Traditional Turkish Decoration (Emblazonment) Art in 1987, when she
attended to Distinguished Proffesor A. Suheyl UNVER courses which was opened in Deontology Proffessorip of Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty. In
1991, She successfully completed the ‘’Turkish Emblazonment arts’’ course, which was opened by Ministry of Culture in Topkapı Palace Museum
after 3 years of education. She continued to ‘’Firmament Embroidry House (Sema Nakishanesi)’’ for two years. In otder to contribute more to her art,
she recevied private lessons from teachers on the subjects of pattern miniature charcoal and drawing. The artist, who thinks that the point of origin for
art is ‘’Anatolian Culture’’, has created many artistic pieces that reveals the culture we own, with the help of her substantial designs and comments.
She take encouragement from the great teachers and masters, who always supported her, and by adding knowledge, researches and handcraft to his
courage, she presents designs in the light of tradionalism.Some of the unique artistic piecesof the artist garnish the pages of private calendars, some of
thes are; in 2006, ‘’Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality – Traces of Turkish Way of Thinking from Yunus Emre to Ataturk (Eskisehir B.Sehir Bel.
Yunus Emre’den Ataturk’e Türklerin Düşünce İzleri)’’ in 2008, ‘’Ilksav – Oil Lamps of Anatolia (İlksav_Anadolu’nun Kandilleri)’’, in 2009 ‘’Tarsus
Municipality – Karacaoglan, Pinked Decorations and Kerchiefs (Tarsus Belediyesi-Karacaoğlan , Oyalı Süslemeler ve Yemeniler)’’. The artist made
cooperation with prized master, journalist painter and calligraphy artist Etem ÇALİSKAN, who enables her to have a different approach to traditional
art forms; they actualized exhibitions such as ‘’Ataturk’’, ‘’Mevlana’’, ‘’Karacaoglan and pinked Decorations (Karacaoğlen ve Oyalı Süslemeler)’’
and ‘’In Wals and Pinked Folk Songs fromUlukisla Road to Anatolia (Ulukışla Yolundan Anadolu’ya Han Duvarları ve Oyalı Türküler)’’ with her
felling honored to do so. In the eshibition of ‘’Karacaoglan and Pinked Decorations’’, she broke new grounds by stylizing laces on the kerchiefs with
her unique remark and carried these on her own creations. The artist took part in Istanbul 2010 – Cultural Capital City of Europe (İstanbul 2010Avrupa Kültür Başkenti) with theproject of ‘’İstanbul from a Child’s Perspective (Çocuk Bakışlı İstanbul)’’, she took part in expotions both in the
country and abroad with the same team.
Sabriye SEKERfound the chance to present her art in Kosovo and Montenegro, by creating very special exhibitions with her atelier team, after
receiving private invitaions from ambassadors of these countries. Likewise, she organized another exhibition Project in Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus with the contribution and support of Turkish Embassy. The artis has organized ezhibitions projects with her atelier on a topic, theme or
corporation chosen every year since 2008.
Sabriye Seker, broke another new ground in the years of 2011 by creating a mutual Project with Bakirkoy Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Mental Facility
(Ruh ve Sinir Hastaliklari Hastanesi) and by doing so, she made the psychiatry and traditional arts come together. The works, that took place in this
project called “Psychiatry on Miniature, Calligraphy and Illumination from Ottoman Empire to Today’s World; (Minyatür, Hat ve Tezhip Sanatından,
Osmanlı’dan Günümüz’e Psikiyatri: Usul-i Kadim ile Akliyye)”, also took part in the book with the same name, in which the artist worked as an art
director *******.
The artist, whose “Bakirkoy During Byzantine Era (Bizans Döneminde Bakırköy)” reproduction/replica took part in the “Istanbul Archeological
Museum (Istanbul Arkeoloji Muzesi), has also won the 3rd place with her work in the ‘’PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERİA
The artist win recognition at Italy- Roma exhibitions during 2013, in wich she has attendedwith her Works that combine traditional lines with
modern momments, she is stil in touch with the galleries located in there and she is preparing for upcoming exhibitions.
Sabriye Seker continues her work in her atelier ‘’ SEKER ART HOUSE (SEKER SANATEVI)’ in Istanbul, and she shares her knowledge and
experience with her student in there.
Group and personal exhibitions that the artist attended in the country and abroad:
1994 – Fun Ping Shon Museum (Hong Kong)
1995 – The Marmara Hotel (Istanbul)
1996 – Ali Toy Sanat Galerisi (Art Gallery) (Istanbul)
1996 – Ace Sanat Galerisi (Art Gallery) (Istanbul)
1996 – Habitat ( Istanbul)
1997 – Cemal Resit Rey (Istanbul)
1997 – Turk Haftasi Etkinlikleri (Turkish Week Activities) (Malta-Island)
2000 – Ticaret Odası ( Commerce Room) – BASAD (Urfa)
2000 – Turkcell Sanat Etkinlikleri (Turkcell Art Activities) (New York)
2001 – Tarık Zafer Tunaya Sanat Galerisi (Art Gallery) (Istanbul)
2002 – Yıldız Sarayi (Yildiz Palace) (Istanbul)
2002 – Askeri Muze (Military Museum) – BASAD (Istanbul)
2002 – Resim Heykel Muzesi )Drawing and Sculpture Museum) – BASAD (Izmir)
2003 –Ansan – BASAD (Antalya)
2003 – Yesilyurt Spor Kulubu (Sports Club) (Istanbul)
2004 – Crown Plaza (Istanbul)
20005 – Taksim Sanat Galerisi (Art Gallery) (Istanbul)
2005 – Ressam Sefik Bursali Sanat Galerisi (Art Gallery) (Bursa)
2005 – Antalya Muzesi (Museum) (Antalya)
2007 – Bahcesehir Beledyesi Sergi Salonu (Exhibition Hall) (Istanbul)
2007 – Pasha Turkish Restaurant (New York)
2008 – Modena Kultur Merkezi (Cultural Center) (Italy)
2008 – BASAD (Istanbul)
2009 – Kultur Universitesi (University) (Istanbul)
2010 – Kadir Has Universitesi (University) (Istanbul)
2012 –“Usul-i Kadim ile Akliye; Minyatur, Hat ve Tezhiple Psikiyatri” Hastaneler ve Sağlık Merkezleri Fuarı (Hospitals and Health Centers Fair=
Exspomed 2012 (Istanbul)
2013 – ‘A LA SALIDA (Italy)
2013 – ‘’PUZZLE’’ (Italy)
These exhibitions;
Fort the benefit of mohers who became mothers in their young ages and needs help Yesilkoy 2001 College Art Gallery (Yeşilköy 2001 Koleji
Sanat Galerisi)-İstanbul
MİNYATÜR)’’ Exhibitin
Fort he benefit of school Council for Mentally Cahllenged Students in Ruveyde Dortcelik Primary School and Business School (İlkogretim ve
is okulu).
Bursa Tayyare Cultural Center (Bursa Tayyare Kültür merkezi)-Bursa
Together with children who suffer from down syndrome
Yesilkoy 2001 Kolege Art Gallery (Yesilkoy 2001 Koleji Sanat Galerisi)-Istanbul
Turkısh – Greek Artist Friend Union (Turk-Yunan Sanatci Dostlari İsbirligi)
Atakoy Yunus Emre Cultutal Center – Istanbul
(Atakoy Yunus Emre Kültür Merkezi – İstanbul)
Exhibition and Panel
For benafit of Mor Cati Palace of Refuge for Women (Mor Cati Kadin Siginagi Vakfi)
Atakoy Yunus Emre Cultural Center –Istanbul
( Atakoy Yunus Emre Kültür Merkezi-İstanbul)
2011 ‘’SECRET (SIR)’’ Exhibition
For benefit of abandoned children
İspirtohane Kültür Merkezi-İstanbul (Ispirtohane Cultural Center-Istanbul)
To provide scholarship for universty students on behalf of Turkish Women Council Association bakirkoy Branch (Turk Kadinlar Konseyi Dernegi
Bakirkoy Subesi)
Bakirkoy Art House and City Museum (Bakirkoy Sanatevi ve Kent Muzesi)-Istanbul
Sabriye SEKER has attended two private exhibitions, which have great importance for history of Bakirkoy, to gether with researcher, author
Turgay TUNA: * “from Hebdomon to Bakirkoy (Hebdomon’dan Bakırkoy’e)” and ** “From Ayastefanos to yesilkoy (Ayeestefanos’dan
Yesilköy’e)”. Miniatures of the artist took place in the books of Turgay TUNA that share the same name with the exhibitions. The book, *** “From
Makri Hori to Bakirkoy, From Ayastefanos to Yesilkoy (Makri Hori’den Bakırköy’e, Ayastefanos’dan Yeşilköy’e)” which was published in 2009, has
unique miniature Works of SEKER on its pages. Other miniatures of her Works took place in books such as, her “Suleymaniye Mosque – Interior” in
the book ****Bugunun Ustaları 2009 (Masters of Today 2009)”, which was released by “Istanbul 2010 Cultural Capital of Europe (Avrupa Kultur
Baskenti)” agency, her work “Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya)”, which can be found in the book ***** “Masters of Today 2010 (Bugunun Ustaları 2010)”
and her work named Piri Reis- Gallipoli Peninsula (Gelibolu Yarimadasi), which can be found in the book ****** “PIRI REIS on his 500th Year
(500. Yılında PIRI REIS) 2013” that was released by Dokuz Eylul University Publications (Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Yayinlari).