2015-2016 academic year mustafakemalpaşa secondary school


2015-2016 academic year mustafakemalpaşa secondary school
Class: 6 / ____
Date: 02/05/2016
A-Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in the form of Simple Past Tense(10 x 2 = 20 P)
(Verilen fiilleri kullanarak boşlukları Simple Past Tense yapısında tamamlayınız.)
1-Şeyma and İrem …………………………..Maths exam at the library yesterday. (study)
2-Students …………………………..Topkapı Palace last weekend. (visit)
3-The weather was very nice. We …………………………..a picnic near Suuçtu waterfall. (have)
4-I …………………………..my friend at the funfair on Sunday. (see)
5-Helen was at the cinema. She …………………………..a horror movie with her friends. (watch)
6-Tom was very hungry. He …………………………..a big pizza at the café. (eat)
7-After school, Tim and Andy …………………………..basketball in the park. (play)
8-My mother …………………………..chocolate cake yesterday evening. (make)
9-We …………………………..to picnic on Saturday.(not go)
Because it was stormy.
10-Helen: When ………………you ………………… new T-shirt? (buy)
Sarah: Yesterday.
B-Fill in the blanks with given sentences (4 x 2 = 8P)
(Verilen cümleleri aşağıdaki boşluklarda doğru yere yazınız.)
John : Where were you on your summer holiday?
Peter : (1)________________________________________
John : When did you go there?
Peter : (2)________________________________________
John : What was the weather like, there?
Peter : (3)________________________________________
John : What did you do there?
Peter : (4)________________________________________
C-Read the sentences and write their jobs by using the given words. Be careful there are 2 extra jobs.
(Cümleleri okuyunuz ve verilen tanıma göre boşluklara mesleklerini yazınız. Dikkatli olun. Verilen
kelimelerde fazladan 2 meslek var. Doğru olanları seçip yazınız) (10 x 2 = 20 P)
1-I am a/an ………………………… . I work at a hospital. I can write prescription and I can
operate on ill people.
2-I am a/an ………………………… . I can fly the plane and take you anywhere you like.
3-I am a/an ………………………… . I can design and draw building plans, but I can’t build a house.
4-I am a/an …………………………. I can cut, dye and design hair.
5-I am a/an ………………………… . I can cut and sew fabrics. I can make dresses, trousers and skirts.
6-I am a/an ………………………… . I work at school. I can teach you new things. I can play fun games
with you, too.
7-I am a/an ………………………… . I work at restaurant, hotel or cafeteria. I can cook dishes/meals.
8-I am a/an………………………….. . I can mend cars. But I can’t design cars.
9-I am a/an ………………………… . I can write letters, e -mails, answer the telephones and organizes
the meetings.
10-I am a/an ………………………. . I can repair electrical devices.
D-Read the sentences and circle the correct choice. (5 x 2 = 10 P)
(Cümle anlamına / yapısına göre siyahlandırılmış kelimelerden doğru olanı yuvarlak içine alınız)
1-Did / W ere you go on holiday last summer?
2-Bumper cars / Big wheel : Up in the air, turn around and around. Who needs the London Eye?
3-It is sunny / rainy. Take your umbrella or raincoat.
4-We were by the seaside / at a winter sports centre. We swam and made sandcastles.
5-Joe : How / W hat do you think about fun fairs?
Nancy: I think they are amazing.
E-Read the text and write True or False. (5 x 2 = 10 P)
(Diyaloğu okuyun ve metne göre cümlelerin başına True ya da False yazınız.)
Susan :Hi, Peter! How are you?
Peter : Fine, thanks. And you?
Susan :Not bad.Where were you on your holiday?
_______1-Peter and her family were
by the seaside on their holiday
Peter : My family and I were on a camp
in the mountains.
_______2-Peter’s mom and dad picked berries.
Susan :Great! Did you stay in a tent?
Peter : Yes.
Susan :What did you do there?
_______3-They stayed in a hotel.
_______4-Peter and his brother climbed
_______5-They watched films in the evenings.
Peter : We cycled in the mountains.
Susan :Did you climb mountains, too?
Peter : Yes, my brother and I climbed mountains.
Susan :Who cooked the meals?
Peter : My mom and dad. But my brother and
I picked berries.
Susan :What did you do in the evenings?
Peter : We played fun games, such as hide and seek.
F-Fill in the blanks with years (Yılları okunuşlarının olduğu yere yazınız) (6 x 2 = 12 P)
1-_____________: nineteen twenty three
4-_____________: nineteen oh five
2-_____________: eighteen eighty one
5-_____________: two thousand and four
3-_____________: two thousand and sixteen
6-_____________: nineteen seventy four
G-Circle the correct one. (Doğru seçeneği yuvarlak
içine alınız.) ( 10 x 2 = 20 P)
1-Görsele göre soruyu cevaplayınız?
7-Aşağıdaki metnin anlam bütünlüğünü bozan
cümle aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
(I) Tim was in London last summer.
(II) He visited the Buckingham Palace, Big Ben Tower
and the London Eye.
(III) He doesn’t like winter sports.
(IV) He stayed in a comfortable hotel there.
A) I
2-Boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
8-Hangi eşleşme yanlıştır?
Orkun : I think ghost trains are frightening.
Alper : _____________. They are exciting.
A) That’s right
C) I agree with you
B) I don’t agree with you
D) I didn’t understand
3-Görsele göre doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
(4.ve 5.soruyu metne göre cevaplayınız)
My name is Alex. I am from Berlin, Germany. Last 9-Görsele göre doğru cevabı işaretleyiniz.
summer, my family and I were in Kemer, Antalya. We
stayed in a tent near the seaside. We went swimming
every morning. My brother and I also learned diving
there. We climbed mountains and picked flowers. We
had a picnic in Kepez. In the evenings, we walked on the W hat is the weather like in Çanakkale?
sand and played fun games with friends. Also, we went
sightseeing and visited museums and art galleries. We
had a great time there.
A) It is hot
C) It is windy
B) It is rainy
D) It is foggy
10-Boşluğa uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
4. W here was Alex last summer?
A) In Berlin.
C) In Germany.
B) In Antalya.
D) In Ankara.
5. Parçaya göre hangi seçenek yanlıştır?
A) They had a picnic.
B) He went there with his family.
C) He learned diving.
D) They didn’t like the holiday.
6- Altı çizili olan yılın doğru şekilde gösterildiği
seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Gülten Dayıoğlu is a famous writer. She wrote
her first novel Fadiş in nineteen seventy –one.
A) was / was
C) was / were
B) were / were
D) were / was