buraya - tazemasa Blog
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100 Litre Suva 300 cc 100 Litre Suya 300 cc 100 Litre Suya 300 cc 100 Litre Suva 300 cc 100 Litre Suya 300 cc
Detaylı. iletim Tesis ve igletme o*o tffiguni.in Gelen evrak kayrt no 948
yazdtpr gcirtig belirtir yazt ile buna istinaden Mtiteqebbis Heyetin Yapr ruhsat ve
izinleri ile ilgili olarak aldrlr 18.11.2013 tarih ve 20l3ll5 sayilr kararrmn d
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BureauVeritasCertificationcertifythat the ManagementSystemsof the above organisationhasbeen auditedand foundto be in accordancewith the requirementsof the managementsystemstandardsdetailedbelow