Cemalettin Öztürk CV


Cemalettin Öztürk CV
E-mail: cemalettin.ozturk@insight-centre.org
Web (Academic Activities): http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/D005/cemalettinozturk
Web (Courses): http://homes.ieu.edu.tr/~cozturk/
Address: INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
Ph.D., Dokuz Eylül University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Industrial Engineering, İzmir/Turkey,
GPA: 4 / 4 ,(2007-2013).
Thesis subject : Simultaneous Balancing and Scheduling of Flexible Mixed Model Assembly Lines
M.Sc., Dokuz Eylül University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Industrial Engineering, İzmir/Turkey,
GPA: 3.57 / 4, (2007).
Thesis subject: Finite Capacity Planning in MRP Systems, Problems and Issues
B.Sc., Dokuz Eylül University,Industrial Engineering, İzmir/Turkey, GPA: 2.83 / 4 (2002).
Thesis subject: Production Planning in a Textile Shop with Goal Programming
INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics, University College Cork, Cork, IRELAND, http://www.insight-centre.org/
Post Doctoral Researcher, 2014IZMIR UNVERSITY of ECONOMICS, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Department of Industrial
Engineering, İzmir, TURKEY, http://ie.ieu.edu.tr/en/
Lecturer, 2009IZMIR UNVERSITY of ECONOMICS, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Department of Industrial
Engineering, İzmir, TURKEY, http://ie.ieu.edu.tr/en/
Research Assistant, 2007-2009
İŞBİR SENTETİK DOKUMA SANAYİ A.Ş, Balıkesir, TURKEY, www.isbirsentetik.com
Production Planning Engineer, 2003-2005
 Planning and scheduling of production processes, inventory management applications
 Developing “Production Planning and Scheduling” module of the new ERP adaptation project
The DISCUS Project, The DIStributed Core for unlimited bandwidth supply for all Users and Services (FP7 Grant
Agreement 318137), http://www.discus-fp7.eu/
Polinas Plastic, Optimization in Manufacturing System, 2013, http://www.polinas.com.tr/index.php?langID=eng
Dokuz Eylül University Hospital, Performance Improvement Studies in Health Sector; Scheduling of Operating Rooms
and Layout Improvement, 2013, http://hastane.deu.edu.tr/
EGEBIMTES, New generation manufacturing automation system, “Constraint Based Scheduling” module, 2012
ARKAS, Transshipment Planning of Transit Containers, 2010, http://www.bimar.com.tr/en/home_page.html
HYUNDAI Kocaeli Factory, Simulation Analysis and Balancing of an Assembly Line, 2008,
Öztürk, Cemalettin. and Örnek, A, Operational Extended Model Formulations for Advanced Planning and Scheduling
Systems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 38, pp. 181-195, (2014). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2013.05.049
Öztürk, Cemalettin, Tunalı, S., Hnich, B., and Örnek, A., Balancing and Scheduling of Flexible Mixed Model Assembly
Lines, Constraints, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp 434–469, (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10601-013-9142-6
Öztürk, Cemalettin, Tunalı, S., Hnich, B., and Örnek, A., Balancing and scheduling of flexible mixed model assembly
lines with parallel stations, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 67, Issue 9-12, pp 25772591, (2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00170-012-4675-1
Öztürk, Cemalettin. and Örnek, A, A MIP Based Heuristic for Capacitated MRP Systems, Computers and Industrial
Engineering, Vol. 63, Issue 4, pp 926 – 942, (2012). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2012.06.005
Öztürk, Cemalettin. and Örnek, A, Capacitated lot sizing with linked lots for general product structures in job shops,
Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 58, Issue 1, pp 151 – 164, (2010). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2009.10.002
Örnek, A., Özpeynirci, S., and Öztürk, Cemalettin., A Note on “A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Advanced
Planning and Scheduling”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 203, Issue 3, pp 784 - 785, (2010).
Öztürk, Cemalettin, Tunalı, S., Hnich, B., and Örnek, A., Cyclic Scheduling of Flexible Mixed Model Assembly Lines with
Parallel Stations. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. (Accepted for publication.)
Örnek, A. and Öztürk, Cemalettin. Optimisation and Constraint Based Heuristic Methods for Advanced Planning and
Scheduling Systems (International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice)
Deepak Mehta, Barry O'Sullivan, Cemalettin Ozturk, Luis Quesada and Helmut Simonis. Designing an Optical Island in
the Core Network: From Routing to Spectrum Allocation. IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
(ICTAI-2014), Special Track on SAT and CSP technologies,(2014). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICTAI.2014.90
Cemalettin Öztürk, A.Örnek, A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Multi-Period Dyeing and Batching problem in a
Yarn Plant, Joint International Symposium on Computers & Industrial Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing and
Service Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, (2014). http://www.imss14-cie44.org/Call-For-Papers
Cemalettin Öztürk, S. Tunalı, B. Hnich and A.Örnek, Cyclic Scheduling of Flexible Mixed Model Assembly Lines,
Proceedings of 2013 IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, pp. 857-862 (2013)
Cemalettin Öztürk, Teaching Mathematical Modeling with Logic Puzzles, International IIE Conference & YAEM 2013,
İstanbul, (2013). http://www.iieistanbul.org/
Cemalettin Öztürk, S. Tunalı, B. Hnich and A.Örnek, A Constraint Programming Model for Balancing and Scheduling of
Flexible Mixed Model Assembly Lines with Parallel Stations, Proceedings of 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control
Problems in Manufacturing, pp.420-425 (2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00160
Cemalettin Öztürk, E. Kabak, A. Ornek and C.Heavey, Improved Solution of Capacity Allocation Problem for
Photolithography Area in Semiconductor Manufacturing, 28th International Manufacturing Conference, Dublin, Ireland,
Cemalettin Öztürk, S. Tunalı, B. Hnich and A.Örnek, Simultaneous Balancing and Scheduling of Flexible Mixed Model
Assembly Lines with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times, ISCO 2010 - International Symposium on Combinatorial
Optimization, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 36, pp 65-72 (2010).
Cemalettin Öztürk, S. Tunalı, B. Hnich and A.Örnek, Simultaneous Balancing and Scheduling of Flexible Mixed Model
Assembly Lines with Sequence Dependent Task Time Increments, Kasımbeyli, C. Dinçer, S. Özpeynirci and L.
Sakalauskas (Eds.): MEC EurOPT 2010 Selected papers. Vilnius, pp. 237–240 (2010).
A. Örnek, D. Eliiyi, Z. Sargut, Cemalettin Öztürk, Assignment of Transit Container Bookings for a Transit Agency, R.
Kasımbeyli, C. Dinçer, S. Özpeynirci and L. Sakalauskas (Eds.): MEC EurOPT 2010 Selected papers. Vilnius, pp. 220–
225 (2010). http://old.vgtu.lt/leidiniai/leidykla/MEC_EurOPT_2010/pdf/220-225-Ornek_Eliiyi_Sargut_Ozturk-39.pdf
Deepak Mehta, Barry O'Sullivan, Cemalettin Ozturk, Luis Quesada and Helmut Simonis. A Bin-packing Approach to the
Spectrum Allocation Problem. Workshop on Bin Packing and Placement Constraints at The 11th International Conference
on Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Operations Research (OR) techniques in Constraint Programming,Cork,
İ. Süğüt, S. Turan, E. Önem, D. Erzurumlu, S. Dikmen, Cemalettin Öztürk, Planning and Scheduling of Final Assembly
Lines in a Battery Manufacturing Company, International IIE Conference & YAEM 2013, İstanbul, (2013).
E. Çınarlı, E. D. Menteşe, G. Kandemir, U. Kombakçı, Y. S. Gök, Cemalettin Öztürk, Allocation of Operating Rooms to
Departments in a Hospital, International IIE Conference & YAEM 2013, İstanbul, (2013).
E. Çınarlı, E. D. Menteşe, G. Kandemir, U. Kombakçı, Y. S. Gök, Cemalettin Öztürk, Simulation Based Performance
Improvement in a Dining Room, International IIE Conference & YAEM 2013, İstanbul, (2013).
A.Örnek, Cemalettin Öztürk, A Constraint Based Heuristic To Solve Advanced Planning and Scheduling Problems,
ECCO 2012 – 25th Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Antalya (2012)
Cemalettin Öztürk, S. Tunalı and A.Örnek, Simultaneous balancing and scheduling of mixed model assembly lines with
task sequencing and general precedence diagram, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research Bonn, (2009)
Muhafız, M., A. Örnek, Özpeynirci, S., Cemalettin Öztürk, Oktay, Ö., and Dumanlı, U., Dynamic lead time management,
23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, (2009)
Cemalettin Öztürk, Semra Tunalı and Arslan M. Örnek, “Karisik Modelli Esnek Montaj Hatlarinin Tasarimi ve
Cizelgelenmesi”, YA/EM XXIX. Ulusal Kongresi, Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, (2009)
Cemalettin Öztürk, Semra Tunalı and Arslan M. Örnek, “Sıra Bağımlı Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemi için Bir Kısıt
Programlama Modeli”, YA/EM XXVIII. Ulusal Kongresi, Galatasaray Universitesi, Istanbul, (2008)
Cemalettin Öztürk and Arslan M. Örnek, “Considerations on multi level, multi resource lot sizing and scheduling models”,
YA/EM XXVII. Ulusal Kongresi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi, Izmir, (2007)
Cemalettin Öztürk and Arslan M. Örnek,"Finite capacity lot sizing with lead time windows", YA/EM XXVI. Ulusal Kongresi,
Kocaeli Universitesi, (2006)
Mathematical and Simulation Modeling
Constraint Programming
Optical Networks
Advanced Planning and Scheduling
Flexible Mixed Model Assembly Lines
ISE 330 Industrial Applications of Simulation (2 Times)
ISE 336 Art of Mathematical Modeling (5 Times)
ISE 317 Simulation (5 Times)
ISE 220 Engineering Economics
ISE 421 Quantitative Production Planning (Developed and given first time)
ISE 470 Facility Layout and Materials Handling (2 Times)
ISE 451 Applied Workshop in Industrial Systems Engineering I (3 Times)
ISE 452 Applied Workshop in Industrial Systems Engineering II (4 Times)
ISE 497 Senior Project I (5 Times)
ISE 498 Senior Project II (5 Times)
Project name:"Lot Sizing and Scheduling in a Beverage Company"
Project members: Onur Dereli, Osman Öğünçlü, Cengiz Yılmaz, Arya Sevgen, Işıl Turan
Project name:" Optimization of Warehouse Design and Material Handling Activities in a Distribution Center"
Project members: Damla İçöz, Ünal İnce, Veyis Akın, Fırat Erkoç,
Project name:"Inventory Optimization and Machine Scheduling in a Manufacturing Company"
Project members: Ebru ÖNEM-İpek SÖĞÜT-Songül TURAN-Tevfik Saygın DİKMEN-Demet ERZURUMLU
Project name: “Performance Improvement Studies in Health Sector”
Project members: Efecan ÇINARLI-Eylül Deniz MENTEŞE-Gizem KANDEMİR-Umut KOMBAKÇI-Yağmur Simge GÖK
Project name:”Performance improvement in service sector”
Project members: Nesli ŞAHİN-Pelin YAVUZ-İlknur ÖZBEY-İrem İlke GÜVEN-Bensu SEZGİN
Project name:”Scheduling Applications in a Manufacturing Company”
Project members: Ecem BARIŞ-Ecem KURTARAN-Gamze YILMAZ-Melis ALPASLAN-Tuğçe ÜSTÜNER-Nihal AKALIN
Project name: ”Layout Improvement in a Furniture Company
Project members: Yiğit Aytur, Burcu Binatlı, Ozancan İlber Demir, Kadir Kaan İkizoğlu, Berkcan Ünsal
Project name: Assigning Workers to the Jobs in Schneider Electric Injection Department
Project members:E. Gizem Gaser, Fatma Turgut, Halil Canatan, Servet Yüksel
Project name: Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Machines with Sequence Dependent Setup Times
Project members: Sevin İbrikçi, Sezgin Sokman, Semih Oğuz Karakoyun, Serkan Osman Dibek, Cem Demir
Project name: Assembly Line Improvement in Schneider
Project members: Burcu Çelik, Demet Bayındır, Berna Tüncan, Esra Sarıhan
Project name: An Algorithm for Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling System
Project members: Selin Pişkiner, Özge Şensal, Altuğ Aydınel, İbrahim Bayrakal
Project name: Performance Evaluation and System Design for a Plastic Injection and Assembly Factory using Simulation
Project members: Merve Kılıç, Eda Acar, Mert Yiğit
Project name: Design and Scheduling of Flexible Mixed Model Assembly Lines
Project members: Özge Beyazıtlıoğlu, Can Erden, Özge Büyükdağlı, Bertan Falay
Project name: Dynamic lead time management
Project members: Müge Muhafız, Özge Oktay, Ufuk Dumanlı
Project name: Decision Support System for a Vehicle Scheduling Problem with Fixed Trips and Time Limitations
Project members: Ali Coşkun, Ayşe Irmak Taşçıoğlu, Ekin Osmanoğulları, Esra Türkyılmaz
Project name: Decision Support System for Capacitated Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Linked Lots
Project members: Mansur Alp Toçoğlu, Özer Özden, Didem Balcan, Çağan Gökalp
Member, Department Internship Committee, Department of Industrial Engineering (2008-)
Coordinator, Erasmus Committee, Department of Industrial Engineering (2008-2009)
International Scientific Publication Encouragement Award, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
International Scientific Publication Encouragement Award, Izmir University of Economics (2010-2013)
Applied Mathematical Modelling ( ELSEVIER ) : 2014 – Progressing
Artificial Intelligence. ( ELSEVIER ) : 2013 – Progressing
Computers & Industrial Engineering : ( ELSEVIER ) : 2014 – Progressing
European Journal of Operational Research. ( ELSEVIER ) : 2009 - Progressing
Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations. (Taylor & Francis) : 2013-Progressing
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. ( American Institute of Mathematical Sciences ) : 2012 - Progressing
Referenced in books published by international publishers
Citing :
Tadeusz Sawik (2011-2012)
Scheduling in Supply Chains Using Mixed Integer Programming - Sawik, T. (2011) Frontmatter, in Scheduling in
Supply Chains Using Mixed Integer Programming, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA. doi:
Cited :
A note on "A mixed integer programming model for advanced planning and scheduling (APS)". - European
Journal Of Operational Research , Vol. 203, No. 3, 784-785, ISBN: 0377-2217
Referenced in publications covered by SCI, SSCI AND AHCI and other indexes