Hello from the English Department!


Hello from the English Department!
Istek Kemal Atatürk Kindergarten
3 years English Language Newsletter
March 23, 2012
Hello from the English Department!
This week we learned about the weather. We looked at some books about the
weather like “How’s the Weather” and “The Cat and The Monkey’s Tail”. We had
fun making weather pictures together.
Our new words were: sunny, rainy, and cloudy.
We sang the song The Incy Wincy Spider:
The Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again.
Bu hafta hava konusunu işledik.Hava konusu ile ilgili “How’s the Weather” ve
“The Cat and The Monkey’s Tail” adlı kitaplara baktık. Hava durumu ile ilgili
resimler yaparken çok eğlendik.
Yeni kelimelerimiz: Sunny, rainy, cloudy - güneşli yağmurlu, bulutlu
Incy Wincy Spider adlı şarkıyı seslendirdik.
This week we continued of Hello Cheeky unit on toys. We used colors to describe
the different toys we are talking about (I see a red train. I see a blue robot. I
see a yellow ball. I see a brown teddy bear.). We had a lot of fun making our
robot masks and making the sounds of the different toys.
This weeks' song was Mr. Sun.
Mr sun, sun
Mr golden sun
Please shine down on me
Oh Mr sun, sun
Mr golden sun
Hiding behind a tree
Little children are asking you
Won't you please come out so I can play with you
Oh Mr sun, sun
Mr golden sun
Please shine down on me.
Bu hafta Hello Cheeky dersinde oyuncaklar ünitesini bitirdik. Gördüğümüz
oyuncakları renkleri ile tarif ettik (Kırmızı bir tren gördüm v.b). Robot
maskelerimizi yaparken ve farklı oyuncak sesleri çıkarırken çok eğlendik. Mr. Sun
isimli şarkıyı seslendirdik.