Connected Vehicle


Connected Vehicle
Abdullah DEMİR, Yrd. Doç. Dr.
Teknolojide öyle gelişmeler var ki adeta bugüne kadar bildiğiniz şeyleri unutun cinsinden.
Daha düne kadar uçaklarda otomatik pilot uygulaması var diye bakıyorduk. Şimdi
otomobillere de geliyor. Artık sensor teknolojisi o kadar gelişti ki araçlar kendi aralarındaki
mesafeleri kendileri ölçüyor. Şoför frene basmasa bile araç kendi basıyor. Artık dijital
ortamda tanımlanmış yollarda sürücüsüz araç görme imkanımız var. Şimdi daha ileri
teknolojiler de gelişmeye başladı. İnterneti biz insanlar arası iletişimde kullanıyorduk. Artık
her şeyin interneti günlük hayatımıza girdi. Artık araçlar konuşacak. Araçların içerisindeki
parçalar birbirleriyle konuşacak. Siz direksiyon koltuğunda giderken kitabınızı
okuyacaksınız, tanımlanmış yolda araç kendi kendine gidecek. İleride bir araç yeri
geldiğinde havalanıp yoluna devam edebilecek…
Karayolu taşımacılığı birçok teknoloji değişiminden etkilenmeye devam ediyor.
Örneğin kablosuz teknoloji, araçların birbiriyle ve altyapı bileşenleriyle
konuşmasına yardımcı olurken ileri seviye sürüş destek sistemleri uyarı özelliği
ve sınırlı miktarda otomasyon imkanı sağlar. Bu teknolojik değişimleri tetikleyen
en önemli faktörler; sensör, aktüatör, kablosuz bağlantı ve yapay zeka gibi
sistemlerinin çoğalması olmuştur. Bu sistemler aracın, gerçek sürücülerin
algılayamayacağı çevre şartlarını bile algılamasını ve uygun şekilde hareket
etmesini sağlar. Otomatik araç teknolojisi tehlikeli durumları algılar ve sürücüye
gerekli uyarıyı yapabilir; hatta araç sisteminin kontrolünü bile yapabilir. Bağlı
araç teknolojisi sayesinde araçlar birbirleriyle ve karayolu altyapısıyla sürekli
iletişim halindedir. Paylaşılan bilgi, ulaşım şartlarının daha güvenli ve verimli
olmasını sağlar.
Otomasyon ve bağlanabilirlik, güvenlik, hareketlilik, rahatlık ve çevresel
performanstaki iyileştirmelerin yanı sıra ekonomik gelişim ve endüstriyel büyüme
için de çok önemli fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Otomobil üreticileri, otomobil
tedarikçileri, devlet kurumları, üniversiteler, araştırma kurumları ve diğer
kuruluşlar birbirleriyle işbirliği yaparak yeni teknolojiler üreterek bu fırsatlardan
yararlanmaya çalışıyor.
Joshua Cregger, (Çeviri : Onur Kulaat), Otomatik ve Bağlı Araç Teknolojileri: Otomotiv Sektörünün Yeni Teknolojisi
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
Automated Vehicle Terminology
Automated vehicles are those in which at least some aspect of safety‐critical
control function (e.g., steering, throttle, or braking) occurs without direct driver
Autonomous vehicles are those which operate in isolation from other vehicles
using internal sensors
Connected vehicles are those which use wireless technology to communicate
among vehicles, roadside infrastructure, and other road users.
Connected automated vehicles are those which leverage autonomous and
connected vehicle capabilities
“driverless”, “self-driving”, “autonomous”
Manual driving (free agent)
 human sensing and human control
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
 sensing + automated longitudinal control
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)
 sensing + V2V communication + automated longitudinal
Autonomous vehicles
 Sensing, communication and lateral and longtidinal
control are fully automated, humans not in the loop
H. Michael Zhang, Stability of CACC Vehicle Platoons in a Semi-autonomous Driving Environment,University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China July 1, 2014
The “Language” of Autonomous Vehicle
Juergen Weyer, Vice President Automotive Sales EMEA - The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node, M A R . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5
Advanced Driver Assistance System
Juergen Weyer, Vice President Automotive Sales EMEA - The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node, M A R . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5
Simplified Autonomous Vehicle Model
Nesnelerin İnterneti (Internet of Things) kısaca IoT teknolojisi
Juergen Weyer, Vice President Automotive Sales EMEA - The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node, M A R . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5
Progress Toward Autonomous Vehicle
Juergen Weyer, Vice President Automotive Sales EMEA - The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node, M A R . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5
Automated Driving – Computing Challenges
Processing resources need to be dynamically managed to execute probabilistic
AND deterministic functions
... Within the same vehicle context
Juergen Weyer, Vice President Automotive Sales EMEA - The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node, M A R . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5
Computing Challenges – FSL Solution
Juergen Weyer, Vice President Automotive Sales EMEA - The Intelligent Automated Vehicle: the Last IoT Node, M A R . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5
Automated vehicles
Highway Pilot
Automation intersection
Overtake Assistance
Urban platooning
Emergency stop
Traffic Jam Assistant
Crash Avoidance – Braking & Steering
Energy Eff.
Intersection control
Dynamic Speed adaptation
Lane Keeping System
Automated Emergency Braking System
Driver only
Cruise control
Maxime Flament, "VRA: Support action for Vehicle and Road Automation network", ITFVHA meeting, 13 Oct 2013
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
SAE J3016 Definitions – Levels of Automation
Fundamental Issues in Road Transport Automation; Steven E. Shladover and Richard Bishop, ITS America Webinar, July 15, 2015
Example Systems at Each Automation Level
Level Example Systems
Driver Roles
Adaptive Cruise Control OR
Lane Keeping Assistance
Must drive other function and
monitor driving environment
Adaptive Cruise Control AND Lane
Keeping Assistance
Traffic Jam Assist
Must monitor driving
environment (system nags driver
to try to ensure it)
“Traffic Jam Pilot”
Driverless valet parking in garage
May read a book, text, or web
surf, but be prepared to
intervene when needed
“Highway driving pilot”
Closed campus shuttle (driverless)
May sleep, and system can
revert to minimum risk condition
if needed
Automated taxi (even for children)
Car-share repositioning system
No driver needed
Fundamental Issues in Road Transport Automation; Steven E. Shladover and Richard Bishop, ITS America Webinar, July 15, 2015
Connected/Automated Vehicles – Issues for Transportation Research
AASHTO Research Advisory Committee and Transportation Research Board State Representatives Annual Meeting, July 23, 2014
Ellen Partridge, Chief Counsel, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)
Levels of Autonomous Driving (AD)
Robert Leibinger, Software Architectures for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, July 7th, 2015
Key Areas of NHTSA’s Levels 2 to 4
Automation Research
Connected/Automated Vehicles – Issues for Transportation Research
AASHTO Research Advisory Committee and Transportation Research Board State Representatives Annual Meeting, July 23, 2014
Ellen Partridge, Chief Counsel, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)
Connected and Automated Vehicles
The path toward connected vehicles will ultimately lead to automated vehicles.
Connected/Automated Vehicles – Issues for Transportation Research
AASHTO Research Advisory Committee and Transportation Research Board State Representatives Annual Meeting, July 23, 2014
Ellen Partridge, Chief Counsel, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)
V2V, V2I, V2P, V2x: Vehicle-to-Vehicle; Vehicle-to Infrastructure; Vehicle-to-Pedestrian; Vehicle-to anything
Ulusal Karayolu Trafik Güvenliği İdaresi,
"Taşıtlar Arası Telekomünikasyon" adı verilen
teknolojinin yasalaşması ve uygulanmaya
başlanması için rapor yayımladı. Araçlara özel
olarak yerleştirilecek cihaz ile araçların kaza
yapma riski azaltılmış olacak.
Olası Kazalar Önlenecek: Özellikle hatalı
sollama ve kavşak kazalarını önleyerek, her yıl
binin üzerinde kişinin hayatını kurtarması
beklenen taşıtlar arası telekomünikasyon
çalışacak. Bu teknolojiye sahip araçlar,
birbirlerinin konumunu, yönünü ve hızını
anında öğrenebilecek. Böylece, otomobiller
kırmızı ışık ihlali yapacak başka bir aracı
önceden fark ederek, olası bir kazayı
önleyebilecek. Yaklaşık 300 metrelik alandaki
araçlara ait bilgileri işleme kapasitesi sunacak
teknolojiyle sürücüler, kendilerinden onlarca araç
uzaklıktaki bir arabanın ani fren yaptığını
• Araçsal
bandında, 75 MHzlik band
genişliğine sahip, yüksek veri
transfer hızı (6-27 Mbps)
sunan DSRC (Dedicated Short
standardını kullanır.
• Bu
üzerinde hareket halindeki
araçlar; mevki, zaman, yön,
hız, trafik durumu bilgilerini
içeren rutin trafik mesajını
yaymak zorundadır.
Data is transmitted 10 times/sec (300 m range)
Privacy is built-in (vehicle location is NOT intended to be recorded or tracked)
Wi-Fi radio adapted for vehicle environment
Inexpensive to produce in quantity
Original FCC spectrum allocation in 1999, revised in 2004 and 2006
V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle), araçların yoldayken
birbirlerine yönleri, konumları ve hız bilgilerini
göndermeleri üzerine kurulmuş bir haberleşme
1999’da Amerika'da ilk girişimlerini yaptığı bu sistem daha
sonra Cadillac araçlarında ilk denemeleri yapılarak
faaliyete geçmiştir. BMW, Daimler, Honda, Audi, Volvo
gibi diğer üreticiler de bu sistem üzerine çalışmalarını
sürdürmektedir. Amerika’da 2014 Nisan ayında
yayınlanan haberlere göre yetkililerin bu konuyu bir
standart haline getirmek üzerine yasal çalışmaları
onaylamaya yakın oldukları belirtilmiş ve 2017 yılından
itibaren zorunlu olması planlanmıştır.
V2V Güvenli Haberleşme Teknolojilerinin Faydaları
Geliştirilen bu sistem, araçlar
arasında ve araç – karayolu
arasında kablosuz iletişim kurarak;
• Ölüm ve yaralanmalı kazaların
• Trafikte can güvenliğinin
• Ulaşım sürelerinin optimizasyonu
• Trafik verimliliğinin artırılması
• Sera gazı emisyonlarının
Bülent Erbaş,
V2V Güvenli Haberleşme Teknolojileri
V2V sistemi;
• Araç CAN haberleşme altyapısına dinleyici modda bağlanarak güncel araç
bilgilerini alır.
• Kendi bilgilerini 802.11p protokolü kullanarak diğer araç ve altyapılara
• Çevresindeki araç ve yapılardan aldığı bilgileri işler ve araç kullanıcısını
HMI ünitesi üzerinden bilgilendirir.
Bülent Erbaş,
V2V ile araç kullanıcısı;
 Çarpışma olasılığı,
 Kavşak noktasına yaklaşma,
 Güvenli fren ve takip mesafesi,
 Çevresindeki araçlar ve trafik
 Trafik ışıklarının durumu,
 Aracın kör noktalarındaki durum,
 Acil durum araçları
hakkında bilgilendirilerek güvenli
sürüş sağlar.
Bülent Erbaş,
1. Ad Hoc ağlar
2. Wireless LAN
3. Cell broadcast
5. UWB (Ultra Wide Band)
Gül Türker, Araçlarda On Board Diagnostic Sistem ve Mobil Cihaz Uygulamaları,
Reading Text:
IEEE 802.11p is an approved amendment to the IEEE
802.11 standard to add wireless access in vehicular
environments (WAVE), a vehicular communication system. It
defines enhancements to 802.11 (the basis of products
marketed as Wi-Fi) required to support Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) applications. This includes data
exchange between high-speed vehicles and between the
vehicles and the roadside infrastructure in the licensed ITS
band of 5.9 GHz (5.85-5.925 GHz). IEEE 1609 is a higher
layer standard based on the IEEE 802.11p.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ya da
kısaca IEEE (Türkçe: Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisleri Enstitüsü)
Reading Text:
The IEEE 802.11p wireless access in vehicular environment (WAVE)
protocol providing for vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle
radio communication is currently under standardization. We provide an
NS-2 simulation study of the proposed IEEE 802.11p MAC protocol
focusing on vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. We show that the
specified MAC parameters for this protocol can lead to undesired
throughput performance because the backoff window sizes are not
adaptive to dynamics in the numbers of vehicles attempting to
communicate. We propose two solutions to this problem. One is a
centralized approach where exact information about the number of
concurrent transmitting vehicles is used to calculate the optimal window
size, and the other is a distributed approach in which vehicles use local
observations to adapt the window size.We show that these schemes
can provide significant improvements over the standard MAC protocol
under dense and dynamic conditions.
Bülent Erbaş,
Temel Teknoloji
ve Standartlar
İlgili Paydaşlar
Yeni iş alanları
ve fırsatları
Bülent Erbaş,
Bülent Erbaş,
Geçiş Üstünlüğü
Kavşak Senaryosu
Işıklı Kavşak
Uyarı Senaryosu
Bülent Erbaş,
Otoyol Trafik Sıkışıklığı
Uyarısı Senaryosu
Otoyol Kaza Uyarısı Senaryosu
Bülent Erbaş,
Bülent Erbaş,
Bülent Erbaş,
Noah Goodall, VDOT’s Connected Vehicle Program, Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, ASHE Old Dominion Section Meeting, June 13, 2013
Manual driving (free agent)
 human sensing and human control
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
 sensing + automated longitudinal control
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)
 sensing + V2V communication + automated longitudinal
Autonomous vehicles
 Sensing, communication and lateral and longtidinal
control are fully automated, humans not in the loop
H. Michael Zhang, Stability of CACC Vehicle Platoons in a Semi-autonomous Driving Environment,University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China July 1, 2014
Single vehicle control
Vehicle platooning
Platoon Leader
H. Michael Zhang, Stability of CACC Vehicle Platoons in a Semi-autonomous Driving Environment,University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China July 1, 2014
Teknolojik Liderlik ve Lokasyon Avantajları
Teknolojik liderlik birçok sektördeki lokasyon kararlarının
alınmasında önemli bir faktör haline gelmiştir. Birçok eyalet,
bağlı ve otomatik araç teknolojisi için yapılacak yeni test
yatakları ve Ar-Ge merkezleri gibi yatırımların peşinden koşsa
Michigan ve California bu alanda liderliği kimseye
kaptırmıyor. Michigan, kuzey Amerika'daki en büyük otomotiv ArGe merkezi oluşu, birçok otomotiv üreticisi ve Tier-1
tedarikçilerine ev sahipliği yapması gibi özelliklerinden dolayı
yatırımcıların ilgi odağı oluyor. Benzer bir şekilde Silikon
Vadisi gibi bir oluşuma ev sahipliği yapması ve birçok
California'nın otomotiv teknoloji merkezi olarak tanınmasını
Joshua Cregger, (Çeviri : Onur Kulaat), Otomatik ve Bağlı Araç Teknolojileri: Otomotiv Sektörünün Yeni Teknolojisi
Connected Vehicle - Platooning
“Computer Monitored Drafting”
Vehicles travel closely together
(drafting) resulting in a lower drag
coefficient improving fuel economy,
while reducing both emissions and
traffic congestion.
Spacing between vehicles can
range from 2 - 10 meters with
larger vehicles (class 8 trucks)
having wider gaps.
systems and cooperative cruise
control technology allows speed
updates to vehicles every 20 msec
allowing the “convoy train” to
automatically make adjustments to
speed and gap space.
Would new laws/regulations be
required to permit platooning?
Technology Assessment: Engine and Powerplant Optimization and Vehicle and Trailer Efficiency, Trucks and TRU Session, September 2, 2014
Connected Vehicle - Platooning
Pilot studies have shown fuel
consumption/GHG savings ranging
from about 10-21% in trial trucks to 310% fuel consumption savings in the
lead truck (1). Anticipated costs cover
additional safety features and sensors.
Large scale testing of platooning
possible on public roads by 2015 with
goals of developing a reliable selfdriving system within 5 years and
implementing the technology sometime
within the next decade.
Implementation Challenges
Public Acceptance: Driver Discomfort,
Safety Issues
What happens during an unforeseen
Joining/Leaving Platoon
How to keep platoons from hindering
ability of other vehicles to merge onto
Technology Assessment: Engine and Powerplant Optimization and Vehicle and Trailer Efficiency, Trucks and TRU Session, September 2, 2014
Bağlı araç teknolojisi, DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range Communications) gibi
teknolojileri kullanarak araçların birbirleriyle ve karayolu altyapısıyla
haberleşmesini sağlamaktadır. DSRC, GSM ya da taşıt iletişimi için özel olarak
tasarlanmış 5.9 GHz spektrumunu kullanan bir kablosuz kanaldır. Bağlı araç
sistemleri kurulumu fabrikada yapılarak araca monte ya da araca
kablolu/kablosuz ara yüzlerle bağlanabilen mobil cihazlar olarak kullanılabilir.
Operasyon halindeki birçok araçta (GM OnStar, Ford Sync, Chrysler Uconnect)
farklı bağlantı çeşitleri vardır.
Bağlı araç teknolojisi iki farklı haberleşme şeklinden oluşur: araçtan-araca
(V2V) ve araçtan-altyapıya (V2I). V2V, doğrudan iki araç arasındaki
haberleşmedir. V2I, araçlar ve karayolu, trafik işaretleri, köprüler ve
karayolu altyapısının diğer bileşenleri arasındaki iletişimi içerir. V2V ve
V2I haberleşme yetenekleriyle donatılmış araçlar sürüş sırasında bir veri
yayını (fren durum, yer, yön, hız ve diğer araç verileri) yapar. Sistem
gerektiğinde sürücüyü uyarmak için ses, ışık, ekran görüntüsü ve koltuk
titreşimi gibi işaretler kullanır.
Dedicated Short-range Communications (DSRC): Tahsis Edilmiş Kısa Mesafe İletişim
Joshua Cregger, (Çeviri : Onur Kulaat), Otomatik ve Bağlı Araç Teknolojileri: Otomotiv Sektörünün Yeni Teknolojisi
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
5.9 GHz Dedicated Short-range Communications (DSRC)
4G and older 3G cellular networks provide high-bandwidth data
Other wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, satellite, and HD
radio may have roles to play
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
• Benefits of the DSRC communications technology:
• Reduced price
• Improved reliability → fewer false alarms
• Increased performance → addresses more crash scenarios
• Challenges of the DSRC communications technology:
• Both parties (vehicle/vehicle or vehicle/infrastructure) need to be
equipped to gain benefit
• Requires security infrastructure
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
• A
requirements that allow
the various components
software and firmware to
work together.
• An agency will be able to
select the capabilities
and applications desired
at a given installation.
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
• Definition of General Services:
• Data Distribution
• Security Credential Management
• Infrastructure Management
• Capabilities/Principles:
• Secure exchange of trusted data between users and applications
without pre-existing relationship or entering into a permanent
• Assurance of privacy between users and from third parties
• More efficient data collection from various sources and distribution to
many users
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
• Announced on February 3rd, 2014 for light vehicles; ANPRM
issued on August 18, 2014
• Primary purpose: enable collision warnings to drivers prior to a
• Based on several years of research including the safety pilot
model deployment – 3000 vehicle road test in Ann Arbor,
• Report Released 8/20/2014
• ANPRM Published 8/20/2014
• Security and privacy protections built into contemplated system
• No exchanging or recording of personal information
• No tracking of vehicle movements
• After circulating the research report for public comment,
NHTSA will then begin working on a regulatory proposal to
require V2V devices in new light vehicles in a future year
• Decision on heavy vehicles planned at end of 2014
Jim Arnold, Connected Vehicles -The Basics, 2014
• Michigan birçok bağlı araç altyapı çalışmasına ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Test
ortamı yatırımları birçok alanda yapılmıştır. Bunlar arasında Ulaştırma
Bakanlığı (USDOT), Oakland ve Wayne bölgelerindeki test gelişim alanları,
Auburn Hills’deki Chrysler Teknoloji Merkezi, Novi'deki Rock Financial
Showplace, Southfield'daki bağlı araç deney merkezi, uluslararası Michigan
sürat pisti, Telegraph yolunun 12. ve 15. milleri, Farmington Hills ve Owosso
yer alır. Bağlı araç teknolojisi için en son kurulan büyük test alanı Ann Arbor,
Michigan'da bulunan USDOT "Emniyet Pilot Modeli Yerleşkesi" dir.
• Test için kullanılan araçların 64'ü yerleşik cihaza ve yaklaşık 300'ü de satış
sonrası takılan cihaza sahiptir.
• Bağlı araç teknolojisinin geliştirilmesinde görev alan ve Delphi, DENSO ve
Visteon gibi Michigan'da tesisi olan firmalar bu teknolojinin kurulumundan
büyük fayda sağlayacaktır.
• California, güçlü üniversite sistemi ve Silikon Vadisi sayesinde önemli bir
araştırma merkezidir.
Joshua Cregger, (Çeviri : Onur Kulaat), Otomatik ve Bağlı Araç Teknolojileri: Otomotiv Sektörünün Yeni Teknolojisi
• Vehicle Electronics
• Navigation Systems
• Infotainment Systems
• Approaches to Voice and Infotainment Connectivity
• Automaker Telematics System Architecture
• Aftermarket Telematics Systems
• Wireless Communications Technologies
• Cloud Computing and Data Analytics
• Intelligent Transportation Systems
Infotainment: combination of information and entertainment
Telematics: the application of both telecommunications and informatics in
to deliver value-added services in the automotive context.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
• EVENT DATA RECORDERS: Event Data Recorders (“EDRs”) predate
modern telematics. It is estimated that 96% of recent model cars are now
equipped with EDR capability and the U.S. National Highway Transportation
Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) has proposed that they be made mandatory on
all light passenger vehicles.
M2M CONNECTIVITY: Telematics is a form of machine-to-machine (“M2M”)
communication: the flow of data between network connected devices, without
the need for human interaction. “The basic M2M operation is that remote
sensors gather data and send it (wirelessly or wired) to a network, where it gets
routed, through the Internet or cellular network, to a centralized server. On the
server, the data gets analyzed and acted upon according to specific software in
place. Data collected could include device identity, location, status,
condition and so on. Data could be uni-directional or bi-directional. The
transactions are primarily useful for improved decision making, better business
processes and enhanced operational efficiencies. The scope is far reaching
because it is not only about smart devices having an IP address but being able
to link even passive objects on the network.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Most of today’s Connected Cars include a navigation
system, whether built-in or brought-in. Built-in
navigation systems may be stand-alone (i.e., based
on their own control unit) or integrated with the
telematics system. Regardless, they require a GPS
antenna, a computer processor and a user
The antenna receives signals from the GPS satellites
orbiting around earth, and the computer uses these
signals to determine the vehicle’s location to within
a few meters, displaying it on a digital screen that
is embedded in or mounted on the dashboard.
Vehicle-based navigation systems increasingly
incorporate external traffic, weather and road
condition data from various sources in order to detect
problems ahead and suggest alternative routes. They
can also access information on local businesses and
points of interest, allowing drivers to search using the
vehicle system. Past routes can usually be stored in
the system and retrieved later.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Infotainment systems, like navigation systems, can be
stand-alone or integrated with the vehicle bus in order
to make use of location data or other vehicle data.
Either way, they typically involve their own operating
systems to organize and manage their many functions
and features. These include a dashboard interface,
a system for connecting the vehicle to the internet
so as to enable various private and/or public cloud based
services and applications, and voice recognition systems
that allow drivers to engage in hands-free communications
and operation of the infotainment system.
Once “paired” with the car’s internal system, the
user’s phone connects with the car system each time
it enters the vehicle. Calls can then be automatically
transferred between the phone and the vehicle
seamlessly, downloading or uploading preferences,
contacts, calendar data and other content from the phone.
Finally, modern cars are increasingly equipped with
interior microphones and video cameras for hands-free
communication as well as monitoring purposes.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
In order to transfer data wirelessly, a modem is
required to modulate and demodulate signals. For
communications, a Subscriber Identity Module (“SIM”)
is required to authenticate and authorize the end-user.
Each SIM has a unique serial number, international
mobile subscriber identity and authentication codes.
SIM cards also hold the subscriber’s phone contacts
and network-specific data, and can be programmed to
display custom menus on the user’s device.
Embedded SIM Cards
Until recently, SIM cards could not be remotely
programmed; they had to be manually swapped and
updated in order to switch carriers, e.g., when the
customer travelled to a different geographic region.
This facilitates embedded connectivity in vehicles, by
allowing carmakers (or vehicle owners, if the carrier’s
contract is with the owner) to change carriers over the
life of a connected vehicle without having to physically
replace the SIM card.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Although OEM telematics systems can be designed
in many different ways, a typical design includes the
following key components:
• A Telematics Control Unit (“TCU”) located in the vehicle
and connected to the vehicle bus;
• A GPS receiver that is attached to or forms part of
the TCU;
• A network operations hub (“Telematics Operations
Centre”), located outside the vehicle, where data
from the TCU is processed, other data is gathered,
and telematics services are delivered;
• A wireless communications system over which
between the TCU and the network operations centre;
• A call centre where customer service representatives can
communicate with vehicle occupants; and
• Service and content providers who provide information,
entertainment, and other services (e.g., traffic feeds, music,
video, on-demand streaming of data) to the network
operations hub for use in various telematics and infotainment
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
There are two primary differences between automaker
First, while automaker systems are internal to the car,
aftermarket systems rely upon a device (“dongle”)
that attaches to the OBD-II port and thereby provides
access to vehicle data. The device also includes a built-in
modem permitting it to communicate with both the
customer and the service provider. It may also include
a GPS unit, or may instead rely upon the customer’s
mobile device for location information.
Second, the interface for automaker infotainment
systems is typically a screen or other unit built into the
vehicle dashboard. Aftermarket providers do not have
access to this interface, and must either rely upon the
user’s mobile device or provide their own separate
interface device that can be mounted on the car
Dongle: Güvenlik cihazı, Yazılımı koruyucu donanım.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Telematics uses a variety of wireless communications
technologies depending on the application. Different
functions require different distance ranges, speeds
and reliability of communication and therefore call for
different communication technologies. For example,
safety-critical vehicle-based applications require high
reliability but not high bandwidth, while internet streamed
radio and video require high bandwidth but
not high reliability.
Short-range wireless communications within the
vehicle, such as those connecting user smartphones
to the car’s dashboard display or to the aftermarket
dongle, are typically handled by Personal Area
Network systems such as Bluetooth or Wireless USB.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Dedicated Short Range Communication, suitable for
safety-critical applications in the 300 m – 500 m range,
is being promoted for use in public safety-related
Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Communication of data between the TCU and the
Operations Centre is typically handled by cellular
communications. Cellular communications are rapidly
evolving from second generation (2G) networks
offering download speeds of 140 kbps, to 3G with
speeds of up to 14 mbps, and now 4G LTE (Long Term
Evolution) offering 173 mbps, making it possible for
carmakers to offer high bandwidth services such as
internet access. Wireless Local Area Network
technology, known as Wi-Fi, is also used together with
high speed cellular communications to turn cars into
moving internet “hotspots” with the capacity to link
several devices within the car to the internet at a given
Hotspots: (Bilgisayar) popüler noktalar
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
“Cloud computing” and data analytics are
important tools used by telematics systems
providers to process and use the increasing
amount of data generated by telematics
systems. Cloud computing is the distribution of
computing tasks over several servers and other
computer equipment so as to make efficient use of
computing resources. Rather than each company
using its own server to store and analyze data,
several companies can pool server resources so as
to provide faster and more reliable access to stored
data. These pooled resources are referred to as
a “cloud.” They must be managed to ensure that
they have the necessary power, scalability, security,
data storage and other capacities required by their
users. Cloud services are offered by specialized
cloud service providers or managed internally by
large companies.
Cloud computing: Bulut bilişim.
Pooled: Birleştirilmiş
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
As one industry insider noted,
“…connected cars need data. Lots of data.
…But as connected cars before were sophisticated
rolling wired devices, the amount of information
flowing back and forth from them will skyrocket.
And so they will demand for the cloud’s
scalability and storage capabilities. The cloud also
provides sophisticated processing and analytical
capabilities. The cloud is the central hub where
all of this quickly changing, far-flung information
will pass through. It will provide the platform for
making sense of this data. And the cloud is also
the home for building and developing the apps
and programs used by cars on the road.”
far-flung: Çok uzaklara yayılmış
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Intelligent Transportation Systems involve the
development of interoperable, networked wireless
communications among vehicles and roadside
infrastructure, as well as pedestrians, cyclists and other
physical things on or near the roadway. The systems
use a variety of mobile sensors (e.g., radar, GPS, laser,
video, light and thermal) and fixed sensors (e.g., traffic
counters, cameras and weather instruments), together
with wireless communications (Dedicated Short Range
Communication), backend computing and information
management (cloud computing) to allow vehicles,
other mobile devices and roadside infrastructure to
communicate with each other. ITS are only possible
if a representative amount of data can be collected,
processed and made available, all in real time.
As explained in the previous chapter under “Public
Mandates”, Intelligent Transportation Systems are
being developed by the public sector with the
participation of the private sector, for public interest
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Live Agent Assistance
Automatic Collision Notification and Emergency Assistance
Roadside Assistance
Concierge Services
Remote Monitoring and Control
Remote Vehicle Diagnostics
Remote Software Updates
Fleet Management
Usage-Based Insurance (“UBI”)
Automotive Financing
Car Sharing
Electric Vehicles
Convenience applications
Location-Based Services
Enhanced Navigation
Destination Finding and Local Search services
Location-based Advertising
Stolen Vehicle Recovery
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Personal Connectedness and Infotainment
Hands-free Communications
Contacts and Calendars
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Health and Wellness Applications
Enhanced Safety
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Driver Monitoring
Autonomous Cars
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Taxation and Tolls
Distance-based Road Taxation
Electronic Tolling
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Enhanced Safety
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
All carmakers are now equipping vehicles with
increasingly sophisticated advanced driver assistance
systems (“ADAS”) such as blind spot warnings,
forward collision warnings, parking assistance,
traffic sign detection and cruise control that adapts to
the speedof cars ahead.
laser scanners and radar-emitting devices embedded
in the vehicle, together with ECUs that receive,
interpret and act on data generated by the sensors
and other input units. Some applications are automatic
(e.g., braking to avoid a collision) while others issue
warnings or other information to the driver (e.g., traffic
sign detection). ADAS are increasingly prevalent,
especially in high end car models. GM, for example, has
stated that the 2017 Cadillac will be able to operate
hands-free in certain conditions.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Enhanced Safety
Driver Monitoring
In addition to external cameras offering 360 degree
images to aid parking and recognize pedestrians or
other obstacles, carmakers are increasingly looking to
to monitor driver alertness and behaviour as part
of ADAS. For example, driver monitoring based on
eye-tracking and/or other biometric sensing could
be employed on semi-autonomous cars to determine
whether the driver is ready to assume manual control
of the car.
One form of ADAS involves the use of cameras and
vehicle sensors to detect driver lack of attention
or drowsiness (e.g., if car is drifting out of the lane,
together with changes in the driver’s pedal use,
steering, speed, etc.) and set off alerts or other vehicle
system adjustments designed to wake the driver up
or encourage a stop. More advanced systems involve
interior cameras that monitor driver attention, vision
and/or head pose.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Enhanced Safety
Driver Monitoring (cont.)
A further refinement of such systems involves the
use of biometric sensors. Biometric sensors in the
steering wheel, seat and seatbelt can monitor
drivers’ palms, facial temperature, heart rate and
breathing rate.
Volvo is reported to be working on sensors
that detect driver drowsiness based on head and
eye movements. Toyota was reported in 2011 as
developing a steering wheel with an embedded ECG
to detect abnormal heart rhythm through the
driver’s hands. Ford has also been developing
various health and wellness applications for its cars. In
2012, Ford was experimenting with a system it called
“driver workload estimation” to use such data, in
combination with data on driver use of the throttle,
brakes and steering wheel, to adjust warning times for
collision alerts and automatically filter out phone calls
and messages if drivers seem to be losing attention or
getting stressed.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Enhanced Safety
Driver Monitoring (cont.)
IMS, a Canadian-based supplier of usage-based
insurance via its “DriveSync” connected car platform,
recently showcased technology that would use
insights gained from wearable technology to anticipate
driver behaviours. In a news release describing its
driver health monitoring service, IMS explains: “For
example, sleep patterns, glucose monitoring
levels and abnormal heart rate detection are used
to signal driver drowsiness and potential health
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Enhanced Safety
Autonomous Cars
car on public roads in January 2015. Google’s well-publicized fleet of
autonomous vehicles has been driving safely on public roads in
California for years. By definition, autonomous cars do not rely upon
communication with other vehicles or information sources, and
are therefore not generally considered to be “Connected Cars”,
nor do they necessary use personal information. However,
autonomous cars will undoubtedly be connected in a number of ways –
at a minimum, by receiving data from other vehicles and sources to
create and continually update the “maps” on which they rely to navigate
safely, and by updating vehicle systems software over the air and
relaying information to the vehicle owner. As well, in-vehicle personal
communications and infotainment are expected to play a much greater
role in autonomous vehicles since occupants need not drive. More
importantly, autonomous vehicles will undoubtedly be integrated
with Intelligent Transportation System, thus becoming
“Connected Vehicles”.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Enhanced Safety
Intelligent Transportation Systems
V2V, V2I, V2P, V2x: Vehicle-to-Vehicle; Vehicle-to Infrastructure; Vehicle-toPedestrian; Vehicle-to anything
Volvo has announced that its “Drive Me” project (endorsed by the Swedish
government) will feature 100 self-driving Volvos on public roads in and near the
automaker’s Swedish hometown of Gothenburg in 2017. GM is planning to
include V2V technology in its 2017 Cadillac, challenging other OEMs to do
likewise. Although currently focused on assisting human drivers to take
appropriate corrective action in the face of danger, the ultimate manifestation
of a road-based Intelligent Transportation System is the self-driving car.
V2x technology takes autonomous ADAS a step further through its ability to
“see” around corners and “through” other vehicles, thus perceiving threats
sooner than vehicle-based sensors, cameras or radar can. It is estimated that a
system of V2V and V2I communications could, by warning the driver of an
impending hazard, prevent a significant number of vehicle crashes involving
unimpaired drivers. Autonomous vehicle technologies are seen as
complementary to V2V technologies and it is expected that the two will merge
so as to augment system accuracy and efficiency. Some initiatives are already
two-track, developing autonomous ADAS as well as V2V communications
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Telematics and infotainment services offered by OEMs have
evolved over the past few years from a differentiator to a
mainstream offering in new vehicles and they continue to
evolve by leaps and bounds each year. Common telematics
services now offered by OEMs and aftermarket providers
include emergency and roadside assistance, stolen vehicle
tracking, remote vehicle diagnostics and remote control
features. The number of GPS-based traffic and locationrelated services continues to grow.
Infotainment systems are turning cars into another fully
connected mobile device. With the addition of biometric
sensors, cameras, and predictive analytics technologies, new
applications based on gesture and mood sensing, consumer
behaviour analysis and cloud-supported user experiences will
result in increasingly personalized services. It is no longer
science fiction to contemplate a car that, while you are
preparing to drive to work, checks the weather, your schedule
for the day, traffic conditions, and plans your route accordingly,
rerouting as necessary to avoid traffic jams, before locating
an available parking spot to save you time.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
Nor is it unrealistic to expect a rental car to recognize
you when you enter the car, and to adjust the seat,
mirror, calendar and music to your preferences based
on the same brand of vehicle that you own. The
technology exists now for a car to be able to check
your blood pressure, and if it finds it elevated, play
soothing music as it drops you off at work and then
goes to park itself. With current technologies, cars can
not only make restaurant suggestions based on your
food preferences (as determined by your previous
food purchases) but then make a reservation for a time
of arrival taking into account the restaurant’s location,
local traffic conditions and your driving style. In the words of
industry executives:
“We try to bring the digital life into the car and the car into the
digital life… Not only do we want to make the internet
accessible from the car, but also the other way around, that is,
to make the car accessible from the internet – a truly bidirectional connection.”
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
“[We] are .. entering a new era of Connected Car innovation
that will integrate all aspects of a person’s life…”
According to Peter Sweatman, Director of the University of
Michigan’s Mobility Transformation Center:
“We are on the cusp of a transformation of mobility on a scale
we haven’t seen since the introduction of the automobile a
century ago.”
Whether from a commercial or public service perspective, the
development of Connected Cars is ushering in a completely
new concept of transportation, one that centers around the
collection of data about vehicles and their occupants on a
massive scale - similar to that underlying mobile devices
generally, but with more context and even more data.
The Connected Car, FIPA Report, 2015
• Otomatik araç teknolojileri video kamera, radar ve LIDAR (lazer tabanlı bir menzil
sistemi) gibi sensörlerin yanı sıra tehlikeli durumlarda alarmları tetikleyecek ya da
aktif kontrolü devreye alacak işlem birimi ve dijital haritalardan da faydalanır.
Otomatik acil durum freni, şerit takip sistemi, adaptif hız kontrol sistemi ve aktif
park destek sistemi gibi otomatik araç özellikleri şu anda kullanımda olan
araçların birçoğunda mevcuttur.
• Otomobil üreticileri yakın gelecekte bu sistemlerin kombinasyonlarını
piyasaya sürerek aracın hızının, direksiyonun ve frenlerinin otomatik olarak
kontrol edilmesine imkan tanıyabilir. Örneğin Cadillac şu anda otobanda yarı
otomatik sürüş kabiliyetine sahip “Super Cruise” teknolojisini test ediyor.
• Ford, Mercedes ve Volvo ise düşük hız ve dur-kalkın bol olduğu trafik şartlarında
kullanmak üzere trafik ışığı asistanı sisteminin testlerini koşuyor. Bu teknolojinin
Mercedes tarafından üretilen versiyonu dur-kalk pilotu olarak tanınıyor ve 2014
sonlarında S sınıfında kullanılmaya başlanacak.
• Lexus aktif güvenlik araştırma aracı etrafındaki işaretleri gözlemlemek, işlemek
ve cevap vermek için bir dizi sensör ve otomatik kontrol sistemi ile donatılmış
halde. Araç GPS, stereo kameralar, radar ve ışık algılama ve lazer izleme
(LIDAR) sensörleri içerir. Otomatik araç teknolojisindeki bir sonraki adım karışık
trafiğin olduğu yollarda kendi kendini süren, tam otomatik araçlardır.
Joshua Cregger, (Çeviri : Onur Kulaat), Otomatik ve Bağlı Araç Teknolojileri: Otomotiv Sektörünün Yeni Teknolojisi
2012 sonunda, üç eyalet (Nevada,
Florida ve California) ve Columbia
bölgesi tam otomatik araçlarla ilgili
yasalar çıkardı. Michigan başta olmak
üzere ülke genelindeki diğer eyaletlerde
de benzer yasalar kabul gördü. Mayıs
ayında, Ulusal Otoyol Trafik Güvenliği
İdaresi, kamusal yollarda tam otomatik
araçların test lisanslarının verilmesiyle
ilgili bir rehber yayınladı.
Joshua Cregger, (Çeviri : Onur Kulaat), Otomatik ve Bağlı Araç Teknolojileri: Otomotiv Sektörünün Yeni Teknolojisi
Automated Driving: Enabling Technology
Source: Texas Instruments ADAS Solutions Guide
Fundamental Issues in Road Transport Automation; Steven E. Shladover and Richard Bishop, ITS America Webinar, July 15, 2015
Fundamental Issues in Road Transport Automation; Steven E. Shladover and Richard Bishop, ITS America Webinar, July 15, 2015
Automated Driving: Supporting Technology
Source: Texas Instruments ADAS Solutions Guide
Fundamental Issues in Road Transport Automation; Steven E. Shladover and Richard Bishop, ITS America Webinar, July 15, 2015