Yrd. Doç. Dr. Miraç ALAF - Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
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Shells on the Elastic Foundation. Abstracts of 3nd Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress, 24-28 April 2013, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 434. 4. Sofiyev, A. H., Zerin, Z., Deniz, A., A...
DetaylıCURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name Surname: Cem Öztürk 2. Date of Birth
Waveguide Couplers ’, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 306-308, March 2007 ( Times cited in SCI: 7) [6] Kim D.G.; Choi Y.W., Yi J.C.; Chung Y., Ozturk C., Dagli N. ‘ Multimode...
DetaylıCV (Türkçe) - Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
buckling load capacity using simulated annealing, Composite Structures, 2005, 71:
DetaylıAssist. Prof. Dr. Levent PARALI
İsrafil Şabikoğlu, Levent Paralı , Ondrej Malina, Petr Novak, Josef Kaslik, Jiri Tucek, Jiri Pechousek, Jakup Navarik, and Oldrich Schneeweiss, The Effect of Neodymium Substitution on the Structura...