Name: Z.Gülçin Özkişi, PhD / Assistant Professor Education: Degree


Name: Z.Gülçin Özkişi, PhD / Assistant Professor Education: Degree
Name: Z.Gülçin Özkişi, PhD / Assistant Professor
High School
İstanbul Anatolian Fine Arts
High School
Music and Stage Arts /
Yıldız Technical University
Arts and Design
Yıldız Technical University
Arts and Design
Yıldız Technical University
University of London
SOAS / School of African and
Oriental Studies /Faculty of
Languages and Cultures
University of Oxford
Faculty of Music
(TÜBİTAK Fellow/ Musicology)
01.07.2011 - 31.09.2011
of African
and Oriental Studies)
01.10.2011 30.09.2012
15. 12. 201215.12.2013
Faculty of Languages and
Member of the Faculty of:
Research Assistance
Music and Stage Arts
Yıldız Technical University
Assistant Professor
Music and Stage Arts
Yıldız Technical University
Administrative Duties:
2005 – 2012
-YTÜ Vedat Kosal Music Research Center
2005 – 2012
-YTÜ Vedat Kosal Music Research Center
Member of the Board
Internationally refereed scientific journal articles:
Özkisi, Z., G., Contemporary Music From Turkey: Composer Özkan Manav’s Approach to Local
Materials in Terms of Abstraction in His Series for Piano Titled Movements, Turkish Studies,
8(9), 2013.
Özkisi, Z., G., Feminist Music Theory and Gender Semantics in The Context of Music Discipline,
Turkish Studies, 8(12), 2013.
Özkisi, Z., G., The Woman Composer Question: Gender Roles and Judgments Regarding
Women’s Creativity, Turkish Studies, 8(2), 2013.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Women’s Access to Composition Education and Career of Composition in Turkey
in the Context in Gender”, Turkish Studies, 7(3), 2012.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Ahmed Adnan Saygun, Özkan Manav, Babür Tongur”, TEMPO/Cambridge
Journals, 62(247): 83-84, 2009.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Western Classical Music in Ottoman”, International Review of the Aesthetics and
Sociology of Music (IRASM), 39(1): 116-119, 2008.
Özkisi, Z., G., Özbilen N., “Muzika-i Hümâyûn Şarkıları”, Journal of Folklore Research (JFR),
Özkişi, Z., G., Akıncı A., “Leo Brouwer’s Compositional Language and Periods”, Journal of
Academic Studies, 12(46): 223-244, 2010.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Rembetika: Aşk, Gurbet, Hapis ve Tekke Şarkıları (Songs of love, exile, prison
and hash dens)”, MELA Notes, 82: 48-51, 2009.
Özkisi, Z., G., “A Definition Of "World Music" In The Context Of Postmodernism and
Globalization, Journal Of Academic Studies, 9(33): 152-165, 2007.
International Conference Papers Published in Conference Proceedings:
Özkisi, Z., G., “Müzikte Küreselleşme, Yerellik ve ‘World Music’” / “Globalization in Music,
Locality and the 'World Music'”, Akdeniz University, International Symposium on Globalization,
Democratization and Turkey, March, 27th-30th, 2008.
Özkisi, Z., G., “The Theoretical Analyses of the Vocal Works of Ali Ufki” Commentator: Prof.
Dr. Oğuzhan Özcan, Kadir Has University, 1st International Doctoral Consortium, March 29th30th, 2007.
Özkisi, Z., G., Ayangil, R., “Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Bestecilik ve Türkiye’de Kadın
Besteciler/ Composing in the Context of Gender and Women Composers in Turkey ”, Dokuz
Eylül University, International Multidisciplinary Women's Congress, 13th- october 16th, 2009.
Özkisi, Z., G., Özdemir, U., “Etkileşim (İnteraktivite) Bağlamında Âşıklık Geleneğine
Karşılaştırmalı Bir Yaklaşım / A Comparative Approach to the tradition of minstrelsy (âşıklık) in
the context of interactivity”, Gazi University, Symposium on Intangible Cultural Heritage:
Yaşayan Âşık Sanatı / art of minstrelsy, November 29th-30th 2007.
National Journal Articles:
Özkisi, Z., G., “Uyanış/Kanun-Piyano İkilisi”, Andante, Şubat 2014.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Zeynep Gedizlioğlu’nun II No’lu aylı Dörtlüsü’nün Analizi: ‘Susma’”, (Yeni),
Sayı: 2, 2011, sf. 246-262.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Üç Çağdaş Besteci ve Yapıtları Üzerine İnceleme / Özkan Manav, Mehmet
Nemutlu, Hasan Uçarsu”, Orkestra Dergisi, Yıl:47 / Sayı:401, Ocak 2009, sf. 24-55.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Hindemith’in Ses İşçiliği”, YKY Sanat Dünyamız, Sayı: 103, 2007.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Interview with Choir Conductor Suna Çevik/ Koro Şefi Suna Çevik ile Röportaj”,
Orkestra Dergisi, Yıl: 38(306), 1999.
National Conference Presentations
Özkisi, Z., G., “Eclecticism in Music”, Borusan Culture and Art Center, Istanbul, November
Özkisi, Z., G., Berkman E., “In His 100th Birthday Anniversary the Turkish Composer Hasan
Ferid Alnar and His Composing Life”, 5th Qanun Meeting, Yıldız Technical University
Oditorium, 16 December 2006.
Editor of Proceedings or Special Editions
Özkisi, Z., G., Ayangil R., “Ekrem Zeki Ün’e Farklı Bakışlar: Ölümünün 20. Yıldönümünde
Ekrem Zeki Ün’ü Anma Paneli / Panel on Composer Ekrem Zeki Ün”, Orkestra Dergisi,
Yıl:38(304), 2008.
Özkisi, Z., G., Ayangil, R., Altunbay S., “Müzisyen Sağlığı Günleri-I Sempozyumu / Symposium
on Musician's Health Days-I”, Yıldız Technical University Press., İstanbul, 2005.
Özkisi, Z., G., English to Turkish translation of Shinchi Suzuki’s article titled “Music Education
of Children, Orkestra, 38(304), 1999.
Other Publications:
Özkisi, Z., G., “Richard Wagner: Die Meistersinger Von Nürnberg Uvertürü; Manuel De Falla:
İspanya Bahçelerinde Geceler, Piyano Ve Orkestra İçin Senfonik İzlenimler; Antonin Dvorak:
Senfoni No. 8 Sol Majör Op. 88”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra,
Şubat 2005.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Johannes Brahms: Piyano Konçertosu No. 1 Re Minör Op. 15; Robert Schumann:
Senfoni No. 2 Do Majör Op. 61”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra,
Ocak 2005.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Richard Strauss: Don Juan Senfonik Şiir Op. 20; P. İ. Çaykovski: Francesca Da
Rimini, Dante’ni Motifleri Üzerine Senfonik Fantezi, Mi Minör Op. 32”, Program Notes of
Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Aralık 2004.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Richard Wagner: Gotterdammerung Operası Vorspiel’den Siegfried’s Rhine
Journey (Rheinfahrt); Ludwig Van Beethoven: Piyano Konçertosu No. 3 Do Minör Op. 37;
Ludwig Van Beethoven: Senfoni No. 5 Do Minör Op. 67”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul
Philharmonic Orchestra, Kasım 2004.
Özkisi, Z., G., Robert Schumann: Viyolonsel Konçertosu La Minör Op. 129; Cemal Reşit Rey:
Türkiye, Orkestra İçin Senfonik Rapsodiler; Gustav Mahler: Totenfeier, Orkestra İçin Senfonik
Bölüm”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Ekim 2004.
Özkisi, Z., G., Max Bruch: Viyola Ve Klarinet İçin İkili Konçerto Mi Minör Op. 88; Helge Jörns:
Les Folies D’espagne, Viyola Ve Orkestra İçin Fantezi”; Richard Strauss: Don Kişot Op. 35,
Giriş, Tema Ve Çeşitlemeler, Final; Şövalye Karakterindeki Bir Tema Üzerine Fantastik
Çeşitlemeler”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Nisan 2004.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Ludwig Van Beethoven: Prometheus’un Yaratıkları Uvertürü Op. 43”, Program
Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Mart 2004.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Giuseppe Verdi: Sicilya’da Akşam Duaları Uvertürü; Ludwig Van Beethoven:
Piyano Konçertosu No. 5 Mi Bemol Majör Op. 73, İmparator”, Program Notes of Borusan
Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Şubat 2004.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Ahmed Adnan Saygun: Orkestra İçin Çeşitlemeler, Op. 72; Antonin Dvorak:
Keman Konçertosu La Minör Op. 53; P. İ. Çaykovski: Senfoni No. 1 Sol Minör Op. 13 Kış
Rüyaları”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Ocak 2004.
Özkisi, Z., G., Gioacchino Rossini: Hırsız Saksağan Uvertürü; P. İ. Çaykovski: 1812 Uvertürü Op.
49”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Aralık 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., “P. İ. Çaykovski: Piyano Konçertosu No. 1 Si Bemol Minör Op. 23; Johannes
Brahms: Senfoni No. 4 Mi Miönr Op. 98”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic
Orchestra, Kasım 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Ulvi Cemal Erkin: Senfonik Bölüm; Max Bruch: Keman Konçertosu No. 1 Sol
Minör Op. 26”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Ekim 2003,
Özkisi, Z., G., “Ulvi Cemal Erkin: Köçekçe Suiti”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul
Philharmonic Orchestra, 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Franz Von Suppe: Hafif Süvari Uvertütü; Sergei Prokofiev: Keman Konçertosu
No. 2 Sol Minör Op. 63; Manuel De Falla: Üç Köşeli Şapka Orkestra Suiti 1-2”, Program Notes
of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Mayıs 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Jean Sibelius: Finlandiya Op. 26 No. 7; Antonio Vivaldi: Mevsimler, Kış, Fa
Minör R 297; P. İ. Çaykovski: Fındıkkıran Bale Suiti Op. 71’den Üç Dans; Bülent Tarcan:
Üçüncü Orkestra Suiti’nden Zeybekler; Ferit Tüzün: Esintiler’den Üçüncü Bölüm; Johannes
Brahms: Macar Dansları Sol Minör No. 5; Johann Strauss: Mavi Tuna Valsi Op. 314”, Program
Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Mayıs 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Edouard Lao: İspanyol Senfonisi Op. 21, Keman Ve Orkestra İçin; W. A. Mozart:
Senfoni Konçertant Mi Bemol Majör K 364, Keman Ve Viyola İçin; Dimitri Şostakoviç: Senfoni
No. 10 Mi Minör Op. 93”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Nisan
Özkisi, Z., G., “Richard Strauss: Burleske Re Minör Op. 11, Piyano Ve Orkestra İçin; Dimitri
Şostakoviç: Piyano Konçertosu No. 1 Do Minör Op. 35; Jan Sibelius: Senfoni No. 2 Re Minör
Op. 43”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Mart 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Sergei Rahmaninov: Piyano Konçertosu No. 2 Do Minör Op. 18; Antonin Dvorak:
Senfoni No. 7 Re Minör Op. 70”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra,
Şubat 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., “M. Mussorgski: Çıplak Dağda Bir Gece; A. Borodin: Prens Igor Operası’ndan
Poloveç Dansları”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Şubat 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Robert Schumann: Piyano Konçertosu La Minör Op. 54; W. A. Mozart: Senfoni
No. 41, Jupiter, Do Majör, K. 551”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra,
Ocak 2003.
Özkisi, Z., G., P. İ. Çaykovski: Bir Rokoko Teması Üzerine Çeşitlemeler Op. 33 Viyolonsel Ve
Orkestra İçin; Camile Saint-Saens: Viyolonsel Konçertosu No. 1 La Minör Op. 33; P. İ.
Çaykovski: Romeo Ve Juliet, Orkestra İçin Fantezi Uvertür, Si Miör”, Program Notes of Borusan
Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, 2002.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Gheorghe Zamfir: Büyük Rumen Rapsodisi; H. Alfen: İsveç Rapsodisi No. 1 Op.
19; J. Strauss: Mavi Tuna Valsi Op. 314; N. Rimsky-Korsakov: İspanyol Kapriçyosu Op. 35”,
Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Aralık, 2002.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Niccolo Paganini: Keman Konçertosu Mi Bemol Majör No. 1 Op. 6; Richard
Strauss: Güllü Şövalye Op. 59”, Program Notes of Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra,
Kasım 2002.
Özkisi, Z., G., “Modest Mussogsky/Maurice Ravel: Bir Sergiden Tablolar”, Program Notes of
Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, Ekim 2002.
International Citations
International citation
Değirmenci, Koray, “Dünya Müziği
Söylemlerinde Romanlık ve Roman Müzik
İcrası: Selim Sesler ve Hüsnü Şenlendirici
Örneği, Toplum ve Bilim 114:159-187, 2009.
Cited Publication
Özkisi, Z., G., “A Definition Of "World Music"
In The Context Of Postmodernism and
Globalization, Journal Of Academic Studies,
9(33): 152-165, 2007.
International Projects
King’s College, London / Department of Music, Mentor: Dr. Martin Stokes, “Contemporary
Music from Turkey: Turkish composers’ approaches to the local materials in the center of
abstraction”, 15. 12. 2012–15.12.2013.
University of Oxford / Faculty of Music, Mentor: Dr. Martin Stokes, “The Elements of Locality
in the Works of Contemporary Turkish Composers: Research on the Change of Approach
Towards Local Materials in the Polyphonic Music Composition in Modern and After Modern
Periods in Turkey within Socio-cultural Context”, 01.10.2011 – 30.09.2012 (as Tübitak Fellow).
University of London / SOAS (School of African and Oriental Studies), Faculty of Languages
and Cultures, Mentor: Dr. Yorgos Dedes,“Elements of Locality in Music”, 01.07.2011 –
Turkish Studies.
Editorial Board Membership
(yeni) Journal / Kırmızı Press.
Honors, Awards, and Scholarships:
TÜBİTAK/BİDEB 2219- Postdoctoral Scholarship: University of Oxford / Musicology / 12
TÜBİTAK Incentive Award for International Scientific Publications, 2007.
YTÜ Incentive Award for International Scientific Publications, 2007.
YTÜ Incentive Award for International Scientific Publications, 2009.
YTÜ Incentive Award for International Scientific Publications, 2009.
YTÜ Incentive Award for International Scientific Publications, 2012.
YTÜ Incentive Award for International Scientific Publications, 2013.
YTÜ Incentive Award for International Scientific Publications, 2013.
YTÜ Incentive Award for International Scientific Publications, 2013.
Graduate And Undergraduate Courses Given In The Past Two Years:
Number of Hours
Name of Course
History of Opera 1
Terminology for Musicians 2
Music and Gender
Main Field Seminar 3
Aural Communication
History of Opera 2
Main Field Seminar 2
Main Field Seminar 4
Terminology for Musicians 1
Music and Gender
Applied Music Ethnography
Music Cultures of Turkey
Music and Gender
Applied Music Ethnography
Main Field Seminar 3
Main Field Project
Terminology for Musicians 2
Main Field Seminar 2
Main Field Seminar 4
Applied Music Ethnography
Introduction to the Organology
per Week
Theory Application