
bask"r OIL4N
*rb bclic* rbd mdtumhdilyisbN inp$cd by EU {irru eminese ndrond
!ryd.igmy(Ns)lod {irrqq,r sinllsrurltu s@ rikerheydidd rheendol rhc
Fi6r wond wrOn rhelery rhewik! ol rhclli clnruryii) skt il
The very esence of the i&a of a luropcm UnioD (tiu) is no d.ubi the
of d leai pan ofnrlional$vrcisnry (NS) ro sonc kind of
ccrrd aunFriq rcprescnringrhe Union Ttr{ey is ex{renely e|ger io entr
EIJ but rlns lery esence ( yer il'e lea$ ,lrcu$c,l mallcr amongTurks. Bul
nsvenheles.n subconsciously
thecenie,of theifbnins aDdmakes
irselr*ider.ln ccdainimponmrissu.srharI shalldiscuss
in thisdriclc.
hi rl'c ami-'mpfliahstMan fnospher of dre 60s and -70s .hc
Socialnt hrd r quitc intrc$ins 5logroconccnire cnq b ftc aomnon
Mnrke\: Anb aldk biz ldal , which c.n be trnslaled xs They l.e Thc
C.,/,., t'neaning, $odarct. wc Arc Thc M,,tur [ncming. ofcoutu.
thc oncs 10 be colonizedl. No* rhat Mnxism is ro D,oc nE Dod of
rcfereicerhe orh.r sidcofrh. coin,Kcndisrndid lnn, n
Therason behindrheli.{ rpp'orch\us rh. t.m ofbc ie colofDcdrJord'c
secondit s thc ftar ofdisintcgEtioD.liis asumcd rln cntry ro ru (ic.
or sharingfie NS) $ill kad to iedtorirl disinrcgmrion.
fiiii,.,l [u.
rl:: ir:$:.
qll n Llr!a\o
rlj[], d indnbd.d rhr l]
rLr. lkj hLlJiirrs OrjrmudonrL!)
f:Lt llLrl,bi
Ll,n L tri d.LbLrl,r rh.
{D[.! u] d
rr r.trtrr.]lrj.,rrrcirr r]lnrl, Li$ r th. \.t
rljr rjLj,'r
rdr eriu\r
Th. utuu!,11 Xt)rtt rr.r.t h,, t,, rr til \r,
tat \\,,:i !t.
ir nuns drL rhc for,\ of sfprcR 1oF ly rf Lh.
so.i.n n mncd 6uds rhr c.nL:
!rrR lfrr rltroulh ir\ rllne] 'qycnnhrnB (rhe L.Sidrtlotr) Thn
rrl? vtrk4,ftr
b4r rr
tL] .'rddaar
\h.n onc of ih! \irill cl6
Rcbrnc A,! r' rn'i rh
in,ponaDtof t , rlE repr.e
deinrd iD rre l9 cenlun $
rhc l1i ccnturyr tr i.$ de
dcmocncymd th.Dln.cthc r
nLas.dunri,ls. i'rcrcnsdc.
rec or GlobrlrTrnon.
rlre \al
lL is LLcbrLrbLc
Eu'ope ccnxinLJrlr ntrL Nd ubi(nn of K nrlnD, trr dd/.,.r
Vod!miz.lnrr. BtrL.0
tdcquisnc tu' rr. lxre, r {.oig lnmd{n'z.dl
.rhcy.d rgri'xt ,e \ill of rr i'np.mLnr w.n ftmt'lan L i
l\Jodemnrrnnrl'Ifr.d btrill roL'n l\r.!iilks rurtul ni. ! _rr{ir
lco.r.r,Cd'.i! Ci!il,? Citrremp.rl ri!Ll,^n
KDrl,$n { l'.y'hr- (xs reprc..rt
l 9 l 0 ! I n d r o s . n o \ r i r L s r h r p l L ' i r i n {N l i c m E u r u t ro! l I
Trrrfotu. drcrum r\r i'isljfu
n r l i { . l N l . d c l l 0 0 0 a : r, { i i n d r h . h n y
Tl[ smqn.J Lrn Lud{-{rrr \S. r]I !,.qr,d,
of rh!Nlio.Nl
(.dfmlnl) !rce$e17 cNlmmJol
r h ! N . l i o n s r r ! r b t r i lo
1r t h .
xsumfli.n olr sinllc rhnLct)) !tr,!. rli! 9" C. u,). hs tr{, dllirD,
\.. Dr rrrn,,r
d.aDnDn ol \S hji r tur
lmchron$ricin or lifrc. fdr
On.. rl'e irotr shart\ ir $(
ll Ounva'dlook ,9. \s n
o r l vb r i t o " T d . d m d r v i L l (
tr'cui'ri ol NS ( i rhcrbso
Eu.oN: rl'crcinrcit nrsoar,
ofNS btrrrr b*t olth. L\k
usc of. Srti
NS is renn
llobll b.ltuiccofporc. md.
lhn ncans n lh! i cal
!hrn!sJ: In rhe L7' Ccnru!
acrcdro\rrds rs cltcis lid
oucrderond (e\ErnalNs) I
NS h,thelL Centr'ryLhe
Whcn i.rcmd NS ld.mod
lsrinila!onisrJ.extnul \S ri
inlerlerei.e\orld b. $isi
$o'nci hl nori"8
$ink se car rerh ni concl
rdmla Mdnknl.
Lku rrl \rr
in!. nr
_Drrdin i! !u D+.iin! litcr
d.nnnion of NS bN n 1006 in 19'hCc ury Eutupcdnd h rhscrorc
" n n l n o n ! i ; n o . ' r i n ! .f o r h ! ' . J r e i r l . r ' h r e .l i r i r - i o - , r o i e
onc. lho i.rion sharcsir vith so odH padea, the Exe ive and thc
Judicirryj T$o. ihe us of NS is by rhe social
cla$ structuEofthe counhyirhc ntrcsctualonol ih. faion hmoreEa1
$hen one of rh. soci.l clNsesdos noi 'lonimre xll o ien ( lnlcnal
Rcl.rivc ,{uronoJny-)and d,is is noi rlsrls lhc.a5q Tlncc. and mor
imponantol rll $c rcprcsnlalionof tbe ndioi (i.c. donocncy) us
'lefird in the l9" Ccnluryas lhevillofrh! majoriry':inrhcbc8,iningof
rhc 2lri Centuryr is no{ dcllncdas .lspcd for the subidenriiiei The
nraronqcan'o mor adas h pkrseslikEi diclarorThc orcraupniciph or
democncyandthncforcrhcmainpnncipleof natioill i'nryfiryrequn$d'ar
idc.s, dcnaids. i'trerens eh ol $e ni.oriiy ac blm into accounl ln the
rtsedf Clobalizrrion.
the Ndion Strte a: r melhanismof asimllelionis
l) Oun'rrd lookiig,NS k definedas ihe Stdc\ indepcndcncc
o'ly by ils o*T deddcn \vill 1i.c..inrcmtioml taaries,eq n'e roorof tnn
nc.nin8 orNS is LnrherbsoluGtccntrlislSrrt modclofrhc l?r Cenrur)
it kakoana.hruninicbdry. No* we.ii no nore stcak
ofNS bul al bei ofrhe ExrcmilRdriyc Aubnomyollhc SoE-- ibr rhe
useof r Skre s NS is r.sricrcd br orh.r Soe{ prcseme,rcgionalard
llobal b.lanccofposer and,nost impona ofrll, by thc srudre ol rhe
ftis lrrff
i[.r th. nlErphy bcNe.n lhe nvo 'neri,nes h]s ndicrlly
chiu.d: L rh. l?a Cdtury. what ws impotut las not hos llt Srat
!.td b$ris ib cirim (i'rerol NS) but how stong i( was rowirds (ho
NS). The inrcmal NS ws a ftncrion of rhc cxrcmol
@i& *did (drd.l
Ns. ln .b. 2l' Cedry rhe sxtcmll NS is nos ! tuldion oi nE inte.nal NS
i.Lin l NS (denemcy) h stors (i.e., legitimaie and non
GiEibtiotrisl), exremalNS (indepndmce) is nrdEr b...usc rhdc is lc$
6om the inten.tioml.rcm. For iniancc. Turkey s demsracy
hnNqusrioncdbc.aus.orlonure hring nhoei" polirdrahdn\:bur tl'i!
idcd.Ence would be considcrab\hcNicr if rhc cu$om of killing (he
{omen by ionine (,?.,,1 was ln pruotice,n Turkcy.ln sum.J
think\e.rn ftrlh th. con lusionrharrodayrhc.xtcnal NS of a srat.nLLl
"Devdn J! vt D4 CorriOz
eml RelariveAuronomyol rlresbt $ rt
rili.,, Baskrn
onn (ed.),rzN,{ Polrn?,
cotr.Dn.sro h. n.of-q \h.n brs.d on dR 's of Jbrce.bft oo rhc y.ry
$nrr\ r\ LnlemrlNS ,r rrdn!$ $hc. irb noL
D|Dm ..trdusion,NS orTLrLe! tr
nrln-qcrrhrn Nlodcl1000r kcmalnDi ir ptulircd lD r][r dl Nlod.l
l9l0i'. Thr b.s Lirnn'\rcn for il is rtu Ttr Lrhirlc s rtnudc 1o$ ns it
fh? torterl .t ,ui".ri^
and it: atq
Todrl. dr! N,i.ctr ol miNrq n dctn'cdas follovs:. tolarnclyin.lL
rhxrrdrndcs liam Lh. rcn 01 dk rdion
lrotrp ol cni/.ns Nnh Llil_crcnl
\hrd, ir consiJm rhr rJtd./,, r',ol I dcnilr-.RcL)ngor rlrcLa'srnnc
P.rc. Ticd) .r rrrl Ttr*cy. rccogi7!d I Nr.riri.s n! r.i Nr.dcn
cllize's of y. rodrv ror onlr dd$ iLp{snlfi rhisnriruJcbtrl ir nnror\ it
\kholgrr. splliill) N . r$ul1 or
ndlis b.v rirri-! $ cor{lriLri
id.mrional d.\dopmNnLsalicr 1990. lhc No-qnirior of humaDand
mnoiry rilhb hiA borh !\pmdrt !.olnnl,ift y rnd qu:l[rn!l], rhe
" rr|Tddnc nrtcmcDa ohen trfp.Ddcd o
con\enrnnson l,unxDrighlsBrJ\: lhe ReptrhllcofTur[ey rese^e\rh.
nlhr 1oitopl.mlnLrhcxu dil! olrhn rlrmcn( i. a..o .nce srh rhe
rlcvmr mtrdcsoflh! TtrrkishConsinron.nd in..corddc. sirh rclcyanr
dioles xDd|'ooeduB oarh! L \ar& ferce T'.n) lid ialnererof2l
l u l r l 9 l l T t r oi m p o n r n l p o i n E s h o d d b . l o $ a l ! f,ti s i r u d c
l r h t r s b r c n c i g h l y y c x a s l n . c l h . s i g n n g o l L r u Isnntnhcr n
. rernriDcrh.
"qhtrLc-l,rguyi!. r.lreiouJ crir o cam! 10 b. Dir$alLt occ{t\L
iddit x g.nemLiend.ncy.tlie irsueol .\; oa:
ro.n i
r Sur'ir indeBnJenr
oaLh.d!rlrdion dfLh. St!..
Edropcx.Cor\c.rior or Hm{' R!h's rICHR). kJ \hLch Tu.kcl' n.
\8Dxn)ry. I tr r p.\irotr r) trr irif htrr hi'n rt righc tr' Turk+ If
lid. rs \rc \h31L
rc. Iu.kish Conrntrlionalfoud dc.nionr ro clo( doNi
polnicalp:rri.s$irhin$.conrcrrofninorilier isnL.Ne'econsidffedrobc
rn vrrldtun of An. I ol rlr [cHR b] rlr iropcm (oun !r Htrmu
RiBh$ ^lldtrsc n,oNd'd rh.Turktrh ron.on bscd oi l9li hls bc.omc
I'crI at (]r beginfirgoldk:l
httn?rt.'rtitD rt' it!h^ s' atr4t t't t r,\u,(
Fo. onc rlii"e rl'.s. right rr rpnh.d 1o rl'. rlr.c laq.n mD MoslcDr
groupsonll ldc {,,,
Likck onhudor. Annenlans.
rnd Jeryt. s,nalkr
Chn$irn Eoups rrlr as Syila$ mc dcpnvld ol rhc .iglrl ro _crablilh.
\.hDols ei
rhe rigrrt to uk dreif o\$
hngur-{... lrrely Lhcrin ncmiotu,l in Ad .10of Lrsannc. A!am. rar
eramfl.. onril rh! ! crice
S),na*.crc 'cr not .ogn
lrr8er nof M.,lcn sotrns&
1916DeclanrioDrddcd b '
y'ch nhwnLL
l]rdi...r thr
c\amplesof lcgishrotr!oin!
iorlc roday.odned al rtr
Li{ri8 imnd\rbc .nd orh
fdmddioi. The Ltrdcrlringn
cduce rhc fiiancialrtsoutue
Alr[rk\ derth. rt'os. prop
Lyprusquei'on esrlrlcd in I
rskc'l noDivLBlim loutrdd
r?rry',,,i.. Yd 16. roudai
p(d,ce durin! u. oftohm r
ctublishcdby indnidurt d!!
Dirdo' ! of Vtrkr[ ha\m
1drndalioD|ni(lca nlrrg r|tr
rh.t rr,[lrr,z
Ii .re rhcs.
hntLi'r8 rh. lnDdrlidD ro
DiRdomrc $oulJ erpropria
The .ounte. of I
suhmi(ediI lelr
cr.h }nuMdion
Ccncn'lDncdonre tu ctr.d!'
s.r Yud.R!r4YNfss.
aid lrEir Prubcnd,lsLhbu..
Tttk{ dnd,' nnsnot nnatuB
cxrnplc. unlil ihe pmcti.e inniglrcd in JxDMry2001. of
Strircs- crc {tre nor re.ognize'l.r se$ndly. thc n!h6 gftilcd ro r|[ dre.
e ' r ' , c o . t r l l -' m . L
10non-Ilurln InmdnionsF r clear.Hnpl. or
L9l6 DecLftrbn
sudr lilasful pncri.!.']l)c l!{ or Founddbn\ oI 1916,one of d'e
exmplcsofl.!isldroi !oi',3lirckb theeMy Rcptrblicai
lorc. rodry.ortt.rcdrLl the ibunddidnrro subtnna ptuPenydedaroon
ln(iig rmrnoEbk rnd other pnpcnies po{$sed by ca.h 8nJ cv.ry
ftJuMariofThe underlyiq rcasorinr $i\ aoudalions(id*t/) lli wls to
ofrhc _lslmlc lnnidiroN. BU| tnlLo\''ng
reducethe findn.ialrcsources
Ar..$rk s dealh $osc propsry dc.lanriors \rfle forgoten. Who rhe
Cypr6 quciion escsldcdii rhc 1970\. rhe(iernrlllncdorrt ofvak'fs
askcd non-Murlin foundario's rd ts'bmr d'er tgul:lons calcd
t/ary',,ft,. \.r ihor lountl.tons did not have r',[ly'x',1. bctrus. of thc
prrcticeddng th. Oron,anEmpnt Nhsc suchlbtrndd$ns..uld only be
.n.blished by indnidtraldcfflcs ol rhe slllrn of ihe day The clncnl
Dnedbnt. of ValrA hi\i,rg ic.eired Desdive Rspons! tiotr' tlrse
bc con'dscd
d,ainr d.dddidns of 1936lvotrId
lounddonsmrd! r rul,D-q
rhstrrirr,y'zr. lrr cre thsc dlclnrnrio'sdid Dotcanr r spe.ialPnN(iotr
DnndiDgthe foundiidn ro a(qtriE immovablcprop{ry. 1lrc CcrcnL
DnsF.ate sotrLdcxproprare rll thc nnmoMblcproper(ylcqurc'l aher
lhc courer rgrnlnl ot dr. ioi-MusLin tamdrtions dded rhar thc
uo 'd
rt rhd bor dhr dd r.r P.'surdc
fdssscd b! earh to!trdatioD
u-n- 5 D.'.. on.
'rh$c {ho dd.trd$i\ mliqful siurion pd jnnrR.dNo
4rrne s trtroDu
m e n h r i o i o r ' $ c s ! n s a i l i L c o dl 9e1L6n. r
oslonmrnodrl$\l!, h,\. dhii.d ooden
sbm.ilit onl! En'ictcdro oic{Lid. ('l:r1r
humu rM 'nimr !v risr* m giskd
rhosrrghc or behrlf of dcn
se Yud! Rctru. YGf
lei. .?,,,?
r Itat4n
tNlind iry Foundario6
\cre xcqtrrcd (Nrhrf. doDrrotr.r.ft!q. i"!n.! d..) .\trdordron
rcn(rh. . ln.s. !\propirlion ar
. nL \ "r f P
.n. ri'd i rli$c usc N rlrsroA. urorr
\er. ! \.n ro rlr l'.r\ua 3r io..n Tlin t,mrirt tr r
ftnLion.d rbo!e. onL] f rrnn:q l0Dl 1r1,., lcetrxlilc
ilannotrza!o. Pi.k.g. rirh rhc EII 's.Jorrd
I \ra ehbomr.lnrfts
lhndl! ILrk!! docsDorhono,ishn dlt Lr\xtrtr. ! Dlhrs lor goops
drl'erlhJi oon \1Gtms lLislcnmLlr r.rrpl.d d l xrrotuli,r-q
u Lrtrtrtrf.
Scdionlll olrhr lAr rLn,prtr rd.r ri-grsto neonkodreirhrr Mtrd \
! 3tu,ed Tr.s. igrLt !.d b! lilarpnlr iu.degorles
GDUp1: \or r\llslim.ntcN or'Ttrrkrh R.Durrrr.( ns i3rl. :9 1. r0.
llrl rnd 2. rl r. ll) l1 lob N LhotrL
$rr rigrl\ e\rcDLr.J
u odrf
rlfte lrou|rx|fl) ro rh s gf.ut,r so
Goup B LiizaL oa rtrrki rt.lnLlrc \'[o sftxl Lrisu]sri ortio ll r
Tukitl' (An lqr5r.Rilhuol rhis,!rorp.l\o intlun.nF righrrol(iroupst'
roearr rd s!rq
a dcrl
GroupC: All fur[ish R.ptrb1ic
cidzcn\lan ]9/:rfdll
Rigrr: of rhis
g.oupn $ ,DrlLdcrhcrilhr ol Gstrp D
CRut D A ll i',hlbirds ol Trl!y (,\n lsr:.l9'l
T. .\c,1.r! ol rltrsc fotrrso,|ls .f rooc LrMnnr rtudi dirlirrnL
rlghr\ rhd c nor he rep.rkd (,^n :rrr Non \runns do r.L trN. r\o
.!!!orcs ol p ilcgcsLhd Lh. orLer-sruuts . dctrie'l:or i, rhxi rl,.\
hrre rh. B'elrei 'urb$ or alhu futr1.
N tJr. l.1rl ndc. rln nlhc
i'r rhcftin r lr!\.
!!d N...
nor vLr LnLar. oDrJoncg.olp 3nioDsrL! lnu n.n!.kd i se.liLf rri ul
LaMnN ,\s un b. s*rn. this Sccrionintroduccs
rigl,t u rlL Turi\I,
Inz.tri arl rulor* _.rcrlone iyrngin TtrrkE . aonscqn.rdy.Scdion
rrl ol Lruntrr! is fot oill r Nril*1ol Dri'uir! rilhb. bur rlso olhuDDn
. i g h t r T h n u f h e n b e s n L d i en d, \ n l 9 J .
rrd n lrr\rtn L$Nr\iss
r d,
p agEph
L o f m c r c !^ n i L 2 t ' h , n i d c \ 6 L ' f
nD,!d !\ ^n I'redrl.
(tn$. byl, rdtr, ,,,4 A?,,/.rur
(Li,'sme r e conrecn.e.Nlinmes,
Dcum.dr). Ankiri, ficoltr orlolrtical
Ihirdly. rlrercm mino.ty is iot ! accnic trr
ircnniing a tRry ii rhecontrr of
bur ! srric oE shm
b i,s n{nis r rs73ase.6u G\,tu Gcrk partrryud ) r\ rsiisu
lerl(pu. rt 3r)l (lntnc{ NirhP.o
re:3 u
trcrk Jr.$ibilin rt
li .f. mns rioD d:u!. r9rj rN fu LrrLofLh. pmlFpl n s follous:
\.Nihnrnding Lh. lrLlc..! of.bc otlic a LrrguaSe.
.hxLlb| -!n.n r0 Ttr.kGhfd orls
d,!n !\i ld!!!!. betu'.rh: coud\" Thr.c.oD!nl.nliln\ suLLdhr krpl
' ' d l
+ i
\rli th
tudn rnd i. c\r(r
rh.\ !l u:c \!h.r.!n ud
drv.r\ ,h. iLgll
lrli.n-.r c\!erL D ptrbLi!olfi.$
r n ! r i ! c o f r h . p n i L di r \ r \ \ ' f u t r { l 9 l l r r n x r r . p r . d ( l 9 : l ) S . N n l . L
or|l m rh! tr\A u'd'rlnrr
,]fi r nc'igllrr tudiobrodrNs.\nr b | (ncql Tr, d,r.\ptsotr rr rlt r,5r / rr
rttr\ kirt irotrd b.,.rLl r\ k, ndi rdd L.L!\rnor
br.rd.xni',g rl$ lfidl\ .iJ pnllns no{ i,ntMrfrl} rLrhouglrrl'i\
rlrtr. .dnlcds .ll Tr rh r lrrr\. r mxi rloln5 lr]rnj, rir/c's lnul
|'' ' 'r''
$oe rj
t ur- hr 5rd hd {li! FurF
KLrd\ of dhu NI$hDn $ho s
i ru nrir \nr.,s rn tulkcl
k.|r Li DrDtl rrd lr.N.oldir
ponnolohjcrurh di!Ttr*.
$ntr$ p
di ir ,hbir in t
rri! ltr|ki
det.srioi d t_au
rbou r|l! trlirr n rJ har.
rcpre\.l|ltr'!\ n rlsrtr|c bo
3d'l Ll'd rlFF ris no I
lh. rc{ ofrnidr
Polrtrd\linorncs iFr) ,rns7
a j h e r n i d . l r . r r t r dI i . r r h .
rhr r3i Deccrrh.rlqtt br.r
(Jn rl'. oLh.' ria
rrr. to
nrn"d.\ridn'gs rPM rnrh
odrr N1h ir ttr,Ltrhrrirdr!
tur r ru\ni\! nghrrinrrhn(
fl3hllrN nr] l r U{
surriike hi In) !r!c rsuil
I E drr1lclnro dri'n lrid th. (l
rLl 1,!1r nghc m! nnn.dd L
Lrlsrnrt Tr.d! n I nn ot il
prrdtr! rrln\! ro.ecognz. Kur
rh.m\.hcs.diL\. r, h. !rthd s
re drfirr.r,. llr tur$i ri,r $
onlr r.!o!trt!: l ion l\Jtrrin
rf rr rr r!\\
I thL. is r d(
mino.l l\\ brqr;
r{ulLinr) rs slrondrtr$ .ni7
$eor.l\rr h h. oi! otdr tr!.
$!rk to$ibiliq tl,rt thor ]rho l,ad lurki\h as then molLrer
e \rould
Dnk. useofafotherLMgu.gein rhenkde md pn!.rc inrd.on6c.crc.
Irhay be saidrhlr rh. |u$oJe oftl'e rgmrrLes trrs Dorro g'!e righlsro
Kuils or or]tf Il trilims who sp.* r dil|mnl morlu bns$ in Trkcy. atrd
I fad mrny *nus in TurkLydo sayso no$:Jrys.Ho{cvcr. ir shotrklbr
kcp(inmrnJrhxrlhercofdilf$ed Mu\Li'nl.d8ulg$coukl ir ro wry bca
poinlofobjud in 1lr Tu4cy or L9l2:11{as! rc8ullrfmcticcro su[nnt]
q t.n Dciron in Arrbic ir Brgl,dadTh.reforeit Ras noi suarisingthd
rheTurki\h delelaiion* Lauen'e did 'or objed. Peoplero whdn L hlt
rbour lhn ralny rdd.r'harc grca. dificulq ,o ufdc6rlid ir. ^trka'as
l.preseirdire\in LrNannebok r! menblnyolxn Lmpncrnd ftcy did not
ic. any inconiktcncy.Wc nov sp&k rvlh thc 'nrdalny ofr Ndn,n-Srar.
! n d r v . d o n o l u n d c ^ l r rF
dr o m l h N 0 . i t r l o f v i ! * . i r * o u l d ! h . b c u s c h l l o
.dd thar dnc lis beenno discussioron thi\ mrtr if rhe concemed
ThELexloldriclc 39/,1.nd3q/5is ror only a rruccop) orrh.
PolaidMinoritiesT'eryds713 and7ri. n is aho sord ldr *ord rhcsamc
as$c rniclc lr4 andir5 offte draripmposed
by th! TLtrklslr
the ls'" Delcnhd 1921.'ln orhcrsod. s pr.Nscd hy rhcTurkrh
on nr other hand.the foLlowingshorld be tude cllar ro Drclsr
nunder$ndin-a:ean lotu 1lr$ Nlo cLa!$sof An. 19. .hc K0rds(dd
o$er Mdito Tur[sh lnizoN $hoseho.h$ rongues Nr Turkish)do ior
rnd my
hi!. ! posirve ight (Jnrrhisrem se llt ctrdol$is strbhcading)
righr rhcy nfy h]v. udd Lansan.cdos not fall md* inlematont'l
-qufiniee In any.Ne. rhelrdinlc. ollhc Lc.go. olNrlions f cxlnd md
ir^$fficull ro thatrhctN h?sai-ve,,tlorrv on rlieDrner do*Ber.
all rheseighrs are poreded urder TurkislrrdninaLjurisJi.idn be.Nsc
Lxuvnfe Trearyis r lran oI il. Ib! (rcsidn ol whclhft rhc Kurdsar. .
minonrr or nol is inrcrning i'r rh. scns. tlu rhe otliciil rl'erorc $d
pncri.c rcluscro rccoeirz.Kuds rs x mim' ry jd rs nr miioDrlisrKtrIds
rclusetob. olled so Nccdh$ b say.lh. morivcsof ca.h side
aF diLcrcnl Thc r.mon tb. the olfc
Turklshliew is ckrr: Lrusnic
onl) rerogniTes
thc noi-Muslims.sm1iorir1cj.lh. rcasonsol ihc Kurds
!rc $ follo\s: l) This is r degrdaron Turkeythe conceprol hrs bftn condirioned
by $e Ononn _nillcl ryncd Nhich
considc(d$e M0slins.s rltr
ndiotr'lnJ rhe ninornies('r,i'
b bc oncot rhenvo touDding
e enren*ofthis id,dn (ogclher
I sc _Don R*olurionSubFidldbr
ria - TG+r ANordi'tr:ro rhs rL.\. ft' \\ar rl
r" fJ L
! .i... .. 'ii
,r '1".|
.rrn.r: nI
Jl !l:!...i,it
. x 'd'.hn
' : 1
Lt, r Lr'dsr,rr' blr I h( ill\l
I rln J. { ir rt.r rhl ri,trl
rr, roL r, r|. Ltrnt:
k.trrl^.I !t{\'1lhr
n r r r A t r ' i r r ri r r $ r . r n r
. nrlr
lrr \n
a!reilf nsr!ttr
17. dn\ rrLrLe
n I rrr!
,ii.."." r", * 1.g,"g..t," rLo rtrLrtilr'N h' trnd rnrtu
. . . .
. , , 1
[. f"ni .'tr,1 ihiln\
rLl TLLli'h ,i'rii
ror lhc r Lnnr\
bni]{hl b! \ r rerl nDtfr
{\ t, ri. 'ghr br'olll
'i" "r'.-"rj"".J ..'n,ur;,. .r !' re lis !
l ' $rrni rnc
t u r i n u t rL r i u n rrrt , : . : f t r n r ' L
' I
j .
, , " , . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
0.Lrrtrrutr ii rt,r rnnn
' 1 1 . h\ r i , \ ' f u
rh: inrfI
I LrLrri,trrlrjd!ltd\ oi rLrL!' h'\ \ilr
I rl,! ldn( S ftrr d lrt trrktr ndt brl \!'
"* f"". 11.""..
rllr llk
illhotrsh Lh. lukrh Rqrhlrr rl lnu nl 'r Odob$ ]r'
, , " i i . i * , . " * " " r " r " , t , ' r , rr r o N U L L r . o g r i o i o r L r r ' ! g r i " !
ir rtr cr. rrro '$ti-r 0 '\cf\
. .1dr,.d,:uior
Do*Ll.L. I rh kr ilnm li rr! iof Llr: LrrlLn\
$Lrr hc
ir" -.4 r-"."-r'1" ILsitD rlr!Lt rd iIirrrlr'l
lrrish nrrid\ l,.,sf\ Ltrr i drndr'n m rrLrrn LiN rtdnron
! b
hr t.Dri.ri
vnrtri4 trtj^nnn,, ukt n\ jnq
,. '1. _i,"n """u.u."
or,,r,1' btr,
;i,, .""",",,,,..,,,'.,.,,,,! $tr,,.,,r!!,i,nj!fi-!'
rh.p.rr fr !jJ : n]i,ri,iJr
nr \.trou.
I n o n r rt r' t r \ i r r r t .
] !rDk*(
n' ln
,r to ir a $nood' \ry. ir d'ould b. svponcd by rhc vigorous
ennnemerroath..huses of Lrtrsrnne$hi.h havethe srm. e$irceDfnr
po\ycr$ th. (onjnurlon lnlN:r ol rou^r. lhm t 3o nccdLo:J,l lhaL.
'lnodcadLis i" cr$! .relrgc dN'l,l i.r bc sodsdcdl ar oblldn
shrc_bur.d'o shourdhchkcn 3r"r Libcnyorrhcli|zctrJ'. Thrl
n b sy, iheF ls no ohLi-galio'
rhe$.1chdio.nd (.1.\nidn
Th rdly.n s cled rharlrnplelibeiliesshouldbc glvor ro cvcrylirrcnin
Tu[ey. rnd nor b rhe Kurdsxl,rk: orhcRisereu ri'nfiti$ rould he
fcalcd. Ncgalncngh6 (ho$ givcnrod.nizcn9 $il1 prcrlnl dcmards
nrr _posniecriShN (3ivcnorly ro rhr Donbc6 of disadlarltgd rn\,|ls
ch as n,inoritiesto heln protectth.; idfl iet lln wilL ako pE\rfi
lotoiln inrc .rcn.! dl v..io6 in{cirs. fhe solLiio.qrpli.d by rnnce, a
$unrry trlr.h hrs xluxy{ 'erved !ru i3 tr'i"orit} rigfis uDder
inrcmrrioralefmnrc. ro rhc poinl of cvcn dc.yi,is rhc lny cxFlerce01
rhcrn1i rhcloutrry-is illuninlli13ri ris'nnG( FtuiccstruaJssudrrilh6
to xlL ciizers i'r the iofln ol neertn€ rilriN xid b'Ligs cotrrinuar
_ncxiblliry ro |hcprin.iod oldot iclosnizin!rh! mindrnier'
Th. Jaunhpoi philo$d'icrll! oirde,ed. rherer no doubrrbar r rFdDrenlolcnizcnstrillconribtrletri*u,iry rndbgerhc'Desii,,
This uni|} cmnot b. rcrliucdwilh coDpllsorycilireri who rre
born hcrubtrlr. nor conrnl Nrh $r.ourD. bn only $irh mlunrarl
cirncni quir! hamt ro lr!! hcrc Uidorblldy ir Nooldb.In honotubl.
eFof rlreii6t.IcBo.J,norasarcsulrol
lotoigr prcsur bul by dctod(d ic lopmlnt
tuJrceJ br dre Turkisb
inon, bsi'l'tion
and its inphuutdior
in Tatkq
Thc mnrorirypolrcyin Turl!t tr muchnore re!.idrve ihm rhc olfi.irl
r,.Lv oD rherlnoriq coNeptaft righh Thc bancclcmcrNoflhs NlicrrF veirrlly exnressed
in An. rrl ofrlE c{,Nlturior: The Tu*isli Siare.
{irh irsrcftirory.nd in indivhiblccnriry.lrslaneL.gcn furtish
KaL4 i. LoaD )dhtv'|
l. Lbnbur. LhDbd Br ^\!,!i!'in
l l , n n a m - q m p h ( h L c r . a c . o . d L n gltouf, \ lnr c o f n h r i o n . \ r d l l , , r r .
.ntcndd narltdll i^ atDrA,.ni|should
bcr ,cdlloicLr.
Ih!rti,tiplt.l th! lnli^rbt L,t^ ol th.\ttion
In thisprn-lrryh,il n qtrircndoftLlnr rtu ttrror-f oflhc TurLishSLrlcro
bg dAcibod N rn idnnibl!.r U No {d. !!urs L
iiNrnns b h. lil$ asimn sn'arons$h,.h mLehrhrd ro r dnn,otr 3r.
le-{itinrte since irren,r ,m l r rl$ re$gnlz* thn. rll nrL
in{rumena dn m,nonLy.ghb nk. rro smdrd toe.snJ ro prc!.nL
dirisioi l) Th$ trsc th r.'ri th. ri!h( of i'idi!durl\ helo,gi"! ro
'nino y grdup! to rnpbrsi. d,d ltu nlhL rc not livrn ro grous
( . o L t d n i r y )b t r L 1i0n d r n l ' r L l lsl :T l l ! ) m . l \ r ) s t m n L L t , i \ c n i ' r r h !
o,Jnlon thd dr t rd.rl mEgir\ ol dr rdulry n tu\pedld .
Ln! rhc lc _irclrir) ol rri. trIi.i n !.rr3ry ro d'c v!ry .$!'c. o,
dcnoncy: as Prolis\orOlhy Lry-rtrrpur ir 11r sympo\iLmDErnir.d bv
Isknbul Bir Assord or ir 2{ri)l:_Th. corlqrr ,)1rlrc i'rl \}rhlirr- of rlr!
.rfror b.Jirid.dmd $nl nnDonoliLhicinnrtrLR.
n'-qg€!\m rlinihridn
policyslupeJbr rhc \rltrc!.nn crc. b) thc opprliino domi.ron ol.n
dhtuctcligiousgrorp rhd donlnncs dr 5kr.. Thc trDroLirhi!ippror!h
c r p ' e s t e rdd ' i t p a ' a g r | ) h orrl t t L , , { l t r l i r i , , r r n ! r D ' . \ \ i L i n oLl l ' el t l o
rypcmli.n-{rtc ntrdrrdilid 6! tu scplcDbcrll 1930DiLLhrr.oup
xpprorchin.vilfbly s'sgcis
r. !x(cd tuf rhr oi.s r!$!rtcd h]
L.G!inc. 1lr.rcarc Do ni'nnri$ in c rouDrrtlrd drrlo,. rh.'! mc
, " - . r . d , ! 1
thnsrggen n npunnh.d. Thisapproa.his.pMLcd innuir.'sln\r
lu isl l!!i!Larion6 nLLlolcr.,npld of nN kDd ofds n Inriotrs fd or.
id.rtpturd, Thc talld\i',! ie rmotrSrlienuit
Trm n de{ihcd h An I ol drcADri lmor Lrtr no llTl ddcd l99l rs
lnllo*s: lcmrisni is a,r] kind of rcr done bI onc or moE perons
ro In orglnr/afonrirh th.rim ofchrngrngrherhd.dsishcs ol
rhc Rcliuhlic( ). daDo8medr $dilsibLc uitv of rhc sbtc s{h $
t.r io,a d itioD
Ar 8/L of ih. saDe lrw hr be.r rmenJedon'ry 6.:00t Lotu.J N lollo\s tLhirdi.b is.bohhcd by thr Siirh EU
HsiDi 7{rod Pddrre. i" Jul) 200:l):*rv'rlci. o':l of ri$rl p'.p4rndr
d rimnesl
la c.F€L \ie\v o' 'h. LegisLx'iotr
!d Nmbhc.. nre rnls :n{
idnnibt! trnn ,,1,herur|nh
rcmn{ mlrhodi.rh. slm.ncc
r+exlcd of$n a
cor\encd ro moic! neritr)..-,
l.rriro.r a ndit,i.i\ rlr. m
Ann.rcr il 7 ollar ,-1i59
rr,croli.c. ,\n 5r\ ofrhc Lan
^n I of Lrr r.:193t .tr ft.
sLrior\ and Tclcftr otr ahen
A$d.iari.n\ rDdl\ns rN.dd t0
Thc mroflrm tr.r n rid toa
m'no,ir!!mq\ n I mtcv bas.d
dr cstrriprionrrrr drn -inrcgr
po^tird n' \!px'dnn mdorr
be c\ohincd ldcr rhc(innitui
vrorbon .l rhc rrrcipLc ot 1
rcmh!.( :Dd nd'oD_ind |in \
nnnonrylrotrpi lh. $d
n noflr) !tuuN n .\pr.sed l frnier ti itl]I rnerd
on .\so.iar ors Radr tbllo\!s:
rh! rni ofdri'nmg rtd rtu. ar
Dafd on n0al r.L!nu. slcrr
qorrg r nofrr
lrdl'p h\ pro
th \ Mi.l. h's [trj mniga
be rouddd \rnh rfr ain .r cF,
.c!rotror.fu.ring nrtjonlicrbas
llrngi'r! rr! urir l, rd. {tuc
] t r ) . ! ' o fo l r . I r t r D r i i . n rsl e c
rn rrt ot rtr Lr\ on P.tnica
prni.i shr nor 3, da
hrs.d on rh. r
e'i! rI rnr.qnr' 01 rhc n:
InJ 'ssrnrbl,.s.mcdings riJ Jcnoni iods rLmod d drnrsnig rhc
indiv$iblctr yolrl'cTlr\sh RcNblic!i(h (s rcd lory rid d.littriBLllb!
f t e dL na t a n nd ' a rc i . . u , r - q crsh . u s co i
Nftrhed( )lrrlinrctncon
ierun( neihodr,the *nlen.e \ill h. nuexRd hy r thnd rnd 'n crr oi
repededcommitftnt oln,is rci rhc FMLr) ol inprsonmcn{rill nor bc
cdnrc..d ro ft)ney p.,rhr"" r]t indnnbrr uint .t dr iarc Nlh rs
rertiroryaid nalion n .Lo mcnuondlin ft tblLo; r3 lrss An I a
An 7 oflrw trrl5i9 datd L9l.l oi the Durl.s d uihorlieof
'195.1oi Turkishkrdro ind tel.risin.
An. ,1 of l-ilv n':19.d.1
on 1r. Eshbli\lm. xrd Brddcr! fg of Rfio
ClFrtrcLs-Ads. 1,1 and i5 ol Lr{ n"2903on
oo' .'lP 'rr,
. ' J ii ldr ' tr r'n
\ ..i'..n nJ\n
The mlonadr lad in rhd frrt* is $e ibllosrg: aran ig rr.
inTtrrk.l ba*d on clhff mdlingdLi. differencskrds ro
thc 6!,mprion dnr rhk _inl+!ly is redeDrd$d rliose$ho d.n n.rc
_srtamrsn&drtrdcrn'crivcn.s.,\sanurl.rof frcr ^Lrll
be crphi'ed |ft.. r]t con$itu ona Cod hrs b.nncdtutilicr pdi.r for
vi.lrtiotr of di. principLcoI \h! indivnibleuniq of rlr. dlc Nlh is
trilory rM mrilri $d tu vrolinng $! Drohibniorrgaiin "dratig
'ninoiry smupJ rhc \riJ "p'ohibiir ih.trcc.rh! cir! tul) otcRrrii-q
'ninorirygroupi is .\prscd nr dr Lr$ otr AssocL.rioNind LN\ on
Polrli!!l Plnics Udil th.rm!ndm
of A$ocarioisrclds nrLlo\s:_l1istorbrdJen
b Infnd anxso.irdon \vnh
rh.nimof chimingrhardDtr'.rnnorir) gr.upsrn rh! RepubttcolTtr cy
basld on .i.1. rclilidtri sedrrian.cultumrof tileun.ic d]ffcrcnc.sof of
mrfig r inrornv gtuupby ptutcding,derclopirsor \orodin! aD odEr
ard culrurerhxDTu*i\h( .) . ^ny rhcdnlndm.nLdn larury ]$
. b
br fomdd wrh rhe rm ol c.carin-q
dilt,.Dccs ol n!e, ielgoi, slN or
.eCionorcrc rngmrid rrcshrs.d on ther di :ercnccs
md tri , th. ri'n of
rc of rhe Rcpubli.of1rkcy ( ): ir
rdldio. dl1 .) dr mrionxlse.udryxrdrl,cpubhc
{( 3 olrhc La\ on Poliri.rl raniesn a ben.' exmtlc,n rru mdf:
'rohliul pires
rlilll Doi a) diim rhal d.* ft minornygmun\ Lnrhe
Rqrfhllcol'1u.keybNd or lhc dillirNe\ ofl ..)ibJ rid d dJ rydrt for
iirm.ging rhe intgrir! of the ndlon by crcaringmLnorly8,out{ i" di!
Repnbh.oi Turkcvby florcdDg. d.\elopin!.rJ spErdinsod,s lrnguagB
nnd{lnrd $anItr nli Theserenrictiof;in rhcLir dn PdhrirrlPtriie:
r. ddncd liom ,\rrs. 63 .trtl69 dlrl]e coniittrrioi An 63 rcads: Thc
nduE\ aDd[og'aN. $ {.lLr\ thrlclivtrict.lpoliric.l pmdcsshall.orbe
r onflid,ith dr independencc
oI thc sldc. ils indivn,ln.i'rc!r rt * $ ri
hirory dndnalion(...) . AndAn.69 sripular$
be dissolvcd if rhc Co!$iiutiolll Cont deteminesL\ar the parry in
hrs bemmea cflrer lor rhecxeurionof suchadivilics."
fhe Prircipleka1 Thel-4ryuq..l Tttk ! is Ttkish "
Theconceptof $e lmguge ofrhe iat" is moredgritur thcprinciplesof
demmncyandcvcnof mtu.,4.rat on onlyh{vedn offrcidlangua8e"
dd peopleliving jn !h.r slalespealandw tc vlrious loneuaecs,
in ludinA
lhe omcialonc.f3' n'2932
'nilihry dni'isfttion
mnnihtes rhe he* examDleof rhe hatu
rh.r c.n bc donc b dcmocFcyby rhe desiE lo prorst rhe indivisible
,4n.2 of rhclawprohibited
irregityofnE nrtion in rhclinguisric
''rhcdeclmtio..cncubtionandpubli.dionof idedsii a language
{hich is
nor rhe fiN! omcial languagcof a silic rccogtrizcdby Tu*ey. HeE,rb.
re* thatsDeakins
in Ku ishwill drnagetheindivisible
imegriryol rh. aarionis so storg rhat$e enbn pur in rhewoiliig ol rh.
anicle to svoid nr !o'd xurdish is remarl"blc. Thc rcmd olfcial
ld8nase of Inq wasKurdishat rheperiodandTud(eywolld norreco8tuze
a po$1bles6rc of Kudsiu. Thc ph6e in A!t. 3 Morher&ngE ol lhe
Tuikishcnians is Turkishhneuse, leavesus Nith no needto commmt
Thh law. which is r clear violalion of An. 39/,1of Lauafne. s6
la! \ha1lheused
in 1991,
butAn.26( No langugep@hibiredby
in the expBsion 3nddissninatior of $oughr") md An. 23 (i hblication
$ l nor bemdc in dy lansuasepmhibitedby la*") ol lhe Connnufion,
ofwhichthislaw'as cnactd,rersteduntil200LHowevd.
the smc aDpo@hslill prcvlils in urio6 foms in numeDushws. An. 42
orlrd rhanTurljsh brt bs
ollhe Conslitutionreads6 follows: nolanguage
uEd or tuughtin instirutionsol lcami4 fo Tuikish citizeN as a nalivc
langulgc. A.cording b ln 43/3 ol lhe kr on Poliii$l Plnies, (...)
Applicanslor parliamenaryclndidrrepsiiions mry nor u* m! lmgulgc
or wning orhern,m Tu&ish" Accodinsb An.3l, politi.alpani6nay
notuseanyhnsuasedrher.h.n Turkshin rheprepfationanddis$nfahon
in then openan
of thcn by+ws dd prog€ their pady conventions,
Theytoaynol uscddisdbDrc
ondin doorolliesandin lhenpmpasanda.
bmn*s, placrds. records.aDdiomd vidcor.pes,brochures
an open
srin.n itr langue.s orher
violarionoaihc ,An l9l4 of rrName. An. I 6 of the Lav on Census(no.
153?)shres A child is nadedby hirher paimt. Howc!tr namesrhatare
nor appropnalcro our narimsl culturevill not be given. Thh resaiction
siming io pEvent Kurdishnams w6 vdlid dtil lune 2001*hc! r was
,.opi. vno b€tms to 6 dhi{
th-Ap@ilin8 ,pptuh Dd q
'werka"or "lltalyi"'r
Kurdbhulioalism, whict !.1
culturaldivehjry ireli Thed
Th. CNituqottt
Coad attdd
Tne con$ildiml coun nG,
lir.,l p.ries Ir dos ndedl
divisi6leuni!' of rheNaboo
un cbscd dawndrc TuiLid
dluion exprc$.d; An. 5
ory andNalioD)
s wett6 rI
PoiricatpMres "l,ey nry
y n o t p u a u e r h c s o lrd t r m
vsdict lhat ctosEddom Tr
: Atenpring !o cture a I
ty sd Narion . ln the s@
lhon f nre official ltua
: In.ddilionro oiicial c@
d be basedon Tu*Gh. In o
N'ldn bssedui elcnenr tu
D ! namer conhry !a rh. p
c!nr"rr./ ldnu,f 2r rn01
b) k,4:nt,k Eaktan.ap .1., w.
LY,rmz{ ;Gi,riotsr"
,/ ., pp:
Tu*ermd ib ktut al "nrcrilia
m.nd.d by lhc Sixdr EU Hmonizilion Ptcklse a lo pBenl immoEl
Dam6 oDly.i i5 diffialt to iDagile o exanplelhal rould lliemle moE
peoplewhobeldg !o m e$nic grorpothd tbm Turtjsh.Od rheorhd hm4
lhe ps.ilirg opploachmt o01yt€ls Kurdish!m6 but lmes suh as
''Molisa or "Eftalyr"r: It is cled rhd Ltemin aim G nd to pEventrmed
Kddish dtiMli3n slich h6 llarcdEbeIioN lMy rihes! but to prvent
culMl ditniryiklt
ft. n.tion-slarcnatnli9 of rhet 930sb p6ftd
'tlt Cona
iutt Cotn tdtlleguprw
Cout ofAwabjui,Fuda@
The ConditotiondCoM has,anong futhori9 ro clo$ doM
politicalplnies. It doesindeedb$ politicalpanieson the principlcol lhe
''indivisi6leDiiy ofde Natio! nentionenin Pd Two ofrhis dicle. ' The
colrt clsed dom thc Tlrkisi workd lany (nP) in July l97l on rhc
SmDdsdd ib viels md bBhrviorviotabdrhehosicprincipleofih. 196r
confritutiondpre$.d in An. 5? (th. indivkiblemity of!\c shE whh i6
lnitory dd Nanor)s well a lne coDdition
*pr6sed in An 3l ofthe Law
on Politi6l Pdti6 $ey nay not ohin tn8tth* exbrsmilontiBj tley
nay notplme E goolof dGinrqEtingthe Nrtion ty oFatingmiroriti6,"
Tle vsrdid rh.t closeddM Tnrtey s Toils ldy CrEP)in May 1930
rad.: Attcnpting io dale a Ms. of ojrority in lhe ai(ls ofa coltain
coup of oiri4ls G @ntary to 118conceploftid uni9 of Ll. s1!iewitn ns
rdirory jd Natid"- In rhesme vrdic! rheCofr disNd An. 33of tbc
C.$titotion ('the oflicid langu.aeb Turkish") dd inrspftcd thk b
ncu: ln oddilim lo otrciol cmspold{ce. edlc.rioned .0tionalculturc
shouldte b6ed on Tuldsh. In orher@rds.rheonly nstioul culi@ in ihe
.ounry h Tuld.h dltm'. In the sa6e tuling, rhe cdn sbrd rharrhe
C.$litotion doosml allowbchavid tbntwouldbod lo thc disinl€lti.n of
lhr Natiodbascdon eleEcntssuct 6 ldiflffiB
o4 Eligion, lanc!.se or
tu. in s nhns conEuyb fieprrciple.ol luld$ mloM ha
t a, ru*ry 2r,2ao!
For de infomrio! sim on rhi! subjeds d'e lbll@iq diclc by a fmr
b!Db{ of the Tu*i:t CoBddioFl C.ft Y ie Alieftndioglq Aznl*
Hr}jm rc To* Anr,m Maild6inin Azrl* KonMd Baklr' lMinsity
Pishb ind tte Pdpective of rhe Tu*ish Co$tibrionrl Cod on I6e Mimriii6
txEl k /tznt* Ikkttrt, op. eit., pp.2l3-2al (qmt pas$ rtur'c
re indided
_ Y'LTZ Alicrodioglu,,p 1r., pp.22er30
Itr d,n Dlirg ol rlr ( oul. rlieree\ n: r foir coDrar-ro ir tund:nenraL
ofbs rnd ore thf m! gne riset, gru\econ\eLtGn!$Lrdmrh!
poinl ol rir! ol n ioriq n!li6
nim D,i,,o ic\hr. b..n '!r!!nl.d inLl
d,eir.i-qht rtr'l
hr\c bc.n poinL.dour Thcsr rtrd$ rrc bu
dcLlmincdd lb. ronlirr(. lnll$vnr! lurg Jchd$ u (lrl,!\ r,thslnorr
' ni i i DI t i r ( l r c . [ n
fincipcorr..inrcolt\li$hynr N1,bliD
lr s ru in! r$tr n.i rLr il ofc dry (;ree.e
Lrihdmqr rlr rsh..trjoyeJ by rlR lr[\oa!$tm
lh.t.. lL e! lrilL
i.f Nirs[in.
BtrrA'( lj DfLN\xDnr i! nolrnrnicLr rl r.!iprocir\". n i\ rnnnirt ol
''parilLcloblildioni \l{u{.
rLcrnirt nd$ rhL(;
Nlu\li'n d' i,nrr 'hr strr,! agr's 1r,3'.f. eirftd ro 'lr iotr MlrdiDr i"
lurrcr lnorhff\o,d\. r nrur*
lblildiononcre(e Se.orJl!: Lven
if \rc \crc. lor. momcnr.1oLnlcrpru,\n 15 of La&ric 6 r rcuprolirl
trouldlDr{nrc r \iDhionof$t ln 60rj Dldi!
.l{'re. rh\ ff{frerlnr
UN virnnr CoDr.rriotron rhr LN ol Trcdi6 (11)6e) Thisrni.[ d.d] i rh. or.{
nrl$.!r r icldrr i ctqro".f
,,ehF Ii s nor t.sibl. to imaglDerhr nF (onnirurnim (otrnnrJ-hc
umsareof Ad 6015olrh. !,enn. Conrlnliln.
o n J u l yl 9 e l . r f uC o u d d s c r l d o \ n r h c T u r l a h L d i r { L C o r l n d N P i d r
(TBI?) or tli! grumds 'r1 n "r ollaLl d'. j"d f \ bl. u'ny dr rhe sbt
(gerh.' \rh ir\ t.,i tro!- rnJ \rlion Thir \.iJ,d \!a r L.dbl Ll'
aod ol xunrn Ri!1,6(LClllt) inlannq- le9! ro b. i'i r o diof oli\n.ll
o f r l r ! E H R LL rT h . S o . r l i s LP a n ri S P ) , ! s d o \ . d , l o \ r r i l u l ) l 9 q l l l n
rrLs! oxliriSrl'c idi\isihk urira ofrh. Edo'_axrdof rheNrrior rnd iar
\idli',g rh. Trknli ( onnnud,n,sJ tlr LN on PolilicrLPdi* f':110.
Ihe Counrid in ils \eJicL: lcdpLcol $cry dnginInc i. crq pM olrh!
.!Lnk! Iron r scicinJi! por or \i$\, rltcr m! m iiiqc
t c l t R n ' l c d . g r i n l h d d , n \ ( d i c l \ a s r i o l a d r - q . {ldl o l t l i c E H R C ' I l i c
ff..don xnd t)cnroctucrdy (i)zDt:P) rr hrnf.J !n ft srnreln{nJs
D r\o!. b* 1991.Th.oun ruL.d1ltrr'li! progranoltu !any. ^irrcidsil
dif id. rrr. utrLnoi rheTurkGr Lt otrL r innrNo xs Ttrls xndKuJs k i\
(Lrr, lnioil! tNidmt
s' 6\1.rlnhuL Lrrb sk rrs!
i\, nu \ ri^dn:h
? ir.r 3)rrr
.lcr rru ncb ral\$ iji rri.
ElrRc: nrc socidnrt!lr.!
.r rlF lmund5 Lhd lrrour $c
7r,t .t fic on PoLiricrr
rDrd d rli! indr\aiblctrnrvor
(dtrn nrl.'i 6 inltsrs -enm
lrstr ni! diferhcs n tror;om
nd on .\.(ordiig kj dr cou(
nrlrr furoi l_trhnn. rro0
lh. aoM. oi rrN 0rrr.r hr;d
IJLETi'Bdrc n.*biLir\ ol be
\runrns. aNL in LhisDrr,ff
.\ -Jotrc. r1i! diffioLI r, LDd.6
nol ri[e nno cotrinl.turdnrh.
nshlse(nied h ,l . Lir.Ds!n(
dnrhrmtrlld c Itrr\. rtrcnon_
h! d[ senle'!. usql itrt]. \0nk
nlbb rrorllnaed,rshLr d r
Th! intio!ing i.r.rn!
n r.n
do\i pohricrt r,roc\ .r (.:
uipnli.!ed lls trof. rhe li!tj,!
ard b dei{nd rrr{ lll\ br {hj!
o'ry tr. inkrtcledx\ x \iLtrnor
gtrA rI npr.*nn thd r! co
Inro.oDrdciritD llk di50DdD
bd rrrk ( re I nrnr! dn
I inntrtr[orrr or'r. \h.n rcrJ b
fiR ch\ ! xDLllh. mioon
rha \N rJit oi foDo\c rnd I
sume rhd r \Nr'r
n ir ltune
tu 6mnim I'h! jr..rb.h!l
clor lhar suchcl scsin tbc proCm aim ar desloying the urity ofrlr
.oudy--andthe notion" ECHRfoundthis decisionviolaredAn. 11ot rhc
EHRC.'"TheSociali.tTukcy Pady(Sn) wasbmed on Novemb$1993
on rheltouds thdt variousscdionsof ils Dogramliolatcd A!ts. 73/o$d
73,/bor the Law on Poliliol Portis, and aEniDfor ils divisiveactivitiB
aimcdat tncirdivGibleuiq ofthe Sbtevith iis ieniroryandNaton.'
Whenthe DenocrrcyParty(DEP)wascloseddownin June1994.lhe
Coun tulsd .s lolloqsr 'gmtidg ninorlry shtxs bascdon scial and
Iti8listic diflfficd k notcompatible
with theinEgriq of lhe lenibry od
Mrion. Accodirg ro rheCod, theE is oneSiale,olc Nholc redilory,a
sinelcnation" Laus.nie reosnizr oily $c noD-Muslinsas ninorities.rtr
The Coun, on the olhc! hed. slalcd &{ LdNme Dwideu ,u, ounMuslim rhe posibilit of baelitiDg i:on lhe samerighrs glanrddro
Muslims,and in lhis mMd equalirybefore the lorv ss gmted b
ddyode. ir is dillcult b undehlandthis n s€ns thatL5eColn did
not late into considedrionthe bdic dini.dion betft.n !h. ncgarive"
risht snnred io all cjtiens md rhe paitivc'dshr Smrn only to fes
dhadleoged cnizens.thenonMulims in thjsce. In f&t, thiai. i.dicarcd
by lhe senttuccusd in thevedidi Ine tuility of llnsfomine unreshioed
rthb inroBtricled righ6 ud lImfmins rheverynarionalidenfiy inroa
Th€folowing luminS is EpFred verbalio in mny verdichdfclosing
doM politicdl p{fries: "b cde, mong citi4ns lha! dc in such an
unprivileeedposition,&e f€lins and thouehtof belongingb r minoity,
andro denandthattfieybe subjeoted
!a i p.licy ofidricred riElh, md ro
exp.cllhd lo beconer minoitr vien thcym &e veir Narionibelf, cu
onlybe inlerlEt€d !s a violarionol rheunity of theNalim.:l Not only this
givcsL\e inl'E$ion thot $c C.urt is umwa€ of or simply doesnot hlc
into co.sidstrrioDdr distinciio! re3ative-posilive
ngba Elered 10above,
bu! there is h* a moE disto$i'g sinatior Tnis p.sirion of rhe
Co.sblurimalCoun,vhen Ead beNcenlne lines,consideB$e mjmiry as
fi6t c1a$cilizhs md theminontyass*ond clas cirizeB wheuH or rcr
rhis *as saidon 'Mos
andI believeth.t it wouldbe mort @fta !u
ssumclbar itvas\
n is quiredifticult to ilteercl anexprcsionsuchd.
''ro turo@
lhe sloteof being]thc vdy ndim ilself to being a nhority
- rdhrye qliA "YdI Yab€nahr.
rhc Domdic AtGosl,i, ,{udrf fatla,, ,,
Thc loil
Piny rFP) vs
i| Flbnk|}
1997 rif uolihrg
_ i , ' d , \ s r nm
. n J."
hr rh. lnlnr\insre'did. rh. cotrnrt.rJrlrLLd.s
i( i {prcrrnr n rrk
udr\ oI rh. Nd,od
bl lldnnrg thd rhfc .i! tuno.h6 ,i
Turkct _\\curdctrrliJ rl'!r.b) dri'ni'r! nr. .\i$or! of Tu,k,sh
r.r' roi,a
ol D,imririe\of Drlnnrl .r kLilii)u\ dLLtr'ko, oa ronl;\i{{, i'd. of
hnlur!.. Lh.ILlLi'ndr]gorlofIoldi'i! dit mrDnd Lnily is hcin! puAtrcd
o llnrldrrg. d$clopi,,!. rrd
br srrr,!
frrofir.\ rlrorgl' nrN
r|Yddfg rtrdrLLrtrc!orr,cilrmtrrrktrh Lx]3u3r xrLln,rhtra '
) Thc rtrlitr!oi 1l'c( ILP rtrtrLd!\r' !\rlJtrxlil, df1l,. rertrL,S
of lhc c\prssion! ro nLgg.i lrd th.r R 'ninoriri$ rntl .ftrdr-!
rrrorirr.i: ro h.rhoi D r' 1,!c.r \. \r), rlii rricLrrstrJg!of,cl!u',)l'
gory! docs nor !n1.,1.D .iJ ol rscll. LL1.lhnn rbft LLrcrc
c\,!r r
qrnioD mN bc -rmm.d r .-[l sr.frily lnr n ro mrdaur r\
$isLui.! ud rhmdsish( Llrl di5frlu\lr L In is
ro srt 1l'.!r nNl bc r'.!iN o' .rfrr da n 1m' rh$c N.t c hr!.. ' Bh1r.
hkcrdlrrbscofrrn nmor\r.snr8otr rr';i
)n r|nnnL m dchNd
rnd Jn.LridJef
r\'chi if g rh. e\lnrr.e of rninorni.s
rhc aLLin-s.
.o.sdrcrl W rd rha poinLl.eLJo.! ro rhml rhrl rhc(on$u ionNlCdrd n
D '!N trnh lofieD,no,aiy'.id.icLe\ oi dE {'bco rn,rmf
$ I1
.onsidm nomrl thrl on. maysuglsr drL it c\isE dilcr
id!nr!.s rnd
trn.s r is nLggciedrhd rlue drnrnr.shrvc r ighr ro blndil Jfo lh!
Ditutrir) li{. rhal is trf cs dcn iof.l fior!!ni is uLlrL ii. 1 ic.ct$
d in rrr. \rr of\i.r'!r: rrr. tri lIl of rrtr
rcdoD rfd mrio, lffto* \hr drim rhxrrhfle e\nr
iornrs do mr
drin rhrLn r nrccsry Lo!I.nL rhcmr sp.tial l*gt'l!rmnl.*. no (nn!
\r b. clrdcd rs hdiis bc .oNni(.d
l, rid. m{dd.fdcDm
DSr$ r r[!ri.'lr$rrN.c lr ]roiirr! ri!h0 n
n poiibLc ro dflnNd thc prcr.dioDol dic diJh..n( chmd.i5trs ol r|I
ninor Li$ bv 'n4n5 ol se(rin! | Inrl) ( cn)rr r sr d of i'r r (amh
^trd rr'c rl'lmrnc n qtrir.uf]! Brcauf r \il bolli r.\cnr nndorr'$
hm b..o in-qurg* lor Lh.mjorily md ir rilL h.lp 6.i'ig ddnrixlr h
rl'c.otrd1 Bfl th. Coun !orhrn'.\.\Nllr r! folld\s i. lbr qrordrn
' \ L u , ^ n o , d r : h ,i f , r . r n )
rlu !irfolhL.,r Hlkrin
K:\' lNIirru R chs Euon(i s t
uherc {r L.n oll]bo\. raur)
nnairru\ n !10\!tr rLrL.d io
Dntrrb. nreorcrr{liir rh. srm.
rercrnt trirh {rL
oDh r[an .lllc orar on.trhc id
s 'ecc$a.] rorrlrn h htnefr f
I. odin woil\. rhirrki,r!$d i
rhr. n rrf. th's ltrdedjof mi!
LoM kkes ly:y trih on. tMr
tr'rnnerir pro[rr tk rdnisih
lrrd h$per\ [r rhr Nnrq]r !f la
l) lf \xriig rhd rhc pnn.jnk
re on i'd \Iion n \ oldd h
tlle coun docsn01dlnr r|t.\isl
nds urbD dr Tu.kinr\xrioi l
d'c Consjn{nr 1.rr\oDr trho i
lnlT.iship i\ rurkidr'r th. cor
rtrzefuP ard idu'rl mrntrN(
Ac!o.Llna(, rh.
rl,isir.nner r\ n.r rhr i.rjibri,
cnhu.r._ \1,h[ n hrnn.d tr no
rtrdcururil rr..lrlr: ir ^rtx,enrn
d'c unnyo1lft Dxlnf rDdiocon
![e od( r].NcLl
otrtn s on\ bl,
rli! ltr ishR.Dtrb|. \r$n plr
rhcdlmxnls lnr dr! r...qir,on i
.r.cFbk dqnmd\ tburl lrhich
ro\xilr b.erl lioD rtr $hot..-:
$ lo.ns Ltrr.*.ru. .r
lurlcv rfd ( i ii andi
or h!|l iirrprebfon: rhn u I
id.nrnLr\\'illt.rJ h rrr. d sinrcs
&r frrter h! dini.rn..\h.rh;
Con,.Lt.nrt, 'r TL r,h Cutr
n rh. lonlr{
ol uir\hat
o,,ahd ^ 'nr.DP*bL.{n
rds.nrr'r|r! I c.n|r $l
nn*q dd B knnat
thft we lelt otr dbo{a "(ht in ais of lhe fa.r rbt &e Gm '@rinA
ninoiiti*' is i.lar.d b th. clain rhatnimdriB disr'. rhe fomer
mlst beirte.rrelrd ir nte sme diEction6 tho lattoi Theo@olN@ to b€
Eachedvirh sucfiinreDdtion ! dEr the bm io@ring a ninorit' oan
onlynm rhecreatimol us id.4 *irhin thesmdity ofcitizenq lnat it
h ncKwior
thm 10bmil lion drelaw of nircriiis ."'"
In otur wods, thi.liDC drt ir night lerd ro inbatioml pmtction srd
rhrt in tor4 thi. pro@ctid night h$e thc dkidcSltion of nrkcy. rhe
Cout Ek s rway wilh onc hdd wh.l il gav. with th. olhs. And in tnis
Dmer, illFlers tlr iDdivbibleujry of lle lnitory ud lhe Dotion.Bul
whn lappemb rhesncept oflry in thenemtinc k elher b.lcr
2) In eyins th.t lhe plinciple of lne indivisihility of dE slale vith its
lditory md Ndm is vi.thcd 6y 8te$ing tuir] dd lingdstic rtitrddc*.
rheCoM do.s nbt denvrhe*isrdcc of t!. individuakwilh div*c cm,c
roolswilhin lhc Tul(i3n NadoD.In faol,Eda oomotine onrte An 66of
rt€ Condituion ( eyone *ho b atirchedb &c Tlrkbh Slaleby my of
cilizmbjp is Tukjsh") the coun poinled@l i! il! ruling on DEP rhat
cidzm$ip Dd Mtidrl identi9 donot tum "tn. denirl oftbe dbdc ma
ofthe citizB . Acording b theCour! lnc purposcoflegrl rc8ll.tios'in
rhb nmer h no! '&e protihilim of divdiry 6d of h,eu!e6 dd
cdtDB." "wh.1 ic bamd is not lne cxpBioD of de oJtNI difffiB
ud allual N@lhi it is ltle enploynenlofthr widrthe rin ofdesboying
rte ui$ of theMrion dd in .l) viil thi* thecoshctim of r na
sble d.Lr b64d o divisios by nds of o@ling minodtie o! thr lfld or
de Tutisi Ropublic."Al dis poid lle Ctu Beak th8q'(...)
rhed@& for de €osniti.n of cultudl idcntitier- rhtch inidally 6s
eccpbble &nm& [but] which_ain.1 scpanrism- wiu in limc incline
loMrd ! bErt fid ih. wholc.''' Thir situltionildi@rs tlDl o certairf@
- whicb foDs de Nne of de Egnlarionsconcemingminofti$ in
Tul@y rnd ils ifrerDdtion dd ibpldenlatim - ako 6mr rhemjn dr
of leg.l interpredon: lhtu k thc fd lhat lhc reognirion of direnc
iddlitie win bid io lhe disinteeFtionolth stat . In lhb situation,it does
nornEL , bi8 d ffeflce sherhe-d oot t[e C@tuiord Cod rog as
lb. dftence ofpeEois ofdileGe erhnicongini
Cons.$dtly, the Tukjsb C.$tnnialal Cout €! ds dnorily righs
Doli! de @nteit oIEiveEal tein nghs, hn in the contextof narioml
legislrtiondd idemtionil tratid (raume). ad it viM thir cmcpl 6
a catcsorrrb is in@hp€iiblcwitn $c indivhibleuni9 oI th. county and
the unirarySllic.'a This loinr ofviow. vhich steDsfion rheConsttution
natully afa*ls de lobl tehryior ofrhe
sd i\e t:w o. Politi€l ldiq
rh. Sqm 6tu alaweats
AltlduEh rhebehaviorofrhe Co$titotionrl Cod m{inly $ms iiom thc
Conditotionandtheidicles of &. L.w on Polihc.l Pani6. this is nol v&lid
lo! the SlpremcCoun of App@ls,which givesilre inpre$ion lhat il G
unaw of rhehiEhlyshbli$ed principlesof law or thrt ir doesnot tue
them inro ecount. lt tu alhd dffndl to inlsrpre!lbc ftlowing nting
samplesin sy oiher way.r' Conceningthe 1936 D.{lrntion rlEdy
Dentimcd,lnc SecdndLegblariveBtuch of rheCtu eded !\e lollowin8
6Jlly l97l: hisevidentlhatlhe
rqueho0 oI rmolrbie prcperDb\ nonTuli:h lesal pe's-s is
folbidden. But the Ied p€nm rharthe coud ftf6 b .nd baa ftm
acquthe Dopeny in ft.kcy is fie Brl rl, Rum HdlanesiVali lBalrtll
Grek Oilrcdox Hospir,l l o}mmtl; it is not a "foEisr' hdomdt
Wlen rhe ir$e wd bbtrehrbefm rheCenenlBoardol Legisl.tionol Ine
court on May 3", 1974 lhe me ircredible roline G Ep€ted. tue
foll@ing year,thr Counof AppealsI sl LegalDepftent racheda sinilfl
wrdicr a€ain: "EroeDtuder the conditioBspeciliedhy eiLhdthe liv no.
r323or ln An. ,14of tnelav m. 2762,f@ign mtioak m fdbiddo ftd
acquiri4 ral etaE in Tu*ey. Beiue lhesedecEesconcemdlc public
order,ihea is noiningogaiDsthe1awlor rheplaintift instituim ro chdle4!
rhemli*.fin b€haviorofrhe defcnd.nrin$itution,or in bling l*nl &tion
for theannrlnenlof dE lnl.wlu l disposl. lh@ldc, bed on lhc reosors
explaincdabow dd o! lhe otie! Honilc indicahdh n\ecounwrdiot, it
is unonimruly deoidedrfid rfie inD@perappealsbe Ejeded andrhecod
A sorc intrrcsting md norc disnesing situarionfor Tulkry b lhe
folowing: nrc domets otlie 8!1,11,CEehOnhodoxqospirdEndownt
$msled lor th. l€3rluarion of lnc vsdicr md rhesme Btuch ctuied
irs nling in ih jndsned daredDecember
Il, 1975(n'E:975lll63tK:
975/12352)as follows: I! spite of th. fact ttai the mexed defaddt
cndomeni is fouded by Turkhfi oitians, rfie Eferenceto rhe h* dDt
fodid foreigne*b oM realesatc in ilc dccisionofapprovalk du io a,
emr. [Thc coff] to derctc dut pnre by aFe.dmert [od]
alin foud,tiols to aMi
ili5lNriod Bcr rem, ta
hlsi0 Miiisrry ud FoftiS
Nejd AuM,
MinsLr of
Pmssm wouldbe givm
ed. The dF*tJack of
temsson of rhe Chenl Di
much lNer i! buEaufrric
riolation ro wiou inh.ri
L&m!c asveu 6 An. rOof
Y,lez Aincodio$u,,r. .rr, p.37.
"l: RelmrndSq ap..r.,pp.9c93;ud Fei\iy! Cdin,qp.c,r,
" suprcmc
coft or Appslq Fint r,sislarircBruchnt4
otJ n unt'.tutr
od.sne ( ) d.'ies the reque{ for .orecho' of ludgmenl. Th.
inponmce of ftis Lai dcoson r rhari( indic.r.s th.t thc SuprcmcCod of
App$h did tror igno'e rhe foreignerDrioMl di$inciion and lnar i
cor\ideE somc I urki$ cilizcns lbRiErca ' bccrtr$ drc] arc no. Munim
Thn pridicc o' rh* prn ol lh. Strprmr Coun ol ppeils..s ir {ill hc
lvl.incd immcdi.clJ_
ro atr $d otrlt wh.n r FU
Hrnnonhrion Packaee$Lll be I"t .t trlt pt rL anan'n g ,nr1t,al lrthd.ri,r
Ih. la{ lomins fte Parq.iph I of th. EU Hrmonirdion Picka:c
g.fq0ncm mdcr P D. Mrrste,
mcn(tuid.borc- passed
by rhecoaliriotr
Sthni liccvr r.ndereda s*iousset6ftkto thi\ rnentrllrytl,dcor\iJer ron
Muslim lr*ish dri4ns 6 d..ngerorsforc, 'RcligiousconmDlq
fouidlriois. $drl'er or not rhey poses a cllnfl ( t?k1,a,,.). mry acque
Erle$arc br rhepcmision of$e Cibird ofluinn(ca. in ords 1opru\idc
ior then nlcds ri rulieioN-chatuahl!.n)gr!]. cdugarMrl. slift4, and
ridrhey roy exen
_with the inlenrionof neri4 rhc tuli8ious.chrilxbh. soci.l.ed(d,o l.
Mnir4 andcrllunl ic€dsof.hse foutrddrons.
rcalc$areprorenro be ir
lea$ rnd oi'e,
lh.n Fo$cs1odir
Dannerbl ox doounienrs.
i,i .Nc dry applyRnhi.
documirs \ill be rcgii*d rnh fte loundatioD
six mon$sol lh. daE thislas tlcs efled Rlalende donaledor wiled 1o
ft rbunddon ir rlsdcov.rcdbyrhcprcvftunof1h6 iif.le.'
Th! m.n1!lir! rtrtrrio..d above,shile e:3ntiDgdr
Munim fouDdatio'sto acquireftd enare nnJ b ereRis. po\yd .f
dis0osiliono\{ Lhcd. laborn lor rhc psnrissiois b! rhc
'brcnor Mnrnq mldForciAnMinnq- be Eq!tred,ir iegi{i rn.D ltrrdiii'
ihcr.ln.c scltriq
Nliri$ry neN polic. md intlligen.e orgrnizatioD\.
considrcd rbreign. Thi: wrs prevcnrcd
by rhc .ftons dqrloycdb| \1r
Nej:t Are\cn. Minijcr of S6re rcsponsibl.lor llunatr Ri-!lrs- and
c{cclalLt by rh. ForiSn Ministy, bd a claN ro rhe ened rhar dE
Dermi\\nr *otrld be given by thd C$iner ol Minisrds cotrld ndr bc
pftvmLld.1h*tld\vb.ckol rhs is rhar*hlle olhq lbuMaroN rsc lble to
acqu,Ercrl e!'c rM cicrtke $e; powerofdkposal overth.Drby rl,c
Nhi.h rs m olfi.c
trmnrion ol r1rcGc'eml Dnedonc of Foundations.
DUch l$v{ in bureausii. hic$rcht Ths nacolanii's coi$tured r
violllior ro variour inreinationxL
rErties and rgreemenGnnning *ift
ar wellrs An. l0 oflhcConrilu{ion(piicipl. ofcq0.llry)
rtal d Nb.!k. ho$e\er cm.r-!td\u{b Lh. br-Jd\ pq[rcd bv rhe
fof thc ihtlcn.trhtion ol rhls Lr
c*nc l Dftdorr. oa FoundaLions
n"2.1$96) llrrs by L.\. r cotrci.r.
lhxl n inrlndsh.h{rucr r tnn,.e the.qu.llrv rhlt ! i'tendedbvlrcra\
lr | ntun.d ft. non Vuslm fouidrtion!tu t,ovidc rn 'nnumcrabLu
\\ '
n .
' eq. n fr'i
\igflfienr n lhd rhc Cei.'J Dneddrr(rhfJ yrrious caN .f f.clentin-q
nLch docufrlls iion Frrhing lh. lo\.nnrsr nrf .onsdemtron lhc
_idcifdomL recipro.irJ_''
lor rhc
nc ali!_ rlid nor iop dirc: I rlqunM
nnptmcnkr on ofrlrc b) lrw /\pan Jixn thg lrd rhtr tcipnr.rY s our ol
qu.nor ri htrmxrri-gl* ns rLrc.dr \u\ lnnh.r posriblcro nlr ndn Mdn crtrr\ wer. rgrin rcgrd.d is lnrcrstrc^
h lhn !rsc. rhc la$ androrth. bv Lrq \rolarid do.ume$ ol
I Ainng thsc dF h Lo$irg mr| bc
inioml rid iincnalional r\
mlnrion.d: ft :. lo. li- 9015ofihe c{n,{iluridni,Vl ll olthe Lrtr or
Foun{hliois:An lordr rsn!4771 lrhclltriNrizdnrtrLr! irsl!.,\ns
An llofrh. Eft)traLnHr ri
RighrsCon\enhon:^n 60/s Dl rh. \'icnn. ConvenLdrof rhc 15\ oa
Eltons Dlde hy drc corlirionlov.rnmcir utq lor Lhc
oa drn situdlon\crc lorliucd D,or irleD\cll by thc Julile
rnd DerclopmlnlPxny(AKP).Rlrrch.rm. ro poed by r lvrdeDr+'n 'n
rheel.di,rs orN.vrnbd l. l002. Irpg.i.lly rhn'!h rh. individtral
ol Nt
Resno'siblcfor llun.. Righr\ trtulny bctr\c.n fon-Nn':li'n ard o.bcr
bl rutLacrig_CabineroJ
aodd.rionsrus alhierrd
Miinc'f by_cener Forndafons Li rhete\iorrhelrr od.
l 7 7 l r . 1h r s p n c o d
f , i s p o s i r r v . d c r c L o p n c n ! r l i e m e n t o lci r cy d
i ni n
L rch .
by lrw
rgr n Thci$r
L. btryruil!ide
ippli.dnrs dlrhc ion Niuni'nhLLndrrions
d!!i!LeJ on bt sol'ctr,n! rh.
dl rhc rcL!r.d vi"isri.s rnd Pnblt Agen.i.l'
{,ndhine .or r&t,!icJ toDr th. orh.r Ibunddons.Thc c$ahlrslnnens
rLh cd n, hcre rc of cou6e rhe:e('rnr- md L clligeiceagenoesThr
trirr*tur crrus. \oon bore rs frur: on May 5- l00r thc d.ilt ,4ftfidl
of rcal .jr.
226 +plicarions aR r.n,med s
aspdPd publnl.d a !.n, i.i
Tutilh denDsacrrI \ecrct.c
lh. Pinu ttrDs{!- 0j ^r.,ti. t0
une hnr rtr.' ro rrr. cenentr
app|.d'onsBY.|\ \hon.Md qn
cder dinicu1 L.$ !. |. Qnsid
aPd,!/r. tr trittb.rppronnde ro
or reqrmmd'ddrons
ol rhcrular
carcrurqrnnDrhn l,nl dnrha
une mu{.onri\! rhd rlri\ na\
s.urd ttubablv b. qrn. drnic
ncrns tvlufs ni.rc. rh( she l
t4nds fippcns [' hc rhe Nad
. mrncbNddi
r\ ol s
e f !gn.d: {ierfd Fe
ar or rli! Nrio.rl scluns
\ir be d t.rr rrr.o.eri!!Y
antt thtot.&at l|rndan
Ftum nr. :choLrrro r]t nolni.
t u S c r h ci i b e c r o f t r ' i n oi $ n I
e i n p J m i \ t r r , l r . n u _, i f r
r r r n { ? r d! f l e c r n ! J R r r o l
rhe min.rirv lrLr n rh. $or
,{ I i.rpk,,otrnfL
hr\ bkn J
rlrdulL rhd m ditftRnr fror
rD md nL i {d,
,be h k s, (o!n!ir d sdr (suf,u',t Adn,N'fri{
o d
, ec cotrid.r.d -m''oni6
in rh! rt.ld of
.$on.d rl'd ourof l3ll r0p icario'strud! by tronN1ulti'niiruftanois tor
r!!i.d'on or rerreiarc jr.].re rehrd. j?r ar. inmd -inrompl.r.. ri(
116q,[ri!intrs m ntrneLi rs "trffounded. ]h. ncxrdr!. rhcrmr ddly
new\pa|{ ]rtrhlinul . rc.r inLdti i9 Eur. N lrher disrcsi[s or! tor
Turkahdenm.ra.t:a _\c(d .ommunicli.f scnrttum I sbr rgnly 10
rri.?noc Irini{!-'oD ApLr7. r{r0l rcrn rs lnIows:-Atrhoughdr 2 Dioflris
rm. rrD !i!.n (r rr (knen Dir.dotulc!flotrrdfiof: tu Ltrrjdv ol
rppl'. oD\ s rc gner ftr tu Lh1 b r\Lcnd thii r m. lnnir i\
r d h u d i l l i c u r r r e - s r r r y . t r ! ! o . s i d c . r L r d d r c (D; $n.r' da ot r i l . \ ! i l l b e . b t c
,r./rd,/J.n\ri|] bcapprop.irr 10.rrttrarcrhc!.rd lp0ticrtiotrsb)\rtr(ilin!
rlrcr!ommeDdari.'soJ!li! rdd.J Mnrnrili rfd Plbli!\ rnd3ii.r
.r'etll ex{ninaLio..rmy em]rhrsist.
on.mun oDti\\rl'!r lnnIvery mrcfi.!cof burcaknlic iyle.rid ir
sotrld F)bibl)r bc qtrirediitiruh 1o find I nrrc tolnrcd !rdrp,! q
i.reReftioDhf I slxlc rgrtrc! ro hi' er rri. n!b( of.niTeDshy c{irt.gtr
Dlrns. whafs more.rr'issLrL!uen.y hft thd d scntoindeson 'eleour
groundshxppcnsLo be ih. NrtioM sc(rny aourit \rher. rhc nned
For.cs.muilhe! delt lca ols.trLrrsm rr Trk.). m \crr i'rfiEil Thc
do!umenrB signc'l:_Gern!LFrhi tufcet. HcadAsisknr ro rhr stftfury ol rhe NdionaLSeoury (Tliit ktjd ol inl.^mrion by
Nsa N,ll hc 11 can $$F .rllt 'ennsrcdby rh. se\rdh |]lmon'rron
ahd thuretirat Jbadati.,:
ngtntng ;Llnuritias
fnnn 1\c schohrb ilrc polir'crtr. trn rh. i)umllisr 10rh. hieli .ofr
juds. rl,c subjccl.f inorriesi\ consid.rcdn nrrq!isrorhlLc
mrin rrmmereFof drisposifon n:r- besLnurd up aslnllou\:
lr lnncrd olk.epire ab@n ol rhcJevetop enr of rh. nii'r'tr! !of!cpj
rfd rh! mnionrr'laN in rh. $orrd. .his qc* is sll lntappcd in L9tll
morrorr r\ iderpto..rior ol rrrann. i\ eithcr troig or in({npLcrc
rrley I sigmb), () d!.lhcnrs ofhumrf xDdnii'roitt riglrr.
\ N ! i l i l i l l ) \ i r h l h c d o . u m . n 6 o df t O S C E l n l h . r d n d o f b d r y . e i o u s
rh!1.p Jifi{ed iioD rc majornriir vd ousr.sp!(.nJ rr
L0 Di"bi" such diffc(dc.s r I rr,z /d ,or .lrDdr .f diln
Ld.ri').rBronsid{ed minoiities tt.0c.inrh.Tofks}crnnorDrcbidrhlr
rh.i. d.\rloFilds in Lh. neld ol miio'rq iiglr[ ncverrookp]a.c:rhs f
n.rh.r I r.DrdJ tr., I to$ibiliy. thc rbjecr ofnris ald inr)mpere
rt$r.lrtun ol Linsrnnclis rh.,ly blcr rlliri$rly erpLor.d.o[d \c
n l roL rtpcd rhi\ hcr | ,f L h.\L$$. h. rtr.s'v to |.1n1.ur d'd D
TrrrlJ ih{! n ! \rn{r td)cn o
lk concqrcof f e-{trrn.rn,l oosilnc.ghr
:r lhr rlrllnirdi ol d1lftr. ilL.iirie! d d'e : rrt 'S oi n mn\
n!1,6 .rc rlrotrlhror lo'sdded ro br dk iDie \\ Lndilred errlier rt
tn,DEf i i .bie.tnr \irulion ll {hn i5 r tlilllr.m !tutrp in lpr.ilir
,$pci! Jndild,ngrdup.onidhnrhi llcr.irsArrDtLLirnrbl.pdo
iL\ iddinv. iLir rrrm rgl$\ tJ NL \r,.rlis i' f.' Ll'r,cn x DiD.rir) r,s.i
ths! n r drrl.r.i, Nirr. xrLlll,rd.rc r Di',oi r-1 Rnrro srxr n
, SLr n \ithir rlr i \ddidr ol ni: srre Nor rt$-jnvug Ll,fi.rnL
i & n L i r , .i!n o d i n o 1 t ul n n r n , o
at rl
i truq rhir llrdr r, Lh.rli.Ddion ol L|t miio.iry lior thr rjlu..
r n th.rdnr. pm'lyzc!mli!n,'li rlrd or.
l) r\s r ruj,lr or .idjnrrg _i,rc
sLi',s tnr dmod3.r xrd .\ier
kli:dde nimnor. rl,id, nnpl,cs
Jai egrdiotr.lh.rclllnirnr ufl,ffcrc dqrir cs aill rl'. d,! .Sitrn of
1lr.nd.!rc $sur,.d.' n,,{,ldrd tribc Ll'.nDd
l) hi r nalidrr!ro.idr. 1'r lnrfiiy r 'rm ly rft ol
cftd Ll[ surc
b und.'n]Dd
rotr(.pr.w|l f\ no(. tr,,N l)$t. d.r1trfd$!0'd.rrcln{
Llid rlr nrdrr n d.niqmg rh. lrft{ Fr hDgto'.rll7e rLt rhr
cdi( li.fs rfd 1l'ci.f[ft
ronslldrr.\ lor . SL{! Tlt ru16.1 1o
OSaF \ond. .ilul
to-sri- difir(n( i,b croris iul.L)\tro n ri shr hi,'! o rl'ep.i,r or
ic|lri.Dtr rll doDrd irl.rd] Il.r! Lshrlnnr
Ll,!dc,!dnnr[c Suk,l
qknnin ir r ariLl'. ro or th. dcstu'rti k,. uDdsnn rhr trnN ol \uhid.Drily r 'rupm iLl.rily trtrl h rfldorrl'rrtrirlirr\r
i) uhrn.(i.rig [i Tu]lss x l
rLLrckr$ $ fo'... rlfi rlr rd n
This mre.J iiii, . \l,irr \'l bi rNrdll\ (i:(tr!d bcnN. tr dtr. h.
lLihtr?r. fo.rc. !r trj rdmir. rl,t( rlic ndLor.burlig rrisr .r K.iiili!
trdiorrlbr. n, b rn(li r\ i !\\JtrtLlL) '-r\ !D 1.r irifi,'l ltrtrd[on].
rl.mrntr prnairi,,gro bLood
\. ern liod ric ib.\r nbsci\i,,ois, l Dqnodr.t
sm un rl
trn$ uid.r 1f.q orrlr shii Ji.
r\ d.inkd hl rhe rlroprN aod dllllnun ltilbc. Brr rl'c
F\r' *lin
.e{ridion\ nnpo\lrl D lurk.r dori rhLltrrddili\huN
u \d.r[.
11,.nilhts dii]irctrc. ir
s !l. issn c b. pruhibir{Lr rLtu \
lr lrd Llr !!r tr.|c lrqslc of rc.ogf 7r,.s dr
dn.'srt of(s lfonks. ri! ig dL
h,!n r.rd t' rs Jnnr.lmon
.\pr.srn! otu \ drrltrnr ,&di
N.rr Ih. nrD Rjroi,n! 16d
lon.epL.i d'. nrrn j6rc. rhi
{rmi fnin r,o l,{ndtrr6; rh
bd\..n rtr. nrptu lnrrr Md !
rnl pDL,r
lrt rnmd
t h.ot.ntat t.r!,t,rth
rhr rt
,tb LIltt\ Dni! Rq\jlnattt
Th. F 116IhiD b.n\..n rh. r
nrt.Jso. rr! RcntrtrtIolTurt*
r\rbtrrun cr..k lolLlr. dc n
DrorrrDpon: lY r.r. or rhsm
iJorr\ I \!.rr rn,3
rn!,!pr.s.rL trrofoanL)rdrnnr
0r 1r RcnLLN\.Ilu rh. ipF
roar rr i lb.;rrrr (i,h rh.iF
lrb dcn{irr.!n rg orljj5ub i,ld
T b . c o D . . | ro I - t L , t t r h ! { d j
nhon: n 'd.rto!r. .r rhr sEf
rlDrdulhlyurl;,!&L n rt,. l9j0:
trr br rr.irt'.Ll r rh: Tu*rs
lrakri Kumt hi,n\!ll hrJ D
'dcD v tili! one dr\or b\ $. n
(rl,! otr. rhrl loirs \ Lhrir. bni
ier st!N| IIc nrd: itr h:!
\rr r!. Jri$ hrnP\r
btr1!f li. .di( h}J rhr rs
trie i,'ls ) \{nrDN $rrj L ht
hrdr .r .u.rnr l t) r tr$\ \
!'rut or r.Dtrrl rlrr orlr Ib
o t r { n r rt o t r l , t b r i dI D r r D r n r !
nrr'cr..r b.'l' b\ JtrrcPdi r
,r0\ dd rtrr krlLh uFnjies i!r.r.rr!
D o \ . r | N1 ] l r tI r r \ h d f i g c Jr o G
1\',2t ad k kual
night lad rd ir disinbgntioA tbE the shE pub seveE6bcti6ns on
dpftsinA orc's {titradt iddrity. WIar k bd4 pshibied herei. divdity T!. Mi! @@iDs for thn glm 6oD tne 1930sillrFeLtio! of de
mcapr oflhe naton-shrE,whichdo6n\.llos fq diretsit ltis @dud
rcbs aon No foddariom: rhe rheGtj@l foudaLim js lhe Elrlim$i!
thc sp6-id6tiry &d sub-idatig in tbc Rclublic of nrkey md
thenidori@londpoliticll fouddion Glne "StrG Syn'1lm". Fmddian: IlE tuldi.Nhip be@ ke supriAniry md
sub-td.fiiq k theRep"bltcotTttzt
htum dE M idenritiEin theOflonm EnpiB andir!
succc$ortls Rcpublicat Tutcy is quitciNdcti*. Thm '@ rmy subidontitiesin $e ottomonEopirc: ru( Kurd.oslri.n, Abkn&, Aoeni$,
Albdiaa Ge\ JNi.b, eE- ftcsc *de ftco8lized by rhednhoriricsmd
mdc imporLrtly nod. of lhd *@ idohcal viln lhe miD umbrelh of
"Otto@n" identit, Exceptfor a d*ase in rhe nuber of nonMulios,
thisrepredhtid of sul-iddliliq !a midqt Inslde lnd &e fodding
of lte RoDublio,But dE supEid.ndty 16 cnons.d b 'rdrish . Tnit
iddtity L tle itu wid lle oost irpotu ofsrb.iddiri.s, rhe'fubrh"
tub-iddiq, giring orhe!{b-i.Lnliti6 (ep.cially tbeKu&) rhefeclingof
'Ihe @loeDtor'"Iur
is b6ed ml o! tue but onoultm. Evm lhouc! 6c
rarioDrlisi id€olos/ of lte Sl!l! 6 ar iE nost rieid fon hsd heed
dtobu$ly enfmed in lle 1930s.rhemin didim for inmbe €fu!€s
tu b. atubcd h rhe tu*bh culruE and nd b b€ fui
uslo& lirs.U
(tbr oD. cbM
. Pffi.d.Dr
llld udddliDodh! cnoic. or 6e 'sbi.dive"
by de hd,vidIj)
rgaid tle "objetiw-
fhe oneth* com6 {itb rhebinhl id htu dichn bronom€d in his Te h
E Spsh:. He eid llw h.ppy is tne m wbo cdls himelf ! Turk',
der tnansoyin€, Hwtappy n theonewnois bontwto Gs luk',
BIn on the o{F tdd dE rem ''Iu!
has 6erc rE th@ difi€st
edi4s: 1) sm6nc {ho i. bound ro thc TEkkh Republic tlmlgh lhe
ndsof cibz.n+p: 7Ja n$ \,r.on dur E brrneno dcd:3r rn dhdc
pof CqErl Asim ongin ThefiArha3rqids
msnu& &. ody
$at 6uld build d nadon:n r s*iety * compler $ TLney. Bu Tut.r,
Med boll by Empm tuist lbdlies lhar srpl tbc wrLd in lle
fie thid
l0r snd le Kudilh LpnsinFol tle Feno{L
at leAr tob dm b ribc. ftc d6i,e b
nd of rhe
holosyRed byfie am _srckMdof Lwp.- ha a sob?rn6lach, dqe hsw bm E cEstiDs edGe c6s, I! d. ordi, ro
rhrt the Tu,.\Bbe mssd b lhe hishftt echelonDf hman bcinLr .tull
nerntr nrnr B.R mrde.for c{inplc. rhc Ecar rrchir.d MLm si"ri s
rofin lrs op.ncd up in
ugus 1935 o Drke bidogicrl rnd
. onn \.,'on b'\l
d s'n. .. r
L N \ o ' S c ( L c f r c n b n o . l 5 l o ol 9f l 4 t r s c d r h c r c m " T u r k n h m .Ui L l t h e
io rhe
l9ir,r. rhr air.rir.rotr offlicring n,ilihrr shook *r\ ro beLor-s
llis dlirtrdci nor a ni ig or th. DN Todrt pniplc ey "Our dhn'c
i roitur/d,,":) *h.n rcfcrin! ro Trklsh
brcrhGtr3toed (tt,t !r!,,
ni.orilis odsidc Trkly. dcrionntulinsrhtr thc Ldor ol "Turkish
clhnru!y i5qui1crmn.nrntf dciinDSidentit]i" Turkey Ftrihenno.e.
56 or dr Turknh aonniturnn ("Fve!-onebomJ ld rhc litrlish Srarc
$roughthebondof.nrcnsllp saIu* ) lervesNrhen'Iive larr\\eni"g
MoLcolerrh'ssupra'dmh] 'n.oryorarcs
rchg'on as
liyorhersrb Ldetrtiry
nuch r clhni.iry. Becrur ol rhs rill cxisfig innuei.c or thc Millct
sldcm. on! has k) h! a ivlud,mor e\ri r sufni Mu\lin i" be
r Turk.wher onespe,Lks
ol ndn \rushr in l urllt. dncn.vci
\rys ro rs _rfkJ bur'riiz.0s (,l//,.rt
. nelf ig trotr-Muslnn
E\h rhcnos cdullredaid pregft
Muslimas! Turk,but $ r (ireek.AnneniaD,
In ftrtnl hislo^ lhis snuarionhm nor bccn.onfinedio rhem:n-inrhcnrd burreflecrcddeep
lnb ndrnrL noli.i.s .s lcll. Uifllhc 19,10s.
*crc rcgisrcicd
in r.",r, t.lcl k/, (ForisDe.Re-gi\try).
when l(i9 d,e grorp\ *ho sere mon likely10m&e B!
Lrs on Protecrionfrum SdboLalci ptrblishcdor D..onbs lr. 1933
indtrdcddr tur-Musli'ns if dE iallowi',g *od!, _Dom.\ric lnrcieDcr
(TurkishcilzeN) rnJ rlioselun orhcrmccsin lnc counrrl " loday iill.
An l4,i ol dr La$ no625 on I'rn?t lr$iturionsof Educrlion!hr.h
nipularcslhar a
$isknr Dnedor N tu b. r$ilied ro _Slhook
openedby foreignsi. is rho Dphcd 10 rli! mnoriry schook.The inai"
ntublcmis.1hceid anicLesDecLile
Turkishon-{irrnd n Tur h.iLizcn.
A rcc.nrmd blnla q!iipl.orrhs dis(tniiriotr .ine ir Feb'urry21J01
*h!d ! l!trsutr ro riful {helandrc8nty ofa non Musli'! Dri'iority$hool
building*s fil.d A pcririonJikd on behrLfoftheT.efturr'lgrins ihs Suql
Ha9 ArmenlxrLyc':. Fomddroncdnhiis thc lollowingpmgiaDlt By s
" lielhry.(di".op !,.. pp.r0 d75
titi K,abhii,i. !eN rets
Lrrs rert. ^rk!B. rirk
d!!NM uri.r hr rtrr Strhconmn
rhfl moDnof rLerdrfiiG or n n
Dder rhc mnr 5q, rl
dr rnrul,rcnl oarh! [1. d..d oft
I rockry on bcbrlrol rh. rr.i!u,
rh. Ro|trblc ot lurke! vre*s irs
rorr{n nifum \ md s.n f6 ut,
strbromi(ee tnf MiooriliesThn
an|mdu\ mr'! irr. rnr rnJom.r
p.orcdingrutun.l se.uarl- n.rr
R! l,tlebr cxu.DEforr mnii\cr
oa ^Ttrrki\hr$i. (rrrll,ii) hr\ tr
Krds ftc fcon{L moi nn0na,r
strt( ideniq rad h.m!r!
l/it'rn.rlit) xid ir ^hrfuk had n
wfo hd.igs ro the R!rubhcoftur
bais in connrmiry $irh Lh. -rub
rrh x sub dflrirr- *otrLdhde ;
rer(orur ptu idcihlrduiDg rhe
rhe\old Tu cr,' rThcPrork.tT
ol Ttr ev. rhc Youdi of lrrkcv.
Amy..rr. ^r'r.rin
henrncd$i'rs r]t rc.ond*r
done (
rhn y.uLd halr co
rb. lh.shold of rhc ] , Cant
b reram rhn !'pn idsri!
mLn \ Tir lud
'r rhri obs
v n r k J nr c i . F i 0 r I
zt utut P.litit4t
l anttdn,6
onomm Fnpm lld !o sis'tr
F Et $ ond \\,m l1I (rn
rn rh. n.dplerns)chcnm.
rsccfl 1m!nar
\m\ ro
ad tu rtundt nttunti.s
de&id llkd by lne Sub@mjne loi Minoriri6 of ti. Int rior Mini*ry
drt noDtloF rh. activitid of ninonlie in €gad ro .ariomt secuity, th.
ftlndario udd de un. Sup Ha9is d legiliDete,(...) for mF reen
6. dulnnr oI fte nrleded of rh. foudadd ( immov,btepmper,yrd
i! Egrsf od ber f o, rheTR,sury b rhmoy 'equiea Jr t"d s b sy.
d€ Republioof ftrkey views ic m non-Mulim citihs liLe $sD*r
6EiEn Mtiotuls Md evd sls W a $re instituiionlo nonitor th.m: Thc
Stbcommil&.for Minonties.ftis comiltee doesnlllte pla@in dc Shte
.ppaFtusnoi is tbft hy irforurim aboDL
i! bft irsdecGions
For*linA n.donal s*uity'' is cicd aswidd* in counprcoeedirgs.
ir a litde bit exMe fo! a Dm,Sscisrcohry. Ai a ffulq lhe spa-idenrit
(Itr*lrt) has alie0atedboth the non-Mstitu $d lbe
of '"Iukirluet'
Kurd.! rhe smnd mst i4otut
sub,idenrit ste! lhe Tu*s. Bur if tne
e?E-identry had ben d6ig@red s belmling b rie Raublic
(ftr*irlrlr*) dd if A1*0r* had inshd dml@d How b.ppy $ rhe one
vho bclon$ b the ReDutlioof Tutey", by givingdpt sisro a tenilorial
tdis in confomily wilh rhe subjeolireidati9, no rheodical coDnid
ai|ll a sub-iddtity would hdc b.d c€Ed M. Kmsl i.d usedd€
itortalsupB-iddt'nydding rhe 1919,22Wd of Lih€htion,mphosizing
tte mrd futet: ' ThePeopleof Trtry, IXeNabd ot Tu Lrv. TheAmy
qrad ot -Tu\ch Ouinh
or TBlq, Tbc Youlhof1rney..F)!
ation,Tdkist Amn etc).Affer rhedecldrid ofrhe R@btic io Ocrober
92J hesmd uringrhesqond d ol rm. dming de 6d o-r Hoobc
t dme so, lhb wonld havc anribulcd b th. inr%mrior
Al tne drcsholdof rhe2l' Cmtutf, sme pe@leandinstilutioDsdo nol
to rclom lhis suph-iddtiV in . way b refldt @nremloBry
fo @nlnueh* obrn,bon. h.ymMlidgroBhd
Voltd EIft io a o tbosm hutu
Tne Sfm SJh&od-.
rj@l @dPolnnd Foudariry: nE safer syndrcne
ofro@ Eopim h.rt lo den lhe Pace TErry of SirB ahs ib defed
Fist Woid Wd. Tle EpmstG
@sd hy 6e dGsolurior of the
in tb. p.opl6 ptcbe EDU @ rhis d.y dd hav. eve- inr,!€d.
(Semr Amojo Amy b' $e I ibdo
ol Amcdr) &d P|!^
lab.r Panyt tuim
In fte 70( 30s, ed 90s thc
io- Ihar d. AmffiA
snd rtc Kudts "ould 6mpeb ,
elmlt mtnishcd by rhe unapplied SdB Tisry. Thc
osbtrbulqeeLlypublkhedby Ih. Aninio.omu
n o6n,,4 btu k 16I itE4 i tit i
q?i TukryI 'o16r,
ruk4 q
bugeoning lrdqi Kuidish or8nnialiots i. the saf. haven" (fured b
T1. facl tnal th* &l! weE
.orrld lrao wcrc anothd nann of mnM
gave rhe opEsto!
icceived *ith sldp.rhy
luke/, ali6
odiciptldg In lhs dTrembmen
rumed Db omnos lbe A5ALA Fm' erded i he mio lo30q lhc
emuinq Anenim G€nocid. resotuti!.s hrve recededin tho last ,es PKK
rmr ame rd d dd aftc! the oprurc of tKK leadd ocalan in Febmrv
1999 tsut rhe Savr6 p@noia is infldcd .t cvery mitor incidcit
Therc rE nsy cxampld of lhis ptuoid $m. of {hich .rc lighlv
iine$inE: ADerican dodors collecr blodd sMplcs tom Turhsh ciliz* d
for.r,bli.hine a Podui (tret Jrre d -bel-aer Blic* Ss
Rcio!. ls_sf cm\d. ro ktm in ie .' cen.r ca'l.d Doahe or
lal'errw h Tdlish hlve n*er abmdoned ineir rcal idenary od exed
enoms inflrcncc in Turk4 Utiied Sbtcs wmts lo Bllblish r Kudish
sbe ir nolthem kaq tbar will split rcnibr, lrcm soudt*M
Phsar CreeL Orlhodor Patiirchate b buyins up property in lstubd in
oflld ro cEarc a sccondVatican.etc.
In slch m ahcphde wen rhe dighrsr rqne$ for ascning otut
ide.tity is being intcrprebd s rying to divide L\e munty $d is rherefoE
subs.qftndy suppE$ed. wlile de EU is cdnsidtcd a remiml sFtion in
(ne ftaliatio! of KemLisn\ qust for Conlenposrv Civilization ($e
Mede,ipl dlrcld\ nnnded in thc Inlioducrim), Turkish Shc
rhe l93O @ndiriom rre now gonc, sd tha! il ca! clddl rhe very
'193G Modef' of Keh.lhm hs
fact rnd i6 nond ielming frm tne
bcmne obsolcb wnh fte pogrs dd rc.lities ofLn.2l" ettury' This cm
hadlv be tle solrtio! h bo , doncstic .nd lorcis! pol icy With this ittitodc,
dem;radatio. h Tukey k bclaled and 6. otrside inteflertion m belElf
Winr tte-aa'*t or aeesio o the EurcPeanUnid, right
Thb prcRS i" a
rclonn in .ukcy ha rrBed in a poire p{{
continuarim of legal refoms snactcdby Kenalisn lhrcugh a
ir tnc 1920s.nd los io 'nodmi4 the mtrlrv
Inasmuchas dere *6 etar Esisldcc !o Kenalist Floms edoroed in rhe
l92osmd30s ftonhelow inlbe lom ofa tligio$ Gcdon, rhdeis dd
vill bs a lim belN @posiiion to dieserefom Tie i drina thing is
rh.L the Sons of tho* who Eaded in thc 1930s{rhc nlng Jusricemd
D{elopned Party in Angui 2003- AK?l d lDsbing lon r€fod 6on
ab.v. while tfie \ons" of rhoscwho madethis solulio! nod .bove in ihe
"SdMB Pmoi!
. a tc
3os a€ now rt&ting &od below in lho fom of
havc alEady se. mncemi.g
i^ hto\ut Dha.itid
Ilur rLe nar| rowards|n.
.o,rirtrcs.whcn dr\c tines\€
moie ad\mred hlnan nale I
Hamoniatid pl
0 . lmguageprohibnedby tte r
- Trirn Harmonizrion tb
and Tca.hing of Forcignlac|r{
tho .eh b lern hnsmg6 o
flucns. Las or [nrblishndr
('haDnek was chrtrged so as ro
hiluages and d a scrs hdnim
exprcssio. sas b.ouehr in lir. bl
of Hunan Righ6 wi ftc modi
Code. Law on rounddions E
foudatio's ro acqui'eihmoqll
aouncil ofMin^rca An me.d
ProceduF$.r witl c cr inro fd
Folnh Hrnnonizrionp(
2003):Llw on roondaronsw6.
by GeneralDir{tonre of Fa
md!!ons. The rchrcd bv hs en
- Filth tlamroniTxrion pa.l
ininal Pftedurc rnd lhe Cod.
allos lor rcrirlt fr cs fidl
te and10'applicdrons
nE& .f
Siih Hlmoniarion pr.h
rbe Ani-lcntr law (An)
isitcin dcrnrnidn
redto crFnd ncldomof$
io rh! LEaRTc.bolh
broadld 'n higmgcs dhttrLr
r d : i l r I n ( , t r r n ] r. r , , n p e
&qutr. Rrl .mr( .trftndv ii
.16 ufd. L4 on connn;rio
difirenr tolis
B|' ttc riirlh t!md! lhe Cont FmEw civiliztion
anrinrs Wtm,lE.liDes ueE qitcn on Aueun2001,pF
d@ adtu..d
ri8hts 4re pased n !e!en EU H
Pac*0g6.Tte Packoge
aticles Eloting!o minority4ttls crn s
- SMnd H,Iffiiaion
P&Lge (26 Mmh 20112):
Bsn on plb
in ! langue. pbhibiE Lbyrlra s r.paled fion rhc Pr* Ldw l
- Third Hmoialid,lllkig.
od Tachine of FoFig!,legobd
lhe nanl b lem ldgu36,
(03 Aueu$ 2002):kw on Leadrit
to-iio lFticlioni tjb
cniani ktr on EsblishEeot
chdged $ a bo liff drrictiu
l&gu.g€ lnd dEl.cts Eldnimrlt\r.68y
erpE$ion w6 bouell in line withifid trddt
of HDsm Riehs *irh rhetodindio,of,arir
codc, Las on Founddionsms dendod so 4,rtond!|qqi
b rquiF
prp€rty wid $e lDdorirb
Councrlof Mrniea An mendmmt wa mdc b &. Cod?ot
Prc6d@ rharqll tu irro lo(e wiui, s )@ s ro allor for @
FounhHanoniztion Peka8r ("Copenhies Prlage 02ldrry
m3):L.wonFountarioswaammdcdtordla4'Cowilof Minisdrf:
ty Ce!@l Di@toEte of Foun&d@", os ir j5 ,08 c6o wid orher
6m&ri@. The Eldted by la* dtded inro force d 24 t@nry 2003.
Frih H.monEuon Packale (2J reuary 2001): Th. Code o.
Cnnbal Pmccdurcod "hcCodeoI -.cel PGcdurcr^ c bd mcndco ^
allq fo! relrialsfo! cses fnaliad !l the rim. n,e Packagetedry inlo
rq dd for appli€rionstude and $at dde.
- Sixthtiamization Packgc (19 Jw 2003):Wirh an .mmdmdr
to d. Anti-Tdor L.w (ATL), w of &(!a d vioLlE baomcs lhe
pEEqubilr in delilitio! ollte 6ine ofLlifaboidn,
8 ol dr. sne hw is
Epsled b flp'nd 6&don of rhou€Itrind.*p!t$io,
Aeording ro rhc
pdvareandp$licr.dioedTv sdions
oendme .b n\sLEBRTC,borh
dbDsdlasr i I'ner-g dialecB
Nd rFdirionallt
by Tu*iih.inletu in
tnendaily liws. Theapplioari@periodallowedfor non-Muslimfoundarions
b icquio ftd cs6G clldny in lhcn poso$id is pmldged. Reldcd
dicl6 or lhe Law otr Const_oalion
m rerhAed ro addre$rhe needsfor
,&6 of soxnip ol difeElt rdieiG ud failhs Theflnmd'nst nade b
Las on CensB remows rhe remictions that reE imposedon nm'n!
children. Provisions rhat mkc rc-tial posiblc in thc lighr of the
ion! ofthe ECHRfor ldninishfie LaNc6es areintudEed.
- SevEnrhEanoniarion PackrgE (30 June 2003): Wirh u
anetrdn.trt ro Aft 159ofd'e TPc ninimun penal.y for rhoscwho _opeilr
insuhdd dcridcTu*jshrcs. clc. is rcduccd,
rko lreedomofexpresion;
fudh* snsuredby .llo\yrng for cxprcssion:of rhotrlhrsolcly rimid-! .o
(ilictr, wnh no rnt.nlionor insulr,c10.Thc rcooc of An. 169 ol TPc.
the crime ol a$isiing atrdabctire ! rcno sr ore$izanonE
funbf limired. cases Elaled ro tofrre and nnhFar,rnt shall be handlcd
sithout dclay ecording to . ncw aniclc addcdro rhe CCP. LEining of thc
diilerent llreuages sid didect 0sed .Fditlomlly by Turkish ctucrs 'n
thcf dailylivcsis fuihcr ducd Openingparictrlrrcl$seswnhinexisri.-(
Iai gu.gc couFd is no\y rcndoredpossiblc.
p'!-me' qn" 'l'-,JrrFr"itr
4 . " l l b . o u 'J . | . on <! f ' \ ! . e
otl'er b.nd, rhct pocc$ of applicarionmi-dr b.
- '.' h e.rr,- ro
'om"^ i p4 fL
hi. i b..u.
.hovo . J$! as the Kemalisrrevolurionfmm $o\.
encouniereda Fadion iioD beloN ir thc lorm ol rcligious rciclio.- rhis rim
. rcaclioniad bclo\y. \yhich should bc ishtly blplized ^ sevd
P!ruioi!. is$rcnglyopponigrhelU moniz.rionPackqcs.
lur in a Tu ey wherefte Europemcoun ol HunH RiShrsis rro\l!bccominga supEmccoln above1,\chrki\h coud of Apperlsrid trher
the nrtionalcoft declsions
violrtin8lhe Euopcm ConvcndonofHu@
Righrsm subjed!o drial. a comeback
non unlikcly.

Benzer belgeler

0R Meets Archaeology, Architecture and Engineering

0R Meets Archaeology, Architecture and Engineering sunD{s!hool, hoq rlf s.hddlLa\.hins.d rhrnlnr5 ind d.nlopfrtd tr bciErolg iz.d ral hs moE nrfl(.nr r r,o\r(h.l nrr thi5Prci.dingo{?L edrorioi Dncu$\c*p Detaylı

SourueRsr EunopeRru

SourueRsr EunopeRru h 1s99.i)trr. vn! Tri,lLr nonl!'$ no!tr- lrk bniLre!{f rsl (thi is. oD. tr.ry r\ liouis).' Thl (oruD (ui5s uorkd ot htiilji) kilold Ln E ya{s nfnhi irh l-j,i)00 nudlii! lrD ihL sm! J L o i buLto*) ...
