some distance-based topological indices of a non


some distance-based topological indices of a non


Benzer belgeler

oral presentations - Sabancı Üniversitesi

oral presentations - Sabancı Üniversitesi Nano-Porous Materials, Molecular and Supramolecular Materials • THEME B Nanotubes, Nanowires • THEME C Nanomembranes, Nanostructures with catalytic properties,


F」:酬l椰R濡臨」 賞l:庸群鶉聴 1,t璃蒜mi瀞輔マ!響i!謂糧魔葡瀾

F」:酬l椰R濡臨」 賞l:庸群鶉聴 1,t璃蒜mi瀞輔マ!響i!謂糧魔葡瀾 FIRAT UNIVERSITESi HASTANESI DoNER SERMAYE ISLETME BlRlrrl ELAzIG TEKLIF iSTEME FORMU lstem No Talep Eden Blrim
