6181Y (BS) 6181Y (BS)


6181Y (BS) 6181Y (BS)


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Ürün hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için tıklayınız.

Ürün hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için tıklayınız. Installation Cables PVC/XLPE Yalıtkanlı, Pvc Kılıflı Tek Damar Kablolar 300/500V PVC/XLPE Insulated, Sheated, Single Core Cables 300/500V


Katalog indir

Katalog indir (Flame Propagation Test) Duman Yoğunluğu Testi: IEC 61034-2 (Smoke Density Test) Korozif Gaz Testi: IEC 60754-2 (Test on Corrosiveness Combustion Gases) Halojensizlik Testi: IEC 60754-1 (Halogen Fr...


Katalog indir

Katalog indir IEC 60331-21 (Fire Resistant Level: Circuit Integrity FE180) Alev Yayılımı Testi: IEC 60332-3-24 (Flame Propagation Test) Duman Yoğunluğu Testi: IEC 61034-2 (Smoke Density Test) Korozif Gaz Testi: ...


Orta Gerilim Enerji Kabloları

Orta Gerilim Enerji Kabloları This design of cable be used for indoor and outdoor applications. Cable will be installed inside a duct, cable tray, or direct burial where there is no mechanical damage risk.


Atom Kablo Ürün Kataloğu

Atom Kablo Ürün Kataloğu Installation in surface mounted or embedded conduits or similar closed systems. Low level of emission of smoke and corrosive gases in case of fire. Construction / Kablo Yap›s›:


Katalog indir

Katalog indir Max. short circuit temperature : 250°C



FM2XCH Used as control and communication cables in radio, radar and information systems of marine vehicles. Its' twisted pairs enables proper transmission of high frequency signals, while its' overall scr...
