İndir "CV " - Faculty of Architecture


İndir "CV " - Faculty of Architecture
Date of Birth: 1960, Ankara
Nationality: Turkish Cypriot
Telephone: +90 392 6301559 (office)
+90 533 864 4905 (mobile)
1. Under graduate University Education: Middle East Technical University (METU),
Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, 1978-1984, Average grade: 2.80/4.00,
2. Masters Degree in Building Science: Middle East Technical University (METU), Faculty of
Architecture, Department of Architecture, 1984-1987, Average grade: 3.78/4.00,
3. Ph.D Degree in Building Science: Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of
Architecture, 1987-1992, Average grade: 94.3/100.
Masters thesis: Some Aspects of Behavior of Framed Tube Skyscraper Structures,
Ph.D. thesis: Architectural Form Possibilities of High-rise and Slender Buildings
Jury members: Prof.Dr.Mustafa Pultar, Prof.Dr.Ergin Atımtay,
Prof.Dr.Azzem Aydınöz, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Esen Onat,
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Ziya Utkutuğ (supervisor)
Structural problems in design; tectonics of structures
Earthquakes in relation to architecture
Ethics and building technology
Research assistant in Middle East Technical University METU, Faculty of Architecture,
Department of Architecture, the section of Building Science between 1984-1988.
Research assistant in Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of
Architecture, the section of Building Science between 1988-1993.
Educator in Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture,
the section of Building Science between 1993-1998.
Educator in Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Architecture, Department of
Architecture since 1998.
Tenure Educator in Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Architecture, Department
of Architecture since 2006.
Associate Professor Dr. in EMU, Faculty of Architecture. 2007-2013
Proffessor in EMU, Faculty of Architecture. 2013-....
IUA Chamber of Architects,
IUA Chamber of Architects, Construction and Research Group, (completed)
IUA Chamber of Architects, Disasters Research Group. (completed)
Architecture Research Center (MAM) and Architectural Education Research Center (MEM),
IUA Chamber of Architects, Van Project Group, (completed)
DAÜ-SEN (1998-2007; 2010-....)
KAT, Cyprus Akademic Forum
EMU, Department of Architecture, Registration Coordinator. (1999-2001)
EMU, Department of Architecture, Exam Coordinator. (2001- 2010)
EMU, Department of Architecture, Coordinator of Web Page Committee. (2004-2006)
EMU, Continuous Education Center, Representative of Faculty of Architecture. (2004-2008)
EMU, Faculty of Architecture, Temporary Curriculum Reorganization Faculty Committee,
together with Prof.Dr. Zafer Ertürk and Prof.Dr. İbrahim Numan (2005)
EMU Woman Research and Education Center (1999-2001; 2006-2007)
EMU Faculty of Architecture, Alumni Committee. (2006-2008)
EMU Academic Discipline Committy (2009-2010)
Media Coordinator of the Faculty (2010-....)
Turnitin Coordinator of the Faculty (2013-....)
Representative of professors in the Faculty Council of Faculty of Architecture in EMU (2014....)
Head of the Ad-hoc Committee for the formation of the MS in Architectural Engineering
Program (2015-….).
- Vice Chair - Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Architecture, Department of
Architecture, between March 2000 and March 2002.
- Coordinator to Dean`s Office (2010-2013)
- Director of Master of Science Program in Architecture (2010-2012)
- Coordinator of PhD Program in Architecture (2012-.....)
- Coordinator of ARCH492- Graduation Project (2013-.....)
Contributed to the following courses in Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture
as a research assistant.
Structural Behavior and Analysis I (Arch 331)
Structural Behavior and Analysis II (Arch 332)
Introduction to Building Science (Arch 181)
Professional Practice (Arch 452)
Computer Programming and Introduction to Architectural Applications (Arch 565)
Basic Design (Arch 101)
Architectural Design II (Arch 202)
Architectural Design V (Arch 401)
Architectural Design VI (Arch 402)
Contributed to the following courses in Gazi University, Department of Architecture as a research
Statics (M 221)
Strength (M 222)
Structural Design (M 321)
Reinforced Concrete Design (M322)
Basic Drawing (M 131)
Elements of Construction I (M 112)
Elements of Construction II (M 211)
Construction Project I (M 212)
Construction Project II (M 311)
Advanced Perspective (M 404)
Introduction to Building Science (M 151)
Gave the following courses in Gazi University, Department of Architecture as an educator.
Statics (M 221)
Strength (M 222)
Structural Design (M 321)
Reinforced Concrete Design (M 322)
The Content of Knowledge of Structures in Architecture (elective)
Structural Systems (M 421)
Gave the following courses in Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Architecture as an
Architectural Design III,V, VI (Arch 201, 302, 401)
Graduation Project (Arch 402)
Materiality of Architecture and Mathematics (Arch 333, elective )
Advanced Research Methods (Arch/Inar/Udes 505)
Construction II (Arch 242)
Research in Architecture (Arch 403)
Interior Architecture (Arch 406)
Structural Analysis (Arch 331)
Introduction to Construction (Arch 142)
Ontology of Construction (Arch 632)
Interdisciplinary Workshop (Arch 501)
Understanding Technology in Architecture (Arch 532)
Introduction to Tectonics of Structural Systems (Arch 235)
Tectonics of Flexural Structures (Arch 236)
Tectonics of Form-resistant Structures (Arch 337)
Concept of Structures (Inar 231)
Strüktür Kavramları (Itas 231)
Extension Systems (Inar 442)
Graduation Project (Inar 492)
Graduation Project (Arch 492)
Articles in International Referreed Journals which are covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI.
Hürol,Y., (2004) “Intellectual Friendship in Architectural Design Education.” Journal of Aesthetic
Education. . 38(3). pp.72-90. (covered by AHCI and SSCI)
2. Atakara, C., Hürol, Y., (2007) “Ontology of Contemporary Construction.” METU Journal of the
Faculty of Architecture. 24(1). pp.1-15. (covered by AHCI )
3. Hürol, Y., (2009) “Can Architecture be Barbaric?” Science and Engineering Ethics. 15(2). pp.233258. (covered by SCI, SSCI )
4. Hürol, Y., (2013) “On Ethics and the Earthquake Resistant Interior Design of Buildings.” Science
and Engineering Ethics. Vol:20. No:1. pp.171-181. DOI 10.1007/s11948-012-9424-1. (Covered by
Hürol, Y., (2013) “Ethical Considerations for Designing Buildings with Reinforced Concrete
Frame Systems in Earthquake Zones” Science and Engineering Ethics. Vol:20. No:2. pp.597-612.
DOI 10.1007/s11948-013-9453-4. (Covered by SCI, SSCI )
Hurol, Y., Yuceer, H., Şahali, O., (2014) “Building Code Challenging the Ethics behind Adobe
Architecture in North Cyprus” Science and Engineering Ethics. Vol:21. No:2. pp.381-399.
DOI 10.1007/s11948-014-9533-0 (Covered by SCI, SSCI )
Hurol, Y., Yüceer, H., Basarır, H., (2014) “Ethical Guidelines for Structural Interventions to Small
Scale Historic Stone Masonry Buildings.” Science and Engineering Ethics. December
2015, Volume 21, Issue 6, pp 1447-1468. DOI 10.1007/s11948-014-9622-0 (Covered by SCI,
Hurol, Y., (2014) “Reconsidering Ethics in the Tectonics of Architecture through the Tectonics of
Bodies in Love.” METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture. Vol:31. No:2. pp.25-41. (covered
by AHCI )
Articles covered by SCI expanded
Hürol,Y., Wilkinson, N., (2005) “A Critique of Earthquake Policies of Northern Cyprus.”
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering-Structure and Buildings. 158(6) pp.355-369.
(covered by SCI expanded)
Articles in Journals which are covered by other International Indexes.
Hürol, Y., (2001) “Özden Selenge’nin Romanlarında Arzu Mekanizmasının Evrenselliği.” KadınWoman 2000. 2(1). pp.67-91 (covered by Avery Index)
Hürol, Y., Atakara, C., (2006) “Etics Behind the Duality between Structure and Ornamentation.”
ICON: The Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology. 12. pp.38-74.
(covered by History Index)
International Books
Hurol, Y., (2016) The Tectonics of Structural Systems – An Architectural Approach. NY:
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Branch.
Chapters in International Books
Vebstro, D.U., Hürol, Y., Wilkinson, N., (Eds.) (2005). “Foreword.” Methodologies of Housing
Research. GB: The Urban International Press. pp.1-3.
Hürol, Y., Numan, İ., (2008) “Rethinking Islamic Anatolian Space.” in Mediations in Cultural
Spaces- Structure, Sign, Body. (Ed: J. Wall). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp.1529.
Hürol, Y., Farivarsadri, G., (2013) “Reading Trails and Inscriptions around an old Bus-house in
Monarga, North Cyprus.” Building Walls and Making Borders: Social Imaginaries and the
Challenge of Alterity. (Eds: M. Stephenson, L. Z. Aldershot), UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Book Reviews in Refereed Journals which are covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI.
1. Hürol,Y. (1999) “Brawing the Street, The Anthropology of Homelessness.” Open House
International. 24(3) pp.48-49.
2. Hürol,Y., (2002) “Healty, Sociology, Women and Urbanization.” Kadın/Woman 2000. 3(2). p.125.
3. Hürol,Y., (2003) “Houser; The Life and Work of Catherine Bauer.” Open House International.
28(4). p.93.
4. Hürol,Y., (2004) “Re:Architecture, Themes & Variations.” Open House International. 29(1).
5. Hürol,Y., (2004) “The Colonizer and the Colonized.” Open House International. 29(2). p.93.
6. Hürol, Y., (2005) “Home-house Project.” Open House International. 30(4). pp.107-108.
7. Hürol, Y., (2006) “Time Based Architecture.” Open House International. 31(2). pp.82-83.
8. Hürol, Y., (2006) “Managing Urban Disasters.” Open House International. 31(4). pp.100-101.
9. Hürol, Y., (2007) “The Architecture of Happiness.” Open House International. 32(1). p.89.
10. Hürol, Y., (2008) “Beyond Shelter.” Open House International. 33(2). pp.93-4.
11. Hürol, Y., (2010) “Housing and Environmental Conditions in Post-Communist Countries.” Open
House International. 35(1). pp.83-85.
12. Hurol, Y., (2010) “Planet of Slums.” Open House International. 35(4). p.85.
13. Hurol, Y., (2010) “Designing High-Density Cities for Social and Environmental Sustainability.”
Open House International. 35(4). p.86.
14. Hurol, Y., (2010) “The Whole Building Handbook, How to Design Healthy, Efficient and
Sustainable Buildings.” Open House International. 35(4). p.88.
15. Hurol, Y., (2011) “The Placemaker`s Guide to Building Community”. Open House
International. 36(1). p.103.
16. Hurol, Y., (2013) “Climate Change Ethics- Navigating the Perfect Moral Storm” Open
House International. 38(1). p.64.
Editorship of an International Book
Vebstro, D.U., Hürol, Y., Wilkinson, N., (Eds.) (2005). Methodologies of Housing Research. GB:
The Urban International Press.
International Conference Papers
Hürol Al, Y., Özkan, D., (1999) “Universal / National Limits of Professionalism in Architecture
and Globalization: The Case of Turkey.” XXth UIA Beijing 99 Congress. Sub5 Architecture and
Professionalism. p.239-242.
Atakara, C., Hürol, Y., (2003) “Relation between the Increasing Transperancy in Architecture,
Technical Knowledge and the Changes in Design Process.” 3rd. International Postgraduate
Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment. University of Salford. ESAI Lisbon. 34 April. pp.573-581.
Atakara, C., Hürol, Y., (2004) “Possible Uses of Smart Materials in the Development of
Suspended Glass Systems with Prestressed Cable Truss.” 4th International Postgraduate Research
Conference. University of Salford. April 1st 2nd. pp.311-318.
Atakara, C., Hürol, Y., (2004) “The Idea of Festival in Construction Education in Architecture.”
EAAE Conference. Athens.
Hürol, Y., Numan, İ., (2007) "Tectonics as a target in the Architectural Design Studio"
Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Architectural Education, China Central
Academy of Fine Arts and Delft University of Technology, China Architecture and Building Press.
International Conference Paper Abstract
Hürol, Y., Özgür, M., (2003) “Learning from the Democracy and Hegemony in Architectural
Design Education.” International Conference on Higher Education Innovation. Abstracts. Society
for Higher Education Innovation. Kiev. May 16-19.
Citations in International Books and Journals Covered by SCI, SSCI and AHCI.
Karakaya, A.F., Taşlı Pektaş, Ş., (2007) “A Framework for Web based Education- Systems
Supporting Interdisciplinary Design Collaboration.” METU JFA. 24:2. pp.137-148. (covered by
AHCI) (see p.147)
Kauko, T., (2007) “An Analysis of Housing Location Attributes in the Inner City of Budapest,
Hungary, Using Expert Judgements.” International Journal of Strategic Property Management.
11. pp.209-225. [covered by SSCI] (see p.223)
Haak, M., Fange, A., Iwarsson, S., Ivanoff, S.D., (2007) “Home as a Signification of Independence
and Autonomy: Experiences among very Old Swedish People.” Scandinavian Journal of
Occupational Theraphy. 14. pp.16-24. [covered by SSCI]
Haak, M., Fange, A., Horstmann, V., Iwarsson, S., (2008) “Two Dimensions of Participation in
very Old Age and their Relations to Home and Neighbourhood Environments.” American Journal
of Occupational Theraphy. 62. pp.77-86. [covered by SSCI]
Ducom, E., (2008) “Tama New Town, West of Tokyo: Analysis of a Shrinking Suburb.”
Landscape and Urban Planning. Halshs 00203107 version 2.pp.2-35. [covered by SSCI]
Schetke, S., Haase, D., (2008) “Multi-criteria Assessment of Socio-environmental Aspects in
Shrinking Cities. Experiences from Eastern Germany.” Environmental Impact Assessment Review.
28. pp.483-503. [covered by SSCI]
Fange, A., Ivanoff, S.D., (2009) “The Home is the Hub of Health in very Old Age: Findings from
the ENABLE-AGE Project.” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 48. pp.340-345. [covered by
Mukhija, V., (2010) “N of One Plus Some: An Alternative Strategy for Conducting Single Case
Research.” Journal of Planning Education and Research. 29(4). Pp.416-426. [covered by SSCI].
Saifi,Y., Yuceer,H., (2012) “Maintaining the absent other: the re-use of religious heritage sites in
pp.1-15. (used on 31 July 2012) (covered by SSCI and
Books and chapters in books
10. Garcia-Mira, R., Uzzell, D.L., Real, J.E., Romay, J., (Eds.) (2005) Housing, Space and Quality of
Life. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
11. Wahl, H.W., Brenner, H., Mollenkopf, H., Rothenbacher, D., Rott, C., (2006) “A Role of the
Home Environment in Middle and Late Adulthood.” in Oswald, F., Wahl, H.W., Naumann, D.,
Mollenkopf, H., Hieber, A., (Eds.) The Many Faces of Health, Competence and Well-being in Old
Age- Integrating Epidomiological, Psychological and Social Perspectives. Netherlands: Springer.
12. Fredriksson, C., (2007) Riskbeaktande i detaljplaneringsprocessen. Karlstad: Raddningsverket.
(see p.78)
13. van der Heijden, J., (2008) Competitive Enforcement, Comparative Analysis of Australian Building
Regulatory Enforcement Regimes. Amsterdam: OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and
Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology. (see p.13, 206)
14. Grobman, K., Haase, A., Rink, D., Steinfuhrer, A., (2008) “Urban Shrincage in East Central
Europe? Benefits and Limits of a Cross-national Transfer of Research Approaches.” in Novak, M.,
Novosielski, M., (Eds.) Declining Cities / Developing Cities: Polish and German Perspectives.
Poznan: Institut Zachodni. Pp.77-99.
15. Fange, A., Iwarsson, S., (2009) Evidensbaserad bostadsplanering. Hjalpmedelsinstitutet. (see
Articles in Group A National Journals
Al Hürol, Y., Ercan, E., (1993) “İstanbul’da bir Eiffel.” Yapı. 136. pp.43-51
Al Hürol, Y., (1993) “Yapı Sistemlerinin Mimari Biçimlenme Anblayışına Bağlı Biçimlenme
Olanak ve Kısıtları I.” Mimarlık. 252. pp.24-25.
Al Hürol, Y., (1993) “Yapı Sistemlerinin Mimari Biçimlenme Anlayışına Bağlı Biçimlenme
Olanak ve Kısıtları II.” Mimarlık. 253. pp.52-54.
Al Hürol, Y., (1994) “Yüksek Binalar ve Çağdaşlaşma.” Mimarlık. 260. pp.38-48.
Hürol Al, Y., “Diyar….” (1997) Mimarlık. 278. pp.14-17.
Yıldırım, S., Hürol Al, Y., (1998) “Akademik Ortam / Mimarlık Ortamı.” Mimarlık. 280.
Hürol (Al), Y., (2004) Değişim ve Mimarlar Odası, Ankara: Mimarlar Odası Yayınları.
Chapters in Books
1. Hürol Al, Y. (1998) “Method of Reading Spatial Indicators of Technological Disasters.” (Teknolojik
Afet ve Mekan Üzerinden Okuma Yöntemi) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological
Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of
Architects. pp.46-61.
2. Hürol Al, Y., (1998) “Disaster and Shelter as Signals.” (Bir Gösterge olarak Afet ve Barınak)
Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan.Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty –
Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.32-39.
3. Hürol Al, Y., (1998) “Poverty and Architecture – Contradiction Between the Lack of Professional
Dominance and Existence of Knowledge Monopoly.” (Yoksulluk ve Mimarlık- Mesleki Hakimiyet
Eksikliği ve Bilgi Tekeli Çelişkisi) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster,
Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of
Architects. pp.40-45.
4. Hürol Al, Y., (1998) “Files of Critical Architecture and Van Project.” (Eleştirel Mimarlık Dosyaları
ve Van Projesi) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration,
Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.76-133.
5. Hürol Al, Y., A.Arslan, (1998) “Work, Professions, Their Organizations, Power and Criticism.” (İş,
Meslekler, Örgütlenmeleri, İktidar ve Eleştirellik) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, S.Özden, D.Özkan. Van File:
Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara:
UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.213-247.
6. Hürol Al, Y. (1998) “On Security and Safety in Architecture.” (Güvenli Mimarlık Üzerine)
Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty –
Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.134-145.
7. Arslan, A., Y. Hürol Al. (1998) “Others Spaces in Van.” (Van’da Diğerlerinin Mekanları)
Trans:Y.Hürol Al, S.Özden, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration,
Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.146-171.
8. Hürol, Y., (2008) “Ekonomi - Tektonik İlişkisi, ve Mimari Sorumluluk Konularına Eleştirel bir
Bakış.” Hasan Ünal Nalbantoğlu‟na Armağan. (Eds: A.A. Avar, D. Sezer) İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
9. Hürol, Y., (2010) “Mimari Tasarım Eğitiminde Öznelliğe dair bir Özeleştiri Denemesi” Yapılar
Fora- Mustafa Pultar‟a Armağan Kitabı. (Ed: G. Pultar, Y. Hürol’un yardımlarıyla) İstanbul: Tetragon
İletişim Hizmetleri AŞ. pp.89-101.
Editorship of Books
Hürol Al, Y. (Ed.) (1998) Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty –
Architecture, Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects.
Bayraktar, N., Binbir, B., Candan, T.K., Hürol, Y., Şahin, O., Poursani, E.T., (Eds.). (2008) Çocuk
ve Mimarlık- Toplumsal bir Eğitim Modeli. Ankara: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği.
Hürol, Y., (2010) “Mimari Tasarım Eğitiminde Öznelliğe dair bir Özeleştiri Denemesi” Yapılar
Fora- Mustafa Pultar‟a Armağan Kitabı. (Eds: G. Pultar, Y. Hürol’un yardımlarıyla) İstanbul:
Tetragon İletişim Hizmetleri AŞ.
Conference Papers
Utkutuğ, Z., Al Hürol, Y., (1991) “Classicist Architecture and Large Buildings.” Union of
Chamber of Turkish Engineers and Architects. Chamber of Architects Bursa Section. III rd
International Building and Life 91 Congress Booklet. 14-19 May. Bursa: Chamber of Architects
Bursa Section. pp.134-157.
Utkutuğ, Z., Al Hürol, Y., (1992) “1880 ile 1990 Yılları Arasında Tasarlanmış Yüksek Binalarda
Mimari Biçimlenme Anlayışı.” Yüksek Binalar II. Ulusal Sempozyumu. İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi.
Taşkışla. 4-6 Kasım. İstanbul: İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları. pp.141-150.
Utkutuğ, Z., Al Hürol, Y., (1992) “Yüksek Bina Strüktürel Sistemlerinin Mimari Biçimlenme
Olanak ve Kısıtları.” Yüksek Binalar II. Ulusal Sempozyumu. İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi. Taşkışla. 46 Kasım. İstanbul: İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları. pp.219-228.
Utkutuğ, Z., Al Hürol, Y., (1992) “Structural System and Architectural Form Relationship in
Contemporary Architectural Approaches.” Union of Chamber of Turkish Engineers and Architects.
Chamber of Architects Bursa Section. IV th International Building and Life 92 Congress Booklet.
12-17 May. Bursa: Chamber of Architects Bursa Section. pp.84-102.
Utkutuğ, Z., Al Hürol, Y., (1992) “Knowledge of Structural System of Contemporary
Architectural Approaches.” Union of Chamber of Turkish Engineers and Architects. Chamber of
Architects Bursa Section. IV th International Building and Life 92 Congress Booklet. 12-17 May.
Bursa: Chamber of Architects Bursa Section. pp.181-189.
Al Hürol, Y., (1997) “Farklı Disiplinlerden Alınan Bilgilerin Mimarlığa Uyguınluğu.” Mimarlık
Eğitimi ve… Kongresi” Ankara: TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Yayınları. pp.273-281.
Hürol, Y., (2009) “Mimarlık Eğitiminde Kalite, Yetki ve Sorumluluk – Mezuna Yetki Verilmesi –
Öznellik Sorunu” KTMMOB Mimarlık ve Eğitim Kurultayı. Lefkoşa: KTMMOB Mimarlar Odasi.
30 Ekim.
Hürol, Y., (2010) “Mimarlıkta Tektoniğe bir bakış ve Ahmet Vural Behaeddin.” İz Bırakmış
Kıbrıslı Türkler Sempozyumu -5. (Ed: Ü. V. Osam.) Mağusa: Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi
Yayınları. pp.25-44.
Akbil, E., Balcı, E., Hurol, Y., Yiğit, Ç., Hoşkara, E., Tülbentçi, T., Salihoğlu, T., Conteh, F.,
(2015) “Yeni bir Yapı Kültürüne Doğru: Konut Yapıları Özelinde Mimarlık Politikalarının
İrdelenmesi.” Mimarlık ve Eğitimi Kurultayı IV. Lefkoşa: KTMMOB Mimarlar Odası.
Organizing a Conference with Proceedings
Al Hürol, Y., N.Teymur. (Eds.) (1997) “Mimarlık Eğitimi ve… ” Kongresi. Ankara: TMMOB
Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Yayınları.
Organizing an International Competition
International Architectural Education Competition. Open House International. September 2005.
“Alternative Educational Ways for Teaching and Learning Architectural Design.”
Other Citations
Teymur, N., (2001) “4X4= Towards a Working Theory of Architectural Education.” AEE
Conference. http: / / / aee / pdfs / teymur1.pdf. (retrieved February 2007)
EDRA Architecture Research Center. (2005) Bibliography: Books by Authors. No 386.
Kauko, T., (2006) “Methodologies in Housing Research.” International Journal of Housing
Policy. 6: 3. pp.358-360.
Gren, A.M., (2006) Exploring Typologies, Densities and Spatial Qualities- The Case of LowIncome Housing in South Africa. Doctoral Dissertation in Infrastructure and Planning. Royal
Institute of Technology. Stockholm. (see p.152)
Coolen, H., (2006) “The Meaning of Dwellings: An Ecological Perspective.” Housing, Theory and
Society. 23:4. pp.185-201. (see p.201)
Elfors, S., (2006) “Research as a Tool for Change?” International Journal of Sustainable
Development. 9:1. pp.1-15. [in ISI master list]
Steinfuhrer, A., (2006) “The Urban Transition of Inner City Areas Reconsidered (A German Czech
Comparison) Moravian Geographical Reports. 14:1. pp.3-16 (see p.15)
Müller, F., Duttmann, R., (2006) Raumliche Dynamik von Mensch-Umwelt-Systemen. IALE-D
Jahrestagung 27-30 September 2006. (see p.16)
Lee, G., Morris, D., (2006) “Sitting down and Talking it through: How Consultation can Lead to
Better Designed Environments for Remote Indigenous Communities.” in Building for Diversity
National Housing Conference. 28-29 October. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
Perth. Pp.317-336.
10. Popov,L., (2007) “Methodologies in Housing Research.” Environment and Behaviour. 39: 5.
11. McGrath, N., (2007) Dialoguing the Desert for Sustainable Development- Ambivalance, Hybridity
and Representations of Indigenous People. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis in Murdock University.
12. Moum, A., (2008) Exploring Relations between the Architectural Design Process and ICTLearning from Practitioners‟ Stories. Thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor. Norvegian
University of Science and Technology. Department of Architectural Design and Management. (see
13. Alemayehu, E.Y., (2008) Revisiting „Slums‟- Revealing Responses- Urban Upgrading in TenantDominated inner-city settlements in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Thesis for the degree of Philosophiae
Doctor. Norvegian University of Science and Technology. Department of Architectural Design
and Management. (see p.275)
14. Henderson-Wilson,C., (2008) “Inner City High-rise Living: A Catalyst for Social Exclusion and
Social Connectedness?” Australasian Housing Researchers‟ Conference.
15. Cele, S., (2009) “Writing Place, Abilities and Disabilities of Feministic Academic Writing in Place
Research.” Feminist Research Methods- An International Conference. Stockholm University.
Sweden. 4-6 February.
16. Lovrie, K., (2009) Litteratur pa Landskapsarkitektprogrammet Alnarp.
17. Malmqvist, T., Glaumann, M., (2009) “Environmental Efficiency in Residential Buildings- A
Simplified Communication Approach.” Building and Environment. 44. pp.937-947. [sci expanded]
(see p.946)
18. Sami, K., (2009) “Zoraki/Zorunlu Göçün Yarattığı Kentsel, Kültürel ve Mekansal Bellek Yıkımı:
Van Kenti Toplumsal Ferasetin Neresinde?” TMMOB Van İl Koordinasyon Kurulu. Van Kent
Sempozyumu. 1-3 Ekim 2009. pp.21-34.
19. Haase, D., Lautenbach, S., Seppelt, R., (2010) “Modelling and Simulating Residential Mobility in
a Shrinking City using an Agent-based Approach.” Environmental Modelling and Software. 25:
10. pp.1225-1240. [covered by SCI expanded]
20. Du Toit, J., (2010) “A Conceptual Framework of Designs for Urban Design Research.”
Conference: Urban Design Research: Method and Application.
Research Projects
1. Van Study Group, (1996) Problems of Migration, Urbanization and Urban Land Use in Van
Province. Ankara: TMMOB Mimarlar Odası.
- Van Studies Group, (1998) “Van Migrant Housing Project.” Trans:Y.Hürol Al, M.Adam, D.Özkan.
Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y.
Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects.
Completed Supervised PhD Thesis
Atakara, Cemil, (2010) Determining Factors of Complexity in Structures. Unpublished PhD
Thesis. Eastern Mediterranean University. October 2010. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Saifi, Yara, (2012) On Political Conflict and Architecture: Evaluation of the Architectural Context
of Jerusalem‟s Conflict. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Eastern Mediterranean University. July 2012.
Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Farjami, Ghazal (making her corrections) Latest Attempts in Iranian Architecture towards the
Authenticity: A Model of Modern Tectonics in relation to Lihtness. Unpublished PhD Thesis.
Eastern Mediterranean University. July 2012. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Şahali, Öznem (making her corrections) A Model on New Streotomics of the Contemporary
Masonry Buildings. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Eastern Mediterranean University. July 2012.
Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Completed Supervised Masters Thesis
Cemil Atakara, (2002) Spatial Characteristics of Suspended Glass Systems with Prestressed Cable
Truss, Master of Architecture. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU, June 2002. Gazimağusa,
North Cyprus.
Nevter Zafer, (2001) An Analytical Study on Shopping Center Development. Eastern
Mediterranean University EMU, Master of Architecture. February 2001. Gazimağusa, North
Cyprus. (as co-supervisor)
Erdaş Kuruç, (2003) The Effects of CAD on Architectural Developments in Presentation and Space
Conception, Eastern Mediterranean University EMU, Master of Architecture, August 2003.
Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Farah Qutob, (2003) An Investigation about the three Non-performance Cases of Reinforced
Concrete High-Rise Buildings in Famagusta, North Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean University
EMU, Master of Architecture, December 2003. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Fatma Terlik, (2004) The Use of Steel and Glass in the Design of Railway Stations. Eastern
Mediterranean University EMU, Master of Architecture, August 2004. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Yara Saifi, (2006) A Study of Power and Modern Architectural Aesthetics: The Case of the
French Hill District; East Jerusalem. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of
Architecture. June 2006. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Öznem Şahali, (2009) The Issues of Ontology and Scenography in Tectonics of Buildings with
Frame Systems in Architecture. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture.
June 2009. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. (as co-supervisor)
Saeedeh Karbalaei Zeinali, (2009) An Investigation of the Effect of Furnishing on the Hapticity of
Architectural Space. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture. August
2009. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. (as co-supervisor)
Damla Mısırlısoy, (2011) Analysis of the Structure and Design Relationship between
Contemporary Extensions and Remodeled Masonry Buildings. Eastern Mediterranean University
EMU. Master of Architecture. June 2011. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. (as co-supervisor)
10. Ghazaleh Toutounchi Ghadim (2013) Geometry, Form and Structure Relationship in Blob, Liquid
and Formless Architecture. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture.
January 2013. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
11. Mahsa Sadat Fard Moosavi, (2013) Effect of Interior Changes on Earthquake Resistance of
Buildings – Case: Reinforced Concrete Frame System. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU.
Master of Architecture. July 2013. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
Awards and Memberships
The following article won “The Most Innovative Research Award” during the 4th International
Postgraduate Research Conference. University of Salford. April 1 st 2nd 2004. SCRI Prize.
Atakara.C., Hürol.Y., (2004) “Possible Uses of Smart Materials in the Development of Suspended
Glass Systems with Prestressed Cable Truss.” 4th International Postgraduate Research Conference.
University of Salford. April 1st 2nd 2004. pp.311-318.
Honorable mention in a student competition. Subject: “Cumalıkızık Village in 2007”, Organized
by: Aga Khan Prize Committee and IUA Chamber of Architects, (1983),
Technical editing of “Open House International” since 2007.
Technical editing of “Time Based Architecture” between 2008-2009.
Guest editor in “Open House International” Vol: 29, No: 1.
Referee in SCI, SSCI or AHCI indexed journals
Referee in "Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering-Structure and Buildings" from
2005 to 2006
Referee in "Theory, Culture and Society" (refereed 2 articles in 2009, refereed 1 article in 2015)
Referee in “Science and Engineering Ethics” (refereed 1 article in 2014, refereed 2 articles in
Referee in “Open House International” (refereed 1 article in 2014, refereed 2 articles in 2015).
Referee in “Journal of Aesthetic Education” in 2014 (refereed 1 article)
Referee in “METU Faculty of Architecture Journal” (refereed 1 article in 2014, refereed 1 article
in 2015)
National Prizes
Selected for publication in "Mimarlik Oykuleri Yarismasi I" organized by UCEAT Chamber of
Architects Istanbul Section
Prize for “A Housing Project for Low Income Group”, Acompetition organized by METU Faculty
of Architecture Housing Research Center (KAM).
Jury Memberships, Memberships of Advisory Boards
Jury membership in “Hasanoglan Village Institute Student Competition” organized by UCEAT
Chamber of Architects Ankara Section and Chamber of Civil Engineers.
In the Academic Advisory Board of “Kadin/Woman 2000” since 2010
Jury membership in “VI Sand Sculpture Festival and Competition” organized by EMU in 2012.
Referee in other journals
Referee in “Kadin/Woman 2000” in 2011
Publication Awards
1. One publication award from EMU in 2014,
2. Three publication awards from EMU in 2015.
Administration at the University
Vice chairman of the Department of Architecture of EMU (2000 - 2002)
EMU, Department of Architecture, Exam Coordinator. (2001- 2010)
EMU, Department of Architecture, Coordınator of Web Page Committee. (2004-2006)
EMU, Continuous Education Center, Representative of Faculty of Architecture. (2004-2008)
EMU Woman Research and Education Center (1999-2001; 2006-2007)
EMU, Faculty of Architecture, Academic Discipline Committy (2009-2010)
EMU, Department of Architecture, Quality Assurance Committee (2010-....)
Media Coordinator of the EMU Faculty of Architecture (2010-....)
Coordinator to Deans` Office of EMU Faculty of Architecture (2010-....)
10. Director of Ms Program in Architecture (2010-2012)
11. Coordinator to PhD Program in Architecture (2012-....)
National Acreditation Committee Membership
MIAK Acreditation Committee member since 2010.
NAAB Acreditation Committee member since 2013.
Newspaper and web-site publications
Al Hürol, Y., (1995) “Deprem Sonrası Dinar.” TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi
Haber Bülteni, Ekim.
Arslan, A., Al, Y., (1996) “Van’da Diğerlerinin Mekanları.” Birikim (86-87) HaziranTemmuz.
Hürol Al, Y., (1997) “TMMOB Mimarlar Odası ve Van Göçmen Evleri Projesi.” Umuda
Doğru: Sığınmacı ve Göçmenlerle Dayanışma Derneği Dergisi. (3) Aralık. pp.10-11.
Al, Y., (1999) “Teknik, Teknoloji ve Mimari Yaratıcılık: Bina Üretimine dair birkaç Olay ve
Örnek.” Kültür ve İletişim. 2(1) pp.111-131. (Refereed journal)
Hürol, Y., (2004) “Çocuklar Yapı Fuarındaydı.” TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi
Bülteni. No.26. p.53-54.
Wilkinson, N., Hürol, Y., (2006) “Traditional Turkish-Cypriot Simplicity in Famagusta.”
Property. Issue:18. October. pp.28-29.
(used on 2.1.2010)
Hürol, Y., (2010) “Dedektif Ruhlu bir İç Mimarın Kıbrıs Maceraları- 1” Havadis Gazetesi
Eki: Mekanperest. 21 Mart. No:3. pp.7-8.
Hurol, Y., (2010) "Ters Lale" Mekanperest. Havadis Gazetesi Eki. 15.Ağustos. No:13.p.13.
10. Hurol, Y., (2010) Kibritci kiz masalinin cagdas bir mimara dusundurdukleri" Mekanperest.
Havadis Gazetesi Eki. 23.Ekim. No:15.p.2.
11. Hurol, Y., (2010) "Mekan - Zaman - Sigara" Mekanperest. Havadis Gazetesi Eki. 26.Aralık
12. Hurol, Y., (2011) "Karpaz`i tarif etmek" Mekanperest. Havadis Gazetesi Eki. 23.Ocak.
13. Hurol, Y., (2011) "Kul, kedi ve Somine" Mekanperest. Havadis Gazetesi Eki. 13 Şubat.
No:20. p.2.
14. Hurol, Y., (2011) “Maraş’a dair gecikmiş bir etik değerlendirme.” Mağusa İnisiyatifi Websayfası. (used on 9.10.12)
Other activities
Invited Panels, Scientific Committee Memberships, Workshops.
11-12 August 2003, Gave a conference within a program prepared for the education of
professionals. TRNC Chamber of Architects, Chamber of Civil Engineers. Subrect: Earthquake
Resistant Design of Buildings.
Panel- UCEAT Chamber of Architects Ankara Section.”Ankara Şubesi`nin 50. Yıl Paneli - Ankara
Şubesi’nin Tarihsel Rolü- 90’lı yıllar” 23-24 December 2005.
Conference in “Çocuk ve Mimarlık Eğitim Konferansı.” 31st of March – 1st of April 2007.
UCEAT Chamber of Architects Ankara Section.
Conference - UCEAT Chamber of Architects Ankara Section. “Çocuk, Kent, Çevre ve Mimarlık
Ulusal Buluşması - Çocuk Dostu Mekanlar.”. 21-22 November 2008.
Panel- UCEAT Chamber of Architects Ankara Section.”Mimarlık Şenliği: Mimarlığın Sosyal
Forumuna Doğru - Mimarlık Toplum Hizmetinde” 20th of October 2007.
Member of Organizing Committee - Inspection Appraisal Repairs and Maintenance of Structures,
11th International Conference, 14-17 Nov. 2007, EMU, North Cyprus.
Organizatory worksop- UCEAT Chamber of Architects Ankara Section. “Mimarlığın Sosyal
Forumu” workshop - 24-26 October 2009.
Scientific Committee Membership. ARCHILD International Congress of Architecture and
Children. 18-21 Kasım 2009. TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi.
Chair person in a session of - “ARCHILD International Congress of Architecture and Children.”
18-21 November 2009. Chair person in a session of –
10. Chair person in a session of - “ISVS-6, 6th International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements2012. Contemporary Vernaculars: Places, Processes and Manifestations. 19-21 April 2012. Eastern
Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus.
11. Scientific Committee Membership- The Second Symposium of Doctoral Studies in Housing –
2016- Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Architecture and Housing Education Research
and Advisory Center (HERA-C)- Will be organized between 3-4 November 2016.
Radio and TV Programs
17 July 1997, in radio channels TRT1 ve TRT2: “Van Project.”
1-2 July 1998, In TV Channels TRT2 ve TRT-INT: “Adana Earthquake and Building Security.”
In Gazi University, Circulating Capital Unit, Under the coordination of Prof.Dr. Ziya Utkutuğ:
Application project of Erciyes University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
In Gazi Üniversity, Circulating Capital Unit, Under the coordination of Prof.Dr. Ziya Utkutuğ:
Conservation and Development project of Ankara, Ulus, Koyun Pazarı Yokuşu and surroundings.
Within Chamber of Architects Van Project Group: Design and application of 258 migrant houses.
Philosophy, literature (writing stories, reading biographies), listening to classical music, observing
Prizes for Hobies:
First and the only prize in the story writing competition called “Plays of Women” which is
organized by the Association of Research and Investigation of Women’s Social Life, in Turkey
Later this story was published in the following book:
Kadının Sosyal Hayatını Araştırma ve İnceleme Derneği (KASAİD), Kadın Öyküleri. KASAİD
Yayınları. No:19. Ekim 2001
2. A story called “Onca Yangin” was selected to be published in the competition called “Competition
for Architecture Stories” which was organized by Board of Trusties of Architecture (Mimarlik Vakfi)
and UCEAT Chamber of Architects Istanbul Section. 2008.

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