LUCERNA Recipe Book


LUCERNA Recipe Book
LUCERNA Recipe Book
Prepared by Anna Dudek
4.5 hardboiled eggs
10-12 some mushrooms
3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
1 teaspoon of ketchup
salt and pepper
a few leaves of lettuce
4,5 jaj ugotowanych na twardo
kilka pieczarek ( 10 sztk.)
3 łyżki majonezu
1 łyżeczka ketchupu
kilka liści sałaty
Sposób przygotowania:
Cooked and peeled shell eggs, cut
them in half and place on plate on
lettuce leaves.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Rinse the mushrooms into small
cubes and fry in oil until golden brown
rise greaves
Mix the mayonnaise with ketchup and
pour over the egg, then sprinkle them
fried mushrooms.
Finally, you can finely chop the
chives and sprinkle with the prepared
Ugotowane i obrane z łupin
jaja ,przekroić na pół i ułożyć na
talerzu na liściach sałaty .
Posypać pieprzem i solą .
Umyte pieczarki kroimy w drobną
kostkę i podsmażamy na oleju na
złoty kolor aż powstaną skwarki
Wymieszać majonez z ketchupem i
polać nim jaja ,następnie posypać je
podsmażonymi pieczarkami.
N a k o n i e c m o żn a p o s i e k a ć
drobniutko szczypiorek i posypać nim
przygotowane danie.
Prepared by Mrs. Wacława Dudek/Bożena Wąsążnik
1 kg pork
Vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery)
½ kg Sauerkraut
½ kg Mushrooms
Lard with cracklings
1 kg Mięso wieprzowe
Warzywa (marchewka, pietruszka,
½ kg Kapusta kiszona/
½ Pieczarki
Smalec ze skwarkami
Cook the meat with vegetables and
Cut the sauerkraut and cook in hot
water for 1-2 minutes. Allow to
Wash and cut the mushrooms into
small pieces. Fry in butter on a
spoon. Use salt and pepper.
Pass through a meat grinder all the
ingredients (meat, cabbage and
U go t o wa ć m ię so ra ze m z
warzywami I przyprawami.
Pokroić kapustę kiszoną i gotować
w gorącej wodzie przez 1-2 minuty.
Umyć i pokroić w małe kawałki
pieczarki. Usmażyć na łyżce
masła. Posolić i popieprzyć.
Przepuścić przez maszynkę do
mielenia mięsa wszystkie składniki
(mięso, kapustę i pieczarki).
Prepare the dough:
Przygotować ciasto:
Sprinkle the flour on the table
(pastry board.) Make a recess,
stick egg yolk and pour hot (not
very hot) water. Knead the dough
until it is smooth. Divide the dough
into small pieces. Roll out dough
pieces roller. When the dough will
be 2-3 mm, cut round cakes (you
can use a cup). The cakes of the
dough put the stuffing. Submit
cakes in half, forming the shape of
dumplings. Clamp terminals fork or
your fingers do the frills
Wysypać makę na stole (stolnicy).
wgłębienie, wbić żółtko
jajka i wlać ciepłą wodę . Zagnieść
ciasto, aż będzie gładkie. Podzielić
ciasto na małe kawałki . Kawałki
ciasta rozwałkować wałkiem. Gdy
ciasto będzie miała 2-3 mm,
wycinać okrągłe placuszki (można
użyć szklanki). Na placuszki z
ciasta nakładać farsz. Składać
placuszki na pół, formując kształt
pieroga. Zaciskać końcówkami
widelca lub też robić falbanki
Prepared by Mrs. Agnieszka Sudejko
Ingredients :
1 cup of milk
3 cups of sugar
8 tablespoons of cocoa
1 cube of butter pats,
6 cups rolled oats
oil to grease the mold
Składniki :
1 szklanka mleka,
3 szklanki cukru,
8 łyżek kakao,
1 kostka masła osełki,
6 szklanek płatków owsianych
olej do posmarowania formy
Heat over low heat together milk,
sugar, cocoa and butter. When the
sugar has dissolved, add the oatmeal and, if necessary, even for a
few minutes to heat, stirring constantly. The hot mass put on a platter spread with a teaspoon of oil and
cut pieces the size of a walnut.
When they cool, form balls and
place on aluminum foil to cool completely. With this ratio results in
about 100 beads.
Sposób przygotowania:
Ogrzewać razem na małym ogniu
mleko, cukier, kakao i masło. Gdy
cukier się rozpuści, dodać płatki
owsiane i jeśli trzeba, jeszcze przez
kilka minut ogrzewać, stale
mieszając. Gorącą masę wyłożyć na
półmisek posmarowany olejem i
odcinać łyżeczką kawałki wielkości
włoskiego orzecha. Gdy nieco
przestygną, formować kulki i układać
na folii aluminiowej do zupełnego
ostudzenia. Z tej proporcji otrzymuje
się około 100 kulek.
Prepared and photo by Cristina González
Ingredients (4 guests):
4 red peppers
50 gr. cod
3 cloves of garlic
Olive oil
Ingredientes (4 personas):
Bake the peppers with
olive oil.
When the peppers are
cold, peel them.
Chop the peppers into
Crumble the cod.
Chop up three cloves of
Mix the peppers, the cod
and the garlics.
Add a pinch of salt
Sprinkle all the ingredients with olive oil.
Hornear los pimientos con
un poco de aceite de oliva
Cuando los pimientos
estén fríos, pélalos.
Cortar los pimientos en
Desmenuzar el bacalao.
Picar los tres dientes de
Mezclar los pimientos, el
bacalao y los ajos.
Añadir una pizca de sal.
Añadir aceite de oliva sobre toda la mezcla de ingredientes
Serve as a starter, with a
slice of bread.
Servir como entrante, con
una rebanada de pan
4 pimientos rojos
50 gr. de bacalao
3 dientes de ajo
Aceite de oliva
Ingredients (4 persones):
4 pebre rojos
50 gr. de bacallà
3 dents d’all
Oli d’oliva
Fiqueu al forn els pebres
amb un poc d’oli d’oliva
Quan els pebres estiguen
gelats, peleu-los.
Talleu els pebres en tiretes.
Esmicoleu el bacallà.
Piqueu els tres dents d’all.
Mescleu els pebres, el bacallà i els alls.
Afegiu-hi un pessiguet de
Afegiu oli d’oliva sobre tota
la barreja d’ingredients.
Serviu com a entrant, amb
una llesca de pa
Prepared by Eusebio Gascó Martínez
Photo by Amparo Salom Badenes
500 gr. rice (about 125 gr.
per person)
800 gr. chopped chicken
600 gr. chopped rabbit
250 gr. flat green beans.
200 gr. “garrofó” (a variety of
white beans)
100 gr. crushed tomatoes
A red pepper
150 cc. olive oil
A little saffron
A paprika powder teaspoon
A rosemary leaf
Water (generally, the same
quantity as rice)
500 gr. de arroz (125 gr. por
800 gr. de pollo troceado
600 gr. de conejo troceado
250 gr. de judías verdes
200 gr. “garrofó” (una variedad de judías blancas)
100 gr. tomates triturados
1 pimiento rojo
150 cl. de aceite de oliva
Un poco de azafrán
1 cucharadita de pimentón
Una ramita de romero
Agua (normalmente, la misma cantidad que de arroz)
500 gr. d’arròs (125 gr. per
800 gr. de pollastre trossejat
600 gr. de conill trossejat
250 gr. de bajoca
200 gr. garrofó
100 gr. de tomaques triturades
1 pebre roig
150 cl. d’oli d’oliva
Un poc de safrà
Una cullereta de pebre
Una rameta de romer
Aigua (normalment, el doble
d’aigua que d’arròs)
First put the paella (pan)on
the fire. Heat the oil. Once
the oil is hot, fry the red pepper in strips. Then take it off
and leave it apart. Add the
chicken and rabbit. Turn
them slowly. Generally, the
larger pieces are left inside
the pan, removing the smaller
outwardly the same, to avoid
En primer lugar, se pone la
paella (recipiente) en el fuego. Se calienta el aceite. Una
vez el aceite esté caliente,
freímos el pimiento rojo cortado a tiras, lo sacamos y lo
reservamos. Añadimos el
pollo y el conejo. Los removemos lentamente.
Normalmente, las piezas más
grandes se dejan en el centro
de la paella, mientras que las
más pequeñas se apartan
hacia el exterior para evitar
que se quemen.
En primer lloc, es posa la
paella (recipient) al foc. Es
calfa l’oli. Una vegada l’oli
estiga calent, fregim el pebre
roig tallat, el traiem i el reservem. Hi afegim el pollastre i
el conill. Els remenem lentament. Normalment, les peces
més grans es deixen al mig
de la paella, mentre que les
més xicotetes es sofrigen
més cap a fora de la paella
per evitar que es cremen.
Once the meat is well browned, fry the flat green beans
and the “garrofó”. When they
are ready, add the crushed
tomato, proceeding in the same way. Then add the paprika
and stir quickly to prevent burning.
Later, add the water (take into
account that we’ll double the
quantity of water from rice).
The container must be completely covered. Add the saffron.
When the broth reaches the
boiling point, let it boil for five
minutes over high heat. Then
let it cook for 30-45 minutes
into low heat.
Now add the rice distributing it
throughout the pan. We high
heat for five minutes, other
five minutes over medium and
low heat for 8-10 minutes. In
total the rice is cooked between 18-20 minutes. Once the
paella is cooked, add the red
pepper on the paella.
It’s usual to let Valencian paella stand a few minutes before
If we want to be totally faithful
to the tradition, eat paella directly from the container and if
possible, with a wooden spoon. Enjoy it!
In Valencia it is the typical
dish per excellence. It is usually a family Sunday lunch.
There are many ways to prepare it, as each person puts
his/her own special point.
Cuando la carne esté dorada,
se fríen las judías verdes y el
“garrofó”. Cuando estén listas,
se añade el tomate y se fríe.
A continuación, se añade el
pimentón y se remueve bien
para evitar que se queme.
Después, añadimos el agua
(tendremos en cuenta que
duplicaremos la cantidad de
agua respecto a la cantidad
de arroz). El recipiente debe
estar completamente cubierto.
Se añade azafrán.
Cuando el caldo alcance el
punto de ebullición, lo dejaremos hervir durante 5 minutos
a fuego alto. A continuación,
se deja cocer durante 30-35
minutos a fuego lento.
Después añadimos el arroz
distribuyéndolo por todo el
recipiente. Tendremos el fuego alto durante 5 minutos,
otros 5 minutos a fuego medio
y bajo durante 8-10 minutos.
En total, el arroz debe cocerse durante 18-20 minutos.
Una vez cocinada la paella,
añadimos el pimiento rojo por
Es habitual dejar reposar la
paella durante unos minutos
antes de servirla.
Si queremos ser totalmente
fieles a la tradición, comeremos el arroz directamente de
la paella y si es posible, con
En Valencia, es el plato principal por excelencia. Es la comida más habitual en las comidas familiares de domingo.
Hay muchas maneras de prepararla, por lo que cada persona aporta su punto especial.
Quan la carn estiga daurada,
es frig la bajoca i el “garrofó”.
Quan estiguen a punt, s’hi
afig la tomaca i es fregeix.
Seguidament, s’afig el pebre i
es remena bé perquè no es
Després, hi afegim l’aigua
(hem de tenir en compte que
duplicarem la quantitat
d’aigua respecte a la quantitat
d’arròs). El recipient ha
d’estar completament cobert.
S’hi afig el safrà.
Quan el caldo bulla, el deixarem durant 5 minuts a foc fort.
A continuació, se deixa coure
durant 30-35 minuts a foc lent.
Després hi afegim l’arròs i el
distribuïm per tot el recipient.
Hem de tindre el foc fort durant 5 minuts, altres 5 minuts
a foc mitjà i lent durant 8-10
minuts. En total, l’arròs ha de
coure durant 18-20 minuts.
Una vegada cuita la paella, hi
afegim el pebre roig damunt.
És habitual deixar reposar la
paella durant uns quants minuts abanss de servir-la.
Si volem ser totalment fidels a
la tradició, menjarem l’arròs
directament de la paella i si és
possible, amb cullera de fusta.
A València, és el plat principal
per excel·lència. És el menjar
més habitual en els dinars
familiars de diumenge. Hi ha
moltes maneres de prepararla, i cada persona aporta el
seu toc.
Prepared and photo by Arantxa Fernández
Ingredients (4 guests):
½ litre water
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon yeast
300gr. Flour
½ liter oil
Icing sugar (to serve)
Ingredientes (4 personas):
Mix the flour with the
Heat the water with salt.
When it is hot, add the
mixture. Stir well until
the dough is thin and
Put the mixture into a
pastry bag and fry it in
Remove when it has a
golden brown colour and
drain on paper.
Serve with icy sugar.
Mezclar la harina con la levadura.
Calentar el agua con sal.
Cuando esté caliente, añadir
la mezcla. Remover bien hasta obtener una masa fina y
Poner la mezcla en una manga pastelera y freír los churros en aceite.
Retirar cuando los churros se
doren y secar con una servilleta de papel.
Espolvorear con azúcar.
Mescleu la farina amb el
Calfeu l’aigua amb sal.
Quan estiga calent, afegim
la barreja. Removeu bé
fins que obtingueu una
massa fina i suau.
Poseu la barreja en una
mànega pastissera i fregiu
els xurros en oli.
Retireu quan els xurros
estiguen daurats i eixugueu-los amb una tovalló
de paper. Poseu sucre en
pols damunt dels xurros.
It is a very typical breakfast in winter together
with chocolate.
Es un desayuno muy típico
en invierno junto con una taza
de chocolate caliente.
És un desdejuni molt típic
a l’hivern amb una tassa
de xocolate calent.
½ litro de agua
1 cucharadita de sal
1 cucharadita de levadura
300gr. de harina
½ litro de aceite
Azúcar en polvo (para servir)
Ingredients (4 persones):
½ litre d’aigua
1 culleradeta de sal
1 culleradeta de rent
300gr. de farina
½ litre d’oli
Sucre en pols (servir)
Prepared and photo by: Jinjiao Lu
Ingredients (8-10 people)
40 finished spring roll wrappers
(See under images)
500 g minced beef
50 g black fungus
100 g rice noodles
100 g bean sprouts
20 g red onion
2 eggs
1 teaspoon chicken powder
white pepper
För 8-10 personer
40 färdiga vårrulleplattor
(se under bilden)
500 g nötfärs
50 g svart svamp
100 g risnudlar
100 g böngroddar
20 g rödlök
2 ägg
1 tsk kycklingpulver
Sweet chili sauce
1 chili
2 small garlic
fish sauce
Sweet Chilisas
1 chili
2 små vitlök
fisk sås
For serving
grated carrot
Till servering
strimlad sallad
riven morot
Black fungus and Rice noodles need
soaking in water ten minutes before
you use them. Black fungus has
been labeled as a medicinal food for
thousands of years known for its rich
nutrients such as iron, protein, fat,
vitamins and other minerals.
Svart svamp och risnudlar måste
blötlägga i vatten tio minuter innan
man använder dem.
60 minutes
60 minuter
1. Chop the red onion, rice noodles and
black fungus. Place them in a bowl and
mix with minced beef, salt and white
pepper. Let them stand 10-20 minutes.
Mix with bean sprouts and an egg and 1
teaspoon chicken powder.
2. Heat the oil in a large saucepan.
3. Add about 1dl mince mixture in the
middle of a spring roll wrapper, fold the
mince and roll, then glue around the
edge with egg white and fold up for
spring rolls.
4. Fry 4-5 pcs spring rolls at the same
time about 4-5 minutes.
5. Serve the fried spring rolls with rice
and dipping into the sweet chili sauce
with shredded lettuce and grated carrot.
Gör sa här
1. Finhacka rödlök, risnudlar och svart
svamp. Lägg dem i en bunke och blanda
med nötfärs, salt och vitpeppar. Låt de
stå 10-20 minuter, blanda sedan med
böngroddar, ett ägg och 1 msk kycklingpulver.
2. Hetta upp olja i en stor kastrull.
3. Lägg ca 1dl färsblandning på varje
vårrulleplatta, vik över färsen och rulla,
sedan limma runt kanten med äggvita
och vik ihop till vårrullar.
It´s a Chinese custom to eat Chinese fried
spring rolls in the beginning of the spring because the rolls contain a lot of fresh vegetables of the spring. The nutritional value is
very high.
Gott, enkelt och snabbt. Vårrulle är en
mycket populär mat i Kina.
Ibland serverar man vårrulle som förrätt.
4. Fritera 4-5 st vårrullar på samma gång
ca 4-5 minuter.
5. Servera friterade vårrullar med ris och
doppa i sweet chilisås, ät med strimlad
sallad och riven morot.
Prepared and photo by Fartun, Saida and Saynab
1 kg minced beef (or lamb, chicken, tuna)
4 pcs onions
2 scallions (stalk)
3 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon salt
1.5 teaspoon curry
1.5 teaspoon black pepper
4 tablespoons Maestro or vegetarian
2 cups water
½ cup rapeseed oil + 5 dl for frying
about 1kg flour
1 teaspoon salt
4-6 dl water
Till fyllningen
1kg nötfärs (alt. lamm, kyckling, tonfisk)
4 st gula lökar
2 salladslökar (stjälken)
3 vitlöksklyftor
1 tsk salt
1,5 tsk curry
1,5 tsk svartpeppar
4 msk vegetarisk allkrydda
2 dl vatten.
Till omslagen
½ dl rapsolja + 5dl till friteringen
ca 1kg vetemjöl
1 tsk salt
4-6dl vatten (fingervarmt)
Chop the onion finely, add garlic and
fresh onion. And then brine the minced
beef in a high skillet or saucepan. Mix in
the spices and let it simmer on low heat.
Fry the onions, scallions with ground meat. Add water and let it boil. Let filling cool. Taste and add more spices after taste.
Finhacka lök, vitlök och färsk lök. Bryn
nötfärsen i en hög stekpanna eller kastrull.
Blanda i kryddorna och låt det sjuda på
låg värme. Fräs lök och salladslök med
färsen. Tillsätt
Vatten och låt det koka upp. Låt fyllningen svalna. Smaka av och tillsätt mer
kryddor efter
Tycke och smak.
Mix flour and salt in bowl. Heat, and then
add the water (little by little) processing
dough by hand or by machine until smooth. Shape the dough into 10 small round
buns, about 6-8cm high, and leave the
rest on a plate. Roll out the buns on a
floured surface to 2-3mm thick circles
about 15cm in diameter. Brush the cooking oil on half of the circles and then
adds the circles without oil on those with
oil. Roll out the pie again. Then mix a little flour and water to "lime consistency"
and let the mixture rest in a bowl. Then
share circles in 4 equal pieces (¼ circles). Then heat the parts a dry pan on
both sides until they are a bit stiffer in texture and splits. Disassemble the parts, let
parts cool in a bar in a damp cloth (to
prevent them from drying). Add ¼ circle
in the hand
With the tip up form a cone by folding the
rounded end. Brush a little "Glue" where
the parts overlap, and gently press the
pieces together. Fill the cone with filling,
fold in the leading edge, brush on glue
and fold over the rear end (tip). Make sure there are no holes in the corners / edges (otherwise the oil flowing in). Let
Sambus some rest so that the glue sits
before it is time for deep frying.
Blanda vetemjöl och salt i bunke. Värm
och tillsätt sedan vattnet (lite i taget). Bearbeta
Degen för hand eller med maskin tills den
är slät. Forma degen till 10 små runda
ca 6-8cm stora, och låt de vila på en plåt.
Kavla ut bullarna på ett mjölat bakbord till
2-3mm tjocka cirklar ca 15cm i diameter.
Pensla på matolja på hälften av cirklarna
Lägg sedan cirklarna utan olja på dem
med olja. Kavla ut cirkeln igen. Blanda
sedan lite
mjöl och vatten till ”limkonsistens” och låt
blandningen vila i en skål. Dela sedan
cirklarna i 4 lika stora bitar (¼ cirklar).
Värm sedan delarna en i torr stekpanna
på båda
Sidor tills de blir lite styvare i sin konsistens och delar sig. Ta isär delarna, låt delarna
svalna i en stapel i en fuktig duk (för att
de inte skall torka). Lägg ¼ cirkeln med i
Med spetsen upp och forma en strut genom att vika in den rundade änden.
Pensla lite
”lim” där delarna överlappar varandra och
tryck försiktigt ihop delarna. Fyll struten
fyllningen, vik in den främre kanten,
pensla på lim och vik över den bakre
(spetsen). Se till att det inte finns några
hål i hörnen/kanterna (annars rinner oljan
Låt Sambusen vila lite så att limmet
sätter sig innan det är dags för fritering.
Häll i olja i stekpannan. Vänta tills oljan
uppnått rätt temperatur (ca 180°- OBS!
TERMOMETER). Fritera 1-3 stycken knyten åt gången tills de fått en jämn gyllenbrun
Färg och blivit bubbliga i ytan. Ta upp
knytena och låt de rinna av på hushållspapper.
Sambusarna är färdig!
Pour the oil in the frying pan. Wait until
the oil is hot (about 180 ˚ - NOTE: USE
THERMOMETER). Fry 1-3 pieces bundles at a time until they have an even golden brown color and become bubbles in
the surface. Pick up the bundles and leave the drain on paper towels.
Sambusen is finished!
Prepared by Lamya
Photo by Tavka Sadik
Ingredients (4 persons)
1/2 kg minced meat
1 kg rice
3 peppers
5 tomatoes
5 yellow onions
2 aubergines
1 lemon
1 jar dolma leaves
1 garlic
250 g horse beans
tomato puree
spice mix
0,5 kg köttfärs
1 kg ris
3 paprikor
5 tomater
5 gula lökar
2 auberginer
1 citron
1 burk dolmablad
1 vitlök
250g bönor
2 msk olja
Rinse the rice and put it in a bowl.
Cut a tomato, an onion and the garlic into pieces and mix with the rice.
Add minced meat, oil, lemon juice and a bit of
tomato puree.
Take out the contents of the peppers, aubergines and the rest of the tomatoes and onions,
and fill them with the rice mix.
Add rice mix in dolma leaves and roll them up.
Put the horse beans in the bottom of a large
stew pot.
Add the stuffed vegetables and dolma rolls in
the pot and cook for about one hour with the
lid on.
Skölj riset och lägg det i en skål.
Skär en tomat, en lök och vitlöken i bitar och
blanda med riset.
Blanda i köttfärsen, oljan, citronsaften och lite
Dela och ta ut innehållet ur paprikor, auberginer och resten av tomaterna och lökarna, och
Lägg risblandningen i dolmablad och vik ihop
till paket.
Lägg de fyllda grönsakerna och paketen i en
stor vattenfylld kastrull, och låt koka i ca 1
timme med lock på.
Flip the meal from the pot onto a large platter.
Serve with salad and yoghurt drink.
Lägg upp rätten på ett stort fat och servera
med sallad och yoghurtdryck.
Prepared and photo by Sevinc SOLAKOGLU
Ingredients :
Malzemeler :
150g onion, quartered
150g red lentils
20g rice
A pinch of black pepper
20g tomato paste
15g hot pepper paste
1400g water
15g finely ground bulgur
30g butter or margarine
1tsp red pepper flakes
1tbsp dried mint
Salt (if needed)
150gr soğan, dörde bölünmüş
150gr kırmızı mercimek
20gr pirinç
Bir tutam karabiber
20gr salça
15gr acı biber salçası
1,5 lt su
15gr ince bulgur
30gr tereyağı veya margarin
1 yemek kaşığı pul biber
1 yemek kaşığı nane
Tuz (istenirse)
Hazırlanışı :
İsteğe bağlı
30g butter, margarine
1/2 - 1 tsp sweet paprika
Chop onions for 3 seconds on Speed 6.
Clean down the sides of a bowl with
spatula and repeat 2-3 times. Put
chopped onions in a small pan
Wash and drain lentils and rice. Put them
in a bowl.
Add tomato and pepper pastes, black
pepper and water. Cook for 30 minutes
at 100°C on Speed 2.
Add bulgur. Cook for 10 minutes at 100°
C on Speed 2.
Saute chopped onions with butter until
browned. At last add red pepper flakes
and mint and mix. Add into bowl right
away. Add salt if needed (I didn't add)
30 gr tereyğı, margarine veya zeytin yağı
Yarım veya 1 yemek kaşığı paprika
Blenderda soğanları doğrayın. Kaseyi spatula yardımı ile temizleyin ve 2-3 kere bu
işlemi tekrarlayın. Küçük bir tavaya
soğanları koyun.
Mercimek ve pirinci yıkayın ve bir kaseye
Domates ve biber salçasını, karabiberi ve
suyu tencereye koyun ve yarım saat kadar
Bulguru ekleyin. 10 dakika daha pişirmeye
devam edin.
Kızarana kadar tereyağı ile soğanları
pişirin. Sonunda pul biber ve naneyi ekleyip karıştırın. Kasenin içine koyun. Eğer
isterseniz tuz ekleyin. (Ben eklemedim.)
Cook for 10 minutes at 100°C on Speed 2
Blend for 10 seconds on Speed 8
Optional: Melt butter in a pan. As soon as
melted turn off the fire, add paprika and
mix. Serve soup into the bowls. Dress with
1-2 tbsp of paprika sauce and serve
Optional: You can add also few drops of
lemon juice.
10 dakika daha pişirin.
10 saniye kadar blenderdan geçirin.
İsteğe bağlı : Bir tavada tereyağı eritin.
Eridikten sonra ateşi kapatın, paprikayı ekleyin ve karıştırın. Çorbayı kaselere koyun.
1-2 yemek kaşığı paprika sosunu üzerine
dökerek servis edin.
İsteğe bağlı : İsterseniz biraz limon suyuda
It is a traditional hot soup from Turkish cuisine. If you don't like hot, you can exclude
hot pepper paste and red pepper flakes.
Türk mutfağından geleneksel bir çorbadır.
Eğer acıyı sevmiyorsanız , acı biber salçasını ve pul biberi çıkarabilirsiniz.
Prepared and photo by Serife CIFTCI
4 aubergines
1.10 pounds lamb
2 onions
1 tbsp tomato paste
2 tomatoes
4 sweet bell peppers
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 + 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 cup oil, for frying
Malzemeler :
4 patlıcan
1 kilo kuzu eti
2 soğan
1 yemek kaşığı salça
2 domates
4 biber
1/3 fincan ayçiçek yağı
1 + ½ kaşık tuz
1/2 kaşık karabiber
1 fincan kızartma yağı
Peel the aubergines, rest in salt water for
half an hour.
Dice the lamb, put onto the oil which is
getting hot in a pot and roast, when the
water evaporates add the finely sliced onions, when the onions get cooked add
salt, black pepper and tomato paste, stir
a few times, and then remove from the
Get the aubergines out of the water, dry,
slit each into 4 pieces.
Fry the aubergine pieces with red-hot oil.
Place the cooked and drained aubergines
into a bowl as the plus sign, and place
the 3rd piece crosswise, put the drained
stuffing into it, cover the outer sides of the
aubergines on it.
Put them on a tray upside down, place
the onion rings, tomato and pepper slices
on it. You can fix them also by the help of
Repeat this act until all the ingredients
finish, pour the drained oil of the lamb all
over the kebab. Cook in 374 F for about
15-20 minutes.
Yarım saat tuzlu suda patlıcanları
Kuzu etini küp şeklinde doğrayın.
Tencerede ısınan suya ayçiçek yağını
koyun, kaynamaya başladığında ince doğranmış soğanları ekleyin. Soğanlar
piştikten sonra tuz, karabiber ve salçayı
ekleyin. Ardından biraz karıştırın ve
yemeği ocağa sürün.
Patlıcanları sudan çıkartın, kurulayın ve 4
parçaya bölün.
Kızgın yağda patlıcan parçalarını kızartın.
Pişen patlıcanları bir kasede artı işareti
şeklinde yerleştirin ve içine pişen malzemeleri yerleştirin. Ardından patlıcanları
üzerine kapatın.
Üzerilerine kürdan geçirin, soğan halkası,
domates ve biber dilimlerini de üzerine
yerleştirin. Bütün malzemeler bitene kadar
bu işlemi tekrarlayın. En son üzerine kuzu
etinin yağını dökebilirsiniz.
200 derece ısıtılmış fırında 15-20 dakika
kadar pişirin.
Sıcak servis edin
You can serve with meatball, rice or tomato souce.
İsteğe gore köfte, pilav veya domates
sosu ile servis edebilirsiniz.
As a menu suggestion included the following:
Mercimek Çorba (Lentil Soup with Red
Pepper-Infused Olive Oil)
Cevizli Biber (Walnut, Red Pepper Paste
and Onion Dip with Toasted Bread)
Patlıcanlı İslim Kebabı (Lamb Wrapped in
Grilled Eggplant Slices with Tomato Sauce)
Sade Pilav (Rice Pilaf)
Cevizli & Fıstıklı Baklava (Baklava with
Walnuts and Pistachios)
Türk Çayı (Turkish Tea)
Lokum (Turkish Delight)
Also, there was Turkish beer “Efes” and
Bir menu önerisi:
Mercimek Çorba
Cevizli Biber
Patlıcanlı İslim Kebabı
Sade Pilav
Cevizli & Fıstıklı Baklava
Türk Çayı
Ayrıca Türk Birası “Efes” ve şarap ile de
servis edebilirsiniz.
Prepared and photo by Filiz KAMBUR
Tel Kadayif is a traditional Ottoman desserts in Turkish cuisine.
Tel Kadayıf, Türk mutfağında yer alan geleneksel bir Osmanlı tatlısıdır.
Ingredients :
Malzemeler :
1/2 Package Shredded Dough ~225 gr (1
package = 454 gr)
1 stick unsalted butter (125 gr = 8 tbsp =
1/2 cup), melted
2 tbsp milk
3/4 cup pistacchios, ground
1/2 paket dilimlenmiş hamur ~225 gr (1
paket = 454 gr)
Tuzsuz tereyağı (125 gr = 8 yemek kaşığı
= ½ fincan), eritişlmiş
2 yemek kaşığı süt
3/4 fincan yer fıstığı
1 1/2 cup water
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
2,5 bardak su
2,5 bardak toz şeker
1 yemek kaşığı limon suyu
3L Pyrex casserole dish - you can also
use a smaller ovenproof dish to make
thicker Tel Kadayif
To prepare the syrup; place the water
and sugar in a medium sized pot. Bring
to a boil and continue boiling for 5 minutes. Then simmer for 15 minutes and
turn the heat off. Add lemon juice and
put aside.
Put half the package of Shredded Dough
in the food processor and pulse a few
times. This is the way my family and I
love Tel Kadayif :) The size of shredded
dough can be changed to your liking,
Güveç çanağı yada daha ince şekilde tel
kadayıf yapmak isterseniz daha küçük bir
çanak kullanabilirsiniz.
Şerbeti hazırlamak için; orta boy bir tencereye suyu ve şekeri koyun, kaynatın. Kaynamaya başladıktan sonar 5 dakika daha
devam edin. Altını kısın ve 15 dakika daha
kaynatın ve altını kapatın. Limon suyunu
ekleyin ve kenarda beklemeye bırakın.
Yarım paket doğranmış hamuru blenderdan kısa bir sure geçirin. Bu benim aileme
özgü bir yöntem ve ben Tel Kadayıfı seviyorum:) Parçaların boyunu kendi isteğinize
göre ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Brush the inside of the Pyrex dish with the
butter. Then mix the rest of the melted butter with milk in a small bowl. Then place
half of the shredded dough evenly and
press on them with your palm. Drizzle half
of the butter&milk mixture with the brush.
Spread the pistacchios on top evenly.
Then spread the second half of the shredded dough, and again press on them with
your palm. Drizzle the rest of the butter all
over the top with the brush.
Preheat the oven to 375 F (190 C). Place
the Pyrex dish on the middle rack. Bake
until the top takes a light golden colour.
Immediately pour the lukewarm syrup all
over evenly. Cover the oven dish with an
oven tray for about 20 minutes.
Then serve this traditional Tel Kadayif dessert warm or cold with a dollop of Turkish
Kaymak (or English Devon cream) and
sprinkle ground pistacchios all over the
Tel Kadayif is a beloved Traditional Ottoman recipe. I am sure you will enjoy it as
much as we do:)
Çanağın içini tereyağı ile yağlayın. Ardından küçük bir kasede erimiş yağı ve sütü
karıştırın. Ardından dilimlenmiş hamurun
yarısını kasenin içine koyun ve avucunuzla
bastırın. Süt&yağ karışımının yarısını fırça
yardımı ile hamurun üzerine sürün. Üzerine yer fıstıklarını ekleyin ve hamurun
geri kalan yarısını üzerine koyduktan
sonra tekrar avucunuzla bastırın ve diğer
süt&yağ karışımını tekrar fırça yardımı ile
üzerine sürün.
190 C sısıtılmış fırının orta gözüne tatlıyı
yerleştirin. Üzeri hafif altın rengini alıncaya
kadar pişirin. Ardından fırından çıkarın ve
hızlıca şerbeti üzerine dökün. 20 dakika
kadar üzerini bir kapak ile kapatın ve bekleyin.
Ardından bu geleneksel Tel Kadayıf’ı ılık
veya soğuk bir top Türk kaymağı ile servis
edin (veya İngiliz devon kreması) ve üzerine antep fıstığı serpin.
Tel Kadayıf çok güzel geleneksel bir Osmanlı tarifidir. Eminim sizde bizim kadar
keyif alacaksınız:)