Alev Çınar Curriculum Vitae - Alev Çınar | Bilkent University


Alev Çınar Curriculum Vitae - Alev Çınar | Bilkent University
Alev Çınar
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Political Science and P.A.
Bilkent University,
Bilkent, 06800, Ankara Turkey
Phone: 90-312-290 1339
Fax: 90-312-290 2742
Üniversiteler Mahallesi
1598. Cadde
Bilkent Üniversitesi Merkez Kampüs Serpmeleri
No: 38/1
Bilkent, Çankaya,
Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Bilkent University, Turkey
Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Dissertation Title: Bodies, Places and Time: Islamic Visibilities in the Public Sphere and
Contestations of Secular Modernity in Turkey
M.A. in Sociology, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
B.A. with Special Honors in Psychology, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Chemistry, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Membership, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
Distinguished Teacher Award, Bilkent University, Ankara
2006 April
Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) Associate Professor title
2005 Sept.
Fulbright Visiting Specialist, Bryn Mawr College, PA
Program on Direct Access to the Muslim World
Social Science Research Council,
International Collaborative Research Grant from the
Program on the Middle East & North Africa
Fall 2001
Ford Associateship in Global Women's Studies
The Five College Women's Studies Research Center, Massachusetts
German and American Young Scholars' Institute Fellowships,
Summer Workshops, Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin
Mellon Foundation/Sawyer Seminar Postdoctoral Fellowship,
International Center for Advanced Studies, New York University, NY
Women’s Studies Dissertation Writing Grant,
School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, PA
United States Institute of Peace Scholarship,
Peace Scholar Dissertation Grant
Ford Foundation Grant,
Dissertation Proposal Development Grant for Summer Research
Alev Cinar
Curriculum Vitae 2014-15
Fulbright Grant for Ph.D. students, Institute of International Education
Special Honors in Psychology, and Second Place graduation in the
School of Social Sciences, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Alev Çınar, Locating Political Theory: Globalized Intellectual Traditions merge with Islamic
Knowledges in Turkey, in preparation.
Alev Çınar, Globalism as the Product of Nationalism: Imaginings of the Globe as part of National
Discourses in Turkey, in preparation.
Alev Çınar, Srirupa Roy and Maha Yahya, (ed.) Visualizing Secularism and Religion: Egypt,
Lebanon, Turkey, India. Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2012.
Alev Çınar and Thomas Bender (ed.), Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City, Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
Alev Çınar, Modernity, Islam and Secularism in Turkey: Bodies, Places and Time, Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 2005.
Journal Articles:
Alev Çınar, “The (Re)Hybridization of Political Theory: Merging of Western Intellectual Traditions with
Islamic Thought,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, in review
Alev Çınar and Hakkı Tas, “Diverse Nationalisms: Primordialist Secularism and anti-Westernism of
the ‘Ulusalcı’ Nationalism in Turkey,” Nations and Nationalism, in review
Alev Çınar, “The Justice and Development Party: Turkey’s Experience with Islam, Democracy,
Liberalism and Secularism” International Journal of Middle East Studies, 43, 2011, 529–541.
Alev Çınar, “Globalism as the Product of Nationalism: Founding Ideology and the Erasure of the
Local in Turkey” Theory, Culture and Society, 27 (4), July 2010, 90-118.
Alev Çınar, “Subversion and Subjugation in the Public Sphere: Secularism and the Islamic
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 33 (4), August 2008, 891-913.
Alev Çınar, “Secularism and Islamic Modernism in Turkey” Etnografica v.10 (1), 2006, 85-96.
Alev Çınar and Burak Arıkan, “The Nationalist Action Party: Representing the State, the Nation or
the Nationalists?” Turkish Studies, 3 (1), Spring 2002, 25-40.
Alev Çınar, “National History as a Contested Site: The Conquest of Istanbul and Islamist
Negotiations of the Nation” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 43 (2), April 2001, 364391.
Alev Çınar, “Cartel’in Rap’i, Melezlik ve Milliyetciligin Sarsilan Sinirlari” Doğu Batı, 4 (15), May-July
2001, 141-151.
Alev Çınar, “Cartel: The Travels of German-Turkish Rap Music” MERIP (Middle East Report), 29,
1999, 43-44.
Alev Çınar, “Refah Party and The City Administration of Istanbul: Islamism, Localism and Hybridity,”
New Perspectives on Turkey, 16, Spring 1997, 23-40.
Alev Cinar
Curriculum Vitae 2014-15
Book Chapters:
Alev Çınar. “State Building as an Urban Experience: The Making of Turkey’s Capital City,” in Power
and Architecture: The Construction of Capitals and the Politics of Space, ed. Michael W.
Minkenberg, New York: Berghahn Books, 2014, 227-260.
Alev Çınar. “Cities” in The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, eds. Metin Heper and Sabri
Sayari, New York: Routledge, 2012, 303-314.
Alev Çınar, Srirupa Roy and Maha Yahya. “Introduction: Religious Nationalism as a Consequence of
Secularism” in Visualizing Secularism and Religion: Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, India, eds. Alev
Çınar, Srirupa Roy and Maha Yahya. Michigan: Univ. of Michigan Press, 2012.
Alev Çınar. “Subversion and Subjugation in the Public Sphere: Secularism and the Islamic
Headscarf” in Visualizing Secularism and Religion: Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, India, eds. Alev
Çınar, Srirupa Roy and Maha Yahya. Michigan: Univ. of Michigan Press, 2012.
Alev Çınar and Ergun Özbudun. “Mesut Yılmaz” in Türkiye’de Liderler ve Demokrasi, eds. Metin
Heper, Sabri Sayarı. Çev. Zuhal Bilgin. İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi Ltd., 2008: 206-226.
Alev Çınar and Thomas Bender. “Introduction - The City: Experience, Imagination, and Place” in
Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City, eds. Alev Çınar and Thomas Bender, Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 2007: xi-xxvi.
Alev Çınar. “The Imagined Community as Urban Reality: The Making of Ankara,” in Urban
Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City, eds. Alev Çınar and Thomas Bender, University of
Minnesota Press, 2007:151-181.
Alev Çınar and Ergun Özbudun. “Mesut Yılmaz: From Özal’s Shadow to Mediator” in Political
Leaders and Democracy in Turkey, eds. Metin Heper and Sabri Sayarı, Lexington Books,
Lanham, Maryland, 2002: 181-198.
Alev Çınar and Burak Arıkan. “Nationalist Action Party: Representing the State, the Nation or the
Nationalists?” in Political Parties in Turkey, eds. B.Rubin & M.Heper, Frank Cass Publ., 2002:
Book Reviews:
“Puritan Islam: The Geoexpansion of the Muslim World,” Barry A. Vann (New York: Prometheus
Books, 2011) Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36:1, Jan2013, 219-220.
“Nostalgia for the Modern: State Secularism and Everyday Politics in Turkey,” Esra Özyürek
(Durham: Duke University Press, 2006) International Journal of Turkish Studies, 14: 1-2, 2008,
“The Politics of Public Memory in Turkey,” Esra Özyürek (ed.) (Syracuse, New York: Syracuse
University Press, 2007) International Journal of Turkish Studies, 14:1-2, 2008, 163-4.
“Citizenship in a Global World: European Questions and Turkish Experiences,” E. Fuat Keyman and
Ahmet İçduygu (eds.) [Routledge Studies in Governance and Change in the Global Era] (New
York: Routledge, 2005.) New Perspectives on Turkey, 36, 2007, 169-174.
“Rethinking Islam and Liberal Democracy: Islamist Women in Turkish Politics,” Yeşim Arat, (New
York: State University of New York Press, September 2005). International Journal of Middle
East Studies, 38: 3, 2006, 487-489.
Alev Cinar
Curriculum Vitae 2014-15
“The Myth of the Military-Nation: Militarism, Gender, and Education in Turkey,” Ayşe Gül Altınay
(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004). International Journal of Middle East Studies, 38:4, 2006,
601 - 603.
“Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey” Deniz Kandiyoti ve Ayşe Saktanber. (New
York: I.B.Tauris & Co Publishers, 2002). H-Gender-MidEast, 1 August 2003.
“Turkey Today: A Nation Divided Over Islam’s Revival” Martine Howe, Middle East Studies
Association Bulletin, 35: 1, 2001.
“The Dilemma of Secularism in Turkey: Anti-Islamism versus Democracy,” Conference titled
Secularism and religiosity in South-Eastern Europe, 52th International University Week /
Internationale Hochschulwoche, Tutzing, Germany, 8-11 October 2013
“Merging of Western Intellectual Traditions with Islamic Thought in Turkey,” New School for Social
Research, Sociology Department Seminars, New York, 1 May 2013
"Locating Political Theory: Globalized Intellectual Traditions Merge with Islamic Thought in Turkey,"
Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Science Seminars, 21 February 2013
“Negotiating Turkish National Identity vis-à-vis the EU: The Ulusalcı Movement and the Rise of antiWesternism in Turkey” Conference on Politics, Identities and European Integration, Izmir
University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, 29 May 2010.
“Globalization as the Product of Nationalism: Founding Ideology and the Erasure of the Local in
Turkey” Sabanci University, School of Arts and Sciences Seminars, Istanbul, 9 February, 2010.
“State and Nation-Building as an Urban Experience: The Making of Turkey’s Capital City” The
Spring 2009 Max Weber Lecture Series, Conference titled Power & Architecture Reloaded: The
Construction of Capitals (II). New York University, NY, 23 April, 2009.
“Courtroom Scenes in Turkish Film: Secularism and the State as the Dispenser of Justice”
American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 28-30
November, 2007
“Local productions of Globalized Knowledges: Academia and the Field of Political Theory in
Turkey” Conference on The Politics of Academic Knowledge in a Global Era: Nationalism,
Cosmopolitanism, and Market Values, hosted by the International Center for Advanced Studies,
New York University and the Institute of History Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest,
Hungary, 17-19 July 2007.
“State and Nation-Building as a Public Experience: The Formation of the Turkish State” Middle East
Studies Association Annual Conference, Boston, USA, 17-21 Nov. 2006.
“Modernity, Islam and Secularism in Turkey,” Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. 15-18
June 2005.
“Gender, Islam and Women’s Movements in Turkey,” Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, USA, 12
September 2005.
“Islamic Modernism in Turkey,” Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, USA. 13 September 2005.
“The City, the Body and the Nation: Negotiating a Place for Islam in Secular Spaces in Turkey”
Cairo Workshop on Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia,
American University in Cairo, Egypt, February 26-27, 2005.
Alev Cinar
Curriculum Vitae 2014-15
Institute for Advanced Study Membership
Project: The Particularism of Political Theory: Globalized Intellectual Traditions meet
Islamic Knowledges in Turkey
Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, Bilkent University
Project: Intellectual Foundations of the AKP (Justice and Development Party)
Bilkent University Research Grant
Project: Globalization as the Product of Nationalism: Founding Ideology and the
Erasure of the Local in Turkey
Social Science Research Council, International Collaborative Research Grant from the
Program on the Middle East & North Africa
Project: Icons, Images and Ideologies of Religion and Nation: Secularism, Religious
Nationalism and the Public Sphere in Comparative Perspective
Fall 2001
Ford Associateship in Global Women's Studies,
The Five College Women's Studies Research Center
Project: Gender and Images of Women in Turkish Cinema: Negotiations of Modernity,
Nation and Citizenship
German and American Young Scholars' Institute Fellowships, Summer Workshops on
“Public Spheres and Muslim Identities,” Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin
Project: The Constitutive Function of the Public Gaze: Building the Perimeters of the
Public Sphere around Islam and Secularism in Turkey
Mellon/Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow, Project on Cities and Urban Knowledges,
International Center for Advanced Studies, New York University
Project: The Use of Public Space in the Making of National Identity in Turkey
Research Assistant, Anspach Center for International Studies,
University of Pennsylvania
Dissertation Research, United States Institute of Peace Scholarship Dissertation Grant,
Project Title: “Clothing, Social Space and National History: Negotiations of Modernity,
Nationalism and Secularism in Turkey”
Research Assistant to Prof. Çigdem Kagitcibasi,
Research titled “Value of Children and Socio-Economic Conditions”
Department of Psychology, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Professor and Chair at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration,
Bilkent University, Turkey
Member, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Sciences, Princeton, NJ, USA
Professor and Chair at the Department of Political Science and International Relations,
Mugla University, Turkey
Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, Bilkent University, Turkey
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and the European Union,
Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Bilkent University, Turkey
Alev Cinar
Curriculum Vitae 2014-15
2005 Sept. Visiting Professor as Fulbright Specialist
Bryn Mawr College: Modern Middle Eastern Cities
Fall 2001
Visiting Faculty, Women’s Studies Department
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
June 1996
Assistant Media Coordinator, United Nations Development Project
Habitat II United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Istanbul, Turkey
Instructor, International Politics
International Relations Department, University of Pennsylvania
Teaching Assistant, International Politics
Department of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Free-lance Translator/Interpreter,
Turkish Radio and Television, Istanbul
Reporter and Researcher, Research Department,
Hürriyet Gazetesi (major national daily newspaper) Istanbul
Organized panel session titled “Experiencing the Turkish State: Mourning, Marking, Remembering”
at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Boston, USA, 17-21 Nov. 2006.
Organized international workshop titled Secularism, Religious Nationalism, and the Public Sphere in
Comparative Perspective, 15-17 October 2004, in Bilkent University.
Organized panel session titled “Discourses of Secularism and Religious Nationalism in Comparative
Perspective” at the American Political Science Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia,
USA, 28-31 August 2003.
Initiated and organized international conference titled Locating the City: The Idea, Place, Politics,
and Everyday Practice of the Urban, held in Antalya, Turkey, May 2001
Organized panel session titled “Secularism, Religious Nationalism and the Formation of the NationState” at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Orlando, USA, Nov. 2001.
• Politics, Nation, Race and Gender (graduate seminar)
• Politics and Society in Turkey (senior seminar)
• Politics of Turkish Modernization (graduate seminar)
• Contemporary Issues in Turkish Politics (senior seminar)
• The Public Sphere (graduate seminar)
• Nationalism and Citizenship in Comparative Perspective (senior seminar)
• The National, Gendered, Public Subject (graduate seminar)
• Introduction to Political Science I, II (two-semester freshmen level)
• Comparative Politics I,II (two-semester junior level)
Alev Cinar
Curriculum Vitae 2014-15
• Ad-hoc reviewer: Duke University Press, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Ethnic
and Racial Studies, Theory Culture and Society, International Journal of Middle East Studies,
Current Anthropology, Nations and Nationalism, History and Memory, South European Society
and Politics, International Journal of Turkish Studies, New Perspectives on Turkey.
• Middle East Report (MERIP) Editorial Committee member 1998-1999
• Middle East Studies Association (intermittent)
• American Political Science Association (intermittent)
• American Anthropological Association (intermittent)
July 1991
Training in Teaching, Word Processing and Workstation Computing,
Fulbright Orientation Program, State University of New York at Buffalo
July 1984
Workshop on Statistics and Micro-computing for the Social Sciences,
Ford Foundation/Population Council, Cairo, Egypt
• Fluent in Turkish and English; elementary (reading) level Ottoman Turkish and French
v Srirupa Roy, Professor of State and Democracy in Modern India
Professor and Chair of State and Democracy, Centre for Modern Indian Studies,
University of Goettingen, D-37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone: (49-551) 39-12742/-20236, e-mail:
v Metin Heper, Provost and Professor of Political Science
Office of the Provost, Bilkent University, Bilkent, Ankara, 06800, Turkey
Phone: (90-312) 290-1510, e-mail: ,
v Thomas Bender, University Professor of the Humanities and Professor of History,
Department of History, New York University,
53 Washington Square South, New York NY, 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8625, e-mail: ,
Anne Norton, (Dissertation Advisor) , (215) 898-6324
Professor of Politics, Department of Political Science,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Alev Cinar
Curriculum Vitae 2014-15

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