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Hayata Geçiyor...
Are becoming real...
Your investments...
“For years,
the only thing that we cannot valuate is
your trust...”
Determining the value of the real
estates in line with the generally
accepted international methods
providing an independent and
impartial view.
Keeping up to date with the
changes and developments in law,
methodology and standards of
appraisal. To pioneer for the
implementation of international
operation and reporting methods
in Turkey. Trying to develop new
Zor Anlarda
Hizmetlerimizle Yanýnýzdayýz...
Geniþ Bir Müþteri Yelpazesi ve Tecrübesi
TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ., 2009 yýlý Temmuz ayýnýn ortasýndan itibaren bireysel kredilerin teminatýna konu
olan gayrimenkullerin deðerlemesi için de bankalara hizmet vermenin yanýsýra ayný zamanda bayilik veren firmalara
da çok hýzlý bir þekilde kira ve satýþ deðeri tespiti hizmeti saðlamaya baþlamýþtýr.
2006 yýlý baþýnda Ankara ve Ýzmir illerinde þube açan TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ., 2011 yýlý Nisan ayýnda Adana,
Antalya ve Bursa illerinde açtýðý þubelerinin dýþýnda Türkiye'nin birçok ilinde bulunan temsilcileriyle bankalara ve
þirketlere teminat amaçlý deðerleme hizmeti vermeye devam etmektedir.
Hedef: Tüm Türkiye'nin Gayrimenkul Deðerleme Uzmaný Olmak
Mevcut yapýlanmasý ile 2010 yýlýnda verilen konut kredileri hacminin % 95'ine sahip illerde hizmet veren TSKB
Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ., hizmet verdiði il sayýsýný arttýrarak, tüm Türkiye'yi kapsayacak hizmet aðý ile müþterilerine
hýzlý ve kaliteli raporlarýyla "doðru deðeri" sunmayý hedeflemektedir.
Minimum risk, maksimum hizmet
Müþterilerine kaliteli hizmet vermeyi misyon edinmiþ TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ., ayrýca deðerleme hizmetinin
gerekliliði ve verdiði sorumluluk bilinci ile müþterilerini koruma altýna alan 2009 yýlý içinde yaptýrdýðý Mesleki
Sorumluluk Sigortasý ile hizmetteki risk unsurlarýný minimuma indirmeyi hedeflemiþtir. Kaliteli hizmetini yýllarýn
verdiði güvenle birleþtiren TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ. müþterilerine yakýnlaþýrken, müþterileriyle beraber
büyümeyi hedeflemektedir.
Teminatlarýnýz için bilgi birikimimiz emrinizde!
Özellikle bireysel kredilerin teminatýna konu olacak gayrimenkuller için Deðerleme Danýþmanlýðý ihtiyaçlarýnýzda,
kurduðumuz temsilcilik sistemi ile yýllarýn verdiði bilgi birikimimizi, araþtýrma tecrübemizi uzman kadromuzla
birleþtirerek sizlere hýzlý ve doðru Deðerleme Danýþmanlýk Hizmeti verebilmeyi ümit ediyoruz.
deðer biçemediðimiz tek þey
Çalýþmaya konu olan gayrimenkul ve
menkul deðerini her türlü uluslararasý
metodolojiyi kullanarak global boyutta
kabul görecek þekilde baðýmsýz ve
tarafsýz belirlemektir.
Deðerleme ve danýþmanlýk ile ilgili
konularda tekniðe, hukuða, yönteme
ve uluslararasý alanda kabul görmüþ
deðerleme standartlarýna iliþkin en son
geliþme ve deðiþiklikleri takip ederek
uygulayarak çalýþmak, uluslararasý
çalýþma ve raporlama yöntemlerinin
ülkemizde uygulamasý konusunda
öncülük etmek, yeni yöntem ve
tekniklerin geliþtirilmesi ve
yaygýnlaþmasýnda etkin rol oynamaktýr.
TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Company
The Company TSKB Real Estate Appraisal (Inc.), founded by the Turkish Bank for the Development
of Industry in November 2002 in order to provide real estate valuation services is the first Company
that was included in the " TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Companies" accepted
by the Capital Markets Board in Fabruary 2003.
The Company is also one of the very first companies who obtained the title to provide services
in the field of "Appraisal of Real Estates, Real Estate projects or of rights and advantages related
to a real estate" upon resolution No. 3469 of the Turkish Banking Regulation and Supervision
Agency dd. 17.12.2009.
Additionally, by guaranteeing a service quality at international standards, the Company recently
achieved to become one of the first three companies in Turkey that have been awarded the RICS
Certificate of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) which is being granted only upon
exams applied to valuation experts and after a series of investigations by companies compiled of
the management of certified specialists. With this certificate, the Company proved once again
that their services are being provided at International Standards.
The Services provided by TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Company are also secured under a Professional
Liability Insurance.
TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Company get the know how methods via the knowledge of TSKB bases
on their specialization in real estate, machine and equipment park expertise that they have been
gathering in nearly over a half century. TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Company assesses, in accordance
with the Turkish Capital Market Board regulations, the current value of a real estate or property
in an independent and impartial manner and reports the values to their clients in compliance with
internationally recognized valuation standards. TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Company represents
a deep-routed background and expertise. The Company TSKB Real Estate Appraisal, providing
independent and impartial service at international standards (IVSC) in subjects such as valuation,
consultancy, project development and feasibility studies, best-highest use studies, market
researches, sector studies, investment study-control, machine-equipment expertise, carry out
their works in accordance with the principle of confidentiality.
TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Company which opened up branch offices in 2006 in Ankara and Izmir
has launched 3 more new branches offices in Bursa, Adana and Antalya as of April 2011. By the
opening of these offices, TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Company is empowering its Turkey-wide
service network continuously with the services provided by its Headquarters situated in Istanbul
and other office branches operating in six cities.
In 2008, TSKB Real Estate Appraisal Company was found worthy by Euromoney (UK) for the
"Best Real Estate Valuation Company in Turkey" and the "Best Real Estate Consultant of Turkey"
prices in the category of Liquid Real Estate Consultancy. The Company was awarded by the same
foundation with the "Best Real Estate Consultant in Turkey" Price in 2005.
In addition to the prices achieved within 8 years since its establishment, TSKB Real Estate Appraisal
Company was also awarded the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Certificate granted by the British Certification
Company BSI (BSI Eurasia Management Systems Certification Limited) and thus became the "First
Real Estate Aappraisal Company" in Turkey with the ISO 9001:2000 certificate.
TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ.
TSKB tarafýndan 2002 yýlýnýn Kasým ayýnda gayrimenkul deðerleme hizmeti vermek amacýyla
kurulan TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ., 2003 yýlý Þubat ayýnda Sermaye Piyasasý Kurulu
tarafýndan kabul edilen "Deðerleme Þirketleri" listesine ilk alýnan þirket olmuþtur.
Þirket, Bankacýlýk Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurulu'nun 17.12.2009 tarih ve 3469 sayýlý kararý ile
"Gayrimenkul, gayrimenkul projesi veya bir gayrimenkule baðlý hak ve faydalarýn deðerlemesi"
hizmeti verme yetkisi alan ilk þirketlerden birisidir.
Ayrýca son olarak uluslararasý standartlarda hizmet kalitesini garanti ederek , Ýngiliz Kraliyet Ailesi
Tescil ve Lisans Kurumu [Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)] tarafýndan deðerleme
uzmanlarýna uygulanan sýnavlar ve sertifikalý uzmanlarýn yönetiminin oluþturduðu þirketlerin bir
dizi incelemesi sonrasýnda verilebilen RICS sertifikasýný alan Türkiye'deki ilk üç þirketten biri olma
baþarýsýna eriþmiþtir. Bu sertifika ile Uluslararasý Standartlarda vermiþ olduðu hizmeti bir kez
daha belgelemiþtir.
TSKB GD'nin sunduðu hizmetler Mesleki Sorumluluk Sigortasý ile de güvence altýndadýr.
TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme, bilgi birikiminin temelini TSKB'nin yarým asrý aþkýn bir sürede elde
ettiði gayrimenkul, makine ve ekipman parký ekspertizi uzmanlýðýndan almaktadýr. TSKB
Gayrimenkul Deðerleme, SPK mevzuatý gereðince bir gayrimenkulün veya varlýðýn rayiç deðerini
baðýmsýz ve tarafsýz bir þekilde takdir eder ve uluslararasý alanda kabul görmüþ deðerleme
standartlarýna uygun olarak müþterilerine raporlar. TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme köklü bir
birikim ve uzmanlýðýn temsilcisidir. Deðerleme, danýþmanlýk, proje geliþtirme ve fizibilite çalýþmalarý,
en iyi en yüksek kullaným etüdü, piyasa araþtýrmalarý, sektörel etüdler, yatýrým inceleme-kontrol,
makine-ekipman ekspertizi gibi konularda uluslararasý standartlarda (IVSC), baðýmsýz ve tarafsýz
hizmet veren TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ. çalýþmalarýný gizlilik esasýna uygun
2006 yýlýnda Ankara ve Ýzmir illerinde þube açan TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme A.Þ., 2011 Nisan
itibarý ile Bursa, Adana ve Antalya olmak üzere 3 yeni þubesini daha faaliyete geçirmiþtir. Böylece
Ýstanbul merkez olmak üzere 6 ilde þubeleri ile hizmet veren TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme
Tü r k i y e g e n e l i n d e y a y g ý n h i z m e t a ð ý n ý g ü n d e n g ü n e g ü ç l e n d i r m e k t e d i r.
Euromoney (Ýngiltere), TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme'yi 2008 yýlý Gayrimenkul Danýþmanlýðý
(Liquid Real Estate) kategorisinde "Türkiye'nin En Ýyi Gayrimenkul Deðerleme Þirketi" ve "Türkiye'nin
En Ýyi Gayrimenkul Danýþmaný" ödüllerine deðer bulmuþtur. Þirket, ayný kurum tarafýndan 2005
yýlýnda da "Türkiye'deki En Ýyi Gayrimenkul Danýþmaný" olarak ödüllendirilmiþtir.
TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme, kuruluþundan bu yana geçen 8 yýlda kazandýðý baþarýlara ek
olarak, Ýngiliz belgeleme firmasý BSI (BSI Eurasia Yönetim Sistemleri Belgelendirme Ltd.Þti.)
tarafýndan verilen ISO 9001:2000 Kalite Belgesi'ni almaya hak kazanmýþtýr, ayný zamanda Türkiye'de
ISO 9001:2000 belgeli "ilk gayrimenkul deðerleme þirketi" olmuþtur.
We guide you with the quality of our
services provided at international standards .
The assets on which appraisal serviceis provided are
listed as follows.
• Tourism
• Congress Tourism
• Residence
• Logistics
• Office
• Plot - Land
• Buildings
• Residences - Villas - Mansions
• Business Centers - Plazas - Office Blocks
• Factories - Production and Manufacturing Units
• Warehousing Areas - Logistics Facilities
• Gas Stations - Filling Facilities - Refineries
• Shopping Centers
• Hotels - Holiday Resorts - Tourism Facilities
• Holiday Camps - Touristic Plants
• Golf Facilities
• Power Plants (HES-RES)
• Hospitals - Health Facilities
• Education Units
• Ports - Marinas - Shipyards
• Multipurpose halls such as cinema - Theater complexes
• Timesshares
• Ships - Yachts
• Mines - Springs
• Machinery and Other Fixed Assets
• Rights and Benefits related to the Property
• Real Estate Projects
Uluslararasý standartlardaki hizmet kalitemiz ile
size yol gösteriyoruz
TSKB Gayrimenkul Deðerleme olarak yapýlan deðerleme çalýþmalarý tabi olduðumuz
SPK, BDDK ve RICS standartlarý doðrultusunda uluslararasý deðerleme standartlarýnda
Arsa - Arazi
Konutlar - Villalar - Yalýlar
Ýþ Merkezleri - Plazalar - Hanlar
Fabrika- Ýmalathane ve Üretim Tesisleri
Depolama Alanlarý - Tesisler
Akaryakýt Satýþ Ýstasyonlarý - Dolum Tesisleri - Rafineriler
Alýþveriþ Merkezleri
Oteller - Kongre - Fuar Alanlarý
Tatil Köyleri - Turistik Tesisler
Golf Tesisleri
Enerji Tesisleri (HES - RES)
Hastaneler - Saðlýk Tesisleri
Eðitim Tesisleri
Limanlar - Marinalar - Tersaneler
Sinema - tiyatro gibi çok amaçlý salonlar
Devre - Mülkler
Gemiler - Yatlar
Tesisleri - Rafineriler
Madenler - Kaynaklar
Makine ve Diðer Sabit Kýymetler
Gayrimenkule Baðlý Hak ve Faydalar
Gayrimenkul Projeleri
Kongre Turizmi
Deðerleme hizmeti verilen varlýklar aþaðýda listelenmiþtir.
We increase your competitiveness
with our service quality at international standards
Consultancy Services
• Highest and best use analyses
• Tender - auction base value analyses
• Analyses and solution alternatives for existing real estates
• Risk - guarantee studies
• Investment realization, evaluation and monitoring
• Project development control and feasibility studies
Uluslararasý standartlardaki hizmet kalitemiz ile
rekabet gücünüzü arttýrýyoruz
Danýþmanlýk Hizmetlerimiz
• En iyi ve en yüksek kullaným deðeri analizi
• Ýhale - açýk artýrma baz deðer analizleri
• Mevcut gayrimenkullerinize yönelik analiz ve çözüm
• Risk - teminat etütleri
• Yatýrým gerçekleþtirme deðerleme ve izleme,
hakediþ kontrolü
• Proje geliþtirme kontrol ve fizibilite çalýþmalarý
With our services
we are on your side in hard times
A wide client range and experience
Beginning from mid July of 2009, The TKSB Real-Estate Appraisal Company started to provide appraisal services to
banks for real-estates subject to bank loans as well as rent and sale valuation for firms which offer franchising.
The TKSB Real-Estate Appraisal Company opened Ankara and Ýzmir branch offices in early 2006 and Adana, Antalya
and Bursa branch offices in April 2011. These and other branch offices throughout Turkey continue to provide
appraisal services to banks and firms for assurance purposes.
Goal: Becoming Entire Turkey's Real-Estate Valuation Expert
With its current establishment, The TKSB Real-Estate Appraisal Company operates in the cities which hold 95 % of
total mortgage amount in year 2010. The TKSB Real-Estate Appraisal Company aims to increase its number of city
branches and establish a service network that covers entire Turkey which will provide the customers with fast and
high quality reports which include "true value".
Minimum risks, maximum service
It is TKSB Real-Estate Appraisal Company mission to provide high quality service to its customers, therefore in order
to minimize risk factors TKSB Real-Estate Appraisal Company has took out an Occupational Responsibility Insurance
Policy in 2009 which represents the requirements of valuation service and our sense of responsibility. TKSB Real-Estate
Appraisal Company which integrates high quality services with years of trust aims to expand with its customers as it
becomes closer with them.
Our knowledge base is in service for your assurances
By integrating our agency based establishment, our research experience and our experts, we hope to provide you
with fast and accurate Valuation Counseling Services especially for real-estates subject to personal bank loans.
Merkez / Head Office
Meclisi Mebusan Cad.
Molla Bayýrý Sok.No: 1
Fýndýklý / ÝSTANBUL
Tel : +90 212 334 50 54
Faks : +90 212 334 50 35
Ankara / Branch
Aziziye Mah. Piyade Sok. B Blok
No: 3/7 Çankaya / ANKARA
Tel : +90 312 441 75 22 (Pbx)
Faks : +90 312 441 75 66
Ýzmir / Branch
Cumhuriyet Bulvarý, Kültür Mah.
No: 140 Alan Apt.Kat: 1 Pasaport,
Alsancak / ÝZMÝR
Tel : +90 232 463 12 00
Faks : +90 232 463 33 50
Bursa / Branch
Hocaalizade Mah, Atatürk Cad.
7.Hamam Sokak, Sönmez Ýþ Haný,
No.5 Kat.3 Ofis No: 1-2-3-9
Osmangazi / BURSA
Tel : +90 224 225 40 30
Faks : +90 224 225 40 31
Adana / Branch
Cemalpaþa Mahallesi, C. Yurdakul Cad.
Sular Plaza No: 47-1003
Seyhan / ADANA
Tel : +90 322 459 59 80
Faks : +90 322 459 59 81
Antalya / Branch
Etiler Mahallesi, Evliya Çelebi Cad.
Mirador Ýþ Merkezi, No: 3 / 29,
Muratpaþa / ANTALYA
Tel : +90 242 322 20 90
Faks : +90 242 322 20 97

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Online Katalog

Online Katalog sistemler ve teknoloji firmaları arasındaki yerini almıştır. Ayrıca firmamız,konusunda lider yurtdışı ve yurtiçi üretici çözüm ortaklarıyla birlikte kurumlara geniş ürün portföyü ile hizmet sağlama...


gayrimenkul piyasası - TSKB Gayrimenkul Değerleme

gayrimenkul piyasası - TSKB Gayrimenkul Değerleme GAYRİMENKUL DEĞERLEME A.Ş. AYLIK BÜLTEN
