Ulaş Özen


Ulaş Özen
Ulaş Özen
Özyeğin University
Faculty of Business
Çekmeköy Campus, Nişantepe District, Orman Street
34794 Çekmeköy, Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90-(216)5649291 ● e-mail: ulas.ozen@ozyegin.edu.tr
Thesis Title:
Thesis Title:
Sub-department of Operations Planning, Accounting and Control (OPAC),
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven / the Netherlands,
a SOBU project with Tilburg University
Cooperation between multiple newsvendors
Prof. Dr. Jan Fransoo, Prof. Dr. Henk Norde and Ass. Prof. Marco Slikker
Department of Industrial Engineering (IE), Middle East Technical University
(METU), Ankara / Turkey
Analysis of an Assembler-Distributor Network under Revenue Sharing and
Wholesale Price Contracts
Prof. Dr. Nesim Erkip and Prof. Dr. Refik Güllü
Department of IE, METU, Ankara / Turkey
Work Experience:
2014 - ongoing
Associate Professor
2012 - 2014
2008 - 2012
Assistant Professor
Member of Technical Staff
2007 - 2008
2007 - 2012
2003 - 2007
2000 - 2003
Post-doc Researcher
Visiting Researcher
Research Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Özyeğin University, Faculty of Business, Istanbul / Turkey
Özyeğin University, Faculty of Business, Istanbul / Turkey
Bell Laboratories Ireland, Alcatel-Lucent, Dublin / Ireland
Performing research in the area of services and supply chain
operations management, and providing consultancy for applied
projects within Alcatel-Lucent
Bell Laboratories Ireland, Alcatel-Lucent, Dublin / Ireland
Sub-department of OPAC, TU/e, Eindhoven / the Netherlands
Sub-department of OPAC, TU/e, Eindhoven / the Netherlands
Department of IE, METU, Ankara / Turkey
Research Interests:
Services and supply chain operations management and contracting, collaboration and competition within
supply chains and service systems, applied game theory (cooperative and non-cooperative), multi-agent
negotiation, stochastic modeling and optimization, multi-echelon inventory theory.
Published Papers:
Ulaş Özen, Jan Fransoo, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, 2008, “Cooperation between Multiple
Newsvendors with Warehouses”, Manufacturing & Services Operations Management 10:311-324.
Ulaş Özen, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, 2009 “A General Framework for Cooperation under
Uncertainty”, Operations Research Letters 37:148-154.
Ulaş Özen, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, 2011 “On the Convexity of Newsvendor Games”, International
Journal of Production Economics 133: 35-42.
Armağan Tarım, Mustafa K. Doğru, Ulaş Özen and Roberto Rossi, 2011 “An Efficient Computational
Method for a Stochastic Dynamic Lot-Sizing Problem under Service-Level Constraints”, European Journal of
Operational Research 215: 563-571.
Lei Duan, Mustafa K. Dogru, Ulaş Özen and J. Chris Beck, 2012 “A Negotiation Framework for Linked
Combinatorial Optimization Problems”, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 25: 158–
Ulaş Özen, Marty Reiman and Qiong Wang, 2011 “On the Core of Cooperative Queueing Games”,
Operation Research Letters 39: 385-389.
Ulaş Özen, Greys Sošić and Marco Slikker, 2012 “A Collaborative Decentralized Distribution System with
Demand Updates”, European Journal of Operational Research 216: 573-583.
Ulaş Özen, Mustafa. K. Doğru and Armağan Tarım, 2012 “Static-Dynamic Uncertainty Strategy for a
Single-Item Stochastic Inventory Control Problem”, OMEGA – the International Journal of Management
Science 40: 348-357.
Ulaş Özen, Nesim Erkip and Marco Slikker, 2012 “Stability and monotonicity in newsvendor situations”,
European Journal of Operational Research 218: 416-425.
Daria Terekhov, Mustafa K. Doğru, Ulaş Özen and J. Chris Beck, 2012 “Solving Two Machine Assembly
Scheduling Problems With and Without Inventory Constraints”, Computers and Industrial Engineering 63:
Ulaş Özen and Mustafa. K. Doğru, 2012, (in Turkish) “Rassal Öbek Büyüklüğü Belirleme Probleminin
Doldurma Servis Kısıtı Altında İncelenmesi”, Hacetepe University, Faculty Journal of Economic and
Administrative Sciences (İİBF) 30(1): 121-146.
Mustafa K. Doğru and Ulaş Özen, 2015, “Tactical Inventory Planning at Alcatel-Lucent's Repair and
Exchange Services” Interfaces, 45(3): 228-242.
Refereed Proceedings:
Lei Duan, Mustafa K. Doğru, Ulaş Özen, J. Chris Beck, 2010, “Multi-Agent Negotiation for Distributed
Production Scheduling Problems”, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Agent-based
Complex Automated Negotiations.
Tony T. Tran, Mustafa K. Doğru, Ulaş Özen, J. Chris Beck, 2013, “Scheduling a Multi-Cable Electric
Vehicle Charging Facility”, Proceedings of the ICAPS 2013 Workshop on Scheduling and Planning
Applications (SPARK), 20-26, Rome, Italy.
Matthew Andrews, Ulaş Özen, Martin I Reiman, Qiong Wang, 2013, “Economic models of sponsored
content in wireless networks with uncertain demand”, Proceedings of the Second IEEE International
Workshop on Smart Data Pricing, IEEE INFOCOM 2013, 345-350, Turin, Italy
Book Chapters:
“Cooperative Newsvendor Games: A Review” with Luigi Montrucchio, Henk Norde, Marco Scarsini and
Marco Slikker, published in: Tsan-Ming Choi (editor), Handbook on Newsvendor Problems: Models,
Extensions and Applications, 137-162, Springer Newyork.
“Economic models of sponsored content in wireless networks with uncertain demand” with Matthew
Andrews, Martin I Reiman, Qiong Wang, 2014, in: Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha and Mung
Chiang (editors), Smart Data Pricing, 269-288, John Wiley & Sons
Technical Reports:
Mustafa K. Doğru and Ulaş Özen, 2011, “Repair and Exchange Services: Analysis of the End-to-End
Processes Impacting Inventory Management”, Alcatel-Lucent Internal Report.
Ulaş Özen and Qiong Wang, 2011, “Design of a Double-Sided Spectrum Auction”, Alcatel-Lucent Internal
Working Papers:
“Capacity Flexibility or Commitment: Implications for Product Design and Channel Profit” with Yue Jin
and Qiong Wang.
“Setting the Right Incentives for Global Planning and Operations” with Marco Slikker and Henk Norde.
“Heuristic Methods for a Capacitated Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problem under Static-Dynamic Uncertainty
Strategy” with A. Cem Randa, Cem İyigün and Mustafa K. Doğru.
Ongoing Research
“Cooperation in Service Systems and Supply Chains”, supported by European Commission Marie Curie
Career Integration Grant (COOPSS)
Applied Business Projects:
Development of a methodology to determine realistic inventory turn levels for sessional parts (Spare parts
inventory optimization)
Inventory planning and optimization for end-of-life inventories (last buy decision) (Spare parts inventory
Inventory planning and optimization for repair for return services (Spare parts inventory optimization)
Investigation of engineering service operations and development of performance indexes
Development of a tactical planning tool for inventory sizing of advance exchange services (Spare parts
inventory optimization)
Inventory planning and optimization for advance exchange services (Spare parts inventory optimization)
Investigation of the reasons behind inventory pile up in a forward supply chain (Assemble-to-Order
Inventory Systems)
Economical analysis of outsourcing warehousing operations (Stochastic Inventory Models and
Replenishment Policies)
Economical analysis of different mode of transportation and the effect on inventories (Multi-mode
Transportation and Inventory Models)
Supply chain design for Central and Latin America (CALA) region (Stochastic Inventory Models)
Professional Activities:
Referee for Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research,
Operations Research Letters, International Journal of Production Economics,…
Examining Committee Member, MSc Thesis, Ali Cem Randa, Middle East Technical
University, Industrial Engineering Department, Turkey
2012, 2015
Referee for Israeli Science Foundation
2008 – 2012
Supervised three PhD summer interns (Daria Terekhov (2008), Lei Duan (2008, 2009) and Tony
Tran (2012, collaboration still continues) from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering , University of Toronto, Canada
2005 – ongoing
Member of INFORMS
Member of organizing team of 4th International Workshop on Inventory Modeling, March 2002,
Ankara / Turkey
Certificate of participation in the course "Teaching and Learning in Higher Education '' held on 17th,
18th and 24th of May, 2006, Einhoven University of Technology
Achievements & Grants:
Awarded European Commission Marie Curie Career Integration Grant for the research project
entitled “Cooperation in Service Systems and Supply Chains”, project duration :24 months, budget:
50,000 euro.
Awarded the certificate of outstanding achievement: Excellence in knowledge transfer, “Inventory
planning and optimization for advance exchange services project”, Bell Labs Ireland.
Awarded a traveling grant from Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) for a
three-month visit to Marshall School of Business, USC, Los Angeles.
Research assistantship at sub-department of OPAC, TU/e, Eindhoven / the Netherlands
Teaching assistantship at the department of IE, METU, Ankara / Turkey
Native speaker
Fluent in speaking and writing
Conference Presentations and Invited Talks:
July 2014
(Session organizer)
IFORS 2014. Barcelona Spain. (2014, July) Session Title: Game Theory and Operations
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker “Setting the right incentives for
global planning and operations”.
May 2013
(Session organizer)
POMS 2013, 24th Annual Conference, Denver, USA. Session Title: "Supply Chain
Management for Spare Parts"
August 2012
IWLS 2012, International Workshop on Lot Sizing, August 27-29, 2012, Amsterdam / the
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Mustafa. K. Doğru and Armağan Tarım, 2012 “Static-Dynamic
Uncertainty Strategy for a Single-Item Stochastic Inventory Control Problem”
July 2012
GAMES, The 4th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, July 22-26,2012, Istanbul /
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Marty Reiman and Qiong Wang, 2011 “On the Core of Cooperative
Queueing Games”
November 2011
Informs Annual Meeting Charlotte, November 13-14, 201, Charlotte / USA
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker “Setting the right incentives for
global planning and operations”.
June 2011 (Invited
SING 7, Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, July 18-20, 2011, Paris / France
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Marty Reiman and Qiong Wang, “Simple capacity sharing
coalitions: a new class of cooperative games”
July 2010
24th European Conference on Operations Research, July 11–14, 2010, Lisbon / Portugal
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Greys Sošić and Marco Slikker, “A Collaborative Decentralized
Distribution System with Demand Forecast Updates”
June 2010
MSOM Conference, June 28 – 29, 2010, Haifa / Israel
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Greys Sošić and Marco Slikker, “A Collaborative Decentralized
Distribution System with Demand Forecast Updates”
June 2010
(invited talk)
Bilkent University 4th Annual Workshop on Supply Chain and Logistics, June 25, 2010,
Ankara / Turkey
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Yue Jin and Qiong Wang, “Design for Channel Coordination”
October 2009
INRIA & Bell Labs Workshop II, October 22-23, 2009, Paris / France
Presentation: Ulaş Özen “Cooperative capacity investment under uncertainty: A supply chain
October 2009
Informs Annual Meeting San Diego, October 11-14, 2009, San Diego / USA
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Armağan Tarım, Mustafa K. Doğru and Roberto Rossi “A
Relaxation Approach for Solving the Stochastic Lot Sizing Problem with Service Level
October 2008
Informs Annual Meeting Washington DC, October 12-15, 2008, Washington DC / USA
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, “A general framework for
cooperation under uncertainty”
August 2008
15th International Symposium on Inventories, August 22-26, 2008, Budapest / Hungary
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, “On the Convexity of Newsvendor
December 2007
(Invited Talk)
Invited talk in Econometrics department, Luiss Guido Carli, Rome / Italy
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Jan Fransoo, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, “Cooperation between
Multiple Newsvendors with Warehouses”
October 2007
(Invited Talk)
Invited talk in Dept. of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin / Ireland
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, “Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Game Theory with Application
to Dynamic Spectrum Allocation”
November 2007
(Invited session)
Informs Annual Meeting Seattle, November 4-7, 2007, Seattle / USA
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Greys Sošić and Marco Slikker, “A Collaborative Decentralized
Distribution System with Demand Updates”
November 2006
(Invited session)
Informs Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, November 5-8, 2006, Pittsburgh / USA
Presentation: Ulaş Özen and Greys Sošić, “A Distribution System of Multiple Retailers with
Updated Demand Information”
June 2006
SING 2, Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, June 14-17, 2006, Foggia / Italy
Presentation: Ulaş Özen and Greys Sošić, “A Distribution System of Multiple Retailers with
Updated Demand Information”
November 2005
Informs Annual Meeting San Francisco, November 13-16, 2005, San Francisco / USA
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Nesim Erkip and Marco Slikker, “Cooperation between Multiple
Newsvendors with Service Constraints”
June 2005
1. Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, June 24-26, 2005,
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, “On the Convexity of Newsvendor
July 2004
VI Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Practice, July 12-14, 2004, Elche / Spain
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Nesim Erkip and Marco Slikker, “Cooperation between Multiple
Newsvendors with Service Constraints”,
July 2004
Multi-Echelon\MSOM Conference, June 30 – July 2, 2004, Eindhoven / the Netherlands
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Nesim Erkip and Marco Slikker, “Cooperation between Multiple
Newsvendors with Service Constraints”
August 2003
VI ISIR Summer School, August 18-22, 2003, Eindhoven / the Netherlands
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Jan Fransoo, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, “Cooperation between
Multiple Newsvendors with Warehouses”
July 2003
XV IMGTA Italian Meeting on Game Theory and Applications, July 9-12, 2003, Urbino /
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Jan Fransoo, Henk Norde and Marco Slikker, “Cooperation between
Multiple Newsvendors with Warehouses”
July 2002
23rd OR and IE (YAEM) National Congress, July 2002, İstanbul / Turkey
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Nesim Erkip and Refik Güllü, “Analysis of an Assembler-Distributor
Network Under Revenue Sharing and Wholesale Price Contracts”
March 2002
4th International Workshop on Inventory Modeling, March 2002, Ankara / Turkey
Presentation: Ulaş Özen, Nesim Erkip and Refik Güllü, “Analysis of an Assembler-Distributor
Network Under Revenue Sharing and Wholesale Price Contracts”

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