02 - Teknik-El
Benzer belgeler
H Tipi Yük úskelesi Sistemi
means of screws. Secondary girders Àxed to main girders by connection components. Upper part formed by Àxing the 4-way headings to the main girder. Lower part consists of H-frames,diagonals and low...
Glapsides Lake, Famagusta. Concrete canoe produced is 610 cm in length with a width of 79.1 cm and 40.6 cm height completed after 4 months hard work. Three students under the supervision of Dr. Özg...
DetaylıEndüstriyel Kolon ve Perde Kalıpları
very high, it is possible to cast high walls and columns. By the means of the Àller plates, system can be adapted to all kinds of projects,shapes and sizes. Formworks are brought to plumb line in v...
DetaylıKabin Modelleri
iyi yerine daha iyisi için... Misyon Eğitimli personelini teknolojik gelişmeler çerçevesinde bilinçlendirerek, aynı hedef doğrultusunda kaynak ihtiyaçlarını karşılayarak, kaliteli ve güvenilir ürü...
DetaylıSIMPEX® WALL FORM HT 20 Plus Girder
inside the tunnel, lovering and pulling of side panels can be realised by mechanical or hydraulic operation.