MJT 614E Theoritical Perspectives in Ethnomusicology


MJT 614E Theoritical Perspectives in Ethnomusicology


Benzer belgeler

Dersin Dili

Dersin Dili social and cultural context. History of popular music. Critical study of popular music, concepts and methods. Musicology, cultural studies, social sciences anthropology and ethnomusicology. Musical...


Ders Dersin Adı Kodu Yarıyılı Kredisi Uygulama COMMUNICATION

Ders Dersin Adı Kodu Yarıyılı Kredisi Uygulama COMMUNICATION Identity. Musical identity. Society. Society and music. The effect of the mass media in community. Mass media and women, social aspects, feminist criticism, sex, popular culture, race relations. So...


Midi Sistemiyle Nota Yazımı TMP 564 SE Bahar 3+0 Laboratuar

Midi Sistemiyle Nota Yazımı TMP 564 SE Bahar 3+0 Laboratuar TÜRK MÜZİĞİ YÜKSEK LİSANS PROGRAMI İLE İLİŞKİSİ
