n - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department


n - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department


Benzer belgeler

Koruma Sınıfları Tablosu

Koruma Sınıfları Tablosu Korumasız Damlayan Kadar suya karşı korumalı Damlayan suya karşı korumalı


Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department

Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department if xi ≤ b then c[i, b] ← Max{xi + c[i-1, b-xi], c[i-1, b]} else c[i, b] ← c[i-1, b] return c[n, B] CS 473 – DP Examples


j - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department

j - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department Φ(T) = 2*num[T] – size[T] where: num[T]: the # of entries stored in table T size[T]: the size allocated for table T What is the potential value immediately after an expansion? Φ(T) = 0 because size...


CS473-Algorithms I - Bilkent University Computer Engineering

CS473-Algorithms I - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Assume we need a data structure that needs to reside in contiguous memory (e.g. linear array, etc.).
