Yeni CorelDRAW X5 Graphic
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Yeni CorelDRAW X5 Graphic
8" color LCD, 800 x 600 pixels (optional 1024 x 768 pixels IPS display available) 1MΩ ± 2 %, in parallel with 15pF ± 5pF
Detaylıtechnical definitions
General Piston Assembly Instruction 1- The inner surface of the piston cylinder should be rhombic honing lines.If ready assembled piston used and/or assembling to worn cylinder, cylinder rhombic h...
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Kurutma metoduna karşı standart hata 0.5% veya daha Hassasiyet az (20% den daha az rutubetli numunelerde) Numune Hacmi Sample volume 240mL Çalışma Sıcaklığı Operating temp. range