moment 2006 kapak - film gibi 30 yıl


moment 2006 kapak - film gibi 30 yıl
25 y›l›
25 years of
APRIL 1 - 16 N‹SAN 2006
25.y›l özel say›s› 25th year special issue
fienli¤in yap›ld›¤› mart ve nisan günlerinde çiçeklenen dallar, yefleren
a¤açlarla birlikte kentin iki yakas›nda da bir gençlik rüzgâr› esiyor,
coflkulu, tutkulu, sevinçli bir hava salonlar›n d›fl›na taflarak her yan›
fiakir Eczac›bafl›, Atilla Dorsay, Vecdi Sayar, Sungu Çapan, Hülya
Uçansu ve ben. Hepimiz de¤iflik dönemlerde, uzun ya da k›sa
sürelerle Sinematek'e emek verdik. fiimdi onun çocu¤unu
büyütüyoruz. Daha genifl, daha rahat bir çat›n›n, ‹stanbul Kültür
Sanat Vakf›'n›n çat›s›n›n alt›nda. Ve hepimiz, günün birinde bir
tafl›n üstüne ikinci bir tarih yaz›lmayaca¤›na inanmak istiyoruz.
26 Mart 1995 / Cumhuriyet
A wind of youth blew on both sides of the city in March and April,
during the days of the festival, as the branches bloomed and the
trees turned green; a fervid, passionate, joyous atmosphere spread
all around, flowing out from the movie theatres.
fiakir Eczac›bafl›, Atilla Dorsay, Vecdi Sayar, Sungu Çapan, Hülya
Uçansu and I. We all worked hard for the Cinematheque at
different periods, for a short or long time. Now we are raising its
child. Under a broader, more comfortable roof, the roof of the
‹stanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts. And all of us wish to
believe that one day, a second history will not be written over a
March 26, 1995 / Cumhuriyet
Onat Kutlar (1936-1995)
(Kurucu, Dan›flma Kurulu Üyesi
Co-founder, Advisory Board Member)
Tar›k Akan
Theo Angelopoulos
(Oyuncu Actor)
(Yönetmen Director)
1980 Türkiye'nin en önemli dönüm
noktas› y›l›d›r. 1983 y›l›nda ‹stanbul
Film Festivali'nin bafllamas› 1980
darbesine büyük bir darbe vurmufltur.
O kadar önemli filmler ve sanat
yap›tlar› getirdiler ki, biz sinema
oyuncular› hayat›m›z boyunca
unutamayaca¤›m›z büyük yap›tlarla
karfl›laflt›k. Onlarla içli d›fll› olduk.
Hem sinema sektöründe çal›flan tüm
insanlara hem halk›m›za büyük bir
hizmet vermifltir ve vermeye devam
Gerçekten muhteflemdi. Çünkü bir fliir
keflfettim, bir festival keflfettim.
Bu festivali önce bir Balkan Festivali
olarak düflünmüfltüm. Ama
uluslararas›, genç, dinamik bir festival
keflfettim. Herkes oradayd› ve seyirci
‹stanbul Film Festivali inan›lmaz büyük
bir görevi yerine getirmifltir sanatsal
manada. O y›llarda dünyan›n en
önemli filmlerini ‹stanbul'a tafl›yarak
tüm gençli¤in bilinç düzeyini yukar›ya
do¤ru h›zla çekmifltir ve o zamanki
cuntaya büyük bir alternatif olmufltur.
1980 is the most crucial, milestone
year of Turkey. The launch of the
‹stanbul Film Festival in 1983 has
made an immense blow on the 1980
coup. They brought so many
important films and works of art that
us, cinema actors, have encountered
artistic works that we will not forget
for the rest of our lives. We have
become familiar with them; they have
considerably served and continue to
do so to all film professionals and our
The ‹stanbul Film Festival has
accomplished a major artistic
mission. By bringing forth all the
most important films of the world to
‹stanbul in those days, it has swiftly
raised the consciousness of the youth,
and has been an alternative to the
junta regime of the time.
It was really fascinating. Because
I discovered a poem, I discovered
a festival. I first thought of this as a
Balkan festival. But I discovered a
young, international, dynamic festival.
Everybody was there, and it was
Tunç Baflaran
Nuri Bilge Ceylan
(Yönetmen, Dan›flma Kurulu Üyesi
Director, Advisory Board Member)
(Yönetmen Director)
‹KSV bünyesindeki Uluslararas›
‹stanbul Film Festivali, dünyan›n say›l›
film festivalleri aras›ndaki yerini
alm›flt›r. Festival, Türk sinemas›na
inan›lmaz katk›da bulunmufl, açt›¤›
pencere gitgide büyüyerek Türk
sinemac›lar›n› dünya sinemac›lar› ile
kucaklaflt›rm›fl, sinemam›z›n
tan›nmas›nda büyük rol oynam›flt›r.
Festivalde oynayan say›s›z kaliteli filmi
seyreden genç kuflak bu sayede
bilgilenmifl, dünyan›n en sayg›n
yönetmen ve oyuncular›n› görme
f›rsat›n› elde etmifltir. Her sene bu
festivale say›s›z katk›da bulunan
festival çal›flanlar›na yürekten teflekkür
ediyor, "yaflas›n sinema" diyorum.
The International ‹stanbul Film
Festival under the ‹KSV umbrella
is among the most respected film
festivals of the world. The Festival
has enormously contributed to the
Turkish cinema, the window it
opened has grown in time to meet
filmmakers of the world with their
Turkish counterparts, and contributed
a great deal in promoting Turkish
cinema. The young generation who
has watched numerous films of
quality at the Festival was thus
enlightened, having the opportunity
to see the most revered directors and
actors of the world. I profoundly
thank the Festival staff who have
immensely contributed to this Festival
every year, and say “Long live
Baharla birlikte ‹stanbul Film Festivali,
günefl ç›kar, havalar güzelleflir ve
birden ‹stanbul Film Festivali bafllar.
Biz de onu bahar› bekler gibi beklerdik.
Gerçekten sinemaya bafllama arzusu
duyuran ‹stanbul Film Festivali
olmasayd› belki de sinemaya hiç
bafllamayabilirdik. Çok küçük fleylere
ba¤l›d›r sinemaya bafllamak.
With the spring coming, the ‹stanbul
Film Festival began, the sun would
come out, the weather would get
better and suddenly the Festival
started. We used to wait for it like
waiting for the spring to come. If it
weren't for the ‹stanbul Film Festival
that really injected that desire, maybe
we would never have started in
cinema. To start in cinema is
dependent on very small things.
Sabahattin Çetin
(Da¤›t›mc› Distributor)
Bence ‹stanbul Film Festivali'nin en
önemli özelli¤i Türkiye'de sinemayla
ilgilenen insanlar›n dünyas›n›
ola¤anüstü renklendirmifl olmas›d›r.
Ayr›ca festival, Amerikan sinemas›
d›fl›nda da filmlerin da¤›t›mc›l›¤›
konusunda teflvik ve canl›l›k getirdi.
Asl›nda sadece festivalin sanatsal
içeri¤i olarak de¤il ayn› zamanda bir
iflletme baflar›s› olarak bu kadar küçük
yarat›c› bir grubun böylesine büyük bir
etkinli¤i baflarmada gösterdi¤i yönetim
ve beceriklilik anlay›fl›n›n da alt›
I think the most important
characteristic of the ‹stanbul Film
Festival is that it has extraordinarily
brought colour to the world of those
interested in cinema in Turkey.
Moreover, the Festival has enlivened
and motivated distribution of films,
besides American cinema. Actually,
not only as the artistic content of the
Festival, but considered also as a
commercial management success,
the administrational and skilful
insight of such a minimal creative
group in accomplishing an event of
such a scale should be emphasised.
Zeki Demirkubuz
Vecdi Sayar
(Yönetmen Director)
(Kurucu, Program Yöneticisi
Co-Founder, Programme Director,
‹kinci filmimden sonra sineman›n
daha çok fark›na vard›m, nas›l bir
sinema yapaca¤›m, neyin peflinde
oldu¤um biraz benim için netleflti.
Bu sürecin bu flekilde olmas›,
bu flekilde belirlenmesinde ‹stanbul
Film Festivali'nin pay›, katk›s›, belki
benim kendi bilgimden kendi
deneyimlerimden ve kendi
amaçlar›mdan bile fazlad›r.
After my second film, I became more
conscious cinema, and it became
clearer for me what kind of a cinema
I would make, and what I was after.
‹stanbul Film Festival's share and
contribution in this process, in this
definition, is perhaps more than my
knowledge, my experience and my
Atilla Dorsay
(Kurucu, Dan›flma Kurulu Üyesi,
Sinema Yazar› Co-founder, Advisory
Board Member, Film Critic)
Hem oynatt›¤› film say›s› aç›s›ndan, hem
süresi aç›s›ndan, hem eriflti¤i seyirci
kitlesi, satt›¤› bilet aç›s›ndan, hem
bölümlerinin ciddili¤i aç›s›ndan, bütün
bu aç›lardan çok ciddi bir festival, önemli
bir festival. ‹lk y›llarda tabii flunu bilmek
laz›m ki 1980'lerin bafl›nda filmcilik
denen fley bir kriz geçiriyordu. Dolay›s›yla
Türkiye'ye do¤ru dürüst film gelmiyordu,
b›rak›n›z sanat filmlerini Amerikan
"blockbuster" dedi¤imiz ifl yapan filmler
bile sinemalar›m›za ya gelmiyor ya en
erken iki y›l, ortalama iki y›l sonra
geliyordu. San›yorum iki y›l sonra müzik
festivalinden kopar›ld› ba¤›ms›z olarak
baflka bir tarihte yap›lmaya baflland›.
Önce ad› Sinema Günleri, evet biz o ad›
çok seviyorduk. Festival oldu, bir
"uluslararas› festival" oldu ve Sinema
Günleri uzakta bir hat›ra olarak kald›.
This is a very dignified, very important
festival in terms of the number of films
screened, its duration, the audience
it reaches, the number of tickets sold
and the significance of its sections.
Of course, one must note that in its
first years, in the beginning of the
1980s, the cinema industry was in a
crisis. Therefore, let alone art house
films, even the American so called
"blockbusters" did not open here after
an average of two years of their first
screenings abroad. I believe, two years
following its conception, it was
separated from the Music Festival and
organised as an individual festival at
different dates. First it was titled as
"Filmdays" -yes, we loved that name-,
then it became a festival, an
international festival, and the
"Filmdays" became a distant memory.
Y›l 1982. ‹stanbul Festivali
çerçevesinde sineman›n sanat
alanlar›na bak›fl›n› yans›tan bir bölüm
aç›labilece¤ini önerdim ve küçük bir
seçkiyle bu ifle bafllad›k.
It was 1982. I proposed that a section
could be built that would reflect the
approach of cinema to other art
forms, and we started off with a small
Ali Sönmez
(Festival Yönetmen Yard›mc›s›
Festival Assistant Director,
Festival mutfa¤›na “göz-kulak
oldu¤um” on alt› y›l boyunca, dünya
sinemas›n›n zengin çeflnili
sofralar›ndan en özgün ve farkl› tatlar›
tafl›mak için u¤raflt›k, bir süredir
hamburgere mahkum edilen
sinemaseverlere. E¤er baflar›l›
olabildikse, festivalin dört kiflilik ilk
çekirdek kadrosunun toplam 70 y›l›
bulan özverili ama ayn› derecede keyifli
deneyimi bofla gitmemifl demektir.
fiimdi bayrak (ya da kepçe!) gençlerde;
bizlerse sinema koltuklar›nday›z.
Ve onlar›n bize sunaca¤› yepyeni,
flafl›rt›c› lezzetleri merakla bekliyoruz...
During the 16 years that I “kept
an eye” on the festival’s kitchen,
we worked hard to convey the most
original and diverse tastes from the
rich flavours of world cinema to film
lovers who were compelled to a fast
food diet for a while. If we have
managed to be successful, it means
that 70 years of self-sacrificial, but as
enjoyable collective experience of
the initial core festival staff of four
was not in vain. Now the flag (or the
ladle!) is in the hands of the young,
whilst we are seated in movie theatres.
And we eagerly await the brand new,
surprising delicacies that they will
serve us...
István Szabó
Türkan fioray
(Yönetmen Director)
(Oyuncu Actress)
‹stanbul Film Festivali'nin 25. y›l›n›
kutlar›m. Mutluyum, iyi ki vars›n›z.
‹yi ki sinemadas›n›z. ‹yi ki ekran›n
karfl›s›ndas›n›z. Demek film seyretmek
istiyorsunuz. Baflkalar›n›n mesajlar›n›
görmek istiyorsunuz, baflka milletleri,
baflka dilleri, baflka dinleri, baflka
duygular›, baflka hayat tarzlar›n›
görmek istiyorsunuz çünkü
baflkalar›n›n hikâyelerini ö¤renmek
ve belki de bu hikâyelerdeki insanlar›
sevmek istiyorsunuz.
‹stanbul Film Festivali bafllad›¤› ilk
y›ldan bu yana, yani tam yirmi befl
y›ld›r ülkemizin en sayg›n, en önemli
sanat olaylar›ndan biri. Bu festivalden
ald›¤›m Onur Ödülü, gerçekten onur
duydu¤um bir taçland›rma oldu benim
için. Sinemaseverler ve elefltirmenler
taraf›ndan onaylanm›fl,
ödüllendirilmifl, sinema tarihinde yer
alm›fl pek çok filmi Türk seyircisiyle
buluflturuyor olmas› ‹stanbul Film
Festivali’ni daha da farkl›laflt›r›yor.
Her geçen y›l etkisinin, öneminin ve
kat›l›m›n katlanarak büyümesi de
bir baflka güzelli¤i. Ve dünya sinema
festivalleri aras›nda ad›n›n say›l›yor
olmas› bir sinema emekçisi olarak
beni gururland›r›yor ve
heyecanland›r›yor. Umar›m ‹stanbul
Film Festivali’nin 100. y›l›yla da ilgili
bizden sonraki kuflaklar söyleyecek
çok daha önemli fleyler bulurlar.
Dear ‹stanbul Film Festival and dear
audience. I congratulate the 25th year
of the ‹stanbul Film Festival. I am
very happy that you exist, that you are
in cinema. I am very happy that are
in front of a screen. This means that
you want to watch cinema. You want
to see messages from other people,
you want to see other peoples,
languages, religions, emotions, other
lifestyles because you want to learn
other people's stories and perhaps
you want to love the people in these
The ‹stanbul Film Festival is one of
the most respected, most important
art events of Turkey since the first
year it was launched, since 25 years.
The Honorary Award that I received
from this festival was a coronation
that I really felt honoured. The fact
that it presents many films that have
been approved by filmlovers and
critics, awarded and taken their place
in the history of cinema further
distinguishes the festival. Another
beauty is that its impact, importance
and the audience numbers increase
with each year. It makes me proud
and excited as a film professional that
the Festival is considered among the
festivals of the world. I hope that
generations after us will have more
crucial things to say about the 100th
anniversary of the ‹stanbul Film
Vahit Tansoy
Yeflim Ustao¤lu
(Festivalde 76 filmle rekor k›ran izleyici
Record-breaking viewer with 76 films
in the festival)
(Yönetmen Director)
Benim için festival nefes almak demek.
Sinema beni yaflama ba¤layan tek fley.
Festival bütün y›la yay›lan bir proje.
‹ki ay öncesinden do¤um sanc›lar›
bafll›yor. Bütün sene sinema yaz›lar›n›
kesiyorum hangi filmler festivale
gelebilir diye. Festivalde de¤iflik
yönetmenler tan›d›m, sevdi¤im
yönetmenlerin filmlerini izledim, güzel
insanlarla tan›flt›m.
‹stanbul Film Festivali'nin bütün
çal›flanlar›, en yukar›dan en afla¤›ya
kadar, herkes sinemayla ilgili, sinemay›
sevenler taraf›ndan yap›l›yor bu
festival. A'dan Z'ye sinema.
Festival for me is to breathe. Cinema
is the only thing that bonds me to
life. The Festival is a project that
spreads to the whole year. The labour
process starts two months earlier.
All year I gather film clippings from
the papers to guess which films can
make it to the Festival. I knew many
directors at the Festival, watched the
works of my favourite directors, met
beautiful people.
The whole staff of the Festival, from
the top to the bottom, is interested in
cinema; this festival is made by people
who love cinema. It's cinema from
A to Z.
Alin Taflç›yan
(Dan›flma Kurulu Üyesi, Sinema Yazar›
Advisory Board Member, Film Critic)
Ben sinemay› nerede ö¤rendim?
Asl›nda ‹stanbul Film Festivali’nde
Where did I learn about cinema?
Actually at the ‹stanbul Film Festival.
Bizim kufla¤›m›z ben dahil, san›r›m
festivalden çok beslendik. Pek çok
yönetmeni biz, Bressonlar,
Antonioniler, Tarkovskiler,
Angelopouloslar› dünya sinemas›ndan
eski ve flimdiki kuflaklar için de takip
edebilme f›rsat›n› ‹stanbul Film
Festivali'nde yakalad›k.
Our generation, including me,
I suppose has been nourished a good
deal from the Festival. As both the
old and the new generation, we found
the opportunity to follow many
directors such as Bresson, Antonioni,
Tarkovsky and Angelopoulos at the
‹stanbul Film Festival.
U¤ur Yücel
(Oyuncu-Yönetmen Actor-Director)
Gerçek anlamda bir festivaldi. ‹stanbul
Film Festivali bafllad›¤›nda
oyuncuydum ben sadece o zamanlar.
Benim için eflsiz bir flenlikti. Sinema
ustalar›yla orada tan›flt›m.
It was a Festival in the real sense.
At the times when the Festival took
off, I was just an actor. It was a
unique, unequalled festivity. I met
the masters of cinema there.
Dervifl Zaim
(Yönetmen Director)
En büyük kefliflerimizden birisi
Tarkovski'ydi. 1984 y›l›nda ‹nci
sinemas›ndaki ilk gösterimini
hat›rl›yorum. H›nca h›nç dolmufltu.
‹stanbul Film Festivali bir kuflak
sinemac› yetifltirmifltir.
One of our greatest discoveries was
Tarkovsky. I recall the first screening
in 1984 at the ‹nci Movie Theatre.
It was packed. The ‹stanbul Film
Festival has raised a generation of
önsöz foreword
festivalin 25 y›l›, 1982-2005
25 years of the festival, 1982-2005
aç›l›fl opening
kapan›fl closing
ustal›k s›n›flar› - sunumlar
master classes - presentations
etkinlikler events
jüri the jury
ödüller awards
bas›ndan from the press
ödül listesi list of awards
irmi befl y›l geçmifl, dile kolay... ‹stanbul Müzik Festivali'nde befl belgesel filmlik bir gösteriyle
bafllayan, 1983'te de "Sinema Günleri" ad›n› alan etkinlik, bugün 42 ülkeden 200 yönetmenin
220 yap›t›ndan oluflan bir uluslararas› festivale dönüfltü. Hem de dünyada gerçeklefltirilen iki bin
dolay›ndaki film flenli¤inin ilk s›ralar›nda yer ald›. fienli¤e kimler kat›lm›flt› kimler... Antonioniler,
Kazanlar, Rosiler, Szabolar, Sauralar... ve daha yüzlerce uluslararas› yönetmen, yap›mc›, oyuncu,
yazar, elefltirmen.
2006 Frans›z Bahar›'n›n 25. Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film Festivali'yle bafllamas› güzel bir rastlant›
bence... Bugünkü festivalin kökeni olan Türk Sinemateki, k›rk y›l önce, Jean Cocteau'nun "hazinelerimizi
koruyan yedi bafll› ejder" olarak tan›mlad›¤›, ‹zmir'de do¤up yeryüzünün en büyük arflivini
gerçeklefltirmifl olan Frans›z Sinemateki'nin baflkan› Henri Langlois'n›n deste¤iyle kurulmufltu.
Langlois, "Gerçek sinemasever, Rusça altyaz›l› bir Çin filmini izlerken bir tek söz anlamasa bile onun
tad›na varan insand›r" derdi.
Türk Sinemateki, ilk on y›lda gösterdi¤i befl bin k›sa ve uzun metrajl› filmle, Türkiye'de sinema
sanat›n›n tan›nmas›n› sa¤lam›flt›. Sinematekin yöneticileri, baflta Onat Kutlar, Uluslararas› ‹stanbul
Film Festivali'ni bafllatt›lar; günümüzün en yarat›c› yönetmenlerinin yeni filmlerini sunarken, sinema
tarihinin büyük ustalar›n›n yap›tlar›n› da art arda oynat›p "sinematek" görevini sürdürdüler.
Sinema dünyas›ndaki giriflimleri bir söylenceye dönüflen büyük usta Orson Welles, sinemay› flöyle
tan›ml›yordu: "Film makinesi, görüneni çeken bir ayg›t de¤ildir yaln›zca, bize baflka dünyalardan
haberler getiren bir araçt›r da... Sinema bir büyüdür, film bir düfltür. Düfller biçimsiz, anlams›z, s›k›c›
olabilir, hatta bir karabasana dönüflebilir. Ama hiçbir zaman sahte olamaz."
Günümüzün bitip tükenmez çat›flmalar›na, çekiflmelerine, ac›lar›na, sineman›n büyüsüyle
dayanabiliriz ancak...
25 y›l geçmifl...
n enterprise that began twenty-five years ago with the screening of five documentary films
in the context of the ‹stanbul Music Festival was to develop into "Cinema Days", an international
film festival with 220 films by 200 directors from 42 countries, occupying a leading position
among some two thousand film festivals taking place in the world today. The ‹stanbul Film Festival
has been attended by the most important directors of the day such as Antonioni, Kazan, Rosi,
Szabo and Saura, not to mention hundreds of other directors, producers, actors, script-writers and
I regard it as a happy coincidence that French Spring 2006 should begin together with the
25th International ‹stanbul Film Festival. Forty years ago, the Turkish Cinemathèque was founded
with the support of Henri Langlois, a native of ‹zmir who was then head of the French Cinemathèque,
who created the largest film archive in the world and who was described by Jean Cocteau as
"a dragon guarding our treasures". According to Langlois, "the true film lover would be the one
to appreciate a Chinese film with Russian subtitles without understanding a single word".
In its first ten years, the Turkish Cinemathèque introduced the art of cinema to the Turkish
public with some five thousand short and feature films, and the International ‹stanbul Film
Festival, later founded by the managers of the Cinemathèque, headed by Onat Kutlar, was to
continue the work of the Turkish Cinemathèque in showing new films by the most creative of
contemporary directors as well as the works of the great masters of the past.
Orson Welles, the great master of cinema, whose challenging initiatives have created a legend
in their own right, defined film as follows: "The film camera is not a device for recording
appearances. It is a means of bringing us news from other worlds... The cinema is a magic realm,
the film a dream. Dreams can be formless, meaningless or boring. They can even be nightmares.
But they can never be false."
It is only the magic of the cinema which helps us bear the strife, pains and conflicts of the
modern world.
a saga of 25 years...
fiakir Eczac›bafl›
‹KSV Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan›
Chairman of ‹KSV
irmi befl y›l önce dönemin genel müdürü Ayd›n Gün’ün deyifliyle bir “deneme uçuflu” olarak bafllat›lan
küçük “Film Haftas›”n›n, daha sonra da onu izleyen o alçakgönüllü “Sinema Günleri”nin y›llar içinde
ülkemizin en sayg›n film festivaline dönüflece¤i kimin akl›na gelirdi?
‹stanbullu sinemaseverlere dünya sinemas›n›n kap›lar›n› açmak için y›llar önce kurulmufl, ancak
12 Eylül askeri darbesi sonucunda –yaz›k ki– kapat›lm›fl olan Türk Sinematek Derne¤i’nde, kurucu, baflkan,
yönetmen, yönetmen yard›mc›s› gibi de¤iflik konumlarda görev alm›fl bulunan befl sinema sevdal›s›,
Onat Kutlar, Vecdi Sayar, Atilla Dorsay, fiakir Eczac›bafl› ve ben, 1982-1984 y›llar› aras›nda bir araya
gelmifltik. Hedefimiz, ‹stanbul Kültür ve Sanat Vakf›’n›n güvenli çat›s› alt›nda, sinema sevgisini
yayg›nlaflt›rmak, bu güzel kente yak›flan, uluslararas› düzeyde bir film festivali düzenlemekti.
1983 y›l›ndaki ilk uluslararas› konu¤umuz, sessizce gelip yine sessizce aram›zdan ayr›lan, Polonya’n›n
Andrzej Wajda’dan sonra dünya sinemas›na arma¤an etti¤i en büyük ustas› Krzysztof Kieslowski’ydi.
Kieslowski ünlü “Dekalog”lar›n› henüz çekmemifl, dünya sinemas›n›n ›fl›klar› bu duyarl› sinemac›n›n
üzerine henüz çevrilmemiflti.
Kurulufl dönemi diye adland›rabilece¤imiz 1989 y›l›nda ‹stanbul Film Festivali yönetimine Cannes Film
Festivali’nden sitemli bir telefon geldi¤ini an›ms›yorum: “Cannes jürisine davet etmek için kimi arasak
‹stanbul Festivali’nde oldu¤unu söylüyorlar.” Söz konusu y›l›n jüri baflkanl›¤›n›, Yunan sinemas›n›n büyük
ustas› Theo Angelopoulos üstlenmiflti. Cannes Film Festivali taraf›ndan aran›p da ulafl›lamayan sinemac›lar
aras›nda ise, Sovyet Sinemas›’na ola¤anüstü duyarl›l›kta filmler arma¤an etmifl olup daha sonra Günefl
Yan›¤› filmi ile Oscar kazanan Nikita Mikhalkov, filmleri dünya sinema çevrelerinde art›k hayranl›kla
izlenmekte olan Kieslowski, ‹ngiliz sinemas›n›n ‹talyan as›ll› oyuncusu Greta Scacchi gibi y›ld›zlar
bulunuyordu. O y›l›n onur konu¤u, büyük sinemac› Bernardo Bertolucci’ydi.
Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film Festivali, dünya film festivalleri çevrelerinde “acemilik” y›llar› denebilecek
kurulufl dönemini çok h›zla aflarak rüfltünü ispat etti.
‹stanbul Film Festivali’nin kimli¤ini oluflturan temel ölçütleri üç ana kavramda tarif edebilirim: Sevgi,
emek ve özen. Yeryüzünde, düzenleyicileri, izleyicileri, bas›n mensuplar› ve destekçileri taraf›ndan bu
kadar sevgiyle kucaklanan, bu kadar çok çal›fl›larak oluflturulan ve böylesine özenle büyütülen baflka bir
festival oldu¤unu sanm›yorum. ‹stanbullu sinemaseverler, ‹KSV’nin kanatlar› alt›nda özenle büyütülen
bu etkinli¤i adeta kendi çocuklar› gibi sevdiler ve benimsediler. Düzenlemede eksiklik ya da hata gördükleri
zaman, elefltirilerini etkinli¤in kendisine hiç zarar gelmeyecek bir biçimde sevgi ve hoflgörüyle yapt›lar,
her fleyin daha da iyi olmas›n› dileyerek. Festival ise kendisine duyulan güvene lay›k olmak için gayret
sarfetti. Daha sonraki y›llarda ülkede düzenlenen benzer etkinliklere ›fl›k tutmak için bir yol feneri olmaya
çal›flt›. Bugün gerek kentin gerekse ülkenin say›s›z köflesinde sinema sevgisinin hergün daha da kök
sal›p büyüdü¤ünü gözlemlemek bize k›vanç veriyor.
Yirmi befl y›l bahar aylar›nda ve tam da flehrin yüre¤inde “sinema hep bir flenlik” olarak yafland›; artan
bir coflkuyla bundan sonra da yaflanmaya devam edecek.
“Bundan sonra da...”
ho would have guessed that the eager film week which, as the general manager of the time
Ayd›n Gün put it, had been established as a “test flight” followed by the modest “Film Days would
become the most respectable film festival of our country in years...
Our first international guest in 1983 was Krzysztof Kieslowski, the greatest Polish master after Andrzej
Wajda. Arriving and leaving silently, Kieslowski had not yet made his famous “Decalogues” and the
spotlights of the world cinema had yet not turned on this sensitive filmmaker.
I recall receiving a reproachful phone call to the Festival administration from the Cannes Film Festival
in 1987, during the years of the maturing period. They would say “Everyone we call to invite to the
Cannes jury comes out to be at the ‹stanbul Festival.” The jury of that year was presided by the great
Greek master Theo Angelopoulos. Among the filmmakers whom the Cannes Film Festival invited but
could not reach were Nikita Mikhalkov, creator of incredibly sensitive films, who later went on to win
an Oscar with Burnt by the Sun; Kieslowski who, by then, was admired by the world cinema circles;
and stars like Greta Scacchi, the Italian actress of the British cinema. The honorary guest of that year
was the great Bernardo Bertolucci.
International ‹stanbul Film Festival, swiftly transcended its founding years, which can be called
“novice” years in world festival circles, and came of age.
I can describe the basic criteria which lie in the core of the ‹stanbul Film Festival’s identity as love,
labour and care. I don’t think there exists another festival on earth so wrapped in love by its organisers,
audiences, the press, and its supporters, created by putting in so much effort, and that has grown with
such care. The filmlovers of ‹stanbul have never ceased to love and embrace this event which matured
to perfection under the wings of ‹KSV. They would not hesitate a moment to criticise when they spotted
a deficiency or error in the organisation, but it was always with love and tolerance, in a way that would
not hurt the event itself, just wishing that everything would become better. And the Festival, in response,
strived to merit their trust, tried to be a beacon to spread light on events that were to be established
in later years. Today, one can observe that the love for cinema keeps growing and spreading its roots,
be it in this town or in numerous parts of the country.
For 25 years, every spring, “cinema has always been a ground of festivity” in the very heart of the
town, and it will keep on being so, even with greater joy, for years to come.
“... for years to come.”
Hülya Uçansu
Festival Yönetmeni
Festival Director
stanbul Film Festivali sayesinde sinemay› sevmifl, sinemay› ö¤renmifl, her y›l nisan ay›nda bilet
kuyruklar›nda sabahlam›fl ve o iki hafta boyunca dünyayla iliflkisini keserek sinemayla yat›p sinemayla
kalkm›fl genç kufla¤›n bir temsilcisi olarak, bugün beni yetifltiren festivalin yönetmenli¤ine lay›k görülmüfl
olmak büyük bir gurur kayna¤›. 1992 y›l›nda üniversite ö¤rencisiyken çal›flmaya bafllad›¤›m festival, benim
gibi pek çok insan›n hayat›n› derinden etkiledi ve de¤ifltirdi. ‹stanbul Film Festivali, Türkiye'de bir kuflak
yönetmenin, yap›mc›n›n, sinema yazar›n›n ve film da¤›t›mc›s›n›n yetiflmesinde büyük pay sahibi. Bugün
Türk sinemas›n› dünyada baflar›yla temsil eden genç kuflak yönetmenler, bundan yirmi befl y›l önce
görmeyi hayal edemeyece¤imiz filmlerin sinemalar›m›zda vizyona giriyor olmas›, sinema yazarlar›m›z›n
uluslararas› festivallerdeki varl›¤› bunun en büyük kan›t›.
‹stanbul Film Festivali'nin en büyük baflar›s›, yaln›zca dünyan›n en önemli sinemac›lar›n› a¤›rlamas›,
dünya sinemas›n›n önde gelen filmlerini izleyicilere sunmas›, Türk sinemas›n›n dünyaya aç›lmas›n›
sa¤lamas› de¤il, yeni bir kufla¤› yetifltirmeyi baflarabilmesidir. Geçmiflte ‹stanbul Film Festivali'nin
izleyicisi olan pek çok genç insan, bugün art›k festivalde filmleri gösterilen yönetmenlere ve yap›mc›lara,
gazetelerde yaz›lar› ç›kan sinema yazarlar›na ve benim gibi o festivalin yöneticilerine dönüfltüler.
25. y›l›nda 150.000 kifli gibi ulafl›lmas› güç bir izleyici rekoru k›rarak gelecek kuflaklarla aras›ndaki sa¤lam
ba¤› ayn› flekilde oluflturmay› baflard›¤›n› da kan›tlad› ‹stanbul Film Festivali. Bu büyük sorumlulu¤un
bilincinde olarak benim görevim de bu festivalin daima genç kalan yap›s›n› korumak, gelifltirmek, Türk
ve dünya sinemas› aras›ndaki köprü görevini gören ‹stanbul Film Festivali'nin bu hedefini daha da ileri
tafl›mak olacakt›r.
festivalle büyümek...
s a representative of a younger generation who has loved and learned cinema thanks to the
‹stanbul Film Festival, who has queued up at box-offices in early morning every April, and severed all
its ties with the rest of the world and thought nothing else but cinema for two whole weeks, it is a
major gratification to be deemed today as the director of the Festival that has brought me up. The
Festival, where I started to work in 1992 while still a university student, has profoundly influenced
and altered my life, just like many others. The Istanbul Film Festival is a determining factor in the
formative process of a generation of Turkish directors, producers, film critics and film distributors.
The young directors, who, at present, successfully represent Turkish cinema worldwide, the release
of films that one even could not dream of 25 years ago, and the presence of Turkish film critics at
international festivals are proof to this fact.
One of the most crucial achievements of the ‹stanbul Film Festival is that it has not only welcomed
most revered filmmakers of the world, presented finest examples of world cinema and attained
representation of Turkish cinema worldwide, but has furthermore accomplished to bring up a new
generation. Many young people, who, in the past, were among the Festival audiences, are now directors
and producers whose films are screened within the festival, film critics who get published, and festival
executives, such as myself. ‹stanbul Film Festival has demonstrated by attendance numbers, such as
a hardly attainable 150.000 in its 25th year, that it has similarly bonded with the future generations.
My duties, in the light of this immense liability, will be to preserve and improve the ever-youthful
structure of the Festival, and to advance the mission of the Festival to serve as a bridge between Turkish
and world cinema.
growing with
the festival...
Azize Tan
Festival Yönetmeni
Festival Director
Kenan Dimetoka
San Grafik
Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film Festivali, ilk kez 1982
yaz›nda, Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Festivali kapsam›nda,
"Sanatlar ve Sinema" temal› alt› filmin gösterildi¤i bir
"film haftas›" olarak gerçekleflti. Etkinli¤in "Uluslararas›
‹stanbul Sinema Günleri" ad› alt›nda ‹stanbul Festivali
süresince devam etti¤i 1983 y›l›nda, bir ay boyunca
sinemaseverlere 36 yabanc›, dört Türk filmi sunuldu.
Etkinli¤in iki önemli konu¤u, Yusuf fiahin ve Krzysztof
Kieslowski oldu.
The ‹stanbul International Film Festival first took
place in the summer of 1982, within the context of
the International ‹stanbul Festival, as a "film week"
that comprised only six films themed "Arts and
Cinema". In 1983, renamed as "International ‹stanbul
Filmdays" and taking place again during the ‹stanbul
Festival, it presented 36 foreign and four Turkish
films for a period of a month. The two esteemed
guests were Youssef Chahine and Krzysztof
Hülya Uçansu, Sergei Gerasimov.
Film gösterilerinin izleyicilerden gördü¤ü ilgi üzerine,
‹stanbul Festivali tarihlerinin d›fl›na ç›karak nisan
ay›nda ba¤›ms›z bir etkinlik olarak gerçeklefltirilen
Sinema Günleri'nde 17 ülkeden 44 film gösterildi.
Film Days was so appreciated by moviegoers that it
took on a life of its own, and soon became an event
independent of the ‹stanbul Festival, organised in
April. Forty-four films from 17 countries were
screened during its course.
Mengü Ertel
Alt›n Lale jürisi:
Golden Tulip jury:
Ömer Kavur, Thomas Harlan, Umberto Rossi, Karoly
Makk, Türkan fioray, Jerzy Plazowski, Chris Peachment.
"1984" filmiyle Michael Radford ilk Alt›n Lale'nin sahibi
With his film "1984", Michael Radford receives the first
ever Golden Tulip Award.
"Sinema Günleri"nde ilk kez, biri uluslararas›, di¤eri
ulusal olmak üzere iki yar›flmal› bölüm yer ald›. "Sanat
ve sanatç›" temal› filmlerin kat›ld›¤› Uluslararas›
Yar›flma'da Michael Radford'un "1984" adl› filmi ilk
"Alt›n Lale"yi, Ulusal Yar›flma'da verilen ilk "Dr. Nejat
F. Eczac›bafl› Vakf› Y›l›n En ‹yi Türk Filmi" ödülünü ise
At›f Y›lmaz'›n "Bir Yudum Sevgi" filmi ald›. ‹lk Alt›n
Lale jürisinin baflkan› Karoly Makk, ilk Ulusal Yar›flma
jüri baflkan› ise Ö. Lütfi Akad oldu.
‹stanbul Filmdays involved for the first time two
competitions, one international and the other national.
In the international competition, which accepted
films focusing on "arts and the artist," the first
"Golden Tulip Award" went to Michael Radford's
"1984", while the first "Nejat F. Eczac›bafl› Foundation
Best Turkish Film of the Year" award went to At›f
Y›lmaz's "A Sip of Love". The first Golden Tulip jury
was presided over by Hungarian director Karoly Makk,
and the first national jury president was director
Ö. Lütfi Akad.
fiekip Davaz
Emir Kusturica, David Robinson, Müjde Ar.
Alt›n Lale Jürisi:
The Golden Tulip Jury:
Ö. Lütfi Akad, Peter Stein, Hülya Koçyi¤it, André Delvaux
(baflkan president), David Robinson, Nikolai Goubenko,
Dorothea Moritz, Laszlo Lugossy, Michel Ciment, Emir
Ulusal Yar›flma Jürisi:
The Jury of the National Competition:
Sungu Çapan, Selim ‹leri, Türkan fioray, Mahmut Tali
Öngören, Süreyya Duru.
Tibet Sanl›man
"Sinema Günleri", uluslararas› yar›flma jürisi üyeleri
olarak konuk etti¤i Emir Kusturica, André Delvaux,
Peter Stein, Michel Ciment, David Robinson gibi dünya
sinemas›n›n önde gelen kiflilerinin kat›l›m›yla dünya
festivalleri aras›na ad›m atmaya bafllad›. Bu y›l
programda 79 film yer ald›.
"‹stanbul Filmdays" took its first steps amongst world
festivals with distinguished film personalities such
as Emir Kusturica, André Delvaux, Peter Stein, Michel
Ciment, David Robinson, whom were invited as jury
members. This year saw 79 films in the programme.
Michel Ciment, Fatih Özgüven, John Boorman
‹lk Sinema Onur Ödülü, Ö. Lütfi Akad’a dönemin
Kültür Bakan› Mesut Y›lmaz taraf›ndan sunuluyor.
The first Cinema Honorary Award was presented
to Ö. Lütfi Akad by the then Minister of Culture
Mesut Y›lmaz.
‹lk Sinema Onur Ödülü, Ö. Lütfi Akad'a verildi.
Uluslararas› jürinin baflkan› Helma Sanders-Brahms,
jüri üyeleri ise John Berger, Nouri Bouzid, Pal Gabor,
Ali Özgentürk, Stanislaw Rosewicz ve Hale Soygazi'ydi.
Bu y›l›n en önde gelen konu¤u, festival program›nda
ad›na özel bir bölüm düzenlenen John Boorman oldu.
110 filmin yer ald›¤› programa sinemaseverlerin ilgisi
bir önceki y›la oranla çok artt›.
The first ever Cinema Honorary Award of the festival
was presented to Ö. Lütfi Akad. The president of the
Golden Tulip jury was Helma Sanders-Brahms, and
the jury members were John Berger, Nouri Bouzid,
Pal Gabor, Ali Özgentürk, Stanislaw Rosewicz and
Hale Soygazi. This year's distinguished guest was
John Boorman, for whom the festival programme
comprised a retrospective section. The audience
numbers increased as 110 films were screened this
Ak›n Düzalan
Sinema Onur Ödülü alan Bedia Muvahhit ve ebedi dostu
Vasfi R›za Zobu.
Cinema Honorary Award recipient Bedia Muvahhit and
her eternal friend, actor Vasfi R›za Zobu.
Elia Kazan ve “Öne Kayd›rma / Travelling Avant” ile
Alt›n Lale’yi kazanan Jean-Charles Tacchella, ödül
Elia Kazan with the Golden Tulip winner Jean-Charles
Tacchella (“Travelling Avant”) at the award ceremony.
Sansür Kurulu, 114 filmin yer ald›¤› programdan befl
filmin gösterimini yasaklay›nca, Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan›
Elia Kazan, Türk sinemac›lar›yla birlikte bir protesto
yürüyüflü düzenledi. Dönemin Kültür Bakanl›¤›, bu
olaylar üzerine bir kararname yay›nlayarak ülkede
düzenlenen tüm uluslararas› film festivallerinde sansür
uygulamas›n› kald›rd›. Bu y›l Sinema Onur Ödülü,
Bedia Muvahhit'e verildi.
Haluk Tuncay
Foto¤raf Photograph: Serdar Tanyeli
When the censorship board banned five films from
the programme that included 114 films, the president
of the Golden Tulip Jury, Elia Kazan, protested the
situation together with Turkish film professionals
and led a march. The then Ministry of Culture issued
a decree following the incident and its media coverage,
holding all international film festivals exempt from
censorship. This year, the Cinema Honorary Award
was given to actress Bedia Muvahhit.
FIAPF (Uluslararas› Film Yap›mc›lar› Dernekleri
Federasyonu) taraf›ndan "özel konulu yar›flmal›
festival" kategorisinde tan›nan Sinema Günleri, bu
geliflmeyle birlikte ad›n› "Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film
Festivali" olarak de¤ifltirdi. Festivalin amac›, Türkiye'de
sineman›n geliflimini destekleyerek, nitelikli filmlerin
ticari da¤›t›m›n› özendirmek ve Türk sinemas›n›n
uluslararas› düzeyde tan›t›m›na katk›da bulunmak
olarak saptand›. Bu y›l, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Nijat
Özön ald›.
The International Federation of Film Producers
Association (FIAPF) welcomed ‹stanbul Filmdays
under the "Competitive Specialized Feature Film
Festivals" category. At this point, the event was
renamed "The International ‹stanbul Film Festival."
The festival's mission was determined as to support
the development of Turkish cinema; to make sure
that the qualified products of the Turkish cinema
reach the viewers; and thus contribute to the foreign
promotion of the Turkish cinema. This year, the
Cinema Honorary Award was given to author
Nijat Özön.
Greta Scacchi ve Alt›n Lale jürisi and the Golden Tulip
jury: Nikita Mikhalkov, Renate Michel, Krzysztof
Kieslowski, Cevat Çapan, Catherine Breillat, Müjde Ar,
Manuel Gutierrez Aragon.
Dönemin ‹stanbul Belediye Baflkan› Nurettin Sözen, Sergei
Paradjanov'a Jüri Özel Ödülü'nü verirken.
The then Mayor of ‹stanbul, Nurettin Sözen, presents
the Special Prize of the Jury to Sergei Paradjanov.
Bernardo Bertolucci, Ulusal Yar›flma ödüllerini Tunç
Baflaran ve Orhan O¤uz'a sunuyor.
Bernardo Bertolucci presents the National Competition
Awards to Tunç Baflaran and Orhan O¤uz.
Sad›k Karamustafa
Bertrand Tavernier, Atilla Dorsay, Sabine Azema.
Dünya festivallerinde kullan›lan elektronik altyaz›
uygulamas›, festivalde de bafllat›ld›. Festivalin aç›l›fl
onur konuklar›, Bertrand Tavernier ve Sabine Azema,
Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› ise Miklos Jancso oldu.
Programda 42 ülkeden 183 film yer al›rken izleyici
say›s› 130.000'e ulaflt›. Bu y›l, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü
Hürrem Erman ald›.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Electronic subtitling system widely used in film
festivals abroad was initiated in the festival. The
honour guests of the opening gala of the festival were
Bertrand Tavernier and Sabine Azema, and the
Golden Tulip Jury was presided over by Miklos Jancso.
The festival programme included 183 films from
42 countries while the audience number reached
130,000. This year, the Cinema Honorary Award was
given to producer Hürrem Erman.
At›f Y›lmaz, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Türkan fioray'dan
At›f Y›lmaz receives his Cinema Honorary Award from
Türkan fioray.
Festival ekibi Festival team:
Sara Berker, Ayfl›l Mutver, Nuray Omaç, Ali Sönmez,
Esra Nilgün Mirze, Aynur Çongar, Ömür Bozkurt,
Hülya Uçansu, Vecdi Sayar.
‹lk körfez savafl›n›n etkilerine ra¤men, festival baflar›yla
gerçeklefltirildi. At›f Y›lmaz'a Sinema Onur Ödülü
verilirken, bu y›l›n uluslararas› jüri baflkan› Reinhard
Hauff oldu. Alt›n Lale'yi Sabine Prenczina'n›n "Farendj"
adl› filmi kazand›.
In spite of the impact of the first Gulf War, the festival
was realised successfully. The Cinema Honorary
Award was given to At›f Y›lmaz; the president of the
international jury was Reinhard Hauff, and the winner
of the Golden Tulip was Sabine Prenczina's "Farendj".
Abidin Dino
Festival program›nda yer alan özel bölümler,
gösterimler ve söylefliler için afifl tasarlanmaya ilk kez
bu y›l baflland›. "Foto¤raflarla Muhsin Ertu¤rul Filmleri"
bafll›kl›, büyük usta an›s›na bir sergi yap›ld›. Ayr›ca,
"Cahiers du Cinema"n›n 40. y›l› vesilesiyle, "Cahiers
du Cinema'n›n Gözüyle 12 Frans›z Filmi" bafll›kl› bir
sergi daha düzenlendi. Bu y›l›n Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan›
Paul Cox, jüri üyeleri ise Tar›k Akan, Guglielmo Biraghi,
Dan Fainaru, Ronald Halloway, Nacer Khemir ve Aruna
Vasudev oldu.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Haluk Tuncay
The first of numerous posters for special sections,
screenings and panel discussions was designed this
year by Yurdaer Alt›ntafl. Two exhibitions were
organised: "Muhsin Ertu¤rul Films with Photographs"
and "12 French Films As Seen by Cahier du Cinema"
honouring the 40th anniversary of the revered
magazine. The Golden Tulip jury president this year
was Paul Cox, and the jury members were Tar›k Akan,
Guglielmo Biraghi, Dan Fainaru, Ronald Halloway,
Nacer Khemir and Aruna Vasudev.
Gani Turanl›, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Ö. Lütfi Akad'dan
Gani Turanl› receives the Cinema Honorary Award from
director Ö. Lütfi Akad.
Festivalin bas›n toplant›s›nda.
At the Festival's press conference.
Hülya Uçansu, Onat Kutlar, fiakir Eczac›bafl›, Atilla Dorsay,
Ayd›n Gün.
Ömer Kavur "Gizli Yüz" ile Y›l›n En ‹yi Türk Filmi Ödülü'nü,
Dr. Nejat F. Eczac›bafl›'dan al›yor.
Ömer Kavur receives the "Best Turkish Film of the Year"
Award from Dr. Nejat F. Eczac›bafl› for "Secret Face".
Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› Paul Cox.
Golden Tulip Jury president Paul Cox.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Y›ld›z Kenter, Dr. Nejat F. Eczac›bafl›, Esin Afflar
fiakir Eczac›bafl›, Erland Josephson, Günefl-Barbro
Karabuda, Hülya Uçansu.
Fernando Solanas, Freddy Buache, Vecdi Sayar,
Gillo Pontecorvo.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Baflkanl›¤›n› Gillo Pontecorvo'nun üstlendi¤i Alt›n Lale
jüri üyeleri Tonia Marketaki, Jean Charles Tacchella,
Freddy Buache, Guido Aristarco, Tunç Baflaran ve
Fernando Solanas oldu. Sinema Onur Ödülü, bu y›l
Sezer Sezin'e verildi.
The Golden Tulip Jury was headed by Gillo
Pontecorvo, and the jury members were Tonia
Marketaki, Jean Charles Tacchella, Freddy Buache,
Guido Aristarco, Tunç Baflaran and Fernando Solanas.
This year, the Cinema Honorary Award was given to
actress Sezer Sezin.
Onat Kutlar, At›f Y›lmaz, Tevfik Bafler, Bar›fl-Lale Manço,
Deniz Türkali.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Festivali düzenleyen kurum olan ‹stanbul Kültür Sanat
Vakf›, aral›k ay›nda merkezini Beyo¤lu'nda Luvr
Apartman›'na tafl›d›. Bu y›l›n aç›l›fl konuklar› Cengiz
Aytmatov ve Andrey Konçalovski oldu. David Ansen
ve Arturo Ripstein'›n da üyesi oldu¤u Alt›n Lale jüri
baflkanl›¤›n› Arthur Penn üstlendi.
The festival's organising body, the ‹stanbul
Foundation for Culture and Arts moved its offices to
the Luvr Building in Beyo¤lu. The honour guests of
the opening gala this year were Chingiz Aitmatov
and Andrei Konchalovsky. The Golden Tulip jury
including David Ansen and Arturo Ripstein as
members was presided by Arthur Penn.
Bülent Erkmen
Cengiz Aytmatov ve Andrey Konçalovski “Sinemada
Edebiyat Uyarlamalar›” söyleflisinde.
Chingiz Aitmatov and Andrei Konchalovsky at the
“Literary Adaptations in Cinema” panel discussion.
Sinan Çetin, Arthur Penn, Esra Nilgün Mirze.
Esen Karol
Esen Karol
Esen Karol
Tür Tan›t›m
Memduh Ün, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Nedret Güvenç'ten
Memduh Ün receives the Cinema Honorary Award from
Nedret Güvenç.
Onat Kutlar
11 Ocak'ta, festivalin kurucular›ndan, ‹KSV'nin yönetim
kadrosunda bulunan Onat Kutlar, teröristlerin
düzenledi¤i bombal› bir sald›r›da hayat›n› kaybetti.
Festivalde baflkanl›¤›n› Nagisa Oshima'n›n üstlendi¤i
Alt›n Lale jüri üyeleri aras›nda Claude Miller da vard›.
On January 11, co-founder of the festival and ‹KSV
executive Onat Kutlar was killed in a terrorist
bombing. The festival international jury was presided
over by Nagisa Oshima and members included Claude
Haluk Tuncay
Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› Nagisa Oshima, Hülya Uçansu ile
President of the Golden Tulip jury Nagisa Oshima with
Hülya Uçansu.
Ettore Scola ve Zuhal Olcay jüri yeme¤inde.
Ettore Scola and Zuhal Olcay at the official jury dinner.
Claude Miller tekne gezisinde.
Claude Miller at the Bosphorus Boat Trip.
Esen Karol
Sinema Onur Ödülü alan Türkan fioray.
Türkan fioray who received the Cinema Honorary Award.
Robert Wise ve Erland Josephson'›n bas›n toplant›s›na
Atilla Dorsay efllik ediyor.
Atilla Dorsay at the press conference of Robert Wise and
Erland Josephson.
Yurtd›fl›nda gerçeklefltirilen en kapsaml› Türk sinemas›
toplu gösterisi, 110 filmle Paris'teki Centre Georges
Pompidou'da yap›ld›. Bu y›l›n Alt›n Lale jüri baflkanl›¤›n›
Robert Wise üstlenirken, Margaretha von Trotta ve
Alain Tanner de jüri üyeleri aras›ndayd›. ‹lk kez verilen
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nün sahipleri Michelangelo
Antonioni ile Robert Wise oldu, Sinema Onur Ödülleri
ise Türkan fioray ve Gillo Pontecorvo'ya verildi.
The most comprehensive retrospective of Turkish
cinema abroad was made in Centre Georges
Pompidou in Paris with 110 films. This year's Golden
Tulip jury president was Robert Wise, and members
included Margaretha von Trotta and Alain Tanner.
The first Lifetime Achievement Award of the festival
was given to Michelangelo Antonioni and Robert
Wise, while Cinema Honorary Awards were given
to Türkan fioray and Gillo Pontecorvo.
Esen Karol
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü’nü alan Michelangelo Antonioni
ve efli Topkap› Saray› gezisinde.
Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Michelangelo
Antonioni and his wife visiting the Topkap› Palace.
Vecdi Sayar, Zeliha Kaya, Hülya Uçansu, Nuray Omaç ve
Görgün Taner, Marmara Üniversitesi'nin verdi¤i ödüllerle.
Vecdi Sayar, Zeliha Kaya, Hülya Uçansu, Nuray Omaç
and Görgün Taner with the awards presented by the
Marmara University.
Alt›n Lale jüri üyesi Margaretha von Trotta ve fiakir
Golden Tulip jury member Margaretha von Trotta and
fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Sinema Onur Ödülü Peter Greenaway'e verildi. ‹ngiliz
yönetmen için festival program›nda özel bir bölüm
düzenlendi ve sanatç›n›n kat›ld›¤› "Resim ve Sinema"
konulu bir söylefli yap›ld›. Ayr›ca, Greenaway'in resim,
desen ve kolajlar›ndan oluflan "Tohumlar ve Küller"
bafll›kl› bir de sergi düzenlendi. Canl› müzik eflli¤inde
sessiz film gösterimlerinin ilki bu y›l, Fritz Lang'›n
"Metropolis" filmiyle yap›ld›.
The Cinema Honorary Award was presented to Peter
Greenaway. A special retrospective section was
included in the festival programme, a panel discussion
was organised titled "Painting and Cinema" that the
director participated, and Greenaway's paintings,
collages and designs were exhibited under the title
"Seeds and Ashes". The first of special screenings of
silent classics accompanied by live music was made
this year with Fritz Lang's "Metropolis".
Suna Pekuysal, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü fiakir
Eczac›bafl›'dan al›yor.
Suna Pekuysal receives her Cinema Honorary Award
from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Elia Kazan, Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü Türkan fioray ve
fiakir Eczac›bafl›'dan al›yor.
Elia Kazan, receives his Lifetime Achievement Award
from Türkan fioray and fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü’nü alan Claude Sautet
Bo¤az gezisinde.
Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Claude Sautet
on the Bosphorus boat trip.
Peter Greenaway Bo¤az gezisinde.
Peter Greenaway on the Bosphorus boat trip.
Emrah Yücel & Murat Giray Kaya
(Solaris Reklam)
Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› Jiri Menzel.
President of the Golden Tulip jury Jiri Menzel.
Erol Tafl, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü almak üzere sahnede.
Erol Tafl on stage to receive his Cinema Honorary Award.
Esen Karol
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Atölye çal›flmas› s›ras›nda Christopher Hampton.
Christopher Hampton during a workshop.
Bas›n toplant›s›nda, Bertrand Blier'ye Atilla Dorsay
efllik ediyor.
Bertrand Blier at his press conference with Atilla Dorsay.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
‹ngiliz yönetmen ve senaryo yazar› Christopher
Hampton, "Sinema Ortak Üretilen Bir Sanatt›r" bafll›kl›
bir atölye çal›flmas› yürüttü. Francesco Rosi ve István
Szabó'ya Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü verilirken, Bertrand
Blier, Muhterem Nur, Faruk Kenç ve ‹lhan Arakon'a
da Sinema Onur Ödülü verildi. Bu y›l, canl› müzik
eflli¤inde Sergei Eisenstein'›n "Potemkin Z›rhl›s›" adl›
sessiz filmi orkestra eflli¤inde gösterildi.
British director and screenwriter Christopher
Hampton led a workshop titled "Cinema Is A Coproduced Art". Francesco Rosi and István Szabó were
presented Lifetime Achievement Awards, while
Bertrand Blier, actress Muhterem Nur, director Faruk
Kenç, and director of photography ‹lhan Arakon were
given Cinema Honorary Awards. This year, Sergei
Eisenstein's "Battleship Potemkin" was screened
accompanied by live orchestra.
Paul McMillen
István Szabó bas›n toplant›s›nda.
István Szabó at the press conference.
Francesco Rosi ve Atilla Dorsay bas›n toplant›s›nda.
Francesco Rosi and Atilla Dorsay at the press conference.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Yeflim Ustao¤lu, "Günefle Yolculuk" filmiyle kazand›¤›
Yeflim Ustao¤lu with the prizes awarded for "Journey to
the Sun".
Melih Fereli, Jerry Schatzberg, Atilla Dorsay, fiakir
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Ad›na programda özel bir bölüm ayr›lan yönetmen ve
foto¤raf sanatç›s› Jerry Schatzberg'e Yaflam Boyu Baflar›
Ödülü sunuldu. Ayr›ca, sanatç›n›n foto¤raflar›ndan
oluflan "Çerçeveler" bafll›kl› bir de sergi düzenlendi.
Sinema Onur Ödülü ise Gaetano Adinolfi, Abbas
Kiarostami, Türker ‹nano¤lu, Neriman Köksal, Ertem
Göreç ve Vedat Türkali'ye verildi. Bu y›l›n Alt›n Lale
jüri baflkan› Chantal Ackerman oldu.
Jerry Schatzberg was honoured with a Lifetime
Achievement Award and a retrospective section in
the festival programme while an exhibition of his
photographs titled "Frames" was also organised. The
Cinema Honorary Award was given to Gaetano
Adinolfi, Abbas Kiarostami, Türker ‹nano¤lu,
Neriman Köksal, Ertem Göreç and Vedat Türkali.
This year's Golden Tulip jury president was Chantal
Paul McMillen
(RPM Radar)
Abbas Kiarostami, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü fiakir
Eczac›bafl›'dan al›yor.
Abbas Kiarostami receives his Cinema Honorary Award
from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Jerry Schatzberg Bo¤az'da.
Jerry Schatzberg on the Bosphorus boat trip.
Theo Angelopoulos, Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü’nü fiakir
Eczac›bafl›’dan al›yor.
Theo Angelopoulos receiving the Lifetime Achievement
Award from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü alan Yusuf fiahin, bas›n
Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Youssef Chahine,
at his press conference.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
TC Kültür Bakanl›¤›, kültür yaflam›na ve Türk
Sinemas›na katk›lar›ndan dolay› Uluslararas› ‹stanbul
Film Festivali'ni düzenleyen ‹KSV'ye bir teflekkür plaketi
sundu. Yine bu y›l, ilk defa bir Türk filmi hem
Uluslararas› Yar›flma’da Alt›n Lale hem de Ulusal
Yar›flma’da En ‹yi Türk Filmi ve FIPRESCI ödüllerini
kazand›: Nuri Bilge Ceylan'›n "May›s S›k›nt›s›". Bu y›l,
Sinema Onur Ödülleri Çolpan ‹lhan, Halit Refi¤ ve
Giovanni Scognamillo'ya verildi.
The Turkish Ministry of Culture honoured ‹KSV, the
organising body of the International ‹stanbul Film
Festival, for its contributions to cultural life and
Turkish cinema. This year, for the first time ever, a
Turkish film won both the Golden Tulip and the Best
Turkish Film of the Year Award, along with the
FIPRESCI award: Nuri Bilge Ceylan's "Clouds of
May". This year, the Cinema Honorary Awards were
presented to actress Çolpan ‹lhan, director Halit
Refi¤, and author Giovanni Scognamillo.
Mert Kunç
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Hülya Uçansu, Mrinal Sen, Lissy Bellaiche.
Zeki Demirkubuz, Onat Kutlar an›s›na verilen FIPRESCI
ödülünü Genel Sekreter Klaus Eder’den al›yor.
Zeki Demirkubuz receives the FIPRESCI prize in the
memory of Onat Kutlar from General Secretary Klaus
Atilla Dorsay ve Bruno Dumont bas›n toplant›s›nda.
Atilla Dorsay and Bruno Dumont at the press conference.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Turgut Ören, Yalç›n Tura ve Fatma Girik'e Sinema Onur
Ödülü verilirken ünlü set tasar›mc›s› Alexandre
Trauner'in sinemada 50. y›l› an›s›na bir sergi
düzenlendi. Alt›n Lale jüri baflkanl›¤›n› Nana Djordjadze
üstlenirken Filiz Ak›n, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Shaji Karun,
Marziyeh Meshkini de jüri üyeleri aras›ndayd›.
Turgut Ören, Yalç›n Tura and Fatma Girik received
Cinema Honorary Awards. An exhibition was made
on the occasion of the 50th cinema anniversary of
the celebrated set designer Alexandre Trauner. The
Golden Tulip jury was headed by Nana Djordjadze,
while the jury members included Filiz Ak›n, Nuri
Bilge Ceylan, Shaji Karun, and Marziyeh Meshkini.
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü alan Bertrand Tavernier,
Ventura Pons ile.
Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award, Bertrand
Tavernier with Ventura Pons.
Filiz Ak›n, Oskar Roehler’in “Ç›k›fl Yok” filminin kazand›¤›
Alt›n Lale ödülünü filmin baflrol oyuncusu Hannelore
Elsner’e veriyor.
Filiz Ak›n presents the Golden Tulip to Hannelore Elsner,
the lead actress of Oskar Roehler’s “No Place To Go”.
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü alan Roger Corman.
Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award,
Roger Corman.
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü alan Vittorio Taviani.
Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award, Vittorio
Cem Akar & Kamer Alt›nova
(Tayfa Ajans)
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Carlos Saura ve Otar Iosseliani'ye Yaflam Boyu Baflar›
Ödülü verilirken Nanni Moretti, Stephen Frears, Hülya
Koçyi¤it, ‹smail Kalkan ve Tunç Baflaran'a da Sinema
Onur Ödülü verildi. Saura'n›n kendi sinemas›n›
anlatt›¤› söylefliye izleyiciler büyük ilgi gösterdi. Jerry
Schatzberg Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› oldu. Film
Festivali’nin bütün y›la yay›lmas›n› talep eden
sinemaseverlerin istekleri do¤rultusunda ‹KSV, ekim
ay›nda "Filmekimi" ad› alt›nda bir film haftas› bafllatt›.
Cem Akar & Kamer Alt›nova
(Tayfa Ajans)
Carlos Saura, who also gave a panel discussion, and
Otar Iosseliani were recipients of the Lifetime
Achievement Award, while Nanni Moretti, Stephen
Frears, Hülya Koçyi¤it, ‹smail Kalkan and Tunç
Baflaran were presented Cinema Honorary Awards.
The Golden Tulip Jury President was Jerry Schatzberg.
Parallel to the request of filmlovers desiring film
activities all-year round, ‹KSV launched the first of
a new film week in October, "Filmekimi".
Hülya Koçyi¤it, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Ö. Lütfi Akad'dan
Hülya Koçyi¤it receives her Cinema Honorary Award
from Ö. Lütfi Akad.
Nanni Moretti, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü al›yor.
Nanni Moretti receives the Cinema Honorary Award.
Stephen Frears Sinema Onur Ödülü’nü al›rken.
Stephen Frears receiving his Cinema Honorary Award.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Festival ekibi The festival team:
Sara Berker, Özlem Okur, Azize Tan, Öykü Özsoy, Ali
Sönmez, Hülya Uçansu, Yusuf Pinhas, Alm›la Akda¤,
Nuray Omaç.
Carlos Saura ve Ulusal Yar›flma’da En ‹yi Kad›n Oyuncu
ödülünü alan Serra Y›lmaz.
Carlos Saura with Serra Y›lmaz, winner of the Best
Actress Award in the National Competition.
“Magonia” ile Alt›n Lale’yi alan Ineke Smits ve
Otar Iosseliani.
Ineke Smits, director of the Golden Tulip winner
“Magonia” with Otar Iosseliani.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Estela Bravo, Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü fiakir
Eczac›bafl›'dan al›yor.
Estela Bravo receives her Lifetime Achievement Award
from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Alt›n Lale jüri baflkanl›¤›n›, ‹rlandal› yönetmen Jim
Sheridan üstlendi. Jüri üyeleri aras›nda Kutlu¤ Ataman,
Aluizio Abranches ve Mahinur Ergun da vard›.
Festivalin Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü ise Estela Bravo'ya
verildi. Zeki Ökten, Fikret Hakan, Filiz Ak›n ve Necip
Sar›c› da Sinema Onur Ödülü ald›lar.
The Golden Tulip jury was presided over by Jim
Sheridan. Members of the jury included Kutlu¤
Ataman, Aluizio Abranches and Mahinur Ergun.the
Lifetime Achievement Award of the festival was
presented to Estela Bravo. Zeki Ökten, Fikret Hakan,
Filiz Ak›n and Necip Sar›c› received Cinema Honorary
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Uluslararas› Yar›flma jüri baflkan› Jim Sheridan ve Hülya
Avflar, Diego Lerman ad›na Alt›n Lale'yi alan Arjantin
Büyükelçisi'yle birlikte.
Jim Sheridan, Hülya Avflar and the Argentine
Ambassador who receives the Golden Tulip on behalf
of Diego Lerman.
Oya Eczac›bafl›, “Uzak” ile En ‹yi Türk Filmi, En ‹yi
Yönetmen ve Ulusal Yar›flmada FIPRESCI ödülü alan Nuri
Bilge Ceylan ve Tunç Baflaran ödül töreninde.
Oya Eczac›bafl›, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, who received Best
Turkish Film, Best Director and FIPRESCI awards at
the National Competition with “Distant”, and Tunç
Baflaran at the awards ceremony.
Yetkin Baflar›r, BEK
Ömer Kavur, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Zuhal Olcay'dan
Ömer Kavur receives his Cinema Honorary Award from
Zuhal Olcay.
Tar›k Akan, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Müjde Ar'dan al›yor.
Tar›k Akan receives his Cinema Honorary Award from
Müjde Ar.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Avustralyal› görüntü yönetmeni Christopher Doyle ile
ilk master class - ustal›k s›n›f› çal›flmalar› düzenlenmeye
baflland›. Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› Hugh Hudson, jüri
üyeleri ise Bengt Forslund, Michael Galasso, Derek
Malcolm, Michèle Levieux, Jafar Panahi, Tayfun
Pirselimo¤lu ve Serra Y›lmaz oldu.
With the Australian director of photography
Christopher Doyle, the first master class was given.
The Golden Tulip jury president was Hugh Hudson,
and the members of the jury were Bengt Forslund,
Michael Galasso, Derek Malcolm, Michèle Levieux,
Jafar Panahi, Tayfun Pirselimo¤lu and Serra Y›lmaz.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Christopher Doyle, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Hülya
Uçansu'dan al›yor.
Christopher Doyle receives his Cinema Honorary Award
from Hülya Uçansu.
Sinema Onur Ödülü alan Bahram Bayzai ve Alt›n Lale jüri
üyesi Jafar Panahi.
Cinema Honorary Award recipient Bahram Barzani with
Golden Tulip jury member Jafar Panahi.
Ken Russell ustal›k s›n›f›nda.
Ken Russell at his master class.
Ken Russell, fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Bilet sat›fl›n›n tamamen elektronik sistemle yap›lmaya
bafllanmas›yla izleyiciler sabaha karfl› AKM önünde
bekledikleri o kuyruklar› flimdi nostaljik bir an› olarak
yad ediyorlar. Yine bu y›l, Harvey Keitel, ayn› zamanda
Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› da olan Jane Campion, Alain
Robbe-Grillet, Claire Denis ve Neil Jordan ustal›k s›n›f›
çal›flmalar› yapt›.
With the completion of the transition to electronic
ticket sales, queues in front of box-offices are fond
memories for the audiences. This year's master classes
were given by Harvey Keitel, the jury president Jane
Campion, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Claire Denis and Neil
Harvey Keitel, tiyatro ö¤rencileri ve sinema
profesyonelleriyle özel bir ustal›k s›n›f›nda.
Harvey Keitel at a special master class with theatre
students and film professionals.
Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› Jane Campion ustal›k s›n›f›nda.
Golden Tulip jury president Jane Campion at the master
Bo¤aziçi Üniversitesi Mithat Alam Film Merkezi'nde
düzenlenen ustal›k s›n›f›nda Neil Jordan.
Neil Jordan at the Master Class organized at the Bo¤aziçi
University Mithat Alam Film Center.
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü alan Sophia Loren, izleyicileri
Receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award, Sophia Loren
greets the audience.
Alain Robbe-Grillet, Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü fiakir
Eczac›bafl›'dan ald›.
Alain Robbe-Grillet receives his Lifetime Achievement
Award from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
Oyuncu ve yönetmen U¤ur Yücel, "Yaz› Tura" ile hem
"Y›l›n En ‹yi Yönetmeni" hem de "Radikal Halk Ödülü"nün
sahibi oldu.
Actor-director U¤ur Yücel received both the "Best Director
of the Year Award" and the "Radikal Daily People's
Choice Award".
Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü alan oyuncu Tar›k Akan ve
yönetmen Yavuz Turgul.
Actor Tar›k Akan and director Yavuz Turgul who both
received Cinema Honorary Awards.
Alt›n Lale'yi paylaflan, Frédéric Fonteyne'in yönetti¤i
"Gilles'in Kar›s›" filminin Türkiye da¤›t›mc›s› Metin Anter,
ödülü Zuhal Olcay ve Alt›n Lale jürisi baflkan› Jane
Campion'dan al›yor.
Frédéric Fonteyne's "Gilles' Wife" shared the Golden
Tulip, The film's distributor in Turkey, Metin Anter,
received the award from actress Zuhal Olcay and the
Golden Tulip jury president Jane Campion.
Harvey Keitel, Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü fiakir
Eczac›bafl›'dan al›rken.
Harvey Keitel receiving his Lifetime Achievement Award
from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Yönetmen Lucile Hadzihalilovic, FIPRESCI Ödülü de alan
"Masumiyet" filmine verilen Radikal Halk Ödülü'nü Alt›n
Lale jürisinden oyuncu Valentina Cervi'den ald›.
Director Lucile Hadzihalilovic received the Radikal Daily's
People's Choice Award from Golden Tulip jury member,
Valentina Cervi, for her film "Innocence" which won
the FIPRESCI Prize as well.
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl
25. Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film
Festivali, 31 Mart 2006 gecesi Lütfi
K›rdar Uluslararas› Kongre ve Sergi
Saray›'nda düzenlenen ve NTV'den
canl› yay›nlanan muhteflem bir
galayla aç›ld›. Galada Kerem Görsev,
piyanosuyla Sertab Erener'in
söyledi¤i film flark›lar›na efllik etti.
Galaya kat›lamayan Alain Delon'un
Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü, 2006'n›n
"Frans›z Bahar›" y›l› ilan edilmesi
nedeniyle aç›l›fla kat›lan Frans›z
Turizm Bakan› Léon Bertrand'a
sunuldu. Festivalin Sinema Onur
Ödülleri bu y›l Erden K›ral, fierif Sezer
ve fiener fien'e verildi. 2005 y›l›n›n
Alt›n Lale jüri üyelerinden Meltem
Cumbul'un sunuculu¤unu üstlendi¤i
törenin ard›ndan, yönetmenli¤ini
Christian Carion'un yapt›¤› Joyeux
Noël / Ateflkes adl› film gösterildi.
The 25th International ‹stanbul Film
Festival was launched with a
magnificent opening gala at the
Lütfi K›rdar Convention and
Exhibition Centre on March 31,
2006, that was aired live on NTV.
Singing songs from films, Sertab
Erener was accompanied by Kerem
Görsev's piano. Unable to attend
the ceremony, Alain Delon's
Lifetime Achievement Award was
presented to the French Minister
of Tourism, Mr. Léon Bertrand, who
was present to launch 2006 as the
"French Spring" year in Turkey. The
recipients of the Cinema Honorary
Awards of the Festival this year were
director Erden K›ral, and actors fierif
Sezer and fiener fien. The ceremony,
presented by actress Meltem
Cumbul, who was a Golden Tulip
juror in 2005, was followed by the
screening of Joyeux Noël / Merry
Christmas by Christian Carion.
Aç›l›fl Galas›ndan
From the Opening Gala
Sinema Onur Ödülü alan Erden K›ral, fierif Sezer ve fiener fien.
Recipients of the Cinema Honorary Awards, Erden K›ral, fierif
Sezer and fiener fien.
Bütün y›l sürecek olan Frans›z Bahar› etkinliklerinin aç›l›fl›n› yapan
Fransa Turizm Bakan› Léon Bertrand, Kültür ve Turizm Bakan›
Atilla Koç ve ‹KSV Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Launching the French Spring, the French Minister of Tourism
Léon Bertrand, Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism Atilla
Koç and ‹KSV Chairman fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
fiakir Eczac›bafl› ve ‹stanbul Valisi Muammer Güler, festival
sponsoru Akbank'›n Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Zafer Kurtul'a
plaketini sundular.
fiakir Eczac›bafl› and the governor of ‹stanbul, Muammer Güler
present a plaque to Zafer Kurtul, the Festival sponsor Akbank's
Kerem Görsev'in piyanosuyla efllik etti¤i Sertab Erener, film
müziklerinden seçti¤i flark›larla geceyi renklendirdi.
Sertab Erener, accompanied by Kerem Görsev's piano, performed
songs from films.
Frans›z Turizm Bakan› Léon Bertrand, Yaflam Boyu Baflar›
Ödülü'nü Alain Delon ad›na fiakir Eczac›bafl›'dan ald›.
French Minister of Tourism Léon Bertrand received the Lifetime
Achievement Award on behalf of Alain Delon.
Oyuncu Lale Mansur ve orkestra flefi olan efli Cem Mansur da
konuklar aras›ndayd›...
Actress Lale Mansur and conductor Cem Mansur were among
the guests...
Yönetmen Fatih Ak›n ve oyuncu Güven K›raç.
Director Fatih Ak›n and actor Güven K›raç.
16 Nisan'da sonlanan festival
heyecan›, 14 Nisan 2006 gecesi, yine
Lütfi K›rdar Uluslararas› Kongre ve
Sergi Saray›'nda düzenlenen ve CNN
Türk'ten canl› olarak yay›nlanan
kapan›fl galas› ve ödül töreniyle
doru¤a ulaflt›. Ifl›n Karaca'n›n film
flark›lar›n› Hüsnü fienlendirici'nin
klarneti eflli¤inde söyledi¤i galada
Alt›n Lale, Ulusal Yar›flma ve
FIPRESCI ödüllerinin sahipleri belli
olurken, Frans›z sinemas›n›n
y›ld›zlar› Gérard Depardieu ve
Catherine Deneuve'e festivalin
Sinema Onur ödülleri verildi. Ödül
töreninin ard›ndan Stephen Frears'›n
Mrs. Henderson Presents / Bayan
Henderson Sunar adl› filmi
Having ended on April 16, the
25th Festival had its closing gala
and award ceremony that was aired
live on CNN Türk, again at the Lütfi
K›rdar Convention and Exhibition
Centre on April 14, 2006. Livening
up the evening was film songs sung
by Ifl›n Karaca accompanied by the
clarinet of Hüsnü fienlendirici. As
the Golden Tulip, National
Competition and FIPRESCI prize
winners were announced, the
French stars Gérard Depardieu and
Catherine Deneuve were presented
with the Cinema Honorary Award
of the Festival.
The closing film that followed the
ceremony was Stephen Frears' Mrs.
Henderson Presents.
Ödül töreni ve Kapan›fl Galas›
Award Ceremony & Closing Gala
Ödülünü ald›ktan sonra Deneuve'ü konuklar ayakta alk›fllad›.
Deneuve received a standing ovation after receiving her award.
Ulusal Yar›flma'da Onat Kutlar onuruna verilen FIPRESCI ödülünü
Reha Erdem, “En ‹yi Türk Filmi” ödülünü de kazanan "Befl Vakit"
filmiyle ald›. Erdem'e ödülü Efes Pilsen ‹letiflim Müdürü Emre
Topsakalo¤lu taraf›ndan verildi.
The FIPRESCI Prize winner in the National Competition in honour
of Onat Kutlar was "Times and Winds" by Reha Erdem, which also
won the “Best Turkish Film Award”. The award was given to Erdem
by Efes Pilsen Corporate Communications Officer Emre
“Babam ve O¤lum” filmindeki rolüyle kazand›¤› En ‹yi Kad›n Oyuncu
Ödülü’nü, fierif Sezer'e Ulusal Yar›flma jürisi baflkan› Zuhal Olcay
The Best Actress Award was presented to fierif Sezer for her role in
“My Father and Son”, by actress Zuhal Olcay, president of the
National Competition Jury.
En ‹yi Erkek Oyuncu Ödülü'nü alan Fikret Kuflkan,
"Babam ve O¤lum" filminin kazand›¤› Radikal Halk Ödülü'nü de
Ça¤an Irmak ad›na Radikal Gazetesi Genel Yay›n Yönetmeni
‹smet Berkan'dan ald›.
Winning the "Best Actor Award", Fikret Kuflkan received the Radikal
Daily's People's Choice Award for "My Father and Son" from the
newspaper's Editor-in-Chief, ‹smet Berkan on behalf of the film's
director Ça¤an Irmak.
Frans›z sinemas›n›n en sayg›n karakter oyuncular›ndan Gérard
Depardieu, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü fiakir Eczac›bafl›'dan ald›.
Revered French actor Gérard Depardieu received his Cinema
Honorary Award from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Michael Winterbottom'›n yönetti¤i "Tristram Shandy: Uyduruk Bir
Öykü", hem Alt›n Lale'yi hem de FIPRESCI ödülünü kazand›. Filmin
uluslararas› da¤›t›mc›s› The Works temsilcisi Joy Wong, Alt›n Lale'yi
Uluslararas› Yar›flma jürisi baflkan› Jean-Paul Rappeneau'dan ald›.
President of the International Competition Jury, Jean-Paul Rappeneau
presents the Golden Tulip for "A Cock and Bull Story" by Michael
Winterbottom to Joy Wong of the distributing company The Works.
The film also won the the FIPRESCI prize in the international
Ulusal Yar›flma'da Jüri Özel Ödülü'ne, Yüksel Aksu'nun "Dondurmam
Gaymak" adl› filminde oyuncu ve çal›flanlar olarak, sinema sanat›na
gösterdikleri içten destek için Mu¤la Halk› lay›k görüldü. Ödülü, Mu¤la
Halk› ad›na filmin yönetmeni Yüksel Aksu, Ulusal Yar›flma jürisi
baflkan› Zuhal Olcay'dan ald›.
The Special Jury Prize was given to the People of Mu¤la for their
contribution to the film "Ice Cream, I Scream" by Yüksel Aksu, who
received the award on their behalf from Zuhal Olcay, the president
of the national competition jury.
Kapan›fl törenini Ifl›n Karaca ve klarnetiyle Hüsnü fienlendirici
Ifl›n Karaca, accompanied by Hüsnü fienlendirici's clarinet,
spiced up the closing ceremony.
fiakir Eczac›bafl›, Azize Tan ve Hülya Uçansu, festivaldeki görev
de¤iflimini kapan›fl kokteylinde duyurdular.
At the closing cocktail of the Festival, fiakir Eczac›bafl›, Azize
Tan, Hülya Uçansu announce that Uçansu hands over her post
to Tan.
Festivalin 13 Nisan 2006 gecesi
The Marmara’da yap›lan kapan›fl
kokteylinde fiakir Eczac›bafl›, 1983
y›l›ndan bu yana festivalin
yönetmenli¤ini üstlenen Hülya
Uçansu’nun görevi Film Festivali
Yönetmen Yard›mc›s› Azize Tan’a
devredece¤ini duyurdu. fiakir
Eczac›bafl›, Hülya Uçansu’ya bir
plaket sunarken Hülya Uçansu ve
Azize Tan, festival konuklar›na birer
konuflma yapt›lar.
At the closing reception of the
festival at The Marmara, fiakir
Eczac›bafl› announced that Hülya
Uçansu, the festival director since
1983 would be handing her post over
to Azize Tan, the Assistant Director
of the festival. fiakir Eczac›bafl›
presented a plaque to Hülya Uçansu
while Uçansu and Tan delivered
speeches to the festival guests.
Ömür Bozkurt (‹KSV Sponsorluk Program› Yönetmeni), Görgün Taner (‹KSV Genel Müdürü),
Nuray Omaç (Film Festivali), Hülya Uçansu, fiakir Eczac›bafl› (‹KSV Yönetim Kurulu
Baflkan›), Azize Tan, Klaus Eder (FIPRESCI Genel Sekreteri), Esra Nilgün Mirze (‹KSV
Kurumsal ‹letiflim Yönetmeni).
fiakir Eczac›bafl›, Hülya Uçansu’ya plaket sunuyor.
fiakir Eczac›bafl› presents a plaque to Hülya Uçansu.
Hülya Uçansu törende konuklara sesleniyor.
Hülya Uçansu makes a speech to the festival guests..
Ömür Bozkurt (‹KSV Sponsorship Director), Görgün Taner (‹KSV General Director),
Nuray Omaç (Film Festival), Hülya Uçansu, fiakir Eczac›bafl› (‹KSV Chairman),
Azize Tan, Klaus Eder (FIPRESCI General Secretary), Esra Nilgün Mirze (‹KSV Corporate
Communications Director).
Sinemac›lar›n, sinemaya dair kiflisel
ve profesyonel görüfllerini
aktard›klar› ustal›k s›n›flar›,
izleyicilerin sineman›n s›rlar›n›
tan›kl›klar›yla ö¤rendikleri, sinemay›
salonlar›n ötesine tafl›yan
etkinliklerdendir. Festivalin 25.
y›l›nda, ‹talyan belgesel ustas›
Vittorio De Seta, Frans›z sinemas›n›n
centilmen anarflisti Bertrand Blier,
Melbourne ve Avustralya
Canland›rma festivallerinin yöneticisi
Malcolm Turner, izleyicilerle
buluflarak kendi sinema anlay›fllar›n›
ve sinemay› anlatt›lar.
2006 y›l›nda birçok gösterimde
yönetmenler ve oyuncular, filmlerini
sunmak için aram›zda oldu.
‹zleyiciler, sinemac›larla birlikte olma
flans›n› yakalad›; ak›llar›na tak›lan
sorular›n yan›tlar›n› bizzat alman›n
keyfini yaflad›. Festivalin özel
konuklar›na, bizlere ve izleyicilere
bu f›rsat› verdikleri için teflekkür
Master classes, where film
professionals provide insights and
their personal and professional
views on cinema, are opportunities
for filmlovers to learn about secrets
and testimonials pertaining to
cinema. This year, the Italian
documentary master Vittorio De
Seta, the gentleman anarchist of
French cinema, Bertrand Blier, and
the executive director of Melbourne
and Australian International
Animation Festivals, Malcolm
Turner gave master classes.
The directors and actors of many
films were among us at screenings
during the 25th edition of the
Festival. The movie theatres were
even more colourful with revered
filmmakers attending the screenings
of their films. The audiences
savoured the opportunity of
receiving answers to their questions
personally from the filmmakers.
We are grateful to our special guests
who made the screenings even more
meaningful by meeting with the
festival audience.
Ustal›k S›n›flar› ve Sunumlar
Master Classes and Presentations
Serra Y›lmaz'›n çevirmenli¤ini üstlendi¤i Bertrand Blier'nin ustal›k
s›n›f› özellikle genç sinemaseverlerin ilgisini toplad›.
Interpreted by actress Serra Y›lmaz, Bertrand Blier's master
class attracted attention especially from young cinema buffs.
Melbourne ve Avustralya Uluslararas› Canland›rma festivallerinin
yönetmeni ve kurucular›ndan Malcolm Turner, "Uluslararas›
Canland›rma Festivallerine Ba¤›ms›z Bir Bak›fl" bafll›¤› alt›nda
bir ustal›k s›n›f› verdi.
Executive Director of the Melbourne and Australian International
Animation festivals Malcolm Turner gave a master class titled
"The International Animation Festival Scene: An Indie
Atlas Sinemas›'nda verdi¤i ustal›k s›n›f›ndan sonra
Vittorio De Seta, izleyicilere imza da¤›tt›.
De Seta signed autographs following his master class at
Atlas Movie Theatre.
Sinemaseverler, De Seta'n›n foto¤raf›n› çekip imzas›n› ald›lar.
Film-lovers were enthusiastic to capture De Seta on photo and
to get his autograph.
Azize Tan ve Bertrand Blier, “Beni Ne Kadar Çok Seviyorsun$”
filminin sunumunda.
Azize Tan and Bertrand Blier at the presentation of Blier’s film
“How Much Do You Love Me?”.
Jeanne Moreau “Veda Vakti” filminin sunumundan sonra.
Jeanne Moreau posing after the presentation of “Time to Leave”.
Azize Tan, Kerem Ayan ve Jeanne Moreau “Veda Vakti” filminin
sunumundan sonra.
Azize Tan, Kerem Ayan and Jeanne Moreau after the presentation
of “Time to Leave”.
Alt›n Lale için yar›flan "Allegro"nun yönetmeni Christoffer Boe.
Christoffer Boe, the director of Golden Tulip contender "Allegro"
at the screening of the film.
"Ölmüfl Bir Koyunu De¤erlendirmenin 37 Yolu" adl› belgeselin
yönetmeni Ben Hopkins, Alin Taflç›yan ve filme kat›lan Pamir
Ben Hopkins, the director of "37 Uses for A Dead Sheep"; Alin
Taflç›yan and the Pamir Kirghiz who participated to the film.
Azize Tan, "C.R.A.Z.Y." filminin gala gösteriminde yönetmen
Jean-Marc Vallée'yi sunuyor.
Azize Tan presenting director Jean-Marc Vallée before the gala
screening of "C.R.A.Z.Y.".
"Yollar" filminin yönetmeni Christophe Otzenberger ve baflrol
oyuncusu Yann Trégouët, izleyicilerle buluflmak için sinemadalar.
Director Christophe Otzenberger and his lead actor Yann
Trégouët presented their film "Trapped".
Hülya Uçansu, Ulusal Yar›flma filmlerinden "Babam ve O¤lum"un gösteriminde
filmin yönetmeni Ça¤an Irmak, filmin oyuncular› ve teknik ekiple birlikte.
Hülya Uçansu at the screening of the national competition film
"My Father and Son" with the director Ça¤an Irmak, the cast and the crew.
"Shutka Rekorlar Kitab›"n›n yönetmeni Aleksandar Manic, ön
s›rada, izleyicilerin sorular›n› yan›tlamak üzere sahneye ç›kmay›
The director of "The Shutka Book of Records", Aleksandar
Manic at the front row, ready for the Q&A session.
"Lili ve Baobab A¤ac›"n›n yönetmeni Chantal Richard ve filmin
baflrol oyuncusu Roman Bohringer, filmin sunumunda izleyicilerle
Chantal Richard, the director of "Lili and the Baobab" with the
lead actress Romane Bohringer presenting their film.
Alt›n Lale jüri üyesi Makram Khoury,’dan Alex
Deleon ile Mustafa Alt›oklar, “Beyza’n›n Kad›nlar›” filminin
gösteriminden sonra sohbet ediyorlar.
Golden Tulip jury member Makram Khoury, Alex Deleon from and Mustafa Alt›oklar have a chat after the
screening of “Shattered Soul”.
“Irak Paramparça” filminin yönetmeni James Longley gösterimden
sonra izleyicilerin sorular›n› yan›tlarken.
The director of “Iraq in Fragments”, James Longley, at the Q&A
session following the screening of the film.
Çok tart›fl›lan "Kan" adl› filmini sunmak için yönetmen Amat
Escalante izleyicilerle bulufltu.
Amat Escalante, director of the controversial "Blood" was present
to meet the audience.
Festival konuklar›n›n ve izleyicilerin
kat›ld›klar› çeflitli etkinliklerle
25. Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film
Festivali kente festival havas›n›
yaflatt› ve on alt› gün boyunca
canl›l›¤›n› korudu. Festivalin Türk ve
yabanc› konuklar› için düzenledi¤i
tekne gezisi ve flehir turu, Türk ve
Avrupal› yap›mc›lar› buluflturan ilk
"Köprüde Buluflmalar", Zarifi'de
düzenlenen 25. y›l partisi, ‹ndigo'da
yap›lan ve Don Letts'in DJ'li¤ini
üstlendi¤i "Punky Reggae" partisi,
Pi Film ve Bir Film'in ortak partisi,
"Beyza'n›n Kad›nlar›" partisi, 5. Kat
Partisi, Frans›z yap›mc› flirket
ARTE'nin festival onuruna verdi¤i
kokteyl ve Sushico kokteyli...
25. y›l›nda festival kapsam›nda üç
sergi düzenlendi: ‹lk y›l›ndan bu yana
tasarlanan bütün festival afifllerinin
bir araya getirildi¤i "Afifllerle 25 Y›l",
dünyan›n birçok önemli kentinden
sonra ‹stanbul'a da u¤rayan "Isabelle
Huppert Portreleri" ve Muammer
Yanmaz'›n "Türk Sinemas›nda Kad›n
Oyuncular" foto¤raf sergisi.
Many events took place during the
course of the 25th Festival that
spread the Festival spirit to the city:
The Festival's boat trip and city tour
organised for its Turkish and foreign
guests, the first "Meetings on the
Bridge" seminars that brought
European and Turkish producers
and film professionals together, the
25th Year Party at Zarifi, the Punky
Reggae Party at Indigo with Don
Letts as DJ, the joint party thrown
by Pi Film and Bir Film, "Beyza'n›n
Kad›nlar› / Shattered Soul" Party,
the 5th Floor Party, a cocktail given
in honour of the Festival by ARTE,
and the Sushico cocktail... Three
exhibitions were organised within
the framework of the Festival: "25
Years Through Posters" that
comprised of all the posters
designed for the festival since its
conception, "Isabelle Huppert
Portraits" that arrived in ‹stanbul
after stopping by at major cities of
the world, and Muammer Yanmaz's
"Actresses in Turkish Cinema"
photograph exhibition.
Muammer Yanmaz'›n foto¤raf sergisi, Türk sinema tarihine imza
atm›fl 40 kad›n oyuncunun portrelerini bir araya getirdi.
A photography exhibition by Muammer Yanmaz brought
together the portraits of 40 actresses of the Turkish cinema.
Frans›z usta Bertrand Blier onuruna Frans›z Saray›'nda verilen
yemekte Alt›n Lale jüri baflkan› Jean-Paul Rappeneau'nun
do¤umgünü de kutland›.
The Golden Tulip jury president Jean-Paul Rappeneau's birthday
was celebrated at the dinner reception in honour of the French
master director Bertrand Blier.
Bilgi Üniversitesi ‹nsan Haklar› Hukuku Araflt›rma Merkezi iflbirli¤iyle
düzenlenen "Farkl›l›¤›n Hiyerarflisi: Avrupa'da Irk Ayr›mc›l›¤›" söyleflisi,
Daniel Schweizer'in yönetti¤i "Beyaz Terör" adl› filmin gösterimiyle
birlikte düzenlendi.
The panel discussion titled "The Hierarchy Of Dissimilarity: Racial
Discrimination in Europe" was organised in cooperation with Bilgi
University Human Rights Law Research Center and took place
following the screening of the documentary "White Terror" by Daniel
Gérard Depardieu ve “Yol” filminin y›ld›z›, Sinema Onur Ödülü
alan fierif Sezer, Frans›z Saray›’nda verilen yemekte.
Gérard Depardieu with fierif Sezer, the star of Y›lmaz Güney’s
“Yol” and the recipient of the Cinema Honorary Award, at the
dinner reception at the French Palace.
Jeanne Moreau, ya¤mura ra¤men tekne gezisinin keyfini ç›kard›.
Jeanne Moreau enjoyed the special boat trip in spite of the rain.
"Punk Tavr›" filminin yönetmeni Don Letts, ‹ndigo'daki "Punky
Reggae" partisinin DJ'li¤ini üstlendi.
The director "Punk Attitude", Don Letts, was the DJ of the
"Punky Reggae" party at Indigo.
‹ki gün süren “Köprüde Buluflmalar” etkinlikleri, Türk ve Avrupal›
sinema profesyonellerini bir araya getirdi:.
The two-day “Meetings on the Bridge” seminars brought Turkish
and European film professionals together:
Jan Vandierendonck, Ahmet Boyac›o¤lu, Sophie Loyrette, Petra
Zarifi'deki 25. Y›l Partisi'nde üç usta yönetmen bir arada:
At the 25th Year Party at Zarifi, three veteran directors:
Ali Özgentürk, Erden K›ral, Yavuz Özkan.
“Dr. Caligari’nin Odas›” filmi, ‹ngiliz elektronik müzik grubu
In the Nursery’nin besteleri eflli¤inde gösterildi.
“The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” was screened accompanied by live music
performed by the British electronical music duo In the Nursery.
Grafik tasar›mc› Bülent Erkmen, festivalin birçok afiflini tasarlayan
Yurdaer Alt›ntafl ve fiakir Eczac›bafl›, “Afifllerle 25 Y›l” sergisinin
Graphics designer Bülent Erkmen; designer of many festival
posters, Yurdaer Alt›ntafl and fiakir Eczac›bafl› at the opening
of the “Posters Through 25 Years” exhibition.
Uluslararas› Yar›flma Alt›n Lale jürisinin
baflkan› Jean-Paul Rappeneau, Frans›z
sinemas›n›n en sayg›n ve popüler
senarist ve yönetmenlerinden. Di¤er jüri
üyelerimiz, sayg›n ‹ngiliz sinema dergisi
"Sight & Sound" editörü Nick James,
tiyatro kökenli ‹srailli oyuncu Makram
Khoury, La Rochelle Film Festivali
yönetmeni Prune Engler, oyuncu Ifl›k
Yenersu ve yönetmen Reha Erdem oldu.
Uluslararas› ve ulusal yar›flma filmlerini
de¤erlendiren FIPRESCI jürisinin baflkan›
bu y›l Makedonya'dan Blagoja Kunovski,
di¤er üyeler ise M›s›r'dan Ahmet
Hassouna, Türkiye'den Ayla Kanbur ve
F›rat Yücel, Polonya'dan Anita
Piotrowska ve Finlandiya'dan Anti
Y›ld›z oyuncu Zuhal Olcay'›n
baflkanl›¤›nda, y›l›n Türk filmlerini
de¤erlendiren Ulusal Yar›flma jürisi,
yönetmen Reis Çelik, yap›mc› ve yard›mc›
yönetmen Leyla Özalp, gazeteci Daniela
Sannwald ve Venedik Film Festivali Film
Days bölümünün yöneticisi Giorgio
Gosetti Di Sturmeck'ten olufltu.
The International Competition Golden
Tulip jury was presided over by one of
the most respected and popular writerdirectors of French cinema, Jean-Paul
Rappeneau. Other members were Nick
James, the editor-in-chief of the highly
regarded British magazine "Sight &
Sound"; Makram Khoury, the Israeli
stage and film actor; Prune Engler, the
director of the La Rochelle Film Festival,
actress Ifl›k Yenersu and Turkish
director Reha Erdem.
The president of the FIPRESCI Jury
that evaluates the contending films
of the international and national
competitions was Blagoja Kunovski
from Macedonia, other members were
Ahmet Hassouna from Egypt, Ayla
Kanbur and F›rat Yücel from Turkey,
Anita Piotrowska from Poland and Anti
Selkokari from Finland.
The jury of the national competition
was presided by Turkish actress Zuhal
Olcay, and the members were director
Reis Çelik, producer and assistant
director Leyla Özalp, journalist and film
critic Daniela Sannnwald and Giorgio
Gosetti di Strumeck, General Delegate
of "Le Giornate degli Autori - Venice
Days", the independent section of the
Venice Film Festival.
Jüriler ‹fl Bafl›nda
Juries in Action
Ulusal Yar›flma jüri üyeleri Leyla
Özalp, Zuhal Olcay, Daniela
Sannwald ve Hülya Uçansu, bir
yar›flma filminin gösteriminden önce
Beyo¤lu Sinemas› fuayesinde sohbet
National Competition jurors Leyla
Özalp, Zuhal Olcay, Daniela
Sannwald and Hülya Uçansu before
the screening of a competing film
at the foyer of the Beyo¤lu Movie
Alt›n Lale jürisi, karar toplant›s›nda:
The Golden Tulip Jury in
Ifl›k Yenersu, Makram Khoury, Reha
FIPRESCI jürisi, kurumun Genel
Sekreteri Klaus Eder ile birlikte:
The FIPRESCI jury with the
General Secretary of FIPRESCI,
Klaus Eder:
F›rat Yücel, Anita Piotrowska,
Blagoja Kunovski, Ayla Kanbur, Anti
Selkokari, Ahmet Hassouna.
Ulusal Yar›flma Jürisi, karar
toplant›s›ndan önce bir arada:
The National Competition Jury
before before their final meeting:
Reis Çelik, Giorgio Gosetti, Leyla
Özalp, Zuhal Olcay (Baflkan
President), Daniela Sannwald.
Alt›n Lale jürisi, karar toplant›s›ndan
hemen önce bir arada:
The Golden Tulip jury before their
decision meeting:
Nick James, Reha Erdem, Prune
Engler, Jean-Paul Rappeneau
(Baflkan President), Ifl›k Yenersu,
Makram Khoury.
Festival Ödülleri
Festival Awards
Efsane Frans›z oyuncu Jeanne Moreau Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü,
rol ald›¤› François Ozon'un "Le Temps qui reste / Veda Vakti" filminin
gösteriminde fiakir Eczac›bafl›'dan ald›.
The legendary French actress Jeanne Moreau received her Lifetime
Achievement Award from fiakir Eczac›bafl› at the screening of
"Le Temps qui reste / Time to Leave" by François Ozon.
fiener fien, Sinema Onur Ödülü'yle.
Actor fiener fien with his Cinema Honorary Award.
fierif Sezer, Sinema Onur Ödülü'yle.
fierif Sezer with her Cinema Honorary Award.
Frans›z sinemas›n›n en sayg›n karakter oyuncular›ndan Gérard
Depardieu, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü fiakir Eczac›bafl›'dan ald›.
Revered French actor Gérard Depardieu received his Cinema
Honorary Award from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
‹talyan belgesel ustas› Vittorio De Seta, Yaflam Boyu Baflar›
Italian documentary master Vittoro De Seta with his Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Yönetmen Erden K›ral, Sinema Onur Ödülü'nü Baflak
Köklükaya'dan ald›.
Director Erden K›ral received his Cinema Honorary Award from
actress Baflak Köklükaya.
Frans›z sinemas›n›n y›ld›z› Catherine Deneuve'e Sinema Onur
Ödülü'nü fiakir Eczac›bafl› verdi.
French diva Catherine Deneuve received her Cinema Honorary
Award from fiakir Eczac›bafl›.
Alain Delon'a verilen Yaflam Boyu Baflar› Ödülü'nü sanatç› ad›na
Fransa Turizm Bakan› Say›n Léon Bertrand, fiakir Eczac›bafl›'dan
French Minister of Tourism Mr. Léon Bertrand received from
fiakir Eczac›bafl› the Lifetime Achievement Award given to Alain
Delon on behalf of the actor.
‹stanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı,
25. Uluslararası ‹stanbul Film Festivali’nin
gerçeklefltirilmesinde destek ve yardımlarını esirgemeyen
afla¤›daki kurum ve kurulufllara teflekkür eder.
The ‹stanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts
would like to thank the following institutions
for the contribution they have made to
the 25th International ‹stanbul Film Festival.
Öncü Sponsor
Leading Sponsor
Resmi ‹letiflim
Official Communication
Resmi Tafl›y›c›
Official Carrier
Resmi Konaklama
Official Hotel
N. Buket Cengiz
Dünya sinemas›n›n en iyi örneklerini çeyrek yüzy›l boyunca
Türkiye'ye tafl›yan ‹stanbul Film Festivali, geçti¤imiz nisan ay›nda
geçmiflini hem yeniden gözden geçirdi hem de 25. y›l›n› kutlad›.
‹slam dünyas›n›n en büyük ve en baflar›l› film festivali 25. y›l›n›,
Gérard Depardieu ve Catherine Deneuve gibi Bat› dünyas›n›n
önde gelen oyuncular›n› konuk ederek kutlad›. Depardieu ve
Deneuve'e kapan›fl galas›nda vak›f baflkan› fiakir Eczac›bafl› ödül
verirken Vittorio De Seta ve Bertrand Blier gibi ünlü yönetmenler
de konuklar aras›ndayd›. Festival, tarihi boyunca Türk oyuncular›n›,
sinemas›n› ve izleyicisini dünyaya tan›tma görevini üstlenirken,
özellikle geçti¤imiz on y›lda, yerel sinema sektörünün de geliflimini
Celebrities pouring in to ‹stanbul to celebrate 25th edition of
the film festival
Catherine Deneuve is the latest in a line of well-known names
descending on ‹stanbul this week to show their support for the
25 edition of the ‹stanbul International Film Festival. (...)
Numerous directors have been through the festival this year.
Among the most famous are Bertrand Blier, who is considered
to be one of the most radical directors of French cinema.
He gave a master class to an enthusiastic and appreciative
audience. Another renowned figure,
Mr. Vittorio De Seta also attended the festival and also gave a
very well-attended master class.
Thomas Sotinel
‹stanbul Film Festivali'nin Ulusal Yar›flma bölümünde, geçti¤imiz
y›l yap›m› tamamlanan filmlerin neredeyse tümü yer al›yor. (...)
Uluslararas› yap›mlara gelince, Türk yap›mc›lar›n ço¤u bu ifle yeni
at›l›yorlar. Festival, Avrupal› ve Türk sinema profesyonellerini bir
araya getiren bir seminer düzenledi. Bir di¤er yap›mc›, Ceyda
Tufan, daha flimdiden Michael Haneke'nin Avusturyal› yap›mc›s›
Michael Katz ve les Films du Losange ile bir film için anlaflt› bile.
Bas›ndan Haberler From the Press
One can discover in the National Competition of the ‹stanbul
Film Festival, almost all of the films that were completed in
Turkey last year. (...) As to international productions, this is an
area Turkish producers are just involved in. The Festival has
organised a seminar that brought together European and Turkish
film professionals. Another producer, Ceyda Tufan, has already
agreed for the production of a film that will be co-produced with
Michael Katz, the Austrian producer of Michael Haneke, and
les Films du Losange.
Susanne Fowler
After a quarter century of bringing the finest of world cinema
to Turkey, the ‹stanbul Film festival in April was in both reflective
and celebratory mood.
The Muslim world's largest and most successful movie festival
marked its 25th year by hosting some of the western world's
leading actors - such as Gérard Depardieu and Catherine Deneuve,
who were honoured at the closing gala with awards from Festival
Foundation president, fiakir Eczac›bafl› - and key directors such
as Vittorio De Seta, together with celebrated all-rounders like
Bertrand Blier. Throughout its history, the festival has had the
important dual role of introducing Turkish actors, audiences
and cinema to the world, while also becoming a barometer for
the progress of indigenous cinema, particularly in the last decade.
Jeremy Colson
Festivalin 25. y›l›n› kutlamak için ünlüler ‹stanbul'a ak›n ediyor.
‹stanbul Uluslararas› Film Festivali'nin 25. y›l›n› kutlamak üzere
‹stanbul'a gelen ünlülerin sonuncusu Catherine Deneuve oldu.
(...) Bu y›l festivale birçok yönetmen de kat›ld›. Frans›z sinemas›n›n
en radikal yönetmenlerinden say›lan Bertrand Blier de heyecanl›
ve ilgili bir izleyici toplulu¤una bir master class (ustal›k s›n›f›)
verdi. Bir di¤er tan›nm›fl isim, Vittorio De Seta da festivale kat›ld›
ve büyük ilgi gören bir ustal›k s›n›f› verdi.
25. Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film Festivali, yine Hülya Uçansu'nun
yönetiminde, cuma günü bafll›yor. Uçansu, 24 y›ld›r düzenledi¤i
festivali, alt› filmlik bir denemeden dünyan›n en büyük film
festivallerinden biri haline getirdi. Bu özel y›l›n an›s›na, festivalde
bugüne kadar gösterilen bütün filmlerden zihinlerde iz b›rakan
25 adedi ve festivalde ödüllendirilen 25 Türk filmi yeniden
The 25th ‹stanbul International Film Festival kicks off Friday
with the festival director Hülya Uçansu once again at the helm.
She has organised the event in all but its first of 25 years, helping
it to grow from a six-film experiment into one of the top film
festivals in the world. To mark the milestone, 25 of the most
memorable movies ever shown at the festival will be screened,
as will the 25 Turkish films that were voted best of the fest each
Hülya Uçansu, y›ld›zlar eflli¤inde veda etti.
Daha kuruldu¤u ilk y›ldan bu yana Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film
Festivali'nin bafl›nda bulunan zarif Hülya Uçansu, bu y›l son kez
yönetmenlik koltu¤unda oturdu. Festivali dünya haritas›nda hak
etti¤i konuma yerlefltirip en zor dönemlerinden birini geçiren Türk
sinemas›na dünya sinema çevrelerinin dikkatini çeken Uçansu,
fazlas›yla baflar›l› bir y›l›n ard›ndan görevini b›rak›yor. Festival bu
y›l, izleyici say›s›nda rekor k›rd› ve Frans›z kültür yetkililerinin
deste¤iyle Jeanne Moreau, Bertrand Blier, Catherine Deneuve ve
Gérard Depardieu gibi uluslararas› y›ld›zlar› konuk etti.
Azzedine Mabrouki
Nisan aylar›nda, ‹stanbul bir süreli¤ine camilerini ve Kapal›çarfl›'y›
unutup festival için gelen yüzlerce bobin filmin pefline tak›l›yor.
K›rk iki ülkeden 200'den fazla filmin bulundu¤u festival
program›nda, biri ulusal di¤eri uluslararas› olmak üzere, yar›flmal›
iki bölüm de yer al›yor. "Frans›z Bahar›" nedeniyle festivale Jeanne
Moreau, Catherine Deneuve ve Gérard Depardieu gibi y›ld›zlar
da geldi.
In the months of April, ‹stanbul for a while forgets its mosques
and the Grand Bazaar to roll out hundreds of film reels for its
festival. Made up of more than 200 films from 42 countries,
the festival programme comprises two competitive sections, one
national and the international. On the occasion of the "French
Spring", the Festival hosted actors such as Jeanne Moreau,
Catherine Deneuve and Gérard Depardieu.
ESPECTACULOS (Arjantin - Argentina)
Depardieu ve Deneuve Ödül Ald›lar
Frans›z sinemas›n›n en büyük iki y›ld›z›, geçti¤imiz hafta ‹stanbul
Film Festivali'ndeydiler. "Son Metro"da birlikte rol alan Gérard
Depardieu ve Catherine Deneuve'e, filmlerinin de gösterildi¤i
festivalde, ‹stanbul Kültür Sanat Vakf› baflkan› taraf›ndan Sinema
Onur Ödülü verildi.
Depardieu and Deneuve Honoured.
The biggest stars of the French cinema were in ‹stanbul at the
Film Festival last week. An homage was made at the festival to
Catherine Deneuve and Gérard Depardieu, who starred together
in "The Last Metro". The actors also received Cinema Honorary
Awards from the president of the ‹stanbul Foundation for Culture
and Arts.
Stellar gathering bids Hülya Uçansu adieu.
The 25th edition of the International ‹stanbul Film Festival is
the last one under the regime of Hülya Uçansu, its elegant,
dedicated director who has been at its helm from day one.
Uçansu, admired for her tireless efforts to put the festival on
the world map and draw the attention of the film community to
Turkish cinema in one of its most difficult periods, is leaving
after a particularly successful edition. It broke previous attendance
records and basked in the glory of such international stars as
Jeanne Moreau, Bertrand Blier, Catherine Deneuve and Gerard
Depardieu, all of them present, to a great extent, courtesy of
France’s cultural authorities, one of the major sponsors of this
year’s event.
Sheila Johnston
‹stanbul Film Festivali taraf›ndan, Bo¤aziçi'nde yap›lacak bir tekne
gezisinde Jeanne Moreau'ya efllik etmem istendi. Yetmifl sekiz
yafl›ndaki Moreau, bir son dakika konu¤u olarak ‹stanbul'a geldi.
(...) Teknemiz yeniden iskeleye yanafl›yor. Art›k veda vakti. Moreau
kalk›yor, gülümsüyor. "Bu benim ‹stanbul'a ilk geliflim ve daha
hiçbir fley görmedim." diyor. "Ama çok güzel bir teknedeydim,
bir sürü insanla tan›flt›m ve çok ilginç sohbetlere kat›ld›m. Epey
fley say›l›r. fiehri de baflka zaman görürüm".
I have been asked by the ‹stanbul Film Festival to accompany
Jeanne Moreau on a boat trip along the Bosphorus. Moreau, 78,
is a last minute guest of honour in ‹stanbul. (...) Our vessel
edges back into the quayside. It's time to leave. Moreau rises,
smiling. "This is my first visit to Istanbul and I haven't seen a
thing," she says. "But I was on a beautiful boat, I met people
and had very interesting conversations. That's a lot. I'll visit the
city another time."
Bas›ndan Haberler From the Press
Harald Fricke
Heike Hurst
Avrupa'yla en az›ndan kültürel aç›dan dayan›kl› ba¤lar kurma iste¤i,
Film Festivali'nin program›nda da devam ediyor... Oranlar A-tipi bir
festival için gayet makul: Hollywood'a boyun e¤ilmiyor, milli gösterifl
yap›lm›yor ve sadece özel ilgi alanlar›na hitabeden bölümler de yok.
Yüz on alt› Avrupa yap›m›n›n flafl›rt›c› oranda büyük bir k›sm› eski
Do¤u Blo¤u ülkelerinden gelirken, Güney ve Kuzey Amerika 40 filmle
dengeli bir flekilde temsil ediliyor; Yak›n Do¤u'dan bile on dört film
25. Istanbul Film Festivali - Do¤u'nun fiaheserleri Mi?
The desire to at least build strong cultural ties with Europe shows
itself with the programme of the Film Festival as well... The ratios
are quite reasonable for an A-class festival: Not submitted to
Hollywood, away from national pretentiousness, and its sections
are not strictly specialised. Of the 116 European productions in the
programme, a surprising number comes from the former Eastern
Bloc countries; as the representation of North and South America
is quite balanced with 40 films, there are 14 films from even the
Near East.
Daniela Sannwald
Bu y›l 25. kez gerçekleflen ‹stanbul Film Festivali de mükemmel bir
flekilde yabanc› konuklar›n ihtiyaçlar›na göre haz›rlanm›fl. Alt› Festival
sinemas›n›n befli ‹stiklal Caddesi üzerinde bulunuyor, sadece biri
Bo¤az'›n di¤er, Asya yakas›nda. Sanki bu merkezi bak›fl aç›s›n›
desteklercesine, genç neslin Türk yönetmenleri de filmlerinin ço¤unu
‹stanbul'un bu canl› kültürel merkezinde çekmifl. Festival konuklar›,
sokakta karfl›laflt›klar›n› ulusal yap›mlarda da belgelenmifl olarak
The 25th ‹stanbul Film Festival was excellently prepared to meet
the requirements of its foreign guests. Five of the six festival movie
theatres are on the ‹stiklal Street, while the remaining one is on
the other, Asian side of the Bosphorus. As if supporting this central
point of view, the young generation Turkish directors have also shot
their films in this culturally vibrant part of ‹stanbul. The festival
guests can see the documentation of the street life in these national
Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film Festivali 25. y›l›n› Jeanne Moreau, Catherine
Deneuve ve Gérard Depardieu gibi Frans›z sinemas›n›n tan›nm›fl
yüzleriyle birlikte kutlad›. Frans›z yönetmen Jean-Paul Rappeneau'nun
baflkanl›¤›n› üstlendi¤i ve Ifl›k Yenersu, Prune Engler, Reha Erdem,
Nick James ile Makram Khoury'den oluflan uluslar aras› jüri, festivalin
büyük ödülü olan Alt›n Lale'yi Michael Winterbottom'un "Tristram
Shandy: Uyduruk Bir Öykü" adl› filmine verdi.
The International ‹stanbul Film Festival has recently celebrated its
25th edition in the presence of several familiar faces of the French
cinema such as Jeanne Moreau, Catherine Deneuve and Gérard
Depardieu, among others. The international jury presided over by
the French director Jean-Paul Rappeneau, and comprising Ifl›k
Yenersu, Prune Engler, Reha Erdem, Nick James and Makram
Khoury selected Michael Winterbottom's "A Cock and Bull Story"
for the grand prize, Golden Tulip.
Bu y›lki ola¤anüstü ‹stanbul Film Festivali, kurucu ekibi olan baflkan
fiakir Eczac›bafl› ve yönetmen Hülya Uçansu'nun birlikte düzenledikleri
son festival oldu. Uçansu veda ederken, izleyicilere yöneticilik yapt›¤›
25 y›l›n en çarp›c› filmlerini sundu! Dolay›s›yla, festivalde birçok iyi
filmle birlikte Deneuve ve Depardieu gibi sayg›n konuklarla Fransa
mercek alt›na al›nd›. Ancak, en heyecan verici keflif, Avrupa ve Akdeniz
filmleri taraf›ndan etraf› sar›lan Türk sinemas› oldu.
The 25th ‹stanbul Film Festival - Splendours of the Orient?
This first-rate edition of the ‹stanbul Film Festival is the last organised
by its founding team: the president fiakir Eczac›bafl› and the directress
Hülya Uçansu. As she bid farewell, Uçansu offered the audience
the most striking films of her 25 years of reign! And thus, a plethora
of good films, and the "focus" on France with its prestigious guests:
Catherine Deneuve and Gérard Depardieu. But the most passionate
thing was the discovery of the Turkish cinema well surrounded by
European and Mediterranean films.
Perde Arkas› / Backstage
Emmanuelle Bercot (Fransa / France)
Christoffer Boe (Danimarka / Denmark)
Alt›n Lale
Golden Tulip
Yüre¤imdeki Canavar
La bestia nel cuore / Don't Tell /
Cristina Comencini (‹talya-‹ngiltere-‹spanya-Fransa /
Tristram Shandy: Uyduruk Bir Öykü / A Cock and Bull Story /
Michael Winterbottom
Ayr› Hayatlar / Separate Lies
Julian Fellowes (‹ngiltere / UK)
Dev Budalar / The Giant Buddhas
Christian Frei (‹sviçre / Switzerland)
Cuma ya da Baflka Bir Gün / Vendredi ou un autre jour /
Friday or Another Day
Yvan Le Moine (Belçika-Fransa-‹talya-Slovakya /
Bekleyifl (‹ntizar) / Attente (Intizar) / Waiting
Rashid Masharawi (Fransa-Filistin / France-Palestine)
Uzaktaki Kad›n›n Simas› / Sima-ye zani der doordast /
Portrait of a Lady Far Away
Ali Mosaffa (‹ran / Iran)
Cennetten Bir Parça / Kousek Nebe / A Little Piece of Heaven
Petr Nikolaev (Çek Cumhuriyeti / Czech Republic)
Y›l›n En ‹yi Türk Filmi
Best Turkish Film of the Year
Befl Vakit / Times and Winds / Reha Erdem
En ‹yi Yönetmen
Best Turkish Director of the Year
Kutlu¤ Ataman (‹ki Genç K›z / Two Girls)
En ‹yi Kad›n Oyuncu
Best Actress
fierif Sezer (Babam ve O¤lum / My Father and Son / Ça¤an Irmak)
En ‹yi Erkek Oyuncu
Best Actor
Fikret Kuflkan (Babam ve O¤lum / My Father and Son /
Ça¤an Irmak)
Jüri Özel Ödülü
Special Prize of the Jury
Mu¤la Halk› / The People of Mu¤la
(Dondurmam Gaymak / Ice Cream, I Scream / Yücel Aksu)
Tristram Shandy: Uyduruk Bir Öykü / A Cock and Bull Story
Michael Winterbottom (‹ngiltere / United Kingdom)
Küçük K›rm›z› Çiçekler / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers
Zhang Yuan (Çin-‹talya / China-Italy)
Uluslararas› Yar›flma
International Competition
Tristram Shandy: Uyduruk Bir Öykü / A Cock and Bull Story /
Michael Winterbottom
Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü? / Killing the Shadow /
Ezel Akay
Ulusal Yar›flma (Onat Kutlar an›s›na)
National Competition (Onat Kutlar Prize)
Befl Vakit / Times and Winds / Reha Erdem
Dondurmam Gaymak / Ice Cream, I Scream / Yüksel Aksu
Beyza'n›n Kad›nlar› / Shattered Soul / Mustafa Alt›oklar
‹ki Genç K›z / Two Girls / Kutlu¤ Ataman
Sen Ne Dilersen / Whatever You Wish / Cem Bafleskio¤lu
Befl Vakit / Times and Winds / Reha Erdem
Babam ve O¤lum / My Father and Son / Ça¤an Irmak
Uluslararas› Yar›flma
International Competition
Ayr› Hayatlar / Separate Lives / Julian Fellowes
Ulusal Yar›flma
National Competition
Babam ve O¤lum / My Father and Son / Ça¤an Irmak
Sinema Bir Mucizedir / Cinema Is Like a Miracle / Memduh Ün
Festival Ekibi Festival Team, 2006
A¤ustos August 2006
Yay›ma Haz›rlayanlar Editors
Nuray Omaç
Yusuf Pinhas
Tasar›m Designed by
Yeflim Demir
Bask›ya Haz›rl›k Artwork
Ertan Kuruel
Foto¤raflar Photos by
Muammer Yanmaz
Didar Yeflilyurt
Mahmut Ceylan
ISBN: 975-7363-53-7
Bask›, Cilt ve Renk Ayr›m›
Printing, Binding & Colour Seperation
Promat Bas›m Yay›n Tic.
E-5 Karayolu üzeri Avc›lar 34840 ‹stanbul
T: (212) 456 63 63 - pbx
F:(212) 690 63 73
Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Film Festivali
International ‹stanbul Film Festival
‹stanbul Kültür Sanat Vakf›
‹stanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts
‹stiklal Cad. 146
Beyo¤lu 34435 ‹stanbul
T: (0212) 334 07 00 (pbx)
F: (0212) 334 07 02