hacettepe ün vers tes beytepe kampusu kütüphanes


hacettepe ün vers tes beytepe kampusu kütüphanes
Bülent Ağaoğlu
İstanbul, 1983
Methods in Health,
Health, Physical Education and Recreation.
Recreation 2nd ed. Edited by M. Gladys SCOTT, Washington, American
Association For Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1959, 536 p. illus., 24 cm. (GV/14. 5/A34/1959)
2. ARCHER, Brian: Tourism
Tourism Multipliers; The State of The Art.
Art Bangor, Univ. of Wales, 1977, 85 P. (G/155/AL/1977)
4. BALL, Edith L.: Leisure Services Preparation; A Competency Based Approach By Edith L. BALL and Robert E.
CIPRIANO. New Jersey. Prentice-Hall, 1978, 324 p. (GV/181.4/B34/1978)
5. BANNON, Joseph S.: Outreach: Extending Community Service in Urban Areas.
Areas edited by Joseph J. BANNON.
Springfield, 111p. Thomas 1973 (GV/14.5/B.33/1973) 1. Recreation leadership; 2, Youth-United States-Recreation;
3. Socially handicapped-United States-Recreation.
6. BEAVIS, J. R. S.: A Manual Of Hotel Reception. By J. R. S. Beavis and S. MEDLIK. 3rd. ed. Prep. with R. A. PULLEN,
London, Heinemann, 1981, 257p. (TX/911/B35/1981)
7. BERTRAM, Peter: Fast Food Operations.
8. BIGOT, B. : Choix
Choix du mode de financement du material et equipement en Restauration. Choix d'une Formule de
Touristiques, 1980, 102
Restauration: Criteres de Marche et Criteres de Rentabilite. Droit, Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques
p. Dış kapak "Etudes et Memoires" adını taşıyor. (TX/945/B487/1980)
9. BLOHBERGER, Günter: Was ist Fremdenverkehr?
10. BOARDMAN, Richard Douglas: Hotel and Catering Costing and Budgets.
Budgets 3rd ed. London, Heinemann, 1980,
C1978, 201 s. (TX/911.3/C65/B62/1978)
11. BORNET, B.: Tourisme et Environnement: Fautil Souhaiterune Concentration ou une Deconcentration
Touristique? Droit, Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques, 103 s. Dış kapak "Les Cahiers du Tourisme" adını
taşımaktadır. (G/155.A1/B.645/1979)
12. BOURSEAU, Marcel: La Gestion Hoteliere: Exploitation. Commercialisation. Administration.
Administration Paris, Flammarion,
1974, 1180 s. (TX/911/B63/1974)
13. BOYER, Marc: Le Tourisme.
Tourisme Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1972, 261 s. (N/G/155.F8/B692/1972)
14. BRODNER, Joseph ed.: Profitable Food and Beverage Operation.
Operation Ed. By Joseph Brodner, Howard M. CARLSON and
Henry T. Maschal. 4th rev. ed. Rochelle Park, Heyden, 1962, 485 s. (TX/945/B66/1962)
15. BRYDEN, John M.: Tourism and Development; A Case Study of The Commonwealt Caribbean,
Caribbean Cambridge, Univ.
Pr., 1973, 236 s. (G/155/W4/B79/1973)
16. BURKART, A. J. - S. MEDLIK: Tourism. Past. Present and
and Future.
17. CAMUSET, François: Concentration ou Etalement? Plaidoyer Pour la Survie
des Vacances.
Vacances Univ. d'Aix Marseille, Centre d'Etudes du Tourisme, 1975, 527 s.+ Ek(A-F) (G/155.F8/C159/1975)
18. CAZES, G.: Le TiersTiers-Monde vu par les Publicites Touristiques:
Touristiques: Une mage Geographique Mystifiante Droit, Centre
des Hautes Etudes Touristiques,
Touristiques 1976, 52 s. Dış kapak "Les Cahiers du Tourisme" adını taşıyor"
19. CHOI, Frederick D. S. - Gerhard G. MUELLER: An Introduction to Multinational Accounting
20. CLAWSON, Marion: Economics of Outdoor Recreation.
Recreation By M. CLAWSON and J. L. KNETSCH. Baltimore, J. Hopkins
Univ. 1974, 328 s. C1966. (GV/182.2/C55/1966)
21. COFFMAN, C. Denitt: Marketing for a Full House; A complete Guide to Profitable Hotel/Motel Operational
Planning, Ed. by Helen J. Recknagel, Ithaca, Cornell Univ., 1979, C1975, 384 s. (TX/911.3/M3/C64/1975)
22. COLTMAN, Michael M.: Financial Management For The Hospitality Industry.
Industry. Boston, CBI, 1979, 245 s.
23. CURRAN, Patrick J.T. : Principles and Procedures of Tour Management.
Management Foreword by S.I. Porrath, 'Boston, CBI,
1978, 152 s. (G/154.7/C78/1978)
24. DINOT, A.: La Legistration Hoteliere: Lycees Techniques Hoteliers.
Hoteliers Colleges Techniques Section Hotellerie
Collectivites. 3e ed, Paris. Editions J. Lanore, 1979, 134s. (TX/912/D61/1979)
25. DOSWELL, Roger: Case Studies in tourism; the International Federation for Productive Tourism.
Tourism London, Barrie,
1978, 148 s. (G/155/A1/D67/1978)
26. DUKAS, Peter: Hotel Front Office Management and Operation.
Operation 3nd ed, Dubuque , W.M.C. Brown, 1970, 174s.
28. FARNHAM, Carrie Evengeline: American Travellers in Spain: The Spanish inns . 1776-1867, New York, AMS,
1966, 58s. (Columbia University Studies in Romance Philology and Literature V.29) (PC/13/C64/1966/C.29)
29. FAY, Clifford T.: Managerial Accounting
Accounting For The Hospitality Service Industries.
Industries By Clifford T. FAY, Richard C.
Rhoads and Robert L. Rosenblatt. 2nd. ed. Dubuque Iowa, WMC, Brown, 1976, 596 s. (HF/5686/F36/1976)
30. FREMDENVERKEHRSWISSENSCHAFLICHES Institut Salzburg. Veroffentlichungen
Universitatsverlag A Pustet. Mevcut ciltler; c.1-4 (G/115.A1/F.675/1970)
31. GRAY, H. Peter: International Travel - International. Trade.
Trade By Peter H. GRAY, Lexington, Heath Lexington Books,
1970, XIII+264 p. 23 cm. (G/155.A1/G7/1970)
32. GREEN, Eric F.: Profitable Food and Beverage Management: Planning,
Planning By Eric F. GREEN, Galen G. DRAKE and F.
JEROME SWEENEY. Rochelle Park, N.J. HAYDEN, 1978, 342 s. (TX/911.3/M.27/G74/1978)
33. GRENIER, Sargos Aline: La Defense de L'Environnement.
34. GUN, Clare A.: Tourism Planning.
Planning New York, Crane Russak, 1979, 371 s. (GX/155/A1/G86/1979)
35. GUTERMAN, Stanley S. : The Machiavellians: A Social Psychological Study Of Moral Character and Organizational
Milieu. by Stanley S. Guterman. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Nebraska Press, 1970, XVIII+178 p. 2. Hotels,
taverns, etc-employees. (HM/132/G86/1970)
36. HORWATH, Ernest B.: Hotel Accounting.
Accounting BY Ernest B. Horwath and Louis Toth 4th ed. Rev. by John D. Lesure.
New York, Wiley, 1978, 424s. (HP/5686/H75/H6/1978)
37. HOCHE, Kurt: Konferenzen: Planung. Vorberzitung.
Vorberzitung Durcfuhrung, Auswertung
38. HUDMAK, Lloyd: Tourism: A Shrinking World.
World Columbus, Grid, 1980, 290 s.
39. HURST, Rosemary: Housekeeping Management For Hotels and Residential Establishments.
Establishments London, 1980,
Heinemann, c1971, 165 s.(TX/912/H945/1971/h)
40. HURST, Rosemary: Services and Maintenance for Hotels and Residential Establisments.
Establisments London, Heinemann,
1982, C1971, 144 s. (TX/912/H945/1971)
41. KAHRL, William F.: Modern Food Service Planning.
42. KASAVANA, Michael L.: Hotel Information Systems; A Contemporary Approach to Pront Office Procedures.
Boston, CBI, 1978, 269 s. (TX/911.3/M27/k38/1978)
43. KAZARIAN, Edward A.: Work Analysis and Desing for Hotels,
Hotels, Restaurants and Institutions.
Institutions 2 nd ed. Westport, Avi,
1979, 390 s. (Tx/911.3/M.27/K.4/ 1979)
44. KEISER, James R.: Principles and Practice of Management in The Hospitality Industry.
Industry Boston, CBI Pub., 1979, 430
s. (TX/911.3/M.27/K.45/1979)
45. KOTAS, Richard: Management Accounting for Hotels and
and Restaurants: A Revenue Accounting Approach. London,
Surrey Univ., 1977, 271 s. (HP/5686. H75/K62/1977)
46. KRECK, Lothar A.: Operational Problem Solving for The Hotel and Restaurant Industry: The Pulman Method.
Boston, CBI, 1978, 167 s. (TX/911.3/M.27/K.73/1978)
47. LAND and leisure: Concepts and Methods in Outdoor Recreation
Recreation. Ed. by Carlton S. Van Doren, George B. Priddle
and John E. Lewis. 2nd. ed. London, Methuen, C1974, 1979. 317 s. (GV/191.4/F57/1979)
48. LANFANT, Marie-Françoise: Les Theories du Loisir: Socioloqie du loisir et ideologies.
ideologies Paris, Pres Universitaires de
France, 1972, 254 s. (Sup. Le Sociologie No: 27) (GV/14/L27/1972)
49. LANQUAR, Robert: Agences et Associations de Voyages.
Voyages Paris, Presses Univ. de France, 1979, 127 s.
50. LANQUAR, Robert: Le Tourisme Social.
Social Par Robert Lanquer et Yves Raynouard, Vendome, Pres. Universitaires de
France, 1978, 126 s. (G/155.F8/L289/ 1978)
51. LAPORTE, Christian:: Les Etudes Prealables a L'Investissement Hotelier: Elements Produit.
Produit Marche et. Rentabilite
Previsionnelle d'exploitation. Droit, Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques, 1976, 87 s. Dış kapak "Les Cahiers du
Tourisme" adını taşımaktadır. (HF/5686/H75/L317/1976/e)
52.LAPORTE, Christian: Les Etudes Preables a L'Investissement Hotelier: La Rentabilite Economique et Financiere de
L'Investissement. Droit, Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques, 1977. dış kapak "Les Etudes Cahiers du Tourisme"
adını taşımaktadır. (HF/5686/H75/L317/1977)
53.LATTIN, Gerald W.: Modern Hotel and Motel Management.
Management By Gerald W. Lattin, Marshall C. Warfel and Thomas W.
Lattin. 3rd. ed. San Fransicco, Freeman, 1977, 289 s. (TX/911.3/M27/L38/1977)
54. LEISURE Counseling, an Aspect of Leisure Education.
Education Ed. By Arlin Epperson,
Peter A. WITT and Gerald HITZHUSEN, Springfield, Thomas 1977, 377 s. (GV/14.5/L38/1977)
55. LEONNETT, Jean: Le Droit du Tourisme et des Voyages.
Voyages By Jean Leonnet et Pierre Fontaine. Paris, J.Delmas, 1971,
315 s. (G/155/L.554/1971)
56. LES Effets du Tourisme sur les valeurs SocioSocio-Culturelles
elles Par, J.M. Thurot (et. all). Droit, Centre Des Hautes
Etudes Touristiques, 1976, 53 s. Dış kapak "Les Cahiers du tourisme" adını taşıyor. (G/155/FL/E36/1976)
57. LEVINSON, Charles: FoodFood-Beverage Operation: CostCost-Control Systems Management
58. LUNDBERG, Donald E. : The Hotel and Restaurant Business.
Business 3rd ed. Boston, CBI
1979, 378 s. (TX/911/L785/1979)
59. LUNDBERG, Donald E. : The Management of People in Hotels, Restaurants and Clubs
Clubs. By Donald E. Lundberg and
James P. Armatas. 4th ed. Dubuque, IOWA WCB, 1980, 368 s. (TX/911.3/L86/1980)
60.LUNDBERG, Donald E. : The Tourist Business. 4th ed. Boston, CBI, 1980, 334s. (G/155.A1/L8/1980)
61. MAC CANNEL, Dean: The Tourist: A New Theory of The Leisure Class.
Class New York, Schocken, 1976, 214 s.
62. MAGURN, J. Philip: A Manual Of Staff Management in Hotel and Catering Industry.
Industry London, Heinemann, 1980,
C1977, 338 s. (TX/911.3/P4/M34/1977)
63. THE MANAGEMENT Of Tourism: A Selection of Readings.
Readings Comp. and ed. By A. J. BURKART and S. MEDLIK.
London, Heinemann, 1981, C1975, 237s. (G/155.A1/M24/1975)
64. MANAGEMENT Science Applications to Leisure Time Operations.
Operations Ed. by Shaul P. LADANY. Amsterdam, North
Holland, 1975, 373 s. (Studies in management Science and Systems No: 4) (G/155.A1/M25/1975)
65. MEDLIK, S.: The Business of Hotels . London, Heinemann, 1980, 176 s. (TX/911.3/M27/M42/1980)
66.MEDLIK, S.: Profile of The
The Hotel and Catering Industry.
Industry 2nd ed. Prep. With D. W. Airey. London, Heinemann, 1978,
282 s. (TX/910.67/M42/1978)
67. NEAL, Jack A.: Reference Guide for Travellers.
Travellers Compiled and edited by. J.A.NEAL - R.R. BOWKER Company New
York London 1969, XI+674 p. 26 cm. (M/Z/6011/N4/1969)
68. NEVLINGER, John: The Psychology of Leisure: Research Approaches to the Study of Leisure
Leisure. Springfield, Charles
C. Thomas, 1974, 216 s. (GV/14/N38/1974)
69. OPPITZ, Werner: Fremdenverkehr: Organization und Verwaltung.
and International Tourism in OECD Member Countries; Evolotion
Evolotion of Tourism in OECD Member Countries in 1970
and the Early Months of 1980.
1980 Paris, OECD, 1980, 189 s. (G/155.A2/01/1980)
71. PEDDERSEN, Raymond B. / Arthur C. AVERY (et. al.): Increasing Productivity in Food Service
72. PEYRE, Christiane: Historie et legendes
legendes du Club Mediterranee.
Mediterranee Par Christiane Peyre et Yves Rayuouard. Paris,
Editions du Seuil, 1971. 267 s. (G/154/P48/1971)
73. PODD, George 0.: Planning and Operating Motels and Motor Hotels.
Hotels By Georg 0. Podd and John D. Lesure.
Rochelle Park, Hayden, 1964, 343 s. (TX/911/P58/1964)
74. POWERS, Thomas F.: Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry New York, Wiley, 1979, 382s.
75. PÖSCHL, Arnold E.: Volksvirtschaftslekre
76. READINGS On Managing Hotels/Restaurants/Institutions
stitutions Ed. by Dunnovan L. Sapienza, James R. Abbey and
Jerome J. Vallen. Rochelle Park, N.Y. Hayden Books 1977, 394 s. (TX/911.3/R4/1977)
77. RENOUX, Maurice: Les Methodes de Prevision de la Demande Touristioue et Recreative.
Recreative Droit, Centre Les Hautes
Etudes Touristiques, 1973, 45 s. Dış kapak "Les Cahiers du Tourisme" adını taşımaktadır. (G/155.F2/R296/1973)
78. RETEL, Jacques O: Les Gens de l'Hotellerie.
l'Hotellerie Pref de Paul-Henry Chombart de Lauwe. Paris, Editions Ouvriers,
1965, 262s. (Collection "l'Evolotion de la Vie Sociale") (TX/911.2/R4/1965)
79. ROGERS, H. Anthea: Economics for the hotel and Catering Industry: A Basic Course.
Course By. H. Anthea Rogers and
Diana K. Phipps. London, Barrie, 1977, 199 s. (TX/911.3/M27/R67/l977)
80. SALVATO, Joseph A.: Guide d'Hygiene dans les Etablissements Touristiques.
Touristiques Geneve, Organisation Mondiale de
la Sante, 1977, 153 s. (RA/618/S24/1977)
81. SAMSON, Marcel: Les Villages de Vacances de Type Social.
Social 2 eme ed. Droit, Centre des Hautes Etudes
Touristiques, 1977, 50 s. Dış kapak "Les Cahiers du Touristique" adını taşıyor. (TX/911.2/S49/1977)
82. SCHWARZ, Jean Jacques: Dynamique du Tourisme Et Marketing.
Marketing Univ. de Droit Centre des Hautes Etudes
Touristiques, 1976, 441 s. (G.155.s9/1976)
83. SEELEY, Ivor Hugh: Outdoor Recreation and The Urban Environment.
Environment London, Mac-Millan, 1973, 235 s.
84. SIMMONS, I. G: Rural Recreation in The Industrial World.
World London Arnold c1975. 310s. (GV/191.6/S55/1975)
85. SUTTON, Donald E.: Financial Management in the Hotel and Catering Operations.
Operations 2nd. ed. London, Heinemann,
1983, 331 s. (HF/5686/H75/S89/1983)
86. TANEJA, Navai K.: The Commercial Airline Industry: Managerial Practices and Policies
87. TUCKER, Georgina: The Proffessional Housekeeper
Housekeeper. By G. Tucker and M. Schneider. 2nd ed. Boston, CBI, 1982,
451 s. (TX/928/T8/1982)
88. VALLEN, Jerome: Check inin-check out;
out; Principles of effective front Office Management.
Management 2nd ed. Dubuque, IOWA,
W. C. Brown, 1980, 308 s. (TX/911/V24/1980)
89. WARNER, Mickey: Industrial Food Service and Cafeteria Management.
90. WHAT Recreation Research Says to the Recreation Prnactitioner
Prnactitioner. Ed. By Donald A. PELEGRINO, Washington,
American Ass. of Leisure and Recreation 1975, 72 s. (GV/14.5/W45/1975)
91. WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION: Handbook on Sampling Methods Applicable to tourism statistics.
statistics By WTO and
Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme. Madrid WTO, t.y. 42s. (G/l55/A1/W893/H19)
92.WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION: Methodological Supplement to World Travel Travel Statistics
Statistics. By WTO and
Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme, Madrid WTO, 1978, 328+29s. (G/155.A1/W893/1978/M46)
93. WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION: Technical Handbook on The Collection and the
Presentation of domestic and International Tourism Statistics. By WTO and Organisation Mondiale Tourisme, Madrid,
WTO, 1981, 147+65 s. (G/155/A1/W893/1981/T225)
94. WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION: The Travel Item in the Balance of Payments.
Payments By WTO and Organization du
tourisme, Madrid, WTO, t.y. 37 s. (G/155/A1/W893/T67)
95. WYLSON, Anthony: Desing, for leisure entertainment.
entertainment London, Wewnes, Butter Butterworths, 1980, 150 s.
96. ZEDEK, Gustav:: Fremdenverkehr, Band: III; Grundlagenn um Instrumentarium der Fremdenverkehrspolitik