Aralık Kapak-1


Aralık Kapak-1
A complimentary copy from TAV
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Say› > Issue 128 - Aral›k > December 2010
Sesin Üstad›
Cem Adrian
The Maestro of Voice
New York’ta
Noel Baflkad›r
Noel in New York
is Different
Mutfak Kap›s›ndan
Güneydo¤u Anadolu Turu
Southeastern Anatolia
Trip from Kitchen Door
Atatürk Havaliman›’n›n yat›r›m›na bafllad›¤›m›z 1998 y›l›nda, farkl›
When we had started our investment in Atatürk Airport in 1998, we
were aware of the fact that we took a new road to a different sector
with a particular business model and were aware of the
consequential challenges.
We were ready for producing knowledge, utilizing new
technologies and working with the most sophisticated management
techniques. We started with a very young team, always ran for works
which would create a difference, we thought fast, made rapid
decisions and always lived with a feeling of urgency.
If you take a look at TAV’s past and present, you will see that it is
an intelligently established system.
In year 2000, in the first year of our airport operations, we said that
in 10 years time we shall be operating 10 airports, and now in year
2010 we are operating 10 airports.
We are being considered as one of the most successful
companies of our country and of our region. We were awarded with
several awards and recognized globally. Number of our employees
reached 33 thousand, we have partners from all over the world and
42 million passengers are using our airports.
We can move hundreds of million dollars, millions of passengers
and hundred thousands of aircrafts efficiently and harmoniously.
During this period TAV had contributed to the recognition of
Turkish economy, Turkish universities, Turkish engineers, managers,
finance experts, architects and executives in the global market.
What is behind all this success? Tens of different factors! We can
write many pages, talk about its reasons for days! Innovation, ability
of adaptation, ability to move fast, appreciation of the value of
human resources, working hard, working our guts out, flexibility,
creating environments where discipline and freedom do not hinder
each other...
I wish you all a happy New Year and hope that 2011 will be a very
successful year for TAV and our country.
bir ifl modeli ile farkl› bir sektörde öncü olarak yola ç›kt›¤›m›z›n ve
bunun zorlu¤unun fark›ndayd›k.
Bilgiyi üretmeye, yeni teknolojileri kullanmaya, en geliflmifl
yönetim teknikleriyle çal›flmaya haz›rd›k. Çok genç bir ekiple
bafllad›k, hep fark yaratacak ifller peflinde olduk, h›zl› düflündük,
h›zl› kararlar verdik, hep bir aciliyet duygusuyla yaflad›k.
TAV’›n geçmifline ve bugününe bakarsan›z çok zekice
kurulmufl bir sistem oldu¤unu görürsünüz.
2000 y›l›nda, yani ilk iflletme y›l›m›zda 10 y›lda 10 havaliman›
iflletece¤iz dedik, 2010 y›l›nda 10 havaliman› iflletiyor olduk.
Ülkemizin ve de bölgemizin baflar›l› firmalar› aras›nda
gösterilmeye bafllad›k. Birçok ödül ald›k, tan›n›rl›¤›m›z çok artt›.
Çal›flanlar›m›z›n say›s› 33 bine ulaflt›, dünyan›n her taraf›ndan
ortaklar›m›z var, havalimanlar›m›z› 42 milyon kifli kullan›yor.
Yüz milyonlarca Dolar›, milyonlarca yolcuyu, yüz binlerce
uça¤›, birbirleriyle uyumlu bir flekilde hareket ettirebiliyoruz.
TAV, Türkiye ekonomisinin, Türk üniversitelerinin, Türk
mühendis, iflletmeci, finansç›lar›n›n, mimar ve yöneticilerinin
küresel pazarda çok daha pozitif alg›lanmalar›na katk›da
bulunarak iyi bir ülke temsilcisi de olmay› baflarm›flt›r bu
Nedir bu baflar›n›n arkas›nda olan? Onlarca nedeni var!
Sayfalarca yazabiliriz, günlerce anlatabiliriz. Yenilikçilik, de¤iflim
kabiliyeti, h›zl› hareket edebilmek, insan kaynaklar›na verilen
de¤er, çal›flmak, çok çal›flmak, esnek olmak, disiplin ile
özgürlü¤ün birbirini d›fllamad›¤› ortamlar yaratmak…
Tüm TAV çal›flanlar› ad›na yeni y›l›n›z› kutlar, 2011’in hem
TAV hem de ülkemiz için çok baflar›l› bir y›l olmas›n› dilerim.
Dr. M. Sani fiener
‹cra Kurulu Baflkan›
TAV Havalimanlar› Holding
President & CEO
TAV Airports Holding
Tepe Akfen Dergi Yay›nc›l›k AO
Mehmet Erdo¤an
Genel Müdür / General Manager
Eda Bildiricio¤lu
Atatürk Havaliman› D›fl Hatlar Terminali
Yeflilköy, ‹stanbul
Medya K Reklam ve Turizm Hizmetleri Ltd. fiti
Yazarlar Sok. Karaca Apt. Gazeteciler Sitesi
No: 19 D: 4 Esentepe-‹stanbul
Tel: 0212 288 45 56 – 0212 288 57 51
Yay›n Koordinatörü
Publishing Coordinator
Zafer Karata¤
Tasar›m / Design
Deniz Karata¤
Çeviri / Translation
Sinan Gürtunca
Katk›da Bulunanlar / Contributors
Bar›fl Hasan Bedir, Faz›l Karaduman, Günefl Meriç,
Hidayet Yüzbafl›o¤ullar›, Meltem fiahin, Onur ‹nal
St. Moritz
Mutfak kap›s›ndan Güneydo¤u Anadolu turu
Southeastern Anatolia trip
from kitchen door
Medya K Reklam ve Turizm Hizmetleri Ltd. fiti
Yazarlar Sok. Karaca Apt. Gazeteciler Sitesi
No: 19 D: 4 Esentepe-‹stanbul
Tel: 0212 288 45 56 – 0212 288 57 51
Reklam Genel Koordinatörü
Advertising General Coordinator
Özlem Fakabasmaz
Reklam Müdürü/ Advertising Manager
Sezin Akçay
Beyaz diyar: Kartalkaya
White realm: Kartalkaya
New York’ta Noel baflkad›r...
Murat Oval›
Noel in New York is different…
Y›lmaz Y›lmaz
Ege Bölge Temsilcisi: Ziynet Attila
Tel: 0232 330 0 500
Matbaa Çözümleri
Maltepe Mah. Litros Yolu Sok. Fatih Sanayi Sitesi
No: 102 / 99-112 Topkap›
0212 674 39 80
‹stanbul, KASIM 2010
Yerel, süreli, ayl›k
National, periodic, monthly
Hereke dokumalar›
Hereke weaving
Tel: 0212 288 45 56 – 0212 288 57 51
Cem Adrian
The Gate Dergisi, Medya K Reklam ve Turizm hizmetleri taraf›ndan T.C yasalar›na uygun yay›mlanmaktad›r. The Gate’te yay›nlanan yaz›, foto¤raf, harita, illüstrasyon ve
konular›n her hakk› mahfuzdur. ‹zinsiz, kaynak dahi gösterilerek al›nt› yap›lamaz. The Gate is published on a monthly basis by Medya K Advertising and Tourism Services. In
whole or in part of any material in this publication without prior written permission from Medya K Advertising and Tourism Services is expressly prohibited.
ISSN 1302-6917, TAV’›n ücretsiz dergisidir. A complimentary copy from TAV.
Aral›k / December 2010
Kayak ve e¤lencenin
buluflma noktas›: St. Moritz
ral›k ay›n›n gelmesiyle
birlikte, k›fl sporlar›na ilgi,
oldukça artm›fl durumda. Noel
ve Y›lbafl› tatillerini f›rsata
çevirmek isteyenler için cazip
alternatifler aras›nda belki de
en özellerinden birisi, tüm
k›fl boyunca tatil yapma imkân›
sunan ‹sviçre’nin flirin ve
popüler kayak cenneti
St. Moritz.
Göz alabildi¤ince uzanan
bembeyaz da¤lar›n üstündeki
uzun kayak pistleri ve
yerleflmifl alt yap›s›yla, kayak
severlerin u¤rak alanlar›nda
buras›. St. Moritz,
ziyaretçilerine eflsiz ‹sviçre
manzaras› eflli¤inde müzik ve
gurme festivalleri gibi pist d›fl›
aktivitelerinin yan›nda, gece
hayat›ndan hofllananlar için
alternatif gece e¤lenceleri de
St. Moritz’de yapabilece¤iniz
onlarca spor aktivitesi var.
Kayak ve snowboard
Aral›k / December 2010
yar›flmalar›, kayak maratonu,
donmufl göl üzerinde köpek
yar›fllar›, buz üzerinde oynanan
curling, polo yar›fllar›, buzda
kriket gibi k›fl e¤lencelerinin
birisine kat›labilirsiniz.
St. Moritz’de sadece
spor yapman›z gerekmiyor.
Kaymaktan hofllanmayanlar›n
tercihi, atl› arabalarla orman
yollar›nda dolaflmak, da¤
restoranlar›nda günün her
saati güzel yemekler yemek,
gün bat›m›n› seyretmek ya da
muhteflem manzaran›n tad›n›
ç›karak vakit geçirmek de
seçenekleriniz aras›nda.
‹sviçre’ye uçakla ulaflmak
oldukça rahat. Birçok tarifeli
uçak seferinden birisini
kullanarak Zürih’e gidip
buradan da tren, otobüs veya
arabayla St. Moritz’e
var›labilir. Ancak yol flartlar›
düflünüldü¤ünde, treni
kullananlar›n say›s›
oldukça fazla…
Meeting point of ski and
entertainment: St. Moritz
n December, the interest for
entertaining activities such
winter sports increases.
as ski and snowboard
For people who want to take
competitions, ski marathon,
advantage of the Christmas and
dog races on the frozen lake,
New Year holidays, one of the
curling on ice, polo races
most attractive options would
and cricket on ice.
be St. Moritz, the pleasant
St. Moritz is not only for
and popular ski resort of
sports. If you don’t like skiing,
Switzerland, where it is
you can take a horse cart and
possible to ski all through the
ride in the forests, eat
delicious dishes at mountain
St. Moritz is one of the most
restaurants any time you want,
popular ski resorts of the world
watch the beautiful sunset or
due to the flawless ski runs
just leisurely pass the time in
spreading over the snow
this magnificent nature.
covered mountains and the
It is very easy and
well-established infrastructure.
comfortable to get to
St. Moritz offers off-the-ski-run
Switzerland by plane. You can
activities such as music and
take one of the many
gourmet festivals in the unique
scheduled flights to Zurich and
scenery of Switzerland and a
from Zurich; you can get to St.
pleasant night life to its
Moritz either by train, bus or
rental car but if you consider
Tens of sport activities are
the weather and road condi-
waiting for you in St. Moritz.
tions, it is recommended to
You can participate in various
take the train like many others...
“Edge of Arabia / Transition” sergisi
“The Edge of Arabia / Transition” exhibition
‹stanbul Resitalleri:
Claire-Marie Le Guay konseri
2000 y›l›nda, Daniel Barenboim taraf›ndan Chicago Orkestras› ile
Carnegie Hall ve Chicago Symphony Center konserleri için bizzat
davet edilmesiyle dikkatleri üzerine çeken Claire-Marie Le Guay,
baflar›l› albüm kay›tlar›n›n yan› s›ra Avrupa, Asya ve Amerika gibi
dünyan›n dört bir yan›nda verdi¤i konserleri ile günümüz klasik müzik
dünyas›n›n en önemli solistlerden biri olarak gösteriliyor. Claire-Marie
Le Guay'›n Universal Accord etiketiyle yay›mlanm›fl on befl albümü
bulunuyor. Önemli bir alternatif olarak de¤erlendirilebilecek konser,
16 Aral›k’ta Mustafa Kemal Merkezi’nde olacak.
Uluslararas› arenada, kültürel öneme sahip bir proje kimli¤i kazanan
Edge of Arabia, 53. Venedik Bienali, Riyad Global Rekabet Forumu
ve 6. Berlin Bienali’nde düzenlenen baflar›l› sergilerin ard›ndan;
2010 y›l›n›, bugüne kadarki en iddial› sergisi olan “Transition” ile
‹stanbul’da noktal›yor. Körfez sanatç›lar›n›n bugüne kadar
Türkiye’de gerçeklefltirecekleri en büyük sergisi olma özelli¤i
tafl›yan “Transition” sergisi, enstalasyondan performansa, foto¤raf
ve videolardan heykele kadar çok çeflitli alanlarda 20 sanatç›n›n 80
eseri Suudi Arabistan’›n ça¤dafl kültürüne ›fl›k tutuyor. Sergi, 26
Aral›k tarihine kadar Sanat Liman›’nda görülebilecek.
The Edge of Arabia, which became a culturally important project in
the international arena, will end its 2010 events with its most
assertive exhibition year-to-date, “Transition” in Istanbul as the last
stop after 53rd Venice Biennial, Riyadh Global Competitiveness
Forum and 6th Berlin Biennial. The “Transition”, which is the
greatest exhibition by Gulf artists in Turkey until today brings
together 80 works by 20 artists presenting a great variety of Saudi
contemporary art ranging from installation to performances,
photography, sculpture and video. The exhibition touches upon the
contemporary Saudi culture. The exhibition will be open till 26
December at Sanat Liman›.
Istanbul Recitals:
Claire-Marie Le Guay concert
Claire-Marie Le Guay is accepted as one of the most important soloists
of today’s world of classical music. Le Guay first drew attention when
she was personally invited by Daniel Barenboim to accompany the
Chicago Orchestra at their Carnegie Hall and Chicago Symphony
Center concerts in 2000. She acquired her worldwide fame due to her
successful albums and concerts given in Europe, Asia and America.
Claire-Marie Le Guay has fifteen albums released by Universal Accord.
This important concert will take place on 16 December at Mustafa
Kemal Merkezi.
“Mermer Denizi: Yak›n Seyir” sergisi, Sanat Liman›’nda
“Sea of Marble: A Navigational Convergence”
exhibition at Sanat Liman›
2010 y›l›n›n Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti ‹stanbul’un
Sanat Liman›, the first public exhibition hall of
ilk kamusal sergi alan› Sanat Liman›, yeni
Istanbul, the 2010 European Capital of Culture,
sergilere ev sahipli¤i yapmaya devam ediyor.
continues to host new exhibitions.
Güven ‹ncirlio¤lu, Hakan Topal ve proje
Realized by the art initiative xurban-collective
tasar›mc›s› Mahir M. Yavuz ile A. At›f Ak›n
founded by Güven ‹ncirlio¤lu, Hakan Topal,
taraf›ndan kurulan sanat giriflimi xurban-collec-
project designer Mahir M. Yavuz and At›f Ak›n,
tive taraf›ndan hayata geçirilen “Mermer Denizi:
the project “Sea of Marble: A Navigational
Yak›n Seyir” projesi, küresel ticaret ve
Convergence” is comprised of an exhibition and
ekonominin ortaya ç›kt›¤› ve ayn› zamanda
a symposium upon a series of researches on
bedenlerin ak›fl›n› mümkün k›lan “deniz” üzerine global maritime traffic with respect to body
süre giden bir dizi araflt›rma sonucu geliflen bir
moves carried along with global trades and
sergi ve sempozyumdan olufluyor. Sergi, 26
economy. The exhibition will be open till 26
Aral›k tarihine kadar görülebilecek.
Aral›k / December 2010
Birçok klasik enstrüman (keman, flüt, obua,
viyolonsel) soprano ve tenorlardan oluflan korolar
kullanan grubun mimar› Christofer Johnsson'›n
rock ö¤eleri üzerine klasik müzi¤i odaklayarak
oluflturdu¤u her albüm, daha da senfonik bir
yap›ya sahip oluyor.
Kendi tarzlar›n› yaratan grup, senfonik ö¤elerin,
operams› vokallerin ve Orta Ça¤’a özgü korolar›n
mükemmel birleflimiyle rock müzik ve klasik
müzi¤in iç içe geçti¤i büyüleyici bir performans
ortaya ç›k›yor. Türkiye’de genifl bir hayran kitlesi
bulunan ‹sveçli senfonik rock grubu Therion, tenor
ve sopranolardan oluflan genifl bir ekip ile 11
Aral›k’ta, Refresh the Venue'de olacak.
“Nicola Conte Jazz Combo” ile müzi¤in keyfine var›n!
Enjoy the music with “Nicola Conte Jazz Combo”!
“Therion” 5 y›l aradan sonra tekrar ‹stanbul'da
“Therion” is back again in Istanbul after 5 years
Founded by Christofer Johnsson in 1987 Therion
combines orchestral elements with their rock music,
employing heavy use of choirs of sopranos and tenors
accompanied by various classical instruments like
violin, flute, oboe and violoncello. Every album of has a
Theiron’s unique music is a perfect combination of
symphonic elements, quasi opera vocals and choirs
special to Middle Age and the outcome is a mesmerizing
performance of intertwined rock music and classical
music. The Swedish rock band, Theiron, which has a
broad range of fans in Turkey, will be on stage on 11
December at Refresh the Venue and a choir made of
tenors and sopranos will accompany them.
‹talyan caz sahnesinin öncü isimlerinden, besteci, produktör,
gitarist ve DJ Nicola Conte, 6 kifliden oluflan orkestras›
“Nicola Conte Jazz Combo” ile Garanti Caz Yeflili konserleri
kapsam›nda 11 Aral›k Cumartesi akflam›, Tamirane’de
(santralistanbul) Bossa Nova’y› caz ile birlefltirmesiyle tan›nan
Nicola Conte, grubuyla verece¤i konserde, ‹stanbullu
hayranlar›na unutulmayacak bir performans sergileyecek.
Dans Platform ‹stanbul:
Nederlands Dans Theater II
Nisan ay›ndan bafllayarak 2010 y›l› boyunca bir dizi özel etkinlik kapsam›nda
dünyaca ünlü dans sanatç›lar› ve topluluklar›n› ‹stanbul'da a¤›rlayan ‹stanbul
2010 Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti Ajans› ana projesi Dans Platform ‹stanbul
kapsam›nda, 16-17 Aral›k tarihlerinde Hollandal› dans toplulu¤u Nederlands
Dans Theater II, Cemal Reflit Rey’de ‹stanbullularla bulufluyor. 1978 y›l›nda
kurulan, dünya çap›nda üne kavuflmufl bir topluluk olan Nederlands Dans
Theater, yafllar› on yedi ve yirmi üç aras›nda hem klasik hem modern dans
tekni¤ini üst düzeyde icra edebilen dansç›lardan olufluyor.
Dans Platform Istanbul:
Nederlands Dans Theater II
One of the pioneering names of Italian jazz scene,
composer, producer, guitar player and DJ, Nicola Conte will
give a concert on 11 December at Tamirane (santralistanbul)
with his sestet named “Nicola Conte Jazz Combo”, within the
scope of Garanti Jazz Green concerts. Nicola Conte is known
with a uniques style of music, which incorporates Bossa Nova
themes with jazz and he will deliver an unforgettable
performance to his fans in Istanbul with his band.
Aral›k / December 2010
Hosting world famous dancers and dance groups for a series of events
since April 2010, Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency’s
Theatre and Performing Arts Directorate Nederlands Dans Theater II will
present an unforgettable moments to those who like dance and dancing
by their performance at Cemal Reflit Rey on 16-17 December, within the
scope of Dance Platform Istanbul – main project.
Founded in 1978, the world-renown Nederlands Dans Theater is comprised
of dancers from seventeen to twenty-three year old dancers, who perform
classical and modern dance techniques superiorly.
“The 12 Tenors” T‹M Show Center’da…
Muhteflem seslerin büyük bir ahenkle bir araya geldi¤i “The 12 Tenors”,
Amerika ve Avrupa’da büyük ses getirerek flimdiden genifl bir hayran kitlesine
sahip oldu. Grupta yer alan tenorlar›n her biri West End ve Broadway
müzikallerinde baflrol oynam›fl sanatç›lar. Hatta aralar›ndan baz›lar› solo klasik
konserleri veriyor, ancak bir araya geldiklerinde de oldukça baflar›l› bir grup
oluflturdular. You Raise Me Up, O Sole Mio, That’s Life, Nessun Dorma, Danny
Boy, Imagine, Hey Jude gibi bilinen parçalar› seslendiren The 12 Tenors, 2-5
Aral›k tarihleri aras›nda, Türker ‹nano¤lu Maslak Show Center’da olacak.
Ebru Döflekçi heykel sergisi: “Yolcu”
Ebru Döflekçi, “Yolcu” ad›n› verdi¤i ikinci kiflisel sergisini Merkur’de aç›yor.
Sanatç›n›n son dönem üretti¤i 10 heykelin yer alaca¤› sergi, 6-31 Aral›k tarihleri
aras›nda görülebilecek.
Sergide yer alan heykeller, sanatç›n›n tekrar tekrar ayn› yerlerden geçti¤i,
seçimler yapt›¤›, onaylamak için dönüp arkaya bakt›¤› uzun bir yolculu¤un
izlerini tafl›yor. Daha kapal›, daha kendinden emin, olgun ama dinamik formlar›
içeriyor. Hem uçar›, hem daha güçlü yere basan heykeller... Heykellerinde
sade, sakin, izleyeni yormayan yal›n formlar kullanan sanatç›, malzemesini ve
rengini, eserin kendisine verdi¤i duyguya göre seçiyor.
Ebru Döflekçi sculpture exhibition:
“The Voyager”
Ebru Döflekçi holds her second personal exhibition she called “The Voyager”
at Merkur. The exhibition where most recent 10 sculptures of the artist will be
displayed can be visited on 6-31 December.
The sculptures displayed at the exhibition bear the traces of a long journey by
the artist, when she passed repeatedly from the same places, made choices
and looked back to confirm. They contain more implicit, more confident, and
mature but dynamic forms. These sculptures are stronger and they keep their
feet on the ground... The artist, who prefers plain, tranquil and modest forms
which don’t tire the viewers out, chooses the material and the color of her
sculptures basing on the emotion inspired by her work.
“The 12 Tenors” are at T‹M Show Center…
“The 12 Tenors” congruously brought incredible voices together and the choir
already has a large mass of fans, after creating a tremendous impression in
America and Europe. Every tenor in the choir had leading roles at West End
and Broadway musicals. Some of them also give classical solo concerts but
they are extremely successful when they perform together.
The 12 Tenors who perform famous songs such as You Raise Me Up, O Sole
Mio, That’s Life, Nessun Dorma, Danny Boy, Imagine and Hey Jude will be on
stage between 2 and 5 December at Türker ‹nano¤lu Maslak Show Center.
Londra Filarmoni Orkestras› ile klasik müzik keyfi…
The delight of classical music with London
Philharmonic Orchestra…
HarrisonParrott Ltd. ve ‹fl Sanat ifl
birli¤iyle gerçeklefltirilecek bu özel
etkinlik, dünyan›n en prestijli
orkestralar›ndan olan Londra
Filarmoni Orkestras›’n›n flef Vladimir
Jurowski ve dünyaca ünlü piyanist
Hüseyin Sermet eflli¤inde verece¤i
bir konserden olufluyor.
Mendelsshon’un 5 numaral›
Senfonisi’nin, Beethoven’›n 4
numaral› Piyano Konçertosu'nun ve
Brahms’›n 4 numaral› Senfonisi’nin
seslendirilece¤i konserle Londra
Filarmoni Orkestras›, 8 Aral›k’ta,
‹fl Sanat’ta klasik müzik tutkunlar›yla
Aral›k / December 2010
This special concert will be realized with
the joint contributions of HarrisonParrott
Ltd. and ‹fl Sanat and the London
Philharmonic Orchestra, which is one of
the most prestigious orchestras of the
world, will take stage in Istanbul. The
orchestra will be conducted by the
renowned conductor and the soloist will
be the world-renowned Turkish pianist,
Hüseyin Sermet.
The London Philharmonic Orchestra will
perform Mendelsshon’s Symphony No.
5, Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 4
and Brahms’ Symphony No. 4 on 8
December at ‹fl Sanat for the
classical music lovers.
Caz ve Flamenko ayn› sahnede bulufluyor…
Yeni gösterisi “Jazzing Flamenco” ile klasik ‹spanyol
dans›n› caz, blues, soul ve flamenko müzikleriyle
birlefltiren Najarro, yenilikçi koreografisiyle, ortaya özgün
bir çal›flma ç›kar›yor. Arjantinli müzisyenler, flamenko
müzisyenleri ve dansç›lardan oluflan 24 kiflilik toplulu¤un,
yaklafl›k 1 saat 30 dakika süren kesintisiz gösterisi
s›ras›nda, Flamenko dans›n›n koreografik ve müzikal dili,
Arjantin müzi¤inin tipik geliflleriyle sentezleniyor. Sadece
Tango Flamenco ile Kuzey Amerika’da 50’den fazla
gösteriye imza atan, ard› ard›na kapal› gifle 14 gösteriyle
Montreal Caz Festivali’nin gelmifl geçmifl en çok ilgi
gören gösterilerinden birini gerçeklefltiren topluluk, yeni
gösterisinde Flamenko’nun büyüsünü caz›n zarafetiyle
göz kamaflt›r›c› bir mükemmellikte buluflturuyor. “Jazzing
Flamenco”, 5 Aral›k’ta Cemal Reflit Rey Konser
Salonu’nda hayranlar›n›n karfl›s›nda olacak.
Jazz and Flamenco meets at the same stage…
By fusing the classical Spanish dance with jazz, blues, soul and flamenco
The troupe performed more than 50 times in North America with their
through innovative choreography at his new project “Jazzing Flamenco”,
show named Tango Flamenco and their 14 sellout shows in succession
Najarro created a unique show.
at Montreal Jazz Festival made Tango Flamenco one of the most
The troupe comprised of 24 Argentinean musicians, flamenco musicians
attention grabbing shows ever of the festival. Najarro dazzlingly brings
and dancers will be on stage approximately for one and a half hour
together the magic of flamenco with the elegance of jazz at his new
without a break. The show synthesizes the choreographic and musical
show. “Jazzing Flamenco” will be performed on 5 December at Cemal
language of flamenco with typical rhythms of the Argentinean music.
Reflit Rey Concert Hall.
‹stanpoli-Kassas / ‹stanpoli-Kassas
Mustafa ve Övül Avk›ran’›n ‹stanbul 2010
The play named “Kassas”, which was staged within the
Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti için özel olarak
scope of “‹stanpoli” project, which was realized by
üretti¤i bir proje olan “‹stanpoli” kapsam›nda
Mustafa and Övül Avk›ran for Istanbul 2010 European
sahnelenen “Kassas” oyunu, Aral›k ay›nda
Capital of Culture, will be on stage again at many
‹stanbul’un farkl› semtlerinde ‹stanbullularla
different places of Istanbul in December and all
ücretsiz olarak yeniden bulufluyor.
performances will be free-of-charge.
‹stanbul'un hurdac›s›, simitçisi, macuncusu,
The scrap dealers, simit sellers, candy gum sellers,
boyac›s›, bayrakç›s›, taksitcisi, bozac›s›,
shoe shiners, flag sellers, zythum sellers, chickpea-pilaf
nohut-pilavc›s›, midyecisi, kalayc›s›, çiçekçisi,
sellers, stuffed mussel sellers, whitesmiths, flower
falc›s›, ci¤ercisi, bileycisi ve daha fazlas› ile
sellers, fortune tellers, liver sellers, knife grinders and
ayn› sahnede oldu¤u bu proje, seyyar
many other street vendors will be together on stage and
sat›c›lar›n gözünden ‹stanbul’u anlat›yor.
they will tell the audience about Istanbul they know.
“Kassas” oyununu program› ise flöyle: 4
The dates and venues of “Kassas” are as follows: On
Aral›k / Zeytinburnu Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi,
4 December at Zeytinburnu Culture and Art Center, on
5 Aral›k / Tuzla ‹dris Güllüce Kültür Merkezi,
5 December at Tuzla ‹dris Güllüce Cultural Center, on
6 Aral›k / Ümraniye Atakent Kültür Merkezi,
6 December at Ümraniye Atakent Cultural Center, on
7 Aral›k / Sancaktepe Belediyesi Samand›ra
7 December at Sancaktepe Municipality’s Samand›ra
Kültür Merkezi, 8 Aral›k 2010 / Güngören
Cultural Center and on 8 December at Güngören
Erdem Beyaz›t Kültür Merkezi.
Erdem Beyaz›t Cultural Center.
Aral›k / December 2010
“Gezici Festival”
yola ç›kmaya haz›r!
Ankara Sinema Derne¤i taraf›ndan Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl›¤›,
Artvin Belediyesi ve Ordu Valili¤i’nin katk›lar›yla düzenlenecek olan
16. Gezici Festival, 3-19 Aral›k tarihleri aras›nda s›ras›yla Ankara
(3-9 Aral›k), Artvin (10-16 Aral›k) ve Ordu (17-19 Aral›k) illerinde
16. Gezici Festival’in yeni kefliflere olanak sa¤layan yar›flmal›
bölümünde bu y›l, Peru’dan Macaristan’a, Çin’den Romanya’ya
toplam 10 film yer al›yor. 16. Gezici Festival’in program›nda ayr›ca,
Türkiye sinemas›n›n son dönemdeki en iyi örneklerini bir araya
getiren “Türkiye Sinemas› 2010”, aralar›nda Niki Caro, Grant
Lahood gibi ustalar›n k›sa filmlerinin de bulundu¤u “K›saca Yeni
Zelanda”, festivalin olmazsa olmazlar› “K›sa ‹yidir” ve
“Çocuk Filmleri” bölümleri de yer alacak.
“‹stanbul Dünya Müzikleri “Istanbul World Music
Festival” is getting started…
Festivali” bafll›yor…
“Festival on Wheels”
ready for the road!
The 16th Festival on Wheels, organized by the Ankara Cinema
Association with the support of the Turkish Ministry of Culture
& Tourism, the Municipality of Artvin and the Governor’s Office of
Ordu, will be stopping over by turn in the provinces of Ankara (3-9
December), Artvin (10-16 December) and Ordu (17-19 December).
A total of 10 films from countries as far apart as Peru, Hungary,
China and Romania will be competing at the competition of the
16th Festival on Wheels, which is a key section opening the door
to new discoveries. Aside from the competition, the 16th Festival
on Wheels program will also feature themed sections such as
“Turkish Cinema 2010” which will present the best examples of
the Turkish film industry in the recent years; “New Zealand in
Short”, an ensemble of short films from masters such as Niki
Caro and Grant Lahood; and the absolute musts of the festival
“Short is Good” and “Children’s Films”.
Arp ile Her Telden:
1. Uluslararas›
‹stanbul Arp Buluflmas›
‹stanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti Ajans› Müzik ve Opera
Yönetmenli¤i ve Arp Sanat› Derne¤i iflbirli¤i ile hayata geçirilen “Arp
ile Her Telden” adl› müzik projesi, “Uluslararas› ‹stanbul Arp
Buluflmas›” ile doruk noktas›na ulafl›yor.
1-7 Aral›k tarihleri aras›nda gerçekleflecek ve bu y›l ilk kez düzenlenen “Buluflma”da, Arianna Savall, Isabelle Moretti, Maire Ni
Chatasaigh, Helene Breschand ve Andrew Lawrence King gibi farkl›
geleneklerin en usta isimleri, ‹stanbul’da dinleyicilerle buluflacak.
In Tune with the Harp:
1. International Istanbul
Meeting of Harp
Realized in cooperation with Istanbul 2010 European Capital of
Culture Agency's Music and Opera Directorate and the Art of Harp
Association, the music project “In Tune with Harp” is culminating
with “International Istanbul Meeting of Harp”.
To be realized on 1-7 December for the first time this year, the
“Meeting” will present master names of different traditions such as
Arianna Savall, Isabelle Moretti, Maire Ni Chatasaigh, Helene
Breschand and Andrew Lawrence King.
Aral›k / December 2010
‹stanbul 2010 Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti etkinlikleri aras›nda yer alan
ve geçti¤i her flehirde büyük ilgi gören Golden Routes projesi
kapsam›nda, 3 Aral›k Cuma günü, “‹stanbul Dünya Müzikleri
Festivali”, müzikseverlerle bulufluyor.
Realized within the scope of the Golden Routes project which
attracted great interest everywhere it passed by as an Istanbul 2010
European Capital of Culture event, “Istanbul World Musics Festival”
is embracing music lovers on Friday, December 3.
Aç›l›fl konserinde Akdeniz’in sesleri
“Dünya Müzikleri Festivali”nin, ‹stanbul Kongre Merkezi’nde
gerçekleflecek ilk konserinde, ‹spanyol Maria del Mar Bonet ile
Yunanl› Savina Yannatou ayn› sahnede bulufluyor ve Akdeniz’in
coflkusunu, hüznünü, ortak melodilerini izleyicileriyle paylafl›yor.
"Sounds of Mediterranean" in the opening concert
The first concert of the Istanbul “World Music Festival” to take place
at Istanbul Congress Center will present Maria del Mar Bonet of
Spain and Savina Yannatou of Greece on the same stage to convey
the enthusiasm, sorrow and melodies in common from the
‹stanbul’da büyük buluflma
“‹stanbul Dünya Müzikleri Festivali”nin son konseri, kültürel
zenginlikleriyle öne ç›kan üç flehrin sanatç›lar›n› ayn› sahnede
buluflturuyor. Macaristan’dan Kalman Balogh ile Gipsy Band,
Almanya’dan Henning Schmidt ve Türkiye’den Zülfü Livaneli,
17 Aral›k Cuma, Lütfü K›rdar Kongre Merkezi’nde, üç büyük
kültürün müziklerinden oluflan özel bir repertuar sunacaklar.
Great meeting in Istanbul
The last concert of “Istanbul World Music Festival” gathers the artists
from three different countries with great cultures on the same stage.
Kalman Balogh with the Gipsy Band from Hungary, Henning Schmidt
from Germany and Zülfü Livaneli from Turkey will present a special
repertory comprised of music from three great cultures on Friday,
17th December at Lütfü K›rdar Congress Center.
Edebiyat mevsimi / The Literature season
‹stanbul 2010 Avrupa
Kültür Baflkenti Ajans›
ve Türkiye Yazarlar
Birli¤i ‹stanbul fiubesi
iflbirli¤i ile “Edebiyat
Mevsimi” ad› alt›nda
2. ‹stanbul Edebiyat
Festivali, 6-11 Aral›k
tarihleri aras›nda,
Sergi ve atölye
çal›flmalar›, panel ve
aç›k oturumlar,
buluflmalar›, fliir
akflam›, deneme, fliir
ve hikâye dal›nda ödül
törenleri, konser,
gösterimleri gibi
sosyal aktivitelerle
zenginlefltirilmifl olan
festivalde, canl› ve
s›cak etkinliklerle,
edebiyat ve ‹stanbul
iliflkisi her aç›dan
hat›rlat›l›p gündeme
tafl›n›rken, ‹stanbul’un
edebiyat gündemini
belirleyen bir edebiyat
platformu da
The Second Istanbul Literature Festival
organized in cooperation with Istanbul
2010 European Capital of Culture Agency
and the Writers Union of Turkey Istanbul
Branch on 6-11 December at K›zlara¤as›
Madrasah. Enriched by the social
activities such as exhibitions, workshops,
panel discussions, open sessions,
author-reader meetings, poetry evenings,
awards for essays, poems and stories,
concerts, cinema-theater screenings; the
festival aims at articulating the relationship
between literature and Istanbul in every
aspect. Furthermore the festival
constitutes a forum which will
determine the literary agenda of
Beyaz diyar:
White realm: Kartalkaya
Faz›l Karaduman
eflil do¤as›, ormanlar›,
Ancak Karkalkaya’ya Bolu flehir
gölleri, da¤lar› ve yaylalar›
merkezinden düzenli minibüs
ile ünlü olan Bolu, özellikle k›fl
veya otobüs seferi yap›lm›yor.
turizminde, çok önemli bir yere
Ziyaretçiler, Karkalkaya’ya
sahip. Bu alandaki önemli
genellikle özel araçlar›yla
noktalardan birisi olan
ulafl›yorlar. Ayr›ca k›fl
Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi,
sezonunda, ‹stanbul ve
k›fl sporlar›n›n rahatl›kla
Ankara’dan çeflitli seyahat
yap›labildi¤i alt yap›ya sahip
acentelerince gerek
tesisleri içerisinde bar›nd›ran
konaklamal› gerekse günübirlik
gözde mekânlar›n bafl›nda
turlar arac›l›¤›yla da birçok
ziyaretçi, Kartalkaya’ya ak›n
Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi,
1982 y›l›nda ilan edilen
ediyor. Bolu–Kartalkaya yolu,
sezon süresince aç›k tutuluyor.
Bolu– Köro¤lu Da¤› Turizm
Alan› 1. Geliflim Bölgesi içinde
Neler var?
yer al›yor. Bölgedeki 4 adet
Kartalkaya’da özel teflebbüse ait
tesis, k›fl sezonu olan
4 adet konaklama tesisi
Aral›k–Nisan aylar› aras›nda
bulunuyor. Oteller, her türlü
faaliyet gösteriyor.
aktivite ve konfora sahip.
Kartalkaya'da, oteller
Mekanik tesislerin toplam kapa-
bünyesinde 18 adet mekanik
sitesi, saatte 8000 kifliye denk
tesis ile çeflitli e¤im ve zorluk
geliyor. Tesislerde, dilerseniz
derecelerinde 25 adet pist var
deneyimli kayak ve snowboard
ve bu pistlerin toplam uzunlu¤u,
ö¤retmenlerinden ders alman›z
40 km’yi buluyor.
mümkün. “Malzemem yok.”
diye düflünüyorsan›z,
Kartalkaya’daki tesislerden her
Bolu, merkezi bir konuma sahip
türlü kayak malzemesini
oldu¤undan, oldukça rahat
kiralama flans›n›z da var.
ulafl›m imkânlar› sunuyor.
Avrupa standartlar›nda
Büyük flehirlere olan yak›nl›¤› ve
Türkiye'nin en büyük
önemli kara yolu ba¤lant›lar›yla,
snowparklar› da Kartalkaya’da.
Bolu, bir ad›m öne ç›k›yor.
Alanda çeflitli zorluk
Aral›k / December 2010
olu province of Turkey is
famous with its green
nature, forests, lakes,
mountains and uplands but it is
especially important for winter
tourism. Kartalkaya Ski Center
is one of the most favored
places in this regard, which
has all the facilities and the
necessary infrastructure for
winter sports.
Kartalkaya Ski Center is
located in Bolu – Köro¤lu
Mountain Tourism Area, 1st
Development Region which
was declared in 1982. There
are four facilities in the region
all of which are in service in the
winter season, from December
to April. The hotels at
Kartalkaya have 18 mechanical
ski runs and 25 ski slopes with
differing inclination and
difficulty levels. The total length
of these ski runs is approximately 40 kilometers.
people. It is possible to take skiing and
snowboarding lessons from qualified
and experienced instructors at the
facilities. If you don’t have the
necessary equipment, you can always
hire all kinds of skiing equipment at the
The biggest snow parks of Turkey,
matching European norms are also
located at Kartalkaya. There are 6 main
ramp-kicker lines, a perfectly designed
bordercross, rail lines and rail boxes in
the park, which attract the ski-lovers to
Apart from skiing, you can also enjoy
the magnificent view at Kartalkaya. The
scenery is not limited only with pine
trees but it also decorated with the
unique beauty of the Bolu Mountains.
You can take a rest in the Turkish
baths and saunas at the hotels, after a
snowy and exhausting day. If you want
to entertain yourself after sports, there
are many pleasant activities at the
hotels. You can also have a good time
by having a walk between the pine
Since Bolu has a central
location, there are many ways
to get there. The city is very
close to big cities and on
important highways but there
are no scheduled minibus or
bus services to Kartalkaya from
city center. The visitors
generally get there by their
private cars. There are also
many visitors from Ankara and
Istanbul who prefer either
organized tours with
accommodation or excursions
by travel agencies in winter
season. Bolu – Kartalkaya road
is kept open all through the
What to see?
There are 4 private hotels at
Kartalkaya. The hotels have all
kinds of activities and comfort.
The hourly capacity of the
mechanical facilities is 8.000
derecelerinde 6 adet ana
rampa-kicker line, mükemmel
flekilde dizayn edilmifl
bordercross, rail line ve rail-boxlar,
kayak tutkunlar›n› Kartalkaya’ya
Kartalkaya’da kayak yapman›n
d›fl›nda, muhteflem manzaran›n
tad›n› ç›karabilirsiniz. Yaln›zca çam
a¤açlar›yla s›n›rl› olamayan
manzara, Bolu Da¤lar›’n›n eflsiz
güzelli¤iyle de süslenmifl. Karl› ve
yorgun düflülen bir gün sonunda,
Modern ve donan›ml› tesisleri
ve elveriflli pistleri ile son y›llarda
ad›ndan s›kl›kla söz ettiren
Kartalkaya, ‹stanbul ve Ankara’ya
yak›nl›¤› nedeniyle, kayak
severlerin hafta sonlar›ndaki en
önemli kaç›fl duraklar›ndan birisi
haline geldi. Mükemmel bir do¤al
güzelli¤e sahip olan Kartalkaya,
Abant ve Yedigöller gibi
merkezlerin yan› bafl›nda olmas›
ve do¤a sporlar› aç›s›ndan birçok
alternatif sunmas›yla, kendisine
olan ilgiyi gün geçtikçe art›r›yor…
trees and on the snow-covered ground. There are
special walking-tracks at
Kartalkaya. It is recommended
to wrap up and have your
camera with you before
having a walk. The beautiful
scenery will make you
tongue-tied and your finger
will never leave the shutter
button of your camera.
With its modern and
well-equipped facilities,
convenient ski runs and being
so close to Ankara and
Istanbul, Kartalkaya became
one of the most favorable
places to escape on
weekends for the ski-lovers.
Because of its closeness to
touristic places like Abant
and Seven Lakes along with
its magnificent natural beauty
and because it offers many
alternatives for nature sports,
the popularity of Kartalkaya
increases each and
every day.
otellerin hamam ve saunalar›nda
dinlenebilirsiniz. Spor sonras›
e¤lenceye devam etmek isteyenler
için otellerde düzenlenen
etkinlikler, oldukça keyifli. Ayr›ca
çam a¤açlar› ve bembeyaz örtülü
manzara eflli¤inde yürüyüfl
yaparak da güzel vakit geçirebilirsiniz. Yürüyüfller için özel
parkur alanlar› oluflturulmufl.
Yürüyüfle ç›kmadan önce kal›n
giyinir ve foto¤raf makinenizi
yan›n›zda bulundurursan›z, iyi olur.
Birbirinden farkl› ve etkileyici
tabloyu bir arada görmenin
heyecan›yla nutkunuz tutulsa da,
parmaklar›n›z› deklanflörün
üzerinden ay›ramayacaks›n›z.
Aral›k / December 2010
New York’ta Noel baflkad›r... / Noel in New York is different…
Amerika’da tatil, e¤lence ve al›flverifl havas›, her sene 31 Ekim günü kutlanan Cad›lar
Bayram› (Halloween) ile bafllar; Kas›m’›n son haftas› bütün aile bireylerinin bir araya
geldi¤i fiükran Günü ile devam eder. Tüketimin en üst seviyeye ç›kt›¤› y›l›n bu son iki
ay›nda Noel’in ve Y›lbafl› kutlamalar›n›n yeri ise bambaflkad›r.
The holiday, entertainment and shopping atmosphere starts every year with
Halloween celebrated on 31 October and continues with Thanksgiving on the last
week of November when all members of the family reunion. The consumption
reaches its peak during the last two months of the year but Christmas and
New Year’s Eve celebrations are utterly different.
Onur ‹nal
Rockefeller Center önündeki Noel A¤ac›
Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center
Dünyan›n en ünlü Noel a¤ac›,
Rockefeller Center’da
Noel’in ve yeni y›l›n yaklaflt›¤›n›
müjdeleyen bir fley varsa o da,
flüphesiz rengarenk süslenen
çam a¤açlar›d›r. Amerika’n›n en
büyük ve en ünlü Y›lbafl› çam›,
Manhattan Midtown’daki
Rockefeller Center girifline
yerlefltirilen ve her sene ünlü
simalar›n da kat›l›m›yla
›fl›kland›r›lan dev a¤açt›r. 1933
y›l›ndan beri süregelen bu
gelenekte Kas›m’›n sonu veya
Aral›k’›n ilk haftas› dikilen çam
a¤ac›, Ocak ay› bafl›na kadar
ziyaretçi ak›n›na u¤ruyor.
Rockefeller Center’daki Y›lbafl›
çam›n›n üzerinde yaklafl›k 30 bin
Aral›k / December 2010
adet ampul, cam küre ve
kurdela bulunuyor. A¤ac›n
etraf›na sar›lan ayd›nlatma
kablolar›n›n uzunlu¤u, befl mil
(sekiz kilometre) ; en tepesine
yerlefltirilen ve 25,000 Swarovski
kristalinden oluflan y›ld›z›n
a¤›rl›¤›ysa, 340 kilogram.
77 y›ld›r süregelen gelenekte
kullan›lan en büyük a¤aç,
1999 y›l›nda süslenen 33
metrelik Avrupa Ladini. Devasa
gökdelen Rockefeller Center’›n
yan›bafl›ndaki dev Y›lbafl› çam›,
hemen önüne kurulan buz
pistinde kayan New Yorklularla
beraber muhteflem bir
Noel görüntüsü
The most famous Noel tree is at
Rockefeller Center
If there is anything heralding that
Christmas and New Year’s Eve
are almost here, it is the
colorfully decorated pine trees.
The tallest and most famous
Christmas tree of United States is
the huge tree placed at the
entrance of Rockefeller Center at
Manhattan Midtown and
illuminated with a ceremony
attended by celebrities every
year. This tradition begun in 1933
and since then, the Christmas
tree is placed there either late
November early December and
flooded with visitors till January.
There are approximately 30
thousand light bulbs, glass
spheres and ribbons on the
Christmas tree at Rockefeller
Center. The tree is illuminated
with led lights on five miles (eight
kilometers) of wire and crowned
by a Swarovski crystal star made
of 25.000 crystals and weighs
340 kilograms. The tallest
Christmas tree at Rockefeller
Center in the last 77 years was a
33 meters Norway spruce erected in 1999. The huge Christmas
tree erected next to the colossal
skyscraper, Rockefeller Center,
and the New Yorkers skating on
the ice rink in front of the building
create a magnificent Christmas
Y›flbafl› yaklafl›rken Times Meydan›
Times Square when New Year draws on
5. Cadde'de Louis Vitton ma¤azas›
Louis Vitton store on 5th Avenue
Broadway Caddesi'nde tiyatrolar bölgesi
Theatres on Broadway Street
Manhattan’da al›flverifl, e¤lence
ve ilahi bir arada…
New York’ta yeni y›l arifesini
büyülü bir hale dönüfltüren di¤er
simgelerse, Manhattan sokaklar›na
renk katan k›rm›z› flapkal›, aksakall›
Noel Babalar, camekanlar› kar
tanesi figürleriyle süslenmifl
ma¤azalar, y›lbafl› al›flverifli için
kofluflturan insanlar ve nefleli
kilise korolar›…
Noel zaman› New York’ta
al›flveriflin kalbi, Manhattan’da
at›yor. Baflta 5. Cadde olmak üzere
Manhattan’daki ma¤azalar, özel
vitrin süslemeleriyle New
Yorklular›n ve turistlerin ilgi oda¤›
oluyor. Saks, Cartier, Lord &
Taylor, Louis Vitton gibi dünyaca
ünlü markalar›n 5. Cadde’de en
göz al›c› vitrini haz›rlamak için on
binlerce dolar para harcad›klar›
biliniyor. Ünlü tasar›mc›lara
haz›rlat›lan Noel temal› vitrinlerde
özellikle çocuklar›n ilgisini çekecek
›fl›k gösterileri düzenleniyor,
Aral›k / December 2010
kuklalar ve müziklerle Noel
hikayeleri anlat›l›yor. Zaman zaman
dondurucu so¤ukta ve kar ya¤›fl›
alt›nda 5. Cadde’de kofluflturan
binlerce ziyaretçi aras›nda ünlü
aktörleri, müzisiyenleri ve
sanatç›lar› da görmek mümkün.
Esas›nda bir dini bayram olan
Noel’in Y›lbafl› ile birlefltirilerek bir
e¤lence ve al›flverifl bayram›na
dönüflmesi, son yüzy›l içerisinde
gerçekleflti. Noel Bayram›’n›n
özünü daha iyi anlamak için
New York’ta ziyaret edilebilecek
yerlerin bafl›nda, kiliseler geliyor.
Hristiyanl›k inanc›na göre ‹sa'n›n
do¤du¤u gün kabul edilen 25
Aral›k günü, kiliselerde özel
törenler düzenleniyor. New
York’taki ayinlerin en görkemlisi,
Manhattan’daki St. Patrick
Katedrali’nde gerçeklefliyor.
Noel haftas›nda özel olarak
haz›rlanan 150 y›ll›k bu kilise,
25 Aral›k akflam› ibadet
edenlerin ak›n›na u¤ruyor.
Noel zaman› New York’ta
al›flveriflin kalbi, Manhattan’da
The heart of shopping on the
holiday season beats at
Manhattan in New York.
Shopping, entertainment and
carols are together at
Other symbols converting New
York into a magical place on the
holiday season are Santa
Clauses coloring the streets of
Manhattan with their red hats
and white beards, stores the
windows of which are decorated
with snowflake figures, people
rushing about for Christmas
shopping and joyful church
The heart of shopping on the
holiday season beats at
Manhattan in New York.
Especially the shops on 5th
Avenue and all others at
Manhattan become centers of
attraction for New Yorkers and
tourists with their window
decorations special to
Christmas. World famous
brands such as Saks, Cartier,
Lord & Taylor and Louis Vuitton
spend tens of thousand dollars
to prepare the most eye-catching shop window on 5th
Avenue. Light shows are
prepared for children and
Christmas stories are told by
using puppets and music at the
window shops decorated with
Christmas themes by famous
designers. It is always possible
to see famous actors, musicians
and artists between the rushing
people on 5th Avenue in
freezing cold and under snow
Originally, Christmas is a
religious holiday and connecting
Brooklyn'de bir sokak..
A street at Brooklyn
Central Park
Rockefeller Center önündeki buz pisti
The rink in front of the Rockefeller Center
Times Meydan› civar›
Around Times Square
Central Park
New York’ta Noel flark›lar›
dinlemek için St. Patrick
Katedrali’ni araman›z
gerekmiyor. Noel zaman›
onlarca kilise korosu, New
Yorklular’›n da kat›l›m›yla kentin
dört bir yan›nda Noel ilahileri
söylüyor. Daha profesyonel
gruplar ise, Manhattan’›n
tan›nm›fl konser salonlar›nda
boy gösteriyorlar. Vienna Boys
Korosu, her y›l oldu¤u gibi bu
sene de 12 Aral›k günü
Carnegie Hall’da sahne al›rken;
Harlem’in en iyi müzisyenlerinin
kat›l›m›yla gerçekleflen
Candlelight Carol Festivali,
21 Aral›k günü Riverside
Kilisesi’nde izlenebilir. Genellikle
kad›n vokallerinin söyledi¤i
do¤açlama gospelleri izlemek
için en uygun yer ise,
Harlem’deki kiliseler.
Noel’de içiniz ›s›ns›n: Buz
pateni veya otobüsle flehir turu
New York sokaklar›nda Noel
neflesi ve al›flverifl ç›lg›nl›¤›
devam ederken, sizi dondurucu
bir so¤u¤un bekledi¤ini
unutmay›n. New York’ta Aral›k
Aral›k / December 2010
ve Ocak ay›nda s›cakl›klar,
genellikle s›f›r derecenin alt›nda
seyrediyor ve zaman zaman da
fliddetli kar f›rt›nalar› yaflan›yor.
So¤uk havada ›s›nmak için iki
seçenek var: Ya bol bol hareket
edip üflümemek, ya da bir
otobüs cam›ndan New York’ta
Noel’in tad›n› ç›karmak.
New York’ta hareket edip
üflümemek için belki en güzel
seçenek, buz pateni. Her ne
kadar New York’taki en ünlü buz
paten pisti Rockefeller Center’in
önünde yer alsa da; küçük ve
kalabal›k olmas›ndan dolay›
buras›, buz pateni merakl›lar›
taraf›ndan çok tercih edilmiyor.
Manhattan’da buz pateni yapmak için iki alternatif var: ‹lki,
Midtown’da gökdelenler aras›na
s›k›flm›fl Wollman Rink. Wollman
Rink’te bir buz pateni okulu da
bulunuyor. Ünlü Bryant Park
Oteli ve New York Halk
Kütüphanesi yak›n›ndaki Bryant
Park ise, Rockefeller Center’in
iki kat› büyüklü¤ü ve ücretsiz
olmas› nedeniyle, New
Yorklular’›n tercih etti¤i bir
di¤er buz paten pisti.
Christmas with New Year’s Eve
and turning this period into an
entertainment and shopping
holiday was realized during the
last century. In order to
understand the essence of
Christmas, the best places to
visit in New York are the
churches. 25th of December is
accepted as the birth date of
Jesus Christ by Christians and
there are special ceremonies in
the churches that day. The most
majestic ritual in New York takes
place in St. Patrick Cathedral at
Manhattan. This 150 years old
church is made ready for
Christmas week and it is always
flooded with worshippers on the
night of December 25th.
You don’t have to go to St.
Patrick Cathedral to listen
Christmas carols in New York.
Tens of church choirs
accompanied by New Yorkers
sing Christmas carols
everywhere during Christmas
week. More professional bands,
on the other hand, appear at
famous concert halls at
Manhattan. Vienna Boys Choir
will take stage at Carnegie Hall
on December 12th like every
year and the Candlelight Carol
Festival with the participation of
the best musicians of Harlem
will take place at Riverside
Church on December 21st. The
best places to hear the
improvised gospels sung mostly
by female vocalists are the
churches at Harlem.
Warm up at Christmas: Ice
skating or city tour by bus
Don’t forget that a freezing cold
is waiting for you in New York,
while the joy of Christmas and
shopping madness continue on
the streets of New York. The
temperature in New York goes
below zero in December and
January and there are heavy
snow storms from time to time.
There are two ways to warm up
in cold weather: You will either
move vigorously or watch New
York behind the windows of a
tour bus.
Ice skating might be the best
way to move and not to be cold
in New York. Even though New
So¤uktan etkilenmeden New
York’ta Noel’in tad›n›
ç›karmak isteyenler için di¤er
bir seçenekse, Amerika’n›n
ünlü otobüs firmas› Gray
Line’›n düzenledi¤i Noel’e özel
flehir turuna kat›lmak. New
York’ta Noel temal› flehir
turunda ziyaretçiler, 5. Cadde,
Rockefeller Center, Lord &
Taylor gibi Noel’in tüm
›fl›lt›s›n›n görülebilece¤i
mekânlar› s›cac›k otobüsün
içerisinden izleyebiliyorlar.
Ziyaretçiler, istedikleri noktada
inip d›flar›da vakit geçirdikten
sonra bir sonraki otobüsle
yollar›na devam edebiliyorlar.
3 Ocak gününe kadar her gün
düzenlenen ve yaklafl›k iki saat
süren turlar›n ücreti yetiflkinler
için 39, çocuklar içinse 29
Yeni y›l›, Times Meydan›’nda
New York’ta yeni y›l
kutlamas›n›n tek bir adresi var:
Times Meydan›. Broadway ve
7. Cadde’nin kesiflti¤i yerde
bulunan ve 42 ila 47. Sokaklar
aras›nda yer alan meydanda,
31 Aral›k 1907 tarihinden bu
yana New York’taki en
görkemli y›lbafl› e¤lenceleri
Her sene 31 Aral›k gecesi
meydanda buluflan en az bir
milyon ziyaretçi, dondurucu
so¤uk alt›nda saatlerce kristal
kürenin aç›laca¤› an›
bekliyorlar. Waterfrod Kristali
ad› verilen, yaklafl›k dört metre
çap›nda ve 5391 kilogram
a¤›rl›¤›ndaki küre, saatler tam
12’yi gösterdi¤inde, meydana
indiriliyor ve milyonlarca
konfeti, Manhattan sokaklar›na
“Bu kadar konfeti nereden
geliyor?” diye düflünüyorsan›z,
iflte cevab›: Times Meydan›
Ziyaretçi Merkezi’ne dünyan›n
dört bir yan›ndan gelen notlar,
görevlilerce merkezin d›fl›nda
kurulan “Yeni Y›l Dile¤i
Duvar›”na yerlefltiriliyor. Y›l›n
son günlerinde toplanan yüz
binlerce dilek ve hayal,
parçalara ayr›larak birer konfeti
halinde Waterford Kristali’nin
içerisindeki yerini al›yor.
York’s most famous rink is in front
of Rockefeller Center, it is not
preferred for ice skaters that
much, because it is small and
always too crowded. There are two
options to ice skate in Manhattan:
The first one is Wollman Rink
which is caught between
skyscrapers in Midtown, where
they also have an ice skating
school. The other one that New
Yorkers like better is tne Bryant
Park close by the famous Bryant
Park Hotel and New York Public
Library, which two times larger
than the one at Rockefeller Center
and free of charge.
Another option for the ones,
who would like to enjoy New York
without worrying about the cold, is
to take a city tour special to
Christmas by the famous Gray
Line Bus Company of United
States. If you take a city tour on
Christmas in New York, you can
watch places where you can
witness the splendor of Christmas,
such as 5th Avenue, Rockefeller
Center and Lord & Taylor from
your cozy bus. You can also get off
the bus anywhere you want and
after spending some time outside,
you can take the next bus to
continue the tour. The price of this
two-hour tour you can take every
day till January 3rd is 39 dollars for
adults and 29 dollars for children.
Greet the New Year at
Times Square!
The only address to celebrate the
New Year’s Eve in New York is
Times Square. Times Square,
which is located at the intersection
of Broadway and 7th Avenue and
between the 42nd and 47th
Streets, is the home of the most
spectacular New Year’s Eve
celebrations in New York since
December 31st, 1907.
Every year, more than 1 million
people get together at the square
on the night of December 31st and
wait for the opening of the huge
crystal globe in the freezing cold.
The crystal globe named
Waterford Crystal is almost 4
meters in diameter and weighs
5391 kilograms. At 11:59 P.M., the
crystal globe begins its descent as
millions of voices unite to count
down the final seconds of the year,
and celebrate the beginning of a
new year full of hopes, challenges,
changes and dreams. When it is
midnight, the globe opens and
millions of confetti begins to fly in
the air, over Times Square.
If you wonder where all these
confetti are coming from, the
answer is so easy. All the wish
notes coming to Times Square
Visitors Center from people
around the globe are first placed
on the “New Year’s Eve Wishing
Wall” outside the center and they
are collected at the end of the
year to be added to the confetti
in the Waterford Crystal to flutter
down onto the streets of Times
Squre at 12 o’clock on New
Year’s Eve.
‹stanbul’da, “Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti”nden
sonra “Shopping Fest” flenli¤i
2011 Bahar›’nda gerçeklefltirilecek dev organizasyonu, ‹stanbul Shopping Fest
Platformu ‹cra Kurulu Baflkan› Y›lmaz Y›lmaz ile görüfltük…
özel oyunlar ve oyuncaklar, müzik
Yap›lacak tan›t›m faaliyetleri,
festivities, concerts, shows,
Shopping Fest” in many
etkinlikleri, partiler, yar›flmalar,
ülkelere ve içerisinde bulunduklar›
plays and toys for children,
countries, especially in Russia,
moda gösterileri ve defileler ile
bölgelere, halklar›n ilgi alanlar›na
musical events, parties,
Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkish
‹stanbul, “Shopping Fest” ile
göre de¤iflecek. ‹stanbul Atatürk
competitions, fashion shows
Republic of Northern Cyprus,
bölgesinin tek cazibe merkezi
Havaliman› dâhil, çeflitli outdoor
and dress parades.
Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel,
ilan ve reklam çal›flmalar›, TV'lerde
görünürlük, bu ülkelerin önde
Why Istanbul and why spring?
Greece, Bulgaria and in others.
Neden ‹stanbul, neden bahar?
gelen yay›n organlar›nda ilan ve
We have common values of
Everything will start in January
Bölgemizde, birçok kültürde yer
haber çal›flmalar› benzeri tan›t›m
many cultures in our region.
2011. The publicity activities will
alan ortak de¤erler var. ‹stanbul
faaliyetlerimizi de bu kapsamda
Istanbul is a city where these
differ depending on the
da, bu de¤erlerin önemli ölçüde
values are significantly shared
countries, their regions and
and which appeals to people
fields of interest of their people.
paylafl›ld›¤›, tüm kesimlerden
“Shopping Fest” in
Istanbul after “European
Capital of Culture”
insanlara ve bölgesindeki birçok
Organizasyonda yer alan kurum
ülkeye hitap eden bir flehir.
ve kurulufllardan bahseder
“Shopping Fest” süresince
misiniz? Nas›l bir destek
Nevruz, Paskalya ve Hamursuz
Bayramlar› gibi kültürel zenginlik-
“‹stanbul Shopping Fest”in Kültür
lerin paylafl›m›, etkinliklere apayr›
ve Turizm Bakanl›¤› ile ‹stanbul
bir boyut kazand›racak.
Valili¤i’nin himayesinde yürütülen
uluslararas› büyük bir al›flverifl ve
from all segments and to many
We will implement outdoor
“‹stanbul Shopping Fest” için
e¤lence organizasyonu oldu¤unu
countries in the region. Sharing
advertisement at many places
We interviewed Mr. Y›lmaz Y›lmaz, the
yurt d›fl› tan›t›mlar›n›z var m›?
some cultural richness such as
including Istanbul Atatürk
Newruz, Easter and Passover
Airport, there will be TV
Chairman of the Executive Board of Istanbul
tan›t›m kampanyas›
‹stanbul Büyükflehir Belediyesi,
during the “Shopping Fest” will
commercials, ads and news at
Shopping Fest Platform about the colossal
TAV Havalimanlar› Holding,
add a quite different dimension
the leading media organs of
“‹stanbul Shopping Fest”in
Türkiye ‹hracatç›lar Meclisi,
to the events.
these countries.
organization to be realized in Spring 2011...
tan›t›m› yurtd›fl›nda, özellikle
‹stanbul Kalk›nma Ajans›, Al›flverifl
Rusya, ‹ran, Azerbaycan, KKTC,
Merkezleri ve Perakendeciler
Are there any publicity
organizations take place in
Kazakistan, Ukrayna, ‹srail,
Derne¤i (AMPD), Al›flverifl
campaigns for “Istanbul
the organization? Can you
Gürcistan, Suriye ve Arap ülkeleri
Merkezleri Yat›r›mc›lar› Derne¤i
Shopping Fest” abroad? If
tell us about the support you
ile Yunanistan, Bulgaristan gibi
(AYD), Birleflmifl Markalar
any, what kind of promotional
Türkiye'ye komflu ülkeler baflta
Derne¤i (BMD), THY, TÜRSAB,
activities you carry out and
I already told that “Istanbul
olmak üzere; birçok ülkede
Shopping Fest” is a big
yap›lacak. Çal›flmalar, Ocak
TAV destek ve katk›
There will be publicity
international shopping and
ay›ndan itibaren bafllayacak.
campaigns for “Istanbul
entertainment organization,
Hidayet Yüzbafl›o¤ullar›
“‹stanbul Shopping Fest”
markan›n yan› s›ra; Kapal›çarfl›,
Can you please tell us about
hundreds of domestic and foreign
hakk›nda bilgi alabilir miyiz?
M›s›r Çarfl›s› gibi geleneksel
“Istanbul Shopping Fest”?
brands and traditional shopping
“‹stanbul Shopping Fest”, 18
al›flverifl noktalar› da yer alacak.
“Istanbul Shopping Fest” is a big
centers such as Covered Bazaar
Mart-26 Nisan 2011 tarihleri
Yeni sezon ürünlerinde yüzde
shopping and entertainment
and Spice Bazaar will be included
aras›nda Kültür ve Turizm
50’lere varan indirimler,
organization which will be
in the festival. There will be
Varsa nerelerde, ne tür bir
Bu organizasyona ayr›ca,
Which institutions and
organized by the Ministry of
Culture and Tourism and in trust
of the Governorship of Istanbul.
The other institutions and
organizations supporting and
Bakanl›¤› ile ‹stanbul Valili¤i’nin
kampanyalar ve çekilifller
organized by the Ministry of
discounts up to 50% on new
himayesinde gerçeklefltirilecek
yap›lacak. Yurtd›fl›ndan
Culture and Tourism and in trust
season products, campaigns and
dev bir al›flverifl ve e¤lence
gelecek al›flverifl tutkunlar›
of the Governorship of Istanbul
sweepstakes. The shopaholics
organizasyonudur. Yurt içi ve yurt
ise, ayn› zamanda vergisiz
on 18 March – 26 April 2011. We
from all over the world will be
Municipality of Istanbul,
d›fl›ndan yüz binlerce kifliyi
al›flverifl imkân› bulacak.
will host and entertain hundred of
able to shop tax-free. There will
TAV Airports Holding,
a¤›rlayaca¤›m›z etkinlikler, 18
Yüz binlerce ziyaretçinin
thousands visitors from Turkey
be shows and sweepstakes at
Turkish Exporters’ Association,
Mart 2011’de, çeflitli noktalarda
a¤›rlanaca¤› festival süresince
and abroad and the events will
various places of Istanbul, at
Istanbul Development
tertiplenecek törenlerle
‹stanbul’un çeflitli noktalar›nda,
begin on 18 March 2011 with
shopping malls and stores during
Agency, Turkish Council of
bafllayacak. ‹ndirimli al›flverifl
al›flverifl merkezlerinde ve
ceremonies to be organized at
the festival when there will be
Shopping Centers and
Retailers, Shopping Center
contributing to this organization
are the Metropolitan
f›rsatlar›, gösteriler, konserler ve
ma¤azalarda, e¤lence
various places. Discounted
hundred of thousands visitors.
coflkulu flenlikler, 40 gün 40
programlar› ve çekilifller
shopping opportunities, shows,
Istanbul will turn into an
Investors Association,
gece kesintisiz devam edecek.
gerçekleflecek. ‹stanbul, 40 gün
concerts and stirring festivities
entertainment center for 40 days.
United Brands Association,
süresince bir e¤lence merkezine
will go on for 40 days and 40
Istanbul will be the only center of
Turkish Airlines, TÜRSAB,
nights without interruption.
attraction in the region during the
“Shopping Fest”, with street
and TAV.
Etkinlikte, 90 al›flverifl merkezi
Georgia, Syria, Arabic countries,
ve bu merkezleri dolduran
dönüflecek. Sokak flenlikleri,
yüzlerce yerli ve yabanc›
konserler, gösteriler, çocuklara
Aral›k / December 2010
90 shopping malls hosting
Türk dokumac›l›¤›n›n yüz ak›: Hereke dokumalar›
The pinnacle of Turkish weaving: Hereke weaving
Hal› dokuma sanat›n›n geçmiflten bugüne en de¤erlisi olarak dünyada da kabul gören, hem
Osmanl› hem de Avrupa saraylar›n› süsleyen Hereke hal›lar›, s›rr›n› her bir santimetrekaresindeki
ortalama 100 ilmekte, ipek yap›s›nda ve bir de motiflerinde anlatt›¤› hikâyelerde sakl›yor…
Hereke carpets are recognized as the finest and most valuable hand knotted carpets in the world.
Hereke carpets decorated both the Ottoman and European palaces for ages and their secret lies
in 100 knots in average per square centimeter, their silk and the stories hidden in their motifs...
Meltem fiahin
Bar›fl Hasan Bedir
uygular›n ilmek ilmek dile
geldi¤i, sab›rla dü¤üm
dü¤üm esere dönüfltü¤ü,
içinde bin bir yaflam›n
bar›nd›¤› bir sanat, hal›c›l›k.
Üstelik Orta Asyal› Türkler’in
dünyadaki en eski dokuma
örneklerini, M.Ö. 6 ila 5.
yüzy›lda yaratt›klar› kadar
eski… Bat›ya göç edince
kültürlerini ve sanatlar›n› da
yanlar›nda götüren Türkler ile
beraber bugünkü topraklara
yerleflen, her geçen gün daha
da zenginleflen bir gelenek...
Saraylar› süsleyen hal›lar
1843 y›l›nda, Sultan
Abdülmecid döneminde,
Osmanl› sanayisinin ilk modern
fabrikalar›ndan biri olarak
kabul edilen Hereke Fabrika-i
Hümâyûnu'nun kurulmas›yla
bafll›yor Hereke hal› tarihi.
1878’de, bir yang›nla
kullan›lamaz hale gelen fabrikan›n, Sultan II. Abdülhamid
devrinde saraylar›n ihtiyac›n›
karfl›lamak üzere 1891 y›l›nda,
Aral›k / December 2010
fabrikan›n bafl›na getirilen
Hac› Akif Bey’le hal› üretimine
tekrar bafllan›r. Akif Bey,
Anadolu’nun birçok
yöresinden hal› ustalar›n›
Hereke’ye getirtir. Osmanl›
‹mparatorlu¤u'nun ilk ihraç
ürünlerinden olan bu hal›lar,
sadece Osmanl›’n›n de¤il;
Avrupa’n›n saraylar›n› da
süslüyor o dönemler. Girdi¤i
tüm uluslararas› fuarlarda
birincilik ödülleri ve baflar›
madalyalar› kazan›yor.
Ayn› zamanda Dolmabahçe
Saray›'n›n bahçesine Herekeli
ustalar›n oluflturdu¤u bir atölye
de kuruluyor. Hereke'deki
fabrikan›n özel bir atölyesi
olarak kullan›lan ve Hereke
Dokumahanesi olarak
adland›r›lan bu büyük yap›da,
saray›n ihtiyac› olan ipekliler
dokunmaya bafllan›yor. Sultan
Abdülmecid'in dünyan›n en
büyük saraylar›ndan
Dolmabahçe Saray›’n›,
dünyan›n en iyi hal›lar›yla
döfleme fikri üzerine, ‹zmit
arpet weaving is an art
which makes the
emotions find voice with every
knot and turn into a work of art
with patience and which
embodies numerous lives in it.
If we consider that the Turks
from Central Asia created the
oldest knotted material in 600500 BC, we can easily say that
this art is one of the most
ancient ones. Carpet weaving
is a tradition thriving each and
every day, which was brought
by the Turks who migrated to
West and carried their culture
and arts with them...
Hereke hal›lar› ,19. yüzy›l hal›
sanat› içinde önemli bir yere
Hereke carpets have
importance in the 19th
century carpet weaving...
Yetenek ve bilgilerini önceki kuflaktan alan kad›nlar
sonraki kuflaklara sab›rla aktar›yorlar…
Women who gained their ability and knowledge from
the previous generations transfer them to next
generations with patience...
Carpets decorating the
The history of Hereke carpets
started in 1843, when Sultan
Abdulmecid established the
Hereke Fabrika-i Humâyûnu,
which was accepted as one of
the earliest modern factories of
the Ottoman industry. Hereke
production was interrupted in
1878, when the factory burned
to the ground. However,
during the reign of Sultan
Abdulhamid II, Haci Akif Bey
appointed as the manager of
the factory and carpet
production re-started to meet
the need of the palaces. Akif
Bey brought many carpet
masters from different regions
Anatolia, to Hereke. Being one
of the earliest export products
of the Ottoman Empire, these
carpets were decorating not
only the Ottoman palaces but
also the ones in European
countries. Hereke carpets
received grand prizes and
achievement medals at every
international trade show for
their outstanding quality. At
that time, a workshop was
established on the grounds of
Dolmabahçe Palace and
staffed with Hereke weavers.
Being used as a special
weaving workshop of the
Hereke Imperial Factory and
known as Hereke
Dokumahanesi, the carpet
k›y›s›ndaki Hereke’de aç›lan üretim atölyesi
ile dokunmaya bafllanan Hereke hal›lar›,
sadece saray için dokunuyor o dönemler.
Bu desen ve hal›lar›n baflka bir yerde
kullan›lmas›, kesinlikle yasaklan›yor. Bu
fabrikada yaln›zca hal› de¤il; ayn› zamanda
di¤er tekstil ürünleri de üretilir hale geliyor.
Zira 19. Yüzy›l Sanayi Devrimi, Osmanl›’da
da kendine bu flekilde yer buluyor.
Fabrikada dokunan hal›lar, Japon, Rus,
Alman, ‹ngiliz ve Amerikan krall›klar›na
hediye olarak gönderiliyor. 1894 y›l›nda,
Hereke'yi ziyaret eden Almanya ‹mparatoru
Kaiser Wilhelm II, beraberinde kimyasal
boyalar getirince, hal›lar›n dokumas›nda bu
yeni teknik kullan›lmaya bafllan›yor. Kaiser
Wilhelm II, dokuma teknolojinin geliflmesine
bu flekilde katk›da bulunmufl oluyor.
Her santimetrekarede 100 ilmek
Peki, neydi Hereke hal›lar›n› ödüllere,
saraylara kadar götüren sihir? Dokuma
malzemesi ve örme tekni¤i elbette. Çok
ince iplik ve ipek kullan›larak yap›lan hal›lar,
“Gördes dü¤ümü” diye de bilinen çift
dü¤üm tekni¤i ile dokunuyor. Uzun ömürlü
olmas›n› da bu dü¤ümlere borçlu. Ustalar›n
tüm Anadolu hal›lar›n› ve tekniklerini sab›rla
inceledikten sonra keflfettikleri bir teknik bu.
Her bir santimetrekaredeki dü¤üm say›s›,
di¤er hal›lara göre daha fazla Hereke
hal›lar›nda. Daha fazla derken, ortalama
100 dü¤ümden söz ediyoruz. Çok ince ve
çok de¤erli olan baz› hal›larda ise
santimetrekaredeki dü¤üm say›s›,
400'ü geçiyor.
Günümüzde Hereke'de dokumas› yap›lan
pamuk üstü yün ve ipek hal›lar›n
Aral›k / December 2010
Dönemin birçok saray›n› Hereke
hal›lar› süslüyordu..
Hereke carpets were decorating
many palaces of the time
weavers started to produce the silk carpets
for the palace. Sultan Abdulmecid asserted
that Dolmabahçe Palace, which was one of
the biggest palaces in the world, should be
decorated with the finest carpets in the world
and that assertion was the main reason for
the establishment of the factory in Hereke
and the Hereke carpets weaved in those
years were only displayed in the palace. It
was forbidden to use those patterns, motifs
and carpets anywhere else. In time, this
factory started to produce not only carpets
but also other textiles, because the Ottoman
Empire was also affected by the 19th
Century Industrial Revolution.
Fine Hereke carpets weaved at the factory
were presented as gifts to the royal families of
Japan, Russia, Germany and England. When
the German Emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II visited
Hereke in 1894, he brought about chemical
dyes and this new technique was applied to
the weaving of the carpets. Thus, it can be
said that Kaiser Wilhelm II had a contribution
to the development of the weaving
technology in Turkey.
100 knots per square centimeter
What was the magic that made the Hereke
carpets decorate the palaces and receive
countless prizes? The secret was weaving
material and the unique creation technique of
course. The carpets are weaved from
superfine wool yarn or silk and the double
knotted weaving technique called “Gördes
(Ghiordes) Knot” is used. This is why these
carpets are more durable. This technique was
discovered by the old masters, after they
patiently examined all of the Anatolian car-
dokunan Hereke hal›lar›n›n
sa¤ ve sol köflelerine
Osmanl›ca ve Latince
“Hereke” imzas› da at›l›yor.
metrekaresi 400 bin ilmekten bafllay›p 10
milyon ilme¤e kadar ç›k›yor. Hereke’de,
ipekten, iki adet olarak üretilen ve biri Japon
hükümetince sat›n al›nan, ikincisi ise üretici
firmada bulunan dünyan›n en ince hal›s›nda,
metrekarede 10 milyonu aflk›n ilmek
bulunuyor.Tabii bu kadar ilmek,
biçimlendirilen motiflerin detayland›r›lmas›n›
da beraberinde getiriyor. Ola¤anüstü incelikte
sanat eserlerinin ortaya ç›kmas› da bundan.
Her motif bir hikâye demek
Baflta lale, goncagül, yaprak, karanfil,
sümbül, badem, çiçek buketleri olmak
üzere 200’den fazla çiçek motifiyle anlat›l›yor
hikâyeler Hereke hal›lar›nda. Osmanl› tasavvuf
kültürünün sonsuzluk temas›, bazen çerçeve
içine al›nm›fl eski harfli yaz›larla ya da çiçek
motifleri aras›na yerlefltirilmifl hayvan motifleri
üzerine dokunuyor yaflanm›fll›klar. En ünlü
desenler yedi da¤›n çiçe¤i, badegül, k›rçiçe¤i,
binbir çiçek, lalezar, kristal, karpuzlu,
zümrüt-ü anka, çeflm-i bülbül olarak
s›ralan›yor Hereke hal›s›n›n tarihinde. Tek bir
desenin bile anlatt›¤› öyle çok hikâye var ki…
Yedi da¤›n çiçe¤i, mesela… Yedi tepe üzerine
kurulu ‹stanbul flehrinin çiçeklerini anlat›yor
usta eller, her birine baflka bir anlam vererek.
Lale ile sevgi ve bar›fl›, sümbül ile aflk›, beyaz
gül ile sevgiyi, yabani gül ile hasreti
anlat›yorlar dokuma tezgâhlar›nda. K›rm›z› ve
laciverdin gelenekselleflti¤i Hereke hal›lar›nda,
30’u aflk›n motif rengi büyük bir ahenkle dans
ediyor desenler üzerinde. Ve her bir Hereke
hal›s›na ad veriliyor büyüklü¤üne göre. Küçük
yast›k (25x40 cm), Yast›k (60x90 cm),
Seccade (120x180 cm), Karyola (150x225
cm), deniliyor. Büyük bir emek ve sab›rla
Aral›k / December 2010
Hereke hal›s›na
özel at›lan simetrik
Türk dü¤ümü...
Bir di¤er ad› çift
Symmetrical Turkish
knot special to
Hereke carpets…
It is also called
double knot.
pets and the techniques used.
The density of knots per square
centimeter is much more than
the other carpets. When we say
“more”, we are talking about
100 double knots in average per
square centimeter. Some thinner
and more valuable Hereke
carpets have more than 400
double knots per square
The number of knots per
square meter of the wool (on
cotton warp) and silk Hereke
carpets weaved today changes
from 400.000 to 10 million knots.
The two thinnest carpets of the
world weaved from silk in
Hereke, one of which was
bought by the Japan
government and the other is
kept by the producing company,
have more than 10 million knots
per square meter. The density of
knots makes it possible to detail
the motifs on the carpets.
This is why these carpets are
extraordinary art works.
Each motif tells a story
Tulips, rosebuds, leaves,
carnations, hyacinths, almonds
and flower bouquets are only
some of the, more than 200
different motifs use to tell stories
on Hereke carpets. The infinity
theme of the Ottoman Sufi
culture is sometimes told by
framed Ottoman scripts or
animal motifs scattered between
the flower motifs. The most
famous patters are the flower of
seven mountains, badegül (rose
colored wine), wild flower, binbir
çiçek (thousand flowers), lalezar
(tulip garden), crystal, water
melon, phoenix and nightingale’s eye. Even only one motif
tells a lot of stories. Take the
flower of seven mountains for
instance… Skilled hands tell
about the flowers of Istanbul, the
city founded on seven hills, by
giving a different meaning to
each of them. They tell love and
peace with tulips, love with
hyacinths, compassion with
white roses and longing with
white roses at the weaving
looms. The traditional colors of
Hereke carpets are red and dark
Kopyalanamaz hal›lar
Dünya hal› eksperlerinin
kalitesini hayranl›kla dile
getirdikleri Hereke hal›lar›na,
dokunufl tekni¤i ve malzeme
kalitesiyle di¤er pek çok hal›
üreticisi yabanc› ülkelerce her
zaman g›pta ile bak›lm›fl, her
ne kadar kalitesine
ulaflamam›fllarsa da,
desenlerini kendi
ürünlerine yans›tmaya
çal›flm›fllar. Birçok hal›
üreticisi ülkede
kopyalanmaya çal›fl›lan
Hereke hal›lar›,
kopyalanamaz özelli¤ini
sadece desenlerinden
de¤il; Bursa’n›n yemyeflil
ve tazecik dut
yapraklar›yla beslenmifl
ipek böceklerinin
kozalar›ndan elde edilen,
dünyan›n en yüksek
kalitesindeki filatör
ipe¤inden de al›yor.
Bugün hâlâ Hereke ve
civar›nda yeteneklerini
ve bilgilerini önceki
kuflaklardan alan genç
k›zlar dokuyorlar
duygular›n› hal›lar
üzerine. Eski dilde
geleneksel olarak
yaz›lm›fl Hereke imzas›n› da
gururla at›yorlar.
Hereke hal›lar› yeniden
1922 y›l›na kadar Kabe'nin
örtülerinin de dokundu¤u
Fabrika-i Hümayunu ad›yla
bilinen TBMM Milli Saraylar
Hereke Hal› ve ‹pekli Dokuma
Fabrikas› ile Alman
‹mparatoru II. Kaiser
Wilhelm'in konaklad›¤›
köflkün restorasyon
çal›flmalar›n›n tamamlanmas›,
yap›lacak düzenlemelerle
müze-fabrika olarak hizmete
geçirilmesinin planlanmas›,
Hereke hal›lar›n›n eski ününe
kavuflmas› için at›lan önemli
ad›mlar. Hereke'de bir tekstil
müzesi oluflturulmas›, Kaiser
Wilhelm Köflkü'nün turizme
tam anlam›yla aç›lmas› ve
sertifikasyon merkezinin
kurulmas› da, bu konuda
yak›n zamanda hayata
geçirilmesi beklenen
planlardan baz›lar›. Türkiye
Seyahat Acentalar› Birli¤i de
Hereke hal›s›na turizm
deste¤i vermek için kollar›
s›vad›. Hem iç turizm hem de
turizm potansiyelini art›racak
çal›flmalarla bölgeyi ziyaret
edecek yerli ve yabanc›
turist say›s›n›n art›r›lmas›,
böylece Hereke'de bitme
noktas›na gelmifl evlerdeki
hal› dokumac›l›¤›n›n
yeniden canlanmas›na
katk› sa¤lanmas›
Desenler kendine has ve özeldir Hereke hal›lar›nda…
Hereke carpets have unique and special patterns...
blue but more than 30 other colors
are congruently dancing over the
patterns and motifs. The Hereke
carpets are named depending on
their sizes. These names are Small
Pillow (25x40 cm), Pillow (60x90
cm), Prayer Rug (120x180 cm),
Bedstead (150x225 cm). On the
right and left corners of Hereke carpets which are weaved with
patience and hard work, there is
always the signature, “Hereke”, in
Ottoman Turkish and in Latin.
they are produced from the highest
quality of filature silk obtained from
the cocoons of silkworms fed with
the green and fresh mulberry
leaves in Bursa.
Today, young girls who gained
their abilities and knowledge from
the previous generations are
weaving their emotions to the
carpets in Hereke and they still
proudly weave the traditional
signature of Hereke, written in
Ottoman Turkish.
These carpets
cannot be copied
Many carpet producing countries
always admired enviously the
weaving technique and
of the
used to
which were
admired by
the world
They all tried
to imitate
carpets but
nobody ever succeeded to have
the same quality till today. They just
tried to reflect the patterns and
motifs to their carpets. Even though
many countries have tried to copy
the Hereke carpets but they are
impossible to copy. The reason is
not only the patterns and motifs of
the carpets but also the fact that
Hereke carpets are reviving
There are some very important
steps taken to make the Hereke
carpets regain their old fame.
Hereke Carpet and Silk
Weaving Factory, also known
as Fabrika-i Hümayunu, of the
Turkish Grand National
Assembly National Palaces
Directorate, where the wrappings
of Kaaba were weaved till
1922 and the pavilion where the
German Emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II
stayed during his visit, will be
restored and the facilities will
serve as a museum-factory.
Some other projects are
establishing a textile museum in
Hereke, opening the Kaiser
Wilhelm Pavilion for tourism and
establishing a certification center.
Association of Turkish Travel
Agencies also comes on strong to
support the carpet tourism in
Hereke. They aim to improve the
domestic and international tourism
potential of Hereke by serious
projects and contribute to revive
the carpet weaving at homes,
which almost came to a
stopping point.
Sesin üstad› / The maestro of voice
“Caz, benim müzi¤imde
hafiften hissedilen bir
element. Ancak caz
müzi¤iyle kiflisel hayat›mda
kesinlikle organik bir ba¤a
“Jazz is only slightly felt in
Kendisine has ses tonu ve baflar›l› sahne performans›yla ad›ndan s›kça söz ettiren
Cem Adrian’la, etkileyici müzik serüveninden son albümü “Kay›p Çocuk Masallar›”na
kadar pek çok fley konufltuk…
my music. But in my
personal life, I definitely
have an organic bond
with jazz music.”
We talked about a lot of things from his impressive musical adventure to his last album,
“Tales of Lost Children” with Cem Adrian, whose name is mentioned most often due to
his distinctive tone of voice and successful stage performance…
Müzik serüveninizi bizimle
paylaflman›z› istesek?
Müzik, benim için her zaman
vard›… Ne zaman bafllad› veya
nas›l bafllad› bilmiyorum.
Bir insan›n yürümeye nas›l
bafllad›¤›n› bilememesi gibi
bir fley… fiimdi de yürüyorum
Radyoculuk y›llar›ndan
bafllayan çal›flmalar›n›z ve
Mystica Grubu döneminizi
anlatabilir misiniz?
Edirne’de bir radyo
istasyonunda yaklafl›k 6 y›l
kadar çal›flt›m. O dönemlerde
tan›flt›¤›m arkadafllar›mla da,
‹stanbul’da performanslar
yapabilece¤imiz etnik ve
elektronik müzi¤i sentezleyen
bir grup kurduk.
“Adrian” ismi nereden
geliyor? Bunu bir sahne
ismi olarak kullan›yorsunuz
Evet. “Adrian” do¤du¤um
Aral›k / December 2010
ve büyüdü¤üm flehrin eski
ve bilinen ilk ad›
Adrianapolice’ten geliyor.
5 oktavl›k bir ses aral›¤›na
sahip oldu¤unuz biliniyor.
Bunun yan›nda, sesinizi
oldukça esnek flekilde
kullan›yorsunuz. Bize iflin
teknik yönünü anlatabilir
Teknik yönü flu: Sadece daha
kullan›fll› bir enstrümana
sahibim diyelim. Ve bunun
bütün olanaklar›n›
kullan›yorum. Bilinen en kal›n
erkek sesi bas ve en tiz kad›n
sesi koloratur soprano
seslerine sahibim.
Böylesine orijinal bir ses
tonuna sahip olmak, müzik
kariyerinizi ve tarz›n›z› nas›l
Ben, her zaman en önemli
fleyin zaten ses de¤il; söz ve
ruh oldu¤unu savunuyorum.
‹nsanlar› etkileyen fley
Would you please share your
musical adventure with us?
Music was always with me…
I don’t know when or how it
begun…You cannot know
when you began walking and
this is almost the same thing….
I am walking now…
Would you tell us about your
radio days and the period of
Mystica Band?
I have worked at a radio
station in Edirne for almost
6 years. Then with some
friends I’ve met in those days,
I have formed a band to
perform in Istanbul. Our music
was a synthesis of ethnical
music and electronic music.
Where the surname “Adrian”
does comes from? I think
you use it as a stage name?
Yes. “Adrian” comes from the
ancient and first known name
of the city where I was born
and grew up… Adrianapolice.
It is known that you have
five-octave vocal range. In
addition to this, you use your
voice so flexibly. Can you tell
us about the technique of it?
The technique is simple:
Let’s say I have a more
functional and convenient
instrument and I use all of its
advantages. I have the
deepest known male voice,
bass and the highest pitch
female voice, coloratura
How did it affect your
musical career and style
to have such a novel tone
of voice?
I always assert that it is
not the voice but lyrics and
soul are important. What
affects people is not the
voice but what we sing with
that voice. I believe I would
be able to get through the
people, even if I didn’t have
this voice.
bence ses de¤il, o sesle ne
söyledi¤inizdir. Bu sese
sahip olmasayd›m da
söyleyeceklerimle insanlara
ulaflabilece¤imi zannediyorum.
‹lk konserinizden
bahsetmenizi istesek? ‹lk
konserinizden bu yana nas›l
bir ivmegösterdi¤inizi
‹lk profesyonel konserim,
2004 y›l›nda Bilkent
Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleflmiflti.
Hayat›mdaki en önemli sahne
performans›md›. Çünkü Faz›l
Say’›n Bilkent Üniversitesi’ne
beni sunumu niteli¤indeydi. Çok
heyecanland›¤›m› hat›rl›yorum
ve insanüstü bir performans
günden bugüne yüzlerce konser
vermifl biri olarak, çok fley
de¤iflmifl olabilir ama o konserin
önemi hiç
Bundan sonraki dönemlerde
de Faz›l Say’la ortak
çal›flmalar›n›z olacak m›?
Faz›l Say, bir “a¤abey”
olmas›n›n yan› s›ra; benim için
çok k›ymetli bir müzisyen.
Aral›k / December 2010
Tüm dünya için de öyle bence…
Büyük bir yetenek
ve tart›fl›lmaz bir müzikal olay.
Onunla çal›flmak, inan›lmaz
güzeldi. O da kendi yolunda ben
de kendi yolumda müzik yapmaya devam ediyoruz,
ama tabii ki ileride, yine
yollar›m›z›n kesiflmesi
çok muhtemel.
“Ben Bu fiark›y› Sana Yazd›m”,
“Aflk Bu Gece fiehri Terk Etti”,
“Essential/Seçkiler” ve “Emir”
albümlerinden sonra “Kay›p
Çocuk Masallar›” ile yine
müzik severlerle bulufluyorsunuz. Yeni albümünüzü
anlatabilir misiniz?
Albüm, bir önceki albümüm
“Emir”in devam› ve hatta finali
niteli¤inde... “Emir”de bafllayan
ve süregelen bir aflk
anlat›l›yordu. Bu albümde ise, o
aflk›n finali ve aflktan sonra
kaybedilen yollar. Yine
prodüktörlü¤ünü kendimin
üstlendi¤i bir albüm. Daha
akustik bir albüm. Bir ses
performans› de¤il; his
performans› albümü oldu.
Genelde albümlerimin içeri¤ini
What about your first
concert? How do you think
you have improved after your
first concert?
My first professional concert
was realized at Bilkent
University in 2004. It was my
most important stage
performance ever, because
Faz›l Say presented me to
Bilkent University with this
concert. I remember I was so
nervous and my performance
was divine. I gave hundreds of
other concerts since then
and a lot of things might have
changed in my life but the
importance of that concert
was never changed.
Will you have other joint
works with Faz›l Say in the
Faz›l Say is like an “older
brother” to me but he is also a
invaluable musician. Not only
for me but also for the whole
world, he is. He is an incredible
talent and a musical phenomenon beyond argument. Working
with him was unbelievably
beautiful. We both continue to
make music on our own paths
now but it is highly-likely for our
paths to intersect sometime in
the future of course.
You meet the music lovers
with your new album, “Tales
of Lost Children”, after your
previous albums, “I Wrote
This Song for You,” “Love
Left the City Tonight”,
“Essential” and “The
Command”. Can you tell us
about your new album?
It is like the continuation and
even the finale of my previous
album, “The Command”. There
was the story of a starting and
lasting love in “The Command”.
This album tells about the finale
“Ben, her zaman en önemli fleyin ses de¤il; söz ve ruh oldu¤unu
savunuyorum. ‹nsanlar› etkileyen fley bence ses de¤il, o sesle ne
“I always assert that it is not the voice but lyrics and soul are
important. What affects people is not the voice but what we sing
with that voice.”
anlatmakta zorlan›yorum, ancak
tam ve çok içime sinmifl bir
Cem Adrian albümü oldu benim
Son albümünüzün
di¤erlerinden farkl› olan
yan› ne oldu?
Asl›nda büyük bir de¤iflim
ya da geliflme kaydetti¤imi
düflünmüyorum. Sahip olmak
için çok u¤raflt›¤›m soundumu
de¤iflen her fleye ra¤men sabit
tutmaya çal›flt›¤›m bir albüm
Cover parçalara yer
verdi¤iniz ve çok be¤enilen
performanslar›n›z var.
Bu yönde yeni giriflimleriniz
olacak m›?
Kendi kiflisel albümlerime cover
koymuyorum, ancak sahnede
cover söylemeyi çok seviyorum.
Belki ileride söylemeyi çok
sevdi¤im flark›lardan böyle bir
albüm yapabilirim. Neden
Son albümünüzde, hangi
parçaya klip çekmeyi
düflünüyorsunuz? Bu parçan›n
seçilmesinde neler etkili oldu?
‹lk video çekece¤imiz flark›m›z
“Bana Ne Yapt›n” sadece
akustik bir gitar ve benim
sesimin oldu¤u bir flark›.
Çok sade. Tamamen bir
içgüdüye dayal› bu flark›n›n
seçilmesi… Böyle anlatmaya
bafllayal›m istedim, sadece bu.
Sahnedeki Cem Adrian ile
gerçek hayattaki Cem Adrian’›
karfl›laflt›rman›z› istesek?
Hayatta da yapt›¤›m tek fley,
kendimi hayata teslim etmek…
Gerçekten böyle bu. Hayata
her fleyiyle güvenip kendimi ona
teslim etmek… Belki aradaki tek
fark, kendi hayat›mda sahnedeki
kadar “siyah” de¤ilim.
Caz, müzi¤inizde ne kadar
yer kapl›yor?
Caz, benim müzi¤imde hafiften
hissedilen bir element. Ancak
caz müzi¤iyle kiflisel hayat›mda
kesinlikle organik bir ba¤a
sahibim. Chet Baker’›n trompeti,
Louis Armstrong’un sesi, Nina
Simone’un piyanosu gibi büyük
hisler, hep beni çok
Aral›k / December 2010
Albüm çal›flmalar›n›z›n
yan›nda, k›sa vadedeki
projeleriniz neler?
Yeni albüm sonras›nda birçok
konser var birçok flehir, birçok
yeni kalp… Keflfedilmesi
gereken… Projesel bir düflüncem
yok. Her fleyi hayata b›rak›p,
güvenip, yaflay›p görece¤iz…
of that love and the paths lost
after the love. I am the
producer of the album. It is
more acoustical than the
others. This is not a vocal
performance but rather an
emotional performance album.
Normally I have difficulty to
explain the content of an
album but this one turned out
to be a most complete and
satisfying Cem Adrian album
for me.
What is the difference of
your last album from
As a matter of fact, I don’t
think I had a great change or
improvement. This is the first
album with which I’ve tried to
keep my sound stable that I
worked hard to possess in
spite of changes in
For which song of your last
album you plan to shoot a
video clip? What made you
choose this song?
The first song for which we will
have a video is “What Did You
Do to Me?”. There is only my
voice and the sound of an
acoustic guitar in this song.
It is plain and simple. I have
chosen his song instinctively.
I just wanted to tell the story
this way, that’s all.
How does jazz affect
your music?
Jazz is only slightly felt in my
music. But in my personal life,
I definitely have an organic
bond with jazz music. Great
emotions like the trumpet of
Chet Baker, the voice of Louis
Armstrong and the piano of
Nina Simone always had a
great impact on me.
Some of your works include
cover songs and they are
greatly admired. Will there
be similar works soon?
I don’t like to have cover
songs in my albums but I
really love to sing covers on
stage. Maybe I can make an
album with the songs I love
to perform in the future.
Why not?
Can you compare Cem
Adrian on stage and Cem
Adrian in real life?
The only thing I do in my life
is to surrender myself to life.
This is the truth. I trust to life
to the core and I surrender
myself to it. Maybe the only
difference is that I am not as
“black” in my personal life as
I am on stage.
Do you have short-term
projects besides your
album recordings?
There are many concerts to
be given, many cities and
numerous hearts to be
discovered after the new
album… I don’t have any
other projects for now. I will
leave everything to life, trust it
and see the outcome by
Mutfak kap›s›ndan
Güneydo¤u Anadolu turu
Southeastern Anatolia
trip from kitchen door
Yüzy›llard›r farkl› kültür ve inançlarla
yo¤rulmufl kentleri, kutsal yap›lar›,
rengârenk çarfl›lar› ve özgün lezzetleriyle
Güneydo¤u Anadolu, s›ra d›fl› seyahatlerin
yükselen y›ld›z›…
With its cities kneaded with different
cultures and beliefs for hundreds of years,
sacred buildings, colorful markets and
unique delicacies, Southeastern Anatolia is
the rising star of extraordinary journeys...
Günefl Meriç
Bar›fl Hasan Bedir
“Vücudumuzu bafltan afla¤›
ar›nd›ran ›fl›¤›n ülkesi
Do¤u’nun ilkbahar
sabahlar›nda, sonsuzlu¤u
ça¤r›flt›ran bir fley var.
Kendimizi baharat kokulu
sokaklara atma iste¤i
uyand›ran bir fley...” Mardinli
yerel bir ozan›n internette
okudu¤um sözleri miydi,
maceral› bir Do¤u seyahatine
ç›kma karar›n› almama yol
açan? Bunu flimdilik bilemiyorum, ama en yak›n arkadafl›m›
ikna edip, iki kad›n olarak yola
koyulmufltuk bile. Ortado¤u ile
Akdeniz aras›nda 75 bin kilometrelik bir alana yay›lan bu
esrarl› co¤rafyan›n güzelliklerini
keflfedece¤imiz befl günlük
yolculu¤un ilk dura¤›,
Gaziantep. ‹nsanl›k tarihinin en
eski uygarl›klar›na ev sahipli¤i
yapan kentte, zengin bir tarih
ile renkli bir kültürel birikimin
yan› s›ra; Arap ve Anadolu
mutfa¤›n›n ola¤anüstü
bilefliminden do¤an tatlar›n
izini sürece¤iz. Sabah›n ilk
saatleri... fiehir merkezindeki
lokantalardan kebap kokular›
yükselmeye bafll›yor.
Antep’te kebap yemenin
saati yok. Kahvalt›lar›n en
“There is something evoking
infinity in the mornings of the
spring of East, the country of
light which purifies our body
from head to toe. It is something
which makes us want to throw
ourselves to the spice scented
streets...” Did I decide to have
an adventurous trip to East
because of these words of a
local bard from Mardin that I
read on internet? I am not sure
for the moment but I convinced
my closest friend to come with
me and we, two women were
already on the road. The first
stop of this five day journey to
explore the beauties of this mys-
Aral›k / December 2010
sevilen spesiyali, ci¤er kebab›
örne¤in. Kentin en yüksek
tepesi olan Kudret Kayas›’n›n
üzerinde yükselen Antep
Kalesi, Hititlerden bu yana
görkemli. Geleneksel Antep
evlerinin en güzel örneklerini
görmek için fiahinbey
Mahallesi’ne u¤ramak gerekli.
Darac›k sokak aralar›nda
s›ralanan evlerin yüksek tafl
duvarlar›, mahalle sakinlerini
yaz›n kavurucu s›caklar›ndan
korumak amac›yla infla edilmifl.
Ad›m bafl› kebapç›, baklavac›
ile yerel motiflerle süslenmifl
dokuma ve kumafl satan
dükkânlar›n aras›nda uzanan
sokaklar, bak›rc› ve
baharatç›lar›yla ünlü tarihi Uzun
Çarfl›’ya ç›k›yor. Tam 120 y›ld›r
çarfl›daki mütevaz› mekânda
Antep kebab›n›n en güzel
çeflitlerini sunan ‹mam
Ça¤dafl, patl›can püresi
üzerine servis edilen Ali Nazik
kebab› ve flöbiyetiyle ünlü.
Uzun Çarfl›’dan sonra s›rada,
sedef atölyeleri var. Zeugma ve
çevresindeki ören yerlerinden
ç›kar›lan mozaik ve arkeolojik
eserlerin sergilendi¤i Arkeoloji
Müzesi, kentin en heyecan
verici köflelerinden biri.
Antep’in meflhur Havuç Dilimi Baklavas›
Famous Carrot Slice Baklava of Antep
Renkli, mistik ve e¤lenceli
Ertesi gün, Anadolu ile
Mezopotamya’y› birbirine
ba¤layan fianl›urfa’da, büyülü
bir yolculuk bizi bekliyor.
Süryani, Yezidi ve H›ristiyanlar›n
yüzy›llarca birlikte yaflad›¤› bir
ortaça¤ kenti görünümündeki
Rumkale’ye ev sahipli¤i yapan
Urfa’n›n Birecik ilçesi, kelaynak
kufllar›n›n Anadolu’daki en
önemli yaflam alan›. T›pk›
Birecik gibi, F›rat Nehri’nin
k›y›s›na kurulan Halfeti; sar› tafl
evleri, meyve bahçeleri ve
baflka hiçbir yerde yetiflmeyen
siyah gülleriyle Güneydo¤u
Anadolu’da bir sahil kasabas›
görünümüne sahip. Birecik
Baraj› nedeniyle, beflte ikisi
sular alt›nda kalan kasaban›n
yitip giden de¤erlerinden
günümüze kalanlar› daha
yak›ndan görüp foto¤raflamak
için F›rat Nehri k›y›lar›nda tekne
gezisi yapmak iyi fikir. Ö¤leden
sonraki hedef, “Peygamberler
F›rat Nehri’nin k›y›s›nda kurulan
Halfeti; sar› tafl evleri, meyve
bahçeleri ve baflka hiçbir yerde
yetiflmeyen siyah gülleriyle
Güneydo¤u Anadolu’da bir sahil
kasabas› görünümüne sahip.
Halfeti located on the riverbank of
Euphrates River looks like a
coastal town in Southeastern
Anatolia with houses made of
yellow stones, fruit gardens and
indigenous black roses.
terious geography spreading
over 75 thousand square meters
between Middle East and
Mediterranean Sea is Gaziantep.
We will trace the rich historical
and colorful cultural accumulation along with the delicacies
resulting from the magnificent
combination of Arabic and
Anatolian cuisines in this city,
which was the home of most
ancient civilizations. It is the wee
small hours…There is a smell of
kebabs in the air, coming from
the restaurants at the city
You can eat kebab in
Gaziantep any time you want.
Halfeti’de çat›da kurutulan biberler
Peppers dried on the roof in Halfeti
ald›¤›m›z yerel giysileri
kuflanarak, kendimizi “S›ra
Gecesi”ne haz›rlayabiliriz.
Geleneksel bir Urfa e¤lencesi
olan s›ra gecelerinde, yer
sofras› haz›rlan›r; yerel
enstrümanlarla müzik icra edilir;
çi¤ köfte yo¤rulur; türküler
söylenir ve sohbet edilir.
Güneydo¤u Anadolu turu
yapan seyahat flirketlerinin
ço¤unda s›ra gecesi program›
bulundu¤unu hat›rlatmam›zda
fayda var.
Tarihi Urfa Çarfl›s›
Historical Urfa Bazaar
Urfa’da S›ra Gecesi
Sira Night in Urfa
Kenti” olarak an›lan
fianlurfa’n›n flehir merkezini
tan›mak. Her köfle bafl›nda
mistik bir yap›yla
karfl›laflaca¤›n›z kentin eski
mahallelerinde, kendinizi
Mekke ya da Kudüs’te
hissedeceksiniz. Roma ve
Bizans harabeleri, h›nca h›nç
dolan cami avlular›, Hint
pazarlar›n› an›msatan tarihi
çarfl›lar, R›zvaniye Medresesi,
Ulu Camii, ‹brahim
Peygamber’in atefle at›ld›¤› yer
oldu¤una inan›lan kutsal
bal›klar›yla ünlü Halil-Ür
Rahman ve Ayn Zeliha
Gölleri’ni içine alan keyifli bir
geziden sonra günün
yorgunlu¤unu, yöreye özgü
küçücük fincanlarda, flekersiz
olarak içilen sert bir kahve türü
olan “m›rra” ya da zahter ve
tarç›n çay› yudumlayarak
atabilirsiniz. Akflam oldu¤unda
Urfa’n›n en zarif tafl
konaklar›ndan biri olan Urfa
Konukevi’ne yerleflip, çarfl›dan
Urfa ‹rmik Tatl›s›
Semolina Dessert of Urfa
Aral›k / December 2010
For example, the most favored
specialty for breakfast is liver
kebab. The Antep Castle is still
rising magnificently on the
highest hill of the city, Kudret
Kayas›. You have to go to
fiahinbey District to see the
finest examples of traditional
Antep houses. High stone walls
of the houses lined up on narrow streets were built to protect
the residents of the neighborhood from scorching heat in the
summer. The streets where you
can see kebab and baklava
shops, textile dealers selling
fabrics decorated with local
patterns at every step take you
to the historical Uzun Çarfl›
(Long Market) which is famous
with coppersmiths and spice
sellers. One of the most famous
restaurants here is ‹mam
Ça¤dafl, which was founded 120
years ago. ‹mam Ça¤dafl serves
the most delicious types of
kebabs at this modest place but
it is especially famous with Ali
Nazik kebab served on mashed
aubergine and a special dessert
called “flöbiyet”. When you pass
the Long Market, you see the
mother-of-pearl workshops. The
Archeological Museum where
the mosaics and archeological
artifacts found at Zeugma and at
other sites around are displayed
is one of the most exciting
places in the city.
Colorful, mystical and
The next day, we will have a
magical journey to fianl›urfa
which connects Anatolia with
Mesopotamia. Urfa is a very
ancient city where the Assyrians,
Yezidis and Christians lived
together for centuries. Famous
Rumkale fortress is in Birecik
county of Urfa and Birecik is
also the most important living
spaces of bald ibis in Anatolia.
Like Birecik, one of the other
counties of Urfa, Halfeti located
on the riverbank of Euphrates
River looks like a coastal town in
Southeastern Anatolia with
houses made of yellow stones,
fruit gardens and indigenous
black roses. Two fifth of Halfeti
is now underwater because of
Birecik Dam. In order to see and
photo the lost beauties of
Gurme ayinleri
Üçüncü gün, gerçeküstü bir
dünyan›n ortas›nda buluyoruz
kendimizi. Urfa’n›n
güneydo¤usunda, uçsuz
bucaks›z bir ovan›n ortas›na
kurulan Harran, ilk ‹slam
Üniversitesi’ne ev sahipli¤i
yapan befl bin y›ll›k köklü bir
geçmifle sahip. Gökkufla¤›n›n
renklerini giyinen sürmeli
kad›nlar›, antik harabeleri ve
kutsal mabetleriyle dikkat
çeken bu sar› topraklar› as›l
ilginç k›lan, kar›nca yuvalar›na
benzeyen kubbeli konak evler.
Panoramik bir Harran turunun
ard›ndan istikamet, Mardin.
Kent mimarisinin baflyap›tlar›
kabul edilen Ulu Camii, Postane
binas›, Pafladede Kona¤›,
Munganlar Evi ve Tatl›dedeler
Konaklar›’n› gördükten sonra;
yemek için Cercis Murat
Kona¤›’n› tercih edebilirsiniz.
Restore edilmifl eski bir Mardin
kona¤› olan Cercis, geleneksel
Mardin lezzetlerini
deneyebilece¤iniz en iyi adres.
Yemek tutkunlar›n› fazlas›yla
memnun edecek Mardin
mutfa¤›nda, içli köfte baflrolde.
‹ç pilav ile doldurularak
tand›rda piflirilen kuzu
kaburgas›yla s›kça
karfl›laflacaks›n›z. Salçal› bir
tür lahmacun olan “sembusek”
ve etli ekmek yayg›n. Yeflil
erikli pilav, “bello” denilen
mercimek köftesi ile bol kiflniflli
çi¤ köfte çok seviliyor.
Kuzu ba¤›rsa¤›na iç pilav
doldurularak haz›rlanan
“munbar” dolmas›, herkese
göre de¤il. Yabani kiraz reçeli
çok lezzetli. Yüzy›llard›r
geleneksel yöntemlerle yap›lan
aromatik Süryani flarab› ise,
benzersiz. Kentten ayr›lmadan,
tarihi Mardin Çarfl›s›’na
u¤ramay› unutmay›n.
Kavrulmufl karpuz çekirde¤i,
flekerli badem, f›st›k sabunu
ve el yap›m› kilise minyatürleri,
alabilecekleriniz aras›nda.
Harran’›n Tarihi Kubbeli Konak Evleri
Historical Domed Mansion Homes in Harran
Urfa’n›n yöresel fi›ll›k Tatl›s›
Local Hussy Dessert of Urfa
Halfeti, you should take a
boat trip in Euphrates. In the
afternoon, I want to see
downtown fianliurfa, the City of
Prophets. You see a mystical
building at almost every corner
of the city and when you stroll
around the streets of the
ancient neighborhoods, you
feel like you are in Mecca or
Jerusalem. After a pleasant
excursion covering the Roman
and Byzantine ruins,
jam-packed mosque courtyards,
ancient markets resembling
Indian bazaars, R›zvaniye
Mosque, Ulu Mosque, Halil-Ür
Rahman where it is believed
that Prophet Abraham was
thrown into the fire and famous
with the pool of sacred fish and
Ayn Zeliha Pool, you can relieve
the tiredness of the day by
sipping the strong local coffee
called “m›rra” with small coffe
cups or zahter and cinnamon
tea. In the evening, we can
check in the Urfa Guest House,
which is one of the most
beautiful stone mansions of
Urfa, wear the local attire we
bought from the market and
get ready for the “Sira Night”.
At this traditional fun night, the
floor tables are prepared; live
music is made by local
instruments; raw meatballs
(a traditional Turkish dish) are
kneaded; folk songs are sung
and everybody converses. We
need to remind that most of the
travel agencies organizing
Southeastern Anatolia tours
include sira nights in their tour
Gourmet rituals
On the third day of our journey,
we find ourselves right in the
middle of a surrealistic world.
Harran, which is located in the
middle of endless lowland in
the southeast of Urfa has a
deep-rooted past of five
thousand years and it was the
hometown of the first Islamic
University. This yellow land
where you can see women with
mascara on their eyes and
dressed in the colors of
rainbow, ancient ruins and
sacred temples is very
remarkable but the most eye
catching feature of Harran is
the domed town houses which
resemble ant nests. After a
panoramic Harran tour, we
head for Mardin.
After visiting Ulu Cami (Grand
Mosque), Post Office building,
Pafladede Mansion, Munganlar
House and Tatl›dedeler
Mansion, all of which are
accepted as masterpieces of
urban architecture, you can
prefer Cercis Murat Mansion for
dinner. Cercis is a renovated
old Mardin mansion and it is the
Gap turunun olmazsa
olmazlar›ndan Hasankeyf…
An absolute must of a
GAP tour… Hasankeyf
“Tanr›lar›n Da¤›”na yolculuk
Antikça¤›n ilk yerleflim alanlar›ndan olan Hasankeyf, GAP turunun
olmazsa olmaz duraklar›ndan biri. Dicle Nehri’nin ikiye ay›rd›¤› bu
büyülü diyar; ço¤u 12. yüzy›ldan kalma kalesi, köprüsü, an›t
kap›lar›, kaya evleri, surlar›, cami, so¤an kubbeli türbelerinin yan›
s›ra; bir ma¤araya kurulmufl yer sofras›nda yiyece¤iniz “flabot
bal›¤›” ile kalbinizi çalmakta gecikmeyecek. Hasankeyf’i arkada
b›rak›p Batman’› afl›nca; Diyarbak›r’da, sizi alt› kilometre
uzunlu¤undaki kent surlar› karfl›layacak. Yüksek duvarlar›n
korudu¤u eski kent merkezine dört an›t kap›dan girmek mümkün.
Kentin en önemli turistik de¤erleri olan Ulu Camii, Bedesten,
Cahit S›tk› Evi, Keldani Kilisesi, Mesudiye Medresesi, Dört Ayakl›
Minare, On Gözlü Köprü görülmeye de¤er. Diyarbak›r’a veda
edip dönüfl yolculu¤una haz›rlan›rken bu s›ra d›fl› co¤rafyan›n
ruhumuzu yeniledi¤ini hissediyoruz.
best place where you can
taste traditional delicacies of
Mardin. Mardin cuisine
definitely satisfies the ones
who love to eat and one of the
most delicious dishes is
stuffed mutton balls. You will
find lamb ribs stuffed with
seasoned rice and cooked in
floor furnace almost at every
restaurant you go.
“Sembusek”, which is some
kind of a “lahmacun” (very
thin Turkish pizza covered
with seasoned minced meat
and onions) with tomato
paste, “etli ekmek” (pita with
ground meat layer on top),
pilaf with green plums, lentil
balls called “bello” and raw
meatballs with coriander are
very popular dishes.
“Munbar”, which is cooked
lamb intestines stuffed with
seasoned pilaf, is not for
everybody. Wild cherry jam is
very delicious. Aromatic
Assyrian wine produced by
using traditional methods for
hundreds of years is out of
this world. Don’t forget to visit
historical Mardin Market
before leaving the town. You
can find roasted watermelon
seeds, sugared almonds,
peanut soaps and hand-made
church miniatures here.
Journey to the Mountain
of Gods
Hasankeyf, which was one
of the first settlements Archaic
Age, is one of the must-visit
places of GAP tour. This magical
land divided into two by Tigris
River will steal your heart before
long with the castle from 12th
century, the bridge, monumental
gates, rock houses, ramparts,
the mosque, bulbous domed
shrines along with “flabot” fish
you will eat on a floor table in a
cave. When you leave Hasankeyf
behind and pass Batman, six
kilometers long city walls will
greet you in Diyarbak›r. You can
enter the city protected by these
high walls by passing through
either one of the four monumental
gates. The most important places
worth to see in the city are Ulu
Cami (Grand Mosque), Bedesten
(Covered Bazaar), House of
famous Turkish poet Cahit S›tk›
Taranc› (Cultural Museum),
Chaldean Church, Mesudiye
Madrasa, theFour-Rooted Minaret,
On Gözlü Köprü (the bridge with
ten arches). When we are
prepared to leave Diyarbak›r
and get ready for our journey
back, we feel that this
extraordinary geography
had regenerated our
Diyarbak›r’da Baharat Çarfl›s›
Spice Bazaar in Diyarbak›r
Do¤u’nun vazgeçilmez
tatlar›ndan Patl›can Kebab›
Indispensable flavor of the
East…Eggplant Kebab
Kas›m / November 2010
Atl› Köflk’ten Sabanc›
Üniversitesi Sak›p
Sabanc› Müzesi’ne…
From Horse Mansion to
Sabanc› University’s
Sak›p Sabanc› Museum…
ürkiye’deki müzecilik
anlay›fl›n›n ç›tas›n›
yükselten ve uluslararas›
standartlarda sergilere ev
sahipli¤i yapan Sabanc›
Üniversitesi Sak›p Sabanc›
Müzesi (SSM) toplumun her yafl
ve kesiminden kiflileri sanatla
buluflturuyor. Düzenledi¤i
sergilerle, Picasso, Dali, Rodin
gibi dünyaca ünlü sanatç›lar›n
eserleriyle sanatseverleri
biraraya getirirken, yurd›fl›nda
gerçeklefltirdi¤i sergilerle de
geleneksel Türk sanat›n›n
yurtd›fl›nda tan›t›lmas›na öncülük
Sabanc› Üniversitesi Sak›p
Sabanc› Müzesi, ‹stanbul’da
Bo¤aziçi’nin en eski
yerleflimlerinden Emirgan’da
bulunuyor. Müzenin ana
binas›n›n yer ald›¤› topraklar ve
onun deniz k›y›s›ndaki uzant›s›
olan Sahilhane, 1848-1884 y›llar›
aras›nda, çeflitli Osmanl›
paflalar›n›n mülkiyetinde kalm›fl,
bu tarihten sonra k›sa bir süre
“Karada¤ Sefareti” olarak
kullan›lm›fl bir alan. 1925 y›l›nda
y›k›lm›fl ve harap bir halde
bulunan Sahilhaneyi sat›n alan
H›div ‹smail Pafla’n›n torunu
Prens Mehmed Ali Hasan,
Mimar Eduard de Nari`ye,
köflkün projesini çizdirmifl ve
infla ettirmifl. Köflk, ailenin
mensuplar› taraf›ndan uzun y›llar
yazl›k konut olarak kullan›lm›fl.
1950 y›l›nda, Hac› Ömer
Sabanc› taraf›ndan H›div ailesine
Aral›k / December 2010
mensup Prenses ‹ffet’ten sat›n
al›nan bina, ön bahçesine
yerlefltirilen Frans›z heykelt›rafl
Louis Doumas’›n 1864 yap›m› at
heykelinden ötürü “Atl› Köflk”
olarak an›lmaya bafllanm›fl. Atl›
Köflk’ün arazisindeki ikinci at
heykeli ise, 1204 y›l›ndaki 4.
Haçl› Seferi s›ras›nda Haçl›
kuvvetlerince ya¤malanan
Sultanahmet Meydan›’ndan
al›narak, Venedik’teki San
Marco Kilisesi’nin önüne
yerlefltirilen 4 attan birisinin
Hac› Ömer Sabanc›’n›n 1966
y›l›nda vefat›ndan sonra, Sak›p
Sabanc› taraf›ndan konut olarak
kullan›lmaya bafllanan Atl› Köflk,
uzun y›llar Sak›p Sabanc›’n›n
zengin hat ve resim
koleksiyonunu bar›nd›rm›fl. 1998
y›l›nda ise, içindeki koleksiyon
ve eflyalarla birlikte müzeye
dönüfltürülmek üzere Sabanc›
Üniversitesi’ne tahsis edilmifl.
Modern bir galerinin
eklenmesiyle 2002 y›l›nda
ziyarete aç›lan müzenin
sergileme alanlar›, 2005 y›l›nda
yap›lan düzenlemeyle
geniflletilerek, teknik düzeyde
uluslararas› standartlara
kavuflturulmufl durumda.
SSM Konservasyon ve
Restorasyon Laboratuvar›’n›n
araflt›rma ve uygulamalar› da
yine müze bünyesinde
yürütülüyor. Uzmanlar,
do¤rudan do¤ruya eser
üzerinde ifllem gerektirmeyen
abanc› University’s Sak›p
Sabanc› Museum (SSM)
raised the bar of the
understanding of museology in
Turkey and by hosting
international exhibitions; the
museum brings people from all
segments of society and from all
age groups together with art.
While the museum makes it
possible for Turkish art lovers to
see the works of world-renown
artists such as Picasso, Dali and
Rodin by organizing exhibitions
in Turkey, it also plays an
important role in promoting the
traditional Turkish art with the
exhibitions organized abroad.
Sabanc› University’s Sak›p
Sabanc› Museum is located in
Emirgan, at one of Istanbul's
oldest settlements on the
Bosphorus. The land where the
main building of the museum is
located and its extension on the
seashore, Sahilhane (the smaller
house), belonged to several
high ranked Ottoman pashas
from 1848 until 1884 and the
mansion served as a royal
residence and embassy of
Montenegro. In 1925, Prince
Mehmed Ali Hasan, grandson
of Khedive Ismail Pasha,
purchased the then derelict
mansion and commissioned
the architect Edouard de Nari to
build the mansion and it was
used as a summer house for
many years by various members
of the family.
After the mansion was
purchased in 1950 by
industrialist Hac› Ömer Sabanc›
from Princess Iffet, a member of
the Hidiv family, it came to be
known as “Atl› Köflk" (The Horse
Mansion), because of the statue
of a horse that was installed in
the garden, which is the 1864
work of the French sculptor,
Louis Doumas. A second horse
sculpture on the grounds of Atl›
Köflk is the cast of one of the
four horses taken from
Sultanahmet square in Istanbul
when it was looted by Crusaders
during the fourth Crusade in
her türlü koruyucu tedbirin
al›nmas›n› (konservasyon),
eserlerin sürekli veya geçici
olarak bulundu¤u ortam
koflullar›n›n konservasyon
ilkelerine uygunlu¤unu sa¤l›yor.
Müze koleksiyonundaki el
yazmas› kitap ve di¤er hat
sanat› örneklerinin ve tablolar›n
restorasyon çal›flmalar›n›
yürütüyor. Bilimsel araflt›rmalarla
konservasyon ve restorasyon
alan›ndaki geliflmelerin ve bilgi
birikiminin paylafl›lmas›
amac›yla, çeflitli ulusal ve
uluslararas› kurulufllarla iflbirli¤i
yap›l›yor, bu konularda
dan›flmanl›k ve restorasyon
hizmeti veriliyor.
SSM bugün; zengin
koleksiyonu, ev sahipli¤i yapt›¤›
uluslararas› geçici sergiler,
konservasyon birimleri, örnek
e¤itim programlar›,
gerçeklefltirdi¤i konser,
konferans ve seminerlerle
çok yönlü bir müzecilik
ortam› sunuyor.
1204 and removed to the
Basilica of San Marco in Venice.
After the death of Hac› Ömer
Sabanc› in 1966, Atl› Köflk
began to be used permanently
as a home by Sak›p Sabanc›
and for many years housed
Sak›p Sabanc›'s rich collection
of calligraphy and paintings. In
1998, together with its collection
and furnishings, the mansion
was allocated to Sabanc›
University to be transformed into
a museum.
With the annex of a modern
gallery, the exhibition areas of
the museum opened to visitors
in 2002 and with a further
extension of the layout in 2005,
the technical level of the
museum reached international
SSM Conservation and
Restoration Laboratory carry out
its researches and applications
within the museum. The experts
take all kinds of conservative
precautions which don’t
necessitate any operation
directly on the artworks and they
keep the environments where
they are permanently or
temporarily kept, suitable to the
conservation principles. They
also carry out the restoration
works of the manuscript books,
calligraphic arts and paintings in
the collection of the museum.
In order to share the knowledge
about and the developments in
the field of conservation and
restoration, the museum
collaborates with various
national and international
organizations and the experts of
museum provide consultancy
and restoration services.
Today SSM presents a
versatile museological
environment with its rich
permanent collection, the
comprehensive temporary
exhibitions that it hosts, its
conservation units, model
educational programs and
the various concerts,
conferences and seminars
held there.
2011’e Bentley’de uyanmak! Waking up at Bentley in 2011
Tarih, 2010’u de¤il; art›k 2011’i iflaret etti¤inde Bentley
Hotel’deyseniz e¤er, flansl›s›n›z... Ve de özel... Çünkü yaln›zca
50 odal›, Design zinciri, “hip” bir otelde uyanacaks›n›z ilk
sabaha. Yeni y›l›n ilk kahvalt›s›n› “farkl›” bir konseptte yapacak,
otelin tad›n› rahatça ç›kartacaks›n›z. Bu arada, ister konaklama da
içeren bir paket alacak, istemezseniz yaln›zca yeme¤e
kalacaks›n›z Bentley’e bay›lacaks›n›z...
Niflantafl›, yeni y›l› karfl›lama rotas›d›r her daim. E¤er bu
lokasyonda olunacak, e¤lenceli gece hayat›na kar›fl›lacaksa, eve
dönme çabalar›ndansa bir otelde kalmak son derece ak›ll›ca!
‹flte bu fikirden yola ç›karak Bentley Hotel, hofl bir tercih. ‹ster
y›lbafl› mönüsünü “tatmak”, isteyenler için ise “konaklamak” için...
Be the star of New Year’s
Eve with Fabrika!
When it is not 2010 anymore but 2011 and if you are at Bentley
Hotel, you are lucky… and special... Because you will wake to the
first morning of the new year at a “hip” hotel belonging to Design
chain and with only 50 rooms. You will have the first breakfast of
2011 in a different concept and you will comfortably enjoy the
hotel. You can either buy a New Year’s Eve package including
accommodation or you can only enjoy the dinner. You will be
taken by Bentley...
Niflantafl› is always a place to go for New Year’s Eve. If you plan to
entertain yourself on New Year’s Eve and welcome the new year
here, it will be wise to stay at an hotel instead of struggling back
home. Thus, Bentley Hotel might be a pleasant choice, either to
taste the New Year’s Eve menu or to spend the night...
2010-2011 fall-winter collection of Fabrika 2010-11 offers comfortable
alternatives to be used on New Year’s Eve. The elegancy, which is the
dominant feature of every collection of Fabrika shines out again at its
new year designs. Along with the combinations of black and purple
used at the designs of Fabrika Nite, combinations of black-gray and
especially of red will mark the new year. Tight fit, short and strapless
drapery dresses with comfortable and usable designs will make you
have an assertive silhouette on New Year’s Eve.
Fabrika ile Y›lbafl›
gecesinin y›ld›z› olun!
Fabrika 2010-11 sonbahar - k›fl koleksiyonu, Y›lbafl› gecesinde de
rahatça kullan›labilinecek seçenekler sunuyor. Fabrika’n›n her
koleksiyonuna hâkim olan zarafet, y›lbafl› tasar›mlar›nda da güçlü
bir flekilde öne ç›k›yor. Fabrika Nite ürünlerinde a¤›rl›kla kullan›lan
siyah ve mor tercihlerinin yan› s›ra siyah-gri ve özellikle de k›rm›z›
kombinasyonlar, yeni y›la damgas›n› vuracak. Rahat, kullan›labilirli¤i ön planda olan tasar›mlarda, vücuda oturan straplez drapeli
k›sa elbiseler, yeni y›l akflam› için iddial› bir silüet oluflturuyor.
Kahve Dünyas›, Y›lbafl› için zengin bir hediye koleksiyonu haz›rlad›.
Kahve ve çikolata denince akla ilk gelen markalardan biri olan Kahve
Dünyas›, Y›lbafl› al›flverifli için ma¤azalar›na u¤rayacak müflterilerini
hem fl›k paketleri hem uygun fiyatlar›yla mutlu edecek. Kahve
Dünyas›’n›n alt›n veya sedef renkli fl›k kutular›, lezzetli ve etkileyici bir
hediye arayanlara göre... K›s›tl› say›da üretilen bu özel kutular,
sürprizlerle dolu. ‹çlerinde Kahve Dünyas›’n›n vazgeçilmez enfes
çikolatalar›ndan fincan setlerine kadar birçok ürün yer al›yor.
Noel ve Y›lbafl› kutlamalar›
için özel bir adres: Rejans
‹ster Noeli karfl›lay›n, isterse yeni y›l›, kutlaman›z ayr›cal›kl› olsun:
Rejans ayr›cal›¤›… Büyüleyici atmosferiyle özel ve do¤al bir
kutlama mekân› olan Rejans Restaurant, bu y›l Noel ve Y›lbafl›
akflamlar›nda da, kaliteli canl› müzi¤i ve günün anlam›na uygun
mönüleriyle konuklar›n› a¤›rlayacak.
Enjoy New Year shopping at
Kahve Dünyas› (World of Coffee)
A special address for Noel
and New Year’s Eve
celebrations: Rejans
Kahve Dünyas› prepared a rich gift collection for New Year’s Eve.
Kahve Dünyas›, one of the first brands, that comes to mind when
you think of coffee and chocolates, will make its customers happy
with its stylish gift packs and affordable prices, when they visit its
shops for New Year shopping. The gold or mother-of-pearl colored
gift packs of Kahve Dünyas› are ideal for ones who look for a
delicious and impressive gift. These boxes are produced in limited
number but every one of them is full of surprises. They contain a
variety of products changing from the indispensable chocolates of
Kahve Dünyas› to coffee cups in these chic boxes.
You might celebrate either Noel or the New Year’s Eve but you
should feel the privilege offered by Rejans when having fun.
Rejans Restaurant is a special and natural celebration place
with its mesmerizing atmosphere and it will entertain its guests
with relevant menus and quality live music on Noel and New
Year’s Eve.
Aral›k / December 2010
Y›lbafl› al›flverifllerinin tad›n›
Kahve Dünyas›’nda ç›kar›n
Yeni y›lda sevdiklerinize fl›k
ve unutulmaz bir hediye…
Raymond Weil’den sevdiklerinize özel bir yeni y›l hediyesi… Her
zaman fl›k olan modern kad›na yo¤unlaflan Parsifal modeli için
Cenevre’deki aile flirketi, tüm deneyim ve yarat›c›l›¤›n› kullanm›fl.
20 y›l öncesine dayanan “Parsifal’’ tarz› ile ayn› çizgide olan yeni
Parsifal koleksiyonu, 28 mm çap›nda cazibeli kasas›, paslanmaz çelik
ve 18 ayar bilezi¤i ve çift kanatl› emniyet sistemli katlanabilir klipsi ile
her zaman fl›k ve modern olan kad›nlar için özel tasarlanm›fl.
Sarar ile yeni y›l›n›z çok fl›k olsun…
Yeni y›l gecesini hediyelerle taçland›rmak isteyenler, sevdikleri için
arad›klar›n› Sarar K›fl Koleksiyonu’nda bulacak. Y›llarca sizi an›msatacak
olan kol dü¤meleri, bir klasik olan üstün kaliteli gömlekler, göz al›c›
kravatlar, k›fl günlerini ›s›tacak yumuflac›k trikolar erkekleri mutlu ederken;
›fl›lt›l› aksesuarlar, poplin gömlekler, kaflmir yumuflakl›¤›n› sunan paltolar ve
tasar›mlar›yla fark yaratan bluzlar, kad›nlar›n unutamayacaklar›
hediyelerden olacak.
Let your New Year be so chic with Sarar…
Mövenpick Hotel ‹stanbul’da yeni
y›la unutulmaz bir bafllang›ç…
An unforgettable Beginning to the
New Year at Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul
Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul, 2011’e sevdiklerinizle beraber lezzetli
ve e¤lenceli bir bafllang›ç yapabilece¤iniz birbirinden keyifli
Y›lbafl› programlar› haz›rlad›. Azzur Restaurant’›n büyüleyici
atmosferinde, yarat›c› flefler taraf›ndan özenle haz›rlanan gurme
lezzetlerin tad›na varaca¤›n›z “Y›lbafl› Yeme¤i”ne canl› müzik
efllik edecek. Mum ›fl›¤›n›n par›lt›s› alt›nda geçirece¤iniz romantik
anlar›n ard›ndan DJ’in hareketli ritimleriyle tempoyu yakalayacak
ve 2011 y›l›na dans ederek gireceksiniz.
Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul prepared a variety of pleasant New
Year’s Eve programs, so that you and your loved ones would have
an entertaining and flavored beginning to 2011. Live music will
accompany the New Year’s Eve dinner offering gourmet flavors
prepared by creative chefs at the mesmerizing atmosphere of
Azzur Restaurant. You will first some moments filled with romance
under candle lights, and then will catch the beat with the upbeat
music made by DJs and welcome 2011 by dancing.
If you want to crown your New Year’s Eve with gifts, you can find what you
need for your loved ones at Sarar’s Winter Collection. While beautiful cuff
links which will remind you for years, classical high-grade shirts, eye-catching ties and soft knitwear which will warm up the cold winter days make
men happy; sparkling accessories, poplin shirts, soft cashmere overcoats
and blouses making a difference with their designs will be unforgettable
gifts for women.
The Sofa Hotel Niflantafl›’nda
Y›lbafl›na özel Kaz Ci¤eri mönüsü
Dünya mutfa¤›ndan farkl› örnekler sunan Cafe Sofa’da Aral›k ay›nda,
Bafl aflç› Ayhan Kale taraf›ndan haz›rlanan çok özel bir lezzet, sizleri
bekliyor: “Kaz Ci¤eri”. Taze ›spanak yapraklar›yla süslenmifl ve tava
edilmifl “Kaz Ci¤eri”ni ifl yeme¤inizde tadabilir ya da yaban mersini
sos ile servis edilen kaz ci¤erli bonfile turnedoyu özel bir akflam
yeme¤inde deneyerek y›l›n son ay›n› unutulmaz k›labilirsiniz.
A Stylish and unforgettable gift for
your loved ones on New Year’s Eve…
A special New Year gift for your loved ones from Raymond Weil…
The family company based in Geneva focused on the modern and
always elegant women with their Parsifal model and they used all
their experience and creativity. In line with the "Parsifal style" dating
back 20 years, the new collection is designed especially for women
who are always elegant and modern. The new timepiece’s 28mm in
diameter dial is set off against a pink gold bezel and complemented
by a stainless steel and 18 carat bracelet with double push-piece
security clip.
SEVENHILL yeni y›l› asil, zarif ve
güçlü bir koleksiyonla karfl›l›yor…
Voit ile Y›lbafl› e¤lencenizde
“yeni heyecanlar”
Bu k›fl da, SEVENHILL ile her sezon oldu¤u gibi kendi fl›kl›¤›n›z›
yaratabileceksiniz. Konseptini flehrin büyülü ›fl›klar›ndan alan,
hüzünlü sonbahar esintisi ile birlefltiren ve modernize bohem tarz›n›
benimseyen SEVENHILL 2011 K›fl koleksiyonu ile, bu sezon da
gard›robunuza ›fl›k saçacak… Türkiye’nin seçkin giyim markalar›ndan
SEVENHILL’in büyükten küçü¤e her yafla hitap eden koleksiyonu,
cazip fiyatlar ve zengin ürün çeflidi ile size farkl› dünyalar›n kap›s›n›
Voit, yeni y›la evde ailesi ve arkadafllar› ile merhaba diyecekler için
yeni bir e¤lence alternatifi sunuyor. Dart, Lang›rt ve Bilardo ile
evlerinizde hem güzel vakit geçirecek hem de zevkli bir rekabet
yaflayabileceksiniz. Yaln›zca Y›lbafl› geceleri de¤il; e¤lenmek
isteyenlerin y›l›n her vakti oynayabilece¤i Voit ev tipi oyunlar›nda yer
alan Darts set, Bilardo Masas› ve Lang›rt, ideal bir e¤lence arac›
olurken; sizlere keyifli saatler yaflatacak.
You will be able to create your own elegancy with SEVENHILL this
winter as in every other season. Basing its concept on the magical
lights of the city and combining them with the sorrowful autumn
breeze and creating a modernized bohemian style, SEVENHILL
2011 Winter Collection will again shine your wardrobe this winter.
The collection of SEVENHILL, one of the most distinguished
clothing brands of Turkey, appeals to all ages and opens the
gates of different worlds with affordable prices and a wide range
of products...
Voit offers a new alternative of entertainment for the ones who will
welcome the new year with friends and family at home. You will have
fun at home and compete with friends with Dart, Table Football and
Billiard. You can have fun with Voit’s home games not only on New
Year’s Eve but also all year through.
Aral›k / December 2010
In December, a special flavor prepared by the head cook, Ayhan
Kale, waits for you at Café Sofa, which offers different delicacies of
world cuisines: Goose Liver. You can either taste fried goose liver
with fresh spinach at a business dinner or prefer sirloin steak
tournedos with goose liver and cranberry sauce as the main dish of a
special dinner and make the last month of the year unforgettable.
SEVENHILL greets the New Year with a
noble, elegant and dynamic collection…
“New excitement” for your
New Year’s Eve fun with Voit
Goose Liver menu special to New
Year’s Eve at Sofa Hotel Niflantafl›
BTA Catering, Atatürk Havaliman›’nda
yolcular› müzik ve ikramlarla u¤urlad›
TAV Havalimanlar›’na ba¤l› olarak, Atatürk Havaliman›’nda
yiyecek - içecek operasyonu yürüten BTA Catering, yolculara müzik
ziyafeti sundu. Uzun bayram tatili vesilesiyle yolculu¤a ç›kanlar,
Atatürk Havaliman›’ndan Latin ezgileri ve dünya klasiklerinden
derlenen müzik dinletileri ile u¤urland›. BTA Catering, arife günü,
Türk tatl›lar›ndan oluflan özel bir mönüyü de yolculara ikram etti.
BTA Catering, a subsidiary of TAV Airports responsible for food &
beverage services, threw a musical feast for passengers at Atatürk
Airport. Passengers on their way travelling due to National Holidays
had a great send off at Atatürk Airport with Latin tunes and
world-famous classics. BTA Catering also treated passengers on
the National Holiday Eve with a special menu of Turkish Desserts.
AV Havalimanlar› taraf›ndan iflletilen ‹stanbul Atatürk
Havaliman›’nda, uzun Kurban Bayram› tatili vesilesiyle yolculu¤a
ç›kanlar, müzik dinletisi ve ikramlarla u¤urland›. TAV Havalimanlar›
ifltiraklerinden BTA Catering taraf›ndan düzenlenen gitar, akordeon,
keman, yan flüt ve konturbas gibi enstrümanlar eflli¤indeki müzik
dinletisi ile karfl›laflan yolcular, seyahatleri öncesi Latin ve klasik
müzi¤in eflsiz ezgileriyle keyifli anlar yaflad›.
Latin müzi¤i ve dünya klasiklerinden örneklerin sunuldu¤u etkinlik
kapsam›nda, ‹ç Hatlar Terminali’nde Trio; D›fl Hatlar Terminali’nde de
Kuartet Müzik Orkestras›, mini konserler gerçeklefltirdi.
BTA Catering, 15 Kas›m Arife Günü’nde de, yolculara Türk
tatl›lar›ndan oluflan özel bir mönüyü ikram etti.
BTA Catering Genel Müdürü Sadettin Cesur, misafir memnuniyetine
verdikleri yüksek önemi vurgulayarak: “BTA Catering olarak, müzik
dinletisi ve ikramlar›m›zla yolcu ve yolcu yak›nlar›n›n seyahatlerini
renklendirmeyi hedefledik. D›fl Hatlar Terminali Gidifl Kat›, pasaport
kontrolü sonras›nda özel bir sunum yap›larak yolcular›n be¤enisine
sunulan olan ürünler, ‹stanbul Atatürk Havaliman›’nda gerçekleflen
müzik dinletisi ile birlikte, yolculuk stresine k›sa bir mola verip,
bayram›n neflesini art›rmaya vesile oldu.” dedi.
Türkiye’de, ‹stanbul Atatürk, Ankara Esenbo¤a Havalimanlar› ile ‹zmir
Adnan Menderes Havaliman› D›fl Hatlar Terminali ve Antalya Gazipafla
Havaalan›’nda hizmet veren BTA Catering, yurtd›fl›nda ise Gürcistan’›n
Tiflis ve Batum, Tunus’un Monastir ve Enfidha, Makedonya’n›n ise
Üsküp Havaliman›’nda, yiyecek-içecek operasyonu yürütüyor. TAV
Havalimanlar› ve Bilintur ortakl›¤›nda kurulan BTA Catering, yedi gün
24 saat, günde ortalama 37 bin yolcuya hizmet veriyor ve dünya
mutfaklar›n›n zengin mönü seçeneklerini konuklar›na sunuyor. BTA
ayr›ca, 22 May›s 2004 tarihinden itibaren Atatürk Havaliman› D›fl Hatlar
Terminali’nde bulunan ‹stanbul International Airport Hotel’i iflletiyor.
BTA taraf›ndan 2006 y›l›nda kurulan Cakes&Bakes, bugün ayda
1 milyon adet üretim hacmiyle dünyaca ünlü fast-food ve kahve
zincirlerine ürün tedarik ediyor.
BTA Catering sent off passengers at Atatürk
Airport with a music feast and sumptuous treats
Aral›k / December 2010
assengers setting out on vacation for the long religious holiday
(Eid-al-Adha), had a great send off with a concert and delicious
treats at Atatürk Airport operated by TAV Airports. Passengers were
welcomed to the airport with a concert of guitar, accordion, violin,
flute and contrabass organized by BTA Catering, a subsidiary of TAV
Airports, and had a pleasant time listening to Latin and classical
tunes prior to their flights.
Mini concerts were given by a trio at the Domestic Terminal and a
quartet at the International Terminal. Passengers enjoyed listening to
samples of world classics and Latin tunes.
BTA Catering also treated passengers on November 15th, the eve
of the national holiday, with a special menu of Turkish desserts.
BTA Catering General Manager Sadettin Cesur highlighted the
importance of guest satisfaction: “We aimed to heighten the
enjoyment for passengers and their relatives with a concert and
treats. Passengers were able to see a special presentation of
products after passport control on the Departures floor of the
International Terminal while enjoying the concert, allowing them
a short break from the stress of traveling."
BTA Catering provides service at Istanbul Atatürk and Ankara
Esenbo¤a Airports as well as International Terminal of Izmir Adnan
Menderes Airport and Antalya Gazipafla Airport in Turkey. The
company also carries out food & beverage operations abroad at
Tbilisi and Batumi Airports in Georgia, Monast›r and Enfidha Airports
in Tunisia and Skopje Airport in Macedonia. Established as a
partnership between TAV Airports and Bilintur, BTA Catering serves
an average of 37 thousand passengers 24 hours a day 7 days a
week, offering guests a wide variety of menu choices from world
cuisine. BTA has also been operating Istanbul International Airport
Hotel since May 22nd, 2004 which is located at the Atatürk
Airport International Terminal. Founded in 2006 by BTA Catering,
Cakes&Bakes currently supplies products to world-famous fast food
and coffee chains with a capacity of 1 million items per month.
“TAV Galeri” ilk sergisi ile Ankara
Esenbo¤a Havaliman›’nda da aç›ld›…
“TAV Gallery” is now open at Ankara
Esenbo¤a Airport hosting its first exhibition…
‹stanbul Atatürk Havaliman›’ndan sonra, Ankara Esenbo¤a
Havaliman›’nda da aç›lan kültür sanat platformu TAV Galeri, ilk
sergisi “Geçmiflten Günümüze Esenbo¤a Havaliman›
Foto¤raflar›”n›, yolcular›n be¤enisine sundu.
The first exhibition of TAV Gallery, Esenbo¤a Airport “Photographs
of Esenbo¤a Airport from Past to Present” is now open to
passengers at this culture and art platform, following its launch
at Istanbul Atatürk Airport.
AV Havalimanlar› bünyesinde yer alan kültür ve sanat platformu TAV Galeri,
‹stanbul Atatürk Havaliman›’ndan sonra Ankara Esenbo¤a Havaliman›’nda da
aç›ld›. ‹lk sergisi “Geçmiflten Günümüze Esenbo¤a Havaliman› Foto¤raflar›” ile
yo¤un ilgi gören TAV Galeri’nin aç›l›fl töreni, Ankara Esenbo¤a Havaliman› Mülki
‹dare Amiri Hayrettin Balc›o¤lu, DHM‹ Genel Müdürü Orhan Birdal, Ankara
Esenbo¤a Havaliman› Baflmüdürü Y›lmaz Kelefl ve TAV Esenbo¤a Genel Müdürü
Nuray Demirer’in kat›l›mlar›yla gerçekleflti.
TAV Esenbo¤a taraf›ndan gerçeklefltirilen “Geçmiflten Günümüze Esenbo¤a
Havaliman› Foto¤raflar›” sergisi aç›l›fl›nda konuflan Ankara Esenbo¤a Havaliman›
Mülki ‹dare Amiri Hayrettin Balc›o¤lu: “TAV Havalimanlar›, Ankara Esenbo¤a
Havaliman›’n› flehirle buluflturarak, yolcu say›s›n› her geçen gün art›ran bir merkez
haline getirmifltir. TAV Galeri’yi Ankara Esenbo¤a Havaliman› yolcular› ile buluflturan
TAV Havalimanlar›’n›, hizmet kalitesine verdi¤i önem kadar sanata verdi¤i destek
için de ayr›ca tebrik ediyor ve tüm çal›flanlar›yla ortaya koydu¤u dinamizmden
dolay›, kendilerini kutluyorum.” dedi.
DHM‹ Genel Müdürü Orhan Birdal: “‘Geçmiflten Günümüze Esenbo¤a
Havaliman› Foto¤raflar›’ sergisi ile, yeni bir flehir ya da ülkeye ad›m atacak olan
yolcular›n son izlenimlerini edindikleri, flehrin modern yap›s›n› tafl›yan Ankara
Esenbo¤a Havaliman›’nda geçmifle dair foto¤raflar›n sergilenmesi, eski ve yeninin
bir arada yolculara yaflat›lmas›n› sa¤lam›flt›r. Ankara Esenbo¤a Havaliman›’nda
4. iflletme y›l›n› dolduran TAV Havalimanlar›, 55. y›l›n› kutlayan Ankara Esenbo¤a
Havaliman›’na TAV Galeri’yi tafl›yarak, kültür sanat platformu olma hedefini
katlayarak ço¤altt›¤› kitlelere duyurmaya devam edecektir. Bu vesileyle, TAV
Galeri’nin Ankara Esenbo¤a Havaliman›’nda da hizmete aç›lmas›n› sa¤layan, TAV
Havalimanlar› yöneticilerini ve tüm TAV çal›flanlar›n›, kültür ve sanata verdikleri
önem ve destekten dolay› kutlar›m.” dedi.
TAV Esenbo¤a Genel Müdürü Nuray Demirer ise: “Ankara Esenbo¤a
Havaliman›’ndan yaklafl›k 100’e yak›n iç ve d›fl hat noktas›na direkt ulaflan
yolcular›m›z›n, seyahat heyecan› ve stresini k›sa bir süre de olsa bir kenara
b›rakabilmeleri ve hayata dokunabilmeleri ad›na, kültür sanat platformu TAV Galeri’yi
oluflturduk. ‹stanbul Atatürk Havaliman›’nda iki y›ld›r onlarca sergiye ev sahipli¤i
yapan TAV Galeri’yi, bugün Ankara’ya tafl›yor olman›n heyecan›n› yafl›yoruz.
‘Geçmiflten Günümüze Esenbo¤a Havaliman› Foto¤raflar›’ sergisi ile aç›l›fl›n›
gerçeklefltirdi¤imiz TAV Galeri, her gün bir ad›m daha iyi olmak hedefinde olan TAV
Havalimanlar›’n›n kültür ve sanata verdi¤i önemin bir göstergesidir. TAV Esenbo¤a
olarak, TAV Galeri’de gerçeklefltirece¤imiz sergiler ve etkinliklerle sanata verdi¤imiz
deste¤i sürdürece¤iz.” dedi.
TAV Esenbo¤a Genel Müdürü Nuray Demirer, sergi aç›l›nda TAV Galeri’ye
verdikleri destek için DHM‹ Genel Müdürü Orhan Birdal ve Ankara Esenbo¤a
Havaliman› Mülki ‹dare Amiri Hayrettin Balc›o¤lu’na Türk motifli birer tabak hediye etti.
Kültür sanat platformu TAV Galeri’nin aç›l›fl› kapsam›nda gerçekleflen ilk sergi
“Geçmiflten Günümüze Esenbo¤a Havaliman› Foto¤raflar›”, Ankara Esenbo¤a
Havaliman›’n›, hizmete geçti¤i 1955 y›l›ndan günümüze kadar tüm hallerini foto¤raf
kareleri ile anlatmay› amaçl›yor. Toplam 68 foto¤raftan oluflan sergi, Ankara
Esenbo¤a Havaliman› ‹ç Hatlar Terminali Gidifl kat›nda yer alan TAV Galeri’de,
bir ay boyunca ziyaret edilebilecek.
AV Gallery, which is a culture and art platform of TAV Airports at Istanbul
Atatürk Airport for three years, is now also open at Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport.
The opening ceremony of TAV Gallery which attracted a huge interest with its first
exhibition "Photographs of Esenbo¤a Airport from Past to Present" was participated
by Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport Civilian Administration Manager Hayrettin Balc›o¤lu,
DHMI General Manager Orhan Birdal, Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport General Director
Y›lmaz Kelefl and TAV Esenbo¤a General Manager Nuray Demirer.
Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport Civilian Administration Manager Hayrettin Balc›o¤lu
who spoke during the opening ceremony of the "Photographs of Esenbo¤a Airport
From Past to Present" exhibition organized by TAV Esenbo¤a said: “TAV Airports
transformed Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport into a center where the number passengers
increase day by day. I would like to congratulate TAV Airports which brought TAV
Gallery and Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport passengers together, for the emphasis they
put on service quality as well as the dynamism put forward by their employees.”
DHMI General Manager Orhan Birdal said: “Displaying old photos through
‘Photographs of Esenbo¤a Airport from Past to Present’ exhibition at an airport
which reflects the modern face of the city and where passengers have their last
impressions before they leave for another city or country gives the passengers the
opportunity to experience the old and the new at the same time. TAV Airports, who
has been operating Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport for the last 4 years will continue to
reach large masses with its goal of being a culture and art platform by bringing TAV
Gallery into Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport which is celebrating its 55th anniversary this
year. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate TAV Airports Management
Team and all TAV employees who contributed in opening of TAV Gallery at Ankara
Esenbo¤a Airport for the interest and support they put into culture and art.”
TAV Esenbo¤a General Manager Nuray Demirer said: “We established the
culture and art platform TAV Gallery to present our passengers an opportunity to be
able to forget about the stress and anxiety of traveling – even for a short time – and
feel revived before they fly to one of almost 100 direct domestic and international
destinations from Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport. Today, we feel very excited to have
TAV Gallery here in Ankara after it has hosted so many exhibitions in Istanbul
Atatürk Airport for the last three years. TAV Gallery which is now open hosting
‘Photographs of Esenbo¤a Airport from Past to Present’ exhibition is an indication
of the importance placed in culture and art by TAV Airports which aims to better
itself every day. As TAV Esenbo¤a we will continue our support in art with
exhibitions and events we will hold at TAV Gallery”.
At the opening ceremony TAV Esenbo¤a General Manager Nuray Demirer
presented symbolic plates decorated with Turkish motifs to DHMI General Manager
Orhan Birdal and Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport Civilian Administration Manager
Hayrettin Balc›o¤lu to thank for the support they have given to TAV Gallery.
The opening exhibition “Photographs of Esenbo¤a Airport from Past to Present”
aims to tell the story of Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport from 1955 when it has first gone
into operation up till now. The exhibition displaying 68 photos at TAV Gallery which
is located at Ankara Esenbo¤a Airport Domestic Terminal Departures Floor will be
open for visitors for one month.
“ENKA Kültür-Sanat” etkinliklerine tüm h›z›yla devam ediyor…
“ENKA Culture-Art” events continue at full speed…
Kesintisiz 22 y›ld›r birbirinden baflar›l›
organizasyonlara imza atan ENKA
Kültür-Sanat’›, Yönetmen Yard›mc›s›
Murat Oval›’ya sorduk…
We had a pleasant talk with the co-director
of ENKA Culture-Art, Murat Oval›, about the
foundation and the successful events they
have been organizing for the last 22 years
without interruption…
ENKA çat›s› alt›nda flimdiye
kadar, bireysel anlamda
hangi çal›flmalara imza
ENKA ile ben, asl›nda ilk baflta
oyuncu ve idareci olarak
tan›flt›m. 1994 y›l›ndan itibaren
hem Dormen Tiyatrosu olarak
hem de konservatuar oyunlar›
ile neredeyse y›lda iki kez
ENKA Aç›khava tiyatrosun da
bulunuyordum. Okul oyunlar›
zaman›nda, tüm ifllemlerle ben
ilgilendi¤imden ve sahne
arkas› ile organizasyon iflleri
de, özel ilgi alan›m oldu¤undan
bilmeden ben asl›nda kendime
yat›r›m yapm›fl›m. Bunun
haricinde, tüm yapt›¤›m›z
etkinlikler ekip çal›flmas› ile
y›l›n yedi ay›na yay›larak
devam ediyor.
ENKA Kültür -Sanat’›
anlatman›z› istesek?
Enka Spor E¤itim ve Sosyal
Aral›k / December 2010
Yard›m Vakf›, 1983 y›l›n da
Sadi Gülçelik Spor Sitesi
tesisleri adresinde, 120
dönümlük bir alan içinde
‹stinye’de kuruluyor. Yap›lan
Aç›khava tiyatrosu ve ard›ndan
kapal› salonla etkinliklerine
bafllayan ENKA Kültür –Sanat,
önceleri kendi sporcular›na
üyelerine ve cevrede yaflayanlara hizmet ediyor. O zamanlar
flehir d›fl› say›lan bu bölgede
ayn› antik kentlerde oldu¤u
gibi, sanatla ruhlar›n›, sporla
vücutlar›n› gelifltiriyorlar. Sosyal
sorumlu¤umuz çerçevesinde,
sporcu, ö¤renci e¤itmen ve
çevredekilerin geldi¤i bu
etkinlikleri daha profesyonel bir
hale getirerek y›llar içerisinde
daha büyük bir organizasyona
getirdik. Genifl bir yelpaze
içerisinde tiyatrodan konsere,
modern danstan, klasik baleye
kadar farkl› disiplinlerden
gösterileri bir araya getirerek
Which personal works you
have realized under the
umbrella of ENKA so far?
I have met with ENKA as an
actor and a manager in the
first place. Since 1994, I
was on stage at ENKA
Amphitheatre almost two times
every year with plays
performed by Dormen Theare
and by the conservatoire
players. When we were
performing the school plays,
I was dealing with everything
and since backstage activities
and organization were my
fields of interest, I think I have
unintentionally invested in
myself. Apart from this, we
carry on with all of our artistic
and cultural activities as a
team for seven months a year.
Would you please tell us
about ENKA Culture –Art?
ENKA Sports, Education and
Social Welfare Foundation
(ENKA Foundation) was
founded in 1983 on 30 acres
of land on the gentle slopes of
Istinye district in Istanbul at
Sadi Gülçelik Sports Center.
First the Amphitheatre and
then a multi-purpose sports
hall were built at the facilities
and ENKA Culture-Art began
serving the athletes of ENKA
Sports Club, its members and
the people living around in the
beginning. This area was
regarded as a suburb in those
days and the people who were
benefiting from the activities at
the facilities were improving
their souls with art and their
bodies with sports as it was in
the ancient cities. In
accordance with our social
responsibility, we
professionalized these
activities and events attended
by athletes, students,
instructors and people living
around and created a larger
organization in time. By
organizing various culture and
arts events ranging from
theater performances to
concerts, modern and classical
ballet and dances as well as
other events reflecting various
disciplines, we aimed to reach
to the large masses and in
time, we created our own
audience. We bring together
our students and visiting art
lovers with artists at our Art
Gallery. As I said earlier, these
events are spread throughout
seven months of the year and
çok genifl kitlelere ulaflmay›
hedefledik ve bu konuda da
kendi seyircimizi yaratt›k.
Okul içinde bulunan sergi
salonumuzla, hem
ö¤rencilerimizi hem de d›flar›dan
gelen sanatseverlerimizi
sanatç›lar›m›zla buluflturuyoruz.
Tabii bunlar› baflta da
söyledi¤im gibi y›l›n yedi ay›na
yayarak “Bahar, Yaz ve K›fl”
olmak üzere üç dönemde
gerçeklefltiriyoruz. Bir de s›ras›
gelmiflken, tüm gelen
sanatç›lar›m›z›n kat›ld›¤› bir
noktay› paylaflal›m. Salonlar›m›z,
seyirci ile sanatç›n›n ‹stanbul da
en s›cak bulufltu¤u mekân
olarak an›l›yor.
ENKA Kültür-Sanat’›n bu
anlamda misyonunu yerine
getirdi¤ini düflünüyor
musunuz? Yap›lmas› gereken
çal›flmalar var m› sizce?
Tabii ki her zaman daha iyisi
yap›labilir. Yap›lmaz ise, zaten
ilerleme olmaz. Bunun bilinci ile
kurulufl misyonumuzdaki
ideallerimizin daha fazlas›n›
yapmak için elimizden geleni
yap›yoruz. Dedi¤im gibi, ilk
baflta gençlerimizi hedef
ald›k. Ö¤rencilerimizle ve
sporcular›m›zla sanatç›lar›m›z›
bir araya getirip onlara farkl›
bak›fllar sa¤lamay› hedefledik ve
bunda da baflar›ya ulaflt›¤›m›z›
görüyoruz. Kesintisiz 22 y›ld›r
devam etmesi, zaten bu yolda
nas›l bir çaba harcad›¤›m›z›n
göstergesi olsa gerek. Yap›lmas›
gerekenlere gelince, bu ülkenin
gençlerine yatar›m yapmak
gerekiyor. Ve biz de bunu,
vak›f olarak okullar aç›p devam
Bu anlamda Türkiye’deki
sanat ve kültür aktivitelerinin
yeterli deste¤i ald›¤›na
inan›yor musunuz?
Son y›llarda büyük firmalar›n
sosyal sorumluluk kapsam›nda
verdikleri destek, daha da artt›
ve artarak devam edecek gibi
Ne gibi güçlüklerle
Yap›lacak o kadar çok ifl var ki
ve her seferinde yeni bir yarat›m,
are organized in spring,
summer and winter. And by the
bye, I would like to mention
something which is shared by
all the visiting artists. Our
venues are regarded as the
places where the audience and
the artists come together most
warmly in Istanbul.
Do you think that ENKA
Culture-Art went through with
its mission in this sense? Or
do you believe that there are
other works to be done?
It is always possible to do
better in everything. If you
cannot do something any
better, then there will be no
improvement. With keeping
this in mind, we give of our
best to do more than our ideals
which underlie our
mission of foundation. As I said
before, we aimed our youth in
the first place. Our aim was
bringing together our students
and athletes with our artists to
make them have differing
perspectives and we see that
we have achieved our aim so
far. We have been continuously working for the last 22 years
and this is the sole proof of our
efforts on this, if you ask me.
I think we must invest in the
youth of this country and we do
this by opening schools as
ENKA Foundation.
Do you believe that artistic
and cultural activities are supported sufficiently in Turkey?
Large companies have been
supporting the social
responsibility projects more
and more in recent years and
it seems that it will increasingly
What kind of difficulties
you encounter?
There are so many things to
be done and each and every
one them means a new
creation, a new project, a
new opening, a new lighting
design, a new stage setting,
a new…. So many new things…
We work with pleasure and
these are not difficulties. It is
called “Art.”
Would you please give us the
names of some events you
have organized till today and
which created an
Our concerts and theater
performances in summer are
always booked up. Some of
our recent concerts I can
name were given by; Erol
Evgin, Zerrin Özer, Sertap
Erener, Funda Arar, fievval
Sam, Modern Folk Trio, Zuhal
Olcay, Zekayi Tunca, Musa
Ero¤lu and Mirkelam..
yeni bir proje, yeni bir aç›l›fl,
yeni bir ›fl›k tasar›m›, yeni bir
sahne kurulumu, yeni, yeni,
yeni bir sürü ifl… ‹flte bu keyifle
devam ediyor, ama güçlük
de¤il. Bunun ad›, “Sanat”.
fiimdiye kadar gerçeklefltirilen
ve ses getirdi¤ini
düflündü¤ünüz etkinliklerden
birkaç örnek verebilir misiniz?
Yaz aylar›nda konserlerimiz ve
tiyatrolar›m›z dolu dolu geçiyor.
Mesela son y›llardaki birkaç
konserimiz flöyle: Erol Evgin,
Zerrin Özer, Sertap Erener,
Funda Arar, fievval Sam,
Modern Folk Üçlüsü, Zuhal
Olcay, Zekayi Tunca, Musa
Ero¤lu, Mirkelam, bunlar
sadece birkaç› konserlerin.
Çal›flmalar›n›zda, içerik
belirlenirkenki kriterleriniz
nelerdir? Hangi k›staslara
dikkat ediyorsunuz?
Sezon içinde bizim de yak›ndan
takip etti¤imiz, dan›flt›¤›m›z ya
da bize dan›flarak gelen projeler ve özellikle de seyircilerimizin bizi yönlendirmesi ile farkl›
etkinlikler düzenliyoruz.
Olmazsa olmaz kriterlerimiz
yok. Bizim misyonumuza uyan
sanatç›lar›m›zla, tabii tarihlerin
el verdi¤i ölçüde iflbirli¤imiz
devam ediyor.
Aral›k / December 2010
Bu seneki k›fl etkinliklerinden
bahsetmeniz mümkün mü?
2 Kas›m’da Kürflat Baflar, Tulu¤
T›rpan dörtlüsü ve Zara konseri
ile bafllad›k. Kamil Masarac›’n›n
karikatür sergisi, Devlet
Tiyatrosu’nun sezonun en
iyi oyunlar›ndan biri olan
“Profesyonel”, Genco Erkal’›n
“Kerem Gibisi” ve Sena’n›n
“Karalama Defterinden” adl›
sergisi ile devam ettik. 28
Kas›m Pazar günü, Eskiflehir
Senfoni Orkestras› eflli¤inde
fief Naci Özgüç, Solist Benal
Tanr›sever fiimflek eflli¤inde
çocuklar›n ücretsiz dinledi¤i
“Nefleli Pazarlar” aile
konserimiz gerçekleflti.
Çocuklar›n klasik müzikle
buluflmas›n› sa¤layan bu
konser, 45 sanatç›n›n s›rf bu
etkinlik için Eskiflehir’den
gelmesi ile yaflam buldu.
30 Kas›m’da, ‹ncila
Bertu¤, fievval Sam ve
Bekir Ünlüataer’i konuk ettik
ve tam bir “Bo¤aziçi Masal›”
gerçeklefltirdiler bize.
Etkinliklerimizi Tiyatro
Pera’n›n “Vanya Day›”
adl› oyunu, Ortaoyuncular’›n
“Ruhundan Tramvay Geçen
Adam” ve Coflkun Ayd›n’›n
foto¤raf sergisi ile
What are your criteria for the
content of your works?
Every season we realize the
projects we follow closely, the
ones we like and make an offer
or some of the projects offered
to us. We also take the
preferences of our audience
into consideration and shape
some of our annual events
accordingly. We actually don’t
have some absolute-must
criteria. We co-operate with
artists who are in harmony with
our mission and as long as
their schedules and ours
Which events will be
performed this winter?
Our winter performances this
year started with Kürflat Baflar,
Tulu¤ T›rpan Quartette and
Zara concert on 2 November
and continued with caricature
exhibition by Kamil Masarac›,
a play named “Professional”
by the State Theater, which is
one of the best performances
of the season, “Kerem Gibi” by
Genco Erkal and an exhibition
by Sena, named “From the
Sketch Book”. On 28
November, Eskiflehir
Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Naci Özgüç
gave a concert for families,
with the participation of soloist
Benal Tanr›sever fiimflek.
The concert named “Happy
Sundays” was free of charge
for children. Our aim was to
make the children get
acquainted with classical
music and 45 musicians came
to Istanbul from Eskiflehir
solely for this concert. Our
guests on 30 November were
‹ncila Bertu¤, fievval Sam
and Bekir Ünlüataer. They
performed a full-blooded
“Bosphorus Tale” for us.
We will put an end to our
events with Tiyatro Pera’s
play, Uncle Vanya, the play
named “Ruhundan Tramvay
Geçen Adam” by
Ortaoyuncular and the
photography exhibition
of Coflkun Ayd›n.
2011’de bafltan ç›kman›n 24 yolu
Magnum Çikolata, Magnum Praline F›nd›k ve Magnum Praline
Bitter’den oluflan 24’lük paketleriyle, 2011’in ilk dakikalar›ndan
itibaren sizi ve sevdiklerinizi bafltan ç›karmaya haz›rlan›yor.
Magnum Çikolata, Magnum Praline F›nd›k ve Magnum Praline Bitter
çeflitlerini 24’lük paketlerde bir araya getirdi. 12 adet Magnum
Praline Bitter ve 12 adet Magnum Praline F›nd›k’tan oluflan 24’lük
Magnum Çikolata paketlerinin fl›kl›¤›, içindeki bafltan ç›kar›c›
lezzetlerin de habercisi oluyor.
Giyimde Aker fl›kl›¤›!
Aker, eflarp, kumafl ve bayan giyim alanlar›ndaki 30 y›l› aflk›n
tecrübesini birlefltirerek oluflturdu¤u Aker Giyim, daha ilk sezonundan
itibaren tercih edilen giyim markas› olmay› baflard›. Aker Giyim 2010-11
Sonbahar/K›fl koleksiyonunda, kad›ns› dokunufllarla gündüzün
ciddiyetine yak›fl›r fl›k tak›mlar› zenginlefltirilirken, derilerle kombinlenmifl
ekose gruplar, spor çizgiyi yans›t›yor. Trençkotlar ve mantolar
koleksiyonun tamamlay›c› parçalar›n› oluflturuyor. ‹pek saten bluzlardan,
fl›k ve kullan›labilir elbiselere ve birbirinden fl›k tak›mlara kadar zengin
bir koleksiyon oluflturulmufl. Aker Giyim koleksiyonlar›n› baflta ‹stanbul
olmak üzere Kayseri, Bursa, Adapazar›, Trabzon, Erzurum ve
Kahramanmarafl’ta yer alan tüm Aker ma¤azalar›nda bulmak mümkün.
24 ways to be seduced in 2011
Magnum Chocolates is getting ready to seduce you and your
loved ones with packs of 24, containing Magnum Praline Nuts
and Magnum Praline Bitters, beginning from the first moments
of 2011. Magnum Chocolates packed 12 Magnum Praline Nuts
and 12 Magnum Praline Bitters together in packs of 24 and the
elegancy of the boxes is the foreshadow of the seductiveness of
the delicacies in them.
Divan’›n birbirinden fl›k
Y›lbafl› sepetlerini görmeden
hediyenize karar vermeyin!
Aker elegancy in ladies’ wear!
Aker Giyim established after 30 years of experience in
manufacturing scarf, fabrics and ladies’ wear, succeeded to be a
preferred clothing brand as of its first season. 2010-11 Fall/Winter
collection of Aker Giyim enriches the chic suits proper for the
sobriety of day time, while the checked items combined with leather
reflect the sporty lines. Trench coats and overcoats are the
complementary items of the collection. The collection is enriched with
garments from silk satin blouses to stylish and wearable dresses and
elegant looking suits. Aker Giyim collections can be found at all Aker
stores in Istanbul, Kayseri, Bursa, Adapazar›, Trabzon, Erzurum and
Bu y›lbafl›nda, dostlar›n›za Divan Pastaneleri’nin özenle haz›rlad›¤›
birbirinden fl›k Y›lbafl› sepetlerinden hediye edebilirsiniz. 12 farkl›
alternatifi haz›rlanan sepetlerin içinde Divan’›n muhteflem çikolata,
lokum, arduaz, draje ve pralinlerinin yan› s›ra Smirnoff Votka, Chivas
Regal Viski, Lamberti Bianco Di Custoza fiarap, ifllemeli ikili kadeh,
deri k›l›fl› termos, viski karaf›, tavla, deri ajanda ve y›lbafl› süsleri gibi
çeflitli hediyeler de sunuluyor.
Don’t choose your gifts before seeing
the stylish gift baskets of Divan!
You can give one of the most stylish Christmas gift baskets of Divan
Patisseries, prepared elaborately to your friends as gifts. There are
12 different gift baskets, which contain incredible chocolates, Turkish
delights, slates, dragees and pralines of Divan, Smirnoff Vodka,
Chivas Regal Scotch, Lamberti Bianco Di Custoza wine bottles,
a pair of laced wine glasses, leather covered flasks, whiskey carafes,
backgammon sets, leather diaries and Christmas decorations.
Aral›k / December 2010
Live the passion with the privileges of
Hilton Worldwide Istanbul Hotels
Hilton Istanbul Bosphorus Terrace Restaurant is an ideal place for the
ones who would like to have a comfortable and pleasant New Year’s
Eve with a splendid open buffet, Bosphorus view and limitless local
drinks accompanied by live music. On New Year’s Eve, Condrad
Istanbul also offers privileged celebration alternatives to its guests.
There will be an open buffet New Year’s Eve Ball with limitless local
drinks accompanied by live music and DJ. The guests of Hilton
ParkSA will welcome 2011 towards the sparkling Bosphorus view at
Cloud 7 Restaurant, Bar & Terrace and they will be served an open
buffet full of delicious meals such as jumbo shrimps on mücver,
smoked salmon, crab salad, sushi, duck and turkey stuffed with seasoned pilaf. There will be live music all night long.
Yeni y›l coflkusunu, Hilton
Worldwide ‹stanbul Otelleri
ayr›cal›¤›yla yaflay›n
Hilton ‹stanbul Bosphorus Terrace Restaurant’ta görkemli bir
aç›k büfe; Bo¤az manzaras› ve canl› müzik eflli¤inde limitsiz yerli
içki seçene¤i ile, rahat ve keyifli bir Y›lbafl› geçirmek isteyenler
için ideal. Yeni y›l gecesi, Conrad ‹stanbul da, misafirlerine
ayr›cal›kl› kutlama alternatifleri sunuyor. Balo Salonu’nda canl›
orkestra ve DJ eflli¤inde aç›k büfe ve limitsiz yerli içkinin dâhil
oldu¤u Y›lbafl› balosu hizmeti de sunuluyor. Hilton ParkSA’n›n
misafirleri ise, 2011 y›l›n› Bo¤az’›n ›fl›lt›l› manzaras›na karfl› Cloud
7 Restaurant, Bar & Terrace'da mücver üzerinde jumbo karides,
füme somon, yengeç salatas›, sushi köflesi, ördek, iç pilavl› hindi
dolmas› gibi çok çeflitli lezzetlerin yer alaca¤› aç›k büfe ve canl›
müzik eflli¤inde karfl›l›yor.
Y›lbafl›nda tüm hediye
paketleri Media Markt
K›rm›z›s› olacak
Türkiye’deki 16 ma¤azas› ile dünya markalar›n› en bol ürün
seçene¤i, en iyi hizmet kalitesi ve en düflük fiyatlarla müflterilerine
sunan Media Markt, y›lbafl›na özel sürprizleri ve genifl ürün gam›yla
hediye aray›fl›na son veriyor. Son teknolojiye sahip dünya markas›
ürünler ile yeni y›l al›flveriflini keyifli hale getiren Media Markt, yeni
y›lda hem sizi hem de sevdiklerinizi mutlu edecek.
Ayn› çat› alt›nda cep telefonundan televizyona, bilgisayardan,
playstationa, küçük ev aletlerinden foto¤raf makinesine kadar
yüzlerce ürün, Y›lbafl› hediyesi olmak için sizi bekliyor. Sevdiklerinizi
ister fl›mart›n, ister eksiklerini tamamlay›n...
All gift packs will be
Media Markt Red on
New Year’s Eve
Media Markt, offering a great variety of products by world brands
to its customers with best prices and best service in its 16 shops in
Turkey, will put an end to the pursuit for gifts with special surprises
and a large product range. Media Markt will give you a joyous
shopping alternative by offering high-tech products of world
brands and will make you and your loved ones so happy.
From mobile phones to television sets, play stations, small house
appliances, cameras and hundreds of other products are waiting
for you under the same roof, to be New Year gifts. You can either
spoil your loved ones or give them what they have needed for
some time.
Aral›k / December 2010
Alan›ndaki dünyadaki en
prestijli merci kabul edilen FDA
onay›na da sahip Zeltiq,
Türkiye’de sektörün öncü
kuruluflu Monep kliniklerinde
uygulanmaya bafllad› ve bir
seminerle bas›na tan›t›ld›.
Sistemi bas›na tan›tan Prof. Dr.
Onur Erol, bir plastik
cerrah olarak giriflimsel olmayan
bir sistemi neden klinikleri
bünyesinde kulland›klar›n› flöyle
aç›kl›yor: “Ben, yeni sistemlere
her zaman kuflkuyla yaklafl›r›m.
Bir de, kendi prestijimi de
düflünerek FDA onay› olmayan
bir sistemi kliniklerimizde
kullanmam. Zeltiq, bana ilk
ulaflt›¤›nda henüz FDA onay›
gelmemiflti, ben de sonuçlar›n›
net olarak gözlememifltim.
Kendim kulland›m, sonuçlar›n›
bizzat gözlemledim, faydalar›n›
görünce kullanmaya karar
verdim. O arada, cihaz›n
FDA onay› da gelmifl oldu ve
biz, Zeltiq’i kullanmaya
bafllad›k.” Bölgesel ya¤lar
için so¤uk flekillendirme
sistemiyle çal›flan ilk sistem
olan Zeltiq; her bir bölgeye
tek seans uygulanmas› ve
hemen hiç a¤r› ve ac›
hissedilmemesi sebebiyle
muadil sistemler aras›nda
öne ç›k›yor.
Is it possible to reduce the localized fats on
your body by cooling them? The new system
“Zeltiq” approved by FDA says, “Yes!”…
Zeltiq, which was approved by
FDA, the most prestigious
authority in the health sector, is
now in Turkey and they started
to apply their new technique at
the clinics of Monep, the leading
institution of health sector and
the new technique was
introduced to the press with
a seminar.
When he introduced the
system to the press, Prof. Dr.
Onur Erol explained why, as a
plastic surgeon, he decided to
apply a non-invasive system at
their clinics with these words:
“I always look askance at new
systems. Also, I care about my
prestige and don’t even think of
applying a system which was
not approved by FDA, at our
Aral›k / December 2010
clinics. When Zeltiq contacted
me first, their system was not
approved by FDA yet and I
didn’t observe the results
clearly. First I applied the system
on me and saw the results
personally. And when I was
convinced that it was beneficial,
I decided to use the system. In
the meantime, the device was
approved by FDA and we
started to use Zeltiq.”
Zeltiq is the first system ever,
which works with the system of
cool-sculpting on the areas of
fat. Since the treatment is
applied to each fatty area only
once and the patients almost
feel no pain, the system
becomes prominent among
the equivalent systems.
Lazer mucizesiyle tan›flman›n tam zaman›
Sivilce izleri, günefl-do¤um
lekeleri, kilo al›p vermekten ve
do¤umdan sonra oluflan
çatlaklar, geçmez sand›¤›n›z
yara-yan›k ameliyat izlerini
hafifleten lazer tedavilerinin tam
zaman›. Tüm cilt sorunlar› için
lazer tedavilerini güvenle
uygulayan Ota Güzellik
Merkezi’nden Uzman Doktor
Tülay Türksoy Akvardar,
tedaviler ve sonuçlar› hakk›nda
bilgi verdi: “Klini¤imizde her
türlü cilt deformasyonu tedavisi
için fraksiyonel lazer teknolojisini rahatl›kla kullan›yoruz.
Fraksiyonel lazer tekni¤inde,
uygulama yap›lan üst deri
soyulmadan, derinin alt
tabakalar› üzerinde çal›flarak
tedavi gerçeklefltirilir. Cildimizin
kendi kendini iyilefltirme
özelli¤ine dayanarak çal›flan
bu sistem, kontrollü bir flekilde
hasarlama ifllemi yaratarak,
cildimizdeki iyilefltirme görevini
üstelenen ve kollajen ismi
verilen maddenin tetiklenmesini
sa¤lar. Kollajenin tetiklenmesi
ise cildin görünümünün
de¤iflerek gençleflmesine
yard›mc› olur. Cildin gerginli¤i
artar, gözenekleri s›k›lafl›r.
Ciltteki renk ve ton farklar› azal›r,
cilt daha homojen bir
görüntüye kavuflur.”
It is the right time to meet with the miracle of laser
It is the right time to have the
laser treatment to lighten the
acne scars, sunspots and birth
marks, skin chaps due to giving
birth or frequently gaining and
losing weight and wound, burn
and surgery scars which you
think never will wear off.
We had a talk with Specialist
MD Tülay Türksoy Akvardar
from Ota Beauty Parlor, which
safely applies laser treatment for
all kinds of skin problems, about
the treatment and its results:
“We conveniently apply
fractional laser technology to
treat all kinds of skin
deformations at our clinic. When
we apply fractional laser
technique, we don’t peel the
epidermis off but we work on
the sub layers of the skin and
treat the problem. Human skin
has the ability of self-treatment
and this system is based on this
function. It creates a controlled
damage on the skin layers and
triggers the collagen, which is
the substance curing the skin.
Triggering collagen changes the
appearance of the skin and
makes it rejuvenate. The skin
becomes stretched, the skin
pores are tightened. The color
differences and shades on skin
are decreased and the skin has
a more homogenous
Bölgesel ya¤lar› so¤utarak yok etmek mümkün
mü? FDA onayl› yeni sistem “Zeltiq” “Evet” diyor…
Aral›k / December 2010
Atatürk Havaliman› D›fl Hatlar Terminali
VIP Yan› 34149 Yeflilköy / ‹stanbul
Tel:+90 212 465 40 30
Fax:+90 212 465 47 30
ÇINAR OTEL (*****)
Fener Mevkii 34149
Yeflilköy ‹stanbul Turkey
Tel:+90 212 663 29 00
Fax:+90 212 663 29 21
Fatih Mah.Gazi Mustafa Kemal Cad.
No:11 34500 Büyükçekmece/‹stanbul
Tel: +90 212 867 70 00
Fax: +90 212 867 70 70
Cumhuriyet Cad.34367
Harbiye ‹stanbul Türkiye
Tel: +90 212 315 60 60
Fax: +90 212 240 41 65
Bay›ld›m cad. No.12 Maçka 34357
‹stanbul / Turkey
Tel: +90 212 310 12 00
Fax: +90 212 258 56 95
Büyükdere Cad. 4.Levent
34330 istanbul Turkey
Tel: +90 212 319 29 29
Fax: +90 212 319 29 00
E5 Karayolu üzeri 34295
Sefaköy ‹stanbul Turkey
Tel: +90 212 425 73 73
Fax: +90 212 425 73 63
Sahil Yolu 34158 Ataköy ‹stanbul Turkey
Tel: +90 212 413 06 00
Fax: +90 212 560 81 55
Süzer Plaza, Elmada¤ 34367
fiiflli ‹stanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 212 334 44 44
Fax: + 90 212 334 44 55
CENTER (*****)
‹stanbul Dünya Ticaret Merkezi 34149 Yeflilköy/‹st
Tel: +90 212 468 50 00
Fax: +90 212 468 50 40
Ah›rkap› Sok.No:24 Cankurtaran,
Sultanahmet, ‹stanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 212 455 44 55
Fax: +90 212 455 44 99
Koska Caddesi No:43 34470
Laleli, ‹stanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 212 516 64 66
Fax: +90 212 517 54 34
Cevdetpafla Caddesi No:34 80810
Bebek, ‹stanbul, Turkey
Tel:+90 212 358 20 00
Fax: +90 212 263 26 36
Halaskargazi Cad. No:75 Harbiye
34367 ‹stanbul Turkey
Tel: +90 212 291 77 30
Fax: +90 212 291 77 40
Aral›k / December 2010