Online Help: Quality Planning


Online Help: Quality Planning
Online Help: Quality Planning
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Page 2
Table Of Contents
Quality Planning Items ....................................................................................................1
Design FMEA ..............................................................................................................8
Process Planner ........................................................................................................20
Quality Planning ............................................................................................................29
Navigation .................................................................................................................30
Navigating special sub-dialogs ...............................................................................39
Baselining and Versioning .........................................................................................49
System Configuration ....................................................................................................59
Configurable Grid.......................................................................................................60
Library .......................................................................................................................70
Index .............................................................................................................................85
Quality Planning Items
Create a Part
To create a part:
1. From TOC, select Design. You should see Parts and Products in the submenu.
Right-click on Parts, and choose New Parts... from the popup menu.
3. PLM will bring up a Parts form where you define the new part by entering values
for its properties. Notice the list of properties on the left side of the screen, such
as Created By and Generation, these are updated automatically.
4. For each part property shown in the form, enter a value to define the part's
unique characteristics.
Part Number - the part number of the part
Revision - read only property, keeps track of the revisions for this part
State - read only property, refers to the life-cycle state of the Part
Name - the name of the part
Type - select whether the part is a component, an assembly, a material, or a
Online Help: Quality Planning
i.Expand the list of available choices by clicking the + icon, next to Part.
ii.Select the type of part by clicking on it.
iii.Click the green check mark
the selection dialog.
, on the toolbar, to complete the selection. This will close
Unit - a unit of measure for the part. Currently this can be either each, inches,
feet, millimeters, centimeters, or meters.
Make/Buy - designates if the part is made in house, or is bought from a
Cost - read only field. The cost is calculated based on the estimated or actual
costs of the parts and assemblies in the BOM of the part. It could also be a target cost of
the part itself.
Long Description - the long description of the part.
Assigned Creator - is responsible for the design or the content of the part,
usually an engineer and a member of the Component Engineering group Identity. An
Quality Planning Items
assigned creator is often identified as the Owner of the item. This may not be the same
person who enters the parts data into PLM and who appears in the Created By field to
the left of the screen. There are two ways to enter information into this field.
i.Type in the name of the identity. If you make a mistake, when you leave this field, the
error checking will take place, and if no identity to match the typed in text is found, the
field will be left blank.
ii.Click on the ellipses
be selected.
next to the field, which will popup a window of all users that can
iii.If no users appear, click on the
Search icon. Select the user, then click the green
mark to complete the selection.
k. Designated User - is responsible for managing, using, and reviewing the part.
See the Assigned Creator steps of entering data into this type of field.
Effective Date - the date when this part actually goes into production or
whatever process that requires its participation. This is different than the release date,
which gets generated automatically when the part reaches the Released state in its life
0. Save, Unlock, and Close
the new Part.
Notice that aside from the header properties described above, a Part has a few tabs at
the bottom of the form that also hold properties. Particularly pertinent to Quality Planning
are the Characteristic and Quality Planning Documents tabs.
Online Help: Quality Planning
Let's look at the Characteristic tab first. This is one of the locations where part
characteristics can be entered. The other locations are from a Control Plan, a DFMEA,
or the Process Flow Diagram. No matter where the characteristics are entered for a
particular part, they immediately propagate to all other locations mentioned above. So, if
you choose to fill out the characteristics later, while creating a Process Flow Diagram,
they will appear in the Part properties as well.
To create a characteristic:
1. Under the Characteristic tab, click on the New Item icon . A new empty line in
the table is created. The example below has some values filled in:
2. Enter the values into table cells:
ID – Characteristic ID, or a number from the bubble drawing; usually a key
characteristic identified by the Product Engineer or the Manufacturing Engineer (for
process characteristics)
Description - the description of the characteristic
Class - the classification of the characteristic. The class choices come from a
pre-configured list, described in Configuring Lists.
B or P Flag - Blueprint, i.e. part, or Process. This flag notifies if the characteristic
applies to the actual part design, or the manufacturing process.
Type - Dimensional, Material, or Functional are the choices for this cell.
Dimensional refers to the characteristics that have to do with measurement, such as
length, diameter, width, etc. Material signals that this characteristic deals with the type of
material chosen. Functional refers to the actual function that the part is supposed to
perform, for example the spin rate.
Target – The target value for the characteristic. For example, the target
measurement; material specification number; or some kind of process target such as the
heat treatment needs to be at 300 degrees.
Tolerance - bounds for target. For example, if the characteristic is dimensional,
tolerance could be +/-.01inches.
Now, let's take a look at the Quality Planning Documents tab. Here, all the documents
connected to this particular part will be listed.
Quality Planning Items
Notice the toolbar above the list. For each selected document, the user can open it or
delete it. If the Process Planer is selected, the Copy PFD button will copy it. The other
options allow the user to use templates to copy documents from other parts. These
options will be discussed in the following sections:
 Templates
 Clone
 Copy Process Planner
Online Help: Quality Planning
Create a Part Family
A Part Family groups parts that share common characteristics. There may be many
cases where developing a FMEA for each part would involve much redundant work.
Instead these parts can be grouped. Part Families can be as simplistic as Screws or as
complicated as Steering Columns. While sharing the common characteristics, the target
and tolerance of these characteristic is individual for each part. For example, say we are
creating a FMEA for a family of screws. The characteristics that they share may be:
length, diameter, thread, etc. However, for each particular part, the target length and
tolerance would be different from the others. These characteristics can be entered
through the Characteristics Browser.
To create a part family:
1. From TOC, select Design, Part Family, and create a new Part Family.
2. You should see a form like this:
3. Fill out the properties as follows:
Part Family Number - the number of the Part Family
Description - the description of the part family
Parts tab - select (or create) parts that belong to this part family. If you need
more information on how to pick parts, here is an example.
Quality Planning Documents tab - lists all the documents that have been
created for this part family, such as DFMEAs or Process Planners. It also has a menu
bar, just like a Part, that allows the user to clone documents (and characteristics) from
another part, as well as open, and delete existing documents.
Tip: Only parts that do not have their own list of characteristics can be added to a part
Quality Planning Items
Online Help: Quality Planning
Design FMEA
About FMEAs
A FMEA is an ordered list of activities taken to achieve several purposes:
 To recognize and evaluate a potential failure
 To identify actions or processes that could eliminate (or reduce the risk of) the
potential failure
 To document this process
FMEAs usually deal with two separate processes: design and production. A Design
FMEA deals with the process of designing a part, in order to prevent possible failures
inherent in the actual design of the part. A Process FMEA deals with the process of
producing a part, and all the failures that may occur during the production process.
A good way to look at these activities is a general flow diagram. The actual steps may
differ with each company.
Quality Planning Items
Create a DFMEA
A DFMEA is created to apply to a specific Part, Part Family, or Template. Many
companies will create Templates for various documents, where they would store
valuable lessons learned.
To create a DFMEA:
1. From TOC, Design, DFMEAs, create a new DFMEA. A DFMEA form is
2. Here are the DFMEA header properties:
a. FMEA Number - read only field; the number is automatically generated by
Innovator. To change the sequence structure of the generated number, access
the Design FMEA Sequence from TOC, Administration, Sequences.
b. Date: (Orig) - The date that the original FMEA was compiled
c. Date: (Rev) - The latest revision date
d. FMEA level - enter the level of analysis. The actual boundaries of a system, subsystem, or component are arbitrary, and are usually set by the FMEA team, but
here are some general guidelines:
i.System - usually made up of several sub-systems, each one designed by different
teams. Typically, a system FMEA will focus on the interactions of the different subsystems and the interface to its surroundings.
ii.Sub-System - usually a subset of a larger system. Typically, a sub-system FMEA will
focus on the interactions of various components in the sub-system and the interface to
its surroundings.
Online Help: Quality Planning
iii.Component - usually a small part of a system, like a strut in the front suspension
d.Part - the Part representing the system, sub-system, or component; can either enter Part
or Part Family - the two are mutually exclusive.
e.Part Family - Sometimes a part will belong to a part family, thereby allowing several
parts to share documents and characteristics. For example, specific steering columns
may all belong to a Steering Column family.
f.Design Responsibility - personnel responsible for the design of the system, subsystem, or component for which the DFMEA is being compiled.
g.Key Date - the date on which PPAP is due. Typically full blown production starts 2
weeks after this date.
h.Model Year Vehicle - the intended model year(s) that will use or be affected by the
design (if known)
i.Template - boolean to indicate if this document is a template. This is an important
indicator. Later, the users are allowed to copy and clone only templates, not the actual
DFMEAs, as these will contain the valuable lessons learned.
The Team tab contains a list of personnel responsible and authorized to identify
and perform tasks. You can either create new identities, or pick them from the list of
identities previously created by a system administrator.
The DFMEA tab identifies the Design FMEA specific properties. The columns in
this table are specified through a configurable grid, the DFMEA Editor. See the
Configurable Grid for more information. It is also helpful to look at a general data model.
Quality Planning Items
Notice that for each Item, there can be several Functions. Each Function can fail in
many ways, therefore there are many Failure Modes per function. For each Failure
Mode there are two branches - Effects and Causes. Effects describes the effects of
failure, while Cause is linked to Controls and Actions - the mechanisms used to control
and act upon the failure. Let's take a look at how the data model above translates to the
grid properties.
Item - the particular item (part number or a description) responsible for the
Function - the functionality of the item being analyzed; for each Item, a new
function will start a new nested row.
Char - Characteristic; when this cell gains focus, the Characteristic browser is
displayed. Select the characteristics that apply to the particular function being analyzed.
For more information on how this browser works, go to the Characteristics Browser.
Failure Mode - the manner in which the item could fail; you can either type in an
entry, or hit F2 to bring up a Failure Mode Catalog. You can start multiple nested rows at
this point to indicate that for a specific function there are several failure modes that carry
with them
Effect - the effects of a specific failure mode. The Effects sub-dialog is
automatically displayed when the cell gains focus. Select one or more effects to be
displayed as a comma separated list in the grid cell.
Online Help: Quality Planning
Sev - Severity is a rank associated with the most serious effect in the list. It is
populated automatically, when the effects are selected.
Class - the class of the characteristic. If a characteristic is entered in this row's
Char cell, its classification will automatically appear here. However, you can also
override the classification by editing and selecting a value from the drop down list. These
options come from a configurable list where each company may enter their own
classifications. Usually, the following would be available:
i.CC - Critical Characteristic
ii.FF - Fit/Function
iii.SC - Significant Characteristic
iv.S - Safety/Compliance
e.Causes - potential causes or mechanisms of failure. For each Failure Mode, there can
be more than one cause. You can either type in a value, or hit F2 to select from a
Causes Catalog.
f.Occ - the likelihood of failure occurrence on a scale of 1 to 10. Once the cell gains focus,
the Occurrence Catalog will display from which a selection can be made.
g.Prevention - part of the control; possible methods of preventing this failure from
happening. A Controls Catalog displays to allow the user to select a prevention method.
h.Detection - part of control; describes measurement techniques to be utilized to detect
possible failures. A Measurement Technique Catalog can be used to select standard
measurement methods appropriate to the situation
i.Det - the likelihood that the control method will catch the failure; select from the options
presented in the popup dialog.
j.RPN - Risk priority number; automatically calculated based on previous entries. If the
number is high enough (exceeds a company specified threshold), then actions need to
be taken to lower it.
k.Actions - the actions that will take place to lower the RPN. The Reaction Plan Catalog
contains a list of possible actions for the user to select. Once the appropriate data is
filled out, the action is sent to the InBasket of the responsible personnel. That person
then fills out the Task Completion Worksheet for each action, from their InBasket. Once
completed, the information from this Worksheet is used to complete the Reaction values
(see below).
l.Role - the general department or group that will be responsible for the Actions. The
options are Manufacturing, Design, or Evaluation.
m.Responsible - the specific personnel responsible for the Actions. When this field has a
value of a particular identity, the actions will be sent to that person's InBasket to start the
implementation process. See InBasket for more information.
n.Target Date - a target date by which the specified actions should be completed.
At this point, this row of the DFMEA is complete. When saved, the action item is sent to
Quality Planning Items
the In Basket of the identity specified in the Responsible column. When they complete
the action items, they fill out the Task Completion Worksheet with the required data. This
data is then used to complete the active row of the DFMEA. The fields below duplicate
the information from the worksheet.
o.Actual Date - the actual date when the actions are completed. This is filled out by the
responsible personnel upon completion, in the Task Completion Worksheet.
p.Action Taken - the action taken by the responsible personnel. Echoed here from the
Task Completion Worksheet.
q.Sev - the new severity, after the actions have been taken. The value is automatically
copied from the Task Completion Worksheet.
r.Occ - the likelihood of failure occurrence on a scale of 1 to 10. Typically, after the
actions are taken, the Occ should be decreased. The value is copied here automatically
from the Task Completion Worksheet.
s.Det - the likelihood that the control method will catch the failure, again after the actions
are taken. The value is from the Task Completion Worksheet.
t.RPN - the new value of the risk priority number, should be reduced below the company
set threshold.
Online Help: Quality Planning
The InBasket
The InBasket receives action lists sent either by the DFMEA or the PFMEA designers as
part of the Controls mechanism. Usually, when a specific failure mode receives a high
enough RPN, a control mechanism needs to be executed to lower it. This control usually
consists of a list of actions to be performed by selected responsible personnel,
represented in Innovator as an Identity.
When a DFMEA contains a valid Responsible field, and an action to be taken, these
actions are sent to the Responsible party's InBasket. Here is a view of a DFMEA with a
list of actions:
Let's take a closer look at the action labeled TEST. If we go to the responsible identity's
InBasket, we would see:
Notice that the Action Items check box in the tool bar is checked. A common mistake is
to leave this box unchecked which would prevent the items from appearing in the
To update the item in the InBasket:
Quality Planning Items
1. Right-click on the item and select Update Action from the popup menu. A Task
Completion Worksheet will be displayed:
2. Comments And Actions Taken - enter the list of actions taken and any
comments that may be appropriate.
3. Update The APQP RPN Inputs - enter the new values for Severity,
Occurrence, and Detection. The RPN is calculated automatically when the
other values are entered.
4. Save Changes - saves any information entered into the dialog, without taking
any further action.
5. Cancel - closes the dialog without saving any changes
6. Complete - closes the dialog saving the changes, and sends all the data to the
DFMEA that originated the action. The appropriate fields in the DFMEA receive
and save the new information.
Online Help: Quality Planning
Create Plant Locations
Plant Locations are used in the Process Planner to identify the specific plant where the
part is being manufactured. Plant location is important, as different plants may produce
the same part differently. This plays a large role when cloning plans, or creating
To create a plant location:
1. From TOC, select Quality, then Plant Locations.
2. Create a new Plant Location. A Plant Location form will appear:
3. Enter the values for the following properties:
Location Name - the name of the particular location of the plant
Location Duns - the Dun and Bradstreet identification number of the plant
Save, Unlock and Close the Location form.
Quality Planning Items
Create Tools
In the Process Planner, Control Plan, for each operation the user must provide a list of
tools that will be used to perform a specific operation. There are two ways to create new
tools. One way is directly from the TOC, similar to the catalog creation. Another way, is
to create new tools from the Process Planner (Control Plan) tab. Let's look at each of
these options.
To create a new machine tool:
1. From TOC, select Process, Tools. A list of existent tools (if any) should appear.
2. Click on the New Item icon , or select New Tool... from the right-click pop-up
menu. The Tools form will appear:
3. Enter the following properties:
Tool Number - the tool number
Name - the tool name or any other description of the tool, such as the plant
where it is used
4. Save, Unlock, and Close
the form.
Now, let's examine tool creation from the Control Plan. Here is a view of a Process
Planner, with the Control Plan tab selected, highlighting the Machine Tools column:
Online Help: Quality Planning
Hitting F2 in the selected cell will bring up the Tool Selection Dialog, which looks like
Let's take a closer look at the options presented here:
1. Pick Tool - the pick tool button, which takes the user to a selection screen of
available tools.
Select the necessary tool, and hit the green check mark button
the selection.
to complete
2. New Tool - the new tool button which allows the user to create new tools. Hitting
this button creates a new line in the tool list:
Quality Planning Items
The user can then enter the tool number and description. Once this dialog is
saved, and the Process Planner is saved, the tools entered will be saved to the
main tool list as well. In this way the tools differ from catalogs - their new entries
are saved permanently, not just for the specific document where they are
3. Delete - deletes the highlighted row, which also deletes the tool from the general
tools list.
4. Green Check mark - update the Tools cell with the entries in the dialog
5. Exit - exit the dialog, leaving the Tools cell untouched.
Online Help: Quality Planning
Process Planner
About Process Planner
The Process Planner is a combination of three separate documents that all share some
properties. The three documents are: the Process Flow Diagram, the Control Plan, and
the Process FMEA. The shared properties include the ones that appear on the item
header. Let's take a look at the Process Planner:
The following properties appear on the header of the Process Planner and are common
to all included documents:
1. Item Number - server assigned, read only property
2. Rev - revision - read only property
3. Status - the life cycle state of the item, read only property
4. Name - the name of the Process Planner
5. Description - the description of the Process Planner
6. Model Year Vehicle - the intended model year(s) that will use the part being
7. Part - the part that this process produces
8. Part Family (mutually exclusive with Part) - the part family that this process
9. Affected Plant - the plant location where the production takes place
10. Design Responsible - personnel responsible for the design of the process used
to produce this part or family of parts
11. Customer - the customer who is expecting the delivery of this part
Quality Planning Items
12. Customer part number - the corresponding customer part number for the part
being produced
13. Due date - date when the part production needs to be completed
All of the documents in Process Planner reference an operation number. An operation is
a step in the process, which is numbered and described in many different ways by each
of the documents. The operation number is the link between the three documents. To
see an example of shared information, click on Process Planner example.
Let's take a closer look at each of the documents:
 The Process Flow Diagram
 The Control Plan
 The Process FMEA
Online Help: Quality Planning
Process Flow Diagram
The Process Flow Diagram is the first tab on the Process Planner, and it looks like this:
As mentioned before, the operation number is common among all the tabs of the
process planner, and links information about the same operation between these
Enter the values for the following properties:
1. OP# - Operation number - the identifying number of the operation being
2. Symbol - the symbol of the operation, such as scrap, rework, move, fabricate,
etc. When the cell gains focus, a dialog comes up with the available symbols:
Select the symbol that represents this type of operation, and click the green
check mark
to complete the selection.
3. Operation Description - describe the operation being performed. For example,
if the Operation Symbol is Inspect, the description could be something like: Verify
correct setup of equipment.
4. Characteristic ID - the id of the characteristic affected by this operation. When
the cell gains focus, the Characteristic Browser comes up automatically. You can
either select an existing characteristic for the part or the part family specified in
Quality Planning Items
the Process Planner header, or you can add one. For more information on
adding characteristics, see Characteristics Browser.
5. Product Characteristic - read only - the value echoes the characteristic
description from the Characteristic Browser, if the characteristic is marked with B
for Blueprint.
6. Process Characteristic - read only - the value echoes the characteristic
description from the Characteristic Browser, if the characteristic is marked with P
for Process.
Here is an example of a PFD with some information in it:
Save your work (hit
)before switching tabs to update the Process Planer Item and
update the information in all other tabs.
Online Help: Quality Planning
Control Plan
The Control Plan is the second tab on the Process Planner, and it looks like this:
Depending on which tab the user starts, some of these properties may be already filled
out. For example, if you start with the PFD, the Operation #, Description, Characteristics,
Product or Process Descriptions, Target, and Tolerance would all have values. If we
continue the example from PFD, our Control Plan will look like this:
Let's look at the remaining properties:
1. Machine Tools - the tools used to perform the operation. When the cell gains
focus, a dialog comes up for entry and selection. Refer to Machine tools for a
description of how this dialog behaves.
Measurement Method - the method by which the result of the operation is
measured. Hitting F2 while the cell is in edit mode, brings up the Measurement
Technique Catalog, from which selection can be made.
Sample Size - number of items or parts to be measured
Sample Freq - how often the measurement will take place
Control Method - a brief description of how the operation will be controlled.
Control Plan descriptions should reflect the planning and strategy being implemented in
the manufacturing process. If elaborate control procedures are used, the field should
reference the standard operation procedure (SOP).
Reaction Plan - specifies what corrective actions should takes place to avoid
producing bad products or operating out of control.
Quality Planning Items
Process FMEA
The Process FMEA is the third tab of the Process Planner, and it is very similar to the
Again, the Operation # and Description are common properties among all of the tabs of
the Process Planner.
Let's take a look at the other properties:
1. Function - the functionality of the item being analyzed; for each Item, a new
function will start a new nested row.
Failure Mode - the manner in which the item could fail; you can either type in an
entry, or hit F2 to bring up a Failure Mode Catalog. You can start multiple nested rows at
this point to indicate that for a specific function there are several failure modes that carry
with them
Effects - the effects of a specific failure mode. The Effects sub-dialog is
automatically displayed when the cell gains focus. Select one or more effects to be
displayed as a comma separated list in the grid cell.
4. Sev - Severity is a rank associated with the most serious effect in the list. It is
populated automatically, when the effects are selected.
5. Class - the class of the characteristic. If a characteristic is entered in this row's
Char cell, its classification will automatically appear here. However, you can also
override the classification by editing and selecting a value from the drop down
list. These options come from a configurable list where each company may enter
their own classifications. Usually, the following would be available:
a. CC - Critical Characteristic
b. FF - Fit/Function
c. SC - Significant Characteristic
d. S - Safety/Compliance
5. Causes - potential causes or mechanisms of failure. For each Failure Mode,
there can be more than one cause. You can either type in a value, or hit F2 to
select from a Causes Catalog. Each cause entered will start a nested row.
6. Occ - the likelihood of failure occurrence on a scale of 1 to 10. Once the cell
gains focus, the Occurrence Catalog will display from which a selection can be
Online Help: Quality Planning
7. Prevention - part of the control; possible methods of preventing this failure from
happening. A Controls Catalog displays to allow the user to select a prevention
8. Detection - part of control; describes measurement techniques to be utilized to
detect possible failures. A Measurement Technique Catalog can be used to
select standard measurement methods appropriate to the situation
9. Det - the likelihood that the control method will catch the failure; select from the
options presented in the popup dialog.
10. RPN - Risk priority number; automatically calculated based on previous entries. If
the number is high enough (exceeds a company specified threshold), then
actions need to be taken to lower it.
11. Actions - the actions that will take place to lower the RPN. The Reaction Plan
Catalog contains a list of possible actions for the user to select. Once the
appropriate data is filled out, the action is sent to the responsible personnel.
That person then fills out the Task Completion Worksheet.
12. Role - the general department or group that will be responsible for the Actions.
The options are Manufacturing, Design, or Evaluation.
13. Responsible - the specific personnel responsible for the Actions. When this field
has a value of a particular identity, the actions will be sent to that person's In
Basket to start the implementation process.
14. Target Date - a target date by which the specified actions should be completed.
At this point, this row of the PFMEA is complete. When saved, the action item is
sent to the In Basket of the identity specified in the Responsible column. When
they complete the action items, they fill out the Task Completion Worksheet with
the required data. This data is then available from the PFMEA as well. The fields
below duplicate the information from the worksheet.
15. Actual Date - the actual date when the actions are completed. This is filled out
by the responsible personnel upon completion, in the Task Completion
16. Action Taken - the action taken by the responsible personnel. Echoed here
from the Task Completion Worksheet.
17. Sev - the new severity, after the actions have been taken. The value is
automatically copied from the Task Completion Worksheet.
18. Occ - the likelihood of failure occurrence on a scale of 1 to 10. Typically, after the
actions are taken, the Occ should be decreased. The value is copied here
automatically from the Task Completion Worksheet.
19. Det - the likelihood that the control method will catch the failure, again after the
actions are taken. The value is from the Task Completion Worksheet.
20. RPN - the new value of the risk priority number, should be reduced below the
company set threshold.
Quality Planning Items
Characteristics are entered through a Characteristics Browser. The Browser is available
from several fields of different items in Quality Planning:
 Process Planner: PFD - Characteristic ID
 Process Planner: CP - Char
 DFMEA: DFMEA Editor - Char
Usually when the cells above gain focus, the Characteristic Browser comes up
automatically. Refer to the Characteristics Browser to learn how to navigate it, as well as
manage the characteristics.
Quality Planning
About Quality Planning
Innovator Quality Planning contains two documents - the DFMEA, and the Process
Planner. The Process Planner, in turn, contains the Control Plan (CP), the Process Flow
Diagram (PFD), and the process FMEA (PFMEA). These documents share many
common elements:
1. Navigation: Because these documents are set up using a configurable grid, their
behavior will be largely determined by the individual settings, created by the
designers of the grids. However, the general patterns can be learned from the
Navigation instructions.
2. Characteristics Browser: Part characteristics can be accessed, modified, and
deleted from several places in the quality planning documents. Refer to
Characteristics Browser for a description of how it works.
3. Templates and copies: Planning documents can be used as templates to store
valuable and often repeated instructions, as well as many lessons learned with
experience. Refer to Templates, as well as the consequent topics to learn about
this concept.
4. All planning documents are saved as not-editable once they are released. This
property (Not Lockable) is available from the life-cycle map of these documents.
If you wish to change this permission, please do so from the Released state of
the item's life-cycle map.
Online Help: Quality Planning
About Navigation
Similar quality planning items navigate similarly. For example, all configurable grids, be it
inside a DFMEA, or any of the tabs of the Process Planner, observe the same rules of
behavior in reaction to key strokes and data input. This behavior is driven by the
Microsoft Excel standard. Please look at Navigate a grid for more information. However,
because this behavior comes in the standard grids, any changes to the grids, or even
additional configurations, could potentially change the behavior as well.
Other quality planning items that navigate similarly are the subdialogs, most often used
for the Select data type. A Select data type is similar to a list, except that instead of
displaying a simple list of values, it also displays a column or more of information to
qualify or explain each value. Here is an example of a Select type dialog presented to
the user to determine Occurrence:
When the selection is made, only the Occurrence value is displayed in the grid cell.
However, the other columns of information are most necessary to make the proper
An Unbounded Multi-Select allows the user to type in information, as well as to make a
selection from the subdialog. This type of dialog is used for: Failure Mode, Causes,
Prevention, and Detection in the FMEAs, as well as for the Measurement Method,
Sample Size, Sample Frequency, Control Method, and Reaction Plan in the Control Plan
tab of the Process Planner. A Bounded Multi-Select does not allow the user to type in
free text, but instead brings up a subdialog automatically when the cell enters edit mode,
in order to allow the user to make a selection. The Bounded Select is used for
Characteristics, Effects, Occ, Det, and Sev in the FMEAs, as well as the Machine Tools,
Target, and Tolerance in the Control Plan. To see how these types of dialogs navigate,
please go to Navigate a Select.
Quality Planning
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Navigating a grid
A grid is usually contained in a document, such as a DFMEA, or the Process Planner.
Here is a view of the DFMEA grid.
Notice that the header row of the grid contains the column labels, and that some of those
have a [...] following the label. This is an indicator that this field has a sub dialog
When the document is locked, i.e. editable, there are two modes available in the grid:
select and edit. Select means that the cell is selected and has focus. Edit means that the
cell is ready for data input.
The configurable grid has been designed so that the following keys navigate the grid
similarly to the Microsoft Excel navigation.
1. Enter Key - moves down the grid, to the cell immediately below and puts it into
edit mode (regardless of whether the originating cell was in select or edit mode).
If there is no row below the originating cell, the Enter key does nothing.
2. Shift + Enter Key - moves up the grid, to the cell immediately above and puts it
into edit mode. If there is no row above the originating cell, Shift + Enter does
3. Alt + Enter - applicable only in the free form text cells, such as Item and
Function, when these cells are in edit mode; Alt + Enter keys create a new line
within the cell.
4. Tab Key - similar to Enter Key, moves immediately to the right of the originating
cell, and puts it into edit mode. If the originating cell is the last cell in the row, the
Tab Key will move to the first cell in the next row. If this is the last cell of the grid,
the Tab Key will add a new row.
5. Shift + Tab Keys - move immediately to the left of the originating cell, putting
that cell in edit mode. If in the first cell of the grid, these keys do nothing.
6. Insert Key - inserts a row or a nested row below the originating cell, regardless
of whether the cell is in the edit or the select mode. The default grid, such as the
DFMEA Editor, is configured with a data structure such that the parent is always
located to the left of the children. Take a look at the data model below:
Quality Planning
Each 1:N relationship shown above indicates a nested row capability. For
example, for each Failure Mode, you could have more than one cause, so a
Cause will start a nested row.
The Insert Key recognizes this data structure. The action of the Insert Key is to
find the parent data, starting from the originating cell and traveling to the left.
Once the parent data cell is located, the row is inserted from there. So, for
example, if Item has focus, a new row will be inserted. If Function has focus, a
nested row starting at Function is inserted. If Char (characteristic), Failure Mode
or Causes has focus, then a nested row starting at that property is inserted.
However, if Class has focus, then a nested row starting at Failure Mode will be
inserted. Similarly, if Occurrence (Occ) has focus, a nested row starting at
Causes will be inserted. See the figure below for an example of these insertions.
7. Shift + Insert Keys - work the same way as Insert, except it inserts the row
above the selected cell, not below.
8. Delete Key - deletes not just the selected cell, but the whole child data model
connected to that cell. For the description of how the data model works, see the
Online Help: Quality Planning
Insert key above. In the delete action, the items to the right of the selected cell
(or the children) are deleted. For example, if a Failure Mode has focus, Delete
will delete the Failure Mode, the Effects, the Severity, the Class, and also all the
Causes, Controls and Actions that are attached to that Failure Mode. If Effects
has focus, Delete will clear out the Effects and the Severity cells, but will leave
Failure Mode, and the data model that is attached below Causes.
9. Arrow Keys - in select mode, the arrow keys move the focus from one cell to
another according to the direction of the arrows - up, down, right, and left. The
cells remain in select mode. In edit mode, the arrow keys work within the cell to
move the cursor. The arrow keys do nothing when the cursor is in the last
line/character of the specified direction, i.e. if the cursor is on the top line, the up
arrow key does nothing.
10. F2 Key - acts differently depending on the mode of the cell. In the select mode,
the F2 Key puts the cell into edit mode. For simple data types, that action would
also allow immediate data entry. For example, for a text, a pull down list, or any
numerical data type the cell would be ready for user selection or data entry.
However, if a cell is typed as a bound Select, then the user must hit F2 again, to
bring up the selection dialog. For an unbounded Select, the user could either
type the entry, or hit F2 again to select an entry off the list. So, in edit mode (of
the Select data types) F2 brings up the sub-dialog.
11. Mouse Click - a mouse click on a cell selects that cell. Another mouse click in a
selected cell will bring that cell into edit mode.
Quality Planning
Navigating a Select
An Unbounded Select is a Select data type, described in About Navigation, that also
allows the option of text entry right from the grid cell. For example, let's take a look at
the Causes column in a DFMEA. Causes data type is defined as an Unbounded Select.
When a cell in the Causes column is in Edit mode, the first option presented for the user
is to type in a new entry:
To see a selection dialog, the user must hit F2 once the cell is in edit mode, which in turn
displays the options from the APQP Library Causes Catalog. Let's take a closer look at
This dialog contains several elements:
1. Selection Box - the text box at the top of the dialog that displays the current
2. Tool Bar - contains the following icons:
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a. Select, Save, and Exit
b. Exit
- returns the entries in the Selection Box to the grid
- closes the dialog without making any changes to the originating grid
Selection List - a table of entries, consisting of the column of values (first
column) and one or more columns of supporting information and explanations.
Once the dialog is displayed to the user, there are several options of navigating around
it. Let's examine all the key strokes involved in this navigation.
1. Focus - If the originating grid cell had a value, this value will appear in the
selection box at the top, and the same value will be highlighted in the selection
list. If the originating grid cell has no value, the dialog will come up with the focus
in the selection box, and the user can begin typing in the value. If this value is
contained in the Selection List, it will auto-complete.
2. Tab Key - Tab sequence will take the user from the Selection Box, to the Tool
Bar icons, to the Selection List.
3. Ctrl + Tab Keys - moves the focus to the Selection Box.
4. End Key - moves the cursor to the first row of the Selection List and selects it.
5. Arrow Keys - When the focus is in the Selection List, the up and down arrows
move the focus up and down the lines of the selection list. When the focus is in
the Selection Box, these keys move the cursor in the direction of the arrow, right
or left. In all other cases the arrow keys do nothing.
6. Esc - closes the dialog with no changes to the originating cell
7. Enter - closes the dialog, inserting whatever is currently in the Selection Box into
the originating cell.
8. Space Bar - executes the behavior of the icon in focus. If the focus is in the
Selection Box, space bar inserts a space into the text.
To select a single entry from the dialog:
1. With the dialog open, tab to the Selection List
2. Use arrow keys to select an entry from the Selection List. Notice that the
Selection Box reflects the selected line from the list.
3. Hit Return when the appropriate entry is selected.
4. Alternatively, a mouse click on the desired entry will select it. Then, Return will
save this entry, close the dialog, and update the grid cell with new information.
To enter multiple entries into a cell:
1. With the dialog open, make the first selection from the Selection List, or type it
into the Selection Box.
2. Hit alt+Enter to advance the cursor to the next line. Type in the next entry. There
is currently no way to enter multiple entries from these subdialogs. There are a
few special subdialogs where multiple entries are possible - Effects, Tools, and
Quality Planning
Characteristics. To find more information about those subdialogs, click here.
3. Hit Return to close the dialog and update the originating grid cell.
4. Alternatively, you can type these entries right into the originating cell, using
alt+Enter to create new lines, see below.
To edit or remove multiple entries from a cell:
Online Help: Quality Planning
1. Bring the required cell into focus. For example, say we are dealing with a list of
Failure Modes shown below:
2. Highlight the text to be removed and hit Delete. Or, bring the cursor into position
and hit the Backspace key until the desired text is deleted.
3. To replace text - highlight and type over.
Quality Planning
Navigating special sub-dialogs
Special sub-dialogs
Currently there are three special subdialogs in Quality Planing: Effects, Machine Tools,
and Characteristics. Let's take a look at each of these to see how they behave.
1. The Effects sub-dialog is brought up when the Effects cell enters edit mode, from
either the DFMEA or the Process FMEA (in the Process Planner).
2. The Machine Tools sub-dialog is brought up when the Machine Tools cell enters
edit mode, from the Control Plan tab of the Process Planner.
3. The Characteristics Browser is available from several fields of different items in
Quality Planning:
 Process Planner: PFD - Characteristic ID column
 Process Planner: CP - Char column
 DFMEA: DFMEA Editor - Char column
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The Effects sub-dialog
The Effects sub-dialog allows you to select multiple entries to be placed into a single
cell. It also allows modification of each individual entry once the selection has been
made. The entries can be selected from the APQP Effects Catalog, or they can be
manually typed in and applied to the originating document only.
Navigating an Effects sub-dialog:
1. The Effects sub-dialog is brought up when the Effects cell enters edit mode, from
either the DFMEA or the Process FMEA (in the Process Planner). The dialog
looks like this:
2. Similarly to the other sub-dialogs, it consists of the tool bar, and a selection list.
Insert - inserts a line into the selection list and places the Effect cell of the
inserted row into edit mode.
Delete - deletes the selected (highlighted) row.
c. Green Check mark - takes all the rows of Effects and inserts them into the
originating cell as a string. Takes the highest Severity and inserts that value into
the Severity cell.
- exits the sub-dialog without making any changes to the originating cell.
F2 - when the Effects cell is in edit mode, hitting F2 opens a sub-sub-dialog,
displaying all entries stored in the APQP Effects Catalog. From there a selection of
standard effects can be made.
Tab - advances from left to right across the tool bar icons, ending with the first
row of the selection list.
Quality Planning
Ctrl - Tab (twice) - advances the focus to the first icon of the tool bar.
End Key - moves the cursor to the last row of the Selection List and selects it.
Arrow Keys - When the focus is in the Selection List, the up and down arrows
move the focus up and down the lines of the selection list. When the focus is in one of
the Effects cells that are in edit mode, these keys move the cursor in the direction of the
arrow, left or right. In all other cases the arrow keys do nothing.
Esc - closes the dialog with no changes to the originating cell
Enter - behaves exactly as the Green Check mark
. (see above)
Space Bar - executes the behavior of the icon in focus. If the focus is in one of
the Effects cells that are in edit mode, space bar inserts a space into the text.
If the originating cell is empty, the dialog comes up with the first line selected,
with the Effects cell in edit mode. From here, there are two options available:
You can type in the effect, then tab over to the Severity column to select the
appropriate value, either using the mouse to pull down on the arrow, or using the arrow
keys to cycle through the selections. If no other entries are needed, the Enter key will
save the values to the originating cell.
Or, another option is to hit F2 from the Effects cell to bring up the Effects
Online Help: Quality Planning
This sub-sub-dialog contains the entries of the Effects Catalog from the Library. This
dialog behaves normally, as described in the Navigating a Select. From here, you can
tab to the Effects column, and then use the up or down arrows to select the required
effect. You can also use the mouse to make your selection. Hit the Enter key to
complete the selection, or click on the green check mark . Once back in the Effects
sub-dialog, you still have to Tab over to the Severity column to enter the appropriate
value for the selected effect.
Quality Planning
The Machine Tools Sub-dialog
There is only one location in Innovator where the machine tools sub-dialog is utilized,
and that is from the Control Plan tab of the Process Planner.
When the Machine Tools cell is placed into edit mode, this sub-dialog comes up
Let's examine this dialog's behavior and navigation:
1. The dialog contains a Tools Bar at the top, and a selection list at the bottom.
Pick Tool - Inserts a new row into the table, and takes the user to another dialog
where the pre-configured entries are available for selection (this is the general tools list).
Online Help: Quality Planning
Once the selection is made, the values are filled in automatically into the newly created
New Tool - creates a new line, the user then must manually type in the values
for Tool Number and Description. The new tool is stored into the general tools list once
the Process Planner is saved.
Delete - deletes the highlighted (selected) row, and the tool itself from the
general tools list.
Green check mark - populates the Machine Tools cell with a list of machine
tool numbers from the dialog above
- exits the dialog without making any changes to the originating cell
Tab - advances from left to right across the tool bar icons, then left to right, top to
bottom through each cell in the selection list.
Ctrl - Tab (twice) - advances the focus to the first icon of the tool bar.
End Key - moves the cursor to the last row of the Selection List and selects it.
Arrow Keys - When the focus is in the Selection List, the up and down arrows
move the focus. When the focus is in one of the selection list cells that are in edit mode,
Quality Planning
these keys move the cursor in the direction of the arrow. In all other cases the arrow
keys do nothing.
Esc - closes the dialog with no changes to the originating cell (behaves exactly
like the close icon)
Enter - behaves exactly as the Green Check mark
. (see above)
Space Bar - executes the behavior of the icon in focus. If the focus is in one of
the Effects cells that are in edit mode, space bar inserts a space into the text.
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The Characteristics Browser
For a Part, there are two ways to enter characteristics - one from the Part form, the
Characteristics tab, and the other is through the Characteristics Browser. For a part
family, only the browser path is available. The Characteristics Browser is available from
several fields of different items in Quality Planning:
 Process Planner: PFD - Characteristic ID
 Process Planner: CP - Char
 DFMEA: DFMEA Editor - Char
Usually when the cells above gain focus, the Characteristic Browser comes up
automatically. Here is a picture of a Browser for a single part:
Here is the Characteristic Browser for a part family. Notice that all the parts of the part
family are listed to the right of the Characteristic Description, and contain their own
values for target/tolerance:
Quality Planning
The part family dialog also has an extra button - Apply to All.
Navigating the Characteristics Browser:
1. Add - adds a new row to the table, enabling data entry.
2. Delete - deletes the selected row
3. Apply to All - applicable for part family only - applies the target and tolerance
currently being entered to all parts in the part family
4. Green check mark
from the dialog
5. Clear
6. Exit
- populates the Char cell with the selected characteristic
- closes the dialog and clears the originating Char cell from all data
- exits the dialog without making any changes to the originating cell
7. Tab - advances from left to right across the tool bar icons, or left to right across
the data entry cells in the top row
8. Arrow Keys - When the focus is in the Selection List of characteristics, the up
and down arrows move the focus. When the focus is in one of the cells of the
data entry row, these keys move the cursor in the direction of the arrow. In all
other cases the arrow keys do nothing.
9. Esc - closes the dialog with no changes to the originating cell, same as Exit.
10. Enter - behaves exactly as the Green Check mark
. (see above)
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11. Space Bar - executes the behavior of the icon in focus. If the focus is in one of
the data entry cells that are in edit mode, space bar inserts a space into the text.
To add a characteristic:
1. Hit the Add button to add a new row to the table. You will see that the entry row
at the top is now ready to receive data.
2. With the new row selected, enter the Char ID in the cell of the data-entry row at
the top.
3. Tab to the Description field, and enter the description of the Characteristic.
4. Select the class of the Characteristic. The class choices come from a preconfigured list, described in Configuring Lists. You can use Tab to get here from
Description. You can use up and down arrows to make a selection, or pull down
on the arrow with the mouse.
5. Select B for Blueprint, or P for Process. Again, you can Tab to this field from
Class, and then use up and down arrows (or type B or P) to make a selection.
6. For a single part, just type in the target and tolerance values.
7. For a part family, first click the cell of the highlighted row where the information
should go. This identifies which part's information you are entering. Then, enter
the information. If you wish all parts in the family to have the same target and
tolerance values, hit Apply to All button.
8. Select the characteristic that you wish to appear in the originating cell (highlight
the row), then hit the green check mark
to save and exit the browser.
Quality Planning
Baselining and Versioning
A version of an Item consists of two properties - the Revision and the Generation.
When an item is first created, it automatically receives Revision A, Generation 1. Each
time the item is edited and saved, and then unlocked, it receives a new Generation. The
Revision is increased when an Item enters the Released state. Here is an example of
what happens:
1. A new item is created - Revision A, Generation 1, state Preliminary
2. Item is edited, saved, and unlocked - Revision A, Generation 2, state Preliminary
3. Item is edited, saved, and unlocked - Revision A, Generation 3, state Preliminary
4. Item is submitted for approval; it is approved, and it goes into the Released life
cycle state - Revision A, Generation 3, state Released.
The released version of the item is not editable. Therefore, if there are still changes and
modifications that need to be made to the item, it has to be taken to the next Revision.
Using the item above as an example, we would have:
1. Item is edited, saved, and unlocked - Revision B, Generation 4, state Preliminary.
Currently for Quality Planning items, you must set the new revision for items that have
been released in order to be able to continue editing and modifying them.
To set a new Revision for a released Item:
1. Right click on the released item and select Promote from the pop-up menu.
2. Select the Set Revision state.
3. Notice that the Revision and the Generation have been increased in the new
item, and it's state is back to Preliminary.
Online Help: Quality Planning
Baselining is the process of fixing the current state or revision of the parent with the
current state or revision of its children. Why would you need this process? Let's work
through the following example.
To understand why Baselines are necessary:
1. Create a Process Planner.
2. Add an operation to the Process Planner, something very simple like this:
3. Save, Unlock and Close the Process Planner. What you have just created are
Revision A - Generation 1 of both the Process Planner and the Operation 10
which is a dependent item of Process Planner.
4. Open the Process Planner for edit. Edit anything in the Operation, for example:
5. Save, Unlock and Close the Process Planner. As you might have guessed, the
Operation and the Process Planner properties are still Revision A, Generation 1.
So, the question that arises here is, what if I want to go back to some previous version of
this Operation, how can I get there? Unfortunately, the way we did this example, you
cannot retrieve the first Operation, unless you use Baseline. Here is how to do this:
To create a Baseline:
1. Edit the Process Planner and Operations until you have a state that you would
like to capture and keep. Save, Unlock, and Close.
Quality Planning
2. Highlight the Process Planner from the Item list and select Promote.
3. Choose Baseline from the available states, and click the green check icon.
4. The Process Planner with all its dependents has just been saved in this state,
and given the Baseline status. Also, a new generation has been created for
further editing.
5. Let's go back to the Process Planner list. Select the Process Planner you have
been working with, and select Revisions from the right-mouse click pop-up
menu. You should see 2 lines:
6. Select the first item, whose generation is 1. Open it and you should see that its
Status says Baseline. The second item's Status says In Work, and it has the
later generation.
Whatever changes you make from this point forward will go into Revision A, generation
2. To freeze any particular version of this, simply Baseline it again. Innovator will save
another Baseline version, along with the previous one. All versions will be available from
the Revisions menu choice in the pop-up menu.
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Search, Find, and Replace
Search, find, and replace is a new feature available for the grids used in DFMEA and
Process Planner. This particular search is active only in the grid, it does not search
header properties of the Item.
To find and replace:
1. Open either a DFMEA or a Process Planner.
2. Click inside the grid to select a grid cell.
3. Hit Ctrl-F to bring up the Search/Replace dialog. Important: make sure to have a
grid cell selected before hitting ctrl-F, otherwise a different dialog will be brought
4. Here is the functionality and properties of the dialog:
Find what: - enter a text string to find in the grid. This is the search string.
Replace with: - enter a text string to replace the found string (optional). This is
the replace string.
Match case - when checked, only the strings that match precisely the case of the
search string will be selected.
Find Next - finds the next occurrence of the search string.
Replace - enabled only when the search string is found and a replace string
exists. This button will replace the search string with the replace string.
Replace All - will automatically replace all found search strings with replace
Quality Planning
Templates are typically used by companies to make document production easier and
smoother. They can also be used to store valuable lessons and information enabling the
document to contain important instructions and steps from the beginning, as opposed to
starting at ground zero each time.
In Innovator, templates begin as far back as the part itself. Parts can be actual parts that
contain all types of information, including a list of characteristics. A template of a part
can still contain all the same information. We recommend that in creating templates,
each company should develop a naming convention. For example, all templates will
include the word "template" in the name of the part; or all templates will start will "00-" for
their part number. Currently, Innovator does not differentiate between an Item and its
template. So, the only difference will come from the visual clues, such as the name and
the part number, that the company will choose to set up.
Once you create a part template, you can create the necessary documents for it, such
as the DFMEA and a Process Planner. Create these documents as you would for any
regular part. These documents should then appear in the Quality Planning Documents
tab of the Part, and can contain all the valuable instructions and lessons that are
necessary for these types of parts. Let's take a look at a part template which we will also
use as an example in cloning.
To examine a part template:
1. From TOC, Design, select Parts. Enter the chosen search criteria in the search
line. In our example, all templates contain a "template" in the name, while their
part numbers start with "00-".
Hit the Search icon
to find all applicable parts.
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2. We will look at the Filter template. Here are the documents that it contains.
Quality Planning
Cloning a document is a great way to get a head start in developing either a DFMEA or a
Process Plan. However, most companies will restrict document cloning, to ensure that
only the correct documents get copied. Usually this is done by using templates or
template documents, and loading these templates with all the valuable information
accumulated from previous processes. If you have not yet done so, please see the
Templates section before continuing here.
All cloning and copying of documents takes place at the part level. So, when you create
a new part, you can immediately go to the Quality Planning Documents tab and copy the
appropriate templates to serve as the starting point of your new documents. Here is how
this process works.
To clone quality planning documents:
1. From TOC, Design, select Parts.
2. Create a new part and fill out its properties as necessary.
3. Open the Quality Planning Documents tab. There should be no documents
attached to this part yet. (If there are, the cloning option will be disabled)
Notice that the Clone button is enabled.
4. Hit the Clone button. A search dialog will appear. Enter the search criteria for
templates. In our case, our templates part numbers start with "00-" and have the
word "template" in their name.
Online Help: Quality Planning
Hit the search icon
to search for the parts, once the criteria are entered.
5. Select the Filter (Template) part and hit the green check mark
6. All the documents contained in the template will be copied to the new part. Also,
all the characteristics of the template part will be copied to the new part. The
target and tolerance for the characteristics will be cleared out. Our new part will
now look like this:
7. Now, you can access these new documents right from the part to edit them and
complete them in a way that the particular part requires.
Quality Planning
Copy Process Planner
Because the same part may be manufactured in more than one plant, the Process
Planner can be copied and then adjusted to reflect the different operations or machinery
of a different plant. A Part is allowed to contain multiple copies of the Process Planner,
but no other document. The actual copying process takes place from the part form.
To copy a process planner:
1. From TOC, Design, select Parts.
2. Search for the part which needs another process planner for a different plant.
3. Open the part form, and click on the Quality Planning Documents tab.
4. Select an existing Process Planner that you want to copy. On selection, the Copy
Process Planner button becomes enabled.
5. Hit the Copy Process Planner button. The new document is created. Hit the
Open button to view the new document and edit it as required.
System Configuration
About Configuration
This section deals with the administrative setup and configuration of the Innovator
application itself. The Administrator in charge of the Innovator implementation,
deployment, and maintenance is strongly advised to acquire the appropriate training. A
prerequisite courses offered by Aras Corporation is Innovator Admin I. Additionally,
those administrators who will be building complex business logic extensions should
attend the Innovator Programming course. Familiarity with the information covered in
those courses is a prerequisite for the successful configuration.
Please see the Innovator Administration Guide for general Innovator client and server
configuration instructions.
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Configurable Grid
About Configurable Grid
A configurable grid is a very powerful tool, similar to an Excel spreadsheet. The grid
allows the user to select any number of items and their properties to be displayed in a
spreadsheet format. The grid is also configured to identify how each cell in the grid is to
be edited, i.e. its data format, how it is populated, and where the selection choices
You might be creating your own grids, or just modifying the existing ones. As an
introduction, we will walk through a standard, pre-configured grid, such as the DFMEA
Editor, and explain fully how it works. Follow the links below to go through this process.
But, before examining this grid, let's take a look at the Select data type, developed
specifically for the configurable grid.
 Select Data Type
 Examine a Grid
 Attach a Grid to an Item
 Modify a Grid
System Configuration
Select Data Type
There is a new data type developed specifically for the configurable grid, called the
Select data type, and it has several variations - bounded or unbounded. The Select data
type works pretty much like a list, in that the user selects a value from a defined list of
options. However, the list of options is presented more like a table, where each value
may have one or more columns of explanation of the value. When selected, only the
value (not the explanations) appear in the grid. Here is an example of how this works.
Let's take a look at the failure modes. The failure mode is a cell in a DFMEA
configurable grid. In the diagram below it is shown highlighted.
The data type of this cell in the configurable grid is an unbounded Multi-Select.
Unbounded means that the user can just type the information into the cell, if they so
choose. However, if the user hits F2, the sub-dialog Select form is displayed, which
looks like this:
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When the user selects a particular row, only the actual Failure Mode (the value) appears
in the grid cell. For example, if the first row is selected, only the "Rips in Two" value will
appear in the grid. (see above)
Here are the different variations of the Select data type:
1. Bounded - when the grid cell acquires edit mode, the Select form is
automatically displayed. The selection can only be made from the form.
2. Unbounded - when the cell acquires edit mode, the user can either type in the
value or press F2 to display the form and make a selection. If the value typed by
the user is not found in the data source, then the new value is allowed only for
the document where it is specified; the new value is not added to the source of
the Select dialog.
Keep in mind that the behavior of the forms, such as the Select dialogs, is ultimately
controlled by the methods on those forms. The grid has 3 properties where this
information is stored: Select Query, Select Method, and Source Form. The methods
override the standard behavior, which allows this feature to provide a great degree of
flexibility and customization.
System Configuration
Examine a Grid
Let's take a look at a configurable grid that was created to make or edit a DFMEA. This
is a great example to follow if you choose to create your own configurable grids.
To open a DFMEA Editor:
1. From TOC, Administration, Grids, select and open DFMEA Editor. You should
see a Grids form, like this:
Let's examine the grid properties:
1. Name - the name of the grid
2. Method - the method applied to the data after it is retrieved by the query, and
before it is used to populate the grid. Usually this method would be a style sheet,
describing a special format or sorting criteria.
3. Query - used to specify the item and the item properties which are retrieved from
the database. The query returns a DOM (document object model) which contains
all the data in a format structured into nested nodes.
4. Grid Column tab - this tab holds the information about the columns of the
Configurable Grid, the data that populates it, and how the data is displayed to the
user, or obtained by the user (the behavior of selection forms, for example)
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Sort Order - the order of the column on the grid
Visible - a boolean, indicating whether this column is visible on the grid. A user
may wish to have invisible columns which could be used for internal sorting or searching
of data.
Label - the column label
Align - the alignment of text in the column; the possible values are Center, Left,
or Right
Sort - the order in which the information rows are sorted; in this case it is sorted
primarily by item and secondary by function.
Xpath - the path to an item node specified in the DOM. This path could be
absolute or relative.
Property - specifies the property to be displayed, as each Xpath node may
contain multiple properties
Starts Nested Row - a boolean to specify if a nested row is started from this
point forward to the right. See below for an example.
Notice in the figure above that for each Function there may be more than one Failure
Mode, so each Failure Mode starts a new row. The same nested row effect is also
shown in the Causes column.
Data Type - specifies the data type of the data to be entered into the particular
grid cell. See Select Data Type for an explanation of this new data type. The following
options are available:
i.Default - the default data type of the property, such as date, or text
ii.Text - the text data type
iii.Dependent - the default data type of the property; will automatically fill in the value
when the property on which it is dependent is entered. For example, when the Effect
System Configuration
value is selected, the Severity (which is a dependent data type) is automatically filled in
by the grid.
iv.Sort - a column used for sorting the rows of the grid; will usually be hidden (Visible not
v.Bounded Select - user chooses a value from a Select form
vi.Unbounded Select - user can type in or choose a value from a Select form
Select Query - applies only if the data type is Select; the query takes the item
given to it by the Select Method, filters or modifies it, and passes the new item to
the Source Form to be displayed to the user.
Select Method - applies only if the data type is Select; the method that feeds an
item to the Select Query or the Source Form, or both.
Source Form - applies only if the data type is Select; the form that displays the
data for selection by the user. The data is usually taken from one of the catalogs in the
library, and filtered or modified by the methods on the form.
The last three properties: Select Query, Select Method, and Source Form can work
together in many different ways to present the required data to the user for selection. For
example, the Select Method may return the top level item to which the grid is attached.
The Source Form may then take this top level item and run a query on it, to get another
attached item and some of its properties. Then, depending on the values of those
properties, the Source Form may filter the catalog data, so that only the catalog data
with a specific property value is shown to the user for selection. Here is a more specific
 When the user puts together a DFMEA for a part that is of type "brakes", he only
wants to see selection options that apply to brakes. So, you may want to filter the
catalog, and display the appropriate data to the user. You would add a property,
called maybe Part Type, to Parts, and also to the catalogs. One of the values of
this property would be "brakes". The Select Method would be configured to pass
in the top level item, which would be the DFMEA, to the Source Form. Then, in
the Source Form, you would write a query on the top level item, to get its
properties' values. The DFMEA has a property, called part, which returns the Part
Item. The Part Item would have this new property - part type. So, the query could
drill down to the part type value of the Part associated with the DFMEA, see if the
part type was "brakes", and then display only the catalog entries where the
catalog's part type was also "brakes". This is just one example of how these
properties can interact together. To see this example in actions, see Filter a
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Attach a Grid to an Item
We create a grid because we want it to appear associated with a certain item, usually
under a specific tab in the form of that item. Let's continue using the DFMEA Editor
configurable grid as an example. Once this grid is created, it needs to be attached to the
Design FMEA ItemType. The Design FMEA items appear in the TOC under the Design
folder, as DFMEAs.
To assign the grid to a tab:
1. From TOC, Administration, ItemTypes select the item that will contain the grid,
in our case Design FMEA.
2. Open the Design FMEA for edit. The form should look like this:
3. Notice the Relationship Types tab. The first item in that tab is a DFMEA
4. Right click on the DFMEA relationship (first line) shown above, and select View
"Relationship Types" from the popup menu. You should see the
System Configuration
RelationshipTypes form like this:
5. Select the Relationship View tab, and you should see the grid name - DFMEA
Editor in the Grid column. This is the property that actually attaches the
configurable grid to the item.
6. To verify that the grid appears:
From TOC, Design select DFMEAs and create a new DFMEA.
Select the DFMEA tab, and verify that the grid appears as specified.
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Modify a Grid
There are many ways to modify an existing grid. You can change the data type of a
particular column or data. You can change the behavior of a grid cell. You can delete a
column. You can add a column. The modifications can be endless. Typically, Aras
Professional Services will configure and modify grids per customer requests, however,
here is a simplified look of what these modifications could involve.
Let's take a look at the steps required to add a column. We will use the Change
Reference number in this example. The Change Reference number will become a
property of the Failure Mode item. So, for a particular failure mode, there may be a
change reference number associated with it that would be linked to the documents
describing the changes performed to resolve the failure.
To add a property:
1. From TOC, select Administration, ItemTypes.
2. Search for FMEA Failure Mode and open it for edit.
3. Add a new property, Change Reference # and make it a String or Text data type.
4. Save, Unlock, and Close the item.
To add a new column to the grid:
1. From TOC, select Administration, Grids.
2. Search for the DFMEA Editor, and open it for edit.
3. Under the Grid Column tab, add a new line item. Here is a view of what we want
to achieve:
4. Set the Sort Order to follow the Failure Mode column.
5. Check the Visible check box, to make the column visible.
6. Select a label for the column, such as Change Ref #.
7. Make the Length 80, and the Alignment to the left.
8. Copy the Xpath from the Failure Mode row, and paste it into the Xpath here.
9. Enter the name of the Property that you created above, and set its Data Type to
be default.
10. In order to make the query get the actual values of this property, you need to add
it to the AML of the query.
System Configuration
In the query window, find the line that looks for the value of Failure Mode
Add the change_reference property to the end of the list, so the last statement
looks like:
i.<Item type="FMEA Failure Mode"
Save, Unlock, and Close the grid.
From TOC, select Design, DFMEAs.
Search for an existing DFMEA, or open a new one. You should see the new
column appear next to the Failure Mode column. Like this:
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About Library
The library contains various catalogs that are used in forms, in order to simplify and
streamline the document creation process. Using catalogs assures consistency
throughout the various documents, and allows easier tracking with scorecards and
metrics. For example, when entering a failure mode of say "leakage" there are many
variations of the actual text: it leaks; leaks are noted; leakage; etc. However, when the
text is standardized, it is easier to enter (simply select from a list), and it is always
consistent. This consistency is fundamental in order to analyze the information further.
For example, the company may wish to conduct research into how many parts actually
fail in the field in the same modes that they are tested. If the information in the FMEAs is
standardized, it can be quickly and effectively pulled out into metrics, reports, queries,
and any other analytical tools.
The standard catalogs that are currently available are: Causes, Controls, Detection,
Effects, Failure Mode, Measurement Technique, Occurrence, Reaction Plan, and
Severity. More catalogs can be added as necessary.
Each company will have to enter their own values into these catalogs, as they come preconfigured with only a few standard entries.
System Configuration
Add to Catalog
An administrator can easily enter the catalog information into the forms with the process
shown below. We can use the Controls Catalog for an example.
To add a new item to a catalog:
1. From TOC, select Library, Controls Catalog. You should see something like:
2. Create new item. A Controls Catalog form will appear.
3. Fill out the form properties.
4. Save, Unlock, and Exit the item.
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Create a New Catalog
Each catalog that is pre-configured in Innovator is its own ItemType. So, in order to
create a new catalog, a new ItemType and Form must be created. Also, the appropriate
permissions must be set on the ItemType to make it appear in the correct folder in the
TOC and allow correct create/edit/delete access. In the example below, we will create an
Importance or Significance catalog.
To create a new catalog:
1. From TOC, Administration, select ItemTypes, and create a new item.
2. Fill in the following properties (and any others that you may wish):
Name - APQP Importance Catalog
Label - Importance Catalog
Under the Properties tab, add two properties as follows:
Name - Importance; Use When:
Label - Importance; Use When:
Data Type - Integer; Text
Length - 40; 120
Under the TOC Access tab, add the following identities:
Name - QP Admin
Category - Library
Under the Can Add tab, add the following:
Name - QP Admin
Can Add - check the box
Under the Permissions tab, add the following:
Name - QP Library
Is Default - check the box
System Configuration
Save the new item, and exit. You should see the new catalog appear in the
Library folder, like this:
From TOC, Administration, select Forms and find the form for APQP Importance
Edit the form until its appearance is satisfactory.
Now you are ready to create entries in the new catalog.
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Filter a Catalog
The library allows for many configuration possibilities. One of the options is to filter a
catalog according to a specific list of values. For example, the causes of failure for a part
of type "Brakes" may be very different than the causes of failure for a part of type
"Steering Column". When the user is working with Brakes, the catalogs that pop up
could be filtered to apply only to that type of part. This type of filtering comes standard in
the Occurrence Catalog, which is filtered on the type of FMEA - process or design.
When the user is editing a DFMEA, only the catalog entries identified as Design will
show up in the subdialog of the Occ column.
Note: This is only an example of a certain functionality. It is not meant to serve as a best
practice, or even a necessary improvement.
To create this filter the list of steps below must be followed:
 Create a list of types that will serve as the filtering values
 Add a property to Parts to identify each part with a value from the filtering list
 Add a property to a catalog to associate each entry with a Part type
 Write a query for the Select form that will filter the catalog entries displayed to the
user, according to the Part type associated with the form that they are editing or
So, let's take the example of the Causes catalog and walk through the steps described
above. The last step - writing the query and methods - is beyond the scope of this
manual. To see examples of these methods refer to the
APQPOccurenceBrowser4PFMEA form. The methods on this form filter the Occurrence
Catalog entries to show only the Design or the Process entries depending on the form
being populated - DFMEA or PFMEA.
To configure a list of part types:
1. From TOC, select Lists.
System Configuration
2. Create a new List. Here is an example of what this list may look like:
To add a new property to Parts:
1. From TOC, select Administration, Item Types.
2. Search for Part and open it for edit.
3. Add a new property to Part, named part_type. Make sure the data type is List,
and the Data Source is the Part Types list created above.
4. Save, Unlock, and Close Part.
5. Add the new property, part_type, to the Parts form.
To add a new property to the catalog:
1. From TOC, select Administration, Item Types.
2. Search for the APQP Cause Catalog, and open it for edit.
3. Add a new property to the Cause Catalog, named part_type. Make sure the data
type is List, and the Data Source is the Part Types list created above.
4. Save, Unlock, and Close the catalog.
5. Add the new property, part_type, to the Catalog form.
To add filtering:
1. From TOC, select Administration, Grids.
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2. Search for the DFMEA Editor grid, and open it for edit.
3. Find the row that creates the Causes column in the grid:
4. Select the row, right click and select View "Grid Column" from the popup menu.
5. The Grid Column form will display:
Notice the three properties: Select Query, Select Method, and Source Form.
Click on the Source Form link, to display the code:
System Configuration
Note the HTML Code property. This is where the code is defined that controls the
behavior of this form. This is where a query must be inserted to filter the Causes
according to the part type of the Part associated with the DFMEA. The actual
code is beyond the scope of this manual. Check with Aras Professional Services
to get further instruction.
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Configuring Identities
The following Identities come standard with the Quality Planning package. Below is a
table of identities and the permissions that each one has for the QP Items.
All QP users should be added at least to All Employees, in order to have the right
permissions to search for parts in the FMEAs. As part of standard Innovator functionality,
a user can belong to more than one identity.
Also, in order to attach a Part to a FMEA, the user must be a part of the All Employees
Identity. Typically, setting up the Identities is similar to building a company organization
chart. Here is a list of steps to make this process easier.
1. Create identities for the top level department headings, for example: Engineering,
Sales, and Marketing.
2. For each top level heading, create subordinate departments. For example,
Engineering might have: Development, Support, and QA. Support, in turn, might
further consist of: Customer Support, Documentation, and Training. Make sure
you add the subordinate departments as members to their respective group
3. Once the departmental structure is in place, create individual user identities and
add them to their respective departments. In Innovator, one user identity can
belong to more than one group.
4. Connect the created identities to the ones built into Innovator. For example, when
configuring All Employees, add the top level department headings created above.
Make sure to add QP Admin and Quality Planning to All Employees.
System Configuration
For the QP Documents, the standard permissions are set as described in Configuring
Identities. However, keep in mind that the documents also interact with another
Innovator item - Parts. According to the CMII standards, once a Part is in the Released
state of its life cycle, it cannot be modified. This means that no characteristics can be
added to it, or the existing ones modified.
There may be situations where this standard behavior is not acceptable, and you may
wish to edit or add characteristics to a released part. In this case, you must go to the life
cycle of the Part and modify these permissions there.
To modify life-cycle state permissions:
1. From TOC, Administration, select Life Cycle Maps.
2. Search for Part, and open its map for edit.
3. Locate the Released State, as shown, and notice that State Permissions
property displays a value of Released Part.
4. Click on the Released Part permission. The permission form is displayed.
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Lock the permission, then click on the New Item icon next to Actions. Add a
permission for a chosen identity to update parts even in Released state. See an
example below:
5. Save, Unlock and Exit from the permission.
System Configuration
Configuring Lists
Most of the lists that require configuration are contained in the Library section (see Add
to a Catalog). However, there are two other lists that need to be configured: a list of
characteristic classes; and a list of machine tools.
To configure the Characteristic Class list:
1. From TOC, select Administration, then Lists.
2. Search for the FMEA Characteristic Class and open it for edit.
3. Enter the values that apply for your company.
To configure the Machine Tools list:
1. From TOC, select Process, Tools. A list of existent tools (if any) should appear.
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2. Click on the New Item icon , or select New Tool... from the right-click pop-up
menu. The Tools form will appear:
3. Enter the following properties:
Tool Number - the tool number
Name - the tool name or any other description of the tool, such as the plant
where it is used
Save, Unlock, and Exit
from the form.
CP: Control Plan
DFMEA: Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
DOM: Document Object Model
FMEA: Fault Modes and Effects Analysis
PFD: Process Flow Diagram
PFMEA: Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
PPAP: Production Part Approval Process
RPN: Risk Priority Number
Create 22
Action Items 14
Create 72
Administration 59, 60, 78, 81
Create Tools 17, 43
APQP Library 70, 71, 72, 74
DFMEA 8, 9
Baseline 49, 50
Effects 39, 40
Catalog 71, 74
Char 27, 46
Find 52
Characteristic Class list 81
FMEA 8, 9, 20, 25
Characteristics 1, 6, 27, 46
Characteristics Browser 46
Identities 78
Clone 53, 55
InBasket 9, 14
Clone button 53, 55
Innovator Quality Planning 29
Configurable Grid 60, 63, 66, 68
Configuring 59, 78
Lists 81
Control Plan 20, 24
Copy Documents 53, 55, 57
Machine Tools 17, 43
Copy Process Planner 57
Machine Tools list 81
New Catalog 72
Navigate 30, 32, 35, 39
Part 1
Part Family 6
Part 1
Create 1
Part Family 6
Create 6
Permissions 78, 79
Create 9
Plant Locations 16
Create 16
Process Flow Diagram 20, 22
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Process FMEA 20, 25
Select Query 63, 74
Process Planner 20, 22, 24, 25
Source Form 61, 63, 74
Replace 52
Task Completion Worksheet 14
Replace All 52
Templates 53, 55
Tools 17, 81
Search 52
Search/Replace dialog 52
Unbounded Select 35
Select Data Type 35, 39, 61
Select dialog 61
Version 49, 50
Select Method 61, 63, 74