Özgeçmiş - İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü


Özgeçmiş - İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Gülsen Canlı
Title: Professor
Sarar Primary School
Ankara Girls’ High School
Paddington and Maida Vale High School
Ankara University ( B.A, 1960)
Southern Illinios University (M.A ,1962)
Hacettepe University ( Ph.D., 1969, Assoc.Prof. 1975, Prof. 1981)
Ph.D:- “Reality and Illusion in Modern British Drama”
Assoc.Prof.:- “A Critical Reading of Samuel Beckett’s Murphy”
Prof. :- “London as a Scene in Elizabethan and Jacobean Comedies”
Academic Positions:
1962-1969- Instructor, Middle East Technical University
1969-1975- Assistant, Instructor, Hacettepe University
1975-1981- Assoc.Prof., Hacettepe University
1981-1994- Professor, Hacettepe University
1994-1995- Visiting Professor, University of Warwick, England
1995-2001- Professor, Hacettepe University
2001-2002- Visiting Professor, University of Warwick, England
2002-2003- Professor, Hacettepe University
- Professor, Atılım University
Administrative Positions:
1975-1978: Acting Chairperson, Department of German Language and Literature, Hacettepe
1982-1994: Founding Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, Hacettepe University
1982-1994: Member of the Executive Board, Hacettepe University
1982-1994: Member of the Senate, Hacettepe University
1985-1988: Member of the Executive Board, Institute for Social Sciences, Hacettepe University
1990-1996: Member of the Executive Board, Shakespeare Research Center, Hacettepe University
1991-2001: Member of Special Area Commission, Interuniversity Council
1991-2001: Member of Grants Commission, Hacettepe University
1996-1997: Director, Shakespeare Research Center, Hacettepe University
1997-2001: Director, Research Center For English Literature and British Culture
2002-2003: Acting Chairperson, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe
Editorial Work:
Sanat Yazıları, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, Hacettepe University
Journal of English Literature and British Culture, Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University
Advisory Work:
American Biographical Institute
Interactions, EgeUniversity
Ankara University Alumni Association ,
Fulbright Alumni Association,
American Studies Association
Foreign Languages:
English, German (fair), reading knowledge of French
Grants Received:
Fulbright Grant; IVP-USA; British Council Grant; Goethe Institute Stipendium
1- “Orestes Augustus Brownson and His Changing Views on Literature”, Hacettepe Bulletin of
Social Sciences and Humanities, vol.4, No.2, Dec., 1972, s.146-52.
2- “Samuel Beckett’s Concept of Woman”, Hacettepe Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 5, Sayı 2,
Haziran 1979, s. 42-50.
3- “John Whiting’in ‘Marş’ Adlı Oyunu ve Gerçeklik Kavramı”, Hacettepe Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi,
Cilt 10, Sayı 3, Haziran 1980, s, 72-75.
4- “New Developments in Modern British Drama”, Hacettepe Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 10, Sayı
4, Haziran 1981, s. 76-91.
5- “Some Possible Influences on Samuel Beckett as the Author of Murphy”, H.Ü. Edebiyat
Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 1, 1983, s.13-18.
6- “The Life of a City Gallant in the Sixteenth Century”, H.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 5,
Sayı 2, Aralık 1988, s. 67-78.
7- “Teknoloji ve Tiyatro”, Çağdaş Teknoloji ve Sanat, H.Ü. Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Yayınları,
No.8, 1988.
8- “İngiliz Çağdaşlarından Fransız İhtilali Üzerine Bazı Düşünceler”, Frankofoni, Fransız Dili ve
Edebiyatı İnceleme ve Araştırmaları
9- “Samuel Beckett ve Sanat”, Sanat Yazıları III, H.Ü. Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Yayınları, No.9,
10- “Samuel Beckett Üzerine”, Frankofoni, Fransız Dili ve Edebiyatı İnceleme ve Araştırmaları,
Ortak Kitap, No.2, 1990.
11- “The Underground World in Shakespeare’s Time”, Shakespeare and His Time, The Tenth AllTurkey English Seminar Proceedings, Ankara, 1990.
12- “Kalkınma ve Sanat İlişkisi: Bir Örnekleme”, Ülke Kalkınmasında Sanatın Yeri, H.Ü. Güzel
Sanatlar Fakültesi Yayınları, No:11, 1991.
13- “Samuel Beckett’in Düşünce Evreni”, Frankofoni, Fransız Dili ve Edebiyatı İnceleme ve
Araştırmaları, Ortak Kitap, No.3, Ankara, 1991.
14- “Başkent Ankara ve Tiyatro: 1923-1950”, Ankara Dergisi, Cilt 1, Sayı 2, Ajans Türk Matbaası,
Ankara, 1991, s.67-86.
15- “Kültür ve Sanat”, Geçmişten Günümüze Türkler ve Türkiye, Türk Tanıtma Vakfı Kültür, Sanat
ve Tanıtma Eserleri Dizisi I, Ankara, 1991, s.125-139.
16- “Art and Culture”, The Turk and The Türkiye, TÜTAV, The Promotion Foundation of Turkey,
Cem Ofset, Istanbul, 1992.
17- “Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Sanat ve Sanatla İlgili Altyapı Hazırlıkları”, Sanat Yazıları IV, H.Ü.
Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Yayınları, No.12, 1992
18- “Bir Kovuluşun Öyküsü: L’Expulsé”, Frankofoni, Fransız Dili ve Edebiyatı İnceleme ve
Araştırmaları, Ortak Kitap, No.5, Ankara, 1993.
19- “Portrait of a Scene: London”, H.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, Mayıs
1993, pp. 19-47.
20- “20. Yüzyıl Amerikan Sanatında Kent”, Sanat Yazıları V, H.Ü. Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi
Yayınları, No. 13, 1993.
21- “White Magic in Renaissance England”, H.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 10, Sayı Temmuz
1993, pp.1-20.
22- “Beckett’de Aşk Kavramı”, Frankofoni, Fransız Dili ve Edebiyatı İnceleme ve Araştırmaları,
Ortak Kitap No.6, 1994.
23- “Shelagh Delaney’s A Taste of Honey: A Pioneer of Feminist Drama”, JELL, No.3, 1995, pp.8996.
24- “Food and Eating Habits in Elizabethan and Jacobean England”, Journal of English Literature
and British Culture, No.5, 1996, pp.113-122.
25- “Beckett’s Changing Views of Woman”, Evrenselliğe Yolculuk, Ankara, 1997.
26- “Prescribed Representation of Women and Feminist Dynamics in the Theatre”, Crossing the
Boundaries: Cultural Studies in UK and US, The British Council, Ankara, 1997.
27- “Re-presentation of Turkey in Lady Montague’s Embassy Letters and in Richard Davey’s The
Sultan and His Subjects”, Journal of English Literature and British Culture, No.6, 1997, pp.73-86.
28- “Construction and Deconstruction of Stereotypes”, The History of Culture: The Culture of
History, Proceedings of the Second Cultural Seminar, Ege University, İzmir, 1998.
29- “Construction and Deconstruction of Gender Stereotypes”, Journal of English Literature and
British Culture, No.7, 1998, pp.129-138.
30- “The Role of Teen Magazines in the Construction of Teenage Identity”, Popular Culture.
Proceedings of the Third Cultural Studies Seminar, Ege University, İzmir, 1999.
31- “What It Means To Be A Woman in Africa: Buchie Emecheta’s Bride Price”, Journal of English
Literature and British Culture, No.8, 2000.
32- “Postcolonial Novel : Quest for Home”,Jouırnal of Arts and Sciences, Çankaya University, Cilt
2, Sayı 2, Aralık 2004.
33- “Transculturation or Beyond: Orhan Pamuk’s The White Castle”. Littera. January 2015. (to be
Papers Presented by Invitation at International Conferences:
a- “Art Education in Turkey”, Amman, Jordan, organised by Jordanian Government. 15-20
October 1988
b- “Lady Montagu’s Letters”, Warwick Conference. Warwick University.August, 1998
c- “”Teenage Magazines and Teenage Identity”,Popular Culture Coference. Cambridge
University, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge UK, 2-9 August 1999.
d- “Lady Montague at the High Porte’s Harem”, Kongresse und Fürstentreffen. Diplomatie
als kulturelles Zeichensystem. University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany. 27-28 November
Numerous papers presented on English Literature, British Culture, Drama, History of Theater
and Arts at both national and international conferences
Courses taught:
Various courses on English drama, English and postcolonial novel, British culture (1970- to the
Courses taught during the last three years:
2012-2013 : Autumn ELIT 301 18th-century English Novel
ELIT 509 Contemporary Drama
ELIT 404 Novel III
ELIT 523 Cultural Studies
2013-2014 : Autumn ELIT 303 Contemporary Drama
ELIT 603 Topics in Cultural Studies
ELIT 404 Novel III
ELIT 618 Contemporay Drama
2014-2015: Autumn ELIT 303 Contemporary Drama
ELIT 618 Contemporary Novel
ELIT 404 Novel 303
ELIT 603 Topics in Cultural Studies
Student Advising: Several M.A and Ph.D theses
Recently completed Ph.D theses : October 2014
1- Sibel İzmir.” Postdramatic Tendencies on the Btitish Stage: The Plays of Mark Raven Hill “
2- Ladan Amir Safaei. “ Identity Formation in Expatriots: Buchie Emecheta’s ‘Kehinde’, Zadie
Smith’s ’ White Teeth’, Jasmine Crowther’s ‘The Saffron Kitchen’”

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