Yrd. Doç. Dr. Sinan AKILLI


Yrd. Doç. Dr. Sinan AKILLI
Sinan Akıllı
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
sinanakilli@gmail.com, sakilli@hacettepe.edu.tr
(Updated as of 14 January 2015)
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Ph.D. English Language and Literature, British Cultural Studies Program, June 2005
Dissertation: “The Representations of Imperialistic Discourse in Late Victorian Popular
Fiction: A Study of the Novels of George Alfred Henty and Henry Rider Haggard.”
Advisor: Himmet Umunç, Ph.D. (University of London)
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
M.A. English Language and Literature, British Cultural Studies Program, June 2001
Thesis: “A Gendered Reading of the Process of Cultural Transplantation in Timothy
Mo’s Sour Sweet and Buchi Emecheta’s Kehinde.”
Advisor: Gülsen Canlı, Ph.D. (Ankara University)
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
B.A. English Language and Literature, June 1999
ESL Teaching Certificate, granted by Faculty of Education, Hacettepe University, for the
completion of 21-credits of pedagogy courses at the undergraduate level, 1999.
The British Council, Summer Scholarship, British Studies Module at the University of
East Anglia, Norwich Institute for Language Education, East Anglia, UK, August-September
: Proficiency level (KPDS Score: 98.5/100, May 2011)
: Beginner level
Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters,
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 18 February 2013 – present
Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of
Letters, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 10 October 2011 – 18 February 2013.
Assistant Professor, Founding Chair, Department of Western Languages and Literatures,
Faculty of Science and Letters, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey, 23 February 2009 – 07
October 2011.
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Independent Scholar, Translator, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, June 2005 – February
Private Tutor, free-lance English and Turkish tutoring to international students and faculty,
respectively. State College, Pennsylvania, USA, June 2006 – August 2007.
Research Assistant, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters,
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, December 1999 – June 2005.
Symposium Secretary, Karst 2000, International Symposium and Field Seminar on “Present
State and Future Trends of Karst Studies.” organised by Hacettepe University, International
Research and Application Center for Karst Water Resources. September 17-26, 2000, Marmaris,
Turkey, July 1999 – September 2000.
Volunteer, Turkish Association for Secularism and Kemalism, Penn State University, University
Park Campus, State College, Pennsylvania, USA. April 2007-December 2008.
Reading/Conversation Group Facilitator, for the Global Connections Office at Penn State
University, University Park Campus, State College, Pennsylvania, USA. July 2006 – July 2007.
Research Article: Adaptation, ideology, Girl’s Own Paper
Research Article: T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Lawrence of Arabia, polyphony,
representation, adaptation
Book: Representations of the Turks in Astrology and Prophecy in Early Modern England.
English/British Travel Writing
Colonial-Postcolonial English/British Literature and Culture
Adaptation Studies
English/British Popular Literature and Culture
Cultural and Literary Theory
Ecocriticism/Animal Studies
Children’s Literature
Cyberculture Studies
Academic Novel
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Research Articles in Refereed Publications
Al, Umut, and Sinan Akıllı. “Public Libraries in Turkey: A Retrospective Look and the Present
State.” Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. (Accepted for publication in
early 2015). (Indexed in ISI Web of Science and SSCI)
Akıllı, Sinan. “The Antichrist(ian) Turk in Seventeenth-Century England.” Caesura: Journal of
Philology and Humanistic Studies 1.1 (July 2014): 25-43.
Akıllı, Sinan. “Re-constructing the Western Self in the Ottoman Mirror: A Study of ‘Negative
Auto-Occidentalism’ in the Contexts of American-Ottoman and Anglo-Ottoman
Encounters.” Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters 30.1 (June 2013): 19-52.
(Indexed in MLA International Bibliography, ULAKBIM Database and EBSCO Host).
Akıllı, Sinan. “Apocalyptic Eschatology, Astrology, Prophecy, and the Image of the Turks in
Seventeenth-Century England.” Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters 29.1
(June 2012): 25-52. (Indexed in MLA International Bibliography, ULAKBIM Database
and EBSCO Host).
Akıllı, Sinan. “Western Style Royal/National Anthems of te Ottoman Empire: Tracing
Resistance to Constitutional Monarchy.” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları
Dergisi (Journal of Turkish Studies) 16 (Spring 2012): 7-22. (Indexed in MLA
International Bibliography, ULAKBIM Database and EBSCO Host).
Akıllı, Sinan. “Propaganda through Travel Writing: Frederick Burnaby’s Contribution to Great
Game British Politics.” Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters 26.1 (June
2009): 1-12. (indexed in MLA International Bibliography and EBSCO Host).
Akıllı, Sinan. “Spinning Yarns of Imperial (Ad)venture: G.A. Henty’s Promotion of British
Imperial Ideology in African Adventure Novels.” Interactions 16.1 (Spring 2007): 15-30.
(indexed in MLA International Bibliography).
Akıllı, Sinan. “The Destruction of the ‘American Dream’ in Sam Shepard’s Curse of the Starving
Class.” JAST, Journal of American Studies of Turkey “American Dream” Special Issue
19 (Spring 2004): 47-57. (Indexed in MLA Directory of Periodicals, American
Humanities Index, and Ulrich’s International Directory of Periodicals).
Akıllı, Sinan. “The Matrix of Pagan African, Judaeo-Christian, and Rastafarian Elements in
Derek Walcott’s Dream on Monkey Mountain.” Interactions 13.1 (Spring 2004): 1-10.
(Indexed in MLA International Bibliography).
Akıllı, Sinan. “British Youth on Drugs: A Reading of Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting in the Light
of Subculture Theory.” Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences E-Journal 1.1
(2002): 1-10.
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Review Articles in Refereed Publications
Akıllı, Sinan. “Venturing Beyond Borders: Reflections on genre, function and boundaries in
Middle Eastern travel writing, edited by Bekim Agai, Olcay Akyıldız, and Caspar
Hillebrand, Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2013, 264 pp., € 59,00, ISBN 978-3-89913-977-8.”
Studies in Travel Writing 18.3 (08 Aug. 2014): 301-303. Routledge Taylor and Francis
Group. DOI:10.1080/13645145.2014.940201
Akıllı, Sinan. “Kumkum Chatterjee and Clement Hawes (Eds). Europe Observed: Multiple
Gazes in Early Modern Encounters. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2008.”
Hacettepe University Journal of British Literature and Culture 16 (2009): 93-101.
Research Articles Published in Conference Proceedings
Akıllı, Sinan. “Feminine Rites of Passage and Masculine Rites of Return: A Gendered Reading
of Cultural Transplantation in Buchi Emecheta’s Kehinde.” Selves at Home, Selves in
Exile: Stories of Emplacement and Displacement. Ed. Kirtunc et al. Proceedings of the
Seventh Cultural Studies Symposium, Ege University, Izmir, May 2002. Izmir: Ege
University Faculty of Letters and American Studies Association of Turkey, 2003. 161167.
Research Articles in Non-Refereed Publications
Akıllı, Sinan. “Yeşil Bir Bakış Açısından Edebiyat Eleştirisi: Eko-eleştiri.” (“Literary Criticism
from a Green Perspective: Eco-criticism”) Kırsal Çevre Yıllığı (2003): 7-15.
Akıllı, Sinan. Late Victorian Imperial Adventure Novel: A Site of Contestation between Proimperialism and Anti-imperialism. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic
Publishing, November 16, 2011. (ISBN-13: 978-3846553596) (Published PhD
Book Chapters
Akıllı, Sinan. “Adaptation or Appropriation: Resistance to Constitutional Monarchy in the
National Anthems of the Ottoman Empire.” The Silk Road of Adaptation:
Transformations across Disciplines and Cultures. Ed. Laurence Raw. Newcastle-uponTyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, October, 2013: 35-48. (ISBN-10: 1-4438-4975-8,
ISBN- 13: 978-1-4438-4975-3)
Akıllı, Sinan. “Henry Rider Haggard: An Early Ecocritic?” The Future of Ecocriticism: New
Horizons. Ed. Serpil Oppermann et al. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, August 01, 2011: 300-309. (ISBN-10: 1443829838, ISBN-13: 9781443829830)
Book Translations
Landry, Donna. Asil Hayvanlar: İngiliz Kültürünü Değiştiren Doğulu Atlar. İstanbul: E
Yayıncılık, 2015. Trans. Sinan Akıllı. Trans. of Noble Brutes: How Eastern Horses
Transformed English Culture. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
(Upcoming in February 2015)
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MacLean, Gerald. Doğu’ya Bakış: 1800 Öncesi İngiliz Yazmaları ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu.
Ankara: METU Press, April 2009. Trans. Sinan Akıllı. Trans. of Looking East: English
Writing and the Ottoman Empire before 1800. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Dewey, John. Deneyim ve Eğitim. Ankara: METU Press, 2007. Trans. Sinan Akıllı. Trans. of
Experience and Education. New York: Touchstone, 1997.
Articles in Other Publications
Akıllı, Sinan. “Expressing Thanks for Turkish Baklava, American Pumpkin Rolls.” Centre
Daily Times 10 Dec. 2007: B3. (Newspaper article)
Akıllı, Sinan. “Savaş, Bilgisayar Ekranında.” (“War, on Computer Screen”) Milliyet Popüler
Kültür 16 Oct. 2003: 9. (Newspaper article)
Akıllı, Sinan. “Chinese Immigration to Britain in the Post-WWII Period.” 15 May 2003.
Contemporary Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature in English Website. Ed. George
P. Landow. <http://www.postcolonialweb.org/uk/mo/sAkilli10.html>.
Akıllı, Sinan. “Culture of Balance and Balance of Cultures: A Gendered Approach to CrossCultural Adaptation Process in Timothy Mo’s Sour Sweet.” 15 May 2003. Contemporary
Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature in English Website. Ed. George P. Landow.
Seawright, Jay. “Cantonese in Scotland.” Scottish Languages Review 20 (2009): 25-30.
Chan, Red. “Chinese Flower in the English Garden: Hybridity and Cultural Translation in Liu
Hong's The Magpie Bridge.” Journal of Intercultural Studies 28:4 (2007): 397-412.
Scafe, Suzanne. “The Caribbean.” The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 40:4 (2005): 89108.
Adaptation Studies
Öz, Seda. Master’s Thesis. “A Bakhtinian Analysis of Robinsonades: Literary and Cinematic
Adaptations of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.” British Cultural Studies Program,
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Supervision: 10
September 2013 – 14 January 2015. Graduation: 14 January 2015.
Ecocriticism/Imperialism in Literature
Balcı, Adem. Master’s Thesis. “Animals in Saki’s Short Stories within the Context of
Imperialism: A Non-Anthropocentric Approach.” English Language and Literature
Program, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
Supervision: 25 February 2014 – 09 June 2014. Graduation: 09 June 2014.
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Adaptation Studies
Koparal, Çağrı. Master’s Thesis. “Subversive Conversions in the Film Adaptations of A Gest of
Robyn Hode: A Study on Bakhtinian Carnivalization and Menippean Satire in Robin
Hood: Prince of Thieves and Robin Hood: Men in Tights.” British Cultural Studies
Program, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
Supervision: 22 July 2014 – present
Beşlioğlu, Handan. Master’s Thesis. “The Moving Pictures of Dorian Gray” (Prospective Thesis
Title). British Cultural Studies Program, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hacettepe
University, Ankara. Supervision: 16 January 2015 – present
Travel Writing/Imperialism in Literature
Erdem, Selim. Master’s Thesis. “Construction and Reinforcement of Protestant British Identity
in Selected Works from Nineteenth-Century British Travel Writing on Asia Minor.”
British Cultural Studies Program, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hacettepe
University, Ankara. Supervision: 22 July 2014 – present
Saatli, Sinem. Master’s Thesis. “ ‘Writing Back’ from Malgudi: R.K. Narayan’s Fictional Town
in Swamland Friends, The Bachelor of Arts and The English Teacher.” English Language
and Literature Program, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hacettepe University,
Ankara. Supervision: February 2015 – present.
Erzengin, Özlem. Master’s Thesis. “Reflection of British Imperial Ideology in Gertrude Bell’s
Non-Fictional Works.” British Cultural Studies Program, Graduate School of Social
Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara. Supervision: 21 March 2013 – present
Akıllı, Sinan. “The Antichrist-ian Turk in Seventeenth-Century English Public Imagination.”
Revisiting Early Modern Prophecies (c.1500-c.1815) Conference. University of London,
Goldsmiths College. London, UK. June 26-28, 2014. (Funded by HU Academic Research
Akıllı, Sinan, Mehmet Emin Küçük, Mustafa Ünal, Galip Yıldırım. “Kütüphan-e Türkiye
Planlama ve Pilot Uygulama Projesi (Librar-e Turkey Planning and Pilot Project).” The
16th Academic Computing Conference: AB 2014. Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey.
February 5-7, 2014.
Akıllı, Sinan. “Henry Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines and its Disturbing Adaptations.”
The 8th Annual International Conference of the Association of Adaptation Studies:
“Disturbing Adaptations.” Linnæus University, Växjö, Sweden. September 26-27, 2013.
(Funded by HU Academic Research Unit).
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Akıllı, Sinan, Mehmet Emin Küçük, and Erhan Erkan. “Küresel Kütüphaneler Girişimi:
Kütüphan-e Türkiye Projesi.” ÜNAK 2013: The Annual Conference of ÜNAK
(University and Research Librarians Association of Turkey). Marmara University,
İstanbul, Turkey. September 19-21, 2013.
Akıllı, Sinan. “The Author as Mirage: Polyphony, Multiple Authorship and Mythification in
Lawrence of Arabia.” The 7th Annual International Conference of the Association of
Adaptation Studies: “Visible and Invisible Authorships.” University of York, York, UK.
September 27-28, 2012. (Funded by HU Academic Research Unit).
Akıllı, Sinan. “False and Fickle is the South: British Imperial Ideology in the Girl’s Own Paper.”
Second International Symposium of Western Cultural and Literary Studies (BAKEA).
Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey. 5-7 October 2011.
Akıllı, Sinan. “Western Style Royal/National Anthems of the Ottoman Empire: Tracing
Resistance to Constitutional Monarchy.” The 6th Annual International Conference of the
Association of Adaptation Studies: “The Intellectual Silkroad: Cross-Media and CrossCultural Adaptations.” Yeni Yüzyıl University, İstanbul, Turkey. September 29-30, 2011.
Akıllı, Sinan. “An Early Ecocritic?: Henry Rider Haggard.” An International Conference on the
“Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons.” Hotel Limak Limra, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey.
November 4-6, 2009.
Akıllı, Sinan. “Dreaming of a Falling Star: Prophecy, Astrology, and the Turks in Early Modern
England.” 4th International IDEA Conference: “Studies in English.” Celal Bayar
University, Manisa, Turkey. April 15-17, 2009.
Akıllı, Sinan. “Propaganda through Travel Writing: Frederick Burnaby’s Contribution to the
Russophobic- Turcophilic Tone in British Politics during the Great Game.” 29th Annual
Conference of the Nineteenth Century Studies Association: “Politics and Propaganda.”
Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA. April 3-5 2008.
Akıllı, Sinan. “The Theme of Urban Dystopia in 1990s Turkish Hip-Hop.” Ege University 9th
International Cultural Studies Symposium: “[City in (Culture] in City).” Ege University,
İzmir, Turkey. May 5-7 2004.
Akıllı, Sinan, and Mustafa Şahiner. “Re-drawing the Boundaries of Native Cultural Territory
through Border Crossings in Classroom: A Case Study of the Impacts of Inter-cultural
Teaching on the Development of Intra-cultural Awareness.”Bilkent University, Cultures,
Civilizations and Ideas Symposium: “Displacing Canons, Dislocating Cultures.” Bilkent
University, Ankara, Turkey. February 21-22, 2003.
Akıllı, Sinan. “Feminine Rites of Passage and Masculine Rites of Return: A Gendered Reading
of Cultural Transplantation in Buchi Emecheta’s Kehinde.” Ege University 7th
International Cultural Studies Symposium: “Selves at Home, Selves in Exile: Stories of
Emplacement and Displacement.” İzmir, Turkey. May 8-10 2002.
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Akıllı, Sinan. “Culture of Balance and Balance of Cultures: A Gendered Approach to Cultural
Transplantation Process as Reflected in Timothy Mo’s Sour Sweet.” Atılım University 1st
Culture and Literature Conference: “Reading and Interpreting Texts of Popular and
Minority Culture.” Atılım University, Ankara, Turkey. November 1-2, 2001.
“Erasmus Staff Exchange Organization” La Sapienza University of Rome. 03-05 June 2013,
Rome, Italy.
Henry James Conference.” Başkent University Department of American Culture
and Literature, 9-10 May 2013, Ankara, Turkey.
“URAP 2010 International Symposium on University Ranking by Academic Performance.”
METU Informatics Institute, 3 December 2010, Ankara, Turkey.
“Internationalization of Studies.” Kaunas College, 2-5 March 2010, Kaunas, Lithuania.
“MLA Annual Convention 2005.” December 27-30, 2005, Washington D.C., USA
Member of Organizing and Academic Committees, “British and Turkish Literary and Cultural
Interactions” Conference. Hacettepe University Department of English Language and Literature
50th Anniversary Conference. Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus, Ankara, Turkey. 12-14
May 2015. (Work in progress).
Member of Organizing Committee, Project Director, “One Day, Oscar Wilde…” Conference.
Hacettepe University Department of English Language and Literature – Embassy of Ireland.
Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus K Hall, Ankara, Turkey. 26 November 2014. (HU
Academic Research Unit Project No: 2225).
Member of Organizing Committee, “ShakesYear 450” Conference. Hacettepe University
Department of English Language and Literature. Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus Mehmet
Akif Ersoy Hall, Ankara, Turkey. 29 April 2014. (HU Academic Research Unit Project No:
Member of Organizing Committee, “One Day, Samuel Beckett…” Conference. Hacettepe
University Department of English Language and Literature – Embassy of Ireland. Hacettepe
University Beytepe Campus Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hall, Ankara, Turkey. 29 November 2013. (HU
Academic Research Unit Project No: 996).
Member of Organizing Committee, “One Day, William Butler Yeats…” Conference.
Hacettepe University Department of English Language and Literature – Embassy of Ireland.
Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hall, Ankara, Turkey. 17 December
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Member of Organizing Committee, “One Day, James Joyce…” Hacettepe University
Department of English Language and Literature – Embassy of Ireland. Hacettepe University
Beytepe Campus Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hall, Ankara, Turkey. 05 December 2011.
Participant, Panelist. “Global Libraries Initiative New Country Cohort Meeting.” Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation. 15-18 September 2014, Seattle, WA, USA.
Panelist, “Public Libraries 2020: The Way Forward.” Reading and Writing Foundation
Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation. 26-28 May, 2014, Brussels, Belgium.
Erasmus Exchange Faculty Seminar, “Anti-imperialism in Late Victorian Popular Adventure
Fiction: The Case of Henry Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines and its Adaptations.”
Institute of American and English Studies, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 09-11
April 2014.
Participant, “Future Communities/Future Libraries.” IREX Romania - Biblionet Project. 30
October – 01 November 2013, Bucharest, Romania.
Participant, “Global Libraries Initiative Peer Learning Meeting 2013.” Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation. 22-25 April 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.
Erasmus Exchange Faculty Seminar, “Late Victorian Popular Adventure Novel.” Kedainiai J.
Radvila Faculty, Kaunas College, Kaunas, Lithuania, 15 December 2009.
Reader, 4th Annual Found in Translation: World Poetry Read by World People Meeting. State
College, Pennsylvania, USA. 20 November 2008.
Panelist, “Cultural Awareness in Healthcare Settings.” Co-organized by the Global Connections
Office at Penn State University and Metaphorical Ink. Mt. Nittany Medical Center, State
College, Pennsylvania, USA. 28 May 2008.
Reader, 2nd Annual Found in Translation: World Poetry Read by World People Meeting. State
College, Pennsylvania, USA. 16 November 2006.
Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University,
Ankara, Turkey.
2014-2015 Academic Year, Fall
IED 141 Mythology
IED 387 British Novel II
IKA 699 Advanced Research Techniques (MA level course)
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2013-2014 Academic Year, Spring
IED 146 Native Sources of English Literature
IED 258 British Popular Culture
IED 280 Readings from Children’s Literature (Elective)
IKA 690 British Cultural Studies Seminar (MA Level Course)
2013-2014 Academic Year, Fall
IED 261 Introduction to Cultural Studies
IED 281 The Short Story
AMER 203 Research and Writing (Başkent Univ., Dpt. of Amer. Cult. & Lit.)
IKA 603 British History and Politics (MA level course)
2012-2013 Academic Year, Spring
IED 146 Native Sources of English Literature (2 sections)
IED 258 British Popular Culture
AMER 180 Introduction to the Short Story (Başkent Univ., Dpt. of Amer. Cult. & Lit.)
2012-2013 Academic Year, Fall
IED 147 Reading Skills I (Elective)
IED 231 Translation I (Elective)
IED 261 Introduction to Cultural Studies
IED 281 The Short Story
IKA 601 Introduction to British Cultural Studies (MA level course)
2011-2012 Academic Year, Spring
IED 146 Native Sources of English Literature (2 sections)
IED 258 British Popular Culture
IED 280 Readings from Children’s Literature (Elective)
2011-2012 Academic Year, Fall
IED 231 Translation I (Elective)
IED 293 Survey of American Culture and History (Elective)
IED 381 Types of Non-fictional Narrative (Elective)
IED 393 Literature in Cinema (Elective)
Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Aksaray University,
Aksaray, Turkey
2010-2011 Academic Year, Fall-Spring
ING 103 Basic English B (Speaking and Listening Section)
ING 105 Basic English C (Speaking and Listening Section)
2009-2010 Academic Year, Fall
ING 185 Foreign Language I
2009-2010 Academic Year, Spring
ING 186 Foreign Language II
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Research Assistant, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University,
Ankara, Turkey.
Spring 2000 to Spring 2005
IED 132 Spoken English
IED 134 Study Skills and Research Techniques
IED 141 Classical Mythology
IED 151 Introduction to Britain I
IED 152 Introduction to Britain II
IED 233 Speech and Communication Skills
IED 257 Life and Society in Britain
IED 258 British Popular Culture
Executive Board Member – Treasurer - IDEA (The English Language and Literature
Research Association of Turkey) February 24, 2013 – present
Member- AAS (The Association of Adaptation Studies) 2011- present
Member - IDEA (The English Language and Literature Research Association of Turkey) 2004 –
Member- ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English) 2004 – present
Editorial Board Member, SAGE Open, September 2013 – present
Referee, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of the Faculty of Letters),
November 2013 – present.
Referee, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Turkish Studies),
September 2013 – present.
Referee, Journal of American Studies of Turkey (JAST), May 2013 – present.
Article Editor, SAGE Open, March 19, 2013 - present
Journal Secretary, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters Journal of British Literature and
Culture, July 3, 2012 - present
Referee, Nevşehir University, Nevşehir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (Journal
of the Graduate School of Social Sciences), July 2011 - present
English Editor, Anatolian Panorama, January 2010 – July 2011.
Editor Assistant, Present state and future trends of Karst studies: proceedings of the 6th
International Symposium and Field Seminar, Marmaris, Turkey, 17-26 September 2000.
Technical Documents in Hydrology No 49. 2 vols. Paris: UNESCO, 2001.
Editor Assistant, Abstracts: International Symposium and Field Seminar on Present State and
Future Trends of Karst Studies, 17-26 September 2000, Mares Hotel, Marmaris, Türkiye.
Ankara: Hacettepe University, International Research and Application Center for Karst Water
Resources, 2001.
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Assistant to Project Director, Standing Consultant, “Kütüphan-e Türkiye” (Librar-e Turkey)
Planning and Pilot Project of Hacettepe Technopolis-Technology Transfer Center and the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Libraries and Publications, funded by
the Global Libraries Initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 01 July 2013 – present.
ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES (In chronological order)
Deputy Head of Department, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of
Letters, Hacettepe University, Turkey, 04 March 2013 - present
Student Advisor, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University, Spring
Bologna Process Workgroup Member, Department of English Language and Literature,
Faculty of Letters, Hacettepe University, Turkey, June 2012 - present
Lecture Series Coordinator, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of
Letters, Hacettepe University, Turkey, October 2011 - present
Rector’s Advisor, International Relations, Aksaray University, Turkey, 01 November 2010 – 17
May 2011.
Deputy Director, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Aksaray University, Turkey, 07 February
2011 – 17 May 2011.
Founding Head of Department, Department of Western Languages and Literatures, Faculty of
Science and Letters, Aksaray University, Turkey, 23 February 2009 – 07 October 2011.
Head of Department, Department of Foreign Languages, Aksaray University, Turkey, 24 April
2009 – 19 July 2011.
Head of Division, Division of English Language and Literature, Department of Western
Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Science and Letters, Aksaray University, Turkey, 23
February 2009 – 07 October 2011.
Faculty Academic Board Member, Faculty of Science and Letters, Aksaray University,
Turkey, 23 February 2009 – 07 October 2011.
School Executive Board Member, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Aksaray University,
Turkey, 07 February 2011 – 17 May 2011.
School Academic Board Member, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Aksaray University,
Turkey, 07 February 2011 – 17 May 2011.
Founder, Coordinator, Aksaray University, Academic Foreign Language Support Unit
(AYDD), Aksaray University, Turkey, 11 May 2010 – 19 July 2011.
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Assistant Coordinator, Office of International Relations, Aksaray University, Turkey, 01 April
2009 – 17 May 2011.
Assistant Institutional Coordinator, European Union Programs, 01 April 2009 –17 May 2011.
Department Erasmus/ECTS Coordinator, Department of Western Languages and Literatures,
Faculty of Science and Letters, Aksaray University, Turkey, 23 February 2009 – 07 October
Assistant Coordinator, Anadolu University, Distance Education Program,
Coordinator’s Office, Aksaray University, Turkey, 2010-2011 academic year.
Coordinator, 3rd International Ihlara-Güzelyurt Fine Arts Summer Academy, Aksaray
University, 19-31 July 2010.
Coordinator, 2nd International Ihlara-Güzelyurt Fine Arts Summer Academy, Aksaray
University, 18 July-01 August 2009.
Webmaster, Dept. of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University, 2002-2005.
Member, Department of English Language and Literature EU Socrates/Erasmus Program
Coordination Committee, Hacettepe University, 2004-2005.
Member, Department of English Language and Literature Strategic Planning Committee,
Hacettepe University, 2005.
Coordinator, Department of English Language and Literature Graduation Ceremony
Organisation, Hacettepe University, 2002 and 2003.
Member, Faculty of Letters Graduation Ceremony Organisation Committee, Hacettepe
University, 2004.
Student Advisor, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University, 20002003.
Academic Advisor, Science-Fiction and Fantasy Club of Hacettepe University, 2003.