Inspired by their mullJal desire to strengthen and deepen the


Inspired by their mullJal desire to strengthen and deepen the


Benzer belgeler

República Federativa do Brasil e o Governo da República da

República Federativa do Brasil e o Governo da República da (6.5) Unl e ~s otherwise specifN!d. 11\e Sendmg Party sh all cover hvo·way internarional travel expense& (to the point of destination and "'lurn) of the member$ of delegations or individuals wherea...


k ~ J.~

k ~ J.~ Entry Into Foree. Amendments, Duration an d Termi1>aUon (1) The present Program shall enter into force on th& date ol lhe reteipt ot the last written notification by which the Parties notify each o...



BETWEEN Masa Berlak u, Jangk3 Waklu dan Pengakh ira n a Mem01andum Saling Pengertisn ini akan mulai berlaku paua tanggal penerimaan pemberilahuan akhir yang Para Pihak sating memberitallukan bahwa persyara...
